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Adoption as a concept is not new. It has been practiced since time immemorial.

ReIerences to and oI adoptions can be Iound in Indian texts dating back to 1200BC.
Adoption can be deIined as the establishment oI parent-child relationship that is non-
biological and largely non-genetic. In other words, adoption is the transIer oI rights
and responsibilities oI a child Irom its birth parents to adoptive parents. It is a social
and legal process.

It has been debated Ior long regarding the pros and cons oI adoption. Yet no one has
come up with a concrete conclusion. This is because, we cannot deIine the problem
looking at individual case. We need to analyze according to each situation.

People place children Ior adoption Ior a variety oI reasons including Iinances, age,
stability, emotional issues, or a desire to give their child opportunities they are
currently unable to provide. For some people, they are Iorced` to give up their child
Ior adoption because they could not support the child or maybe because it`s an
illegitimate child. Thus adoption is the only solution or the gateway Ior them.

On the other hand, people do adoption due to some reasons. The most common one
being inIertility. For some married couples, they incapable oI getting a child either
because the wiIe is Iertile or the husband is or maybe both. Some just do it out oI
generosity oI the heart. They want to help those homeless children or birthparents
with diIIiculties in raising their child.

BeIore proceeding with any adoption, one should understand all the procedures
involve thoroughly. Also, all the parties should be mentally and emotionally prepared
Ior anything that can happen. And the most important thing is Ior them to understand
the advantages and disadvantages oI adoption.

Generally there are 3 types oI adoption namely open adoption, semi-open adoption
and closed adoption. Each with their own pros and cons.

In an open adoption, the adoptive Iamily and birthparent(s) maintain contact long
aIter the adoption is complete. Contact may include regular phone calls, E-mail,
letters and exchanges oI pictures. The Iamily and birthparents may travel to visit with
each other Irom time to time. The adopted child has Iull knowledge oI the birthparents
and maintains contact with them on a regular basis as well.

Through open adoption, the birthparents have a sense oI control. By having the ability
to review, interview, and select the parents to place their baby with, usually provides
birth parents with a sense oI empowerment and control.

It also reduced the uncertainties and Iear oI birthparents. Most birth parents
experience a sense oI comIort knowing about the child`s well-being through
interactions and updates with the adoptive Iamily. Also, when there is on-going
communication with the adoptive Iamily beIore the birth and Iollowing the adoption,
it usually helps reduce the Iear about what is going to happen to the child.

For the birthparents, choosing an open adoption helps to improve the mourning period
as they are able to visit and talk with the adoptive Iamily and the adopted child. This
oIten provides an increased ability to deal with the grieI and loss. With an on-going
relationship and communication about the well-being oI the child, the birthparents
may experience less guilt about making a decision to place Ior adoption.

Furthermore, with an open adoption, there is the potential to develop a healthy
relationship with the child as he or she grows and also the possibility to develop a
strong relationship with the adoptive Iamily.

Other than beneIiting the birthparent, open adoption also gives advantages to the
adoptive parents. First oI all, the adoptive parents are Medically inIormed. A medical
history is provided prior to the adoption. ThereIore, iI anything happens in the Iuture,
it would be easier Ior the doctor to do diagnosis.

Also, there is an opportunity to develop a relationship with the birthmother or birth
Iamilies. For some adoptive Iamilies, the birthmother or birth Iamilies become like
part oI their own extended Iamily.

Open adoption provides adopted children with direct access to birth Iamilies Ior
inIormation about Iamily history and Iamily trees. This oIten makes it easier to
answer the questions: 'Who am I? and 'Where did I come Irom?. Having the
opportunity to communicate with the birth Iamilies and receive the reasons behind
the adoption can help prevent the child Irom experiencing a sense oI abandonment.

Despite having many advantages, open adoption still has its own disadvantages.
With the opportunity to interact and observe the adoptive Iamily as the child
develops, there is the potential Ior disappointment oI the birthparent when the
adoptive Iamily does not meet all expectations or needs. Other than that, the
adoptive Iamily can choose to halt or terminate the process at any time. This could
leave the child in a state oI limbo and possibly lead to the child being put in Ioster
care until new arrangements can be worked out.

OIten, open adoption gives Additional pressure to the adoptive Iamily. The adoptive
Iamily may be interested in an open adoption. The birthmother or birth Iamily may
want a greater level oI openness. The adoptive parents may Ieel pressure to accept
certain expectations oI openness Irom the birth Iamily or Iear not getting the child.
With the birthparent being in the whole process, the adopted child`s ability to
assimilate into Iamily is reduced. This is because interaction with the birth Iamily
may present barriers Ior the child to Iully assimilate into the adoptive Iamily. II the
contact stops between the birth Iamily and the adoptive Iamily, the adopted child
may develop a sense oI rejection.

The second type oI adoption is semi-open adoption. Semi-open adoption is one step
down Irom open adoption regarding contact; the birthparents and adoptive parents
meet. However, they do not exchange identiIying inIormation. There may be ongoing
contact between the two parties, but it's typically less oIten, and it is Iacilitated
through the agency.

Sometimes birth Iamilies and adoptive Iamilies Ieel they need a little distance. This
option allows the adoptee to have inIormation about their birthparents, and also
allows the birthparents to have inIormation about their child. What it does not allow is
direct contact between the two Iamilies. Adoption Services will Iacilitate letters,
pictures, and giIts. Items sent to the agency will be reviewed; identiIying inIormation
will be removed, and then Iorwarded on to the other party. II one party has stopped
contact, Adoption Services will keep all items in the appropriate Iile, to be redeemed
at anytime.
Most birthmothers experience a sense oI comIort knowing the child`s well-being
through the interactions and updates provided through the adoption agency or
adoption attorney.
For the adoptive Iamily, through a semi-open adoption it is easier to manage the roles
oI each party involved than it would be with an open adoption.
Semi-open adoption provides adopted children access to birth Iamilies through the
adoption proIessional, enabling them to acquire inIormation about Iamily history and
Iamily trees.
Having the opportunity to receive communication Irom the birth Iamilies and receive
the reasons behind the adoption can help prevent the child Irom experience a sense
oI abandonment. Also,the potential need to search to Iind the birth Iamilies is
removed and is not necessary.
However, we still need to consider the drawbacks oI this second type oI adoption.
Some oI the side eIIects toward the birthparent are loss oI relationship. Since the
communication between the birth Iamilies and the adoptive Iamily occurs through
the adoption proIessional there is the potential loss Ior a direct relationship with the
adopted child.
During the initial years Iollowing the placement oI the adopted child there is a
greater potential Ior heightened grieI without the opportunity to observe how the
child is doing with the adoptive Iamily. This would be worse iI the adoption
proIessional changes or leaves there is the potential to have communication
interrupted at least temporarily.

Since communication is dependent on the adoption proIessional, there is potentially
less inIormation acquired by the adoptive Iamily regarding medical histories, Iamily
genealogies and Iamily histories oI the adopted child. II questions arise Irom the
adoptive Iamily or adopted child, there is a potential Ior delayed answers because the
questions have to go through the adoption agency or adoption attorney.

Because the birth Iamily is kept away Irom the adoptive Iamily, the adopted child
may develop a perception that it is unsaIe or wrong to interact with the birth Iamily
directly. This may result in the adoptive child postponing or avoiding altogether
seeking to reunite with the birth Iamily. A child in a semi-open adoption may be
slightly more prone to experience a preoccupation with adoption issues.

The third type oI adoption is closed adoption.It oIIers complete conIidentiality. At
no time is there any identiIying inIormation given to either the birthparents or the
adoptive couple about each other. The birthparent allows Adoption Services to pick
adoptive parents Irom their approved, waiting couples, and the baby will be placed
with them. This option is rarely chosen and strongly discouraged. It is oIten only
allowed iI the birthparents are in an extremely diIIicult situation, and there are
outstanding circumstances that require complete conIidentiality.

Some birthmothers and birth Iamilies report that having a closed adoption provides a
sense oI closure and enables them to move on with liIe and creates an opportunity
Ior a stronger sense oI privacy as placing a child Ior adoption is an extremely
sensitive and vulnerable choice. Some birthmothers are concerned about explaining
their choice, and a closed adoption serves as a way to prevent them Irom a
conIrontation with a child placed Ior adoption.

II the birth Iamilies are not involved, the adoptive Iamily is Iree to have their Iamily
time without restraints oI visitations and on-going communication. Also, it
eliminates any Iorm oI danger or risk oI birth parent interIerence or co-parenting

A closed adoption protects the adopted child Irom an unstable or emotionally
disturbed birth parent or birth Iamily member.

Based on the explanations given above, each type oI adoption has its own merits and
demerits. The most important thing Ior all parties involved in the adoption process is
communication. The more communication about wishes, desires, and expectations,
the more comIortable each party will be in the adoption process. Usually, the
problem will occur when the child is grown up, not knowing who his birthparents
are. As a human being, sure he would want to Iind out about his origins. This is
when the conIlicts would start. But, through good communication between the
birthparents and the adoptive parents, this can be eliminated. Everyone can have
their own share oI happiness.

ReIerences :

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