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Toca Lynch
ProIessor Borrero
English 1101-037
25 September 2011
An Epoch oI English:
The Trying Times
This is not a tale oI great triumph, nor is it an anecdote oI inspiration. This is an account
oI the truth. Just like anyone else, English is a pivotal aspect in my liIe. As a child I was always
aIraid to read aloud in class, not because I was aIraid oI public speaking, but because I knew that
I would misread words. In hindsight, that was probably identiIied as an acute case oI dyslexia,
and was nothing to be ashamed oI; but I was a kid, and children have tendencies to be cruel and
less than understanding. To alleviate the stress oI embarrassment and being judged, I blatantly
reIused to read Ior the class, sometimes resulting in disciplinary action; nothing to be proud oI,
but it is a part oI why I have such a negative aspect about English as a whole.
As Iar back as I can remember I have never liked to read, not even magazines. It has
always leIt a bad taste in my mouth. It wasn`t because I had trouble comprehending the material;
it was just something that I didn`t Ieel strong in. Ironic enough, my least Iavorite subject turned
out to be the subject that I was 'best in. In middle school I was on the AG (Academically
GiIted) team Ior my perIormance in English, Science, and Math. Deep down I knew that my
placement on that nerdy team was totally a sham; aIter all, I was one oI the only AIrican
Americans on my team oI predominately White, Asian, and Middle Eastern students. My middle

school was prized Ior 'diversity.what a joke. With no other choice I adapted to my
surroundings Ior survival; poor grades were not acceptable in my household. I wasn`t excelling
by nature, I was excelling by association. Since my Iriends were doing well I had no choice but
to do the same. They used to always assume that I was such a powerhouse with a creative mind.
That was just a Iront I put on as a deIense mechanism to hide my lack oI comprehension. I used
to Ieel like less oI a student iI I didn`t get the best grade possible on an assignment. I can`t even
honestly say that it was because I cared about my grades; it was more about preserving my pride.
It wasn`t until High school that I began to read books that I was interested in, or even
remember, Ior that matter. My Iavorites were 'Things Fall Apart, 'The Odyssey, 'The Tale oI
Two Cities, 'The Kite Runner, and 'Hamlet. Reading a book that kept my attention was a
step in the right direction. It was very seldom that I read anything without being harassed. Being
in advanced placement classes in High school made me push myselI to keep up in class. My
peers were very intellectual, and Irankly, intimidating. They could take a simple passage about
anything and produce an analysis oI epic proportions. I would sit in class and wonder why I
wasn`t able to produce the same amazing work. My brain just doesn`t process the same way.
Feeling ignorant and less that eIIicient, I began to push myselI more. I went to tutoring sessions
and stayed aIter class Ior additional assistance.
Overall I believe that I was just barely getting by. Receiving A`s, yet not understanding
why, or how. Even though I struggled through the courses I did learn a lot in high school English
and got a Iew awards Ior my achievements; but I cannot honestly say that I grasped all oI the
concepts that were taught.

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