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ICIC Express Letters Volume 3, Number 1, March 2009

c ICIC International 2009 ISSN 1881-803X

pp. 714

Department of Gerontechnology National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology 474-8511, 36-3, Gengo, Obu, Aichi, Japan University of Occupational and Environmental Health 807-8555, 1-1, Iseigaoka, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukioka, Japan Shinshu University 380-8553, 4-17-1, Wakasato, Nagano, Japan
3 2 1

Received July 2008; accepted October 2008

Abstract. We proposed new basic theory and methods for quantum computation and neuro-computer based on functional path integral of quantum theory. And then we concretely calculated probability amplitudes for quantum circuit and slit which have interferences and tunnel eects. Quatization method, which is based on Feynman path integral rule were shown. Amplitudes of particles were dened by using both propagators and Gaussian slits. According to that calculating method, we attempted to rewrite the classical AND, OR and NOT gate into quantum expressions named as q-AND, q-OR and q-NOT. Those classical switches were quantized as operators, and general Hamiltonian of switch system were given for basic gates. We showed it is useful to design and to make tests for new quantum system and computers. Keywords: Quantum circuits, Quantum lots, Path integral, Interference, Hamiltonian

1. Introduction. We, most of Japanese used to play a kind of lots, what we call, Amida lots, when we were childhood. Recently many of textbooks of Information engineering are described as branch algorithms of sorting, decision-making and so on [1,2]. They are called as branch problems or decision trees, which are similar to our Japanese Amida lots. And their methods are thought to be many eective and basic ideas in the branch of computer sciences. However, those ideas are based on classical probabilities and classical mechanical theories since they dont have interferences between each branch or each path. Some peoples, for examples R. Penrose, he is a great mathematician, said that our each brain cell had many of micro-turbines, on which work as conductors making superposition of wave functions, and that those wave functions made reduction to a coherent state when we came reach a decision for various problems [3-5]. We dont intend to discuss whether his theory is true or not from the point of biological stand points, and we would like to pick up his contentions that our brain has quantum eect and quantum circuit, and we would like to know that decision making make self-reduction of wave functions and that quantum interferences are playing important role for our thinking processes [4-7]. Many papers of quantum computation do not suggest how we construct the Hamiltonian of quantum computers, so we cannot discuss the reality of physical meaning. So, we would like to propose quantum circuit and new theory for quantum computers and quantum neuro computations in this paper. First of all, we start to consider quantum branches, quantum Amida lots and decision trees, which are foundations and fundamental ideas of quantum interferences and the reductions of wave functions.


2. Concepts of Bifurcation and Interference. It is much dierent between classical bifurcation and quantum bifurcation from the points of probability amplitude. The classical bifurcations based on classical probability theories, but we can nd the interferences between the branches of bifurcations, which obey to quantum theory. We show a sample of bifurcation diagram, and small particles, electrons or photons, ow on the branches of diagram (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Multi-step bifurcations

Figure 2. Our sensible phenomena

According to classical probability, the particles on the diagram diverge for each branch at an equivalent probability, 50%. However, if those paths of the diagram are under uncertainty principle, we nd the quantum uctuations and interference among paths, and uctuations of position are describes as x ~/(p) (1)

So, the paths within the range x, generate eects of quantum mechanics. We can simply explain the dierence quantum bifurcation from classical one. If particles obey to single-steps bifurcation, total state vectors are written as the superposition and linear sum. Within interferences area of the bifurcation, we obtain the summation of two wave functions, and total state is (2) = a1 + b2 Then the probability density of the above state vector is expressed as ||2 = |a|2 |1 |2 + |b|2 |2 |2 + a b 2 + ab 1 1 2 (3)

We notice that the rst and second terms of right side of Equation (3) is correspond to the classical probability amplitude, if it not for quantum interferences, which are expressed as the third and forth terms. Uncertainty principle tell us that we prescribe as the dierent two conductors when conductors keep away from each others more than the uctuations of position x (Figure 2).

Figure 3. Multi-step bifurcations and slits

Figure 4. Various restricting conditions

In order to be xed on the nano-scale conductors, we need to be impressed on particles on them external forces or potentials. If it were not for those restricting conditions, many of particles deviate from their paths and conductors, and they behave as free particles. So, we can look upon the bifurcation diagrams as multi-step slits when those restricting conditions come to be gradually weaken (Figure 3).


On the contrary, when we attempt to more strengthen the restricting condition for particles (electrons) on paths, i.e., x is near equal to sizes of atoms (), those processes A become near to nano-technologies of molecular wires (Figure 4). Those nano-wires are considered to be able to achieve by a kind of units of dendrimer. 3. Action and Its Calculations. In order to make formalism of the above bifurcations, we introduce a method of path integrals by R. Feynman. We consider a particle whose lagragian has the form L = a(t)t2 + b(t)xx + c(t)x2 + d(t)x + e(t)x + f (t) (4)

The action S is the integral of this function with respect to time between two xed end points. We wish to determine the kernel Z b i K(b, a) = exp S x(t) (5) ~ a Z tb L(x, x, t)dt (6) S=

(a: starting point of path, b: end point of path)

Here if we dene as classical path xc between the specied end points, then we can represent x in terms of xc and new variable x(t) = xc (t) + (t) Then the integral for the action can be written Z h i 2 + 2) + S[x(t)] = S[xc (t) + (t)] = dt a(t)(xc + 2xc (7)


If all the terms which dont involve are collected, the resulting integral becomes just the classical action Sc . So, the quantum action is composed of two components. Z tb h i 2 + b + c 2 (9) S[x(t)] = S[xc ] + dt a

And the Kernel can be written K(b, a) = e


0 0

where if all the terms which contain as a linear factor are collected, the resulting integral vanishing. Thus, using from Equation (10), the above kernel is i (11) K(b, a) = exp Sc [b, a] F (tb , ta ) ~ So the kernel K(b, a) is determined except for a function of ta and tb . Since the freeparticle is x2 L=m (12) 2 The classical action is obtained by m (xb xa ) 2 tb ta We can calculate the factor F , and nally the kernel K for free-particle motion 1/2 2i~(tb ta ) im(xb xa )2 K(b, a) = exp m 2~(tb ta ) Sc [b, a] = (13)

Z tb h i i 2 + b + c 2 dt a D(t) exp ~ ta





The probability P (b)dx that a particle arrives at the point b is by denition proportional to the absolute square of the kernel K(b, a). P (b)dx = m dx 2~(tb ta ) (15)

It is said that light, which is composed of gathered photons, is represented components of transverse wave as assembles of harmonic oscillators. For harmonic oscillator of photons, the lagrangian is mx2 m 2 2 L= x 2 2 Then the kernel is calculated as i K = F (T ) exp Sc ~ im 2 (xa + x2 ) cos T 2xa xb Sc = b 2~ sin T 1/2 m F (T ) = 2i~ sin T (17) (18) (19) (16)

What is the kernel of the path integral? We make N divisions in all paths (branches). This means that we look at particles which go from a to x1 , then from x1 to x2 , and so on. Finally those particles go from xN 1 to b. The result is K(b, a) = dx1 dxN 1 K(b, N 1) K(i + 1, i) K(1, a) (20)

According to this denition, the kernel for the particles to go to between two points separated by an innitesimal time interval is i K(i + 1, i) hi + 1 | ii = exp L ~ xi+1 xi xi+1 + xi ti+1 + ti , , 2 2 (21)

which is correct to rst order in . I would like to discuss a relationship between path integral and bifurcation diagram in next section.

4. Path and Bifurcation Diagram. The probability P (a, b) to go from a point xa at the time ta to the point xb at tb is the absolute square P (b, a) = |K(b, a)|2 of an amplitude K(b, a) to go from a to b. This amplitude is the sum of contribution [x(t)] from each path X K(b, a) = [x(t)] (22)
over all path

The contribution of a path has a phase proportional to action S [x(t)] = const. exp i S[x(t)] ~


The quantum mechanical action is that of the corresponding classical system. At rst we consider a single-step slit bifurcation diagram (Figure 5).



Figure 5. Interference by multistep slits

Figure 6. Quantum Amida-lots circuit

A particle goes through a hole G1 of slit A, and then experiences the bifurcation by slit B. Finally this particle reaches from point A to point B. We know as for path integral that a amplitudes for events occurring in succession in time multiply. Then by the rules for multiplying amplitude of events, which occur successively in time, we have [x(t)] = lim
N 1 Y i=0

K(i + 1, i)


for the amplitude of a complete path. When a free particle goes through a slit (width 2b) at coordinate (x0 , T ) = (x1 + T, T ) and goes from (x1 , t1 ) to (x2 , t2 ), the amplitude has Z b d hx2 , t2 | x1 + , T i hx1 + , T | x0 , t0 i (25) (x) =

by using Equation (14). If we adopt a Gaussian slit whose shape is exp[2 /2b2 ], we can explicitly perform integration for Equation (24) by using Equation (14), and obtain the amplitude. r 1/2 (im/~)2 m 1 1 i~ im x2 x2 1 T (x) = exp W (26) + + 2 + 2i~ T bm 2~ T 4(im/2~)2 x/ + x1 /T (27) W = , = t2 T, x = x2 x1 1/ + 1/T + (i~/b2 m) Thus, we can calculate simple multi-step slit of Figure 5 with Equations (25)-(27). This amplitude is written as RR (x) = dxG1 dxG2a hB | G1i hG1 | G2ai hG2a | Ai RR (28) + dxG1 dxG2b hB | G1i hG1 | G2ai hG2a | Ai

Just as Equation (28), multi-step bifurcations and quantum Amida lots can be represented path integral expression. If Amida lots, a kind of electric circuit, is given, and area A, area B and their paths are satised with uncertainty principle, this Amida circuit has quantum system (Figure 6). In amida circuit, we have very much path to go from area A to area B, because of sum for all possible ways. For example, a amplitude of the paths from area A to B1 are given by sum of three paths, i.e., A1 B1, A2 B1, and A3 B1. All possible ways are written down as the all summation from area A to B1
R [A1B1]= dxG24 dxG12 dxG11 dxG22 dxG23 hB1|G12ihG12|G24ihG24|G23ihG23|G22ihG22|G11ihG11|A1i R + dxG11 dxG12 hB1|G12ihG12|G11ihG11|A1i




R [A2B1]= dxG21 dxG22 dx23 dx24 dx12 hB1|G12ihG12|G24ihG24|G23ihG23|G22ihG22|G21ihG21|A2i R + dxG21 dxG22 dxG11 dxG12 hB1|G12ihG12|G11ihG11|G22ihG22|G21ihG21|A2i R + dxG21 dxG24 dxG23 dxG32 dx31 dxG12 hB1|G12ihG12|G24ihG24|G23ihG23|G32ihG32|G31ihG31|G21ihG21|A2i


and then Thus summation of all paths are given by

[A B1] = CA11 [A1 B1] + CA21 [A2 B1] + CA31 [A3 B1] (29d) Finally we consider the method for AND, OR and NOT operators using state vectors (Figure 7). Classical AND, OR and NOT switches are dened by following circuits, and then they are quantum description by using propagators and probability amplitudes. We name them as q-AND, q-OR, and q-NOT.

R [A3B1]= dxG12 dxG24 dxG23 dxG32 dxG31 hB1|G12ihG12|G24ihG24|G23ihG23|G32ihG32|G31ihG31|A3i R + dxG12 dxG11 dxG22 dxG21 dxG31 hB1|G12ihG12|G11ihG11|G22ihG22|G21ihG21|G31ihG31|A3i


Figure 7. AND circuit

Figure 8. OR circuit

The q-AND circuit is described as [AND] =

where if switch is ON, S = 1, and if OFF, S = 0. Using the same method, we get the q-OR and the q-NOT circuit. [OR] = hb| S1 |ai + hb| S2 |ai [NOT] = hb| 1 S1 |ai (31) (32)

dxb hc| S2 | bi hb| S1 | ai


Figure 9. NOT circuit

Figure 10. Combination circuit

And Figure 10 shows an example of a combination circuit, which is composed of two logical one. The components are both q-NOT S1 and q-AND circuit, which are represented by ZZZ [S1 AND] = dxb dxc dxd hd| S3 |ci hc| S2 |bi hb| 1 S1 |ai (33)



The expression of above amplitude is just correspond to that of second ordered perturbation of potential scattering. So it is safety to regard those switches as a kind of potential, and then Hamiltonian is added potential S to itself. H T +V +S = ~2 + V (~ ) + f (S1 , SN ) x 2m (35)

Kernels K, instead of above expressions, can represent those logical switches, then we need integrate at point each switches space-time, and this procedure is generally called perturbation methods. For an example, if we apply Equation (30) for perturbation method, we obtain lowest orders expansion for potential S. Thus, we can look upon switching operator S as a kind of potential of Hamiltonian. The second lowest probability amplitude is written as i 2 R dx dxb dx hc| S2 () |i h | bi hb| S1 () |i h | ai 2nd [AND] = ~ (34) i 2 RR dx dxb dx K(c, )S2 ()K(, b)K(b, )S1 ()K(, a) = ~

Figure 11. Feynman diagram of q-AND

Figure 12. Feynman diagram of q-OR

Thus, the lowest order diagram, which correspond to q-OR circuit for two particles systems, is the scattering rst ordered diagram of two particles i 1st [OR] = ~ [hc| S1 ()| ai + hc| S2 ()| ai] (36) i R R dx K(c, )S1 ()K(, a) + dx K(c, )S2 ()K(, a) = ~ And q-NOT is described as the rst ordered perturbation of operator (1-S). Z i i 1st [N OT ] = i hc| 1 S() |ai = i dx K(c, ){1 S()}K(, a) (37) ~ ~

If we adopt the Feynman diagram for the q-OR circuit, that diagram is written down as the rst ordered perturbation of two particle systems. Iterating those procedures, we can easily obtain the more higher ordered perturbation expansions. 5. Conclusion. We proposed new basic theory and methods for quantum computation, quantum circuits, and neuro-computer based on functional path integral of quantum theory. And then we concretely calculated probability amplitudes for quantum circuit and slit which have interferences and tunnel eects. There are three types of quantum switch operators, which are named as q-AND, q-NOT, and q-OR circuits. The q-OR has the rst ordered perturbation expansion of two particles, and the q-AND correspond to the second ordered expansion of single particle. We showed those methods are useful to design and to make tests for new quantum system and computers.



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