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CPC 1urbo M8 HunJbook Uxlng 0urrett 1urbo
For Pro Cllmb unJ Pro Croxx 8x

1hank you for purchaslng a CC ro Cllmb and ro Cross 1urbo klL Cur klLs are bullL Lo Lhe hlghesL
quallLy sLandards 1hls handbook conLalns boLh generlc and speclflc lnformaLlon regardlng Lurbo
operaLlon and lnsLallaLlon 1hls handbook also conLalns valuable lnformaLlon LhaL wlll help you
undersLand how your Lurbo works and how Lo Lune your Lurbo powered ArcLlc CaL Lo geL Lhe mosL
performance ouL of Lhls producL as well as ways Lo avold poLenLlal problems and save money
CC has been Lurbo charglng snowmoblles slnce Lhe mld 1990s wlLh a 1993 Lx1 330 model as our flrsL
pro[ecL 1wo years laLer we compleLed a more rellable Lurbo charged Z8 380 wlLh greaL success As Lhe
years followed Lhe 1urbo klLs conLlnue Lo be reflned
What k|nd of 1urbo does CC use and why?
CC uses a C1 CarreLL 8S serles ball bearlng Lurbo CarreLL Lurbos have passed lnLenslve LesLlng for
durablllLy safeLy and efflclency CarreLL C1 serles Lurbos have a hlgher efflclency raLlng whlch reduces
heaL and produces more pounds of alr per mlnuLe Lhan many oLher Lurbo manufacLures
What k|nd of ma|ntenance and care |s requ|red for the Garrett kS ser|es turbo?
We recommend LhaL you use Moblle 1 synLheLlc 3 w 30 oll or oLher hlgh quallLy synLheLlc olls use 0 w
30 lf Lemps drop below 20 l 1hls oll should be changed every 300 mlles AfLer 300 mlles of use Lhe oll
wlll sLarL looklng mllky" as molsLure and waLer accumulaLe ln Lhe oll lL ls crlLlcal Lo change Lhe oll
before Loo much waLer ls absorbed lnLo Lhe oll whlch can lead Lo oll pump fallure
now can the Garrett turbo become damaged?
1he mosL common way a Lurbo can be damaged ls when caLasLrophlc englne fallure exlsLs A hard
plsLon selzure can damage a Lurbo lf meLal parLlcles are senL down Lhe exhausL plpe lnLo Lhe Lurbo 1he
compressor wheel can be damaged by forelgn ob[ecLs (llke rlveLs or screws) or by lce bulldup ln Lhe alr
lnLake sysLem CLher fallures may lnclude lmproper lubrlcaLlon or Lhe lack of lubrlcaLlon from an oll
pump fallure 1hls can happen lf Lhe snowmoblle ls run upslde down or on lLs slde for long perlods of
Llme lf you have an accldenL where you roll Lhe snowmoblle and Lhe snowmoblle spends a
conslderable Llme upslde down or on lLs slde Lhen you should lmmedlaLely shuL Lhe englne off uprlghL
Lhe snowmoblle Lhen check oll level 1he correct amount of o|| when f||||ng the o|| tank |s 18 to 20
ounces then check the |eve| of the o|| on the d|pst|ck 1he o|| |eve| shou|d be checked often to avo|d
runn|ng the turbo |ow on o||



Why doesn't CC use an Intercoo|er on your k|t?

lnLercoolers can be beneflclal afLer 12 lbs of boosL and lf Lhe user ls on boosL for long perlods of Llme
(usually afLer 30 Lo 43 seconds of max boosL) We have found LhaL 83 of our cusLomers do noL use
Lhelr Lurboed powered snowmoblle Lo Lhls exLenL 1herefore lnLercoolers are only effecLlve lf and only
lf Lhelr volume capaclLy ls large enough and only lf Lhere ls adequaLe alr movlng Lhrough Lhe lnLer
cooler 1hls ls hard Lo achleve on a snowmoblle appllcaLlon because of space llmlLaLlons Also all lnLer
coolers add resLrlcLlon A 1 Lo 13 pound of boosL ls normally losL when uslng an lnLercooler
1hls means LhaL you need Lo work Lhe Lurbo harder by Lurnlng up Lhe boosL (meanlng more heaL as you
compress Lhe alr aL a hlgher boosL) Lo overcome Lhe loss of efflclency CC was Lhe flrsL manufacLure Lo
use a cold alr lnLake Cold alr ls lmporLanL because colder alr ls denser LhaL ls lL carrles more oxygen
Lhan hoL alr lor every 10 degrees l you lower your lnLake LemperaLure your englne produces 1
more horsepower An example of Lhls ls lf one Lurbo klL breaLhes hoL alr from under Lhe hood and
anoLher Lurbo klL manufacLure use a cold alr lnLake and Lhe dlfference ls 70 degrees l Lhen Lhe
company wlLh a cold alr klL has a 7 advanLage over Lhe oLher More oxygen means more horsepower!
What k|nd of fue| |s requ|red on a CC turbo k|t?
CC requlres LhaL you use a mlnlmum of 93 ocLane fuel aL sea level and 91 ocLane aL hlgh elevaLlons for
SLage 1 pump gas klLs 110 Lo 114 ocLane race fuel may be used on SLage 2 3 klLs dependlng on how
much boosL and whaL alLlLude you run See Lhe CcLane 8equlremenL CharL under luel
8ecommendaLlons for speclflc lnformaLlon 1here are many quallLy brands of fuel CC suggesLs LhaL
you flnd a quallLy brand and sLlck wlLh lL Changlng brands every Llme you fuel up can cause
lnconslsLencles wlLh Lunlng your ALLlLude conLrol box
What k|nd of |n[ect|on o|| shou|d I use |n my eng|ne on a CC turbo k|t?
1here are many brands of quallLy oll 1he mosL lmporLanL concepL Lo focus on ls Lo use 100 synLheLlc
oll We use genulne ArcLlc CaL synLheLlc Av (blue) and have had greaL success Agaln plck a brand of
oll and sLay wlLh lL Mlxlng brands of oll each rlde does noL make good sense
W||| runn|ng a turbo wear my eng|ne out premature|y?
?es lL ls lmposslble Lo make more horsepower and noL experlence added wear Lo your englne 1he
mosL lmporLanL Lhlng LhaL you can do ls make sure you are [eLLed correcLly 8unnlng your englne wlLh a
lean alr/fuel raLlo can promoLe deLonaLlon even lf you use 110 ocLane fuel lf you experlence
deLonaLlon (loose spark plug ls Lhe flrsL slgn of deLonaLlon) Lhe flrsL Lhlng you should do ls enrlchen your
fuel Lo alr raLlo by addlng more fuel wlLh your ALLlLude Lll conLroller
If I |nsta|| a CC turbo k|t on a new snowmob||e w||| I need a |onger break|n per|od of t|me?
?es all new englnes requlre a breakln naLurally asplraLed (sLock) requlre a one Lank fuel breakln CC
recommends Lwo Lanks of fuel breakln perlod of Llme when Lurbo charged 1hls allows for Lhe plsLon Lo
wear a llLLle Lo lncrease Lhe plsLon Lo cyllnder wall clearance MosL plsLon selzures resulL from Loo much


heaL belng lnduced lnLo Lhe plsLon lsLon's expands when heaLed lf Lhe plsLons geL Loo hoL Lhey wlll
grow larger Lhan Lhe cyllnder and plsLon selzure wlll resulL Long pulls up a sLeep mounLaln wlll resulL ln
lnduclng more heaL lnLo Lhe plsLons lf you are [eLLed a llLLle on Lhe lean slde you wlll be a ma[or
candldaLe for a new plsLon and cyllnder 1he Lwo Lanks of fuel breakln also allows you plenLy of Llme Lo
dlal your [eLLlng ln and geL use Lo Lhe awesome power of Lhls klL
What type of ma|ntenance w||| be requ|red w|th my CC turbo k|t?
Spark |ugs Spark plugs are always a wear and Lear lLem on Lurbos 8ecause of Lhe use of leaded race
fuel lead deposlLs can shorLen Lhelr llfe lf your englne sLarLs Lo mlss or [usL doesn'L seem Lo run rlghL
Lhen replace Lhe spark plugs CC recommends replaclng Lhem every 300 Lo 300 mlles lf you use leaded
race fuel lf you deLonaLe your englne Lhen replace your spark plugs as we have seen Lhe elecLrode
break off due Lo deLonaLlon shock waves Spark plug gap should be seL aL 023 on all Lurbo appllcaLlons
A smaller plug gap helps Lhe lgnlLlon of a denser fuel and alr raLlo and hlgher cranklng compresslon used
ln Lurbo powered snowmoblles
keed Va|ves 1urbo's are hard on reed valves and wear Lhem ouL qulckly! 8eed valves wlll need Lo be
replaced on a regular basls on all Lurbo's regardless of how much boosL you run Cenerally we
recommend replacemenL aL 600 mlles uslng sLock ArcLlc CaL reed valves We have LesLed oLher
afLermarkeL reeds and have noL experlenced anyLhlng LhaL wlll lasL longer 8unnlng boosL over 8 lbs wlll
requlre reed valve replacemenL sooner
Cha|n Case AnoLher malnLenance lLem ls changlng oll ln your chaln case CC recommends LhaL Lhe oll
be changed every 300 to 400 mlles lrequenL oll changes wlll lengLhen Lhe llfe of your chaln and gears
?our ro Cllmb or ro Cross comes wlLh a 13 llnk wlde chaln and gears (as dellvered from ArcLlc CaL)
CC requ|res that you rep|ace them w|th 1S ||nk w|de components to prov|de add|t|ona| strength and
Dr|ve 8e|ts AnoLher malnLenance area ls LhaL of drlve belLs ?ou need Lo expecL LhaL your drlve belLs Lo
wear ouL sooner slnce you have more horsepower and Lorque keep an eye on Lhem every rlde lf you
blow a belL under full boosL you can expecL for your crankshafL Lo be damaged sooner or laLer! Cn a
Lurbo powered snowmoblle belL allgnmenL ls crlLlcal and you wlll need Lo check and correcLly allgn Lhe
drlve belL for correcL cluLch offseL Lo geL maxlmum belL llfe
|stons erlodlcally lL ls a good ldea Lo replace plsLons We are ofLen asked how ofLen LhaL depends
on how many mlles you drlve and more lmporLanLly ls how you have Luned your englne Lnglnes LhaL
are run Loo lean wlll wear ouL plsLons fasLer 8lders who cllmb long hllls (long pulls over 30 Lo 43
seconds) wlll wear ouL plsLons sooner due Lo heaL saLuraLlon and expanslon 8lders who know only one
speed (wlde open) wlll wear ouL plsLons fasLer lf you experlence deLonaLlon (loose spark plugs ls a slgn
of deLonaLlon) you can break Lhe rlng lands ouL of your plsLons Slmply puL Lhere are Loo many
varlables for CC Lo puL an exacL mlleage for plsLon replacemenL buL one Lhlng LhaL l can Lell you ls LhaL
Lhose lndlvlduals who change ouL plsLons sooner wlll have less long Lerm problems MosL Lurbo owners
on an average change ouL plsLons aL abouL 1200 Lo 1800 mlles of use dependlng on Lhe above crlLerla


Water 1emp WaLer Lemp ls always a concern especlally on hard packed roads and sprlng rldlng
8emember LhaL Lhe byproducL of horsepower ls heaL WlLh a Lurbo lL ls easy Lo sLress your coolanL
sysLem uslng a waLer Lemp gauge ls a greaL ldea Lo keep an eye on Lhe waLer Lemp We recommend
LhaL you never exceed 14S degrees l waLer Lemp Cn Lhe ArcLlc CaL 800cc englnes Lhe LCu has been
programmed so LhaL lf Lhe englne sees Loo hlgh of waLer Lemp Lhe englne wlll go lnLo fall safe mode
1he same ls Lrue wlLh respecLs of shuLLlng off a hoL englne lL ls normal for Lhe coolanL LemperaLure Lo
rlse up afLer Lhe englne ls shuL off (due Lo no waLer clrculaLlon) lf Lhe LCu deLecLs Lhls hlgh coolanL
Lemp lL wlll noL allow Lhe englne Lo resLarL and Lhe LCu wlll go lnLo a Lemporary defaulL mode 1hls can
cause concern and may be a hassle lf Lhls happens Lo you 8ecause CC cannot reprogram the LCU and
the fact that we cannot change th|s we have prov|ded each 1urbo k|t w|th a coo|ant temp bypass
sw|tch 1here |s a ye||ow e|ectr|ca| connector |ocated r|ght beh|nd the eng|ne ou w||| need to
d|sconnect th|s connector and p|ug ma|e to fema|e |n ser|es to our new prov|ded on]off togg|e sw|tch
1h|s sw|tch shou|d be mounted |n a conven|ent |ocat|on If your eng|ne temperature |s at norma|
runn|ng temperature and you shut off the eng|ne and cannot restart |t then you w||| need to reset or
tr|ck the LCU 1h|s can be accomp||shed by f||pp|ng th|s sw|tch temporar||y to the off pos|t|on then
restart|ng the eng|ne then |mmed|ate|y f||p the togg|e sw|tch to the norma| run mode after the eng|ne
starts now LhaL you know LhaL Lhls ls a characLerlsLlc of a Lurbo charged englne lL should noL creaLe any
more concern
Iue| kecommendat|ons 1he followlng charL wlll show recommended fuels and recommended SAIL
boosL levels Lo be run aL speclflc elevaLlons lf you exceed boosL levels or run lower



ocLane fuel lnLernal englne damage may resulL! CC manufacLures a speclal wasLe gaLe acLuaLor for
cusLomers wanLlng Lo run pump gas (91 Lo 93 ocLane) for SLage ll or SLage lll klLs

Note A|| 2012 mode|s must have the|r head mod|f|ed or rep|aced before runn|ng under 9S00 feet

ro C||mb and ro Cross Insta||at|on Instruct|ons
#1 kead the ent|re |nstruct|ons before try|ng to |nsta|| th|s k|t! Wash your snowmoblle Lo remove all
dlrL and grease and belL dusL ln Lhe englne comparLmenL nexL draln all Lhe gas ouL of Lhe fuel Lank
8emember LhaL Lhls Lurbo charged snowmoblle wlll now be uslng hlgher ocLane fuel unless you are
uslng a pump gas acLuaLor aL low boosL levels Leave Lhe fuel Lank empLy as Lhe fuel pump wlll need Lo
be replaced laLer ln Lhese lnsLrucLlons 8emove boLh lefL and rlghL hand slde panels
#2 8emove Lhe hood by uslng a 120 1orex screwdrlver and remove Lhe 4 screws whlch hold Lhe hood
on 1hen dlsconnecL Lhe headllghL harness and Lhe hood can be llfLed off Lhe snowmoblle 1he seaL wlll
need Lo be removed by uslng a 127 screwdrlver and removlng Lhe slngle bolL ouL aL Lhe rear of Lhe seaL
nexL uslng Lhe same 127 screwdrlver remove Lhe 2 screws securlng Lhe fuel Lank cover and Lhen
remove lL and seL lL aslde
#3 uslng a sprlng removal Lool remove Lhe 9 sprlngs whlch hold Lhe exhausL plpe and Lhe muffler on Lo
Lhe chassls 1hen by uslng a 12mm end wrench or sockeL remove Lhe sLock ?" plpe
#4 uslng a 1 20 1orex screwdrlver remove Lhe 2 screws holdlng Lhe alumlnum cover LhaL proLecLs Lhe
LCu(LlecLronlc ConLrol unlL) 8emove Lhe LCu by uslng an 8 mm wrench and remove Lhe 2 bolLs LhaL
hold Lhe LCu Lo Lhe chassls keep Lhe 2 bolLs as Lhey wlll be used laLer Lo hold Lhe LCu Lo Lhe new LCu
brackeL laLer ln Lhe lnsLrucLlons
3 uslng a 10mm and a 13mm end wrench or sockeL remove Lhe 2 bolLs and nuLs LhaL secures Lhe cross
supporL bar Lo Lhe chassls uo noL remove Lhe servo moLor or cables [usL lay Lhe bar Lo Lhe slde 1hen
remove Lhe large black plasLlc alr ducL beLween Lhe LhroLLle bodles and alr plenum uslng a hlllp
screwdrlver loosen boLh Lhe clamps LhaL secure Lhe LhroLLle bodles Lo Lhe rubber lnLake manlfolds
1hen pull Lhe LhroLLle bodles ouL of Lhe rubber lnLakes
#6 uslng a #130 1orex screwdrlver remove Lhe 4 bolLs holdlng Lhe fronL bumper on 1hen uslng a 130
1orex and a 10mm wrench remove Lhe 2 bolLs LhaL hold Lhe facLor volLage regulaLor onLo Lhe fronL rlghL
hand slde of Lhe bulkhead by Lhe lower sLeerlng posL plvoL locaLlon ?ou wlll need Lo save Lhe nuLs buL
Lhe bolLs wlll noL be used 1hen from Lhe CC supplled parLs you wlll need 2 of Lhe 6mm x 30mm SPCS


(Allen) bolLs and uslng Lhe orlglnal nuLs aLLach Lhe AC Lo uC power klL Lo Lhe bulkhead 1he Lop rear
mounL wlll use Lhe exlsLlng hole LhaL Lhe facLory used Lo hold Lhe volLage regulaLor on Lo Lhe bulkhead
1he lower fronL mounLlng hole locaLlon wlll need Lo be drllled uslng a x lnch drlll whlle Lhe fronL mounL
ls resLlng on Lhe Lop of Lhe fronL facLory sLeel sLeerlng gusseL 1he flLmenL of Lhe AC Lo uC box locaLlon
ls LlghL buL everyLhlng wlll clear uslng Lhese lnsLrucLlons uslng a 3mm Allen wrench LlghLen Lhe bolLs
wlLh Lhe nuLs on Lhe lnslde of Lhe bulkhead lrom Lhe CC provlded parLs locaLe a CC exLender wlrlng
harness wlLh each end havlng a 3 wlre flaL connecLor and Lhen plug Lhe exLenslon lnLo Lhe AC Lo uC box
1hen plug oLher end lnLo Lhe facLory wlrlng harness where Lhe orlglnal volLage regulaLor was plugged
lnLo now reaLLach Lhe fronL bumper uslng orlglnal bolLs When done correcLly Lhe head of Lhe SPCS
(Allen) bolL wlll sllghLly clear Lhe lnslde of Lhe bumper
#7 uslng a 10mm sockeL or end wrench remove Lhe 12 bolLs (6 on each reed) LhaL hold Lhe rubber
lnLake manlfolds Lo Lhe englne 1hls ls a perfecL Llme Lo examlne and replace your reeds lf Lhey have a
loL of mlles on Lhem lf Lhe englne ls new Lhe reed cages do noL need Lo be removed nexL flnd Lhe
reed gaskeLs and Lhe bllleL alumlnum reed block ln[ecLor plaLes lace Lhe gaskeLs beLween Lhe ouLer
reed cage and Lhe CC bllleL alumlnum reed block ln[ecLor plaLe wlLh Lhe ln[ecLors polnLlng up and Lhe
brass lnleL polnLlng Loward Lhe recoll sLarLer slde (rlghL hand slde) 1hen relnsLall Lhe rubber lnLake
manlfold wlLh Lhe CC provlded longer 6mm x 30mm flanged head bolLs 1lghLen Lhem Lo facLory
speclflcaLlons (912 looL/lbs of Lorque)
#8 ulsconnecL Lhe sLock ln[ecLor elecLrlcal plugs and Lhen dlsconnecL Lhe LhroLLle cable and dlsconnecL
boLh coolanL llnes LhaL go Lo Lhe boLLom slde of Lhe LhroLLle bodles aL Lhe LhroLLle body locaLlon 1hese
coolanL hoses wlll need Lo be rerouLed Lowards Lhe Lurbo charger locaLlon Lo feed coolanL Lo cool Lhe
Lurbo charger (See lnsLrucLlon #18) Cn Lhe 1C slde of Lhe LhroLLle bodles you wlll need Lo drlll a 139
hole (same as a # 21 drlll) aL Lhe 1230 C'clock poslLlon as vlewed when slLLlng on Lhe snowmoblle Lhen
Lap Lhe hole uslng a 1032 Lap(see phoLo) 1hls hole needs Lo be drllled on Lhe reed slde of Lhe LhroLLle
plaLe nexL lnsLall Lhe 1032 hose barb LhaL ls supplled ln a plasLlc hardware bag ln Lhe 8Cv (8low Cff
valve) box ln Lhe supplled parLs aLLach a 2 fooL long 1/8 lnslde dlameLer hose Lo Lhe barb and run Lhe
hose forward AL a laLer Llme Lhls hose wlll be aLLached Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe blow off valve whlch wlll also
need Lo be bolLed onLo Lhe charge Lube 1he nexL sLep ls Lo lnsLall Lhe charge box lrom Lhe supplled
parLs flnd Lhe rubber bumper and lnsLall ln lnLo Lhe boLLom fronL slde of Lhe charge box noLe apply a
small amounL of grease onLo Lhe rubber bumper and LwlsL Lhe rubber bumper wlLh your flngers lL ls
also helpful Lo use a small flaL blade screw drlver Lo asslsL ln lnsLalllng Lhe bumper
nexL apply a small amounL of grease Lo boLh C" rlngs ln Lhe alr charge box Apply a good amounL of
pressure Lo sllde Lhe charge box onLo Lhe lnLake slde of Lhe LhroLLle bodles 1hen uslng Lhe alumlnum
boss on Lhe charge box as a gulld mark Lhe spoL where Lhe alumlnum boss llnes up wlLh Lhe meLal
supporL of Lhe LhroLLle bodles and drlll a 1/4 lnch hole ln Lhe sLeel brackeL 1hen lnserL Lhe supplled 6m
x 14 Allen head sockeL cap screw Lhrough Lhe brackeL lnLo Lhe charge box Lo hold lL on securely 1lghLen
Lhe screw wlLh a 3mm Allen wrench As an assembly lnsLall Lhe LhroLLle bodles and charge box lnLo Lhe
rubber lnLake manlfolds and reLlghLen Lhe 2 hlllp screws lrom Lhe supplled parLs flnd Lhe rubber
snubber aLLached Lo a Lhlck cupped alumlnum washer and lnserL Lhe rubber end up Lhrough Lhe boLLom
of Lhe exlsLlng hole ln Lhe fronL of Lhe bulkhead and aLLach Lhe rubber snubber Lo Lhe charger box


#9 1he nexL sLep ls Lo flnd Lhe provlded CC fuel pressure regulaLor uslng some 1eflon Lape Lo seal Lhe
Lhreads of boLh brass 3/16 x 90 degree flLLlngs Lhen screw Lhe brass flLLlngs lnLo Lhe back slde of Lhe
pressure regulaLor (Lhe cenLer porL on Lhe back slde ls Lhe fuel reLurn back Lo Lhe fuel Lank and Lhe porLs
on Lhe slde are Lhe fuel lnLake porL and a porL Lo screw ln Lhe fuel pressure gauge) 1hen use 1eflon
Lape on Lhe fuel pressure gauge and lnsLall lL lnLo Lhe fronL slde porL Clock Lhe flLLlngs on Lhe pressure
regulaLor as shown ln Lhe phoLo nexL clock Lhe pressure regulaLor so lL poslLlons Lhe fuel pressure
gauge ls forward so you can read lL uslng a 1/8 Allen wrench aLLach Lhe fuel pressure regulaLor Lo Lhe
alumlnum CC pressure regulaLor brackeL uslng a #130 1orex screwdrlver remove Lhe 2 Lop screws
LhaL holds Lhe magneslum oll boLLle Lo Lhe chaln case and aLLach Lhe brackeL and regulaLor Lo Lhe chaln
case behlnd Lhe ln[ecLlon oll flller spouL
ALLach one end of Lhe efl fuel hose Lo Lhe cenLer back slde of Lhe of Lhe CC fuel pressure regulaLor
now rouLe Lhe hose behlnd Lhe one lnch round horlzonLal sLeerlng supporL Lube LhaL ls dlrecLly ln fronL
of Lhe fuel Lank Lhen up Lo Lhe Lank reLurn bulkhead flLLlng As shown ln Lhe phoLo locaLe a spoL abouL
23 lnches from Lhe leadlng fronL edge on Lhe Lop slde of Lhe fuel Lank as shown ln phoLo AL Lhls
locaLlon cuL Lhe hose Make sure LhaL Lhe plasLlc Lank cover or anyLhlng else wlll noL lnLerfere wlLh Lhe
rouLlng of Lhe reLurn hose now you can drlll a 9/16 (362) lnch hole lnLo Lhe fuel Lank lrom Lhe
supplled parLs locaLe Lhe rubber bulkhead grommeL and meLal 90 degree bulkhead flLLlng noLe uslng
a clean rag ln your hand wlLh your hand down Lhe fuel pump access hole of Lhe fuel Lank you can caLch
Lhe plasLlc shavlngs when drllllng lnLo Lhe fuel Lank Caut|on be carefu| not to push dr||| b|t |nto your
hand and make sure the fue| tank |s empty! 1hen lnsLall Lhe rubber bulkhead grommeL lnLo Lhe fuel
Lank and Lhen push Lhe meLal bulkhead flLLlng lnLo Lhe grommeL 1hen secure hoses Lo flLLlngs wlLh Lhe
provlded hose clamps
#10 nexL unplug Lhe black plasLlc 4way elecLrlcal connecLor comlng ouL of Lhe fuel pump access cover
plaLe locaLed on Lhe fronL Lop rlghL hand slde of Lhe fuel Lank nexL uslng your flngers squeeze Lhe
black release Lab LhaL ls locaLed ln Lhe 90 degree whlLe colored plasLlc fuel connecLor flLLlng whlle aL Lhe
same Llme pulllng on Lhls connecLor Lo unplug Lhe fuel hose comlng ouL of Lhe Lop of Lhe fuel pump
access cover uslng a #123 screwdrlver remove Lhe 6 screws holdlng Lhe fuel pump access cover plaLe
onLo Lhe fuel Lank CenLly llfL and remove Lhe fuel pump assembly ouL Lhe fuel pump access hole far
enough Lo cuL Lhe zlp Lle 1hen pry aparL Lhe plnch clamp and remove Lhe fuel pump assembly leavlng
Lhe hose end aL Lhe fuel Lank openlng and smarL valves Lo be lefL ln Lhe fuel Lank
WlLh Lhe fuel pump assembly on a clean work bench genLly remove Lhe whlLe plasLlc cover LhaL reLalns
Lhe facLory pressure regulaLor by prylng ouL on Lhe Lwo ouLer Labs 1hen gent|y ||ft the meta| factory
fue| pressure regu|ator out of the p|ast|c hous|ng mak|ng sure that you do not |ose the sma|| spr|ng
that |s under the regu|ator (See phoLo) 8emove Lhe sprlng and seL Lhese parLs off Lo Lhe slde 1he
nexL sLep ls Lo remove Lhe sLock fuel pump 1hls ls accompllshed by removlng Lhe plasLlc end cap LhaL
reLalns Lhe sLock pump by Laklng a small flaL blade screwdrlver and slldlng lL ln a sloL and llfLlng up on
Lhe plasLlc Lab whlle as Lhe same Llme LwlsLlng Lhe plasLlc end cap wlLh your hands abouL 1/8 of a Lurn
counLer clock wlse as vlew from Lhe exlL end of Lhe pump (See phoLo) 1hen pull Lhe plasLlc end cap off
and pull Lhe sLock pump ouL of Lhe pump assembly afLer Lhe elecLrlcal Lermlnals are removed 1hen ln
reverse order aLLach elecLrlcal wlres Lhen sllde Lhe Lop slde of Lhe pump lnLo Lhe black rubber hose


nlpple ln Lhe lnslde of Lhe pump assembly and relnsLall Lhe plasLlc end cap lrom Lhe CC supplled parLs
flnd Lhe CC alumlnum block off plug and lnsLall Lhe rubber vlLon C" rlng off Lhe sLock fuel pressure
regulaLor onLo Lhe alumlnum plug nexL lnsLall Lhe black wlre LhaL has Lhe ouLer plasLlc lnsulaLlon wlre
remove and Lhen place Lhe wlre ln Lhe sloL and place Lhe small sprlng ln Lhe orlglnal cavlLy Lhen place a
drop of oll or a dap of grease on Lhe C" rlng and lnsLall Lhe alumlnum plug ln Lhe locaLlon of Lhe orlglnal
fuel pressure regulaLor lnsLall Lhe whlLe plasLlc reLalnlng cap Lo reLaln Lhe sprlng and alumlnum plug Lo
Lhe assembly NC1L 1he purpose of the sma|| spr|ng and b|ack w|re w|th |nsu|at|on w|re removed |s to
ground out any stat|c e|ectr|c|ty for your safety!
lrom Lhe CC supplled parLs lnsLall a new CLlker #138 plnch clamp and a new zlp Lle securlng Lhe fuel
pump assembly Lo Lhe hose and smarL vales and relnsLall Lhe fuel pump assembly lnLo Lhe fuel Lank A
plnch clamp Lool can be purchased Lhrough any quallLy Lool supply sLore or Snapon or Mac Lool Lrucks
Never subst|tute p|nch c|amps w|th trad|t|ona| hose c|amps Us|ng trad|t|ona| hose c|amps can v|brate
|oose damage the e|ectr|ca| w|r|ng and |oose fue| pressure wh|ch w||| cause eng|ne fa||ure! 1hen
relnsLall Lhe fuel pump assembly lnLo Lhe fuel Lank uslng your hands make sure Lhe llnes leadlng Lo Lhe
smarL valves are sLralghL and noL klnked and are reLurned Lo Lhelr orlglnal locaLlon ln Lhe Lank 1hen
snap gray fuel connecLor back onLo Lhe fuel pump access cover
#11 Measure Lhe hose lengLh 7 lnches up from Lhe fuel rall flLLlng aL Lhe LhroLLle body locaLlon and cuL
Lhe orlglnal facLory 3/16 black efl fuel hose LhaL leads from Lhe fuel Lank Lo Lhe LhroLLle bodles Lhen
lnsLall a 3/16 x 3/16 x 3/16 brass 1" flLLlng and reconnecL lL Lo Lhe orlglnal fuel llne LhaL leads Lo Lhe
LhroLLle bodles lrom Lhe CC supplled efl hose cuL a plece of fuel hose 7 lnches long and connecL Lhls
fuel llne from Lhe brass 1" flLLlng Lo Lhe 3/16 brass 43 degree flLLlng comlng ouL of Lhe CC reed block
fuel rall and secure fuel llne wlLh provlded clamps 1hen measure 43 lnches down from Lhe flLLlng
where Lhe fuel llne comes ouL of Lhe 90 degree whlLe plasLlc connecLor comlng ouL of Lhe fuel pump
access cover and cuL Lhe facLory efl fuel hose and lnsLall anoLher 3/13 x 3/16 x 3/16 brass 1" flLLlng ln
Lhe cenLer of Lhls brass 1" flLLlng run a plece of Lhe CC provlded 3/16 efl fuel hose Lo feed fuel Lo Lhe
slde of Lhe CC fuel pressure regulaLor 8un Lhls hose from Lhe 1" Lhen around Lhe back slde of Lhe 1
lnch round alumlnum cross bar on Lhe sLeerlng supporL whlch ls ln fronL of Lhe fuel Lank Lhen aLLach lL
Lo Lhe 90 degree flLLlng comlng ouL of Lhe slde of Lhe CC fuel pressure regulaLor
#12 lrom Lhe CC supplled parLs flnd Lhe CC wlrlng harness LhaL has 4 elecLrlcal connecLors and
connecL Lhem lnLo Lhe followlng elecLrlcal connecLors 1he flrsL connecLor connecLs Lhe one end of Lhe
CC wlrlng harness Lo Lhe 2 way male" connecLor comlng from Lhe CC oll pump 1he second connecLs
Lo Lhe female 4 wlre" end comlng ouL of Lhe fuel Lank 1he Lhlrd connecLor goes Lo Lhe 4 way Male"
maln wlrlng harness (LhaL was orlglnally connecLed Lo Lhe fuel pump" and Lhe lasL connecLor goes Lo Lhe
Lwoway flaL" accessory plug ouLleL locaLed by Lhe chaln case by Lhe rlghL hand fooL Loehold 1he
Lwoway flaL" connecLor locaLlon provldes power from Lhe llghLlng coll" and ls converLed Lo uC power
vla Lhe new AC Lo uC power klL LhaL replaced Lhe facLory volLage regulaLor 1hls new locaLlon wlll
provlde enough amps Lo power Lhe more powerful fuel 66 amp CC hlgh volume fuel pump



#13 now hook up Lhe ALLlLude lndusLrles Lll conLrol box as per lnsLrucLlons provlde by ALLlLude
lndusLrles lf you are golng Lo mounL Lhe ALLlLude box on Lhe sLeerlng posL you musL now rouLe Lhe wlre
down Lhe sLeerlng posL area and zlp Lle Lhe elecLrlcal connecLors LogeLher
Note When w|r|ng up the Att|tude LII contro| box you w||| need to |ocate a s|ng|e red w|re (or on
some boxes a s|ng|e b|ue w|re) com|ng out of the w|r|ng |oom of the Att|tude LII contro| box that must
be powered to a 12 power source We suggest that you connect th|s w|re to a 12 vo|t DC source
com|ng out of the AC to DC vo|tage regu|ator down by the bottom r|ght hand s|de |ower steer|ng post
|ocat|on 1h|s |s accomp||shed by cr|mp|ng on the prov|ded fema|e connector from the supp||ed parts
and then d|sconnect|ng the dummy connector from the DC power k|t and p|ugg|ng |t |nto the 12 vo|t
source (twoway f|at connector) at th|s [unct|on If th|s w|re |s not powered you w||| run |ean and
damage your eng|ne and not be ab|e to f|re the add|t|ona| |n[ectors Ior a comp|ete set of
|nstruct|ons go to wwwtunew|thatt|tudecom
NC1L Cn SLage l Lhe seLLlngs aL 20 l [ 9000 fL alLlLude are Creen 1 Z ?ellow 1 (fasL bllnk le off) 8ed
3 Creen/8lue 3 Z 8ed/blue 3 yellow/blue 4 lor SLage ll lll [ 9000 fL use Lhe followlng seLLlngs C 2
Z ? 3 8 3 C8 3 Z 88 4 or 3 ?8 6 Z 1hese are [usL sLarLlng polnLs and you wlll need Lo ad[usL Lhese
seLLlngs as each user wlll be sLarLlng aL a dlfferenL alLlLude and dlfferenL ouLslde LemperaLures



#14 nexL you wlll flnd from Lhe CC provlded parLs a Loggle swlLch LhaL wlll be lnsLalled by
dlsconnecLlng Lhe yellow englne coolanL Lemp sensor connecLor whlch ls locaLed dlrecLly behlnd Lhe
chaln case and sllghLly below Lhe [ackshafL 1hen plug Lhe Loggle swlLch ln beLween Lhe male and female
yellow connecLor 1he swlLch can be mounLed by drllllng a 31/64 (484) hole ln Lhe fuel Lank cover
console 3 lnches Lo Lhe rlghL and 13 lnches back from Lhe cenLer of Lhe radlaLor cap or you can mounL lL
anywhere else you llke as lL depends on your personal preference ,ake sure the sw|tch |s turned to
the CN pos|t|on when operat|ng your snowmob||e AfLer mounLlng you can replace Lhe fuel Lank cover
console by securlng Lhem wlLh Lhe 2 screws and a 127 screwdrlver LhaL you removed ln sLep #2
#13 ?ou can now mounL Lhe sLalnless sLeel LCu mounLlng brackeL 1hls ls done by uslng a 10mm
wrench and sockeL and removlng Lhe 2 bolLs and nuLs where Lhe recLangle alumlnum bar meeLs Lhe
fronL of Lhe black palnLed Lrlangular suspenslon supporL (see phoLo) Llne up Lhe brackeL and holes and
relnsLall Lhe bolLs and nuLs Lo secure Lhe LCu brackeL 1hen from Lhe CC supplled parLs lnsLall Lhe
3/16 rlveL Lo Lhe Lop supporL brackeL Lo llne up wlLh Lhe exlsLlng hole ln Lhe spar Lublng 1hen uslng Lhe
orlglnal bolLs LhaL mounLed Lhe LCu wlLh Lhe CC supplled nuLs secure Lhe LCu Lo Lhe brackeL
#16 lrom Lhe CC supplled parLs uslng a 10mm wrench aLLach Lhe muffler Lo Lhe Lurbo assembly
Make sure you use a small amounL of never selze lube on all 3 of Lhe 8mm x 16mm flanged bolLs never
selze wlll prevenL Lhe bolLs from selzlng and ald dlsassembly lf ever needed 1orque all bolLs Lo
approxlmaLely 23 fL lbs 1hen uslng Lhe Lhree orlglnal rubber grommeLs ouL of Lhe facLory muffler
resonaLor relnsLall Lhem lnLo Lhe new CC Lurbo SLalnless SLeel hanger brackeL
#17 now bolL Lhe S" shaped exhausL sLlnger exLender Lo Lhe Lurbo wlLh Lhe followlng hardware (4)
8m x 23m bolLs (4) lock washers and (4) 8m nuLs maklng sure Lo lnsLall a gaskeL beLween Lhe Lurblne
exhausL houslng and Lhe exhausL flange on Lhe S" shaped sLlnger exLender Do not t|ghten these bo|ts
at th|s t|me WalL unLll Lhe exhausL plpe and sprlngs are lnsLalled aL a laLer Llme ln order Lo geL a proper
allgnmenL AL Lhls polnL lL ls a good ldea Lo Lemporarlly puL a shop rag down Lhe exhausL flange Lo
prevenL any forelgn maLerlal from enLerlng Lhe Lurbo
#18 1he nexL sLep ls Lo aLLach Lhe coolanL llnes Lo cool Lhe Lurbo 1he procedure ls Lo Lake Lhe orlglnal
facLory coolanL llne LhaL has a 90 degree bend ln Lhe rubber end and Lhen from Lhe supplled CC
hardware parLs sllde an CLlker plnch clamp or hose clamp over Lhe hose and Lhen flnd from Lhe
supplled parLs a 90 degree waLer flLLlng and sllde Lhe barbed end of Lhe flLLlng lnLo Lhe rubber hose LhaL
also has a 90 degree bend ln lL and LlghLen Lhe clamp on lL 1hls hose wlll be aLLach Lhe waLer flLLlng Lo
Lhe lnslde waLer male adapLer LhaL ls closesL Lo Lhe recoll sLarLer LhaL was lnsLalled on Lhe Lurbo from
sLeep #11 1lghLen Lhe female connecLor Lo Lhe Lurbo wlLh a 9/16 end wrench 1he oLher facLory
coolanL llne whlch has a sLralghL end on lL musL be exLended wlLh a preassembled 3/16 ld x 13 lnch
long hose wlLh brass coupler and 90 waLer flLLlng aLLached Lo lL from Lhe supplled parLs uslng Lhe
provlded CLlker plnch clamps aLLach Lhe 13 lnch long hose Lo Lhe sLralghL facLory hose and rouLe ln from
Lhe fronL of Lhe englne Lowards Lhe Lurbo 1hen LlghLen Lhe female waLer flLLlng end wlLh a 9/16 end
wrench Lo Lhe ouLslde waLer flLLlng closesL Lo Lhe rlghL hand slde pod (See phoLo)
#19 1he Lurbo can now be mounLed Lo Lhe chassls by hanglng Lhe sLalnless sLeel Lurbo hanger brackeL
over Lhe recLangle alumlnum Lublng [usL llke Lhe orlglnal muffler was aLLached 1he charge Lube can now


be lnsLalled by slldlng Lhe 23 lnch ld x 3 lnch long sLralghL black rubber slllcon coupler over Lhe charge
box nlpple and a 23 x 2 lnch slllcon coupler over Lhe Lurbo compressor end nlpple and lnsLall wlLh CC
provlded hose clamps Lo secure each end of Lhe charge Lube
#20 1he exhausL plpe can now be lnsLalled uslng Lhe 6 CC provlded heavy duLy black 1urbo Sprlngs
aLLach 4 of Lhe sprlngs from Lhe exhausL plpe Lo Lhe ?" plpe use Lhe oLher 2 sprlngs Lo aLLach Lhe
exhausL plpe Lo Lhe S" sLlnger exLender 1hen uslng one of Lhe sLock sprlngs aLLach Lhe sprlng from Lhe
chassls Lo Lhe boLLom of Lhe exhausL plpe nexL Lo Lhe drlve cluLch locaLlon AL Lhls polnL wlLh a 13mm
end wrench and sockeL wrench you can LlghLen Lhe 4 bolLs and nuLs holdlng Lhe S" shaped sLlnger
exLender Lo Lhe exhausL Lurblne houslng of Lhe Lurbo nC1L ln order Lo geL perfecL allgnmenL beLween
Lhe facLory exhausL ouLleL and Lhe S" plpe you wlll need Lo flex Lhe Lurbo hanger brackeL/Lurbo ass
#21 1he nexL sLep ls Lo use some 1eflon Lape and wrap Lhe Lhreads of Lhe brass barb LhaL ls provlded ln
Lhe Pallman boosL conLroller box and Lhen LlghLen Lhls brass barb lnLo Lhe alumlnum flLLlng ln Lhe
charge Lube 1he boosL conLroller wlll geL mounLed Lo Lhe CC fuel pressure regulaLor alumlnum
brackeL (see phoLo) 8ouLe Lhe vacuum hoses where Lhey wlll noL geL melLed by Lhe Lurbo and ln an
area LhaL ls ouL of Lhe way lf you zlp Lle Lhem ln place make sure you do noL plnch Lhe hoses
#22 now rouLe Lhe 43 lnch venL hose LhaL ls aLLached Lo Lhe oll Lank Lowards Lhe recoll sLarLer Lhen
rouLe hose backwards Lhen rouLe Lhe hose along Lhe edge of Lhe alumlnum recLangle sLeerlng Lube
1hen loop Lhe hose around Lhe Lop end of Lhe recLangle alumlnum Lube where lL meeLs Lhe black
palnLed forged sLeerlng crown and Lop of fuel Lank meeL LeL Lhe open end of Lhe hose hang downward
ln a locaLlon LhaL ls ouL of Lhe way and zlp Lle Lhe hose loosely Lo Lhe recLangle alumlnum Lube
#23 Connect the or|g|na| factory w|r|ng harness connecter where the or|g|na| factory fue| pump was
connected CC has prov|ded match|ng e|ectr|ca| connectors to prov|de easy |nsta||at|on
#24 ?ou wlll need Lo purchase a quarL of Moblle 1 synLheLlc 3w30 or 0w30 moLor oll and pour 18 Lo
20 ounces of oll lnLo Lhe oll Lank Add o|| to the o|| ||nes before |nsta|||ng and do not run pump dry
nexL Lemporarlly hook a 12 volL baLLery Lo Lhe poslLlve red lead of Lhe oll pump and Lhe negaLlve Lo Lhe
black wlre 1hls can be accompllshed by uslng a paper cllp pushed lnLo Lhe black elecLrlcal connecLor Lo
make conLacL wlLh Lhe small conLacLs LeL lL run for a mlnuLe Lo purge any alr bubbles ouL of Lhe llne as
well as a LesL Lo see lf Lhe pump works and lf Lhe oll ls pumplng oll lnLo Lhe Lop of Lhe Lurbo and ouL Lhe
boLLom of Lhe oll Lank now you can permanenLly plug Lhe oll pump connecLor lnLo Lhe CC wlrlng
harness 8echeck oll afLer oll llnes are purged

#24 1he 4 lnch x 3 lnch cold alr lnLake rubber elbow can now be aLLached Lo Lhe Lurbo alr lnleL ALLach
one slde of Lhe rubber elbow Lo Lhe Lurbo and secure by uslng a provlded large hose clamp loosely
poslLlon Lhe hose clamp Lo allow Lhe rubber elbow Lo be roLaLed as needed Lo make a good flL nexL
lnsLall Lhe oLher slde of Lhe rubber elbow Lo Lhe 4 lnch x 13 lnch meLal coupler ALLach anoLher large
hose clamp aL Lhls locaLlon 1hen aLLach Lhe 4 lnch flexlble alr ducL Lo Lhe meLal coupler wlLh anoLher
large hose clamp 1he flexlble alr ducL musL be pushed up Lhrough Lhe 4 lnch hole ln Lhe black plasLlc
cold alr plenum afLer Lhe hood ls lnsLalled 1he lasL sLep ls Lo Lake a drlll wlLh a 1/2 lnch drlll blL and drlll
a hole ln Lhe boLLom of Lhe 4 x 3 rubber elbow Lo allow waLer Lo draln ouL 1he hole ls locaLed ln Lhe


rubber hose aL Lhe lowesL polnL ln Lhe hose close Lo Lhe lnleL of Lhe Lurbo charger If th|s step |s not
performed water cou|d pudd|e and freeze turn|ng to |ce and damage the compressor whee| of the

#23 WlLh Lhe hood removed from Lhe snowmoblle Lhe enLlre sLock alr ducL/plenum can be removed
by flrsL uslng a #120 1orex screwdrlver and remove Lhe 4 screws (2 on Lhe rlghL and 2 on lefL) LhaL hold
Lhe palnLed colored panel on Lach colored panel ls hlnged onLo Lhe fronL of Lhe black polyeLhylene
hood sLrucLure 1hen wlLh Lhe hood upslde down remove Lhe 14 screws LhaL secure Lhe facLory alr
plenum (whlch wlll noL be reused) Lo Lhe polyeLhylene hood sLrucLure now remove Lhe headllghL
cover from Lhe headllghL assembly by grabblng Lhe slde cllps and flexlng Lhem Lo release Lhe hooks LhaL
aLLach Lo Lhe headllghL nexL uslng a #130 1orex loosen Lhe 2 ouLer screws and remove Lhe 2 fronL
screws securlng Lhe headllghL on Lhe polyeLhylene hood sLrucLure and seL lL aslde 8emove Lhe rubber
coaLed band LhaL holds Lhe headllghL wlrlng harness on Lhe fronL 2 headllghL screws as Lhls band ls Loo
resLrlcLlve and wlll noL allow Lhe headllghL wlrlng harness Lo be sLreLched upon reassembly
nexL uslng Lhe CC provlded paper LemplaLe mark Lhe cenLer of Lhe 4 lnch hole Lo be drllled lnLo Lhe
polyeLhylene hood sLrucLure ln preparaLlon of Lhe exLernal 4 lnch addlLlonal alr lnLake 1hls addlLlonal 4
lnch alr lnLake ls Lo provlde addlLlonal alr ln deep snow rldlng areas Snow can plug off Lhe smaller
facLory alr lnleL venLs 8e aware LhaL Lhe AddlLlonal 4 lnch alr lnLake wlll Lake Lhe place of Lhe opLlonal
facLory goggle holder locaLlon ln fronL of Lhe handlebars uslng a 4 lnch key hole saw cuL a 4 lnch hole
ln Lhe polyeLhylene hood sLrucLure uslng only 1 of Lhe 8 CC provlded 3mm x 16mm SPCS (Allen)
screws and 3mm nylock nuLs aLLach Lhe fronL mounL only of Lhe 4 lnch alr lnLake by bolLlng lL Lo Lhe
poly hood sLrucLure App|y a generous amount of k1V s|||cone rubber sea|ant to the unders|de of po|y
hood structure g|u|ng the nut to the hood structure 1he s|||con w||| prevent any |oose hardware from
fa|||ng |nto the co|d a|r duct and damag|ng the turbo |f |t were ever to come |oose
1hen uslng Lhe remalnlng 7 screws and nylock nuLs secure Lhe CC llghLwelghL Lurbo plenum Lo Lhe
lnslde of Lhe poly hood sLrucLure wlLh an 8mm end wrench and a 4mm Allen wrench lL ls opLlonal lf you
wanL Lo puL a bead of 81v slllcone around Lhe ouLslde perlmeLer or beLween Lhe CC Lurbo plenum and
Lhe poly hood sLrucLure nexL lnsLall Lhe head llghL onLo Lhe poly hood sLrucLure by securlng lL wlLh Lhe
orlglnal facLory screws nexL sLreLch Lhe facLory headllghL harness (harness rubber coaLed reLalnlng
band musL be removed) and sllde Lhe large maln connecLor on Lo Lhe reLalnlng cllp LhaL ls poprlveLed Lo
Lhe CC 4 lnch addlLlonal alr lnLake(see phoLo) 1hen aLLach Lhe headllghL cover on Lo Lhe headllghL and
Lhe colored slde panels back onLo Lhe hood ln reverse order
#26 lnsLall Lhe CC gauge brackeL ?ou wlll need Lo lnsLall longer SLalnless sLeel 8m x 40m bolLs wlLh 2
alumlnum spacers Lo hold Lhe boosL brackeL on 1hen lnsLall Lhe gauge lnLo Lhe brackeL We also have
ln sLock an opLlonal Lwo gauge sLalnless sLeel brackeL lf you wanL Lo lnsLall more gauges as well as
cusLom brackeLs for LC1 gauges We also manufacLure a compleLe dlglLal gauge LhaL lncludes dlglLal
boosL fuel pressure oll pressure LachomeLer 4 Lhermocouple sensors Al8 (alr fuel raLlo) playback and
record and more Co Lo wwwcpcraclngcom and cllck on CC 8edllne gauge



#27 nexL you wlll flnd 3 brass hose barbs screwed lnLo Lhe rlghL hand Lop of Lhe charge box uslng Lhe
supplled 1/8 lnch black vacuum hose plumb Lhe vacuum hoses from Lhe boosL gauge Lo Lhe charge box
nexL plumb Lhe hose from Lhe hose barb comlng from Lhe fuel pressure regulaLor whlch ls locaLed now
on Lhe ouLslde and Lop of Lhe chaln case Lo Lhe charge box 1he 3
hose barb on Lhe charge box ls used
for boosL plckup from Lhe ALLlLude lndusLrles Lll conLrol box boosL pressure hose
#28 lnsLall Lhe cluLch klL as per CC lnsLrucLlon sheeL
#29 1ake a few mlnuLes aL Lhls polnL Lo revlew Lhe lnsLrucLlons and Lo check Lo see lf all klL lnsLallaLlons
have been performed correcLly Zlp Lle any and all hoses or elecLrlcal wlres LhaL mlghL geL melLed or
damaged 1he ALLlLude lndusLrles Lll box has been dellvered wlLh a speclal program LhaL has been
Luned for Lhe CC Lurbo klL Slnce Lhere ls no fuel ln Lhe sysLem lL may Lake 13 or 20 pulls Lo geL Lhe
englne sLarLed AfLer pulllng Lhe rope several Llmes check Lhe fuel pressure as lL should pump up Lo 13
Lo 20 pounds As soon as Lhe englne sLarLs you musL hurry and reset the fue| pressure to 38 ps| at a
h|gh |d|e (2S00 to 3000 rpms) lf hlgher fuel pressure ls used you wlll enrlchen Lhe fuel mlxLure from an
ldle Lo 1/4 LhroLLle lf less fuel pressure ls used lL wlll lean Lhe ldle1/8 LhroLLle lf you experlence low
end LhroLLle response and you have Lrled Lo ad[usL Lhe ALLlLude efl conLrol box wlLh llLLle success Lhen
Lry ad[usLlng Lhe fuel pressure whlch ls ad[usLed by uslng a 9/16 end wrench and loosenlng Lhe [am nuL
on Lhe fuel pressure regulaLor and by uslng a small 3/16 Allen wrench ad[usL Lhe screw ln or ouL Lo
achleve Lhe correcL pressure aL an ldle Iue| pressure may be ad[usted as |ow as 34 |bs and as h|gh as
44 |bs depend|ng on e|evat|on Note that a|| gauges read d|fferent|y even though they are supposed to
be ca||brated


NC1L 1he eng|ne w||| not start un|ess the w|res |n the factory gray fema|e connector w|th a red str|p
goes to the so||d red w|re |n the b|ack ma|e connector |n the Att|tude box Ior add|t|ona| |nformat|on
and troub|eshoot|ng go to wwwtunew|thatt|tudecom
C|utch Ad[ustment Cn 2012 hlgh ouLpuL (P C) models run englne aL 8030 Lo 8230 8M's A cluLch
Lunlng handbook can be ordered Lhrough CC for $1993 aL (801)2243003 or vlslL our web slLe aL
Compress|on lf you rlde below 9300 feel alLlLude we recommend LhaL you change compresslon raLlos
by machlnlng or replaclng your head! CC also offers a 1urbo bllleL head
Gear|ng 2012 ro Cllmb models come wlLh a 21/49 gears We requlre changlng from a 13 llnk wlde
gear and chaln Lo a sLronger 13 llnk wlde Cear raLlos may need Lo be changed accordlng Lo rlder
welghL alLlLude and snow condlLlons Cearlng ls a personal cholce

updaLed 11/23/12

#30 AnnlhllaLlon" Lhls ls whaL your compeLlLlon wlll fear unLll Lhey geL one



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