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Tannin terdiri dari kelompok besar zat komleks yang secara luas didistribusikan
dikelompok tanaman hampir setiap keluarga tanaman mencakup species yang
mengandung tannn. Ketika terjadi tanin dalam jumlah yang cukup, mereka biasanya
terlokalisasi dibagian-bagian tanaman tertentu seperti daun, buah, kulit kayu, atau batang.
Walaupun sering ditemukan dalam buah matang, tannin biasanya hilang selama proses
pemasakantelah berteori bahwa menggunakan energi yang diberikan oleh oksidasi dari
tannin dalam proses metabolisme, juga bahwa tannin adalah sumber asam buah. Teori
lain menunjukan bahwa sejak tannin antiseptik dalam aksi, mereka mencegah kerusakan
oleh serangga dan jamur. Ide ini mungkin berasaldari hasil penyelidikan terjadinya tannin
dalam galls serangga pada tanaman jelas. Peran tannin dalam metabolisme dalam
tanaman agak spekulatiI, tetapi mereka mungkin berIungsi sebagai pelindung untuk
tanaman selama tahap-tahap tertentu, pertumbuhan dan akhirnya hancur atau disimpan
sebagai produk akhir metabolisme dalam jaringan mati tertentu dari tanaman dewasa,
yaitu, luar gabus, heartword dan galls, dipohon gugur daun yang adalah gudang pada
akhir tanam umumnya menunjukan adanya sejumlah besar tannin. Jika diasumsikan
bahwa tannin adalah produk sisa metabolisme dan bahwa mereka kurang bermanIaat bagi
tanaman adalah logis untuk percaya bahwa seperti daun, biasanya ditakdirkan untuk
dipisahkan dari batang akan memiliki metode yang nyaman pelepasan tanin dari tanaman.
Tannin adalah senyawa non kristal yang dengan air membentuk larutan koloid memilki
reaksi asam dan tajam 'kerutan rasa, mereka menyebabkan presepitasi larutan gelatin
serta alkoloid, mereka membentuk biru atau kehijauan senyawa jitam larut dengan garam
besi mereka menghasilkan warna merah tua dengan Ierricyanide kalium dan amonia, dan
mereka dipicu oleh garam tembaga, timbal dan timah, dan juga oleh larutan kalium
dikromat yang kuat berair (atau 1 Cromicacid) solusi dalam larutan alkali banyak
turunannya mudah menyerap oksigen
Tannin endapan protein dari solut dan mampu enzim proteolitik bila diterapkan
pada jaringan hidup, tindakan ini dikenalsebagai tindakan 'astrigen dan bentuk-bentuk
dasar untuk aplikasi terapeutik tannin tannin bearing banyak obat, seperti nutgall,
krameria gambir dan kino serta sebagai dimurnikan tannin (asam tannic) dan turunannya
(asam acetyltannic) bekerja dikedokteran sebagai astregents baik dalam saluran
pencernaan dan kulit lecet dalam pengobatan luka bakar, protein dari jaringan yang
terkena preccipiteted membentuk mantel, sedikit nti septik pelindung dimana generasi
jaringan baru mungin terjadi
the ability oI tanninto precipitate proteins is also utilized In the process oI
regetabel tannin be which animal hides are converted to leather the tannin aIIect not only
the pliancy thoughtness oI the leather, but being antiseptic, acts as a preservative. Various
types oI tannin produc a vaariety oI leathers ; thus, theellagic acid type Iorm a 'bloom
while the plobaphene type causes the 'tanner`s red the deeplycolored compounds
obtained with ironsalts have been used in the manuIacture oI inks on a commercial scale.
Because oI their precipitating qualities solution oI tannin are utilized in the labolatory as
regents Ior the detection oI gelatin, proteins, and alkaloid. In the antidotal treatment oI
alkaloidal poisoning, tannin solutions are extremely valuable Ior inactivating the alkoloid
by the Iormation oI insoluble tannate chemically, tannins are complex subtancis; they
usualy occur as mixtures oI polyphenol that are Iery diIIicult to separate since they do not
cristallized. Some autors preIers to use the term 'tanninextracts rather than 'tannins.
Recently, the use oI cromathographic methods has enabled research workers not only
toconIirm the complicated nature oI tannin extracts but also to identiIy the simple
polyphenols present in small amounts in such mixtures. Determination oI the later is
important because complex tannin are generally considered to have arisen Irom simple
polyphenols by polymerization many candensed tannin have never been isolated or
characterized; thus their biogenetic development is not positively known.
Although some tannin my aperar to be glycosidic in nature, the mayority probably are
not. When hydrolyzed, they yield realtively simple polyhidric phenol (1) gallic acid,
whch is broken down to pyrogallol. (2) protocatecchuic acid, which is broken down to
catechol, (3) ellagic acid and other phenols. The phenolic groups oI the tannin are
responsible Ior their astringent and antiseptic action as well as their coloration with iron
The classiIication oI tannin is based upon colors obtained wth iron salts demonstration
have shown that in the presence oI catechol with is two adjacent phenolic groups, a green
color is obtained with Ierric iron, and in the presence oI pyrogallol with its three
adjacentphenolic groups, a blue color. In practice however where tannin oI both types
may be present in the same plant extract, the one present inthe larges amount will mask
the one present in the lesser amount. Then too, tannin oI the ellagic acid type, which
contain pyrogallol nuclei, may prodece a green coloration because two adjacent phenolic
groups are present on each side oI the molecule. The usual classiIication oI tannin is as
CaLhecol (procaLechol) Lannlns or plobaLannlns show Lhe followlng characLerlsLlcs
a Jhen heaLed Lhey yleld caLechol
b Jhen bolled wlLh PCL Lhey yleld ln solubly red phlobaphenes
c @hey from a green color wlLh leCl3 @
d @hey form a preclplLaLe wlLh bromlne @
xamples oI catechol tannin are kinotanic acid in kino, and catechutannic acid in gambir
and catechu.
9yrogalllLannlns show Lhese characLerlsLlcs
a Jhen heaLed Lhey yleld pyrogallol
b Jhen bolled wlLh PCL Lhey yleld galllc acld or ellaglc acld
c @hey form a blue color wlLh leCl3@
d @hey do noL form a preclplLaLe wlLh bromlne @
xamples oI pyrogallotannins are gallotannin in nutgal, and ellagintannin in oak bark and
pomegranate bark.
Because oI their cmplex cemical nature, little inIormation is available regarding the
biosyntesis oI tannin per sehowever biochemical pathways leading to various individual
components oI the tannin are known. For exmple, gallic acid, a typical hydrolysis product
oI the hydrolizable tannn, is thought too derive Irom shikimic acid be twodiIerent
patways. In certain microorganisme, 5-dehydroshikimic acid apparently under gouse
dheydrogenation to yield gallic acid (Fig. 4-1). Limitied studies on the biosynthesis oI
gallic acid with rhus typhina and other species tend to conIirm this pathway as primary in
higher plants. However an alternate pathway which is apparently oI lesser importantce
operative in some plants, including rhus typhina, and involves beta-oksidation oI various
phenylpropanoid precursors (Fig. 4-2).
Biosynthesis oI catechin, a Ilavan-3-ol derivative oI the type long considered to be the
phenolic precursors oI condensed tannins, probably results Irom a combination oI the
acetate and the shikimic acid (phenylpropanoid) pathways (Fig 4-3). This biosynthetic
route has been Iound to be characteristic Ior all Ilavonoids oI this type which have been
Such simple polyphenol and Ilavonoid units, together with other closely realated
compounds and sugars, apparently undergo various condesation and polymerization
reactions to produce the complex tannin molecules. Although several hypotheses have
been advanced to account Ior their Iormation, the biosynthesis oI a complete tannin has
not yet been acieved exprimentally. Available evidence indicates that tannins are
probably not translocated
kombatan di pabrik melainkan terbentuk dan akumulatiI di situ dari prekursor translokasi
oleh sistem enzim local enzim sistem
.ate.4 tannins
Hamameis wit. aze daun daun
di daun kering dari hamamelis virginiana Linne (Iam hamamelidaceae)
adalah dari hama yunani berarti pada saat yang sama dan Melis artinya buah: virginiana
menunjukkan bahwa tanaman ini ditemukan di Virginia meskipun rentang habitat yang
sebenarnya dari brunswick baru ke Minnesota dan meluas ke selatan sampai Florida dan
Texas. tanaman adalah pohon semak atau kecil mencapai ketinggian 8 meter ditemukan
khususnya di rendah, hutan lembap bunga-bunga melihat ara 4-4 muncul ion jatuh pada
saat yang sama sebagai peirod pematangan buah dari tahun sebelumnya. daun
dikumpulkan througthout musim panas dan dikeringkan di udara terbuka. sebaiknya di
bawah naungan untuk mempertahankan warna hijau, pasokan komersial berasal dari
daerah pegunungan bukit biru, chyeIly dari virgina, utara Carolina, dan Tennessee.
rebusan atau inIus daun witch hazel telah digunakan umum sejak zaman koloni awal
yang learnedoI obat dari indians amerikakonstituen daun hamamelis berisi
hamamelitannin dan secoundtannin yang tampaknya diturunkan dari asam galat, sebuah
gula heksosa, minyak avolatile prinsip pahit, asam galat dan kalsium oksalat daun
hamamelis memiliki siIat zat dan hemostatik
crameris atau rhatany adalah akar kering dari krameria triandra Ruiz et Pavon, yang
dikenal dalam perdagangan sebagai rhatany Peru; atau krameria argentea Martius, tahu di
comerce sebagai Pera atau rhatany brazilian (Iam Leguminosae) krameria dinamai untuk
menghormati JGH dan WH Kramer, dua abad kedelapan belas botanis jerman; rriandra
adalah latin, yang berarti tiga benang sari, dan argentea mengacu dari penampilan daun
krameria berisi 8 sampai 20 asam tanin krameric, pati, sebuah gula uncrystalizable, dan
kalsium oksalat, tanin adalah phlobatannin dan membentuk phlobaphene, krameria-
merah; pada dekomposisi lanjut ia menghasilkan asam phloroglucin dan protocatechuic.
krameris adalah zat
daun kastanye terdiri dari daun kering dari Castanea dentata (marshall) brockhausen
berangan meninggalkan mengandung 9 dari whish asam tannic hijau diwarnai dengan
garam besi, dan musilago yang tidak larut dalam alkohol. mereka digunakan sebagai
kino adalah jus dikeringkan diperoleh dari bagasi pterocarpus marsupium roxsbrugh (Iam
Leguminosae) pterocarpus nama dalam yunani dan menandakan carpel bersayap atau
marsupium buah latin, artinya tas atau kantong dan mengacu pada bentuk buah; kino
adalah nama asli yang diberikan obat oleh suku Mandingo barat AIrica
tanaman adalah pohon kayu besar yang tumbuh di tengah dan timur India dan Sri Langka
genus didistribusikan secara luas atas bumi, dan astringent drugs dari ruang-ruang, serta
dari tanaman lain yang tidak bahkan jauh terkait dengan pterocarpus, telah datang untuk
diketahui dengan nama kino
Iloem mengandung sel-sel sekretori dengan cairan merah yang memancarkan zat bentuk
permukaan ketika kulit adalah injuried. sayatan vertikal dipotong menjadi kulit yang
berakhir pada akhir mereka lebih rendah menjadi incisionIrom miring yang jus
dikumpulkan dalam cangkir. jus ini dikeringkan dalam panci dangkal di matahari obat
dikirim dari bombay, bahwa bentuk madras dikirimkan tahu sebagai Malabar atau timur
indian kino. obat-obatan telah digunakan sebagai astringen di India selama berabad-abad
kino mengandung asam tannic, 30 sampai 80; kinoin 1,5; katekol (pyrocachin) kino-
merah; galat asam; resin, karet, pectine, dan enzim oksidase. memiliki siIat zat gambir
atau pucat catechu adalah dikeringkan. ekstrak air dibuat dari daun dan ranting uncaria
gambir (hunter) roxbrugh (Iam Rubiaceae). Gambir adalah nama Malayan asli tanaman.
gambir adalah zat, tetapi juga telah digunakan dalam penyamakan dan sebagai tajam

ceanothus, new jersey tea, or red root consists oI the dried bark oI the root oI ceanothus
americanus linne (Iam. Rhamnaceae), a branching shrub, up to 1 meter high, oI the
eastern and central united states and canada. The plant has been used as an astringent Ior
many years. During therevolutionary war the leaves served as a subtitute Ior tea. The
drug has been shown to possess marked blood-cogulative powers when administered by

Ceanothus contains tannin (10) phlobaphenes. Resin and oil; the blood cogulating
substances consist oI a mixture oI acids: succinic, and pyrophosphoric. The drug is
considerred to be a hemostatic and a blood coagulant.


Nutgall is the excrescence obtained Irom the young twigs oI quercus inIectoria olivier
and allied species oI quercus (Iam.Iagenceae). the galls are obtained principally Irom
aleppo in asiatic turkey.
The excrescence (gall) is due to the puncture oI a hymenopterous insect, cynips inctoria,
and the presece oI the deposited ovum. There re several stages in the development oI the
gall corresponding to the development oI the insect:
Jhen Lhe larva beglns Lo develop and Lhe gall Lo enlarge Lhe cells of Lhe ouLer and
cenLral zones conLaln numerus small sLarch grlns
Jhen Lhe chrysalls sLage ls reached Lhe sLarch near Lhe mlddle of Lhe gall ls replaced ln
parL by galllc acld buL Lhe perlpheral and cenLral cells conLaln masses of Lannlc acld
3 s Lhe wlnged lnsecL ls developed nearly all of Lhe cells conLaln masses of Lannlc wlLh a
sllghL amounL of adherlng galllc acld
4 Jhen Lhe lnsecL emerges from Lhe gall a hole Lo Lhe cenLral cavlLy ls formed @hus Lhe
Lannlc acld due Lo Lhe presence of molsLure and alr may be oxldlzed ln parL lnLo an
lnsoluble producL and Lhe gall becomes more porous consLlLuLlng Lhe socalled whlLe
gall of commerce
The technical and medicinal use oI galls was known to the ancient greeks(450 b.c). ever
since the cruusades, great quantities oI them have been exported Irom asia minor
CONTITUNTS. The principal constituent is tannic acid which is Iound to the extent oI
50 to 70; the drug also contains gallic acid, 2 to 4; ellagic acid; starch; and resin.
Nutgall, the chieI source og tannicacid, is used in the tanning and dyeing industry and,
Iormerly, in the manuIacture oI ink. Medicinally , it has astringent properties.
ALLID PRODUCTS. Japanesc and chinese galls are Iormed on rhus chinensis mill.
(Iam. Anacariaceae) owing to the stings oI certain plant lice (aphis). These galls are rich
in tannin and, as they contain less coloring matter than the oak galls, re used in the
manuIacture oI gallic acid.
Tannic Acid, Gallotannic Acid, or Tannin is a tanin usually obtained Irom nutgall. The
powdered galls are extracted with a mixture og ether, alcohol, and water; the liquid
separates into two layers, the aqueous layer containing gallotannin and the ethereal layer
the Iree gallic acid present in the gall. AIter separation the solution oI gallotannin is
evaporated, the tannin being puriIied in various ways.
COMPOSITION. tannic acid is not single Homogeneous compound but a mixture oI
esters oI gallic acid with glucose, the exact Composition oI which varies according to
The source Irom Chinese galls analyzes entirely As octa- or nonagalloylglucose and
yields, On hydrolysis, methyl gallate and 1,2,3,4,6-pentagalloyllllglucose. This is in
Comparison to turkish tannin which is a Mixture oI hexa-or heptagalloylglucoses And
which hydrolyzes to Irom methyl Gallate and a mixture oI 1,2,3,6,- and 1,3,4,6
tetragalloylglucose. Both types oI Tannic acid yield, on milder treatment, Methyl m-
digallate, indicating the presence OI an m- trigalloyl group in each.
DSCRIPTION. Tannic acid appears as anamorphous powder, Glistening scales,or
spongy masses,light brown to yellowish white; Odor, Iaint; taste, strongly astringent.
Tannic acid is soluble in water, alcohol, and acetone, And insoluble in ether, chloroIrom,
and benzin.
Uses AND Dose. Tannic acid is an astringent. It was Iormerly used in the treatment oI
burns, but this application has been discontinued, and its topical use is now restricted to
the treatment oI bed sores, minor ulcerations, and the like. As analkaloidal precipitant, it
has been employed in cases oI alkaloidal poisoning.
PROPRITARY PRODUCT. Amertan contains tannic acid as an ingredient.
Gallic Acid is 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid, crystallizing with one molecule oI water. It
occurs in nutgall; in addition, it may be prepared Irom tannic acid by hydrolysis with
dilute acids.
Rose, Red Rose, French Rose, or Rosa Gallica is deIined as the dried petals oI Rosa
gallica linne (Iam. Rosaceae), collected just beIore the expansion oI the Ilowers. The
generic name, Rosa, is the ancient Latin name Ior therose; gallica means 'oI or pertaining
to gaul,now Irance. The plant is a shrub indigenous to southern urope and probably
western Asia and extensively cultivated in all parts oI the world. The petals are obtained
Irom cultivated plants beIore the expansion oI the Ilower, the lower clawed portion
usually being removed. The chieI supply oI the drug is obtained Irom southern Irance
CONSTITUNTS. The drug contains tannic and gallic acids, a yellow crystalline
rahmnoside (quercitrin) which yields quercetin and rhamnose. (NOT: Rose oil is a
volatile oil obtained Irom the Iresh Ilowers oI Rosa gallica and other species, see p. 146.)
Rose is used as a mild astringent.
The Iruits oI Rosa canina Linne and other species oI the genus Rosa represent a rich
source oI natural vitamin C.

BernIeld, p..ed.:biogenesis oI natural compounds, 2nd ed.. new york, pergamon press,
Inc..1967.burton. D..and nursten, H..: In the chemistry oI vegetable tannins, symposium
soc. Leather trades chemists,croydon, 1956.

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