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(huv/4c/alOff'"...hQUw.A,,'.S.N.B.IWI. .. 1'.21.l.Ll) FORMI



OtNONClAllON /0"._8 opp/i.:'fM. -lIIIJooello... L.N..s.d. 1981. cbop. P-12.1, Z) art. FORM\JLEI



Thi$ b the intormlilion of Luc Mazerollc, HeaI1h and Safety Officer for the Workplaco Heahb, Safety and Compen5ation CoIIUDission, acting for and on behalfof Her M,jesty, Thc Queen.

Lcs pr6$~te$ constituent la dtnoncialion de Luc Mazerolle, agent de I'hy~tnc cI de la 56curite du ColllJIlission de ]a ~te. de ]a 56curit6 el de

l'indel!Ulisaliondes aIX:id~ts au trlivail. agissantau nom ou pour Ie

compte de sa Maje5t6, 1&Rein..

The informant says that: he has reasonable and probablegroundsto bc1ieve doesbelievcthat: and

denonciataJr d~1ate quc: il a des motifs probables el raisonnables de

croirect oroit que:

DENIS MORIN: I. between July I, 2009 and JanllatY 5, 2011, both dates inclusive, at or ncar the Town of Grand Falls in the Provill<:e of New Brunswick, being an employer, did \DI1awfulIyfail to comply with subsection 9(I)(a) of the Oct:"upalional Health and Solely A~t, to wit: did fail to Takeall reasonableprecalltions to ensurethe health and safety of employees by pennitting the use of a tool, namely an Elcctrolux Floor Polisher, for II pwpose for which it was not intended, thereby committing an offence contrary to and in violation of subsection 47(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of the Province of New Brunswick and amendments thereto. 2. betw~en October I, 2010 and JanllatY 5, 2011, both dates inclusiv~, at or near the Town of Grand Falls in the Province of New Brunswic.)l:, being an employer, did unlawfully fail to comply with subsection 9(1)(8) of the Occupational Health and Safely Act. to wit: did fail to take all reasonableprecautions to ensure the health and safety of employees by permitting the use of a faulty extension cord in an area of the store commonly known as the "Tire and Lube Express," or "TLE," thereby committing an offence contrary to and in violation of subsection 47(1) of the Occupational Health and Safely Act of the Province of New Brunswick and am~ndmentsthereto. 3. between Novei1lber 1,2010 and January 5, 201), bodl dat~ inclusive, at or near die Town of Grand Falls in the Province of New BrWl$wick, being an employer, did unlawfully fuiI to co~ply with subsection 9(2)(b) of the Occupational Heath and Safety Act, to wit; did fail to acquaint an employee with any hamrds in connection with the use of a tool or machine, namely an ElectrIIlux Floor Polisher, in an area of the store commonly known as the "Tire and Lube Expres5," or "TLE," thereby committing an offence contrary to and in violation of sub5ection 47(1) oCthe Occupational Health and Safety Act of the Province of New BrWl5wick and amendmentsthereto.

DENIS MORIN; 1. ,EtaDt1m employeur. entre Ie I" juillet 2009 et Ie 5 janvier 2011, C\lSdeux dates comprises, ~ ou pr6s de la Ville de GrandSault. dans la province du Nouveau-Brunswick, a omis de se conformer a l'alinea 9(1)a) de la Lot Sur l'hygiene er fa securite au Travail, c'est-a-dire : a omis de prendre tOlneSlei precautioDS raisonnables pOur proteger la sante et la securite des salaries en permettant I'utilisation d'un outil, soit une polisseuse a plancher Elec1rolux, pour un usage auquel il n'6lait pas destine, commettant ainsi une infi'action et contrevenant au paragrapbe 47(1) de ladite Loj de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick et de sesmodifications.

2. Etantun employeur, entreIe I"' octobrc2010 et Ie 5 janvier

2011, ccs deux dates comprises, a Oil pres de la Ville de GrandSault, daDSla province du Nouveau-Bmnswick, II omis de se conformer ~ Palin6a 9(1)a) de Ia Loi 3U1' 'hygiene er fa securite I au Travail, c'est-a-dire : a omis de prendre routes les precautions raisonnables pour proteger la sante et la s~te des salaries en permettant ('utilisation d'une ralionge defectueuse dans 1mendroit du magasin communementappele Ie garage, co=ettant ainsi une infioactionet coQtl'evenant paragraphe47(1) de ladite Lot au de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick et de sesmodifications.

3. Etant un employetlr. entreIc I"' novembre et Ie 5 janvier 2010 20 II, ccs deux dates comprises, a ou pres de la Villc de GrandSault, dans Ia provincc du Nouveau-Brunswick, a omis de se conformer a l'aJin6a 9(2)b) de la Loi Sur I'hygiene et LaseCll/'ite au travail, c'est-a-dire : a omis d'informer un slllari6 des dangers relativement a I'usage d'un outil ou d'une machine, soit unc polisscuse A planchet Electrolux, daIi-' un cndroit du magasin commun6lIient appele Ie garage, commettant ainsi une inftaction et contreventmtau paragraphe47(1) de ladite Lai de Ia province du Nouveau-Brunswick et de sesmodifications.

Sworn 10 (or Solemnly affLrmc:d) bc:forc:llic: at Grand Fall..New

I'ait ~OU~ ~erment (0" Affirme ~o[ennellemenl) devaIIlmoi a

Brunswick. this


. Nouvc:au-BrullSwick







#~-_./~~- ~ ~ -';~ Qflh~~;C~ ~UI't

e~~~ ~__:_IJuge~~ 18Courprovincial. de

10/19 ~d







INFOl(MA TION (Pro.lII,to!Off Pr..odk,. Act, S.N.s.1917, c.P.22.1,..2) FORM)

DENONCIATIO~ (lAls., /a_tlt.'6 opPIWbk"Klhj,.odolU P,Q"'-tI... LN..B. do19i1.dilp. P.ZZ.l..rt~) FORMULE I



Seeattached Appendix' A .

Voirattacheanne:le 'At

Siglll'd Swom to (or $olemnJy affirmed)beforemc at nrand Fall. ~dayof~ember ,New Brnnswick,this 2011

,r '~--ur--= Fait sous serment (0" Affinne solcnneilcment) devalJl moi a

Ie -

Grsncl.!;.,lIlt 6 d.cemb~

Nouveau-Bnmswick 201]




I\O~d Sll\t ~9




~endiX 'A' I Annexe A


Wal-Mart Canada Corp., ope ting as Wal-Mart Canada Corp., faisant affaire WKI.Mart Stores, Inc. and Wal art B.C. sous Ie nom de WaJ~Mart Stores, Inc. et Holdings 2 ULC: Walmart B.C. Holdings 2 ULC : I. between July I, 2009 and Ja1uary 5, 2011, both dates inclusiye, at or near the Town of Grand Falls in the Pro' ce of New BrWlSwick, being an empl yer, did unlawfully fail to comply with s section 9(1)(a) of the Occupational He /th and Safety Act, to wit: did fail to e all reasonable precautionsto ensure e health and safety of employeesby permi . g the use of a tool, namely an Electrol Floor Polisher,for a purposefor which it was not intended, thereby committing an offence contrary to and in violation of s section 47(1) of the Occupational He ih and Safe!)! Act of the Province' New Brunswick and amendments theret' 2. betweenOctober 1,2010 and J uary 5, 2011, both dates inclusive, at or ear the Town of Grand Falls in the Pro ince of New Brunswick, being an emplo er, did w1lawfully fail to comply with N section 9(1)(a) of the Oc,-upational He th and Safe!)! Act, to wit: did fail to e all reasonable precautionsto ensw-e health and safety of employeesby penni ing the use of a faulty extensioncord in areaof the storecommonly known as the" ire and Lube Express," or "TLE," thereby committing an offence contrary to and in violation of subsection 47(1) of the Occupational Health and SafetyAI' ' of the Province of New BrW1Swicl

1. Etant un empfoyeur,entre Ie l"r juillet 2009 et Ie 5 janvier 2011, ces deux dates comprises,a ou pres de la Ville de GrandSault, dans la province du NouveauBrunswick, a omis de se conformer a l'alinea 9(1)a) de la Loi SUI' i'hygiene et fa securite'au travail, c'est-a-dire : a omis de prendretoutes les precautionsraisonnables pour proteger fa sante et la securite des salaries en permettant l'utilisation d'un Dutil, soit une polisseuse a plancher efectroluX, po]J! un usageauquef i1 n' etait pas 'destine, commettant ainsi une i~tio~ et contrevenant au paragraphe 47(1) de ladite Loi de la province du Nouveau-Brunswicket de ses modifications.

2. Etant un employeur,entre Ie lor octobrc 2010 et Ie 5 janvier 2011, ces deux dates comprises,a ou pres de Ii1Ville de GrandSault, dans la province du NouveauBrunswick, a omis de se conforn1er a l'alwea 9(1)a) de la Loi sur I 'hygieneet La securite au travail, c'est-a-dire : a omis de prendretoutes les precautionstaisonnables pour proteger la sante et la secunte des salaries en permettant l'utilisation d'une rallonge defectueusedans un endroit du magasin communement appele Ie garage commettantainsi une infraction , et contrevenant au paragraphe 47(1) de ladite L()i de la province du Nouveauand Brunswick et de sesmodifications.

3. bevween Jttiy 1, 2009 and Jaduary 5, 3. Etant un employeur,entre Ie 1'" juillet 2011, both datesinclusive,at or nearthe 2009 et Ie 5 janvier 2011, ces deux dates Town of Grand Falls in the Province Qf comprises,a QUpres de la Ville de GrandNew Brunswick, being an employer. did Sault, dans la province du Nouveauunlawfully t'ail to comply with subsection BfWlswick, a omis de se conformer a 9(1)(c) of the Occupational Health and l'alinea9(I)c) de la Lol sur i'hygiene ef ia Safety Act, to wit: did fail to ensurethat secwjte au travail, c'est-a-dire : a omis de employees comply with the Act '~d veiller a.c.eque les salariesse cont'ornlaient , Regulationsby failing to ensureemployees a la Loj et aux reglen1ents omettant de en complied with the requirements tool use s'assurer qu'ils respectaientIes exlgences for in clauses82(2)(a), (b), (c) and (e) of the relatives a I'utilisation d'outils General Regulation (91-191), thereby conformementaux aIineas82(2)a), b), c) et coIIWitting an offence contrary to and in e) du Regiement general 91-191, violation of subsection 47(1) of the commettant ainsi Wle infraction et OccupationalHealth and SafetyAct of the contrevenant paragraphe au 47(1) de ladite Province of New Brunswick and Lo; de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick amendments thereto. et de sesmodifications.

Appcndix 'A' I Anne", 'A'








4. between July 1, 2009 and January 5, 2011, both dates inclusive, at or near the Town of Grand Falls in the Province of New Brunswick, being an employer, did wllawfully fail to comply with subsection 9(2)(a.l) of the Occupational Health and Safety to wit: did fail to ensure that the Act, place of employment, namely the area of the storecommoI1ly known as the "Tire and LubeExpress," "TLE," was inspectedby or the employer at least once a month to identify any risks to the health and safety of the employees,thereby committing an offence contrary to and ill violation of subsection 47(1) of the Occtlpational Health and Safety Act of the Province of New Brunswick and amendments thereto.

4. Erant un employeur, entre Ie 1~r juillet

2009 et Ie 5 janvier 2011, ces deux dates comprises, a ou pres de La Ville de GrandSault. dans la province du NolweauBrunswick, a omis de se conformer a l'alinea 9(2)a.l) de la Loi sur I'hygiene et la securite au travail, c'est-a-dire : a omis de s'assurer qu'un lieu de travail, soit l'endroit du magasin communement appele Ie garage II, etait inspecte par l' employeur au moins une fois par mois pour y reperer tout risque pour la sante et la securite des salaries, commettant ainsi une infraction et contrevenant au paragraphe 47(1) de ladite Loi de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick et de ses modifications. '. .

5. between July I, 2009 and Jan~

5, 5. 'Etant ~ employeuret proprietaired'un

outil, ~tre lel!!1 juillet 2009 et le 5 janvier 2011, ces deux dates comprises,a.ou pres de li YUle de Grand-Sault, dansla province du . Nouveau-BrunsWick, a omis de se

i i

confonner aux alineas 80a) et b) du Reglemerngeneral 91-191 etabli en vertu de la Lo; sur I'hygiene et la ,s'ecurite au travail, c'est-a~dire: a oris de s'assurer qu'un outi1, soit une polisseusea p1ancher Electrolux, est examine avant qu'on ne l'utilise et repareou remplaceau besoin et ! maintenu en bon etat de fonctionnement, offence contrary and in violationof commettant ainsi une infraction et to 47(1) de Iadite subsection47(1) of the Occupationalcontrevenantau paragraphe Health and Safety Act of the Province of Loi de Ia province du Nouveau-Brunswick N"w Brunswick and amendments thereto. et de sesmodifications.


2011, both dates inclusive, at or near the Town of Grand Falls in the Province of New Brunswick, being an employerand an owner of a tool, did unlawfully fail to comply with subsections80(a) and (b) of the General Regulation (91-191) Wlderthe OccupationalHealth and SafetyAct, to wit: did fail to ensure that a tool, namely an Elcctrolux Floor Polisher, was inspected before use and repaired or replaced if necessaryand was maintained in proper working condition, thereby conunitting an

juillet 6. betWeenJuly 1, 2009 and January 5, 6. EtantUIi employeur,entre Ie 101 2011, both dates inclusive, at or near the 2009 et Ie 5 janvier 2011, ces deux dates Town of Grand Falls in the Province of comprises,a ou pres de la Ville de GrandNew Brunswick, being an employer;,did Sault, dans la province du Nouveauunlawfully fail to comply with subsection Brunswick, a oris de se contormet' a. general 91-191 81(b) of the General Regulation (91-191) l'aJinea SIb) du Regfemenr under the Occupational Health and Safely etabli en vertu de la L(Ji sur I 'hygieneet fa Act, to wit: did fail to ensure that securife au travail, c'est.a.-dire: a omis de employeeswere instructed to use a tool, s'assurerque les salariesetaiententrainesa namely an Electrolux Floor Polisher, only utiliser un Dutil, soit tine polisseuse a for the specific purpose for which it was plancher EIeCtrolux, aux seules fins pour designed, thereby committing an offenCe lesqueUes a ete con9u, commettantainsi il contrary to and in violation of subsection tine infrRction et contrevenant au 47(1) of the Occupational Health aiid paragraphe 47(1) de ladite Loi de la Safety Act of the Province of New prQYiilcedu Nouveau-BrunsWick de ses et Brunswick and amendments thereto. : mpdifications.

Appcndi" 'A'r AllOt". 'A' 2



l~no:) ~


GLE, :Lpgeg



7. between July 1, 2009 and January 5, 2011, both dates inclusive, at or near the Town of Grand Falls in the Province of New Brunswick, being an employer, did unlawfully fail to comply witll clause 83(b)(ii) of tIle General Regulation (91~ 191) under ti1e Occupational Health and SafetyAcr, to wit: did fail to ensurethat an electric power operatedhand tool, namely an Electrolux Floor Polisher, is tested for the effectiveness the doubleinsulation or of bonding to ground before each use by a continuity tester or ground fault circuit interrupter, thereby committing an offence contrary to and in violation of subsection 47(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of the Province of New Brunswick and amendments thereto.

7. Etant un emp1oyeur, entre le 1erjui11et 2009 et le 5 janvier 2011, ces deux dates comprises,a ou pres de la Ville de GrandSault, dans la province du NouveauBrunswick, a omis de se conformer au sous.alinea 83b)(ii) du R~glement general 91-191etabli en vertu de la Loi sur l'hygiene et Lasecurite au travail, c'est-adire: a omis de s'assurer qu'un outil a main electrique. soit une polisseuse a planchet Electrolux, etait vCrifie avant chaqueusageen ce qui concemesa double isolation ou sa mise a la terre au moyen d'1.1n appareil de controle de la continuite ou d'un disjoncteur de fuite. commettant ainsi une infraction et contrevenant au paragraphe 47(1) de ladite Loi de la province du Nouveau-Brunswicket de ses modificatio~. 8. Etant Un employeur, entre le 1er octobre

8. betweenOctober 1, 2010 and JanuarY 5, 2011, both dates inclusive, at or near tile 2010 et Ie 5 janvier 2011, ces deux dates Town of Grand Falls in the Province of c~mprises,a ~u pres de la Ville de GrandNew Brunswick, being an employer, did ~ault, dans la province du Nouveauunlawfully fail to comply with sections Bronswick, a oinis de se conformer au du Reglement 287.2 of the General Regula/ion (91-191) paragraphe 287.2 under the Occupational Health and Safety general 91-191etabli en vertu de la Loi sur Act, to wit: did fail to ensurethat electrical "hygiene ef la securite au travail, c'est-aequipment is suitablefor its use and that it dire : a omis de s'assurerque I'equipement is maintained and modified in accordance electrique emit approprie a son usage et etait entretenu et modifi6 with ti1e manufacturer's specifications by qu'il permitting the use of a faulty extension conformement aux specifications du cord in an area of the store commonly fabricant en permettant l'utilisation d'une known as the "Tire and Lube Express," or rallonge d6fectueuse dans l'endroit du "TLE," thereby committing an offence magasin communement appel6 le contrary to and in violation of subsection garage, commettantainsi une infraction 47(1) of the Occupational Health and et contrevenant au paragraphe47(1) de Safety Act of the Province of New ladite Loj de la province du NouveauBrunswick et de sosmodifications. Brunswick and amendments thereto.

Appendix 'A' I AJlncxe"A' 3






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