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Pellets of Some Mollusks in the Biogeochemical Flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al. S. A. Ostroumov, M. P.

by: S. A. Ostroumov, M. P. Kolesnikov; Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 379, No. 1. (1 July 2001), pp. 378-381. doi:10.1023/A:1011620817764 Key: citeulike:10105424 View FULL TEXT ONLINE FREE:;; ABSTRACT: Pellets of some mollusks in the biogeochemical flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al. Ostroumov SA, Kolesnikov MP. Dokl Biol Sci. 2001; 379: 378-381. PMID: 12918380 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Pellets of some mollusks in the biogeochemical flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001. Vol. 379, P. 378-381. Bibliogr. 12 refs. [Authors: S.A.Ostroumov, Kolesnikov M.P.] (Translated from: DAN 2001. Vol. 379. No. 3. P. 426-429). ISSN 0012-4966. Distributed by Springer, DOI 10.1023/A:1011620817764; DOI 10.1023/A:1011620817764;;; biogeochemical_flows_of_C_N_P_Si_and_Al; ABSTRACT: The author obtained new data on coupling of geochemical and ecological (hydrobiological) processes. The role of freshwater mollusks Lymnaea stagnalis in the flows of chemical elements in the biosphere was studied by detecting the elemental composition and amount of pellets produced by the mollusks. For the first time, the following was quantitatively studied: the elemental composition (C, N, P, Si, Al) of pellets formed by mollusks Lymnaea stagnalis feeding on the leaves of higher plants Nuphar lutea and Taraxacum officinale; the amount (wet weight, dry weight) of pellets formed by L. stagnalis feeding on the leaves of N. lutea and T. officinale; the transfer of matter and chemical elements (C, N, P, Si, Al) with pellets of freshwater bivalves (unionids Unio sp., etc.) per unit biomass of mollusks and per unit area of the ecosystem of the river; the transfer of matter and chemical elements (C, N, P, Si, Al) with pellets of L. stagnalis per unit biomass of mollusks and per unit area of the ecosystem of the pond. Synthetic surfactants D 2 mg/l, SDS 1-2 mg/l, detergent Tide-Lemon 75 mg/l inhibited the trophic activity of L. stagnalis. Percents of food assimilability of taxons of invertebrates, from Rotatoria (48-80) to Diptera (1-31) ** CONCLUSIONS. 1.It is the first time that the role of freshwater molluscs was quantitatively measured in terms of how much of the major chemical elements they transport toward the bottom of aquatic system in the form of pellets, i.e. it is the first time that the biogeochemical flows of the chemical elements were measured. 2. It is the first time it was discovered and proved that some chemical pollutants (e.g. synthetic detergents and surfactants) have the capacity to inhibit (decrease) those natural biogeochemical flows. ** FULL TEXT ONLINE FREE:;; ** KEY WORDS: water, tide, tdtma, sustainable, sustainability, surfactants, supply, stagnalis, si, service, self-purification, sds, safety, resources, remediation, rate, quality, pollution, pellets, p, ostroumov, organisms, new, n, lymnaea, laundry, innovation, improving, hydrobionts, freshwater, flows, filter-feeders, feeding,

environmental, elements, ecosystem, discovery, detergent, chemical, c, bivalves, biota, biogeochemical, aquatic, al, silicon, role, phosphorus, nitrogen, molluscs, hydrobiology, ecosystems, carbon, biogeochemistry, aquatic, aluminium,

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