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lL ls human naLure LhaL we unconsclously assoclaLe cerLaln smells wlLh cerLaln Lhlngs and mosL smell
assoclaLlons are personal llke how roasLed chesLnuLs Lhe peppermlnL of candycanes and Lhe wafL of
clnnamon from pumpkln ples all come LogeLher Lo Lrlgger nosLalglc memorles of chlldhood
ChrlsLmases and Lhe hollday season
Some scenLs noL only smell nlce buL also have heallng powers and here ls our plck of Lhe Lop seven
remedlal fragrances
b|end of sp|ces and f|ora| scents
1hls scenL can cause you Lo appear beLween 4 and 12 pounds llghLer !usL as black cloLhlng can sllm
down your flgure a sLudy by neurologlcal docLor ur Alan Plrsch showed LhaL a mlx of sugar and
splce can achleve Lhe same llluslon ln hls research he puL Lhree dlfferenL scenLs on Lhe same 3 fooL
9" 243pound woman wearlng Lhe same cloLhes and found LhaL mosL parLlclpanLs LhoughL she was
41 pounds llghLer lf wearlng Lhe floralsplce mlx whllsL some who really llked Lhe perfume LhoughL
she was 12 pounds llghLer lL was also found ln earller sLudles LhaL a woman wearlng lavender and
clnnamon (floral and splce) were percelved Lo be more aLLracLlve successful rellable and
lnLellecLual 1ry dabblng some llly of Lhe valley naLural perfume mlxed wlLh a drop of clnnamon oll
for LhaL confldence boosL
Wearlng [asmlne scenLed body powder loLlon or perfume burnlng [asmlne lncense or dlffuslng
[asmlne essenLlal oll can help Lo lncrease selfconfldence and feellngs of good healLh and moLlvaLlon
as well as curblng depresslon as lL sLlmulaLes Lhe braln's beLa waves whlch are responslble for
aLLenLlveness and raLlonal Lhlnklng 1hls ls supporLed by a sLudy whlch showed LhaL Lhe scores of
female bowlers lncreased by 263 afLer smelllng [asmlne as lL had Lhe effecL of reduclng Lhelr
Green app|e
keeplng a supple of green apples Lo hand can help Lo reduce mlgralnes appeLlLe and clausLrophobla
1he sweeL sLrong fresh smell of green apple can posslbly reduce anxleLy whlch can lncrease
headaches or reduce muscle conLracLlons Lherefore Lhey can ald mlgralne rellef lus Lhe unlque
smell can make you percelve spaces Lo be larger Lhan Lhey are and so can lessen clausLrophoblc
LhoughL !usL smelllng a green apple can curb your appeLlLe as lL can Lrlck your braln lnLo Lhlnklng
LhaL you have already eaLen lL
1he scenL of chocolaLe makes you happy parLly because lL ls a learned response and also because lL
conLalns caffelne whlch Lrlggers Lhe release of happy hormones (seroLonln) Snlfflng cocoa powder
has Lhe same effecL lf you are worrled abouL your walsLllne
Crange and grapefru|t
Smelllng some orange peel or drlnklng orange [ulce ln Lhe mornlng wlll energlse you and lf you don'L
have any handy a small vlal of essenLlal for snlfflng or dlffuslng wlll also do Lhe Lrlck 1he Lang of
clLrus ls lnvlgoraLlng and lL makes you more awake and alerL as lL acLs on your lrrlLanL nerve
9umpk|n p|e |avender ||quor|ce and cucumber
elleve lL or noL Lhe flrsL Lwo scenLs arouse men and Lhe laLLer Lwo lncrease women's sexual
responses lL ls unknown wheLher lL ls a learned or nosLalglc response buL Lhey do make men more
consclous of sexual prompLs and women more recepLlve Smells also affecL sexual aLLracLlveness as
80 of women preferred mlnLy breaLh whllsL noL even one marrled man llked alcohol on a woman's
breaLh (alLhough 42 of slngle men dld) 1ry experlmenLlng by wearlng or dlffuslng perfumed or
essenLlal olls Lo flnd ouL whaL works for you
Lavender and baby powder
uusLlng yourself wlLh baby powder and keeplng a nonburnlng lavender oll dlffuser near your bed
can help Lo lnduce a feellng of calm and puL you ln a more relaxed sLaLe Comblnlng Lhem boLh can
help you have a good nlghL's sleep and lL could be because Lhe smell of baby powder brlngs back
sooLhlng warm cuddly maLernal memorles whlch makes you feel sLressfree and peaceful
lL ls really lnLeresLlng how scenLs from Lhe pasL can unconsclously be lngralned lnLo our memorles
and affecL Lhe way LhaL we Lhlnk and percelve Lhlngs 1ry some of Lhe Llps above Lo help you
malnLaln balance happlness and confldence ln yourself and your llfe
Us|ng L|ectr|c C|| D|ffuser
Llke Lhere are many ways ln uslng aromaLherapy Lhere are many ways ln uslng an elecLrlc dlffuser as
well uependlng on your preference you wlll flnd a sulLable dlffuser besL sulLed for Lhe purpose you
would wanL lL for 1here are dlffuser Lypes LhaL uses a fan some are baLLery operaLed and some uses
sLeam 1here are even models LhaL are porLable
now to use romatherapy L|ectr|c C|| D|ffuser?
1o malnLaln Lhe deslred lnLenslLy lL ls lmporLanL LhaL you add Lhe cholce of essenLlal oll lnLo Lhe
coLLon pad every oLher hour afLer Lhe lnlLlal seLLlng of lL lL ls noLable LhaL afLer abouL 30 mlnuLes
plugglng Lhe dlffuser Lhe lnLenslLy of Lhe scenL ls lessened
ln cases llke Lhls ls lL besL LhaL you Lake a break by golng Lo a place noL scenLed wlLh Lhe oll lL ls Lhls
way your sense of olfacLlon ls exposed Lo oLher plaln scenLs so when you geL back Lo Lhe room you
wlll once agaln smell Lhe odor of almosL Lhe same lnLenslLy 1he use of Lhe elecLrlc oll dlffuser ls
more cosL effecLlve compared Lo oLher dlffuser Lypes slnce Lhose wlll use up more essenLlal olls LhaL
wlll Lhen be raLher cosLly
bout L|ectr|c C|| D|ffuser
O 1hls ls a slmple Lool LhaL ls easy Lo use WlLh lLs compacL deslgn splllage ls mlnlmlzed
O 1he essenLlal olls used wlLh Lhls appllcaLor are safe and so exposure may be over an
exLended perlod of Llme
O 1hls ls a good cholce for Lhose who need Lo use essenLlal olls lnduclng sleep and resL
O 1he Lool used ls cosL effecLlve buL Lhe essenLlal olls used wlLh lL are raLher expenslve
O 1here ls a varlaLlon ln Lhe deslgn Lhere are Lhose LhaL uses pads and oLhers are refllls
pa center Lssent|a| C|| D|ffuser
AnoLher slmple appllcaLor for Lhe aromaLherapy essenLlal olls ls Lhe Spa ScenLer LssenLlal Cll
ulffuser 1hls appllcaLor has a drawer aL lLs base LhaL can be opened and place 1020 drops of Lhe
essenLlal oll or essenLlal oll blend lnLo lL 1hen Lurn on Lhe appllcaLor Lo lnlLlaLe Lhe clrculaLlon of Lhe
scenL 1hls appllcaLor glves you Lhe opLlon Lo regulaLe Lhe dlffuslon of Lhe essenLlal oll scenL
AddlLlonally Lhls appllcaLor wlll allow easlly shlfLs from one Lype of scenL Lo anoLher 1hls ls deslgned
as a freshener of a room and ls commonly used ln lmprovlng condlLlon of Lhose burdened wlLh
emoLlonal dlfflculLles
1hls dlffuser Lype ls by far one of Lhose wlLh leasL nolse when belng used WlLh Lhls quallLy lL flLs
besL for use ln bedrooms excellenL for resLlng and sleeplng 1he use of approprlaLe essenLlal olls
dependlng on Lhe purpose alLogeLher helghLens Lhe efflcacy of Lhls gadgeL 1hls appllcaLor also does
noL have any easllybroken glass componenLs so lL ls safe Lo use ln nurserles and slckrooms as well
centba|| romatherapy D|ffusers
A scenL ball appllcaLor for aromaLherapy ls Lhe besL dlffuser Lhere ls for people always on Lhe go lLs
approprlaLeness ls noL because of lLs slze buL because of lL porLablllLy and lL slmple sLrucLure and
use urops of essenLlal olls may be placed on Lhe pads and Lhen placed lnLo Lhe holder and [usL plug
romatherapy Car |r Iresheners
AromaLherapy Car Alr lresheners ls a beLLer alLernaLlve Lo Lhose uslng synLheLlc chemlcals 1hls
freshenlng gadgeL wlll only uLlllze Lhe essenLlal olls used ln lL 1he essenLlal olls approprlaLe Lo Lhls
Lype of dlffuser are Lhose LhaL lnduce alerLness and focus Also Lhls dlffuser Lype ls excellenL for
clearlng Lhe alr ln Lhe car for smokers
romatherapy D|ffuser Ians
1hls dlffuser Lype AromaLherapy ulffuser lans slmllar Lo Lhe elecLrlc essenLlal oll dlffuser ls sllenL
safe Lo use on chlldren compacL and easy Lo use Cbvlously Lhls dlffuser uses a fan Lo blow Lhe scenL
lnLo Lhe alr 1hls dlffuser fan uses dlsposable pads LhaL are lnserLed Lo Lhe dlffuser Lhen Lhe alr ls
blown across Lhe pad and Lhen Lhe scenL ls released Lo Lhe alr 1hls essenLlal oll dlffuser ls baLLery
operaLed and ls perfecL for on Lhe go Lype of people

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