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16/01/2009 09:56:00


16/01/2009 09:56:00

drugs and then behavior Joe , robber, first started robbing in his 20, was a good student and went to church when was younger, been in jail, been married 20 years prior, pays child support and sees his kids often, drinks often behavioral classification dependence on drugs doesnt display any of the classifications of depression Diagnosis Joe is a sociopath- something wrong with his ability to fit into society he wants to have a beer pay child support but doesnt have a job so he steals and then has to go to jail Psychopath- would be a though disorder cant treat with drugs! Greg family wants him in clinic and he doesnt, wants to make his family happy, 3 bearded men try to hurt him and whisper to him , they tell him to do bad things like steal from a store and throw things his family doesnt believe him, is medicated with haldo, got schizophrenic after high school, auditory and visual hallucinations paranoid sczhiphronia treated with antiscziophrenic drugs( like haldo) outline Drug substance that produces a physiological change in the body that is not a food or nutriant Behavior anything that an organism does that involves an action and a response to stimulation Pharmacology the study of drugs Vs pharmacy-> the packaging and supply of drugs OTC Over the counter( does not need a prescribtion)

outline 1

16/01/2009 09:56:00

Nomenclature Chemical (ex. D-alpha-methylphenylethylamine) Generic, non proprietary(ex. D-amphetamine) o Usually after 17 years Trade names, proprietary(ex. Dexadrine) o First patient holds for 17 years o Invest a lot of money to get it to market o Ex. Prozac is the trade name but the generic is much cheaper Classifications o Behavioral/clinical Most likely to get a antidepressant o Or o Pharmacodymanic or chemical Pharmco-drug Dynamic-change The drug angela most likely to get is a SSRI Its a SSRI Table 1

Behavioral/Clinical Classification Analgesics(pain killers) Antidepressants

Pharmacody Example namic G(generic name) Opioid( wor k on spinal cord etc) SSRI( lots of SSRIs) Antidopaminergic G) codeine(

Major Tranquilizers( antipsychotic s, neuroleptics lept means clasps it clasps nerves) Minor Tranquilizers(2 classes of drugs anxiolytics(combat anxiety), sedativehypnotics(sleeping pills) (alcohol)

Fluoxeti ne(G) Haloperidol(g)

Exa mple T(trade name) Vica din, Percoset, Oxicotin Proz ac Haldol

GABAergic( both classes- in enhances what GABA does in your brain) general anthestigia is gabaergic also anti-seizure medicine is a gabaergic Psychedelics(hallucinogens) Serotonergic produce or enhances the effects of serotonin

Diazepa m(g)


LSD(Chemical name)

No trade name or generic name because its not approved for medicial use

Stimulants(aka psychostimulants) most frequent use is with ADD/ADHD, weight loss, wakefulness

Dopaminerg ampheta ic produces or mine enhances the effects of dopamine



Drugs-Pharmacology Pharmacodynamics(think synapses) mechanism of action, often synaptic mechanism for behavioral effects o what does the drug do to brain synapse that allows them to communicate which makes a change pharmacokinetics( think time) distribution of drugs in the system, onset how long it takes, duration of action how long it last, time course o how long does it take for a drug to produce its affect o how much drug do you get in the blood through time pharmacotherapeutics clinically useful effects of drugs( MED Minimum effective dose) ED50,LD50 not side effects o the useful affects of drugs in medicine, to cure or improve systems (NOT SIDE EFFECTS) o MED- drug companies only care about being as effective or more effective than any other drug on the market- so the MED is the 100% o MED- what dose gives a 100% o ED50- the dose that is 50% effective toxicology toxic or harmful effects of drugs(LD50, TI=LD50/ED50) o LD50 the dose that produces the 50% effect of death o Therapuetic index(TI)= LD50/ED50 o TI=60/30=2 The number of therapeutic doses that you need to use to kill Low TI are dangerous, high TI are safe Within subject means you can study more than one condition in the same subjects Do ascending days,

Between subject means you need a new subject for measuring each condition Independent variable what you can manipulate( independently), what you can decide about What you can control( ie, what vechile your going to use, how many rats your going to use, the doses) Dependent variable the result which you cant control( you dnt no what the drug is going to do, it depends, its the result) Ie. If its actually going to affect the rats or not Floor and ceiling affects Ceiling there is a difference there but you cant measure it in an experiement because of limits o Ie. One student gets a 93, one gets a102 both get an A Floor effect there is a different but you cant measure it o One student gets a 50 one gets a 20 but they both fail pharmacology dose effect functions(potency, effectiveness) time effect functions (onset, duration of action, time course) descriptors(ED50, MED, TI, time course, half-life) synaptic mechanism of action (agonist, antagonist, major neurotransmitters)

tools of

Pharmacodynamics potency leftward and rightward positions o log plots- good when medication is more potent than others o you skip by atleast a zero -1-10-100-1000

o if the curve is further to the left more potent getting effects at lower doses o if the curve is further to the right less potent getting effects at high doses effectiveness upper and lower positions(maximum is implied) o ceiling and floor combining drugs by co-administration or pretreatment pretreatment giving one dose of a drug as a pretreatment than give all different doses of the other drug o ( ie. Giving a dose a drug C then give the doses of drug B) competitive antagonism depends how much of each drug there is ( ie. Drug B effect with 1 dose of drug C) these two drugs acting at some similar mechanism also decrease the potency of drug B and shifted its curve to the right combination of leftward shift making something more potent o ie. Alcohol and sleeping pills substitution, additivity/enhancement

pharmacokinetics- 4 things Absorption, inject, ate, in the eye drop you take, inhale where it gets stuck ( like thc from marajuna gets absorbed from your fat cells) distribution, mostly through the blood stream metabolism excretion Parental-- injection

:s.c, subcutaneous just beneath the skin i.m, intromusculear deeper injection , longer needle o gluetes i.p, introparitenel where your organs sit in your adomineal highly vascular- then distributed in the blood stream i.v intro veinus trying to find a vein for injection right into the bloodstream o Absorption and distribution typically via blood Minor absorption in stomach Major absorption in intestines Blood brain barrier Therapeutic window if your suppose to ta Other parenteral routes o i.tintrothecal-- drugs that need to get in into the central nervous system but dont pass the blood brain barrier into your spinal cord o i.c introcerebralinjection directly into the brain tissue right into the spinal cord o i.c.v intro cerebro ventricular cerebro spinal fluid( one of the two fluids in your brain ) drilling holes into the brain and trying to get the drug into the pools of cerebro spinal fluid non parenteral routes o p.o per oral ( taken by mouth) generally means you swallow it and it gets absorbed by stomach o insufflation

o inhalation o suppositories o transermal Metabolism and excertion Kidney- gets it to the urine Liverprinciple for breaking down the drug First-pass metabolism refers to Po, o The first pass through the body when taken orally is already going through metabolism and execrition the way to stop that is to not go through the stomach so getting something injected. o When you take something orally its is going to go through

first pass metabolism o Starts in stomach which minor absorption is happening then almost immediately its going to liver Drug starts out in your metabolism so that means its going straight to your liver( metabolism principally in the liver) while your getting drug in your blood stream If you take something IV almost immediately it goes straight to your bloodstream very light gets metabolized Local enzymes-> also can break down drugs- all over your body Blood brain barrier( walls of cells made of lipids)- numerous places around your brain where there are filters specialized to get things out of your brain or never allow things into your brain Keeps things that are to big out of your brain Something that keeps some things out of the brain but not otherthat depends of size, polarity etc. Clinicians are not interested in drugs that can not get through the blood brain barrier Half-lifethe time it takes for peak drug level in blood to drop by half the time it takes to reduce the max of drug in you to half Time course onset + duration

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