Anda di halaman 1dari 20

Mindanao Ceotbermal Production Field

MounL Apo ls a large solfaLarlc poLenLlally acLlve volcano ln Lhe lsland of Mlndanao hlllpplnes lL ls
locaLed beLween uavao ClLy and uavao del Sur provlnce ln 8eglon xl and CoLabaLo provlnce ln 8eglon
xll lL has an alLlLude of 2934 meLers (9694 fL) and ls Lhe hlghesL mounLaln wlLh Lhree peaks and ls
capped by a 300 meLer wlde (1600 fL) volcanlc creaLer conLalnlng a small craLer lake lLs peak overlooks
uavao ClLy 40 km (23 ml) Lo Lhe norLheasL ulgos ClLy 23 km (16 ml) Lo Lhe souLheasL and kldapawan
ClLy 20 km (12 ml) Lo Lhe wesL 1he mounLaln ls home Lo over 272 blrds specles 111 of whlch are
endemlc Lo Lhe area lL ls also home Lo one of Lhe world's largesL eagles Lhe hlllpplne Lagle whlch ls
Lhe counLry's naLlonal blrd
M|ndanao Geotherma| roduct|on I|e|d (MGI)
ML Apo ls an excellenL source of geoLhermal energy LocaLed ln 8arangay llomavls kldapawan ClLy
norLh CoLabaLo ls Lhe Mlndanao CeoLhermal roducLlon lleld wlLh a power ouLpuL of 106 MW
currenLly Lhe only power planL of lLs klnd ln Mlndanao 1he CeoLhermal roducLlon lleld ls locaLed ln
norLhwesLern flank of MounL Apo slLuaLed ln CenLral Mlndanao hlllpplnes 1he lnlLlal geoLhermal
resource only covered 82 square kllomeLers for reserved esLlmaLlon based on Lhe area accesslble for
drllllng (1razona eL al 2002)

MCl lles wlLhln Lhe waLchful eye of MounL Apo Lhe hlllpplnes hlghesL peak aL 2834 meLers aL
summlL level lL has Lwo producLlon flelds known as Mlndanao 1 CeoLhermal roducLlon lleld (M1Cl)
and Mlndanao 2 CeoLhermal roducLlon lleld (M2Cl)
1he M1Cl has lnsLalled capaclLy 32 MW and M2Cl has an lnsLalled capaclLy of 34 MW 1hls
CeoLhermal pro[ecL ls slLuaLed ln Lhe norLhwesLern flank of MounL Apo and occuples abouL 112 hecLares
ouL of Lhe 701 hecLares LoLal area deslgnaLed as geoLhermal reservaLlon
1he flelds share homogeneous resource referred as Lhe ML Apo geoLhermal reservolr 1he producLlve
secLor whlch covers more Lhan 8 km
ls a llqulddomlnaLed fracLuredconLrolled hydroLhermal sysLem
1he parenL fluld LhaL upflows wlLhln Lhe Sandawa Collapse ls closely represenLed by Lhe dlscharge fluld
of Lhe deepesL well kn38 drllled some 1600 m below sea level 1he fluld has a LemperaLure ln excess
of 300C characLerlzed by 6000 ppm u conLenL and 80 mmols/100 mols CC
lurLhe neuLrallzaLlon ls
achleved as Lhe fluld laLerally flows and boll Lhrough Lhe numerous nWSL faulLs ouL flowlng Lowards
Marlbel and kullay 1he Sandawa wells have mulLlfeed zones and dlscharge enLhalples (Pd) of Lhese
wells range from 13202700 kS/kg
1he MCl ls locaLed ln Lhe souLheasLern parL of Mlndanao hlllpplnes ower CorporaLlon ln MCl was
developed ln Lwo sLages 1he flrsL sLage Lhe Mlndanao 1 (M1C) was commlssloned lasL March 1997
1he Len producLlon wells of M1C are slLuaLed ln Lhe Marbel Corrldors and are supplylng sLeam Lo a 32
MWe power planL 1he second sLage developmenL commenced wlLh Lhe commlsslonlng of Lhe second
32 MWe doubleflash Lurblne unlL Lhe Mlndanao 2 (M2C) whlch sLarLed lLs commerclal operaLlon ln
!une 1999 1he sLeam supplled Lo Lhe planL comes from nlne producLlon wells ln Lhe Sandawa secLor
Lwo wells ls Marbel Corrldor and sLeam from Lhe secondary flash of brlne from M1C wells
Cf Lhe Len ln[ecLlon wells ln Lhe area 2 lnfleld ln[ecLlon wells are locaLed ln MaLlngaokullay area where
6 wells are used for Mlndanao 1 hoL brlne ln[ecLlon and 2 wells are for condensaLe ln[ecLlon

llqote 1 locotloo mop of tbe sbowloq tbe well ttocks ooJ mojot qeoloqlcol foolts lo tbe oteo (oftet
motlcbo et ol 2010)
8eservolr's condlLlon and characLerlsLlcs of Lhe Mlndanao roducLlon lleld (ML Apo geoLhermal
resource) are used as basls ln deflnlng Lhe model for Lhe numerlcal slmulaLlon of Lhe fleld

Geo|ogy and Strat|graphy
Marbel MaLlngao and Sandawa SecLor are of almosL Lhe same sLraLlgraphy 1he upper sequence of Lhe
older Apo volcanlc (oAvu) composed of hornblende andeslLe daclLe and pyroxene basalLlc andeslLe
lavas Luff brecclas and mlnor hyaloclaLlLes make up Lhe Lop unlL of Lhe areas sLraLlgraphy 8eneaLh
oAvu ls Lhe sequence conslsLlng of basalLlc andeslLe gradlng Lo basalL and mlnor pyroxene andeslLe
lavas and hyaloclaLlLes

llqote 2 MCll 5obsotfoce 5ttotlqtopby olooq sectloo lookloq NN (oftet lNOcuc 1994)
1emperature and ressure
1enperaLures are hlghesL aL Lhe Sandawa secLor and decrease Lowards Lhe Marbel Corrldor and
MaLlngao 8lock 1hls area ls Lhe lnferred upflow secLor of Lhe resource Lower LemperaLure were
observed aL Lhe kullay and MaLlngao ln[ecLlon wells whlch lndlcaLe ouLflow condlLlons Lowards cover
elevaLlon and enLry of cooler flulds aL depLh Some wlLh Lhe LemperaLure hlghesL pressure are
observed aL Lhe lnferred upflow area wlLhln Lhe Sandawa Collapse uecreaslng reservolr pressure are
observed Lowards Lhe ln[ecLlon secLor (MaLlngaokullay 8lock)

Plgh permeablllLy was ln producLlon are aL Lhe parLlcular Mlndanao 1
ln Lhe naLural sLaLe Lhere exlsLs a sLeam zone aL shallow levels beneaLh Lhe Sandawa Collapse LhaL
exLends above Lhe ouLflow fluld ln Lhe Marbel Corrldor 1hls Lwophase zone covers mosL of Lhe
producLlon secLors of MounL Apo
1here are Lwo numerlcal slmulaLlon sLudles prevlously conducLed ln MCl (LsberLo 1993 2002) 1he
flrsL slmulaLlon was a 2u numerlcal model made uslng Lhe slmulaLor MuLkCn and was compleLed ln
CcLober 1993 1he second sLudy used a 3u model conslsLlng of 1122 blocks lL was compleLed ln 2002
and employed 1L18Au 1hough boLh numerlcal and model gave a reasonable maLch Lo acLual fleld
condlLlon Lhey were noL able Lo clearly deflne Lhe ln[ecLlon effecLs Lo some producLlon well and dld noL
lnclude addlLlonal areas for expanslon
ydro|og|ca| I|ow Mode|

llqote J llqote sbowloq tbe cooceptool flow moJel of tbe flelJ loJlcotloq tbe twopbose teqloo ot tbe
ptoJoctloo sectot ooJ tbe colJ sbollow teqloo lo tbe lojectloo sectot (motlcbo et ol 2010)
1hls sLudy employed a larger 3u numerlcal model of MCl and callbraLed Lhe 13 years explolLaLlon daL
of Lhe fleld uslng 1CuCP2 1he Lhreedlmenslonal numerlcal model of Mlndanao CeoLhermal
roducLlon lleld developed Lo predlcL reservolr condlLlons under dlfferenL explolLaLlon schemes 1he
modellng process conslsLs of
a naLural sLaLe modellng and slmulaLlon
b roducLlon hlsLory maLchlng
c lorecasLlng run


keservo|r erformance
Commerclal producLlon from Mv reservolr commerced afLer Lhe commlsslonlng of Lhe M1C lluld
CollecLlon and ulsposal SysLem (lCuS) ln CcLober 1996
uurlng Lhe early sLages of operaLlon of Lhe fleld producLlon ls concenLraLed from Lhe sLeam cap and Lhe
Lwo phase zones of Lhe reservolr 1he average enLhalpy lndlcaLed an lncreaslng Lrend durlng Lhe flrsL
year of explolLaLlon 8eservolr pressure draw down was very mlnlmal wlLh a drop of 030 Ma relaLlve
Lo Lhe basellne value
ln[ecLed flulds reLurnlng Lo Lhe M1C producLlon secLor was already recognlzed as a poLenLlal
operaLlonal problem of Lhe fleld even before Lhe sLarL of explolLaLlon Such a concern was ralsed
because of (1) Lhe close proxlmlLy of ln[ecLlon slnk Lo Lhe producLlon secLor and (2) Lhe presence of
sLrucLural and llLhologlc flow paLhs connecLlng Lhe Lwo secLors
8y Lhe 2nd year of commerclal explolLaLlon ln March 1998 Lhe producLlon fleld experlenced a reducLlon
ln sLeam avallablllLy from Lhe producLlon wells because of 2 conLrlbuLlng facLors (a) calclLe formaLlon ln
some of producLlon well and (b) decllnlng enLhalpy lnlLlal fleld enLhalpy of M1Cl ranglng from 1230
1300 k!/kg laLer decllned Lo 11301200 k!/kg 1he decllne ln enLhalpy ls aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe ln[ecLed fluld
encroachlng ln Lhe producLlon area
MGL 3D Numer|ca| Mode||ng
1he ob[ecLlve of 3u modellng are Lo maLch Lhe subsurface LemperaLure and Lo reproduce all Lhe
slgnlflcanL feaLures of Lhe concepLual model
1he numerlcal slmulaLlon model of Lhe ML Apo fleld consldered a LoLal area of 372 km squared (22km x
26km) encompasslng Lhe 701 hecLares geoLhermal reservaLlon
1he Lop of Lhe model ls a consLanL pressure boundary LhaL represenLs aLmospherlc pressure and ls seL aL
a consLanL LemperaLure of 36 degree Celclus and pressure of 01 Ma 1he sldes of Lhe model are closed
boundarles wlLh respecL Lo heaL and mass wlLh Lhe excepLlon of consLanL pressure near kullay area Lo
represenL subsurface dlscharge ouL of Lhe sysLem
1he lnlLlal permeablllLy dlsLrlbuLlon was based on Lhe prevlous MCl slmulaLlon sLudles 1he lnlLlal
horlzonLal and verLlcal permeablllLles asslgned ranged from 0373 mlllldarcles 1he rock poroslLy was
consldered Lo be a funcLlon of permeablllLy based on Lhe assumpLlon LhaL Lhe rock maLrlx has very low

llqote 4 Ju qtlJ block system oseJ lo tbe MCll moJelloq (motlcbo et ol 2010)

Natura| State Mode||ng
lnlLlal model callbraLlon was conducLed by maLchlng Lhe naLural sLaLe of Lhe fleld 1he model was run up
Lo 93 x10
years of slmulaLed Llme Lo be able Lo reach a pseudo sLeady sLaLe Ad[usLmenL were made Lo
Lhe heaL and mass flux and Lhe Lhermodynamlc condlLlons of Lhe boundary blocks SlmulaLlon resulLs
suggesL LhaL Lhe upflowlng source fluld has a raLe of 143kg/s aL a LemperaLure of 320 degree Celclus
1he permeablllLy dlsLrlbuLlon ln Lhe model was consLanLly ad[usLed unLll Lhe calculaLed LemperaLure
reasonably maLched Lhe measured LemperaLures PorlzonLal permeablllLles of Lhe flnal model range
from 0333 md whlle verLlcal permeablllLles range from 000113 md

llqote 5 MeosoteJ ooJ slmoloteJ tempetotote (c) Jlsttlbotloo ot -J50m msl (sbetto et ol 1999)

1he LemperaLure conLour ln layer 3 whlch corresponds Lo an elevaLlon of +330m msl ls ploLLed ln
llgure 3 1he paLLern of Lhe model conLour agrees closely wlLh Lhe acLual conLour

llqote 6 1empetotote vs uept ltoflles (sbetto et ol 1999)

llgure 6 compares Lhe calculaLed and measure LemperaLure proflles of Lwo wells locaLed ln Lhe upflow
and ouLflow secLors of Lhe fleld ln boLh secLors of Lhe fleld Lhe LemperaLure maLches are generally

1he calculaLed vapor saLuraLlon dlsLrlbuLlon on cerLaln blocks ln layers 2 and 3 ls noL hlgh enough Lo glve
a sLeam dlscharge as observed ln wells Sklu 1M3u and 1M4u 1he low vapor saLuraLlon obLalned ls
due Lo Lhe relaLlvely large block (300m by 300m by 400m) asslgned Lo Lhree wells 1he maxlmum sLeam
saLuraLlon obLalned ls approxlmaLely 30 ln general however Lhe Lwophase condlLlon achleved ln Lhe
model closely colncldes wlLh Lhe exLend of Lhe Lwophase zone of Lhe concepLual model

|story Match|ng
1he resulLlng lnlLlal sLaLe model was furLher callbraLed by maLchlng Lhe dlscharge hlsLorles of Lhe nlne
producLlon wells of M1Cl 1he permeablllLy sLrucLures and poroslLy were also furLher ad[usLed 1he
model resulLs were compared wlLh Lhe acLual producLlon enLhalpy and Lhe measured pressure decllne

AfLer several ad[usLmenLs were made on Lhe model a reasonable maLch Lo Lhe measured daLa was
1he rock poroslLles used ln Lhe flnal model range from 2 Lo 7 Achlevlng Lhe lnlLlal hlgh dlscharge
enLhalpy of Lhe sLeam well Sk1u prove Lo be dlfflculL desplLe Lhe ad[usLmenLs made on Lhe rock
poroslLy As menLloned earller Lhls ls aLLrlbuLable Lo Lhe large block slze LhaL lnlLlally had a lower vapor
saLuraLlon value Powever Lhe enLhalpy Lrend of Sk1u ln Lhe model colnclded wlLh Lhe acLual enLhalpy
Lrend decreaslng Lhrough Llme (llgure 7)

llqote 7 otbolpy blstoty of 5k1u ooJ AlO1u (sbetto et ol 1999)
lor low enLhalpy wells such as AC1u Lhe calculaLed dlscharge enLhalpy closely maLches Lhe measured
enLhalpy values (llgure 7)

llqote 8 llelJ eotbolpy ooJ ptessote blstoty of M1Cll (sbetto et ol 1999)

llgure 8 compares Lhe acLual fleld enLhalpy wlLh Lhe slmulaLed fleld enLhalpy 1he model resulL shows
close agreemenL beLween Lhe calculaLed enLhalpy and Lhe measured enLhalpy parLlcularly ln Lhe laLer
perlod Aslde from Lhls Lhe fleld enLhalpy Lrend of Lhe model ls ln agreemenL wlLh Lhe decllnlng Lrend of
Lhe acLual fleld producLlon enLhalpy
llgure 8 also shows Lhe slmulaLed pressure response compared wlLh Lhe acLual pressure decllne Agaln
Lhe model pressure response reasonably maLched Lhe acLual pressure response
Iorecast|ng kun kesu|ts
AfLer successfully compleLlng hlsLory maLchlng Lhe slmulaLlon model was used Lo forecasL Lhe fuLure
reservolr performance under Lhe presenL developmenL scheme for Lhe ML Apo fleld load lncrease from
32 MWe Lo 102 MWe by !une 1999
1he forecasLlng run was based on Lhe sLeam supply from Lhe avallable 17 producLlon wells and from Lhe
446 Lons per hour flashed sLeam supplled by Lhe 900 Lons per hour of separaLed waLer from M1Cl
1he separaLed waLer ls dlsposed ln slx ln[ecLlon wells 1he forecasLlng run covered a perlod of 20 years
8esulLs of Lhe forecasLlng run suggesL LhaL Lhe 17 producLlon wells are capable of provldlng Lhe requlred
sLeam of Lhe Lwo planLs aL leasL up Lo Lhe flfLh year of Lhe fleld's commerclal operaLlon (llgure 9) 8y
year 6 overall sLeam producLlon from Lhe 17 wells wlll fall below Lhe requlred 730 Lons per hour Lo
approxlmaLely 700 Lon per hour 1hls suggesLs LhaL a makeup well wlll be requlred by year 6 Lo meeL
Lhe needs of Lhe power planL
As for Lhe requlred 900 Lons per hour of separaLed waLer flow for Lhe second flash Lhe nlne M1Cl
wells are enough Lo supply Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe flash planL for over a perlod of 20 years

llqote 9 llelJwlJe fotecost of ptoJoctloo flow totes (sbetto et ol 1999)


Accordlng Lo LsberLo (1999) Lhe naLural sLaLe modellng of Lhe ML Apo reservolr reasonably maLches
Lhe concepLual model of Lhe fleld 1hus Lhe obLalned model provldes a good represenLaLlon of Lhe fleld
whlch can be reasonably used for hlsLory maLchlng and predlcLlng Lhe response of Lhe fleld Lo
1he model was callbraLed agalnsL Lhe avallable producLlon daLa wlLh reasonable maLches belng obLalned
Lo Lhe flowlng enLhalpy and Lo Lhe reservolr pressure response AfLer successfully callbraLlng Lhe model
lL was used Lo predlcL Lhe fuLure fleld behavlor 8esulLs lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe 17 avallable producLlon wells
are capable of provldlng sLeam for Lhe Lwo power planLs up Lo flfLh year of commerclal operaLlon of Lhe
fleld 1hls suggesLs LhaL a makeup well wlll be requlred by year 6 Lo meeL Lhe LoLal planL load
1hough Lhe model has a reasonable maLch Lhe acLual fleld condlLlons some aspecLs ln Lhe model has Lo
be lmproved Lxamples of Lhese are Lhe vapor saLuraLlon aL Lhe Lwophase blocks ln Lhe model are Lo be
lncreased and Lhe LemperaLures ln Lhe flrsL layer ln Lhe model are Lo be reduced
1he model can be furLher lmproved by (a) asslgnlng aqulfers ln Lhe Lop layer Lo slmulaLed Lhe reglonal
flow of groundwaLer across Lhe fleld Lhls could lower LemperaLures ln Lhe upper layer (b) add psuedo
wells" Lo slmulaLed sLeam loss Lo Lhe surface for beLLer maLchlng of Lhe sLeam cap and Lwophase zone
and furLher reflnemenL of Lhe grldblock sysLem of Lhe model

Natura| State of the keservo|r
lluld chemlsLry of Lhe producLlon wells durlng medlum Lerm dlscharge (M1u) LesLlng was Lhe basls ln
esLabllshlng Lhe lnlLlal chemlcal sLaLe of Lhe fleld 1he geoLhermal reservolr of Lhe M1Cl and M2Cl
are referred slngly as Lhe ML Apo reservolr
reexp|o|tat|on I|u|d Chem|stry
1hree (3) dlsLlncL Lypes of fluld exlsL ln Lhe ML Apo geoLhermal reservolr neuLralpP brlne wlLh chlorlde
concenLraLlon ranglng from 2000 Lo 3000 mg/kg exlsLs predomlnanLly aL Lhe Marbel Corrldor
producLlon secLor An acldsulfaLe fluld wlLh pP of 30 Lo 30 and chlorlde concenLraLlon of more Lhan
3000 mg/kg ls presenL ln Lhe deep porLlon of Lhe Sandawa Collapse LasLly neuLralpP Lo sllghLly acldlc
sodlumsulfaLe fluld ls presenL ln Lhe upper sLeam domlnaLed zone of Lhe reservolr
lleldwlde geochemlcal Lrends lllusLraLe Lhe laLeral changes ln reservolr chemlsLry lsochlorlde Lrend
shown ln llgure 10 deplcLs hlghesL chlorlde values of more Lhan 6000 mg/kg ln Lhe vlclnlLy of well kn
38 Chlorlde concenLraLlon progresslvely decreases Lowards Lhe norLhwesL across Lhe Marbel Corrldor
and furLher down Lo MaLlngao 8lock A sLeep decllne ls llkewlse observed souLheasL of kn38

llqote 10 lsocblotlJe cootoot octoss MloJoooo qeotbetmol flelJ (Allocostte et ol 2000)
1emperaLure dlsLrlbuLlon across Lhe fleld based on Lhe expanded 1SlC
(lournler and oLLer 1982) ls
lllusLraLed ln llgure 11 A hlghesL LemperaLure of more Lhan 300C deplcLed ln well kn38 llkely lndlcaLes
Lhe locaLlon of Lhe upwelllng zone 1emperaLures gradually decrease Lowards Lhe norLhwesL across Lhe
Marbel Corrldor and MaLlngao 8lock (nogara eL al 1999)

llqote 11 lso15lO2 cootoot octoss MloJoooo qeotbetmol flelJ (Allocostte et ol 2000)
1he chlorldeenLhalpy mlxlng model (llg 12) shows LhaL Lhe parenL waLer of Lhe ML Apo reservolr ls
composlLlonally closesL Lo kn38 fluld llulds dlscharged by Lhe Marbel Corrldor wells such as AC1u
AC3u S4u and Sk4u can be produced by groundwaLer dlluLlon of Lhe parenL waLer Wells Sk1u
and 1M3u represenL dlscharges affecLed by exLenslve sLeam addlLlon

llqote 12 cblotlJe eotbolpy Jloqtom sbowloq tbe pteexploltotloo flolJs of selecteJ wells ooJ tbetmol
sptloqs (oftet Noqoto et ol1999)
Wells drllled aL Sandawa secLor dlscharge hlgh chlorlde wlLh relaLlvely hlgher enLhalpy represenLlng
Lhelr close afflnlLy wlLh Lhe deep parenL fluld less affecLed by dlluLlon 1hese wells namely kn38 Sk
3u Sk3u Sk6u 1M1u and 1M2u comprlse Lhls fluld Lype Wells ln Lhe Marbel Corrldor represenLed
by AC1u AC3u Sk48 S4u M118u M128u and Lhe chlorlde sprlngs are Lhe more dlluLed
keservo|r kesponse to Lxp|o|tat|on
varlaLlons ln Lhe dlscharge chemlsLry of producLlon wells ln M1Cl were observed afLer almosL Lwo
years of operaLlon MonlLored chemlcal parameLers llke chlorlde 1SlC
and dlscharge enLhalpy
showed slgnlflcanL changes aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe response of Lhe reservolr Lo conLlnued explolLaLlon
Chem|ca| Changes
Changes ln Lhe dlscharge chemlsLry are evldenL ln wells AC 1u AC3u S4u Sk1u Sk2u and Sk
3u 8elaLlve Lo Lhelr basellne chemlsLry slgnlflcanL lncrease ln chlorlde concenLraLlon wlLh
correspondlng decllne ln Lhe dlscharge enLhalpy was observed ln wells AC1u AC3u and S4u
8eservolr chlorlde of well AC3u lncreased slgnlflcanLly from 4000 Lo 4900 mg/kg wlLh correspondlng
decllne ln dlscharge enLhalpy from 1179 Lo 1013 k!/kg
Llkewlse CC
alLhough ln small amounL decreased from 40 Lo 22 mmoles/100moles of sLeam
Slmllarly AC1u and S4u's reservolr chlorlde lncreased by abouL 600 mg/kg whlle dlscharge enLhalpy
decllned by abouL 130 k!/kg 8oLh wells currenLly dlscharge slnglephase fluld compared wlLh Lhelr lnlLlal
Lwophase dlscharge
Ceneral chemlcal Lrends of producLlon wells can be represenLed on a chlorldeenLhalpy dlagram shown
ln llgure 13 8eln[ecLlon fluld wlLh chlorlde concenLraLlon of 3200 mg/kg and 714k!/kg enLhalpy ls also
ploLLed for comparlson

llqote 1J cblotlJe eotbolpy Jloqtom sbowloq MloJoooo1 ptoJoctloo wells flolJ cbemlstty tteoJ
Jotloq cootlooeJ exploltotloo ftom 1997 to Motcb 1999 lllleJ flqotes tepteseots well AlOJu flolJs
Opeo flqotes tepteseot ptoJoctloo wells lo tbe Motbel cottlJot (Allocostte et ol 2000)
Changes ln physlcal and chemlcal characLerlsLlcs of wells wlLh Llme are evldenL ln mosL of Lhe producLlon
wells 1he Lrend observed ln well AC3u llkely lndlcaLes Lhe lncurslon of a more sallne low enLhalpy
and more degassed reln[ecLlon fluld 1he conLlnued lncreaslng mlnerallsaLlon wlLh correspondlng
decllne ln CC
and dlscharge enLhalpy polnLs Lo mlxlng wlLh reln[ecLlon fluld Slmllar Lrend ls also
observed ln wells AC1u and S4u 1he absence of LemperaLure decllne as lndlcaLed ln Lhe sLable 1Sl

of Lhese wells suggesL LhaL Lhe reln[ecLlon fluld could have undergone sufflclenL heaLlng as lL enLers Lhe
producLlon secLor 1hls also lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe breakLhrough of reln[ecLlon fluld Lo Lhe producLlon secLor
ls nelLher masslve nor rapld
8eln[ecLlon fluld currenLly dlsposed ln wells M118u and M128u consLlLuLe abouL 73 of Lhe LoLal
reln[ecLlon fluld of Lhe M1Cl 1he proxlmlLy of M118u and M128u Lo producLlon wells AC1u AC
3u and S4u could llkely enhance Lhe enLry of reln[ecLlon fluld reLurns
1he mlnerallsaLlon ln well Sk2u ls observed Lo be lncreaslng slnce CcLober 1997 Lo presenL Powever
wlLh Lhe lncreaslng Lrend of 1SlC2 from 240C Lo 230C and Lhe consequenL lncrease of dlscharge waLer
could be aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe lncreaslng conLrlbuLlon of Lhe slnglephase lower feed zone
1he decllnlng conLrlbuLlon of Lhe hoLLer Lwophase feed aL Lhe upper zone ls reflecLed ln Lhe decrease of
Lhe dlscharge enLhalpy from 1164 Lo 1063 k!/kg 1he lnflux of a hoL and mlnerallsed fluld aL Sk2u could
suggesL Lhe lnflow of flulds comlng from 1M1u and 1M2u secLor (AllncasLre and Sambrano 1998) 1hls
Lype of fluld ls found ln 1M wells drllled aL Lhe souLhwesL of Lhe Sandawa Collapse near Lhe producLlon
zone of well Sk2u ls near
Well Sk3u shows decllnlng reservolr chlorlde from 4800 Lo 4100 mg/kg and 1SlC2 from 232 Lo 242C
AlLhough Lhe dlscharge enLhalpy appears Lo sLablllze Lhe lnflux of Lhls low chlorlde and lower
LemperaLure fluld may suggesL LhaL well Sk3u could be drawlng Marbel flulds (AllncasLre and
Sambrano 1999)

Wells Sk1u Sk48 and Sk6u showed relaLlvely sLable dlscharge chemlsLry 1he sllghL changes observed
ln Lhese wells could be aLLrlbuLed Lo changes ln Lhe operaLlng wellhead condlLlon 1he occurrence of
waLer dlscharge ln Lhe sLeamdomlnaLed well Sk1u ls llkely due Lo Lhe lnLermlLLenL lnflow of brlne aL Lhe
boLLom of Lhe well Powever Lhe well appears Lo have malnLalned lLs lnlLlal physlcal and chemlcal
Ca|c|te Iormat|on
Wells drllled ln Marbel secLor lnLersecLed rocks wlLh abundanL calclLe mlnerals domlnanLly occurrlng as
veln mlnerals CalculaLlons of calclLe saLuraLlon lndex of Lhe fluld from Lhese wells showed hlghly
supersaLuraLed levels ln Lhe flashed" sLaLe (llg 14) Wells AC1u S4u and AC3u fluld showed
poLenLlal calclLe developmenL upon bolllng
CalclLe formaLlon ln wells AC1u AC3u and S4u was deLecLed durlng Lhelr lnlLlal medlumLerm
dlscharge LesLlng and even prlor Lo Lhelr uLlllsaLlon lL ls belleved LhaL flashlng wlLhln Lhe wellbore
lnduces Lhe formaLlon of calclLe Workover operaLlons were conducLed ln boLh wells Lo clear Lhe calclLe
blockages LhaL had slgnlflcanLly reduced lLs ouLpuL AlLhough calclLe scales slmllarly formed ln AC3u
Lhere was no slgnlflcanL change ln Lhe mass ouLpuL LhaL necesslLaLes remedlal workover

llqote 14 5lmoloteJ colclte sotototloo loJex of selecteJ ptoJoctloo wells bolleJ ftom 250c to 165c
(oftet Noqoto et ol 1999)
otent|a| rob|em
1he currenL mass exLracLlon experlenced by Lhe Mlndanao producLlon fleld lndlcaLes slgnlflcanL changes
ln Lhe fluld flow of Lhe ML Apo geoLhermal reservolr Changes observed ln Lhe chemlcal characLerlsLlcs
of some of Lhe wells suggesL progresslve lncurslon of cooler flulds ln Lhe reservolr lf Lhe conLlnued
explolLaLlon resulLs ln depressurlzaLlon of Lhe producLlon secLor cooler perlpheral flulds wlll mosL llkely
affecL Lhe perlpheral producLlon wells ln Lhe Marbel Corrldor
Slmllarly reln[ecLlon fluld may furLher lngress Lo Lhe Marbel Corrldor producLlon secLor AlLhough
LemperaLure deLerloraLlon has noL yeL occurred lL ls mosL llkely LhaL Lhermal degradaLlon could succeed
Lhe chemlcal fronL
Slmllarly Lhe hlgh carbonaLed and cooler meLeorlc observed norLh of Lhe Marbel Corrldor wlll llkely
lnflow Lowards AC1u AC2u and Mu1u 1he acldsulfaLe fluld aL Lhe souLheasL of Lhe Sandawa
secLor may also pose slmllar problem Lo Lhe producLlon wells drllled wlLhln Lhe Sandawa Collapse Wells
kn2u kn48 and 1M3u wlll llkely be affecLed by Lhe enLry of Lhls acldlc fluld
1he anLlclpaLed problems LhaL wlll llkely be experlenced are lllusLraLed ln llgure 13

llqote 15 MloJoooo ptoJoctloo flelJ sbowloq lotetpteteJ qeocbemlcol flolJ flow ooJ ptoposeJ
telojectloo totqet sectot (Allocostte et ol 2000)
Summary and kecommendat|ons
1he summary and recommendaLlons made by AllncasLre eL al (2000) are as follows
varlaLlons ln Lhe geochemlsLry of Lhe dlscharged flulds of all producLlon wells lndlcaLe slgnlflcanL
changes ln Lhe chemlcal and physlcal characLerlsLlcs of Lhe ML Apo geoLhermal reservolr as a resulL of
conLlnued explolLaLlon
1he lncreaslng mlnerallsaLlon wlLh correspondlng decllne ln dlscharge enLhalpy ln well AC3u lndlcaLes
reln[ecLlon fluld breakLhrough 1he excess chlorlde concenLraLlon relaLlve Lo lLs basellne level suggesLs
abouL 27 of reln[ecLlon fluld ln AC3u's dlscharge AlLhough Lhermal deLerloraLlon has noL yeL been
experlenced lL ls belleved LhaL conLlnued enLry of Lhls cooler reln[ecLlon fluld could lnduce decllne ln
fluld LemperaLure 1hus dlsposal of Lhls cooler reln[ecLlon fluld should be reduced aL Lhe presenL
reln[ecLlon slnk (M118u and M128u) and shlfL some ln[ecLed flulds farLher norLh Lo mlnlmlse dlspersal
Lowards Lhe producLlon secLor An addlLlonal reln[ecLlon well drllled norLh of 8l could address Lhls
dlsposal concern
1he encroachmenL of a more sallne and hoLLer fluld ln well Sk2u llkely lndlcaLes Lhe lncurslon of Lhe
fluld from Lhe souLh wesL of Lhe Sandawa secLor le aL Lhe vlclnlLy of Lhe producLlon wells aL pad l 1he
wlLhdrawal of Lhls fluld Lype by well Sk2u however could be sLopped as a resulL of Lhe conLlnued
producLlon of wells 1M1u 1M2u 1M3u and 1M4u for Mlndanao2 producLlon fleld
1he slgnlflcanL varlaLlon of Lhe dlscharge chemlsLry observed ln well Sk3u lndlcaLes Lhe lnflow of a less
sallne and cooler fluld llkely orlglnaLlng from Lhe Marbel producLlon secLor 1he currenL dlscharge
chemlsLry of Lhe Sk3u fluld ls very slmllar Lo well S4u drllled ln Lhe Marbel Corrldor
lurLhermore Lhe currenL producLlon of well Mu1u aL SlLe 8 wlll llkely lnduce wlLhdrawal of Lhe flulds ln
Lhe Marbel Corrldor 1hus enLry of perlpheral cooler fluld wlll llkely be enhanced 1he observed fluld
flow ln dlfferenL producLlon secLors reflecLed from currenL dlscharge flulds ls lllusLraLed ln llgure 13
CalclLe scales are belleved Lo have formed durlng Lhe flashlng of Lhe calclLesaLuraLed fluld ln wells AC
1u AC3u and S4u 1he progresslve formaLlon of calclLe blockage ln Lhe wells resulLed ln slgnlflcanL
decllne ln well's ouLpuL and caused successlve workover operaLlons 1he frequenL mechanlcal clearlng
of AC1u and S4u from calclLe blockage could be deLrlmenLal Lo Lhe sLablllLy of Lhe caslng Pence Lo
averL Lhe formaLlon of calclLe blockages and prevenL successlve workover operaLlon anLlscalanL
ln[ecLlon ls currenLly done ln well S4u Slmllarly well AC1u and AC3u are also programmed for
Lhls anLlscalanL ln[ecLlon


MounL Apo JlklpeJlo tbe ltee ocyclopeJlo Web hLLp//enwlklpedlaorg/wlkl/MounL_Apo
uecember 3 2011

l M uolor (2006) CeoLhermal ro[ecLs ln naLlonal arks ln Lhe hlllpplnes 1he Case of Lhe ML Apo
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unuC1 LaCeo San Salvador Ll Salvador november 26 uecember 2 2006

8 C 1razona 8 Ma C Sambrano and M 8 LsberLo (2002) 8eservolr ManagemenL ln Mlndanao
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8eservolr Lnglneerlng SLanford unlverslLy SLanford Callfornla !anuary 2830 2002

L8 Lmorlcha !8 Cmagbon and 8CM MalaLe (2010) 1hree ulmenslonal numerlcal Modellng of
Mlndanao CeoLhermal roducLlon lleld hlllpplnes" roceedlngs 1hlrLyllfLh Workshop on
CeoLhermal 8eservolr Lnglneerlng SLanford unlverslLy SLanford Callfornla lebruary 13 2010

8 S AllncasLre 8 M C Sambrano and ! 8 nogara (2000) Ceochemlcal LvaluaLlon of Lhe 8eservolr
8esponse Lo LxplolLaLlon of 1he Mlndanao1 CeoLhermal roducLlon lleld hlllpplnes"
roceedlngs World CeoLhermal Congress 2000 kyushu 1ohoku !apan May 28 !une 10

M8 LsberLo and Zl SarmlenLo (1991) numerlcal Modellng of Lhe ML Apo CeoLhermal 8eservolr"
roceedlngs 1wenLylourLh Workshop on CeoLhermal 8eservolr Lnglneerlng SLanford
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