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Topics for lab final Not an exhaustive list and subject to change Lab 1. Steps of the scientific method.

Experimental design (independent/dependent variable, controls, replication, data analysis, p value etc.) Lab 2. Mitosis/ Meiosis- compare and contrast, identifying steps, where each process occurs, what the function of each process is, what processes mean for genetic diversity of populations and the mechanisms that produce variation, difference between plant and animal cell mitosis. -Different types of microscopes, different scales of view. Lab 3. Scientific literature and conservation- Understanding how data is presented in scientific style (how to find papers, understanding graphs, significant results, etc) -Nature serve as a way to collect data on species endangerment status- gathering info about pop size, life history etc. Lab 4. Mendelian Genetics- Mono and Dihybrid crosses. P-> F1-> F2 terminology. Punnett squares. Prediction of offspring genotype and phenotype ratios, comparing to expected using a Chi square test. Pvalues. Types of inheritance: incomplete, complete, codominance, sex linkage, autosomal linkage Lab 5. Pop Genetics/ Hardy Weinberg- 4 requirements for HWE, allele frequencies, genotype frequencies, phenotype frequencies. P + q = 1; p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1 Calculating allele frequencies in the current generation (may not be under HWE) Calculating expected frequencies under HWE Effects of migration, natural selection, and genetic drift on allele frequencies Lab 6. Phylogenetics and Evolution- Constructing phylogenetic trees, parsimony. Types of evidence: fossils, evo devo, homologous vs. analogous structures Lab 7. Field Ecology- calculating Shannon index, species richness. How the environment affects plant diversity: Abiotic and Biotic factors, differences between north and south sides Lab 8. Sea otter conservation: No specific questions on the sea otter particulars like trophic cascades, top down processes, etc. since everyone didn't get a chance to read all the papers. However the ideas tie in with other labs (the idea of carrying capacity with the pop dynamics lab, conservation with the scientific literature lab etc.) Lab 9. Animal behavior- difference between taxis and kinesis, how behavior can be selected for and achieve evolutionary needs of the organism (mating behaviors, intraspecific competition for resources and mates etc). Generating hypotheses, more experimental design/ scientific method. Lab 10. Population dynamics of owls- understand exponential growth equation, logistic growth equation; cohort tables (survivorship lx, how to use Net Reproductive Rate R(0)) implications for conservation Lab 11. Plant Adaptations: different adaptations for xyric and mesic environments. Includes things

like adaptations for water conservation, heat tolerance, competition for nitrogen, competition for light etc. Difference between plants at the top of the canopy and the bottom (sun vs. shade). Plant defense: physical defenses and chemical defenses. Lab 12. Community succession- difference between primary and secondary succession. Difference between autotrophic (generative) and heterotrophic (degradative) succession in terms of resources in the environment and the change in species richness. How disturbance affects succession- types of disturbances in plant community succession.

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