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uioup Pioject:
Hardware Virtualization

ubmit to:
Bi. Naiuf Basan

Ns. Win Nya Thway IB: -
Ni. Nohameu Abuiiahman Auuow IB: -8
Ni. Ithipol Kaosuchaiit IB: -9
Ni. Abuikaiim Abui Abuulle IB: -

Submitted in partial IulIillment oI the requirement oI the
Computer Arcbitecture and Uperating Systems course

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Introduction .................... .................................. 2
CHAPTER 1 History oI Virtualization ..................................................................... 3
1.1 Objectives ................................................................................................. 3
1.2 DeIining Hardware Virtualization .............................................................. 3
1.3 History oI Virtualization ...... ....................................................... 4
1.4 Today Virtualization Market ................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 2 Current state oI Virtualization ........................................................... 11
2.1 Hardware & SoItware TransIormation ..................................................... 12
2.2 Types oI Virtualization ............................................................................ 14
2.3 Types oI Hypervisors ............................................................................... 15
CHAPTER 3 Virtualization Tools and PlatIorms ................................................... 17
3.1 Application Virtual Machines ................................................................. 17
3.2 PlatIorm Virtual Machines ....................................................................... 18
3.3 Comparison among PlatIorm Virtual Machines........................................ 21
CHAPTER 4 Challenges oI Virtualization ............................................................ 23
4.1. Common Drawbacks oI Virtualization .................................................... 25
4.2. Future trends oI Virtualization ............................................................ 26
4.3. Virtualization to Cloud Computing ........................................................ 28
4.4. Virtualization Strategy ............................................................................ 32
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................ 33
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 34

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Virtualization is one oI words that have been gaining popularity with IT proIessionals
and executives alike. We can deIine virtualization as: a Iramework or methodology oI
dividing the resourced oI computer hardware into multiple execution environments by
applying one or more concepts or technologies such as soItware and hardware
partitioning. Virtualization technologies have cropped up dozens oI soItware and
hardware companies. Virtualization technologies are now available in every aspect oI
computing including hardware, soItware and communication. In many cases, the
technology is Ireely available such as operating system soItware system or storage
hardware. It can be beneIits our organizations Ior most oI business applications and use
Ior the most demanding workloads. Understanding the technology and the workloads to
be run in a virtualized environment is main point to every administrator and systems
architect who wishes to deliver the beneIits oI virtualization to their organization or

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Objectives of any virtualization technology:
Add a layer oI abstraction between the applications and the hardware
Enable a reduction in costs and complexity
Provide the isolation oI computer resources Ior improved reliability and security
Improve service levels and the quality oI service
etter IT process with business goals
Eliminate redundancy in and maximize the utilization oI IT inIrastructures
The most common Iorm oI virtualization is server hardware platIorms, critical and
expensive components oI modern data center, including storage and network
efining Hardware Virtualization in Simple Way
There are hardware systems that compatibility with soItware and operating system is
seemingly imminent. Hardware virtualization is becoming an essential technology these
In the late 1999 and early 2000, there was one company that introduced the virtualization
oI an X86 hardware platIorm as a means to eIIectively address the issues and challenges
that compatibility issues with hardware systems. This hardware virtualization, to
metamorphose x86 hardware platIorm into a more general purpose system with the
capability to share its inIrastructure and adaptability to majority oI operating systems and
the choice oI application platIorm.
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The company invested time, eIIort and money in order to determine exactly the need Ior
an adaption oI virtualization technique that will immobilize the generated oI
virtualization technique that will immobilize the generated errors when an operating
system is executed errors into a saIer set oI instructions that can be virtually re-generated
which in turn will allow Ior the other instructions without interIerence Irom the operating
systems and the hardware. Hardware virtualization is proven eIIective in yielding a more
eIIicient virtual machine that eventually results in a good perIormance. The virtualized
hardware is now in real match.
History of Virtualization
Virtualization was better known in the 1960s as time sharing. Christopher Strachey, the
Iirst ProIessor oI Computation at OxIord University and leader oI the Programming
Research Group, brought this term to liIe in his paper Time Sharing in Large Fast
Computers. Strachey, who was a staunch advocate oI maintaining a balance between
practical and theoretical work in computing was reIerring to what he called
multiprogramming. This technique would allow one programmer to develop a program
on his console while another programmer was debugging his, thus avoiding the usual
wait Ior peripherals. Multiprogramming began to drive innovation, resulting in a series oI
computers that burst onto the scene. Two are considered part oI the evolutionary lineage
oI virtualization.

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The Atlas Computer
The Iirst oI the supercomputers oI the early 1960s took advantage oI concepts such as
time sharing, multiprogramming, and shared peripheral control, and was dubbed the Atlas
computer. A project run by the Department oI Electrical Engineering at Manchester
University and Iunded by Ferranti Limited, the Atlas was the Iastest computer oI its time.
The speed it enjoyed was partially due to a separation oI operating system processes in a
component called the supervisor and the component responsible Ior executing user
programs. The supervisor managed key resources, such as the computer's processing time
and was passed special instructions, or extra codes, to help it provision and manage the
computing environment Ior the user program's instructions.
In essence, this was the birth oI the hypervisor, or virtual machine monitor. In addition,
Atlas introduced the concept oI virtual memory called one-level store and paging
techniques Ior the system memory. This core store was also logically separated Irom the
store used by user programs, although the two were integrated. In many ways, this was
the Iirst step towards creating a layer oI abstraction that all virtualization technologies
have in common.

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The M44/44X Project
Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown, New York, the project created a similar
architecture to that oI the Atlas computer. This architecture was Iirst to coin the term
virtual machines and became IM's contribution to the emerging time-sharing system
concepts. The main machine was an IM 7044 (M44) scientiIic computer and several
simulated 7044 virtual machines, or 44Xs, using hardware and soItware, virtual memory,
and multiprogramming, respectively.
Unlike later implementations oI time-sharing systems, M44/44X virtual machines did not
implement a complete simulation oI the underlying hardware. Instead, it Iostered the
notion that virtual machines were as eIIicient as more conventional approaches. To nail
that notion, IM successIully released successors oI the M44/44X project that showed
this idea was not only true, but could lead to a successIul approach to computing.
IM 7094 was Iinalized by MIT researchers and IM engineers and introduced
Compatible Time Sharing System (CTSS). The term "compatible" reIers to the
compatibility with the standard batch processing operating system used on the machine,
the Fortran Monitor System (FMS). CTSS not only ran FMS in the main 7094 as the
primary Iacility Ior the standard batch stream, but also ran an unmodiIied copy oI FMS in
each virtual machine in a background Iacility. The background jobs could access all
peripherals, such as tapes, printers, punch card readers, and graphic displays.
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MIT continued to value the prospects oI time sharing and developed Project MAC as an
eIIort to develop the next generation oI advances in time-sharing technology, pressuring
hardware manuIacturers to deliver improved platIorms Ior their work.
IM's response was a modiIied and customized version oI its System/360 that would
include virtual memory and time-sharing concepts not previously released by IM.
In the late 1960s, the Cambridge ScientiIic Center (CSC) developed the Iirst successIul
virtual machine operating system based on Iully virtualized hardware. The success oI this
platIorm won back IM's credibility at MIT as well as several oI IM's largest
customers. It also led to the evolution oI the platIorm and the virtual machine operating
systems that ran on them, the most popular being VM/370.
The VM/370 was capable oI running many virtual machines, with larger virtual memory
running on virtual copies oI the hardware, all managed by a component called the virtual
machine monitor (VMM) running on the real hardware.
Each virtual machine was able to run a unique installation oI IM's operating system
stably and with great perIormance. In additional to its role as the predecessor oI the
virtual Machine Iamily, CP/CMS played an important role in the development oI
operating system theory, the design oI IM`s System, the time sharing industry and the
creation oI a selI-supporting user community that community that anticipated today`s Iree
soItware movement.

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Time Sharing Projects
Time sharing become widely accepted and recognized as an eIIective way to make early
mainIrames. The research and hardware investment needed to aggressively pursue time
sharing operating system as the platIorm Ior running their programs. Some other projects
Livemore 1ime Sharing System (LTSS) - Developed by the Lawrence Livermore
Laboratory in the late 1960s as the operating system Ior the Control Data CDC
7600 supercomputer, running LTSS took over the title oI the world`s Iastest
computer, trumping on the Atlas computer.
ary 1ime Sharing System Developed Ior the early lines oI Cray
supercomputers in the early 1970s. Cray X-MP computer running CTSS were used
heavily by the United States Department oI Energy Ior nuclear research.
ew Livemore 1ime Sharing System (NLTSS) - This was development to
incorporate recent advances and concepts in computers. It was not widely accepted
by users oI the Cray systems and was discontinued in the late 1980s

Virtualization has moved out oI the specialized use cases. The broad adoption oI
window and the emergence oI Linux as server operational systems in the 1990s
established servers as the industry standard. IM has a great product but the number
oI IM mainIrame systems places in comparison to the number system running in the
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Intel x86 architecture (both 32 bits and 62 bit processor). Million oI x86 systems are
running MicrosoIt Windows and various Linux distributions in the world today. As
x86 operation systems and hardware systems became more powerIul and robust
organization wanted to start running more application on a single host. IF an
organization can consolidate two servers to one server, they can save halI the costs
associated with hardware acquisition, energy consumption and cooling. The growth in
x86 server and desktop deployments led to new IT inIrastructure and operational

\86 botJwote vlttoollzotloo

VMware invented virtualization Ior the x 86 platIorms started with a desktop-based
product and developed server virtualization products in the 1990s to address
underutilization and other issues, overcoming many challenges in the process in
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1999.VMware transIorm x86 systems into a general purpose, shared hardware
inIrastructure that oIIers Iull isolation, mobility and operating system Ior application
environments. VMware allows is Ior multiple operating systems such as windows and
Linux to run simultaneously on the same physical computer.

Virtualization Explosion (1990`s and Early 2000`s)

Virtualization eIIorts have gone to be popular and accepted technologies. Many
companies, such as Sun, MicrosoIt, and VMware, have released enterprise class products
that have wide acceptance, due in part to their existing customer bases.
Today`s Virtualization Market
Connectix was Iounded in 1988 and was one oI the early leaders oI virtualization.
Connectix was purchased by MicrosoIt in 2003 and continued enhancing the Virtual PC
products releasing the virtual Server 2005 product designed Ior running server operating
systems. Another major player in this space is VMware .They became the market leader
as they enhanced their emulation product, VMware Sever into a Type-1 hypervisor
solution Ior x86 architecture. There is several other players in this market pace with
various implementations oI hardware system virtualization technologies.

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Current State of Virtualization
Virtualization was Iirst developed in the 1960s to partition large, mainIrame hardware Ior better
hardware utilization. Today, computers based on x86 architecture are Iaced with the same
problems oI inIlexibility and underutilization that mainIrames Iaced in the 1960s. VMware
invented virtualization Ior the x 86 platIorms in the 1990s to address underutilization and other
issues, overcoming many challenges in the process. Today, VMware is the global leader in x86
virtualization, with over 250,000 customers, including 100 oI the Fortune 100.
Virtualization is the simulation oI the soItware and/or hardware upon which other soItware runs.
This simulated environment is called a virtual machine (VM). There are many Iorms oI
virtualization, distinguished primarily by computing architecture layer. For example, application
virtualization provides a virtual implementation oI the application programming interIace (API)
that a running application expects to use, allowing applications developed Ior one platIorm to run
on another without modiIying the application itselI. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is an
example oI application virtualization; it acts as an intermediary between the Java application
code and the operating system (OS). Another Iorm oI virtualization, known as operating system
virtualization, provides a virtual implementation oI the OS interIace that can be used to run
applications written Ior the same OS as the host, with each application in a separate VM
Virtualization was Iirst implemented more than 30 years ago by IM as a way to logically
partition mainIrame computers into separate virtual machines. These partitions allowed
mainIrames to 'multitask: run multiple applications and processes at the same time. Since
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mainIrames were expensive resources at the time, they were designed Ior partitioning as a way to
Iully leverage the investment
Hardware software Technology Transformation

The above diagram: The hypervisor transforms or 'virtualizes' the hardware resources
We live in a world oI rapid change. The continuing transIormation oI the global economy makes
change almost inevitable Ior every company. eyond the attitudes oI external demand,
IT organizations must deal with the day-in and day-out complications oI running a sophisticated
inIrastructure. Machine components Iail; operating systems get overloaded; applications
crash, requiring restart IT operations can be a repetitive, job even iI it is normally
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Responding to hardware Iailures can be even more diIIicult. II a key server loses a critical
hardware resource, it can take hours or days to replace the hardware and bring the machine
ack online. Virtualization can help you deal with hardware Iailures or application/operating
system crashes. Virtualization soItware can be conIigured to keep track oI virtual machines and,
iI one goes down, immediately restart another instance on the same machine or even diIIerent
machine. Virtualization soItware can even be smart enough to deal with the Iailure oI an entire
server. II you have implemented a type oI virtualization known as server pooling, the
virtualization soItware can immediately start up another virtual machine instance on another
server should the original server be unavailable due to hardware Iailure.
Improve the eIIiciency and availability oI IT resources and applications through virtualization.
Start by eliminating the old 'one server, one application model and run multiple virtual
machines on each physical machine. Free your IT admins Irom spending so much time managing
servers rather than innovating. About 70 oI a typical IT budget in a non-virtualized datacenter
goes towards just maintaining the existing inIrastructure, with little leIt Ior innovation.
An automated datacenter built on the production-proven VMware virtualization platIorm lets you
respond to market dynamics Iaster and more eIIiciently than ever beIore. VMware
vSphere delivers resources, applicationseven serverswhen and where they`re needed.
VMware customers typically save 50-70 on overall IT costs by consolidating their resource
pools and delivering highly available machines with VMware vSphere.

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Types of Virtualization
Each instance oI an OS and its applications runs in a distinct VM called a guest operating
system. Those VMs are managed by the hypervisor. There are several Iorms oI virtualization,
distinguished by architecture oI hypervisor.
Full virtualization
In Iull virtualization, unmoved version oI OSs is running on top oI virtual hardware. The
hypervisor provides most oI the same hardware interIaces as those provided by the hardware`s
physical platIorm. This means that the OSs and applications running within Iull virtualization do
not need to be modiIied Ior virtualization to work iI the OSs and applications are well-matched
with the original hardware. Full virtualization is oIten used to enable the use oI applications that
only run on an older version oI an OS on hardware Ior which there is no hardware drivers. Direct
copying oI each instruction which is practice method to implement Iull virtualization and the
only way that works iI CPU are diIIerent is very unproductive. IF source and target CPU are
equal a better way is dynamlc recompllaLlon
9aravlrLuallzaLlon runs specially collected more hypervisor Iriendly versions oI OS kernel. Such
kernel essentially converts the guest OS into an application as it is denies Irom all direct accesses
to hardware layer. Paravirtualization requires the guest operating system kernel and drivers to be
clearly ported Ior special para-API provided by particular hypervisor. You can't run unmodiIied
OS using paravirtualization based hypervisor. This is usually much more eIIicient way to run
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guest OSes then Iull virtualization. Xen is the most noticeable example oI Paravirtualization
solution on Intel platIorm. II a guest OS kernel can use paravirtualized interIaces, hypervisor
can provide Iaster access Ior resources such as hard drives and networks.

This Iigure shows: paravirtualized and Hypervisor
There are two types of hypervisors:
Bare metal hypervisor, the hypervisor which runs straight on the essential hardware, without a
host OS; the hypervisor can also be built into the computer`s Iirmware.
Hosted hypervisor, the hypervisor rounds on upper oI the host OS; the host OS can be almost
any common operating system such as Windows, Linux, or MacOS. Hosted virtualization
architectures generally also have an Iurther layer oI soItware. Hosted virtualization architectures
also allow users to run applications such as web browsers and email clients together with the
hosted virtualization application, diIIerent bare metal architectures, which can only run
applications within virtualized systems.

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Storage Virtualization
This is where the resources oI many diIIerent network storage devices such as hard drives are
pooled so that it looks like they are all one big vat oI storage. This is then managed by a central
system that makes it all look much simpler to the network administrators. This is also a great
way to keep an eye on resources in a business, as you can then see exactly how much you have
leIt at a given time. It gives the administrator much less hassle when it comes to backups etc.
Network Virtualization
Network Virtualization is when all oI the separate resources oI a network are combined, allowing
the network administrator to share them out amongst the users oI the network. This is done by
splitting the resources` bandwidth into channels and allowing the administrator to assign these
resources as and when required. This allows each user to access all oI the network resources
Irom their computer. This can be Iiles and Iolders on the computer, printers or hard drives etc.
This streamlined approach makes the liIe oI the network administrator much easier, and it makes
the system seem much less complicated to the human eye than it really is.
This Iigure shows Network virtualization

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Server virtualization
This is the main area oI virtualization, whereby a number oI 'virtual machines are created on
one server meaning that multiple tasks can then be assigned to the one server, saving on
processing power, cost and space. This means that any network tasks that are happening on the
server still appear to be on a separate space, so that any errors can be diagnosed and Iixed

The above Iigure shows server virtualization
In conclusion we know hardware virtualization is a powerIul technique Ior extending the value
oI your hardware and soItware investments. Virtualization may be used to maximize utilization
oI expensive resources by enabling multiple operating systems to run in parallel on the same
computer, virtualization strategies increase organizational Ilexibility by Iocusing on delivering
capabilities, rather than on installing and managing hardware.
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Virtualization Tools and Platforms
There are 2 main types oI virtual machines using nowadays, Application Jirtual Machine
and Platform Jirtual Machine. The design and implementation oI them are diIIerent depending
on the needs oI users and customers or the size oI the organization.
Application Virtual Machine
Application Jirtual Machines are designed Ior allowing application bytecode (portable
code) which consists oI many instruction sets to be run on many diIIerent kinds oI computers,
laptops, and mobile phones in regardless oI the diIIerence oI architectures and operating systems.
The application can be run on any computer using an interpreter to make the virtual instructions
or just-in-time compilation (JIT) to compile the native instructions at the latest possible time.
The Application Virtual Machine that is the most commonly known in Thailand is Java Virtual
Machine (JVM).
ava Jirtual Machine (JM) is a
piece oI stack-based architecture soItware
designed Ior providing the environment
where the execution oI Java bytecode
(.class/.jar) can be done on any computer
with a standard operating system. A JVM
has a set oI standard class libraries which
implements the Java Application
Programming InterIace (API). Many APIS
together can Iorm the Java Runtime
Environment (JRE).
JVM is described by many users as
'compile once, run anywhere programming
language because users can use the same
bytecode Ior all JVMs on all hardware and
soItware platIorms. The Java bytecode
works as an intermediate language which
can be compiled Irom Java or other
programming languages Ior the execution on
a JVM. Figure 1 describes the JVM
architecture. Source code (.java/.py) is
compiled down to Java bytecode (.class/.jar)
which can be executed on any platIorm
running a JVM.
Figure 1: 1VM architecture
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Platform Virtual Machine
Platform Jirtual Machines are packages oI soItware that can simulate all Ieatures that a
physical computer can do and work as same as having a physical computer running in another
physical computer that has higher perIormance. A very high perIormance platIorm can have
multiple virtual machines run on it. The PlatIorm Virtual Machines that are well known by many
users are VMware, MicrosoIt Virtual PC, and Hyper-V. Each oI them has many special
characteristics which designed Ior diIIerent purpose oI use.
1) VMware
VMware soItware provides many Ieatures Irom a completely virtualized set oI hardware
to the guest operating system. Many kinds oI hardware such as video adapter, network adapter,
and hard disk adapters can be virtualized by VMware soItware.
VMware soItware can be categorized into 2 main types which are esktop software and
Server software. VMware`s desktop soItware can be run on all commonly used operating
systems such as MicrosoIt windows, Linux, and Mac OSX. ut VMware`s server soItware
(VMware`s enterprise soItware) is a 'bare-metal product which can be run directly on server
hardware without the need oI operating system.

esktop Software
O VMware Workstation is the Iirst product oI VMware launched in 1999. It allows a
single PC to run the x86 or x86-64 compatible operating systems.
O VMware Fusion allows users to run a compatible platIorm oI Intel Mac simultaneously
with other virtual machines products created by VMware.
O VMware Player oIIers the personal users without license VMware Workstation or
VMware Fusion as a Ireeware.
Server Software
O VMware ESX (ESX Server) is an enterprise-level product with great perIormance and
low system overhead. VMware ESX can run directly on the server hardware as a virtual
server which has the direct access to the hardware. It has JMware vCenter integration
which adds more Ilexibility to the server deployment.
4 VMotion allows users to move a running VM Irom on ESX host to another.
4 Storage Vmotion allows users to move a running VM Irom one storage device to
4 #S (istributed #esource Scheduler) controls the load balancing oI ESX cluster
using VMotion
4 HA (High Availability) automatically restarts the virtual servers on another host in
the cluster iI a hardware Iailure occurs.
O VMware ESXi (VMware ESX 3i) is quite similar to ESX but the disk space
requirements are much lower which allow it to be run Irom Ilash disks in servers or Irom
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normal disks. All management oI the ESXI hosts is perIormed using the Virtual Center

O VMware Server (GSX Server) is a Ireeware Ior non-commercial hosted application
which runs on a Linux or Windows operating system.

2) Microsoft Virtual PC or Windows Virtual PC
MicrosoIt Virtual PC is an oIIicially virtualization program Ior MicrosoIt
Windows which virtualizes a standard PC and its hardware. Virtual PC can run on
Windows 7 or versions oI Windows later than Windows 7.
Host System requirements Ior Windows Virtual PC
O Computer running Windows 7 (all editions except Starter)
O 1 GHz processor (32- or 64-bit)
O 1.25 G memory required, 2 G recommended
O Additional 15 G oI hard disk space per virtual Windows environment recommended
O Optional: iI the processor supports hardware-assisted virtualization technology such
as MD-V or Intel-VT, it will be used. eIore March 19, 2010, such a processor was
Guest Operating System Memory and Disk Space Requirements (Need Irom Host)
O Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition(Minimum RAM 64 M/500 M)
O Windows Millennium Edition (Minimum RAM 96 M/Minimum disk space 2 G)
O Windows 2000 ProIessional (Minimum RAM 96 M/Minimum disk space 2 G)
O Windows XP Home Edition (Minimum RAM 128 M/Minimum disk space 2 G)
O Windows XP ProIessional (Minimum RAM 128 M/Minimum disk space 2 G )
O Windows Vista Enterprise (Minimum RAM 512 M/Minimum disk space 15 G)
O Windows Vista usiness (Minimum RAM 512 M/Minimum disk space 15 G)
O Windows Vista Ultimate (Minimum RAM 512 M/Minimum disk space 15 G)

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3) Hyper-V (Windows Server Virtualization)
Hyper-V has 2 versions which are a stand-alone product (MicrosoIt Hyper-V
Server 2008) and an installable role in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server
2008. Hyper-V allows users to run multiple operating systems on one physical machine
reducing costs oI buying many pieces oI hardware.
II a machine has Windows Server 2008, enabling Hyper-V Roles would provide
users with many Windows operating systems. The Virtual Windows enabled by Hyper-V
role share resources such as CPU, RAM, Hard Disk oI the physical machine. The number
oI Virtual Windows that can be run on a machine depends on the perIormance oI the
Hyper-V also allows users to run open source operating systems such as Linux on
one single computer. Hyper-V has high Ilexibility in the resources management,
reliability, and high security. Virtualized platIorms can be used as same as a real physical
platIorms which maintain the perIormance, Ilexibility, and cost-eIIectiveness.

Figure 2 Interface of Hyper-V
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Comparison among Platform Virtual Machines
Name VMware
ESX Server
Player 3.1
Virtual PC
Server 2008
Creator VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware VMware Connectix MicrosoIt
Host CPU x86, x86-64 x86, x86-64 x86, x86-64 x86, x86-64 x86, x86-64 x86, x86-64 x86, x86-64
with Intel
VT-x or
(Intel VT-x or
Guest CPU x86, x86-64 x86, x86-64 x86, x86-64 x86, x86-64 x86, x86-64 x86, x86-64 x86 x86-64, x86
(up to 8
Host OS(s) No host OS No host OS Mac OS X
Windows 7 Windows
Guest OS(s) Windows,
OSx86 (as
OS/2, SCO,
others: runs
arbitrary OS
Same as
VMware ESX
Same as
VMware ESX
Same as
VMware ESX
Same as
VMware ESX
Same as
VMware ESX
Windows XP,
Windows 7,
Server 2003,
Server 2008
drivers Ior
Windows XP,
Vista, Linux
(SUSE 10
License Proprietary Proprietary Proprietary Proprietary Proprietary Proprietary,
Iree oI charge
Ior personal
Proprietary Proprietary

Name VMware
ESX Server
Player 3.1
Virtual PC
Server 2008
Guest OS
Yes, add-on,
up to 8 way
- Yes Yes (2-way) Yes (2-way) Yes (2-way) Yes Yes, up to 4
VCPUs per
arbitrary OS
Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
guest OS
Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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Features (continue)
ESX Server
Player 3.1
Virtual PC
Server 2008
Method of
Virtualization - Virtualization Virtualization
ion (VMI) and
Typical use
dev/test, cloud
trainer, end
user on
support Ior
with Windows
relative to
host OS
Up to near
- Near native
Up to near
Up to near
Up to near
Near native
with virtual
Near native
Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Can boot an
OS on
another disk
partition as
No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
USB support Partially
Partial support
over remote
Yes Yes Yes Yes Partially
Partial support
over remote
GUI Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Live memory
No Yes No Yes Yes Yes - Yes
No DirectX 9.0c
DirectX 9
Shader model
Support Ior
DirectX 9.0c
Shader Model
3 and
with VMGL
- DirectX 9.0c
per VM
- ranched - 1 Yes branched No - ranched
Snapshot of
- Yes - Yes Yes No - Yes
No Yes No No No No - Yes
Yes - - Yes Yes Yes - -
Yes - Yes Yes - - -

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Challenges of Virtualization
When you had a computer Ior a long time and then wanted or needed to move all your data to a
new one. Or, you need to reinstall Windows just because you`ve loaded so many programs that
it`s caused your computer to crash so oIten that you`re willing to start over. Well, it is possible to
take a 'snapshot oI your entire computer and move or copy the data to another machine in
minutes so you can continue right where you leIt oII. That technology is called Virtualization,
and there are several soItware vendors who provide the capability to allow you to do this on any
operating system Mac, Linux, or PC.
Why would I want to virtualize my computer, let me share a Iew reasons:
Portable workspaces virtualization allows you to move your entire digital workspace Irom
one physical machine to another. You can even use an iPod or US memory sticks to host a
virtual machine!
Testing and training rather than loading all kinds oI unknown soItware into your normal
computing environment, you can have a virtual machine just Ior testing. Heck, you could
have one Ior games, one Ior personal computing, and one Ior work!
Disaster recovery iI you always keep a recent backup oI your virtual machine, say. on a
portable US hard drive, even iI your computer dies you`ll be able to pick back up exactly
where you leIt oII without having to reinstall everything.
Consolidation Virtual machines are used to consolidate many physical servers into Iewer
servers, which in turn host virtual machines. Each physical server is reIlected as a virtual
machine 'guest residing on a virtual machine host system. This is also known as Physical-
to-Virtual or P2V` transIormation.
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Virtualization projects are in progress, at many organizations looking to decrease their capital
and real estate expenses and to launch energy-conservation initiatives. Through the use oI special
virtualization products and services, this shows immediate cost reduction, but that isn't quite as
good as it looks.
You still have to manage the servers, so you need additional manpower and tooling, and to
reIresh your images every time you add to your environment each piece oI virtualization has its
own beneIits and risks.
For example, iI you use hypervisors to virtualize your systems, you can save power by
consolidating applications that used to run on 10 physical servers onto one hardware box running
10 virtual machines, but the big problem will be II that one hardware machine Iails, you lose 10
virtual machines; and conIiguration becomes more complex because you have one physical
machine that must access all the storage, all the networks accessed by all 10 virtual machines,
Also, there could be more CPU overhead because the hypervisor itselI is an operating system and
takes up CPU space.
Another main challenge is compatibility issues and become the most virtualization problem.
Even though virtualization does a good job oI abstracting workloads Irom the underlying
hardware, any soItware that is hardware-dependent can lead to virtualization problems.
Cloud computing can be deIined as a pool oI virtualized computing resources that allows users to
gain access to applications and data in a web-based environment on demand, also some experts
say that cloud is nothing but virtualization plus automation.
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So cloud computing also has some challenges, iI Multiple VMs can concurrently run diIIerent
soItware applications on diIIerent operating system environments on a single physical machine.
This reduces hardware costs and space requirements.
Common drawbacks of virtualization
1. PerIormance II virtualizing slows and then everything will be down.
2. Lack oI redundancy placing multiple virtual machines on a single piece oI hardware is
3. Complexity Virtualization has a lot oI 'moving parts, so there`s more to go wrong
than with a single nonvirtualized machine.
4. Cost It`s not always the least expensive way to go. Watch out Ior hidden costs
5. Internet- is also main threat to the virtualization because iI the internet Iails you lose
6. Support: This depends on at least three diIIerent reasons: technical limitations (ex: virtual
machines cannot expose special physical hardware), marketing strategies (ex: decision to
support only a speciIic set oI hardwaresoItware) or political strategies (ex: decision to
support only a speciIic virtualization approach/platIorm).
7. Licensing: Today there is a limited number oI independent soItware vendors (ISVs) who
are adjusting their licensing model to Iit virtualization environments.
8. Capacity Planning :in any computing inIrastructure, A wrong placement oI virtual machines
and their workloads usually leads to waste oI physical resources, perIormances
bottlenecks and in some cases Iailure oI virtualization projects.
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. Reliability despite capability to arrange clustering or Iail-over conIigurations between
virtual machines, they still rely on a single piece oI hardware. To grant the services`
highest availability it is mandatory to implement cluster or Iail-over solutions at host
10. EIIiciency in virtual inIrastructures many more Iactors impact on the environment
eIIiciency than on traditional inIrastructures, making harder identiIication and solution oI
11. Security In Iact as oI today, virtualization technologies are not widespread enough to
seriously attract hacking communities or record bugs casual discoveries. This implies
security strengths oI the virtualization platIorm has still to be proven.
12. Responsibility virtualization.inIo identiIies Responsibility as a special challenge Ior any
customer embracing virtualization, appearing at diIIerent ages oI projects depending on
size, corporate culture and staII capabilities oI each company.
Future trends of virtualization
The trend to virtualize everything Irom servers to processing power to soItware oIIerings
actually started years ago in the personal sector. In the recent past, it was common Ior individuals
within major organizations to use virtualized services or cloud computing when at home, but at
work they weren't using those services at all. Why? ecause corporate IT didn't trust the lack oI
security oI the cloud, and they weren't sure it was a hard trend--something that was deIinitely
here to stay. Today, we know better. The use oI virtualization and cloud computing is growing
quickly among companies oI all sizes.
Baiuwaie viitualization Page 8

Top virtualization trends
Just over a year later. Some things grew beyond our wildest dreams. Today, a 400-VM
implementation is considered 'moderate and others Iall short oI expectations. At this holiday
season, we can`t help but wonder what 2009 will present. Through conversations with Iirms oI
all sizes, it seems clear that 2009 will bring with it a set oI interesting and sometimes divergent
1. Expansion: Despite, or perhaps because oI the imperative Ior IT to lower costs,
virtualization will continue to grow in the datacenter as Iirms virtualize more and more
applications. One oI the Iew sureIire techniques to cut Iloor space and power costs,
virtualization will continue to deliver savings, meaning environments will grow Irom a
Iew hundred VMs to a thousand by the end oI the year.
2. Diversity: Multiple hypervisors, more operating systems and more actual platIorms
Irom Solaris to mainIrame are entering the domain oI virtualization. What used to be
'your VMware environment will become 'your virtualized environment encompassing
all servers, storage and other resources associated with virtual resources.
3. Homogeneity: Ironically, the breadth and complexity oI the environment is driving the
need Ior more homogeneity in VM conIigurations. Once, having 60 'standard builds
was Iine but 2009 will bring with it a strong desire to trim the varieties down to a
manageable Iew.
4. Elasticity: The beauty oI a VM is its ability to grow and shrink its resource utilization. In
the next year, as cloud adoption picks up, the same elasticity will be applied to the
datacenter, leveraging external resources when needed to pick up the extra workloads.
Baiuwaie viitualization Page 9

5. Optimization: This coming year, economic and budgetary concerns will impact
virtualization groups as much as the rest oI the IT staII. Managers will be asked to do
more with less. The Iirst step likely will be to evaluate how their current resources are
being deployed and how they can reduce waste.
Virtualization to Cloud Computing
Software as a Service
Virtualization can take many Iorms apart Irom servers. For example, you can virtualize a
desktop-meaning your desktop is stored virtually in the cloud and can be accessed anywhere.
You also can virtualize your operating system. That means you can be using a Mac yet running
the latest Windows operating system on the Mac; or you can have a PC and have three diIIerent
operating systems running all at the same time. That's the power oI virtualization.
Software as a service (SaaS)is alternative element oI virtualization. Years ago, we started
with soItware that you had to buy, install, maintain and update. Thanks to SaaS, this soItware is
now in the clouds, so you no longer buy it; you simply buy time to use it. It is a cost-eIIective
way Ior companies oI all sizes to have access to enterprise level soItware.

lgure 4 SofLware as a Servlce
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Likewise, we're also starting to see virtualized processing power. Think oI this as accessing a
supercomputer in the clouds and having that supercomputer's processing power available on a
smart phone or tablet.
IT as a Service
Part oI this evolution oI virtualization and cloud computing is that we can now virtualize various
components oI IT. In the near Iuture, we'll start seeing IT as a service (much like how SaaS
became popular). This means that much oI the IT department will be virtualized and running in
the cloud.
The beneIits oI IT as a service are immense. Not only will it save money, but it will also increase
speed and agility. Since your servers aren't used 100 percent all the time, the eIIiciency varies.
With IT as a service, a company will be able to scale in real-time as demand dictates by the
nanosecond. As sales increase, the system will instantly selI-conIigure. As sales decrease, it can
act accordingly. Now you're only paying Ior what you're using. In this case, you'll be able to
beneIit Irom dynamic resource allocation, so you're able to maximize what you have and what
you're paying Ior at all times.
IT as a service is a game changer. ecause you now have components oI the IT department
existing in the cloud, you're Ireeing your in-house IT staII to shiIt Irom a maintenance mode to
an innovation mode. As such, your IT department can Iocus on achieving business goals,
creating innovative solutions and driving sales rather than upgrading individual user's computers
and IireIighting everyday problems. It allows the IT department to really look at industry trends
Baiuwaie viitualization Page

unIolding so your company can give customers the products and services they'd ask Ior, iI they
only knew what was possible.

lgure 3 l1 as Servlce

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Platform as a service (PaaS)
!,,$ is the delivery oI a computing platIorm and solution stack as a service? PaaS oIIerings
Iacilitate deployment oI applications without the cost and complexity oI buying and managing
the underlying hardware and soItware and provisioning hosting capabilities, providing all oI the
Iacilities required to support the complete liIe cycle oI building and delivering web
applications and services entirely available Irom the Internet.

lgure 6 9laLform as a Servlce

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Virtualization Strategy
It is people enabled by process and technology that dynamically orchestrate businesses and the
inIrastructure that underpins them to drive towards desired outcomes. A complete virtualization
strategy requires a holistic and evolutionary approach in which people and process Iactors need
to be addressed. These include culture, mindset, belieIs, skills, strategy, measurement and
metrics, organizational structure, and workIorce management systems.
The scope oI your virtualization strategy should include these three elements: people, process,
and technology:
1. In the people area, it is important to consider the culture, skills, knowledge, and
mindset oI the people, how they operate. It is important to check their level oI
preparedness Ior working in a virtual team environment, collaborating electronically in
decentralized teams separated by time, distance, language, and culture.
virtuo/ited lnfrostructure 1echno/oqies
owet tbe tlme cost ooJ effott lovolveJ lo occessloq ooJ osloq tesootces ooJ wbeo
combloeJ wltb koowleJqeJtlveo moooqemeot
octeose tbe tooqe ooJ scope of JemooJs tbe systems tbot Jtow oo vlttoollzeJ
loftosttoctote coo booJle ooJ
octeose o systems copoclty fot octloo by mokloq lt eoslet fot systems to polckly oJJ
temove mlqtote ot cbooqe tbe tesootces tbey Jtow oo to Jo tbelt wotk
1bot ls wby vlttoollzeJ loftosttoctote tecbooloqles ooJ koowleJqeJtlveo moooqemeot ote
tbe foooJotloo fot Jyoomlc systems ooJ ote esseotlol to soppottloq tbe petfotmooce of
bosloesses ooJ tbe people lo tbem
Baiuwaie viitualization Page

2. In the process area, processes like incident, problem, change, and conIiguration
management must be adjusted to work with a decentralized, virtual team and IT
3. In the technology area, look at the application level and examine what technologies
like SoIt Grid can add here, where soItware applications are streamed to users computers
as they are needed, much like how electricity is sent to users and consumed on-demand.
This helps to signiIicantly reduce the amount oI application compatibility testing
typically needed when deploying new applications, upgrades and patches.

Virtualization as a technology is not actually a new thing. In Iact, it has been widely used since
the early 60`s. Its wide array oI application has been maniIested on virtual networking
standalone environment or peer to peer. Virtualization works by transIorming our hardware to
work dynamically included in the parameter is to work as iI it is a soItware program. ardware
virtuali:ation reIers to the creation oI a virtual machine that acts like a real computer with an
operating system. SoItware executed on these virtual machines is separated Irom the underlying
hardware resources. The Iuture oI enterprise IT management will be based on virtual computing.
It possible to maximize comport utilization while minimizing all associated oI management,
power consumption, maintenance and physical space. Virtualization Technology provides a
comprehensive roadmap to address virtualization challenges and includes support Ior CPU and
I/O virtualization and strong VMM ecosystem.

Baiuwaie viitualization Page

Michael James, copyright (2008), Jirtuali:ation 100 Success Secrets. Emereo Publishing.
Tim Cerling, 1effrey Buller, Chuck Enstall, #ichard #uiz, (2010), Mastering Microsoft
Jirtuali:ation, India: Wiley Publishing.
Ivanka Menken, Gerard Blokdijk, (2008), Jirtualization The Complete Cornerstone Guide to
Jirtuali:ation Best Practices,

78 Buytae7t, Roge7 Dttne7, Dav/ Rule, (2007), The Best amn Server Jirtuali:ation Book Period
, Syngress Publishing Inc.
Virtualization Ior dummies book 2
hp special edition


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