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Animal physiology and biomolecules Digestion & Absorption 1.

Gastric juice contains: (a) pepsin, lipase, rennin (b) trypsin, lipase & rennin. (c) trypsin, pepsin, lipase. (d) trypsin, pepsin, rennin. Ans. (d) 2. Succus entericus is the name given to (a) a junction between ileum & large intestine. (b) intestinal juice. (c) swelling in the gut. (d) appendix. Ans. (b) 3. The definition of teeth in which milk teeth are replaced by adult teeth: (a) diphydont. (b) triphydont. (c) both. (d) none. Ans. (a) 4. Dental formula of the human being is: (a) 2125 2125 (b) 2123 2123 (c) 0123 0123 (d) 2423 2423 Ans. (b) 5. Stomach have three parts, they are: (a) fundic, pyloric, cardiac. (b) ileum,ischium,jejunum. (c) fundic, ileum, cardiac. (d) none. Ans. (a) 6. The three parts of small intestine are: (a) fundic, pyloric, cardiac. (b) duodenum, ileum,jejunum. (c) fundic, ileum, cardiac. (d) none. Ans. (b) 7. The four layers of the alimentary canal are: (a) serosa, muscularis, villi, lymph (b) mucoss, villi, muscularis, lymph. (c) serosa, muscularis, sub-mucosa & mucosa (d) none. Ans. (c) 8. Villi act as: (a) organ of absorption. (b) increase surface areas (c) both. (d) none. Ans. (c) 9. Largest gland of the body is: (a) pancreas.

(b) liver. (c) both. (d) none. Ans. (b) 10. Bile salts are: (a) bilirubin. (b) biliverdin. (c) both. (d) none. Ans. (c) 11. secrete HCl. (a) crypts of leiberkuhn. (b) oxyntic cells. (c) both. (d) none. Ans. (b) 12. .. is found in gastric juice of infants. (a) Renin. (b) Pepisn. (c) both. (d) none. Ans. (a) 13. Which helps in emulsification of fats? (a) Bile salts. (b) Trypsin. (c) Lipase. (d) none. Ans. (a) 14. Carbohydrates in the chyme are hydrolysed by pancreatic (a) lipase. (b) trypsin. (c) rennin. (d) amylase. Ans. (d) 15. The breakdown of the bio macromolecules occurs in the. of the small intestine. (a) duodenum. (b) ileum. (c) jejunum (d) none 13) following are vitamins in colums I and deficiency deseases in column II i)K iii)B1 a)Beri-beri ii)D b)Haemorrhagic desease of new born iv)A d)Rickets

c)Night Blindness

What is the correct matching a)(i)-,(ii)-(b),(iii)-(d),(iv)-(a) b)(i)-(a),(ii)-(b)-(iii)-(a),(iv)-(c) c)(i)-(b),(ii)-(d),(iii)-(a),(iv)-(c) d)(i)-,(ii)-(d),(iii)-(a),(iv)-(b) 14) Match the columns

Column I

Column II

a b c d

Saliva Gastric juice Pancreatic juice Intestinal juice

P q r s t

Disaccharides Trypsin ptyalin pepsin Cellulase


Curdling of milk in small intestine would occur with the help of a)Rennin b)Erypsin c)Trypsin d)Chymotrypsin


Absorption of glycerol ,fatty acids and monoglycerides takes place by c)Colon d)Capillaries within villi

a)Lymph vessels within villi b)Walls of stomach

Breathing & Exchange of gases Multiple Choice Questions 1. What will be the pO2 & pCO2 in the atmospheric air compared to those in the alveolar air (i) pO2 lesser , pCO2 higher. (ii) pO2 higher , pCO2 lesser (iii)pO2 higher, O2 higher. (iv)pO2 lesser , pCO2 lesser. 2. The process of respiration is concerned with the: (i) intake of O2. (ii) Liberation of O2. (iii) Liberation of CO2. (iv) Liberation of energy. 3. The volume of air inspired & expired during respiration is: (i) tidal volume. (ii) Vital capacity. (iii) Residual volume. (iv) None. 4. At the time of inspiration, the diaphragm, (i) Expand, (ii) Contract. (iii) Relax. (iv) None. 5. Respiratory movements are controlled by: (i) Cerebellum. (ii) crura cerebrii. (iii) Medulla. (iv) none. 6. The maximum volume of air, a person can breathe in after a forced expiration is: (i) Vital capacity. (ii) residual volume. (iii) tidal volume. (iv) none. 7. The membrane of lungs is known as: (i) peritoneum. (ii) pleura. (iii) pericardium. (iv) all. 8. The gaseous exchange takes place in: (i) Bronchi. (ii) Alveoli. (iii) Trachea.

(iv) None. 9. Functional Residual capacity (FRC) can be expressed as: (i) ERV + RV. (ii) ERV + TV (iii) IRV + RV (iv) none. 10. Oxygen dissociation curve is: (i) sigmoid. (ii) straight line. (iii) hyperbola. (iv) parabola. 11. Number of O2 molecules that can combine with the haemoglobin are: (i) 1 (ii) 2 (iii) 3 (iv) 4 12. What is value of approximate tidal volume in humans? (i) 2000 to 4000 mL of air /Min. (ii) 6000 to 8000 mL of air /Min. (iii) 1000 to 3000 mL of air /Min. (iv) None. 13. Oxygen is transported through: (i) RBC. (ii) WBC (iii) Both (iv) none. 17) A person met with an accident and died instantly without any injury to heart ,brain ,stomach and kidney .One of the following is a reason for his death a)Intestine got twisted d)Diaphragm got punctured 18) Expiration involves a)Relaxation of diaphragm and intercostals muscles b)Contraction of diaphragm and intercostals muscles c)Contraction of diaphragm muscles d)Contraction of intercostals muscles 19) Volume of air left after maximum forceful expiration in human lung is b)Residual volume c)Vital capacity d)Tidal b)RBC became coagulated c)Stomach stopped digestion

a)Total lung capacity volume

20) In human beings ,partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the inspired and expired air is respectively a)0.3 and 40 mm Hg 0.3mmHg 21) b)0.3 and 32 mm Hg c)40 and 46 mm Hg d)40 and

Respiratory mechanism is controlled by a)Central nervous system b)Sympathetic nervous system

c)Parasympathetic nervous system d)Autonimic nervous system 22) The covering of the lung is called a)pericardium 23) Myoglobin is found in b)perichondrium c)Pleural membrane d)Peritoneum

a)Lungs 24)



d)Red blood corpuscles

At higher CO2 concentration ,oxygen dissociation curve of heamoglobin will b)Move to right c)Become irregular d)Move

a)Move to left upwardly 25) Match the columns a) Column I a Larynx b Trachea c Alveoli d Epiglottis

Column II P Lid of larynx q Air sacs r Voice box s Wind pipe t Common passage

a) b) c) d) 26)

a-r,b-s,c-q,d-p a-t,b-s,c-p,d-q a-r,b-s,c-q,d-t a-r,b-t,c-q,d-p

Match the columns and find correct combination

a b c d

Earthworm Human Prawn Insects

(i) (ii) (iii) iv

Pulmonary Branchial Tracheal Cutaneous

a) a-(i),b-(ii),c-(iii),d-(iv) b) a-(iv),b-(i),c-(ii),d-(iii) c) a-(iii),b-(ii),c-(iv),d-(i) d) a-(iv),b-(ii),c-(i),d-(iii) 27) Insect tracheal system opens to the outside through a)Spiral valve 28) b)Pecten c)Spiracle d)Taenidia

Ventricle is thick walled as compared to auricle because

a)It is present on the posterior side c)It is to receive blood from auricles 29) A portal system is one in which

b)It is to pump blood d)None of the above

a)A vein starts from an organ and ends up in heart b)A vein starts from an organ and ends up in another organ c)A vein starts from heart and ends up in lungs d)None of the above 30) Function of S-A node is a)Muscular pain b)Contraction of lungs d)None of the above 31) In case of active immunity a)Killled pathogene are inculated c)Antitoxins are injected 32) b)Antibodies are injected d)All the above c)Heart beat

Narrowing of lumen of artery because of deposition of fats is called b)Atherosclerosis c)Arteriosclerosis d)Myocardial

a)Thrombosis infraction

33) Universal donors have no antigens in RBC s but have both antibodies a and b. they belong to blood group a)A 34) b)B c)AB d)O

Cardiac output /min during normal working in man is about a)2 litres b)5litres c)10 litres d)20litres


Formation of blood corpuscles is known as a)Heamolysis b)Rouleaux c)Haemopoiesis d)Phagocytosis


A child of blood group O cannot have parents of blood groups a)AB and AB/O b)Aand B c)B and B d)O and O


Husband and wife should know their Rh factors because the situation can be serious due to biological incompatibility in one of the following cases a)Rh+husband and Rh+ wife c)Rh- husband and Rh+ wife b)Rh- husband and Rh- wife d)Rh+ husband and Rh- wife


pH of blood in arteries and veins is a)Higher in arteries amd lower in veins arteries b)Higher in veins and lower in

c)Same 39)

d)Variable in both

Which of the following chemicals can be used as anticoagulant a)Sodium chloride b)sodium citrate c)Sodium nitrate d)Ammonium chloride ss


Diapedesis is a)Bursting of WBC b)Production of pus c)Production of WBC WBC out of blood capillaries to the site of injury d)Passage of


Carbonic anhydrase occurs in a)Lymphocytes b)Blood plasma c)RBC d)Leucocytes


Largest number of white blood corpuscles are a)Eosinophils b)BAsophils c)Neutrophils d)Thymus


Iron containing haeme is attached with globin of haemoglobin as a)Coenzyme group b)apoenzyme c)Prosthelic group d)Inorganic


Mitral /Bicuspid valve connects a)Left atrium and left ventricle c)Right artrium and left ventricle b)Left atrium and right ventricle d)Right atrium and right ventricle


Vitamin required for the formation of prothrombin a)k b)B12 c)E d)c


Which one are granulocytes a)Neutrophils ,basophils ,lymphocytes c)BAsophils ,monocttes ,lymphocytes b)Eosinophils ,basophils ,monocytes d)Neutriphils ,eosinophils ,basophils


Systemic heart refers to a)Heart that contracts under stimulation from nervous system b)Left auricle and left ventricle in higher vertebrates c)Entire heart in lower vertebrates d)The two ventricles together in humans


The yellow colour of urine is due to a)Uric acid b)Urea c)Urochrome d)Melanin


In Annelids excretory organs are a)Nephridia d)Kidneys b)Malpighian tubules c)Green glands


The glomerular afferent arteriole has a pressure of

a)+120mmHg b)-120mm Hg +75mmHg 51) In human beings ,gout is caused by



a)Deficiency of iodine b)Excessive secretion of thyroid c)Excessive liberation of uric acid d)Deposition of uric acid 52) Bowmans capsule is lined by a)Ciliated cuboidal epithelium c)Nonciliated columnar epithelium 53) b)squanous epithelium d)Nonciliated columnar epithelium

In aquatic organisms the waste end product of nitrogen metabolism is a)Urea b)Nitrogen c)Ammonia d)Allantois


Pressence of RBC in urine is called a)Anuria b)Haematuria c)Glycosuria d)Ketonuria


Ornithine cycle is related to a)Respiration b)Excretion c)Digestion d)Nutrition


Volume of urine is regulated by b)Aldosterone and ADH c)Aldosterone ,ADH and

a)Aldosterone testosterone d)ADH 57) In micturition ,

a)Ureters contract b)Urethra contracts 58)

c)Urethra relaxes

d)Ureters relax

Concentration of urine in organisms depends upon a)Length of loop of Henle b)PCT c)DCT d)Intake of water


Which one is both hormone and enzyme a)ADH b)Angiotensinogen c)Rennin d)Acetylcholinesterase


Urinary bladder is absent in a)Aves b)reptiles c)Amphibians d)Mammals


Locomotory organs in starfish are a)Tube feet b)Tentacles c)Cilia d)Appendages


The only movable bone in the skull is a)Maxilla b)Frontoparietal c)Mandible d)Nasal

63) joints 64)

Sutures present between various bones of skull are a)Cartilagenous joints Glenoid cavity is found in a)Humerus b)Pectoral girdle c)pelvic girdle d)skull b)synovial joints c)Hinge joints d)Fibrous


Neural canal contains a)Ear ossicles b)Internal ears c)Spinal cord d)Brain


Human vertebral formula is a)C4T8L4S8C8 b)C7T8L5S6C7 c)C7T12L5S4C5 d)C7T12L5S5C4


Phalangeal /digital formula for human hand /foot is a)0,2,2,3,3 b)0,2,3,3,3 c)2,2,3,3,3 d)2,3,3,3,3


Friction is lessened in ball and socket joint by a)Coelomic fluid b)Synovial fluid c)pericardial fluid d)Mucin


Sella turcica is a)Depression of long bone b)Ridge over a bone

c)Depression in the skull in the area of pituitary gland d)Ridge in the skull over the area of pituitary gland 70) substance that accumulates in a fatigued muscles is a)pyruvic acid 71) b)Lactic acid c)CO2 d)A.D.P

Haversian system is diagnostic feature of b)Reptilian bones c)Mammalian Bones d)Bone

a)Avian bones of all animals 72)

Which one yields ATP required for muscle contraction ? a)Myoglobin d)Myosin b)Creatine phosphate c)Creatinine phosphate


Sesamoid bone is a)Patella b)Femur c)Tarsal d)Tibia


Red muscles have abundant b)Glucose and haemoglobin c)Relaxin and

a)Lactic acid and acetic acid myosin d)None of the above


Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction was given by b)Huxley and Hill c)Huxley and Huxley d)Pullman and

a)Arnon and Hill Huxley 76) will

Stimulus several times greater than threshold stimulus bis provided to muscle fibre .It b)Contract forcefully c)Contract

a)Contract with same force slightly d)Undergo tetany 77) Pick up the correct match (a) Sternum (b)Ribs Pelvis (d)Face a)(a)-ii,(b)-iii(c)-iv,(d)-i b)(a)-ii,(b)-iv(c)-I,(d)-iii c)(a)-ii,(b)-iii,(c)-I,(d)-iv d)(a)-ii,(b)-I,(c)-iii,(d)-iv. 78) Muscles immune to fatigue are a)Cardiac 79) b)Eye muscles (iii)24 (iv)3 (i)14 (ii)1

c)Unstriated d)Skeletal

Grey matter is composed of c)Nerve fibres d)Nissl

a)Ependymal cells b)Nerve cells granules 79) Aqueduct of Sylvius connects the a)PAracoels with 3rd ventricle c)Paracoels with mesocoel 80) Number of spinal nerves in man are a)11 pairs 81) b)13 pairs c)6 pairs

b)Paracoels with 4th ventricle d)Diacoel with myelocoel

d)31 pairs

The function of choroid plexus is b)To produce blood c)To produce

a)To produce lymph cerebrospinal fluid d)To produce endolymph 82) Subdural space is between

a)Piamater and arachnoid c)Piamater and grey matter 83) Brocas motor speech area occurs in a)Temporal lobe d)Diencephalon 84)

b)Arachnoid and duramater d)Grey matter and white matter

b)Medulla oblongata

c)Frontal lobe

What is common between (i)acetycholine (ii)noradrenaline (iii)serotomin ? a)All are chemical transmitters c)All are blood pressure lowering drugs b)All are antidiuretic drugs d)None of the above


Action potential of a nerve cell is a)+140mv b)+120mv c)+80mv d)+20mv


The branched tree like structure present in the cerebellum is a)Arbor vitae b)Arborial c)Archenteron d)Areole


In a nerve if sodium pump is blocked ,which of the following is most likely to happen a)Na+ and K+ will increase outside the cell c)Na+ inside the nerve will increase b)Na+ outside the nerve will increase d)K+ inside the nerve will increase


The reflex are is formed by a)Brain spinal cord muscles c)Muscles receptor brain b)Receptor spinal cord muscles d)Muscles spinal cord receptor


An injury in accident has distributed regulation of body temperature ,water balance and hunger in a person .The part of brain affected is a)Cerebellum b)Corpora quadrigemina c)Medulla oblongata d)Hypothalamus


Dorsal root ganglion is a)Motor b)Mixed c)sensory d)None of the above


Father of conditional reflex is a)Pavlov b)kalvin c)Oparin d)Smith and organs


Alcohol affects a)Medulla obolongata d)Thalamus ss b)Cerebellum c)Cerebral cortex


A frog with crushed brain is pinched on the leg .The leg is drawn away .It is a)Automatic motor response b)Neurotransmitter induced response

c)Conditional reflex 94)

d)Simple reflex

Energy transformation during nerve conduction is a)Chemical to radiant electrical d)Mechanical to radiant b)Chemical to mechanical c)Chemical to


Macula lutea is a part of a)Optic nerve b)Selerotic c)Choroid d)Retina


The size of pupil decrease due to the contraction of a)Radial muscles b)Circular muscles c)Both circular and radial muscles

d)Nictiating membrace 97) The vision of man is a)Monocular 98) b)Binocular c)Aposition d)None of the above

The rods and cones are located in a)Iris b)Choroid c)Rectina d)Sclerotic


The membranous labyrinth is concerned with a)Hearing b)Equilibrium c)Both d)None of the above

100) Octonia are a)Nerve fibres of the above b)Ear stones c)Sensory hair d)None

101) Pharynx is connected with tympanic cavity through a)Glottis b)Gullet c)Eustachian tubes d)Internal nares

102) The part of an eye which acts like diaphragm of a photographic camera ,is a)Pupil b)Iris c)Lens d)Cornea

103) When a sharp turn is taken by a cyclist ,which organ helps maintain equilibrium a)Semicircular canals b)Optic chiasma c)Cochlea d)Ear ossicles

104) Scala tympani is connecte to scala vestibule by means of a)Stapes membrane b)Helicotrema c)Basilar membrane d)Tectorial

105) Myopia is corrected by a)Cylindrical lens lens b)Bifocal lens c)Biconvex lens d)Biconcave

106) Corpus luteum produces a)Progesterone b)Cortisol c)Oestradiol e)Testosterone

107) Secretion of gastric juice is stopped by a)Gastrin b)Secretin c)Enterogastrone d)Cholecystokinin

108) The hormone which darkens the skin of frog is a)Insulin d)None of these b)Oestrogen c)Melanocyte stimulating hormone

109) While dwarfs and cretins are somewhat the same height ,the main difference is that a)Dwarft have normal intelligence while cretins do not mentally deranged c)The head of cretin is especially large elongated chin 110) Relaxin is secreted by a)Corpus luteum b)Pituitary c)Pineal d)Ovary b)cretins are d)the dwarft have

111) When the normal heart of a frog is injected with physiological concentration of adrenaline it shows a)Systolic arrest b)Decreased rate c)Sustained increased rate

d)First increased then normal rate 112) Implantation of fertilized egg or young embryo occurs under the influence of a)FSH b)Progesterone c)Oxytocin d)LH

113) A woman started developing male characteristics .It may be due to a)Overproduction of adrenal androgens c)Damage to mammary glands b)Overproduction of estrogen d)Damage to posterior pituitary

114) Adernal cortex is controlled in its activity by a hormone of pituitary known as a)FSH b)TSH c)ACTH d)ADH

115) A woman whose pituitary gets damaged can have a baby if she is given a)20 g of estrogen and progestcrone each day for 14 days b)Small quantity of estrogen every day for 28 days after evolution c)Small quantity of FSH and LH each day and large dose of LH on fifteenth day d)Small quantituy of FSH and LH on each day 116) Deficiency of thyroxine /hypothyroidism in adults results in

a)Diabetes mellitus d)Exopthalmic goiter

b)Diabetes insipidus


117) Parathyroid gland degenerates .Which activity is disturbed ? a)Growth b)Calcium concentration c)Potassium concentration

d)Sodium concentration 118) In hormone action ,if receptor molecules are removed from target organ ,the target organ will a)Continue to respond to hormone b)Not respond to hormone

c)Continue to respond but requires higher concentration d)Continue to respond but in the opposite way 119) Metamorphosis in tadpole of frog is accelerated by a)Calcium b)Thyroid hormone c)Low pH d)Salinity of water

120) Hormones thyroxine and adrenaline and pigment melanin are formed from a)Glycine b)Tryptophan c)Tyosine d)Proline

121) Immune disease in which body destroys the ill-functioning thyroid is a)Simmonds disease d)Myxoedema b)Cretinism c)Hashimotos

122) Removal or absence of thymus in early life shall bring about a)Lack of lymphocytes d)All the above b)Lack of antibodies c)Lack of lymph nodes

123) Oversecretion of growth hormone in adults produces a)Gigantism disease b)Acromegaly c)Graves disease d)Gulls

124) Pick up the correct combination

a b c d

Addisons disease Tetany Acromegaly Myxoedema

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Pitutary Thyroid Adernal cortex Parathyroid

a) (a)-iii,(b)-ii,(c)-I,(d)-iv b) (a)-I,(b)-iii,(c)-ii,(d)-iv c) (a)-iii,(b)-iv,(c)-I,(d)-ii d) (a)-iii,(b)-iv,(c)-ii,(d)-i

125) Hormone useful in suppressing allergies ,rheumatoid arthritis and tissue inflammation is a)Mineralocorticoid b)Glucocorticoid c)Thyroxine d)Adernaline

Biomolecules 1. All the carbon compounds that we get from the living tissues is called as: (a) Proteins. (b) Biomolecules. (c) Carbohydrate. (d) None. 2. Which organic compound contains NH2 & -COOH group? (a) Amino acid (b) Fatty acid. (c) Both (d) None. 3. Which forms the zwitter ion? (a) Amino acid (b) Fatty acid. (c) Both (d) None. 4. Which fatty acid contains 16 carbon compound incliding carboxyl carbon? (a) Archidonic acid. (b) All (c) Palmitic acid. (d) Stearic acid 5. Simple lipid is. (a) Carboxylic acid. (b) Glycerol (c) Acetone. (d) Stearic acid 6. Which type of bond is found in fats? (a) Ester bond. (b) Ether bond. (c) Peptide bond. (d) Hydrogen bond. 7. Which type of bond is found in proteins? (a) Ester bond. (b) Ether bond. (c) Peptide bond. (d) Hydrogen bond. 8. In nucleosides. (a) Nitrogen base, sugar & phosphate are present. (b) Only nitrogen base & sugars are present. (c) Only Nitrogen base & phosphate is present. (d) Only Sugar & phosphate is present 9. Bio macromolecules have molecular weight ranging between. (a) 18 to 800 Dalton. (b) 1 to 2 Dalton. (c) Both. (d) None. 10. Which is the most abundant chemical in living organism? (a) Protein. (b) Fats. (c) Water.

(d) None. 11. Which is the most abundant protein in the whole world? (a) Ribulose Bis Phosphate Carboxylase Oxygenase. (b) Ribulose Mono Phosphate carboxylase oxygenase. (c) Collagen (d) None. 12. Exoskeleton in arthropods is made of. (a) Protein . (b) Fats. (c) Chitin (d) None. 13. AT & GC have (a) 2 & 3 hydrogen bond respectively (b) 1 & 2 hydrogen bond respectively (c) 3 & 2 hydrogen bond respectively (d) None. 14. Metabolic pathways in which the complex structure forms from a simpler structure are called. (a) Anabolism. (b) Catabolism (c) Both (d) None. 15. Some nucleic acids are also enzymes & are known as (a) Ribozymes. (b) Enzymes. (c) Abzymes (d) None. 16. The branch that deals with the living organism energy functions is known as (a) Bioinformatics. (b) Biotechnology (c) Bioenergetics (d) None.

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