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Hi mates : 6ab3an ba3ed ma yo8areb sa3a mn elne8a$ eldectatoore ma3 eldoctor 3ala mawdoo3 el2s2ele wyalle tbayn felneyahea enha all DISCUSED 8rr eldoctor el2atee : as2elet elfinal ra7 tkoon moba$era wshlee wmn elslides " 6ab3an mo lasawd 3yoona " bas li2nno had elmawdoo3 kteer kbeer w2zaa ra7 netwasa3 feo bena fa9el la7alo SO JUST READ THE SLIDES FOR THESE LECs wa HOPEFULLY THAT THE QUESTIONs WILL BE EASY BTW lalee ma be3rafoo fee 3ada 3an elslides handout a36anna eyahom eldoctor ma6loobeen mna both ,,, elslides ellink ta3hom mawjood 3algroup wel handout ma fe mno ella hardcopy beljam3ea

Now lets talk physiology

in this lecture we're gonna talk about the central nervous system "CNS" which is one of the most major control system in the body .

control systems in the body:

1- nervous system : - It controls and coordinates rapid activities of the body - how does the nervous system control its functions ? Through neurotransmitters , which work in these circumestanses : - short distance - short duration : its effect wont last for a long time. - its divided into two systems : 1-Central nervous system 2-peropheral nervous system

- The nervous system transmits electrical signals

2- Endocrine system : - it Controls the metabolic activities in the body . - how does it control it function ? Through hormones which act in these circumstances : -long distance - long duration : it effect lasts for a long time The endocrine system secrets hormones (chemical messengers) into the circulating blood to distance sites of the body . * Neurotransmitters are the chemicals secreted by the neurons which allow the transmission of signals from one neuron to the next across synapses . * nervous system regulates some hormones secretion and on the same time hormones affect the function of the nervous system . * presence of certain hormones is important for the developing of the nervous tissues .

ORGANAIZATION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM Nervous system 1- CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM : Consist of neurons : the neurons consist of : -cell body -axon -dendrite Neurons lie entirely within the cranium skull or the vertebral column . ( BRAIN & SPINAL CORD )


Divisions of the peripherral nervous system - Afferent nerve fibers - Efferent nerve fibers AFEERENT nerve fibers are SENSORY ana always remember that A in Afeerent means toward the brain ya3nee its responsible of carrying the information from the body toward the brain ( integrating cells) . Afferent consists of cell body and axon and its located outside the CNS in the other tissues of the body EFFERENT nerve fibers are MOTOR and always remember that the E in Efferent means away from the brain . Ya3nee its carrying away the response from the brain (integrating cells) to the cells of the body Efferent consists of cell bodies only and its located inside the CNS in the tissues of the brain

We have 12 CRANIAL nerves (pairs) And 31 SPINAL nerves (pairs) EFEERENT DEVESIONS : 1- somatic nervous system : which gives me the motor neurons 2-autonomic nervous system : which gives me : - sympathetic nervous system - parasympathetic nervous system - infrenic nervous system : a collection of nerve cells that can act independently from the CNS

SO to summarize :

How do the CNS & the PNS work

together to control the body :

C entral nervous sy (spinal cord

Neurons are differentiated by their : function location structure

Notice that the cell body of the afferent is located outside the cental nervous system ( spinal cord) while the efferent is inside the spinal cord In the previous pic we can see the following :

The afferent nerve cells receive stimuli (sensory or

Axon term inals

visceral) from the body tissues , and then this stimuli is going to be transferred through the afferents to the CNS as an input (FROM PERIPHERAL TO CENTRAL ) Then in the central nervous system the brain and the spinal cord decided the suitable response to this stimuli and it send a response to the efferent nerve cells as an output (FROM CENTRAL TO PERIPHERAL) Now in the efferent nerve cells the response will be send to: 1- either the somatic nervous system which consists of motor neurons that will transfer the response to the SKELETAL CELLS 2- or it will send it to the autonomic nervous system which will transfer the response to the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems which will transfer the response to the SMOOTH and CARDIAC MUSCLES and GLANDS .

Protection of CNS
The nervous tissue inside the CNS is very delicate

structure ,,, and if the neurons get damaged it can NOT be replaced so the CNS must be well protected The CNS structure is protected by : 1- the bony structure : the skull and the vertebral column. 2- meninges : -Dura -Arachnoids -Pia matter : its attached inf. To the brain and the spinal cord. * meningitis : inflamation of the meninges
3- cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) : which acts as a shock absorber 4- blood brain barrier : limits the movement of certain substances from the blood into the brain tissue THE BRAIN METABOLISM : - O2 and glucose are important to produce the ATP in the brain (aerobic metabolism) , and they must be continuously supplied to the brain because : - there is no anaerobic metabolism of glucose in the brain - brain does not store glucose Cutting of O2 supply from the brain for more than 4 mins lead to brain damage -hypoglycemia decreases brain activities ,,, and if it continues for a long time it will lead to brain damage

Glial Cells ( Neuroglia)

They considered as the connective tissue of the nervous system supporting nervous system physically , metabolically and hemostatically.

We have to differentiate between neuralgia and neurons : neurons initiate and conduct impulse while neuroglia dont -90% of the cells within the CNS are glial cells - Glial cells do not branch extensively - they cannot divide - there are 4 types of glial cells : 1- Asterocytes 2-oligodendrocytes 3- microglia 4-epidendymal cells ASTEROCYTES - hold the neurons together - act as scaffold during brain development Repair brain injuries from neural scar tissue - support the neurons metabolically and thermostatically by creating and maintaining a proper environment to enable the neurons to perform its function in a proper way -it takes up excess k+ from brain extra cellular fliud - establish blood brain barrier (BBB) : it act as a selective barrier ( anatomic restriction and physiologic selection anatomic restriction = there is an anatomic composition tight junction between the capillary space and the capillary cells in the brain that prevent the down concentration transition of nutrients and gases Physiologic selection = these tight junctions transport materials through canals and carriers selectively

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