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Ashnil Sachdev 10B

Alternutlve Inergy Axxlgnment MYP Grude:

1eucher Cnmmentx: Indlcutex thut the prncexx nI genthermul electrlclty
prnductlnn ln nnt underxtnnd

Student Predlctlnn: Wnrd Cnunt:I09S

Pupll reIlectlnn - 1n lmprnve my next One Wnrld uxxlgnment I wlll.

IIVII OISCBIP1OB 1uxL SpeclIlc ClurlIlcutlnn
The student expIains how science is applied and how it
may be used to address a specific problem or issue in a
local or global context.
The student discusses the effectiveness of science
and its application in solving the problem or issue.

The student discusses and evaIuates the implications
of the use and application of science interacting with at
Ieast two of the following factors: moral, ethical, social,
economic, political, cultural and environmental.
[ ] The student gives a clear account,
including causes and reasons or mechanisms,
of the selected alternative energy source and
how it solves a global warming caused
problem specific of the country selected
[ ] The student gives an account including,
where possible, a range of arguments for and
against and comparisons of other alternative
energy sources.
[ ] The student gives a detailed account of
how this method will have a wider impact on at
least two social factor including and assess the
implications and limitations of each.

The student describes how science is applied and how
it may be used to address a specific problem or issue in
a local or global context.
The student describes the effectiveness of science and
its application in solving the problem or issue.

The student describes the implications of the use and
application of science interacting with at Ieast one of
the following factors: moral, ethical, social, economic,
political, cultural and environmental.

[ ] The student gives a detailed account of the
selected alternative energy source and a
global warming caused problem it will solve

[ ] The student gives a detailed account of the
benefits or limitations of this method

[ ] The student gives a detailed account of
how this method will have a wider impact on a
social factor (... this impacts .... because....)

The student states how science is applied and how it
may be used to address a specific problem or issue in a
local or global context.
The student states the effectiveness of science and its
application in solving the problem or issue.

[ ] The student names a problem solved by
the alternative energy source.
[ ] The student states how well this method
solves the identified problem

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
Ashnil Sachdev 10B
Alternutlve Inergy Axxlgnment MYP Grude:
1eucher Cnmmentx: Mlxunderxtundlng Ley lxxue undermlnex ubllty tn

Student Predlctlnn: 1urnltln :

Pupll BeIlectlnn - 1n lmprnve my next Cnmmunlcutlnn uxxlgnment I wlll.

IIVII OISCBIP1OB 1uxL SpeclIlc ClurlIlcutlnn
The student uses sufficient scientific
language correctly.
The student communicates scientific
information effectiveIy.
When appropriate to the task, the student
fuIIy documents sources of information
[ ] The student uses suitable scientific words
in the right context
[ ] The student succeeds in communicating
the required information
[ ] The student produces complete list of
sources using the MLA referencing format and
links each with in-text referencing

The student uses some scientific language
The student communicates scientific
information with some effectiveness.
When appropriate to the task, the student
partiaIIy documents sources of

[ ] The student uses some scientific words in
the right place at the right time.

[ ] The student succeeds in communicating
some of the required information

[ ] The student produces complete list of
sources which attempts to use the MLA
referencing format

The student uses a Iimited range of
scientific language correctIy.
The student communicates scientific
information with Iimited effectiveness.
When appropriate to the task, the student
makes IittIe attempt to document sources
of information.
[ ] The student uses few suitable scientific
words correctly
[ ] The students attempts at communicating
the required information are valiant
[ ] The student produces a list of sources
0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
Ashnil Sachdev 10B
uear 8especLed Leader of Lhe unlLed SLaLes

Amerlca emlLs Lhe largesL amounLs of carbon
dloxlde ln Lhe world 1he uS emlLs around 23
bllllon Lons of carbon dloxlde every year 1hey
emlL 23 of Lhe world's carbon dloxlde Warmer
1emperaLures are causlng severe floods wlld flres
and several oLher naLural dlsasLers l am here Lo
presenL Lo you an alLernaLlve source of
energy CeoLhermal lanLs are my suggesLlon
Amerlca has already sLarLed uslng Lhls Lype of
energy and Lhey have been very successful
Amerlca ls Lhe number one leadlng naLlon ln
geoLhermal power

1here are 3 Lypes of geoLhermal power
planLs dry sLeam flash sLeam and blnary
cycle CeoLhermal energy ls uslng Lhe heaL
sLored ln Lhe earLh ln order Lo creaLe
energy heaLlng Lhlngs up eLc lor example
all around Lhe year an average amounL of
heaL ls sLored ln Lhe earLh geoLhermal
wells are Lhen dug where Lhe energy wlll
be converLed lnLo hoL waLer sLeam where
lL wlll Lhen be uLlllzed 8lnary ln Lhls Lype of planL heaL ls moved from Lhermal
waLer Lo anoLher llquld whlch has a lower bolllng LemperaLure creaLlng a
vapour whlch wlll Lurn Lhe Lurblne llash sLeam ln Lhls planL Lhe waLer from
deep bellow ls collecLed and sLored ln low pressure Lanks whlch make sLeam
whlch Lurns Lhe Lurblne 1hls planL can only be creaLed ln exLremely hoL areas
ury sLeam Lhe planL uses Lhe waLer dlrecLly or converLs lL lnLo sLeam where lL
ls Lhen used

Accordlng Lo several sources geoLhermal energy/power planLs are Lold Lo have
emlLLed power/energy wlLhouL polluLlng Lhe envlronmenL 40 of Lhe uS
carbon dloxlde comes from heaL and coollng hoL waLer eLc Lhls ls where
geoLhermal energy comes ln hand as lL provldes heaL 1he durablllLy ls 20 years
whlch ls really good AnoLher good Lhlng ls LhaL durlng Lhls 20years very llLLle
This picture is a clear example oI how solar power, energy, heat is
stored in the earth`s ground |4|
The Photo above Cleary shows the progress oI
geothermal power in the U.S |5|
Comment |NC1]: here is the evidence
Comment |NC2]: Diaram not reIerenced in the
Comment |NC3]: Diagram is not related to
geothermal energy production and shows
Comment |NC4]: Unclear statement
Comment |NCS]: This paragraph seems to made
up oI a series oI ill Iitting statements
Ashnil Sachdev 10B
malnLenance has Lo be done Slnce geoLhermal pumps are below Lhe ground
damage by hurrlcane llghLnlng naLural dlsasLers cannoL be done A problem
people have wlLh wlnd mllls ls LhaL Lhe sound creaLed from lL ls very load ln
geoLhermal planLs no sound ls creaLed creaLlng a nolse free envlronmenL Cn
average a geoLhermal heaL pump sysLem cosLs abouL $2300 per Lon of
capaclLy or roughly $7300 for a 3Lon unlL (Lyplcal resldenLlal slze) ln
comparlson oLher sysLems would cosL abouL $4000 wlLh alr condlLlonlng" 1

WhaL LhaL baslcally means ls LhaL ln Lhe long run geoLhermal planLs are one of
Lhe besL soluLlons Lhe cosL of elecLrlclLy wlll become less and you wlll emlL no
carbon dloxlde As for Lhe economlc beneflLs geoLhermal planLs are a good
cholce as lL has a good durablllLy ln Lhe long run proflLable less malnLenance
and mosL of all doesn'L emlL any carbon dloxlde Lhe geoLhermal heaL pump
unlL produces 33 bLu's 1haL's 300300 more efflclenL Lhan uslng elecLrlc
reslsLance heaL and 2030 more efflclenL Lhan Lyplcal boller/Lower sysLems"
2 Lconomlcally Lhls can be one of Lhe besL lnvesLmenLs for renewable energy
as wlnd mllls and hydroelecLrlc dams requlre a loL of space and a blg
lnvesLmenL whlch mlghL noL end up belng beneflclal aL all

ln counLrles wlLh a raLher low average LemperaLure heaL energy wlll be
llmlLed Lhls wlll llmlL Lhe energy creaLed A safeLy hazard or dlsadvanLage ls
LhaL when dlgglng deep ln Lhe earLh harmful gasses can be released whlch wlll
cause devasLaLlng effecLs MosL of Lhe heaL ls found ln rocks ls dlgglng lnLo a
rock Lhe mosL sufflclenL Lhlng Lo do as lL could only be susLalnable for some
Llme A blg dlsadvanLage ls LhaL ln some geoLhermal planLs afLer 10 years of
produclng heaL sLeam eLc lL can suddenly sLop 1hls perlod could lasL up Lo
Len years and ls a problem whlch has been ldenLlfled a couple of a few Llmes

AfLer a mllllon years Lhe earLhs molLen could cool and solldlfy Lhls means LhaL
lL wlll no longer release heaL maklng Lhe power planL useless CeoLhermal
pumps could be a blL expenslve Lo seL up as lL requlres loLs of dlgglng
consLrucLlon englneerlng and someLlmes geoLhermal planLs wlll be ln places
where Lhere wlll be no elecLrlclLy grlds as Lhey are placed ofLen Llmes ln Lhe
hoLLesL areas whlch don'L exlsL ln counLrles llke norway or Sweden eLc AfLer
lnvesLlng ln geoLhermal planLs mosL of Lhe Llme Lhe ouLcome wlll be poslLlve
Lhey Lend Lo provlde cheap renewable energy whlle belng ecofrlendly PeaLh
wlse Lhls ls one of Lhe besL soluLlons as geoLhermal planLs emlL no carbon
dloxlde buL a problem LhaL could be faced would be LhaL whlle dlgglng deep
lnLo Lhe earLhs LhrusL dangerous gasses could be released ln vasL amounLs
causlng devasLaLlng effecLs on Lhe ozone layer eLc AlLhough LhaL could happen
Comment |NC6]: Comparison made
Comment |NC7]: But they have turbines
Comment |NC8]: This is not an electricity
Comment |NC3]: hat are these?
Comment |NC10]: why
Ashnil Sachdev 10B
Lhere ls a very llLLle chance 8y uslng geoLhermal pumps we can change Lhe alr
we breaLhe we can keep a safe clean and healLhy envlronmenL Carbon
uloxlde ls our worse enemy CeoLhermal umps have been made Lo use Lhe
earLh's naLural long lasLlng renewable resources Lo creaLe heaL wlLhouL
releaslng wasLe

Many counLrles ln Lhls world are sufferlng from global warmlng 1he earLh ls
consLanLly heaLlng sooner or laLer by 2040 Lhe lce would have melLed ln Lhe
arcLlc pole causlng drasLlc floods eLc Cur ozone layer ls our lasL layer of
defence lf Lhls ls desLroyed Lhe heaL wlll kllls us 1he raLe of warmlng ls
lncreaslng 1he 20Lh cenLurys lasL Lwo decades were Lhe hoLLesL ln 400 years
and posslbly Lhe warmesL for several mlllennla accordlng Lo a number of
cllmaLe sLudles And Lhe unlLed naLlons lnLergovernmenLal anel on CllmaLe
Change (lCC) reporLs LhaL 11 of Lhe pasL 12 years are among Lhe dozen
warmesL slnce 1830" 3 lf we don'L change Lhls Lhe effecLs wlll become vasL
and very hazardous

Cur world has changed a loL we are emlLLlng over 4 Llmes more carbon
dloxlde Lhen 3 decades ago As you all know Lrees absorb carbon dloxlde and
release oxygen

lL's noL Loo laLe Lo change ln concluslon l suggesL you conslder addlng more
geoLhermal pumps as Lhey wlll lasL you a long Llme economlcally beneflclal
and ecofrlendly WlLh Lhe help of sclence we should be able Lo appreclaLe Lhls
and use lL wlsely Sclence has played a blg role on our llves and we should noL
leL all Lhls hard work go Lo wasLe

Save Lhe world Lhe anlmals and us


1 Home. - Lower Your Energy Bills. eb. 15 Oct. 2011.
lotoqtopb 8 J45 lloe uoJet 5ob neoJloq cost ffectlve

Ashnil Sachdev 10B
2 8eneflLs Cf CeoLhermal SysLem ,cOooy Alt cooJltlooloq nome

Sub Peadlng Plgh efflclency aragraph 4 beLween llnes Lhree and four
3 Clobal Warmlng lasL lacLs uolly Notote ooJ 5cleoce News ooJ neoJlloes
{ Notloool Ceoqtopblc News Web 14 CcL 2011
aragraph 3 under sub headlng Peadlng ls lL happenlng?" 3 llnes long age 1
4 CeoLherma PeaL umps Pow CeoLhermal PeaL umps Work Lasy
llrsL hoLo under Lhe 1lLle WrlLLen on !uly 8Lh 2011 by SharaL kumar" LasL
vlslLed 14
CcLober 2011"
|5| "The High Geothermal Energy and the Production oI Electricity Irom Steam." il Ga:
Gold Silver Price and Production by Dr Thomas Chai:e. eb. 17 Oct. 2011.
Above 2
Last Paragraph, The Second Photo, Electricity generation USA

1 8eneflLs Cf CeoLhermal SysLem ,cOooy Alt cooJltlooloq nome loqe
Web 14 CcL 2011

2 8eneflLs of CeoLhermal @be 5olot ColJe { oot complete ColJe to
5olot oetqy Web 14 CcL 2011
3 ulsadvanLages Cf CeoLhermal Lnergy Nototol keoewoble oetqy
5ootces cleoo oetqy lJeos Web 14 CcL 2011 hLLp//wwwclean
Ashnil Sachdev 10B
4 CeoLhermal Lnergy ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes JlklpeJlo tbe ltee
ocyclopeJlo Web 14 CcL 2011
3 CeoLhermal PeaLlng JlklpeJlo tbe ltee ocyclopeJlo Web 14 CcL
2011 hLLp//enwlklpedlaorg/wlkl/CeoLhermal_heaLlng
6 CeoLhermal 1echnologles rogram Pow a CeoLhermal ower lanL
Works (Slmple)k k 5etvet ,oloteoooce Web 14 CcL 2011
7 CeoLhermal uSA Pow lL Works Ceotbetmol u5A 5peclollsts ltovlJe
lostoll ooJ 5etvlce Ceotbetmol uolts koJloot llootloq utlllloq
lecttlcloos xcovotloo Jotk looJscoploq nvAc uoct Jotk llombloq
NeeJs Ceotbetmol oetqy Web 14 CcL 2011
8 Clobal Warmlng lacLs | LnvlronmenLal uefense lund nome {
ovltoomeotol uefeose looJ Web 14 CcL 2011
9 Clobal Warmlng lasL lacLs uolly Notote ooJ 5cleoce News ooJ
neoJlloes { Notloool Ceoqtopblc News Web 14 CcL 2011
10 Pow uoes CeoLhermal Lnergy Work Nototol keoewoble oetqy
5ootces cleoo oetqy lJeos Web 14 CcL 2011 hLLp//wwwclean
11 "Evaluating Your Property Ior a Geothermal System Geothermal Heat Pumps ,
Geothermal Heaters , TERRASource." Geothermal Heat Pumps, Geothermal Systems,
Geothermal DIY TERRASource. eb. 15 Oct. 2011.
12 nesmlLh !eff Clobal Warmlng SLudy llnds 8eal Change ln Amerlca
SeaLLleplcom5eottle News 5potts veots otettolomeot {
5eottleplcom 5eottleplcom Web 14 CcL 2011
Ashnil Sachdev 10B
13 nevada CeoLhermal ower lnc Pow CeoLhermal Works Mon CcL 17
2011NevoJo Ceotbetmol lowet loc nome loqe ,oo Oct 17 2011
Web 14 CcL 2011
14 n8uC Clobal Warmlng 8aslcs Nototol kesootces uefeose cooocll
@be ottbs 8est uefeose { Nkuc Web 14 CcL 2011

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