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Muscles grouped according to location 1.

Muscles of the Neck

Cervical Muscle Origin Insertion


inferior clavicle and fascia of chest


sternocleidomas manubrium sterni, medial toid portion of theclavicle

mastoid process of the temporal bone, superior nuchal line

Suprahyoid Muscle Origin Insertion


anterior belly - digastric fossa (mandible); posterior belly - mastoid process oftemporal bone

Intermediate tendon (hyoid bone)

stylohyoi d

styloid process (temporal)

greater cornu of hyoid bone

mylohyoi d

Mylohyoid line (mandible)

Median raph

geniohyo id

Symphysis menti

hyoid bone






manubrium of sternum

hyoid bone



thyroid cartilage


thyroid cartilage

hyoid bone


Upper border of the scapula

Hyoid bone

2. Muscles of the Back

MUSCLE capitis

ORIGIN Ligamentum nuchae, spinous process of C7-T6 spinous processes of T3-T6 on the spines of the last fourthoracic vertebr

INSERTION Mastoid process of temporal and occipital bone transverse processes of C1, C2 , C3 both the spines of the most cranial thoracic vertebrae and thecervical vertebrae lateral sacral artery transverse process spinous process floor of intertubercular grooveof the humerus spinous process spinous processes of the upper four thoracic and lower two cervical vertebrae cervical spinous processes, from the axis to the fifth Area between superior and inferior nuchal line spinous process spinous process Spinous process Transverse process above


erector spinae

iliocostalis longissimus spinalis latissimus dorsi transversospin ales semispinalis dorsi

transverse process spinous process spinous processes of thoracic T6-T12, t horacolumbar fascia,iliac crest and inferior 3 or 4 ribs transverse process transverse processes of the sixth to the tenththoracic vertebr transverse processes of the upper five or sixthoracic vertebr Transversal process of lower cervical and higher thoracal columna Sacrum, Erector spinae Aponeurosis, PSIS, and Iliac crest transverse process Spinous process Transverse process

semispinalis cervicis

semispinalis capitis

multifidus rotatores interspinales intertransvers arii

3. Muscles of the Chest

MUSCLE intercostales subcostales transversus thoracis levatores costarum

ORIGIN ribs 1-11 inner surface of one rib costal cartilages of last 34 ribs, body of sternum, xiphoid process Transverse processes of C7 to T12ver tebrae serratus posterior:

INSERTION ribs 2-12 inner surface of the second or third rib above, near its angle ribs/costal cartilages 26 Superior surfaces of the ribs immediately inferior to the preceding vertebrae the inferior borders of the 9th through 12th ribs the upper borders of the 2nd through 5th ribs


vertebrae T11 - L3 nuchal ligament (or ligamentum nuchae) and thespinous processes of the vertebrae C7 through T3



4. Muscles of the Abdominal Wall

MUSCLE transversus abdominis

ORIGIN ribs and theiliac crest

rectus abdominis


INSERTION inserts into the pubic tubercle via the conjoint tendon, also known as the falx inguinalis Costal cartilages of ribs 5-7, xiphoid process of sternu m linea alba

pyramidalis cremaster quadratus lumborum

pubic symphysis andp ubic crest inguinal ligament iliac crest andiliolum bar ligament Obliques:

Last rib and transvers e processes oflumb ar vertebrae


Lower 8 costae Inguinal ligament, Iliac crest and theLumbodorsal fascia

Crista iliaca, ligamentu m inguinale Linea alba, Xiphoid processand the inferior ribs.


5. Muscles of the Shoulder

ORIGIN INSERTION Anterior compartment coracobrachi coracoid process medial humerus alis of scapula short head: coracoid biceps process of radial tuberosity brachii the scapula. long head: supragleno id tubercle anterior surface MUSCLE ORIGIN INSERTION coronoid of the humerus, deltoid clavicle, acromion, deltoid process and the brachialis particularly spine of the the tuberosity of hum tuberosity of the distal half of this scapula erus ulna bone teres posterior aspect of medial lip of Posterior compartment major theinferior angle of the intertubercula long thescapula r sulcus of head:scapula thehumerus lateral head: triceps posteriorhumeru olecranon process rotator cuff various aspects of greater tubercle brachii s of ulna scapula of humerus, medial head: except posteriorhumeru subscapularis, s which inserts on lesser tubercle lateral surface of of humerus. Lateral the olecranon pro supraspina supraspinous the superior facet anconeus epicondyle of cess and the tus fossaof scapula of greater humerus superior part of tubercle of humer the posterior ulna us middle facet infraspinat infraspinous of greater us fossaof the scapula tubercle of the humerus inferior facet teres lateral border of of greater minor thescapula tubercle of the humerus lesser subscapula subscapular fossa tubercle of humer ris us 6. Muscles of the Upper Arm


7. the

Muscles of Forearm

MUSCLE Superficial

ORIGIN INSERTION Anterior compartment humeral head: medial epicondyle of humerus(common flexor tendon) ulnar head: coronoid process of the ulna medial epicondyle of humerus (commo n flexor tendon) medial epicondyle of humerus (commo n flexor tendon) medial epicondyle of the humerus (commo n flexor tendon)

pronator teres


palmaris longus flexor carpi radialis

palmar aponeurosis Bases of second andthird metacarpal bones pisiform

flexor carpi ulnaris

flexor digitorum superficialis Deep pronator quadratus flexor digitorum profundus flexor pollicis longus

medial epicondyle of the humerus (commo n flexor tendon), as well as parts of the radius and uln a. medial, anterior surface of the ulna ulna The middle 2/4 of the volar surface of the radius and the adjacent interosse us membrane.


lateral, anterior surface of the radius distal phalanges The base of thedistal phalanx of the thumb

ORIGIN INSERTION Posterior compartment Lateral Distal radius (Rad brachioradi supracondylar ial styloid alis ridge of process) the humerus extensor lateral carpi supracondylar 2nd metacarpal radialis ridge longus humerus at the extensor anterior of lateral carpi base of the 3rd epicondyle(com radialis metacarpal mon extensor brevis tendon)


extensor digitorum

lateral epicondyle (com mon extensor tendon) the anterior portion of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus(commo n extensor tendon) Common extensor tendon (lateral epicondyle), ulna Lateral epicondyle of the humerus, supinat or crest of ulna, radi al collateral ligament, annular ligament ulna, radial styloid process radius ulna ulna

2nd and 3rd phalanges extensor expansion, located at the base of the proximal phalanx of the finger on the dorsal side 5th metacarpal

extensor digiti minimi

extensor carpi ulnaris


Lateral proximalradial shaft

abductor pollicis longus extensor pollicis brevis extensor pollicis longus extensor indicis

first metacarpal thumb, proximal phalanx thumb, distal phalanx index finger (extensor hood)

8. Muscles of the Buttocks




gluteus maximus muscle gluteus medius muscle minimus tensor fasciae latae lateral rotator group: piriformis obturator externus obturator internus inferior gemellus superior gemellus quadratus femoris

Gluteal surface of ilium,lumbar fascia, sacrum,sacrotu berous ligament Gluteal surface of ilium, undergluteus maximus Gluteal surface of ilium, undergluteus medius. iliac crest at or below the acetabulum of the ilium sacrum obturator foramen andobturatory membrane Ischiopubic ramus & obturator membrane Ischial tuberosity spine of the ischium Ischial tuberosity

Gluteal tuberosityof the femur,iliotibi al tract Greater trochanterof the femur Greater trochanterof the femur iliotibial tract on or near thegreater trochanterof the femur greater trochanter medial aspect ofgreater trochanterof fem ur medial aspect of the Greater trochanter Obturator internustendon Obturator internustendon Intertrochanteric crest

9. Muscles of the Thigh


sartorius quadriceps femoris

rectus femoris

ORIGIN INSERTION Anterior compartment superior to medial side of the the anterior superior upper tibia in the pes iliac spine anserinus combined rectus Patella and Tibial femoris and vastusmu tuberosity via scles thePatellar ligament anterior inferior iliac spine and the exterior Patella and Tibial surface of the bony tuberosity via ridge which forms the thePatellar ligament iliac portion of the acetabulum Greater trochanter, Intertrocha nteric line, and Linea aspera of the Femur Patella and Tibial tuberosity via thePatellar ligament

vastus lateralis

Patella and Tibial antero/ lateral femur tuberosity via thePatellar ligament Patella and Tibial vastus medialis femur tuberosity via thePatellar ligament articularis genu femur suprapatellar bursa Posterior compartment/hamstring the head of the tuberosity of the fibula which articulates biceps femoris ischium, linea with the back of aspera, femur the lateral tibial condyle tuberosity of the semitendinosus pes anserinus ischium semimembrano Ischial tuberosity Medial surface of tibia sus vastus intermedius

MUSCLE gracilis pectineus

adductor brevis

adductor longus adductor magnus adductor muscles of the hip

ORIGIN INSERTION Medial compartment ischiopubic ramus tibia (pes anserinus) Lesser pubis - superior trochanter, linea pubic ramus aspera anterior surface of the lesser the inferior trochanter and linea ramusand body of aspera of the femur the pubis pubic body just middle third of linea below the pubic aspera crest pubis, tuberosity of femur the ischium pubis femur, tibia

10.Muscles of the Leg

MUSCLE triceps surae gastrocnemius soleus


ORIGIN INSERTION Posterior compartment achilles tendon, calcaneus femur calcaneus fibula, medial border tendo calcaneus of tibia (soleal line) Lateral Tendo supracondylar ridge calcaneus (medial of femur above side, deep lateral head of togastrocnemius tend gastrocnemius on) middle facet of the lateral surface of the lateral femoral condyle fibula, posterior aspect of upper 1/3 medial tibia tibia, fibula posterior tibia under the tibial condyle base of distal phalanxof hallux distal phalanges of lateral four digits navicular, medial cuneiform

popliteus flexor hallucis longus flexor digitorum longus tibialis posterior


ORIGIN Anterior compartment body of tibia middle portion of the fibula on the anterior surface and the interosseous membrane Lateral Condyle of tibia and superior ofinterosseous membrane


tibialis anterior

medial cuneiform and first metatarsal bones of the foot dorsal side of the base of thedistal phalanx of the Hallux

extensor hallucis longus

extensor digitorum longus

Middle and Distal phalangesof lateral four digits

fibularis tertius

longus brevis

distal anterior dorsal surface surface of the fibula of metatarsal 5 Lateral compartment first fibula metatarsal, medial cuneiform fibula fifth metatarsal

11.Muscles of the Pelvic Floor

MUSCLES Levator ani Ischiocavernosus Bulbospongiosus Male Female Deep transverse perineal Urethral sphincter Sphincter ani externus

ORIGIN Pubis and spine of the ischium Ischium Bulb of the penis Perineu m Ischium Pubic ramus Coccyx

INSERTION Coccyx Penis or clitoris Perineum and bulb of the penis Base of clitoris Central tendon (median raphe) Central tendon (median raphe) Central tendon (median raphe)

(Anatomy and Physiology) SUBMITTED TO: MS. LEI VISCIA DOMINGO SUBMITTED BY: Danna Yara Santos BSN I-C

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