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L ONG CENTURIES AGO, French and Italian chefs were
becoming famous throughout the world for a certain elusive favor and
savory goodness in their cooking. Actually
the secret of that favor and goodness lay in
their discovery of a wonderful oil - peanut
oil - which enhances magically the favor
of other foods but adds no favor of its own.
Today in America this centuries-old secret is
no longer a secret. You, too, may give to
the dishes you prepare the same wonderful
goodness the French and Italians gave to
theirs so long ago. Planters
have made it possible with
their wonderful Planters Hi-Hat Peanut Oil. Ever
golden drop of Planters Peanut Oil holds wonderful
possibilities for you. This high quality oil is pressed
only from fresh, selected peanuts. It is rich in nutri
ment and is easily digested. You can heat it to
temperatures as high as 400 without smoking. It
does not absorb food odors - can be used again and
again for frying. It's always ready for use. No creaming. No melt
mg. Accurate measurements are simple.
You can tempt your family with zestful salad
dressings. Win their praise with foods fried to golden
perfection. Delight them when you top your meals
with luscious pastries, tender and .aky, or cakes won
derfully fne in texture and favor. Read in the following
pages the scores of delicious new recipes made possible
by this modern magic oil - PLANTERS PEANUT OIL.

12 9
Published by the Manufacturers
COPYRIGHT 1948 - Printed in U.S. A
grow some of the country's fnest peanuts. These plump, jumbo
peanuts reach the peak of perfection, maturing in sunny Virginia's
ideal climate.
In the center of this wonderful peanut producing country, Planters
Edible Oil Company processes PLANTERS HI-HAT PEANUT OIL. Fresh
and selected peanuts are pressed to produce a superior oil. Its high
standard of purity and uniformity has made it a favorite oil with good
cooks everywhere.
For salads, for cooking, for frying, for better baking, you'll want
to use PLANTERS HI-HAT PEANUT OIL made from Virginia's fnest
peanuts. No peanut taste - no peanut odor.
SECTI ON A - Wel l Dressed Sal ads
Banana and Peanut Salad. . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Cabbage and Peanut Salad . . . . . . . . . . 8
Carrot Fruit Salad ..... - ........... 11
Cheese and Kidney Bean Salad ..... 10
French Dressing, Planters . . . 7
French Dressing, Planters Thick ..... 7
Fruit Salad Dressing, Planters Cooked 6
Fruit Salad, Frozen .... - .... - ... . 9
Green Pepper Salad, Stufed ... . .... 10
Health Salad ..... - ..... - .... - ... . . 11
Luncheon Salad, Planters . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Mayonnaise Dressing, Planters . . . . . . 7
Hawaiian Mayonnaise . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Snappy Mayonnaise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Swiss Cheese Dressing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Thousand Island Dressing . . . . . . . . . . 7
Minted Pear Salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Perfection Salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Potato Salad Supreme ... .. . - .. . .... 10
Roquefort French Dressing . . . . . . . . 7
Shrimp Remolade - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Tomato Salad, Stufed ......... ..... 9
Tuna and Apple Salad . - ...... ..... 10
Under the Sea Salad . . . . . . . 9
SECTI ON B - New Fri l l s I n Pan Frying
Apple Flap Jack ........... ..o .... 14 Fried Chicken with Giblet Gravy,
Beef Patties Creole ..... - .......... 14 Southern ...................... 12
Beef Stew Aristocrat ....... . . ..... 12 Mock Chicken Legs - . - .. - .. . - ..... 14
Chicken, Oven Fried - .. - ......... - 14 Omelet, Vegetable ..... - .. - .... ... 13
Eggplant on Toast, Sauteed .... - .. ... 14 Vegetable Filling .............. 13
Fish, Pan-Fried .. . . - .... - - ....... . 13 Veal, Curried ......... - . - ....... . . 12
SECTI ON C - Soups
Borsch, Russian . - - .......... . ..... 15 Onion Soup, French ..... - ....... o . 16
Carrot Soup, Golden ..- .... - . .. - = . 17
Chicken Gumbo - . - - - - - ... ..... . ... 17
Oyster Stew ... . .......... - . - ..... 15
Potato Cheese Soup ..... - - .. - . .. - .. 17
Cream of Corn Soup ... ..... - ..... 16
SECTI ON D - Mai n Course Di shes
Chicken Giblets and Mushrooms Onions and Peanuts, Scalloped ...... 20
in Sauce .... ............ ..... 18 Rice Casserole, Southern ... . . ..... 20
Chop Suey, American ...... - . - ... . 18 Salmon Slices, Baked .. ... - ..... - .. 19
Creamed Chip Beef in Croustades = . 19
Fish, Kedgeree of .... - - . - . - ...... - 17
Ham Steak, Stufed . . . . .. . ... ..... 19
Shrimps de Jonghe .. - . - ........ - .. 19
Shrimp in Scallop Shells ........... 19
Soufe, Vegetable . .... - - ....... - .. 18
Hot Pot, Old Virginia - ............. 18
Macaroni Creole Loaf ....... - ...... 17
Tomato Cheese Toast .. - .. . ... ..... 20
Veal Timbales ... - . - ...... - .... . o . 20
SECTI ON E - Deep Fat Fryin9
Apple Fritters ..................... 24
Asparagus, French Fried ........... 22
Cheese Sauce ....... . ......... . 22
Banana Fritters ....... ........ ; ... 25
Carrot Chips .. ................ . . .. 24
Carrots, French Fried .
.... , . ....... 21
Caulifower Fritters ................ 24
Chicken or Turkey Croquettes ..... . 25
Corn Fritters ..................... 23
Croustades ....... . . ............... 2 1
Cruller Squares ............... 24
Doughnuts ........................ 23
Doughnuts, Orange Drop ... ....... 23
SECTI ON F - Sauces
Currant Jelly Sauce ............... 28
Devil Sauce . . .................. .'. 28
Hollandaise, Mock .... - ....... . ... 27
Lemon Sauce ......... .... . . .... . . 28
Parsley Sauce ...... ......... , . , . . 28
SECTI ON G - Baki n9
Baking Powder Biscuits .......... . 33
Brownies, Peanut . . . . . . . . . ..... 30
Caramel Cottage Pudding .......... 35
Caramel Sauce . . . . . . . ........ 35
Chocolate Cake, Planters . . ......... 33
Chocolate Fudge Frosting, Creamy .. 33
Corn Bread, Southern .............. 34
Cream Pufs, Baby .. .... . ..... . .... 30
Cream Puf Filling ........ . . . . 30
Gingerbread . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 33
Hermits ........... . . . ............ 35
Meringue Squares, Planters .... . ... 32
SECTI ON H - I tal i an Di shes
Crocchette Di Spinaci
(Spinach Balls) ........ . ...... 37
Eggs a l a Tomato ... . . . . . . .. . .... . . 39
Eggplant Rom a . .................. 38
Frittelle All' ltaliana
(Italian Fritters) . . . . ........ 38
Meat Balls and Spaghetti, Italian ... . 36
Minestrone, Italian ............ . . . .. 39
Fritter Batter I, Planters . ......... 24
Fritter Batter II, Planters ........... 24
Meat and Potato Croquettes ........ 22
Onions, French Fried .............. 22
Oyster Fritters ................. 25
Pineapple, French Fried ......
..... 25
Potatoes, French Fried .......
..... 23
Potato Pufs, Irish ............ . .... 25
Scallops, Fried .... ..... . .. , ... 23
Shrimp in Batter, Fried ............ 25
Sugar Pufs ... ......... ........... 24
Sweet Potatoes, French Fried ..... . . 22
Sweet Potato Surprises ............. 22
Spanish Sauce ...... ....... .. . ..... 28
Sweet Sour Sauce for Beets ........ 27
Tomato Sauce ......... . ....... .... 27
Vinaigrette Sauce ............ ..... 28
White Sauce, Creamy ... ........ . .. 27
Mufns, Plain .......... ........ 30
Oatmeal Loafers . . . . . . . . . 34
Orange Chiffon Cake, Betty Crocker's 31
Pastry, Planters Peanut Oil .......... 34
Peanut Clusters, Planters . . . . 33
Plantation Cake, Planters ........... 30
Pineapple Filling .............. 30
Raisin Spice Cake .. . ... . .......... 29
Wafes . . . . . . . . ............. 34
White Icing, Flufy .. . ............. 30
Yeast Rolls, "No-Knead" . . . .... . ... 32
........ . . ... . ......... . ....
Risotto AI Verde
(Risotto with Vegetables) ..... 37
Scalloped Tomatoes-Potatoes . .. .. ... 36
Spring Chicken a la Florentine ..... . 38
Steak with Sauce ... . . . . ... . .. . . ... 36
Tomato and Mushroom Sauce .... . .. 37
Veal Scallopini . .. . . .... 39
SECTION "A" 8 ...
Here is your chance to really arouse your fami ly's enthusiasm i n the meals
you serve. There are wonderful colors you can choose for a salad, there are
scores of nutritious foods. But the real secret of your salad success is in the
tang of those tempting sal ad dressings you can make with PLANTERS PEANUT
OIL. Your _, choice of ingredients, of course, will depend upon whether the
salad is to be simply an appetizer or the majn basis of your meal . For either
purpose, meats, fsh, fowl, cooked and uncooked vegetables, as well as fruits
and nuts, ofer a wide variety of salad i ngredients.
The three basic types of dressings you will want to use, depending upon
the salad and your family' s preference, are French Dressing, Cooked Dressing,
and Mayonnaise. Several pleasing variations are suggested in the following
pages, all prepared with PLANTERS HI-HAT PEANUT OIL. This pure oil blends
smoothly with other i ngredients, enhances and enriches their flavor, but adds no
perceptible flavor of i ts own. For harmony of taste and table, try some of these
delightful salads and dressings. No peanut taste no p
eanut odor.
Planters Cooked
Frui t Salad Dressi ng
(akes l' cups )
2 eggs
2 tablespoons lemon j uice
I cup Planters Peanut Oil
% teaspoon dry mustard
% teaspoon paprika
Y teaspoon salt
Y cup confectioners sugar
Beat eggs, add lemon j uice gradually
beating until wel l blended. Cook in double
boiler over hot water, stirring constantly
until the mixture thickens. Cool . Then
sl owly add Planters Peanut Oil while beat
ing constantly with a rotary egg beater.
Combine seasonings and sugar and beat
into dressing. This dressing i s particularly
delicious served with fresh fruit salads.
Pl anters Mayonnai se Dressi ng
( Makes one pint )
1 egg
2 tablespoons l emon j uice or vinegar
1 teaspoon dry mustard
teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
Dash of white pepper
2 cups Planters Peanut Oil, well
chi l led
Place all i ngredients except Planters Pea
nut Oil in bowl . Mix thoroughly. Add
frst three teaspoons of oi l , a drop at a
time while beating constantl y. Then add
one teaspoon of oil at a time until mix
ture thickens. Atter mixture becomes very
thick, the remaining oi l may be added
rapidly. Either electric mixer or rotary egg
beater will give excel l ent resul ts.
Thotuand bl and Dressing Combi ne
one- hal f cup of Planters Mayonnaise with
two tablespoons minced p1m1entoes, two
teaspoons minced chives, two tablespoons
catsup, two tablespoons chili sauce, two
chopped hard cooked eggs and one-hal f
cup heavy cream. Serve wel l -chilled.
Hawaiian Mayonnaise-Combine two
thirds cup Planters Mayonnaise with three
tablespoons canned pineapple j uice. Serve
on fruit salads onl y.
S wiss Cheese Dressing-Combine two
thirds cup Planters Mayonnaise with one
fourth cup fnely sl i vered Swiss Cheese
and j ust a few caraway seeds.
S n appy Ma y o n n a i s e-Combine two
thirds cup Planters Mayonnaise with one
hal f teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, two
teaspoons chopped chives and a dash or
two of Tabasco sauce.
Pl anters French Dressi ng
( Makes one cup )
1 cup Planters Peanut Oi l
4 tablespoons vinegar
teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon salt
teaspoon mustard
Y4 teaspoon white pepper
Place al l ingredients in bottle with tight
lid or stopper. Before using, shake vigor
ously until thoroughl y mixed.
French Dressing can be varied i n end
less ways. Try adding grated cheese, chop
ped parsl ey, chopped green peppers, catsup,
horse-radish, or onion before mixing.
Roquefort French Dressi ng
( Makes about % cup )
2 ounces Roquefort cheese
1 tablespoon lemon JUICe
teaspoon paprika
teaspoon pepper
teaspoon salt
Y cup Planters Peanut Oil
Mash cheese with a fork and blend in
lemon j uice, paprika, salt and pepper.
Gradual l y beat in the Planters Peanut Oi l .
Excel lent served on crisp lettuce wedges
or tossed Spring sal ad.
Pl anters Thi ck French Dressi ng
( Makes about t wo pints )
2 teaspoons sal t
1 tabl espoon dry mustard
teaspoon pepper
1 package powdered fruit pectin,
about Y
can condensed tomato soup
teaspoon onion or garlic clove,
cup vinegar
2 cups Pl anters Peanut Oil
Mix together sal t, mustard, pepper and
pectin. Stir in soup, onion and vinegar.
Beat in Pl anters Peanut Oi l with rotary
egg beater.
Thi s recipe produces a thick permanent
French Dressing which is especiall y adapt
able to many salad uses.
Perfecti on Sal ad
( Serves 5-6)
1 tablespoon unfavored gelatin
Y cup cold water
lj4 cup sugar
teaspoon sal t
1 cup hot water
Y4 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon lemon JUICe
% cup cabbage, shredded
% cup cel ery, chopped
2 tablespoons green pepper, chopped
Endi ve
Soften gelatin i n cold water. Add sugar,
salt and hot water and stir until dissolved.
Add vinegar and lemon j uice. Chill until
mixture begi ns to congeal . Then add re
maining ingredients. Turn into individual
mol ds that have been rinsed in cold water.
A decorative touch may be added by plac
ing a ring of pimiento i n bottom of each
mold before fl l i ng. Unmold and place on
bed of endive. Serve with Planters Mayon
naise made with Pl anters Peanut Oi l .
Shri mp Remol ade
(Serves 4)
2 hard cooked eggs
teaspoon salt
V2 teaspoon garlic salt
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
cup Planters Peanut Oil
2 tablespoons taragon vinegar
tablespoon sour pickle, chopped
tabiespoon parsley, chopped
4 drops Tabasco sauce
pound cooked, shelled and veined
Shredded lettuce or endive
Remove yolks from hard cooked eggs
and rub through a fne sieve. Save egg
whites for garnish. Place in a pint jar
and add all remaining ingredients except
shrimp. Cover jar tightly and shake vig
orously until t hor oughl y blended and
slightly thickened. Chill well and shake
again before using. Pour sauce over pre
pared shrimp. Toss gently to thoroughly
coat shrimp. Serve on shredded lettuce
r endive and garnish with fnely chopped
egg whites.
Cabbage and Peanut Sal ad
(Serves 6)
Large whole cabbage
3 cups cabbage, shredded
I teaspoon salt
teaspoon paprika
2 tablespoons lemon juice
% cup Planters Peanuts, chopped
Y cup cream ot evaporated milk
cup Planters Mayonnaise
Red and green pepper rings
Whole cloves
Make a cabbage salad bowl by cutting
out the center part of cabbage leaving a
shell about the thickness of three or four
leaves. Cut the top edge in points and
pin back with whole cloves. Take cabbage
from inside head and shred or chop. Com
bine cabbage, salt, paprika, lemon juice
and Planters Peanuts. Mix together cream
and mayonnaise made with Planters Peanut
Oil. Add to cabbage and chill well. Serve
in cabbage salad bowl. Garnish with red
and green pepper rings.
No peanut taste no
peanut odor.
Under the Sea Sal ad
( Serves 6)
2 packages li me favored gelatin
2 cups boiling water
2 cups cold water or fruit j uice
Canned or fresh fruit i n season
Planters Frui t Salad Dressing
Fresh mi nt leaves
Dissolve gelatin i n boi l i ng water. Add
cold l i qui d. Dip, large or individual ri ng
molds in cold water. Then fl l mol d hal f
ful l and pl ace i n r e f r i g e r a t or unti l set.
Pour i n thin layer of gelatin. Arrange
canned or fresh frui t decoratively i n mol d
and chi l l agai n unti l frui t i s frml y i n
pl ace. Complete fl l ing of mol d and chi l l
unti l frm. Turn out on sal ad plate and
pl ace bowl of Planters Fruit Sal ad Dress
ing made with Planters Peanut Oil in
center of ring. Surround with fresh mi nt
Pl anters Luncheon Sal ad
( Serves 6)
8 ounce package of macaroni
2 cup Planters French Dressing
1 tablespoon onion, minced
can kippered herring, about 2 cups
1 cup Planters Mayonnaise
2 tablespoons parsley, minced
Parsley sprays
Cook macaroni i n boiling salted water
according to lanufacturer' s di rections.
Drain and rinse with cold water. Add
French bressi ng made with Planters Peanut
Oil and the minced onion. Chi l l and
drain i f necessary. Separate kippered her
ring from ski n and bones, l eaving in
fairly large fakes and add to macaroni .
Lightly mi x i n mayonnai se made from
Planters Peanut Oil. Serve on crisp lettuce
leaves and garni sh wi th sprays of parsley.
Banana and Peanut Sal ad
( Serves 4-6)
3 medium-size bananas, sl iced
1 tablespoon lemon j uice
10 marshmallows, cut i n pieces
lj2 cup Planters Peanuts, chopped
cup Planters Mayonnaise
Planters Peanuts, whole
Stir al l i ngredients unti l j ust mixed.
Place i n salad bowl and garni sh top with
a ring of overlapping banana sl ices, frst
di pped i n lemon j uice, a second ring of
quartered marshmal l ows and fl l center wi th
whole peanuts .
Mi nted Pear Sal ad
( Serves 6)
6 large halves of canned pears
Pear j uice
Mi nt favoring to taste
Few drops of green food coloring
V2 cup Planters Fruit Salad Dressing
l/2 cup candied ginger, sl i ced
Mi nt leaves
To the j uice from the canned pears add
enough mint favoring to produce a deli
cate mi nt favor and enough green food
coloring to obtain a l ight green color. Pour
this over the pear halves and chill thor
oughly. Drain well and place pear halves
on crisp lettuce cups . Fi l l pear cavities
with Planters Fruit Salad Dressing made
with Pl anters Peanut Oil. Garnish with
s liced candied ginger and mint leaves.
Frozen Fruit Sal ad
( Serves 6)
3 cups mi xed di ced fruits, fresh or
% cup Pl anters Mayonnai se
teaspoon sal t
V2 cup Planters Peanuts, chopped
1 cup marshmal lows, diced
1 cup cream, whipped
Mix al l the ingredients i n order given.
Canned fruits must be drained wel l . Pour
mixture into freezing tray of mechanical
refrigerator and freeze rapidly. Stirring is
not necessary. Serve on bed of crisp let
tuce. Top wi th Planters Fruit Salad Dress
ing made with Pl anters Peanut Oi l. Ac
company wi th tiny rolled sandwiches of
ham or chicken sal ad.
Stufed Tomato Sal ad
( Serves 6)
6 l arge frm tomatoes
1 cup apple, diced
1 cup celery, di ced
Y cup Planters Mayonnaise
1 bottle anchovies
Peel t omatoes and scoop out center to
make a cup. Toss together the apple, celery
and mayonnaise made wi th Planters Peanut
Oil. Save six anchovies for garnish. Add
remainder cut in pi eces to the salad mix
ture. Fi l l tomato cups with the salad and
cop each wi th a whol e anchovy_ Serve on
a bed of curly endive.
Stufed Green Pepper Sal ad
( Serves 6)
2 large green peppers
2 packages cream cheese
4 tablespoons pi miento, chopped
4 tablespoons green pepper, chopped
1j2 teaspoon salt
Cut of tops of green peppers and scoop
out seeds and membrane. Remove stem
and chop the tops for stufng. Beat to
gether cheese, p i mi e n t o, chopped green
pepper and sal t. Fi l l peppers with mixture
and chi l l thoroughl y. Then sl ice peppers
fairly thin and arrange on bed of cold,
crisp lettuce. Ac c o mp a n y wi th Planters
Mayonnaise or Planters French Dressing
made with Planters Pe3nut Oi l .
Cheese and Ki dney Bean Sal ad
( Serves 4-6)
2 cups drained cooked red kidney
1 cup American cheese, diced
cup J gherkin pickles, sl iced thi n
cup celery, diced
1j3 cup Planters Mayonnaise
Mix lightly all ingredients i n order
gi ven. Serve on bed of crisp shredded let
tuce and garnish with sprays of fresh pars-.
ley stuck into smal l cheese cubes .
Potato Sal ad Supreme
( Serves 6)
3 cups boi l ed potatoes, diced
3 hard cooked eggs, diced
cup cucumber or celery, diced
1 tablespoon oni on, minced
4 sweet pickles, di ced
teaspoon sal t
1 tablespoon vinegar
% cup Planters Mayonnaise
Ripe ol i ves
Toss al l the ingredients together lightly.
Chi l l wel l . Serve in sal ad bowl l i ned wi th
crisp lettuce leaves and garni sh with ripe
ol i ves and sprays of parsley.
Tuna and Apple Sal ad
( Serves 4-6)
1 seven ounce can Tuna fsh
2 red apples
yel low apple
1 cup celery, diced
2 tablespoons green pepper, minced
cup Planters Thick French Dressing
Green pepper
Flake Tuna into b o w I. Dice unpeeled
apples and add with rest of ingredients.
Toss together lightly. Place in salad bowl
l i ned wi th watercress. Garni sh wi th red
and yel low apple wedges i n rings of green
Carrot F ruit Sal ad
( Serves 46 )
1 cup pineapple j uice
1 package orange favored gelatin
3 tablespoons lemon j uice
lf2 cup orange j uice
2 cups grated raw carrots
cup orange sections
Y2 teaspoon salt
Ripe ol ives
Heat pineapple j uice and pour over gel
ati n. Stir unti l di ssolved. Add lemon and
orange j uice. Chi l l unti l mixture begins
to congeal. Fold in carrots, orange sec
tions and salt. Pour into mold and chi l l
until frm. Turn onto chi l l ed platter. Gar
nish with lettuce and ripe ol ives. Serve
with Planters Mayonnai se made with Plant
ers Peanut Oi l .
Heal th Sal ad
Cucumber or celery
Planters French Dressing
Ripe ol ives
Clean and prepare eno u g h vegetables
for generous servings . Grind separately
and marinate each kind i n Planters French
Dressing made with Pl anters Peanut Oil .
Place crisp lettuce cups on l arge salad
plates and arrange al ternate spoonfuls of
the ground radishes and celery or cucum
ber to resemble petals of a fower. Place
a spoonful 0f ground carrots i n center and
top with a ripe ol ive.
This i s indeed a pi cture salad and taste
as good

as i t looks.
SECTION "B" -ot ...
Your family wi ll call often for pan-fried foods, if you prepare them with
PLANTERS PEANUT OIL. As a ski llful cook, you naturally know that the secret
of appetizing fried foods l ies in the use of a cooking fat which does not soak
in, and which browns foods evenly and crisply, with no sticking. Well,
PLANTERS HI-HAT PEANUT OIL does that to perfection. This superior cooking
oi l forms a l usci ous golden crust which retai ns the natural favors of the food.
No sogginess. No
emzut taste - no
eanut odor.
Pan-fried foods are such a help on your busy days. These easy-to-fry foods
can be ready i n a jify. Yet you supply necessary nutrition and satisfy appetites.
Just the right oil for modern cooking. And, moreover, PLANTEIS PEANUT OIL
is wonderfully economical. You can use it over and over, since it does not absorb
food favors or odors. You can heat it to high temperatures, without smoking
your kitchen.
Beef Stew Ari stocrat
( Serves 6)
3 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oil
2 pounds beef chuck, cut in 1
1 cup )ater
1 pound green beans or
1 No. 2 can green beans
6 carrots
6 smal l white onions
6 whole cabbage leaves
Heat Planters Peanut Oi l i n heavy fry
ing pan. Brown meat on al l sides over
moderate heat. Add water and cover. Sim
mer for about 45 minutes. Add fresh
beans, carrots and onions and continue to
simmer. Season to taste. Add separated
cabbage leaves last 1 5 mi nutes of cooking
period. If canned beans are used, add wi th
cabbage l eaves. Serve meat i n cups of
cabbage with other vegetables arranged
around meat. Prepare gravy by thi ckening
liquid left in pan and serve i n separate
di sh.
Curried Veal
(Serves 6 )
2 pounds veal shoulder
I/4 cup Planters Peanut Oil
1 clove garlic, chopped
% cup onion, chopped
Y4 cup four
2 cups veal stock or water
tablespoon curry powder
Y2 teaspoon salt
% cup apple, chopped
% cup celery, chopped
Cooked rice
Cover veal wi th sal ted water and sim-
mer until tender, about one hour. When
cool, cut into small cubes. Heat Planters
Peanut Oi l i n frying pan, add garlic and
onion and cook slowly unti l brown. Add
four and blend. Then add l i qui d and
cook, sti rring constantly unti l thickened.
Stir in curry powder, salt, apples and
celery. Cook for about 1 0 mi nutes. Com
bine with di ced cooked veal . Cook slowly
for about 20 mi nutes . Serve i n rice ring.
Southern Fried Chi cken with
Gi bl et Gravy
( Serves 6 )
1 young chicken, 3- 4 pounds
cup four
1 tablespoon sal t
teaspoon pepper
% cup Planters Peanut Oi l
3 tablespoons water
cup chicken stock, made from
cup milk or cream
Cut dressed and cleaned chicken" into
serving pi eces . Cook giblets i n boiling
sal ted water unti l tender. Rol l pi eces of
chicken into four which has been sifted
wi th salt and pepper. Heat Planters Peanut
Oi l i n heavy frying pan over moderate
heat. Add chicken and brown on al l sides.
Reduce heat, add water and cover pan
tightly. Cook unti l tender. Remove chick
en to hot platter. To make giblet gravy,
pour of oil remaini ng i n frying pan leav
ing about one- thi rd cup. Blend i n one-third
cup of the four in which chicken was
rolled. Brown four to golden brown. Add
one cup chicken stock, stirring constantly,
until thickened. Then add milk or cream
and bring t o boi l . Add chopped cooked
giblets .
Vegetabl e Omel et
(Serves 4 )
4 eggs, separated
teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
l cup water
2 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oil
Beat egg whites until stif, but not dry.
Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon
colored. Add salt, pepper and water and
gently fold i n the egg whites. Heat the
Pl anters Peanut Oi l i n frying pan until
mo d e r a t e l y hot, then add egg mixture.
Cook over low heat for about three min
utes or until omelet pufs up. Place i n a
moderate ( 3 50 o F ) oven and bake for 10
to 1 5 minutes or until t op i s dry and does
not retain an impression when lightly
pressed with the fnger. When done, cut
about half way down across center of
omelet. Slip a narrow spatula under one
half, then tip pan and carefull y l oosen
omelet. Cover other hal f with Vegetabl e
Filling and fold over. Remove to hot plat
ter, pour remaining fl l ing over top and
serve at once.
2 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oil
1 medium onion, minced
2 cups cooked, minced vegetables
2 cups Planters Medium White Sauce
While omelet is cooking, pour Planters
Peanut Oil i n pan and pl ace over med
erate heat. Add onion and simmer for
about fve minutes or until tender. Add
vegetables. Peas, beans, diced celery, as
paragus or any others available may be
used. Cover and heat thoroughly. Com
bine with White Sauce and season to taste.
Pan-Fri ed Fish
( Serves 6 )
% cup Pl anters Peanut Oil
l cup four
l cup corn meal
2 teaspoons sal t
Dash of pepper
6 fl ets, or slices of halibut or salmon
Pour Pl anters Peanut Oi l into heavy
frying pan and place over moderate heat.
Sift together four, corn meal and season
ings. Wipe fsh with damp cloth, dip in
four mixture and pan-fry over moderate
heat until nicely browned on one side.
Turn fsh carefully with a large spatula
and fry until tender and well browned on
other side. Al l ow 8 to 10 minutes for
complete frying time. Serve p r o mp t l y .
Garnish with lemon wcdges and parsley
or surround with lemon baskets flled with
a tartar sauce.
No peanut taste no
eanut odor.
Mock Chi cken Legs
( Makes 1 2 )
2 pounds boned veal , ground
Y cup mi l k
1 teaspoon l emon j uice
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon paprika
V4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 egg, beaten with 2 tablespoons
o cup fne dry bread crumbs
1 cup Pl anters Peanut Oil
Co mbi ne ground v e a l , mi l k, l emon
juice and seasonings. Shape small por
tions around wooden skewers to resemble
chicken legs . Di p in crumbs, then i n egg
and water mixt ure and again in crumbs.
Pour Pl anters Peanut Oil into frying pan
and pl ace over moderate heat. Fry mock
chicken legs, turning frequently to insure
even browning. Garnish with tomato
wedges and parsley.
ed Eggpl ant on Toast
( Serves 6)
1 large eggplant
Sal t
y3 cup Planters Peanut Oil
6 thin sl ices of broi led ham
6 sl ices of toast
Pare and cut eggplant into one-half
inch crosswise slices. Sprinkle sl i ces with
sal t and pepper and dredge with four.
Pour Planters Peanut Oil i n frying pan and
heat. Saute eggplant sl i ces over moderate
heat until golden brown on both sides.
Place a thin sl ice of broiled ham on a
slice of hot buttered toast and top with
the sauteed eggpl ant. Garni sh with radish
fowers and parsley.
Beef Patties Creol e
( Serves 6)
1 V2 pounds round steak, ground
2 teaspoons sal t
1/4 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
Y cup Planters Peanut Oil
1, cup green pepper, chopped
2 tablespoons onion, chopped
cup tomato sauce
Green pepper rings
Mix together beef, salt, pepper and pars
ley. Form into six fat cakes or patties.
Pour Planters Peanut Oil i nto heavy fry
i ng pan and place over moderate heat.
Brown meat patties in pan frst on one
side, then on the other. Remove from pan.
I n remaining oi l slowly brown chopped
onion and green pepper. Add tomato
sauce. Replace beef patties and simmer 10
minutes . Serve patties on platter, pour
sauce over all and garnish with green
pepper rings.
Appl e Fl ap Jack
( Makes 14 four- inch cakes )
1 Y cups al l -purpose four
2Y2 teaspoons baking powder
3 tablespoons sugar
o teaspoon sal t
4 teaspoon cinnamon
2 eggs, separated
1 cup mi l k
3 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oi l
1 cup fnel y grated apples
Sift four, measure and sift together
with remaining dry ingredients. Beat egg
yolks, add mi l k and Planters Peanut Oi l .
Slowly add l i quid t o dry ingredients . Beat
until batter i s smooth. Add grated apples
and fold i n stify beaten egg whi tes. Drop ..
batter on hot griddle from t a b l e s p o o n
spreading each cake out lightly with back
of spoon. The griddl e should be oiled or
not, according to manufacturer's direc
tions. Cook on one si de until puffed,
bubbly and browned on edge. Then turn
and cook on other side. Serve immediately
with butter and syrup.
Oven Fri ed Chi cken
( Serves 3- 4 )
2 to 3 pound chicken, cut for frying
1 cup four
1 teaspoon sal t
Y teaspoon pepper
2 eggs
Y cup water
1 cup fne cracker crumbs
1 cup Planters Peanut Oi l
1 oni on, chopped fne
1 cup cream
Dip pieces of chicken in four to which
salt and pepper have been added. Then
dip in beaten egg to which water has been
added and fnal ly roll i n cracker crumbs .
Pour Planters Peanut Oil into heavy fry
ing pan and place over moderate heat.
Add chicken and brown evenly on al l sides .
Place in baking pan, sprinkle with onion
and top with cream. Cover and bake in a
moderate oven ( 3 50 o F ) for 1 Y2 hours.
SE CTION "C" . 8s ...
Soups are such an important part of your meals, they deserve a great share
of your attention and skill. You can pep up lagging appetites with light, tasty
broths, or satisfy healthy demands for nourishment with steami ng bwls of
rich, thick soups. They increase the enjoyment of the rest of your meal, too.
Cream soups, vegetable soups, soups made from meat
stock, as well as many
others, lend variety to your menu. And they can be w
nderful ti me-savers for
last mi nute preparation -simmered at leisure and reheated at mealti1e, with no
loss of favor. In any of them, PLANTERS HI-HAT PE!\NUT OIL can be a magic
ingredienr. For exampl e, here's the secret of unusual favor i n vegetable soups.
Just brown the vegetables in PLANTERS PEANUT OIL before addi ng them to the
stock. You'll relish every savory sip. Appeal to your family's taste by preparing
some of the disti nctively di fferent soups given in this section.
Russi an Borsch Oyster Stew
( Serves 6 )
2 cups beets, chopped
2 cups cabbage, chopped
4 cups clari fed beef stock
1 cup onions, sl i ced
V3 cup Planters Peanut Oil
2 teaspoons sal t
Dash of pepper
Heavy sour cream
Cook beets and cabbage i n beef stock
until tender, about 20 mi n u t es . Beef
stock may be made with bouillon cubes, ex
tracts or with fresh meat . Brown onions
i n Planters Peanut Oi l and add to soup.
Stir in salt and pepper. Serve very hot i n
heavy pottery bowls and top wi th a table
spoon of heavy sour cream.
( Serves 6)
% cup Planters Peanut Oi l
2 tablespoons four
quart mi l k
quart oysters
2 tablespoos chopped parsley
Heat Planters Peanut Oil in saucepan
and add four. Stir until thoroughly blend
ed. Add milk and heat, stirring constantly
until mi xture thickens sl ightl y. Heat oys
ters in oyster liquor until edges of oysters
curl, about five minutes. Add oysters and
liquor to heated mi l k. Season to taste with
salt and pepper. Add chopped parsley and
serve at. once.
French Oni on Soup
(Serves 6)
Y cup Planters Peanut Oil
4 cups onions, thinly sl iced
3 tablespoons four
6 cups clarifed meat stock or
2 teaspoons salt
Y teaspoon pepper
Few drops Tabasco sauce
6 rounds of oven toasted bread
3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese, grated
Heat Planters Peanut Oil in saucepan
over moderate heat. Add onions and si m
mer until tender. Blend in four. Add
l i qui d sl owly, stirring constantly, unti l
well blended. Stir i n seasonings and sim
mer 20 mi nutes. Place oven toasted rounds
i n each soup plate or pottery bowl, pour
soup over toast and spri nkl e with Parme
san cheese. Serve at once.

Cream of Corn Soup
( Serves 5- 6 )
Y cup Planters Peanut Oil
2 tabl espoons onion, minced
ll/2 tablespoons four
1 Y2 teaspoons salt
Dash of white pepper
3 cups mi l k
1 No. 2 can cream style corn
3 teaspoons parsley, chopped
Pour Planters Peanut Oi l into pan and
pl ace over moderate heat. Add onion and
simmer until tender, about fve mi nutes .
Do not brown. Stir in four, sal t and
pepper. Add milk gradually, stirring con
stantly unti l mixture boi l s. Rub corn
through a coarse si eve and add to mi l k
mixture. Reheat, sprinkle with the chop
ped parsley and serve with a fresh fruit
The mai n course of your meal must really live up to

ts name. It should
contain a large share of the main necessities for nutrition. It should contain the
main taste-appeal, to add character and integrity to the meal. The secret of this
all-important favor is i n your preparation of the basic ingredients. The meats,
for example, or the vegetables, or the noodles, should be cooked frst in
PLANTERS PEANUT OIL. This pure, wholesome oil accents the natural favors
of the foods without contributing any objectionable favor of its own. It adds
nourishment and i s highly digestible. And it' s so easy to use. No melting._
Just pour in the pan. The oil heats quickly and browns foods to perfection.
Try this secret of fne favor in cooking the main ingredients as indicated
in the recipes which follow. It takes so little time for so much favor. Treat
your family to delicious meals that are nourishing and chock-full of taste-appeal.
Gol den Carrot Soup
(Serves 6 )
% cup Pl anters Peanut Oil
2 cups carrots, sl iced thin
1 Y2 teaspoons sal t
Y2 teaspoon sugar
3 cups chicken stock or
3 chicken bouil lon cubes
% cup uncooked rice
1 cup thin cream
2 cups mi l k
Chopped chives
Pour Planters Peanut Oil i n saucepan
and place over moderate heat. Add car
rots, salt and sugar. Cover and fry gentl y
for 20 minutes, stirring occasional l y. Do
not brown. Bring chicken stock to boil
and add to carrots. ( I f chicken boui l lon
cubes are used, add three cups boiling
water to cubes and stir until dissolved. )
Add well washed rice. Cover and sim
mer for one hour. Rub through strainer.
Add cream and mi l k and blend wel l .
Sprinkle with chopped chives.
Potato Cheese Soup
( Serves 4- 5 )
2 cups potatoes, di ced
3 cups boi ling, sal ted . water
2 to 3 cups mi l k
3 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oi l
3 tablespoons onion, minced
% cup four
Y4 teaspoon pepper
% teaspoon sal t
Dash cayenne pepper
1 cup cheese, grated
1 tablespoon parsley, minced
Cook potatoes in boiling, salted water
Kedgeree of Fi sh
( Serves 3- 4 )
2 cups cooked fsh
% cup Pl anters Peanut Oil
2 hard cooked eggs
cup cooked rice
Sal t
Remove skin and bone from fsh and
measure two cups. Pour Pl anters Peanut
Oil in saucepan and place over moderate
heat. Add fsh and brown lightly. Cut
eggs i n halves, remove yol ks and slice
whites. Combine whites, rice, and season
ings with the fsh and heat thoroughly.
Serve very hot with a topping of riced
egg yol ks.
unti l cone. Drain. Reserve l i qui d and add
enough mi l k to make four cups. Scald
liquid. Put potatoes through siev
ricer. Heat Planters Peanut Oil in sauce
pan, add onion and simmer over moderate
heat for fve minutes . Blend in four and
seasonings. Add hot liquid, potatoes and
the grated cheese. Heat very slowly, stir
ring constantly. Add parsley and croutons.
Chi cken Gumbo
( Serves 6 )
3 pound chicken, cut m pieces
for serving
1 cup Pl anters Peanut Oil
1 medium onion, cut in thin slices
4 cups sl iced okra, fresh or canned
2 tablespoons parsley, minced
2 tablespoons red pepper, chopped
1 V2 cups tomato sauce
3 cups boi l ing water
teaspoon salt
cup cooked rice
Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper
and dredge with four. Pour Planters Peanut
Oil i n heavy frying pan and place over
moderate heat. Saute' chicken until well
browned on all sides. Remove chicken
to saucepan. Saute' onion in oil remaining
i n pan. Then add okra, parsley and red
pepper and cook slowly 15 minutes. Add
to chicken, with tomato sauce, boi l i ng
water and salt. Cook slowl y until chicken
is tender and then add cooked rice. Bring
to boi l . Serve with whol e pi eces of chicken
in bowl s with the soup.
Macaroni Creol e Loaf
( Serves 4-5 )
2 cups cooked macaroni
1 cup soft bread crumbs
2 eggs
V2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons green pepper, chopped
:3 cup grated cheese
11 cups tomatoes, cooked
% cup Planters Peanut Oil
1 V2 tablespoons prepared mustard
Dash of celery salt and pepper
Tomato wedges
Parsl ey
Mix al l ingredients in order listed. Pour
into an oiled baking casserole. Bake in
a moderate oven ( 3 50 F) for 3 5 min
utes. Unmold careful l y and serve gar
nished with tomato wedges and parsley.
Vegetabl e Soufe
( Serves 6 )
cups mi l k
5 sl ices day-old bread
% cup onions, minced
2 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oil
2 cups cooked mixed vegetables
teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
4 eggs, separated
Planters Creamy White Sauce
Scald milk and soak bread in it. Gently
fry the onions i n. Planters Peanut Oi l for
about fve minutes . Add soaked bread and
milk and mix to a smooth paste. Add
vegetables, salt and pepper. Beat egg yolks
unti l thick and lemon colored. Blend yolks
into vegetabl e mixture. Beat whites until
stif and fold into vegetable mixture. Pour
into oiled casserol e. Place casserol e in
pan of hot water and bake i n a moderate
oven ( 3 50 o F) for about 40 minutes or
until soufe is browned and frm to the
touch. Serve with Planters Creamy White
Sauce made with Pl anters Peanut Oi l .
Garnish with sprays of parsley.
Ameri can Chop Suey
( Serves 6)
1 4-ounce package noodles
cups tomatoes, cooked
1, pound cheese, grated
% cup Planters Peanut Oil
1j2 cup onion, diced
cup celery, diced
% cup green pepper, diced
% pound ground beef
1 tablespoon Soy Sauce
teaspoon chi l i powder
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
% teaspoon pepper
Cook noodles in boiling salted water
unti l tender. Drain, rinse noodles and
drain agai n. Return to cooking pan. Add
tomatoes and grated cheese. Stir over low
heat until cleese is melted. Heat Planters
Peanut Oil in fryi ng pan. Add onion,
celery and green pepper. Simmer over low
heat until soft and l ightly browned, about
1 0 minutes. Add meat and continue cook
ing until meat is browned. Then add
seasoni ngs. Combine meat with noodl e
mixture. Serve with a tossed green sal ad
and crusty rol l s.
Chicken Gi bl ets and
Mushrooms i n Sauce
( Serves 4 )
1 pound chicken giblets
( gizzards, hearts and l i vers )
% cup Planters Peanut Oi l
% pound mushrooms
teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1j4 cup four, sifted
2 cups chicken broth
tabl espoon parsley, chopped
Toast poi nts or cooked rice
Cut gizzards into four pieces, hearts and
l ivers into halves. Pour Planters Peanut
Oi l i n saucepan and place over moderate
heat. Add giblets and saute until l ightly
browned on all sides. Add mushrooms,
sprinkle with the sal t and pepper and con
tinue cooking until well browned. Stir
in four. Add broth gradual ly, stirring
constantl y until thickened. Cover tightly
and simmer unti l gi blets are very tender.
Gizzard will need 1V2 hours cooking time
and l ivers about 30 mi nutes . Remove from
heat and stir in parsley. Serve on toast
points or over fufy cooked rice.
Ol d Vi rgi ni a Hot Pot
( Serves 6 )
2 pounds l ean beef o r lamb
V2 cup four
1 tablespoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
z cup Planters Peanut Oi l
4 cups potatoes, sl iced
2 cups carrots, sl iced
Y3 cup onion, minced
Water, about 2 cups
Cut meat i nto cubes . Rol l in four which
has been sifted with sal t and pepper. Pour
Planters Peanut Oi l into frying pan and
place over moderate heat. Add meat and
brown on all sides. Place half of the meat
i n four. Add broth gradually, stirring
with two cups potatoes, the carrots, onion
and then the other hal f of the meat. Stir
together Pl anters Peanut Oil i n which
meat was browned and the four in which
meat was rol l ed. Pour four and oil mix
ture into casserol e. Then arrange other two
cups of potatoes attractively to form t op
layer of casserol e. Add enough water to
almost cover. Place l i d on casserole and
bake in a moderate oven ( 3 50 o F) for
about 2Y hours or until meat i s tender,
Remove lid last 1 5 minutes of baking
period to brown top of casserol e.
Stufed Ham Steak
( Serves 5- 6 )
2 cups soft bread crumbs
cup raisins, chopped
cup Planters Peanuts, chopped
2 tablespoons dark corn syrup
teaspoon dry mustard
% cup Planters Peanut Oi l
2 l arge sl ices smoked ham,
inch thick
Whole cloves
Pickled orange s l ices
Combine crumbs, raisins, Planters Pea-
nuts, corn syrup, mustard and Pl anters
Peanut Oil to form a dressing. Place one
sl i ce of ham in a shal l ow bakin- pan and
spread dressing on the ham. Pl ace a second
slice of ham on top. Stick whole cl oves
into the fat. Bake in a sl ow oven ( 300 F )
for about one hour. Remove t o hot pl atter.
Garnish with pickled orange sl ices.
Shri mps de Jonghe
( Serves 4)
2 pounds green shrimp
o teaspoon sal t
1 cl ove garl i c
cup Pl anters Peanut Oi l
1 cup soft bread crumbs
Dash cayenne pepper
% teaspoon paprika
3 tablespoons parsley, chopped
cup Sherry wine
Peel fresh green shrimp and remove the
black vein. Combine sal t and garl i c and
rub together. Add Pl anters Peanut Oi l ,
bread crumbs, pepper, paprika, parsley
and wine and mi x wel l . Pl ace alternating
layers of prepared shrimp and crumb mix
ture in an oi l ed casserol e, topping with
crumb mixture. Bake i n a moderately hot
oven ( 3 7 5 F) for 20 to 25 minutes.
Cooked shrimp may be used, but fresh
green shrimp remain j uicier a n d mo r e
tender after baking.
Baked Sal mon Sl i ces
Salmon cut i n individual servings
Pl anters Peanut Oil
Lemon j uice
Bacon strips
Lemon wedges
Pars ley or Parsley Sauce
Brush the slices of fsh generously on
both sides with Planters Peanut Oil . Pl ace
in a baking dish and sprinkle with lemon
j uice, sal t and pepper. Lay a thin sl ice
of onion on each piece. Cover onion with
a one-fourth inch sl ice of tomato and top
with a strip of bacon cut in two. Pl ace in
a moderate oven ( 3 5 0 o F) for about 45
minutes or unti l fsh fakes easi l y. Serve
garnished with lemon wedges and parsley
or serve wi th Parsley Sauce.
Creamed Chi pped Beef
i n Croustades
( Serves 3- 4 )
% cup Planters Peanut Oil
% cup four
Dash of pepper
2 cups mi l k
2 Vz -ounce j ar of dried beef
Pour Pl anters Peanut Oi l i n t op of
double boil er and place over moderate
heat. Thoroughl y bl end i n four and pep
per. Add mi l k gradual l y while stirring
constantl y. Continue cooking over boiling
water until smooth and thickened. Stir
while cooking. Cut dried beef into fairly
large pi eces and add to sauce. Serve in
croustades deep fried i n Planters Peanut
Oil. Garnish with parsl ey.
Shri mp i n Scal l op Shel l s
( Serves 4 )
% cup Pl anters Peanut Oil
1 garlic cl ove, peeled
cup onion, minced
% cup four
2 cups mil k
( teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
teaspoon sal t
2 cups shri mp, cooked and cl eaned
1 tablespoon parsley, minced
1 tablespoon Planters Peanut Oil
cup bread crumbs
Pour Pl anters Peanut Oi l into saucepan
and add garlic clove. Pl ace over moderate
heat. Remove garl i c when oil i s heated.
Acid onion and simmer gently for three
minutes. Add four and blend wel l . Then
add mi l k gradual l y and cook, stirring con
stantly, unt i l thick. Stir in Worcestershire
sauce, sal t, shrimp, and parsley. Heat and
pour into oiled scal lop shel l s. Heat the
one tabl espoon of Pl anters Peanut Oi l .
Stir i n bread crumbs and spri nkl e over
shrimp. Bake in a very hot oven ( 450 F)
for 8 t o 1 0 minutes.
Tomato Cheese Toast
( Serves 6 )
3 tablespoons onion, chopped
' cup green pepper, chopped
4 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oil
2 cups tomato sauce
2 tablespoons Hour
teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
6 sl ices bread
6 sl ices cheese
Pars ley
Saute onion and green pepper m two
tablespoons of the Planters Peanut Oil
over moderate heat for about fve minutes .
Stir in tomato sauce. Mix Hour and seas
onings with remaining two tablespoons
Planters Peanut Oil and add to sauce.
Bring to boi l . Butter bread on one side
and toast under broiler until golden
brown. Then cover other side of toast
with a slice of cheese and mel t under
broiler. Spoon tomato sauce over toast
and garnish with parsley.
Scal l oped Oni ons and Peanuts
( Serves 6 )
6 medi um- sized onions
2 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oil
1 tablespoon Hour
1 cup milk
' teaspoon salt
1 cup Planters Peanuts, ground
cup buttered bread crumbs
Peel and sl ice onions and cook i n sal ted
water until tender. Pour Planters Peanut
Oi l in frying pan and pl ace over moderate
heat. Stir i n Hour. Add mi l k gradually,
st1rnng constantly. Cook until smooth and
creamy. Add salt. Arrange al ternate layers
of the onion, ground peanuts and the
sauce in an oiled casserol e. Top with
the buttered crumbs. Bake in a moderate
oven ( 350 F) for about 25 minutes or
until top is browned. Serve in casserol e.
Veal Ti mbal es
( Serves 6 )
3 cups ground cooked veal
2 eggs, sl ightly beaten
1 V2 teaspoons sal t
V4 teaspoon pepper
3 cups soft bread crumbs
2 tablespoons prepared horseradish
2 tablespoons onion, minced
3 cup Planters Peanut Oil
Parsl ey Sauce
Mix veal , egg, one-hal f teaspoon sal t
and pepper. Line six wel l -oil ed ramekin
or custard cups the mixture, leaving
centers for dressing. Combine bread
crumbs, horseradi sh, the remaining one
teaspoon salt, onion and Pl anters Peanut
Oi l . Mix thoroughly and press dressing
in center of ramekins. Bake in a moderate
oven ( 3 50 F) for about 30 minutes.
Serve with Parsley Sauce ma d e wi t h
Planters Peanut Oi l .
Southern Ri ce Casserol e
( Serves 6 )
2 tablespoons green pepper, chopped
% cup Pl anters Peanut Oil
4 tabl espoons Hour
2 cups mi l k
1 teaspoon sal t
V4 cup Planters Peanuts, chopped
lj2 cup cheese, grated
2 tablespoons pimiento, chopped
3 cups cooked rice
Parsl ey
Hard cooked egg sl ices
Saute green pepper in Planters Peanut
Oil over moderate heat. Blend i n Hour.
Add mi l k gradual l y while stirring con
stantly. Cook until thickened, about fve
minutes. Add salt, Pl anters Peanuts, cheese
and pimento. Heat thoroughl y. Pour over
the hot cooked rice which has been
pl aced in an oiled casserole. Garnish with
sprigs of parsl ey and hard cooked egg

PLANTERS PEANUT OI L is a hi ghl y
r e f i n e d , b l a n d o i l . I t h a s N O
SECTION "E" .ok . .
The secret of true perfection i n deep-fried foods lies i n your selection of an
oi l which wi ll form a golden crust instantly. PLANTERS PEANUT OIL i s ideal
for deep frying for this reason : you can heat PLANTERS PEANUT OIL to s much
higher a temperature without smoking or scorching, that the mi nute food i s
dropped i nto it, an even, brown, crisp coating is formed whi ch seals i n good
ness and seals out oi l and sogginess. This quick-heating oil cooks food rapidly
and thoroughly. The most delectable bits of crispness you ever tasted. And you
use it with the sure knowledge that it is practically the most digestible of all
cooking fats.
So, if you have hesitated about cooking foods in deep fat because it was
too much trouble, try the easy PLANTERS PEANUT OIL way. The oil is always
ready to use, it heats so quickly, and assures you of marvelous results. You can
use the oil repeatedly, as it does not retai n odors. Your family will heap praises
on you and call for more - and more - deep-fried foods, fried with
PLANTERS HI-HAT PEANUT OIL. Try some of these tested recipes.
NOTE: To test frying temperatures, drop a one-third inch cube of bread into hot
PLANTERS PEANUT OI L. If it fries golden brown in 20 seconds, the temperature
is 390 F. If it takes 40 seconds, the temperature is 370 F.
French Fried Carrots
( Serves 6 )
1 2 young tender carrots
Pl anters Fritter Batter
Deep hot Pl anters Peanut Oi l
Scrape young carrots and cook in boi l
ing salted water about t en minutes until
j ust tender. Drain wel l and dip in Planters
Fritter Batter. Fry in deep Planters Peanut
Oil ( 370 F) until browned. Drain on
absorbent paper.
Cut bread in sl ices about two inches
thick. Shape into rounds by cutting of
corners . Hol low out ce.nters with a sharp
knife. Fry i n deep Planters Peanut Oil
( 390 F) until golden brown. Drain on
absorbent paper.
Croustades are a delicious substitute for
pastry shel l s. Serve fl led with creameq
meat, fsh or vegetables .
French Fri ed Sweet Potatoes
( Serves 6 )
6 medium-size sweet potatoes
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oil
Cook sweet potatoes in boiling water un-
ti l tender. Peel and cut into lengthwise
strips. Fry in deep Planters Peanut Oil
( 390 F) until golden brown. Drain on
absorbent paper, sprinkle with salt and
serve at once.
Sweet Potato Surpri ses
( Makes eight bal l s )
2 cups sweet potatoes, mashed
1 egg, beaten
y2 teaspoon sa I t
Dash of pepper
8 marshmal l ows
y2 cup cornfakes, crushed
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oil
Boil and peel sweet potatoes . Mash wel l .
When partly cool , add egg and seasonings .
With foured hands, mol d into eight
round bal l s with a marshmal l ow h i d d e n
inside. Rol l in crushed cornfakes and fry
in deep Planters Peanut Oil ( 3 70 F)
until nicely browned. Drain o n absorbent
Meat and Potato Croquettes
Makes 6-8 Croquettes
1 cup cooked meat, ground
lj2 teaspoon sa It
11 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon onion j uice
2 tablespoons parsley, minced
4 cups mashed potatoes
2 eggs
4 tablespoons water
Finely ground dry bread crumbs
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oil
Bacon sl ices
Use leftover meat. Add salt, pepper,
onion j uice anJ parsley to mashed pota
toes. Shape about one-fourth cup of mix
ture into a fat patty. Place about one
tablespoon of the ground meat in center
of patty. Roll potato around meat making
an oblong croquette. Cover meat com
pl etely. Beat eggs and combine with
water. Rol l each croquette in crums, then
i n egg and again i n crumbs. Fry in deep
Planters Peanut Oil ( 3 70 F ) until gold
en brown. Drain on absorbent paper.
Serve with crisp bacon sl ices.
French Fried As
( Serves 5- 6 )
can asparagus tips,
about two dozen tips
2 tablespoons water
1 cup fnely ground dry bread crumbs
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oi l
Drai n asparagus tips. Dip i n beaten
egg combined with the water and roll in
fne crumbs. Fry i n deep Pl anters Peanut
Oil ( 3 70 F) until a del icate brown.
Drain on absorbent paper. Serve about
four pieces on a sl ice of toast and pour
the foll owing Cheese Sauce over them.
1 tablespoon Planters Peanut Oil
2 tablespoons four
% teaspoon sal t
1 cup mi l k
Y2 cup cheese, grated
Heat Pl anters Peanut Oil. Stir in four
and salt. Add milk gradual l y, stirring con
stantly and cook until thickened. Add
cheese and continue cooking over hot water
until cheese is melted.
French Fried Oni ons
( Serves 6)
3 medium-sized Burmuda onions
Planters Fritter Batter I
Deep hot Pl anters Peanut Oil
Slice onions about one-fourth inch thick.
Separate sl ices into rings and dip in fritter
batter. Fry in deep Planters Peanut Oil
( 3 70 F) until golden brown. Drain on
absorbent paper.
Corn Fritters
( Makes 1 2- 1 5 Fritters )
2 eggs
1 2/3 cups cooked or canned
whol e-kernel corn
11 cups al l -purpose four
1 teaspoon baking powder
teaspoons sa It
Deep hot Pl anters Peanut Oi l
Beat eggs and st i r i n corn. Si ft four,
measure and sift again wi th baking powder
and salt. Combine beaten eggs and corn
with four mixture. Drop by teaspoonful s
i nto deep Pl anters Peanut Oi l ( 3 70 F )
and fry until gol den brown. Drain on
absorbent paper. Serve wi th butter, syrup
or j el l y.
Orange . Drop Doughnuts
( Makes about 3
dozen )
cups al l -purpose four
teaspoon sa I t
2 teaspoons baking powder
cup sugar
cup orange j uice
1 cup Pl anters Peanut Oi l
Grated ri nd of one orange
2 eggs beaten
Deep hot Pl anters Peanut Oi l
Powdered sugar
Sift four, measure and si l t again wi t h
rest of dry ingredients. Add orange j uice,
Pl anters Peanut Oi l , grated rind and eggs.
Beat wel l . Drop from a teaspoon in deep
Pl anters Peanut Oil ( 3 70 F) and fry
until wel l browned. Drain on absorbent
paper. Dust with powdered sugar.
French Fried Potatoes
( Serves 6 )
6 medium- si zed white potatoes
Deep hot Pl anters Peanut Oi l
Wash and pare potatoes. Cut in l ength
wise strips about three-eighths inch thick.
Rinse wel l in col d water, drain and dry
between towel s. Pl ace a few at a time in
a wi re basket and pl unge into deep
Planters Peanut Oil ( 390 F ) . Fry until
gol den brown. Drain on absorbent paper,
sprinkle with salt and serve immediately.
( Makes three dozen doughnuts )
3 eggs
2 tablespoons Pl anters Peanut Oi l
1 cup mi l k
1 cup sugar
4 y
cups al l - purpose four, about
2 teaspoons baking powder
teaspoon sa It
teaspoon nutmeg, grated
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oi l
Beat eggs . St i r i n Pl anters Peanut Oi l ,
mi l k and sugar. Si ft four, measure out
two cups and sift again with baking
powder, salt and nutmeg. Add to egg
mi xture and beat unti l smooth. Then add
enough more four to make a soft dough.
Stir unti l wel l bl ended. Rol l out on four
ed board to one-hal f inch thickness and
cut with doughnut cutter. Fry in deep
Planters Peanut Oil ( 3 70 F) turning
frequentl y until gol den brown. Drain on
absorbent paper. Sprinkl e with spiced
sugar or dip in vani l l a gl aze.
Spiced Sugar
Bl end one- hal f cup granulated sugar,
one-hal f teaspoon cinnamon, one- hal f tea
spoon cloves, and one-fourth teaspoon al l
V anil/a Glaze
Bl end two cups confectioners sugar, one
teaspoon vani l l a and three tablespoons hot
mi l k.
Fri ed Scal l ops
( Serves 6- 8 )
quart scal l ops
2 tablespoons Pl anters Peanut Oil
4 tabl espoons l emon j uice
teaspoon sa I t
1 egg
2 tablespoons water
cup fnely ground dry bread crumbs
Deep hot Pl anters Peanut Oil
Drain scal l ops. Make a dressing by
mi xi ng together the Planters Peanut Oil,
lemon j ui ce and sal t . Pl ace scal lops i n
dressing and l et stand about one hour.
Drai n again. Beat egg and combine with
the water. Dip the scal l ops one at a time
in egg and then in the crumbs. Fry a few
at a ti me in deep Pl anters Peanut Oil
( 370 F ) . Remove when gol den brown
and drain on absorbent paper.
Cruller Squares
( Makes about 30 squares )
1 egg
1 tablespoon Planters Peanut Oi l
1 tablespoon sugar
y3 cup sour mi l k
1 V2
cups al l -purpose four, about
Y4 teaspoon soda
Y4 teaspoon salt
3 cup cheese, grated
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oil
Beat egg and beat in Planters Peanut
Oil , sugar and mi l k. Sift four, measure
out one cup and sift again with soda and
salt. Mix i n grated cheese. Add to egg
mixture and mix until well blended. Stir
in enough more four to make a soft
dough. Turn out onto foured board and
roll to about one-fourth inch thickness.
.Cut into one inch squares wi t h a sharp
knife. Fry i n deep Pl anters Peanut Oi l
( 3 70 F) until browned. Drain on ab
sorbent paper. Serve with salads or at
afternoon tea.
Appl e Fritters
( Makes 1 2- 1 5 Fritters )
1 egg
V3 cup mi l k
1 cup al l - purpose four
teaspoons baking powder
3 tablespoons sugar
% teaspoon salt
1 cup apples, diced
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oi l
Beat egg and add mi l k. Sift four,
measure and sift again with baking pow
der, sugar and salt. Add to beaten egg
and mil k. Stir in apples . Drop by tea
spoonfuls i n deep Planters Peanut Oil
( 370 F) and fry until golden brown.
Drain on absorbent paper. Serve with
maple syrup, lemon Sauce or sprinkled
with powdered sugar.
Caul ifower Fritters
( Serves 6 )
1 large head caul ifower
Planters Fritter Batter II
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oil
Separate caulifower into fowers and
immerse in cold water a few minutes.
Drop into boiling salted water and cook
about fve minutes until j ust tender. Dip
in Planters Fritter Batter II, then drain
l ightly. Fry i n deep Planters Peanut Oil
( 370 F) until golden brown. Drain on
absorbent paper.
Pl anters Fritter Batter I
1 Y3 cups al l -purpose four
% teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
3 cup mi l k
Si ft four, measure and sift again wi th
sal t and baking powder. Beat egg and
mil k together. Combine mixtures and stir
until blended. Use as a coating on any
uncooked large fruit or vegetable in deep
fat frying.
Pl anters Fritter Batter I I
egg, separated
1 tablespoon Pl anters Peanut Oi l
% teaspoon sal t
V2 cup mi l k
cup al l -purpose four, sifted
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
Beat egg yolk. Add Planters Peanut Oil ,
salt and about one- hal f of the mi l k. Add
four and sugar beating unti l smooth. Then
stir i n remaini ng mi l k. Fold i n sti fl y
beaten egg white. Use as a coating on
uncooked fruits and vegetables i n deep fat
Carrot Chi ps
( Serves 6 )
6 large carrots
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oi l
Scrape or peel large carrots. Cut cross
wise into round chips about one-eighth
i nch thick. Fry i n deep Planters Peanut
Oil ( 390 F) until they are golden brown.
Drai n on absorbent paper. Serve at once.
Sugar Pufs
( Makes about two dozen pufs )
1 egg
1j8 teaspoon sal t
1 tablespoon mil k
cup al l - purpose four, about
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oil
Confectioners sugar
Ci nnamon
Beat together egg, sal t and mil k. Add
enough four to make a stif dough. Stir
until blended. Turn out on slightly foured
board and roll until as thin as paper.
Cover with clean towel and leave for a
half hour to dry. Cut in one and one-hal f
i nch squares. Fry i n deep Planters Peanut
Oil ( 3 70 F) until a delicate brown.
Drai n on absorbent paper Whi l e hot ,
sprinkle wi t h confecti oners sugar and cin
I rish Potato Pufs
( Serves 4 )
2 eggs, wel l beaten
2 cups left-over mashed potatoes
4 strips bacon, fried crisp
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oi l
Beat eggs and potatoes together thor
oughly. Add crumbl ed bacon. Add sal t
and pepper, i f needed. Drop mixture by
spoonfuls into deep Pl anters Peanut Oi l
( 3 70 F) and fry unti l gol den brown.
Drain on absorbent paper.
Banana Fritters
( Serves 6 )
6 bananas
2 tablespoons lemon j uice
Pl anters Fritter Batter I I
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oi l
Peel bananas. Cut i n two lengthwise and
cut crosswise. Dip in l emon j uice and
drain. Then dip in fritter batter and fry
in deep Pl anters Peanut Oil ( 3 70 F)
until golden brown. Drain on absorbent
paper. S e r ve wi t h meat, or top with
Lemon Sauce and serve as a dessert.
Oyster Fritters
( Serves 4 )
1 cup al l -purpose four
% teaspoon salt
lfs teaspoon pepper
% cup mi l k
Y4 cup oyster l iquor
2 eggs, wel l beaten
dozen l arge oysters
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oil
Sift four, measure and sift again with
salt and pepper. Sl owl y stir i n mil k and
oyster l iquor, and beat unti l smooth. Then
add well beaten eggs. Dip oysters i n this
batte' and fry i n deep Pl anters Peanut Oi l
( 3 70 F) unti l gol den brown. Drai n on
absorbent paper and serve hot.
French Fried Pi neappl e
( Serves 6 )
6 rings canned pineapple
1 egg
2 tablespoons water
cup fnely ground dry bread crumbs
Deep hot Pl anters Peanut Oi l
Drain pineappl e rings . Beat egg and
combine with water. Dip pineappl e rings
in egg and then in crumbs . Fry i n deep
Planters Peanut Oi l ( 3 70 F) until deli
cately browned. Drain on absorbent paper.
Serve with meat or cover with sauce and
serve as a dessert.
Fried Shri mp i n Batter
( Serves 6 )
1 Y2 pounds fresh green shrimp
1 cup four
1 Y2 teaspoons baking powder
l/2 teaspoon sal t
1 egg, sl ightly beaten
% cup mi l k
1 tabl espoon Planters Peanut Oi l
Deep hot Pl anters Peanut Oi l
Peel and vei n shrimp leaving tails on.
Si ft four, measure and si ft again with
baking powder and salt. Combine beaten
egg, mi l k and Pl anters Peanut Oil. Stir
into dry ingredients mixing j ust enough
to blend. Coat prepared shrimp with the
batter and drop into deep Pl anters Peanut
Oi l ( 3 70 F) and fry until well browned.
Drain on absorbent paper.
Leaving the tail s on the shrimps makes
them suitabl e for serving as "fnger dain
ties" at a bufet supper or cocktai l party.
The fried shrimp are hel d by the tails and
di pped into i ndi vi dual cups fl led with
equal parts of Soy Sauce and hot chicken
Chi cken or Turkey Croquettes
( Makes 6-8 Croquettes )
2 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oi l
2 teaspoons onion, minced
4 tablespoons four
1 teaspoon sal t
Y teaspoon pepper
1 cup mi l k
2 cups left-over cooked chicken or
turkey; mi nced
teaspoon parsl ey, minced
Finely ground dry bread crumbs
1 egg
2 tablespoons mi l k or water
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oil
Parsley sprigs
Heat Planters Peanut Oil, add mi nced
onion and fry until l ightl y browned.
Bl end i n four, sal t and pepper. Add mi l k
gradual l y and cook stirring constantly un
ti l mi xture thickens. Then add turkey or
chicken and parsl ey. Chi l l thoroughl y.
Form into croquettes. Rol l i n crumbs, then
i n beaten egg combined with the water
and again i n crumbs. Fry i n deep Planters
Peanut Oil ( 370 F) until golden brown.
Drain on absorbent paper. Arrange at
tractively on hot platter and garnish with
sprigs of parsley.
S E CT I ON "F" .
8 8t . . .
One of the surest ways to perk up your family' s appetite i s by usi ng inter
esting and pi quant sauces for your well prepared di shes. Each savory sauce
i mparts a delightfully di ferent taste to basic ingredi ents and lends variety to
your meal s. These exciting favors stimul ate digestion and the colors please the
eye. Sauces poi nt up and complement the natural favors of the foods.
You' l l want to use PLANTERS PEANUT OIL i n making these delicious sauces,
for the secret of a good sauce i s in the oil you use. PLANTERS Hr-HAT OI L
bri ngs out the goodness of other i ngredi ents and combi nes them i n an agreeable
si ngleness of favor. It adds no taste of i ts own, but does add richness and
smoothness .
So treat your family to new taste thri lls by adding a di ferent sauce to
favorite di shes. The smal l , extra efort i n preparing these vari ated and stimul at
i ng sauces will bring l arge returns in happiness and satisfacti on.
No peanut taste - no peanut odor.
Tomato Sauce
( Makes 1
2 cups )
1 No. 2 can tomatoes
3 sl i ces onion
3 whole peppercorns
3 whole cl oves
1 bay leaf
2 tablespoons Pl anters Peanut Oil
2 tablespoons four
Simmer together tomatoes, onions, pep
percorns, cloves, and bay leaf for about
1 5 minutes . Press through sieve. Bl end
Planters Peanut Oi l with the four and
place over moderate heat. Add tomato
mixture and cook, stirring constantly, until
thick. Serve with hamburgers, fsh or meat
Mock Hol l andai se
( Makes three-fourths cup )
6 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oil
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon sal t
teaspoon whi te pepper
2 cup hot mi l k
2 egg yolks
i tablespoon lemon j uice
Blend together Planters Peanut Oi l ,
cornstarch, sal t and pepper in top of double
boiler. Add hot milk gradual l y and cook
over hot, not boil ing, water. Beat egg
yolks and blend in lemon j uice. Pour hot
oi l mixture onto the beaten egg yol ks.
Blend wel l . Return to top of doubl e boiler
and continue to cook, stirring constantly,
until smooth and thickened. Serve over
asparagus, broccol i or artichokes.
Creamy Whi te Sauce
( Makes one cup )
2 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oil
2 tablespoons four
2 teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
cup mi l k
Bl end Planters Peanut Oil, four, sal t
and pepper in top of double boiler. Place
over moderate heat. Add milk gradual l y,
stirring constantly. Continue to cook over
boiling water unti l smooth and thickened.
Stir constantly.
To make a thin white sauce, use one
tablespoon Planters Peanut Oil, one table
spoon four with one cup mi l k.
To make a thi ck whi te sauce, use three
tablespoons Planters Peanut Oil, three ta
bl espoons four with one cup mil k.
Sweet Sour Sauce for Beets
( Makes one cup )
2 tablespoons s ugar
1j2 teaspoon sal t
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons vinegar
2 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oi l
Few drops Tabasco sauce
cup stock or beet j uice from
canned beets
Blend sugar, salt and cornstarch. Stir i n
vi negar, Pl anters Peanut Oil, Tabasco sauce
and stock or beet j ui ce. Cook, stirring
constantly, until smooth and thickened.
Serve over hot diced beets .
Lemon Sauce
( Makes scant one-half cup )
l3 cup Pl anters Peanut Oil
1 teaspoon mustard
Y teaspoon sal t
Y teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon Worcestershire auce
1 tablespoon lemon j uice
1 teaspoon parsley, minced
Blend together all ingredients and heat.
Serve as a sauce on broiled steak or fsh
or cooked vegetabl es.
Currant Jel l y Sauce
( Makes one cup )
2 tablespoons Pl anters Peanut Oil
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1, teaspoon sal t
l3 cup water
cup currant j el l y
1 tablespoon l emon J UICe
Combine all ingredients and beat smooth
with rotary egg beater. Cook over moder
ate heat about fve minutes or until thick.
Serve with l amb chops.
Devi l Sauce
( Makes one cup )
3 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oil
3 tablespoons four
Y teaspoon sal t
% cup meat stock or bouillon
4 tablespoons chili sauce
tablespoon parsley, minced
Blend Planters Peanut Oil, four and
sal t. Stir in hot meat stock or bouillon,
chili sauce and parsley. Cook over moderate
heat for about fve minutes or until thick
ened. Serve with steak or pork chops.
Spani sh Sauce
( Makes one cup )
2 tablespoons Pl anters Peanut Oil
1j2 cup oni ons, sl i ced
Y bay leaf
1 l4 cups canned tomatoes
1 teaspoon sal t
% cup green pepper, diced
Dash of pepper
1 whole clove
Y teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons four
3 tablespoons water
Heat Planters Peanut Oil, add onions
and simmer until tender. Add al l remain
ing ingredients except four and water.
Cover and simmer 30 mi nutes . Blend four
and water to a smooth paste. Add to
tomato mixture and cook until thickened.
Remove bay leaf and clove. Continue cook
ing for a few mi nutes. Serve over spa
ghetti, omelet, croquettes, meat loaf, ham
burgers or fsh.
Vi nai grette Sauce
( Makes one-half cup )
2 cup Pl anters French Dressing
1 tablespoon onion or chives,
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Few drops Tabasco sauce
Blend al l ingredients and heat. Pour
over hot cooked brussel sprouts, shredded
cabbage, green beans or kale.
Parsley Sauce
( Makes one cup )
1 cup Creamy White Sauce
2 tablespoons parsley, mi nced
1 teaspoon lemon j uice
Blend together White Sauce ( made with
Planters Peanut Oil ) , parsley and lemon
j uice. Heat and serve with either fsh or

PlANTERS HI -HAT PEANUT OI L has no peanut taste or odor.
I t adds no favor of its own - but you' l l be del i ghted at
the subtl e way i t enri ches other favors.

S E CT I ON "G" .d. . .
In modern baking, one of the main secrets of success is the shortening you
use. And here, especially, PLANTERS PEANUT OIL comes i nto i ts own. It' s
always ready. Quick to use. Produces wonderful results, the easy way. Gone
is ti resome, i naccurate measuring. Gone is the tedious method of creaming the
shortening for cakes and cookies. Just BEAT THE OIL INTO THE INGREDIENTS,
as di rected. Once you' ve tried this method of easy blendi ng, you' ll never
change. The time you save is amazing. You can whip together delectable cakes
and other desserts in no time ! Fine, even texture ! Light and luscious delicacies !
ufi ns, rolls, bi scuits and
quick-breads. No melting. This liquid shortening is ready to use. And you
measure more accurately, for better baking.
Your kitchen will be the most popular place in the house when the aroma
gets around. And a meal cl imaxed with one of these scrumptious desserts wi ll
make you the cook most l ikel y to succeed.
Rai si n Spi ce Cake
1 cup Pl anters Peanut Oi l
1 cup brown sugar, frml y packed
1 cup raisins
1 cup water
1 teaspoon cinnamon
teaspoon cloves
l/2 teaspoon salt
teaspoon baking powder
21 cups al l-purpose four
1 teaspoon soda
2 tablespoons warm water
Cream cheese
Mix Planters Peanut Oi l , brown sugar,
raisins, water, cinnamon, cloves and sal t
in saucepan. Bri ng to boil and l et cool .
Si ft four, measure and si ft again wi t h the
baking powder. Dissolve soda in the
warm water. Add to saucepan al ternately
with four, stirring until well blended.
Bake in an oiled eight inch square pan in
a moderately hot oven ( 37 5 F) for about
30 minutes . Frost with a cream cheese
Pl anters Pl antation Cake
Sift together i nto large bowl :
3 cups sifted cake four
% cup sugar
2 teaspoons double action baking .
1/2 teaspoon sal t
Beat until very thick in smal ler bowl :
2 eggs, gradual l y beating in
% cup sugar
Add all at one time to large bowl :
1 cup mi l k
2 cup Planters Peanut Oi l
1 teaspoon vani l l a
Beat unt i l smooth ( about 1 00 strokes ) .
Fold i n egg mixture from smal l er bowl ,
( about 40 strokes ) . Pour into two ni ne
inch l ined and oil ed cake pans. Bake in
a moderatel y hot oven ( 37 5 F) for about
25 minutes . Cool . Remove from pans .
Fi l l with Pineappl e Fil l i ng and frost
with Planters Flufy White I cing.
Decorate with a ring ( about one inch
wide ) of Pineapple Fil ling around top
of cake.
1 tablespoon cornstarch
% cup sugar
1 cup crushed pineapple
1 teaspoon lemon j uice
Mix cornstarch and sugar. Add crushed
pineapple. Cook until smooth and thick
ened. Add l emon j uice. Cool, ang spread
between layers of cake.
Fl ufy White I ci ng
1 cup Planters Peanut Oil
3 cups confectioners sugar
l teaspoon sal t
1 teaspoon vani l l a
2 egg whites
Combine Planters Peanut Oil, one cup
of the sugar, salt and vani l l a. Beat unti l
l ight and fufy. Beat egg whites. Stir in
rest of sugar. Bl end the two mixtures
together. Add more sugar i f necessary.
Frost top and sides of cake.
Peanut Browni es
( Makes 1 6 two-inch square browni es )
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
2 squares baking chocolate, mel ted
l teaspoon vani l la
11 cup Pl anters Peanut Oil
% cup al l -purpose four, sifted
% cup Planters Peanuts, chopped
Blend sugar, salt, eggs, chocol ate, and
vani l l a. Add Planters. Peanut Oil al ter
nately with four t o sugar mixture. Stir
i n Pl anters Peanuts. Spread batter into a
well oiled eight inch square pan. Bake
30 minutes. Cut into squares when par
tial l y cool .
Baby Cream Pufs
( Makes 24 tiny pufs )
1 cup water
1j2 cup Pl anters Peanut Oi l
% teaspoon sal t
1 cup al l -purpose four, sifted
4 eggs
Bring water, Planters Peanut Oil and
sal t to the boiling point. Add four al l at
once, stirring vigorousl y until mixture
fol lows the spoon around the pan. Remove
from heat and add eggs, one at a time,
beating well after each addition. Drop
batter from a teaspoon onto an oi l ed baking
sheet. Bake i n a hot oven ( 450 F) for
10 minutes. Then reduce to a s low oven
(. 3 2 5 F) and bake about 20 mi nutes
longer. When cool, slit an
fl l .
cup heavy cream, whipped
2 ( 3 ounce ) packages cream cheese
Dash of sal t
Blend together whipped cream, cheese
and salt. Fi l l cream puf. Serve dusted
with confectioners sugar.
Pl ai n Mufns
( Makes one dozen )
2 cups al l -purpose four, sifted
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon sal t
2 tablespoons sugar
1 egg, well beaten
1 cup mi l k
3 tabl espoons Planters Peanut Oi l
Sift together al l d

y i nredients into
bowl . Combine remaining ingredients and
add al l at once to the dry mixture. Stir
until j ust mixed. Batter wi l l have a lumpy
appearance. Fi l l oi l ed mufn tins two
thirds ful l and bake in hot oven ( 400 F)
about 25 mi nutes.
For variation add one-fourth cup chop
ped Planters Peanuts, one-hal f cup diced
cheese or one-half cup chopped fruit to
the dry ingredients before mixing.
BETTY CROCKER' S (of Genera l Mi l l s) Orange Chifon Cake
Preheat oven ( see pan sizes and ' temperatures below) . Sli an ampl e amount of
SOFT ASILK Cake Flour onto a square of paper.
LARGE CAKE - 16 to 20 Servings SMALL CAKE - 8 to 10 Servings
STEP 1 -MEASURE ( level measurements thruout ) and SIFT together into mixing bowl :
2 % cups sifted S OF TAS I L K 1 VR cups ( 1 cup plus 2 tbsp. ) sifted
Cake Fl our ( spoon lightl y SOFTASILK Cake Flour ( spoon light-
into cup, don' t pack ) ly into cup, don' t pack )
1 V2 cups sugar
3 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
% cup sugar
1 V2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. sal t
MAKE a wel l and add i n order :
5 unbeaten egg yolks ( medium-sized } 2 unbeaten egg yolks ( medium-si zed )
V2 cup Pl anters Peanut Oi l
1 cup Planters Peanut Oi l
% cup col d water
% cup ( 1 cup pl us 2 tbsp. ) cold water
grated rind of 2 oranges ( about. 3 tbsp. ) grated rind of 1 orange ( about 1 V2 tbsp. )
BEAT with spoon until smooth
STEP 2 - MEASURE into large mixing bowl :
1 cup egg whites ( 7 or 8 )
cup egg whites ( 4 whites )
V2 tsp. cream o f tartar 1 tsp. cream of tartar
WHIP until whites form very stif peaks . They should be much stifer than for
angel food or meringue. DO NOT UNDERBEAT.
STEP 3 - POUR egg yol k mixture gradual l y over whipped egg whites gently fol ding
with rubber scraper just until blended. DO NOT STI R. POUR into ungreased
pan immediatel y.
1 0- i n. tube, 4- i n. deep-325 -5 5 min. , 1 8 x 8 x 2- i n. or 9 x 9 x 2- i n. square -
then -3 5 0 - 10 to 1 5 mi n. 3 5 0 -30 to 35 mi n.
9 x 13 x 2- i n. oblong - 35 0 - 45 to 5 x 1 0 x 3- i n. loaf - 3 2 5 - 50 to 55 mi n.
50 mi n.
9- i n. tube, 3 Vri n. deep-3 2 5 -50 to 5 5 mi n.
When cake is done, top springs back when lightly touched.
Immediatel y turn pan upside down, pl acing tube part over neck of funnel or bottle,
or resting edges of square, oblong, or loaf pans on 2 other pans.
Let hang, free of table, until cold. Loosen from sides and tube wi t h spatul a. Turn
pan over and hit edge sharply on table to loosen.
Nole : If desired, all or part orange iuice may be substituted for water. Bake 1 0-in. tube
cake 65 t o 70 min. at 3 2 5 .
3 1
"No-Knead" Yeast Rol l s
( Makes about two dozen medium-size rolls )
l4 cup Planters Peanut Oi l
1 cup l ukewarm water
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons sal t
1 package yeast, compressed or dry
1 egg, beaten
3 Y cups al l-purpose four, sifted
Combine Planters Peanut Oil, water,
sugar and salt. Add yeast. ( If dry gran
ul ar yeast i s used, let stand 10 minutes ) .
Blend in egg. Add four. Mix until dough
i s well blended and soft. Make into rol l s
or round dough i nto a bal l and pl ace in
a greased bowl. Cover and store in re
frigerator for a few hours or for a day
or so.
To make rolls, rol l dough on a well
foured board and cut i n desired shapes or
shape dough into rounds for pan or
cloverleaf rol l s. Place in greased pans.
Brush tops with Planters Peanut Oil and
cover lightly with a c l e a n c l o t h . Let
shaped rolls rise i n a warm pl ace unti l
doubl e in bulk. Bake in hot oven (425 F)
for 1 5 t o 20 minutes or until rolls are
delicately browned. Serve piping hot.
Pl anters Meri ngue Squares
( Makes 3 2 two- inch squares )
2 cups al l -purpose four
Y teaspoon sal t
1 teaspoon baking powder
% teaspoon soda
2 eggs, separated
cup brown sugar, frmly packed
% cup Planters Peanut Oi l
1 teaspoon vani l l a
lj2 cup Planters Peanuts
2 cup grated chocolate
2 cup granulated sugar
Sift four, measure and sift again with
salt, baking powder and soda. Beat egg
yolks until thick. Then beat in brown
sugar, Pl anters Peanut Oi l and vani l l a.
Sti r in sifted dry ingredients. Spread out
about one-fourth i nch thi ck in two oiled
eight inch square pans. Sprinkle Planters
Peanuts and chocolate evenly over top. Then
beat egg whites until stif. Gradually add
granulated sugar while continuing to beat.
Spread meringue out evenly over top of
peanuts and chocolate. Bake i n a slow
oven ( 3 2 5 F) about 40 minutes or until
del icately browned. Cool and cut into
Pl anters Chocol ate Cake
Sift together i nto l arge bowl :
2 l2 cups si fted cake four
% cup sugar
2 teaspoons doubl e action baking
lj2 teaspoon sal t
Beat unti l very thick i n smal l er bowl :
2 eggs, gradual l y beating m
% cup sugar
Add al l at one time to l arge bowl :
4 squares ( 4 ounces ) baking choc
ol ate, melted
1 cup mi l k
l2 cup Planters Peanut Oi l
1 teaspoon vani l l a
Beat unt i l smooth ( about 1 00 strokes ) .
Fold i n egg mixture from smaller bowl
( about 40 strokes h Pour into two ni ne
inch lined and oi l ed , cake pans. Bake i n
a moderate oven ( 3 7 5 F) for about 2 5
miutes . Frost with Creamy Chocolate
Fudge Frosting.
Creamy Chocol ate
Fudge Frosti ng
( Wi l l frost two ni ne- i nch layers )
1 Y2 cups granulated sugar
% cup col d water
1 tablespoon white corn syrup
lj8 teaspoon sa1t
4 squares baking chocolate, mel ted
lf cup Pl anters . Peanut Oi l
1 teaspoon vani l l a
Combine sugar, water, 'corn syrup and
salt i n smal l saucepan. Bring to boi l
quickly whi l e stirring gentl y. Then boi l
without stirring to 2 3 2 F, or unti l a l i ttl e
of the mi x t u r e forms a very soft bal l
when dropped i n cold water. Remove and
cool to 1 1 0 F, or until l ukewarm. Then
melt chocolate i n medium saucepan over
low heat, stir i n the Planters Peanut Oil
and vani l la. When syrup has cooled to
l ukewarm, add to chocol ate mi xture whi l e
stirring constantl y. Conti nue to stir unti l
smooth, thickened, and of a spreading con
si stency. Chopped Pl anters Peanuts may
be added, i f desired.
Baki ng Powder Bi scuits
_ Makes about twel ve 2 l2 - i nch biscuits )
2 cups al l - purpose four
4 teaspoons baking powder
Y teaspoon salt
lj3 cup Planters Peanut Oil
lj3 cup mi l k
Si ft four, measure, add baking powder
and sal t and sift again i nto bowl . Slowly
add Planters Peanut Oil, mixing l ightly.
Add mi l k al l at once and stir only unti l
ingredients are mixed. Turn out onto a
foured board, knead l i ghtl y and rol l to
about one- hal f inch thi ckness . Cut and
pl ace biscuits on an unoi l ed baking sheet.
Bake i n a hot oven ( 42 5 F) for about 1 5
mi nutes or unti l nicely browned.
Gi ngerbread
( Makes 16 pieces )
2 Y2 cups al l - purpose four
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon baki ng powder
l/2 teaspoon sal t
1 Y2 teaspoons gil
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Y2 teaspoon cl oves
1 cup light brown sugar, frmly
1 egg
1j2 cup Planters Peanut Oi l
Y2 cup molasses
1 cup milk
Lemon Sauce or whipped cream
Sift four, measure and sift again with
rest of dry i ngredi ent s . Beat egg, add
Planters Peanut Oi l, molasses, and mi l k.
Add al l at once to dry i ngredients . Beat
until smooth. Bake i n a wel l oi l ed nine inch
square pan in a moderate oven ( 3 5 0 F)
for 3 5 to JA 'i nutes. Cut and serve wi th
Lemon Sauce or whipped cream.
Pl anters Peanut Cl usters
( Makes about 40 cookies )
1 egg
% cup brown sugar, frml y packed
1 11 cups al l -purpose four
teaspoon soda
% taspoon sal t
1j2 cup Planters Peanut Oi l
2 teaspoons vani l l a
1 cup Pl anters Peanuts, chopped
Beat egg and blend i n sugar. Sift fout
measure and sift again wi th soda and sal t.
Add to egg mixture al t ernately with the
Pl anters Peanut Oil ; Sti r i n vani l l a and
Pl anters Peanuts. Drop by teaspoonful s on
oi l ed cookie sheet. Bake i n a moderatel y
hot oven ( 3 7 5 F) for about seven mi n
utes or unti l del i cately browned.
For the artistic touch, arrange whol e pea
nuts on top of each cookie before baking.
Pl anters Peanut Oi l Pastry
( Makes two nine-inch pastry shells )
2 cups al l-purpose four
teaspoon double action baking
2 teaspoon salt
% cup Planters Peanut Oil
% cup ice cold water, about
Sift four, measure and sift agai n with
baking powder and sal t . Add Planters
Peanut Oil gradual l y whi l e gently cutting it
into the four mixture with a fork or
pastry blender. Add only enough water to
hold dough together when mixed with a
fork. Shape into a bal l . Divide in half
and roll out on slightly foured board. Fit
pastry into pan, prick generously and bake
i n a hot oven ( 425 F) for about 1 5
minutes or until del icately browned.
Southern Corn Bread
( Makes 1 6 pieces )
1 cup al l - purpose four
1 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons s ugar
3 cup yellow corn meal
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup mi l k
% cp Planters Peanut Oil
Sift four, measure and sift again with
salt, baking powder, and sugar. Stir i n
corn meal . Combine eggs, mi l k, and Plan
ters Peanut Oil and add to dry i ngredients.
Beat until smooth. Bake i n an oiled ni ne
inch square pan in a hot oven ( 400 F)
for about 30 minutes or until golden brown.
Oatmeal Loafers
( Makes three dozen large cookies )
1 cup al l -purpose four
112 cup mgar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1j4 teaspoon sal t
1 V2 cups quick oatmeal
2 cup Pl anters Peanuts, chopped
% cup mi l k
2 cup Pl anters Peanut Oi l
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg, beaten
Sift four, measure and sift again with
sugar, baking powder and salt. Add rest
of ingredients all at one time. Mix wel l .
Drop by spoonfuls on an oi l ed cookie
sheet. Decorate tops with whole Planters
Peanuts and bake i n a moderately hot oven
( 3 75 F) for about 1 5 minutes.
( Makes 8- 1 0 wafles )
4 cups al l -purpose four
5 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons salt
4 eggs
2 cups mi l k
Y3 cup Planters Peanut Oil
Sift four, measure and sift again with
baking powder, sugar and sal t. Beat eggs.
Stir in mil k and Pl anters Peanut Oil . Add
to dry ingredients al l at one time and stir
until j ust mixed. Bake on wafe iron ac
cording to manufacturer' s directions. Serve
with butter and syrup; top with fruit or ice
cream; or use as a base for creamed chick-
en, vegetables, or fsh.
Caramel Cottage Puddi ng
( Makes 1 6 squares )
1 Y4 cups four
3 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1j2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
teaspoon cloves
Y teaspoon nutmeg
1 egg
% cup Planters Peanut Oil
Y2 teaspoon vanilla
Y2 cup mi l k
Sift four, measure and sift again with
rest of dry ingredients . Beat egg. Add
Planters Peanut Oil, vani l l a and milk to
beaten egg. Add l iquid mixture to dry
ingredients al l at one time. Mix wel
. Bake in an oi l ed eight inch square pan i n
a moderately hot oven ( 3 75 o F) for about
30 minutes. Serve with Caramel Sauce.
2 tablespoons Pl anters Peanut Oil
1 cup granulated s ugar
1 cup brown sugar
teaspoon salt
cup mi l k
Combine al l ingredients . Cook over l ow
For Reci pes that cal l
for Sol i d Shorteni nC
heat until a little o f the mixture wi l l form
a soft ball when dropped into cold water.
Remove from heat. Cool slightly. Serve
over Cottage Pudding.
( Makes 65 mediumsize cookies )
3 Y
cups four
2 cups brown sugar, frmly packed
112 teaspoon baking powder
teaspoon sal t
1 teaspoon soda
1 cup raisins
112 cup cocoanut
cup Planters Peanuts
2 eggs
3 cup Planters Peanut Oil
cup cold cofee
Sift four, measure and sift again with
sugar, baking powder, salt and soda. Mix
in raisins, cocoanut and Planters Peanuts.
Beat eggs and stir i n Planters Peanut Oi l
and cofee. Add al l at once to dry ingre
dients. Stir until well blended. Drop by
teaspoonful s on a well oiled baking she. et.
Bake in a moderately hot oven ( 375 F)
for 1 2 t o 1 5 minutes.
If you have some favorite recipe that calls for a solid shorteni ng,
try it with PLANTERS PEANUT OIL. See how much better your
results can be ! But note this important di ference: Because
PLANTERS PEANUT OIL is richer than ordi nary shortening, be
sure to use less of it usually about one-thi rd less. If a recipe,
for example, calls for a full cup of solid shortening, two-thirds
of a cup of PLANTERS PEANUT OIL should be about right. That
means economy too, you see, with PLANTERS.
If you are more accustomed to working with sol i d shortening,
j ust put the PLANTERS PEANUT OIL in the freezing compartment
of your refrigerator over night. Then you can handle it as you
would any solid shortening. But remember use about one
third less.
S E CT I ON "H" L.
Ital i an cooks have long used a neutral, l ight peanut oi l for their famous
Italian di shes . You, too, can capture the di sti nctive favors of Ital i an cooki ng,
if you use PLANTERS HI-HAT PEANUT OIL in preparing these favorite recipes.
It' s even fner and purer than the I tali an oi l .
You already know the secret of browning vegetables and meats i n thi s pure,
wholesome oi l . Well , macaroni and spaghetti are triumphs of Itali an cookery.
PLANTERS PEANUT OIL in the boi li ng water i s the tri ck. Just two tablespoons
of oi l to each gallon of water, and two tablespoons of salt, for each pound of
macaroni or spaghetti . Drop the macaroni or spaghetti i n the boi li ng water,
stir occasionally, to prevent sticking, and when it' s cooked - perfection ! You' ll
be a real success.
Your friends and family wi l l welcome the other nutritious Ital i an di shes
tat follow, made the Italian way.
Steak with Sauce
( Serve 2- 3 )
lj4 cup Planters Peanut Oi l
% cup vinegar
% teaspoon sal t
Dash pepper
pound round steak
cup tomato sauce
Mix together Planters Peanut Oil, vi ne
gar, salt and pepper. Pour over steak and
al low to stand for about two hours . Then
simmer al l over low heat until steak is
about half cooked. Add tomato sauce and
continue cooking until steak i s tender.
Serve sauce over steak and garnish with
sprigs of pars ley.
Scal l oped Tomatoes- Potatoes
( Serves 5- 6 )
3 cups canned tomatoes
1 quart raw white potatoes, thinly
sl iced
2 cups onions, thinly sl iced
% cup four
1 tablespoon sal t
lj8 teaspoon pepper
1 cup Pl anters Peanut Oi l
Grated Italian cheese
Drain tomatoes and save the j uice. Ar-
range potatoes, onions and tomatoes in
. layers . Sprinkl e four, salt and pepper over
each l ayer. Pour Planters Peanut Oil and
tomato j uice over top layer. Bake in a
moderate oven ( 3 50 F) for about 1 12
hours or unti l potatoes are tender. Serve
topped with grated Italian cheese.
I tal i an Meat Bal l s and Spaghetti
( Serves 4 )
pound round steak, ground
clove garlic, chopped
small onion, chopped
tablespoon parsley, minced
egg, beaten
teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
2 tablespoons Italian cheese, grated
2 tablespoons bread crumbs
4 tablespoons Pl anters Peanut Oi l
1 No. 2 1/2 can Italian tomatoes
can tomato paste
teaspoon salt
l teaspoon al l spice
8-ounce package spaghetti
Grated Italian cheese
Mix together meat, garlic, onion, par
sl ey, egg, salt, pepper, cheese and bread
crumbs and shape into bal l s. Brown meat
bal l s in heated Pl anters Peanut Oi l . Then
stir in tomatoes, tomato paste, salt and
al lspice. Continue cooking over low heat
for about 2 12 hours. Cook spaghetti ac
cording to manufacturer' s di rections. Drain
and cover with tomato sauce. Sprinkle
with grated cheese and top with meat bal l s.
Serve wi th tossed green sal ad and Italian
Risotto AI Verde
( Risotto with vegetables )
( Serves 6 )
cup Pl anters Peanut Oil
1 pound fresh spinach, chopped
V4 pound string beans, chopped
1 cup carrots, grated
1 medium-size onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
V teaspoon thyme
2 teaspoons sal t
1 quart water
2 cups pre-cooked ri ce
Grated Ital i an cheese
Pour Planters Peanut Oil into saucepan
and place over moderate heat, Add spinach,
string beans, carrots, onion, garlic, thyme
and salt. Cook until onions are slightl y
browned. Add water and continue cook
ing for about 10 minutts. Then add rice
cooked according to manufacturer' s dir
ections. Sprinkle with grated Ital ian cheese,
if desired. Serve hot or cold as a side
Crocchette Di Spi naci
( Spinach Balls )
( Serves 6 )
2 pounds fresh spinach
1 cup bread crumbs
1 egg, beaten
teaspoons sal t
1 teaspoon pepper
Finely ground dry bread crumbs
Deep hot Pl anters Peanut Oil
Cut of tough stems and wash spinach
thoroughl y. Pl ace in covered saucepan and
cook unt i l j ust tender ( about seven min. ) .
The water which clings to the leaves after
washing usual l y provides enough moi sture
to keep the spinach from burning. Drain
thoroughl y. Mix bread crumbs, egg and
seasonings with spinach. Form into bal l s
and roll in bread crumbs . Fry i n deep
Planters Peanut Oil ( 3 70 F) until nicel y
browned. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve
whil e hot.
Tomato and Mushroom Sauce
( Enough for 4 servings )
cup Pl anters Peanut Oil
Ij2 cup onion, minced
% cup parsley, minced
cup celery, fnely chopped
2 bay leaves
1 cup tomato paste _
2 cups canned tomatoes
1 teaspoon sal t
pound fresh mushrooms, sliced
and parboiled
Pour Planters Peanut Oi l into heav
frying pan and pl ace over moderate heat.
Add onions, parsley, celery and bay leaves.
Fry gent l y until onions begin to brown.
Then add the rest of the ingredients . Con
tinue cooking over low heat for about two
hours. Use as a sauce for spaghetti, raviol i
and macaroni .
Frittel l e Al l ' I tal i ano
( Italian FritterJ )
( Makes about 2 5 fritters )
2 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
1 bay leaf
2 tablespoons Planters Peanut Oil
2 cups al l -purpose four, sifted
1 cup of Cream of Wheat
Deep hot Pl anters Peanut Oil
Add salt, bay leaf and Pl anters Peanut
Oil to water and bring to a boiL Stir in
four and Cream of Wheat. Mix rapidly
and continue to cook until mixture be
comes smooth. Place on a well oiled board.
Remove bay leaf from dough. When
dough is cool enough to be handled, knead
a few times and then roll i t about one
half inch thick. Cut dough into strips
about three mches long and one inch wide.
Fry in deep Pl anters Peanur Oi l ( 370 F)
unti l golden brown. Prick fritters with
prongs of a fork while frying. Drain on
absorbent paper, sprinkle with salt and
serve while ver hot.
Sprin9 Chi cken a I a Fl orenti ne
( Serves 4 )
Young spring chicken, about 2
2 cups four, sifted
3 teaspoons baking powder
teaspoon salt
2 eggs
% cup mi l k
Deep hot Planters Peanut Oi l
Clean chicken and cut i nto pieces for
servmg. Cook in boiling sal ted water until
almost tender. Cool thoroughl y and dry
the surface of each piece. Prepare batter
by sifting four, baking powder and salt
together. Beat eggs with the rilk and stir
into dry i ngredients. Dip each piece of
chicken into batter and fry in deep Planters
Peanut Oil ( 370 F) until gol den brown.
Drain on absorbent paper.
E99pl ant Roma
( Eggplant Roman Style )
( Serves 4- 5 )
medium-size eggplant, about 1
1 egg
2 tablespoons water
teaspoon salt
Y3 cup Planters Peanut Oi l
1 pound I tal i an cheese
1 cup oni ons, mi nced
1 cup tomato sauce
Peel and cut eggplant into
4 inch cross
wise slices. Dip each sl i ce i n egg which
has been beaten with the water and sal t.
Then saute sl owly i n Planters Penut Oi l
unti l browned on both si des. Arrange the
sauteed eggpl ant i n stacks i n a shallow
baking dish with slices of cheese beteen
and on top. Add onion to tomato sauce
and heat. Then pour into baking dish
around stacks of eggplant. Bake in a mod
erately hot oven ( 375 F) about 25 min
utes or until cheese is mel ted and nicely
( Makes two 1 7x 1 1 inch pans )
1 yeast cake
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons l ukewarm water
2 cups scalded milk, cooled to l uke
2 cups al l - purpose four, sifted
Crumble yeast with a fork. Add sugar
and water and mix until yeast i s liquid.
Add mil k and four. Beat until smooth.
Cover and let stand in warm pl ace until
l ight and doubl e i n bul k, about one hour.
Then add :
cup Planters Peanut Oil
1 teaspoon salt
4 cups four, about
Mix together thoroughl y. Toss out onto
well foured board and knead about 1 0
minutes until smooth and satiny. Place
in bowl and again let rise until double in
bul k. Divide dough and roll out on foured
board until about lj2 inch thickness. Press
out with fnger, if needed. Place on oiled
Mix together :
2 No. 2 V2 can tomatoes, drained
2 teaspoons salt
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 teaspoon thyme
Spread out evenly over dough.
Then sprinkle the fol lowing on the to
mato mixture :
lj2 cup grated I tal ian cheese
1, cup Planters Peanut Oil
Bake i n moderately hot oven ( 400 F)
for 3 5 -40 minutes o r until l ightly browned.
Anchovy, cut into pieces, may be used
on the tomato mixture instead of cheese.
Ital i an Mi nestrone
( Serves 6 )
1 cup dried beans
5 cups cold water
1 cup Planters Peanut Oil
1 tablespoon onion, minced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon parsley, minced
2 tablespoons celery, iinced
1 teaspoon salt
Y teaspoon pepper
1 cup tomato sauce
2 cups rich meat stock
1 cup raw cabbage, coarsely chopped
2 cup macaroni, uncooked
Parmesan cheese
Wash beans, pick over, and soak in the
cold water over night. Cover and bring to
boil i n same water i n which they were
soaked. Then simmer until tender ( about
30 mi nutes ) . Heat Planters Peanut Oil and
add onion, garlic, parsley and celery. Fry
until golden brown. Add with rest of in
gredients to the beans and mi x well. Con
tinue to simmer for 30 minutes. Serve
topped with Parmesan cheese.
Veal Scal l opi ni
( Serves 6)
1 1/2 pounds veal cutlet, sliced V2 inch
Y cup four
1 V4 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
Y cup Pl anters Peanut Oil
1 smal l garlic clove
cup white wine, Sauterne
% cup water
3 teaspoons lemon 1 u! Ce
Y teaspoon marj oram
Y bay leaf
3 whole cloves
Boil ed rice
Cut veal into smal l pieces. Combine
four, salt and pepper. Roll meat in four
mixture until well coated. Pour Planters
Peanut Oil into heavy frying pan. Add
garlic clove and pl ace over moderate heat.
Brown meat on all sides. Remove garlic
and add rest of ingredients. Cover frying
pan tightly and let simmer for about 30
minutes or unti l tender. Serve on fufy
white boiled rice. Garnish with parsley.
Eggs a Ia Tomato
( Serves 3 - 4 )
cup Pl anters Peanut Oi l
Y cup parsley, chopped
1 medium-size onion, chopped
2 ounces fresh spinach, chopped
1 teaspoon sal t
2 cups fresh or canned tomatoes
6 eggs
Pour Pl anters Peanut Oil into heavy
frying pan and pl ace over moderate heat.
Add parsl ey, onion, spi nach and salt. Saute
l ightly until onions begin to brown. Then
add tomatoes and continue cooking about
1 hour. Break eggs over the tomato mix
ture, cover and al l ow to simmer about
three minutes longer or until eggs are
cooked. Serve on hot platter with sauce
spooned over eggs.

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