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This is the second installment of on an ongoing series that I feel is needed for healing(my healing and hopefully yours

as well) and total improvement for society. Wow! That is saying a lot right there isnt it? (Please note: If you havent read my 1st installment of "The Pain Game", than please read Part I found on Facebook, and also here on blogspot.) Anyway, my studying and reading lead me here, and I feel that looking at our own individual mind is the key to changing both the world and ourselves. The inspiration for this came from a daily lesson I'm reading from, "A Course in Miracles." Today's lesson dealt with seeing your true self as flawless and perfect and understanding God(the universe/Krishna/Allah/ fill in the blank) sees you. After reading the line above I was compelled to dwell on that statement. I at times dwell on things about myself and am my own worst critic. I rip myself harder than ESPN analyst rip Tim Tebow (blog isn't a blog without mention Timmy T nowadays..LOLOL). This likely holds true I feel for some other individuals out there as well. It hit me like a ton of bricks when I stopped and meditated on the profoundness of this statement. (biblically this is where some would insert a Selah to ponder this for a second...LOL) Okay, now that you have meditated lets examine why this statement can be such a game changer when examined thoroughly. The Creator sees you as it sees itself. It doesn't condemn or judge as it only knows existence. It is always been and can't do anything to contradict itself, or else things would all fall apart. Individuals being like the Creator(if you believe so spiritually, if not the following is still revelant) have built in them by design (via the immune system) things to always protect the body. This is important because it speaks to the fact that all living things try to repair or keep intact themselves whether reptilian, plant, and/or human when you look at how the body operates. If you are in agreement with the above then consider the following: we are hardwired to preserve ourselves by design, but yet our one area where we constantly go against this order is the mind. We sabotage our body's natural efforts of growth and optimal health by holding a false image of ourselves in the mirror of the mind. Often being the best D.A ever in the courtroom of our psyche and spirit. How many times (and be honest) have you second guessed your physique, talent, intelligence...and so on. I am willing to bet at least once. This thinking about our self is going against the design and natural order of the universe. Now I hope that I have your attention. This process immediately causes division within the self. You have a image that you created, that doesn't coincide with the image of creation/nature. By going against yourself, you plant a seed of negative energy which later develops in the physical form usually as disease. Headaches, body aches, sneezing, and a host of other physical ills originated with wrong thought believe it or not. If one can re-member(put one self back together) themselves internally, than the external will follow. Trees grow limbs and constantly take in the things they need to perpetuate their existence. A tree never self sabotages from within. How then knowing this that we as beings beat others and ourselves up so much. If we can corral the negativity inside of us, then we can stop it from leaking out into the atmosphere and spreading like a virus. This is why the biblical verse dealing with love thy neighbor as thyself is so important. If you truly love you, then you can't and won't go against yourself. If you love your neighbor like yourself, then you will only spread love, joy, and peace. Unfortunately, the world is so twisted today because, people don't love themselves enough or even at all so they only spread negative energy into the atmosphere.

What can we do to improve this situation for both the universe and ourselves? First, realize the truth. We often hold these thoughts about ourselves as if we aren't good enough. We are only experiencing this world as a painter does a canvas. The events are still just events. We give power to them by our thought process and intent. Have you ever been around people who just make you feel lets say, "A certain kind of way"? Some people lift you up, and some seem to drain you just by their presence. This is mainly a build up for thoughts that created an energy that stays with them and emanates from them (also known as an aura). Knowing this power that we have (which is in natural not something spooky spiritual) in us that produces a change in behavior, which then produces a change in action, which results in a change in our natural surroundings, why would we hold negativity. It is almost like we are magnets one way or the other. We through our thoughts pull things into our spiritual field which results in a physical manifestation within the radius of our aura. The more attracting power you have as a person the more you affect your surroundings physically. Think of it this way, a parent who has a bad day can have a larger effect on the environment then let's say a toddler (even though sometimes that isnt the case children can have large auras as well). I say all of this to say that this leads me back to Socrates (yes we have covered physical science, religion, metaphysics and psychology) phrase of "know thy self". If you know yourself, then you can recognize what you are displaying to the world. If you don't know and want to know, then look around you and ask yourself the following: Am I producing a environment of negativity, is my circle uplifting, and am I through my actions producing a world that is better or worse? If your natural eyes are seeing otherwise, then look at yourself and understand you may be short changing who you are as an individual. The creation is like its Creator. The universe is not attacking itself, hence the meaning uni-one and verse-song. We have to innerstand(yes I said inner), that we are causing the environment. I have been on the wrong side of the law before. I have spoken to criminals and the system perpetuates negativity. Many of them say they were told they were nothing their whole life or they were surprised they made it this long before being behind bars. The negative aura in them is so bad and their belief is so strong in their own condemnation that they believe they belong. A prisoner told me once that when he was arrested that he thanked the officer as he saved his life. Now, if that isn't negative I don't know what is. People our thoughts should be on those things that are noble, positive, self sustaining. These things bring both spirit, soul, mind, and body in alignment with the rest of the universe. It is written biblically that all of the known world is waiting for us and only us. So it must be that we through our dysfunctional thinking are contaminating the environment. This is why they say renew your mind. This is why we have so many messiah stories. They are to remind us of who we are. The tales of Superman, Jesus, Tebow (lol I needed another Tebow reference), and the like are all archetypes. They symbolize what the universe is trying to tell us we forget. You were created perfect in every way. If science, nature, metaphysics, pyschology, and religion all point to the same thing, then obviously the consensus is true. Be like a rudder which steers a ship, small but effective, and be change!! Be perfect as your Creator is perfect,


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