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12 STEPS TO OCCUPY THE UNIFICATION MOVIMIENTODe AnonPortugal Scotland David Occu py Occupy Occupy International Meeting in Brussels from

Athens 2012 Edit discusin.L a DocumentoTema of acceptance of these twelve principles as official policy imme diately JuntosOcupar Movement and support its adoption worldwide as a basis for creationof Manifesto unification on the basis of these twelve principles ... 12 STEPS TO OCCUPY THE UNIFICATION OF MOTION 1. Our collective welfare should come first, the movement dependede Occupy the local unit, solidarity and other ocupac ionesen strong communication throughout the world. 2. For our group purpose there is but one authority, the collective consciousness of the last Gen eral Assembly, expressed through our actions and reactions to local and global e vents. There is no leader in this movement, which are collective progression of ideas to make a better world. These ideas can be entrusted to people, but no gro up can claim ownership or control over these ideas. 3. The only requirement for membership is a desire occupations combined to start thinking and being together as one for a b etter world. Not to promote an agenda, but decide by consensus agreement on area s relevant to the decision to take up. Local decisions should be made in the Gen eral Assembly in national and global decisions must be made in the appropriate f orums Engage in public debate and the process of reaching a consensus. 4. As each task force is every occupation , every profession should be autonomous, eepto in matters affecting the worldwid e movement occupy a whole, and its progression is an example of that better worl d to choose by consensus. 5. Each camp has to occupy a primary objective to carry the message deconjunto and democratically agreed goals to achieve the goal of a mundomejor. Camp is not the movement. Camp is a message that we are he re to reach the goal of a better world. 6. Holding a group ought never endorse, finance or lend the name Occupy aninguna related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property and pr estige divert us from our primary purpose. 7. All teams must be fully self-supporting, declining co rporate sponsorship, corporate financial contributions, or endorse the agendas o f 1% is not agreed by consensus of 99% overall. 8. Occupied as suc h, must be organized and in constant contact with the community, locally and glo bally and we can trust in the democratic process proyectospara management with e xperience in their fields. They may have experience with that would help occupy as a whole and must rely on their experience to relate to others on individual t asks agreed by consensus. 9. Occupy forever non professional, and fields of occupation may entrust some project managers to perf orm functions within the larger fields and the Movement is to work with others t oward goals acordados.Ocupar the same value is placed on the right to freedom of expression and not the opinion Detodas is valued above another, in this opinons everyone is welcome, but not approved by all Occupy unless agreed by consensus of a local, national or international public consensus . 10. Occupy should s trive to be a representation of how things can be done better, hence the name Oc cupy never be drawn into public controversy. Anyone who occupy drawing the name of public controversy and acting procesooutwith reasonable consensus is not to o ccupy. Unlugar occupy the camps are for thinking, not drinking. Substance abuse can not be allowed to occupy public representation chelates. 11. Fill in the fields and in public meetings found in todomoment o in a conversation with the public and should behave in a respectful manner for the good of the movement's goals. Our pblicasse relations policy based more on th e attraction of the promotion, nuestroanonimato always maintain staff to the pre ss, radio and film. 12. Occupy the unit is the foundation o

f all our principles, and we must remember constantementeanteponer principles be fore personalities. Conflict resolution must be in Occupy theGroup so decisively with the measures agreed by consensus and comity with respect to the process of group consciousness of the squatting movement. Topic of discussion. The accepta nce of these twelve principles as official policy of Occupy Movement worldwide. The creation of a Manifesto on the basis of the unification of these twelve prin ciples ...-------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------

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