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FACE RECOGNITION USING PCA METHOD FOR ROOM ACCESS CONTROL Created by Prabawanto, Andri Subject Subject Alt Keyword : : keadaan wajah manusia : Pattern perception : PCA; Pengenalan Wajah; Computer Vision

Description :
Ciri biometrik merupakan pembeda identitas yang dimiliki secara personal dan memiliki keunikan atau ciri-ciri khusus. Ciri biometrik dapat dijadikan sebagai penunjuk identitas seseorang terutama wajah. Algoritma pengenalan wajah untuk computer-vision telah lama dikembangkan dan banyak diaplikasikan. Prinsip-prinsip analisis komponen telah terbukti dapat merepresentasikan secara efisien keadaan wajah manusia. Pada tugas akhir ini metode PCA diaplikasikan sebagai metode pengenalan wajah untuk kontrol verifikasi pengguna pada ruangan dengan akses terbatas. Dari kegiatan yang dilakukan didapatkan bahwa PCA sebagai metode pengenalan wajah untuk kontrol akses ruangan, cocok diaplikasikan pada lingkungan dengan kondisi pencahayaan yang relatif tetap atau tidak berubah-ubah. Dengan keakuratan hingga 80%. Metode ini masih rentan terhadap perubahan kondisi pencahayaan sehingga pencahayaan lingkungan dimana sistem bekerja perlu dijaga konstan.

Description Alt:
Biometric characteristics are identity distinguisher that owned personally and unique. Biometric characteristics that are owned by every individual, especially face, might be used as an identifier. Face recognition algorithm for computer-vision have been developed for a long time and widely applied. Principal Component Analysis have been proven to be able to represent picture of human face efficiently. In this final project, PCA is used as a method for user verification control in limited access room. It is shown that PCA as a method for face recognition for room access control, is suitable to be applied in environtment with constant lightning condition. It reach up to 80% accuracy. But this method is found to be susceptible of fickle lightning condition, so lightning condition where the sistem is working must be kept to be steady.

Contributor Date Create Type Format Language Identifier Collection Call Number

: Dr. Ir. Djoko Purwanto, M.Eng : 24/02/2010 : Text : pdf : Indonesian : ITS-Undergraduate-3100010037333 : 3100010037333 : RSE 006.4 Pra p

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: Undergraduate theses, Electrical engineering, RSE 006.4 Pra p, 2009 : ITS Community Only : Copyright @2009 by ITS Library. This publication is protected by copyright and permission should be obtained from the ITS Library prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrievel system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to ITS Library

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