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Rosh Chodesh Created for OneShul.

Intent: To come together as a community and welcome in the new month and give thanks for all blessings in life, and receive strength for any struggles. Creating a Sacred Space Barchu Hu (Barchu Hu) Dear One (Dear One) Shekinah (Shekinah) Holy name (Holy name) When I call on the light of my soul I come home Barchu Hu (Barchu Hu) Dear One (Dear One) (Your Name) Holy name (Holy name) You have called on the light of your soul, welcome home (repeat for each participant) Barchu Hu (Barchu Hu) Dear One (Dear One) Shekinah (Shekinah) Holy name (Holy name) We have called on the light of our souls, weve come home
~ Based on a chant by Rabbi Hanna Tiferet Siegel Sort of like this:

Expressions of of Gratitude

We begin the offerings by giving thanks for blessings we have received in the past month. Ketzirah will lead the singing, during this everyone is encouraged to share what they are grateful for in the past month.

Modah/Modeh Ani L'fanekha Modah/Modeh Ani L'fanekha Ruach Chai, V'kayam (Vkayamet)
~ English Lyrics and Music by Holly Taya Shere

Oh, I am grateful Oh, I am grateful In the face of the One, In the face of the One

Kohenet Carly Ketzirah Lesser

Prayers for Strength

With offerings of gratitude completed members of the community can ask for prayers of strength for specific struggles in their lives. As people feel moved they will step forward to share .

Mi Chamokha Baelim Adonai Mi Kamokha Nedar BaKodesh Norah Thillot, Oseh Feleh Norah Thillot, Oseh Feleh The Spirit is flowing, flowing and growing. The Spirit is flowing through you and me Adonai guide me, be faithfully beside me Adonai guide me, and bless me The Spirit is flowing, flowing and growing. The Spirit is flowing through you and me Shekhina reside in me your wisdom lives inside of me. Shekhina reside in me, oh Holy of Holies
~ English lyrics by Holly Taya Shere, music is an adaptation of traditional circle song

Receiving of Energy

Once all prayers have been made we will open ourselves to the light of the Divine to refresh and renew ourselves. This is the beginning of a new cycle of the moon, and we open ourselves to the energy that will grow in the coming weeks and ebb as the moon grows dark again. Community members are encouraged to share what they are hoping for or opening to in the new month.

We are opening up in sweet surrender To the luminous love light of the One We are opening We are opening
~ Traditional Rainbow Community Song

We are opening up in sweet surrender To the luminous love light of the One We are opening We are opening

Closing Benediction May this month bring you many things to be grateful for, strength for all your challenges and struggles, and the ever-present sense of your place in the world and within the Holy One. Shavua Tov!

Kohenet Carly Ketzirah Lesser

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