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ALT. 365+
Andre LeonTalley's
Kaleidoscope: of Moments
The famed Vogue editor-at-large has put

down his pen and picked up his camera 400 disposable Kodak Instamatic cameras, that Is - to document a year In his life for a new photoessay. Andre Leon Talley talks with
Picture about the old-school process behind the book, where ho finds beauty and what he learned from his friend Andy Warhol. .

If only vwyon*'* 960 day*


ian mM>o tor AmV waMal it *iton4M YMNsn ta^i nw teMl ptohMl (Mfyv Msul padMonand i
ba boofc to an imooawi

IMm ta a wy twiori
y, Ms QtnlMl voica
of phone Mtt

i Bwopfc 1 cawMwaJ wnwK a Md MpMtr. My |nh imm to go out

wm and 90t tw apwM momMaa.' nouHa. IMyU naw pnotoway, Al.r 9Mi, iwlgiwd by Fmewad art <a>ac*gr Saai tkaMtf. b a vferart
aoatcaon o< omum w^vwvs "p

on of Hoaywoonand toaHon fcwsv, ahoto ffiaa >awfca hodaa^a al a

wctoria^ saoat tMMon tfuw^ Kart

Oprak ttondno Pty). and al tv

apptwa ! to al I to. But a c*Mr

took mMto a dafiai and tfctctrt^f to

-Mtoy% pMM. **tia NanMa to

owgM h mU-taqh. litoii BWr

twtog inendbtt nonwrta In a yaor

l* f M* <mMm auni** atamMwia Ma. 8tya to w mymmion af wha

lactwag <mx totyawaaa laca to


loywaTWobooliTi.....allha Mtumonik of * 18M aMa.* imttpMaaJtoifcwlwaab rtnil**** MiMraMd taMneMW

taQM * an lamaNp tor

fwn. Men twi aiyto, ta

book to ifcont mm/*

wan paopto and Via awldi #4 (ttOMBMBMOBI




ii9 tf tw pholoo h Ow hooin

Mm one

WMn on tvoo Ui 0mMO{| Ovoo #

tapwwy . ft M wy oU-

dwd to ita'IMiy Hid.n ftrtd iMf,


b fttni W ^ iMd <kvartiM% rt fta'

btaKftorCVS. toartpn kd. I
I. , ^ , j d^^ ^^^^ ** M^^^rtJ ^^^n

> tad t HtoMmftfthf* poctat

wJ imIA id imw^ art h* rtd im

tal jnu dd fial oftm anou^i you wrtd Brt a 9rt atal' Hatauc^
"amrtbMa ay fMiti mftl ta ki ff
Mrtftte^* Mil iiiniliitatrlrtw^taF

1 have a respectful relationship with the world. I am in the moment, but respectful of it."
1 taw MIMdM wWfcmt* h
, and twjomwaanfta of a !

Of 2002. Way >aa on a kV *

MIbiiIi WfmimtotJnmdemj&t

hiaiMd tfapoartta camna *f* tto pwjaa^ and ta prtwad KaddL H aiao want Iw M|ral tta dkwaftr to dMrtopk^ toa m ^ wortd *o ad *m wm * dnioalona to ta dprtecpa^awddwftatoard^iataw fd gocMt n and pn i t padf Vt and bok ai m/fkMtm. On MrtMMbrdrtlandaluatwptaloato taoii. adtoxi *> !%*** taoU. Itan I wotftf o^ o" frtoompuMr and
tarn ft manid <ta*
la pwedaaM^aad

hr on bnMO, iwrino to har prt>

i fiaM* h trataotv tampon* ImwkMfcTtaMthi
Mm t a pfc* l a
BnanH owi >* owtMa n v*>

mnm*mm.1n*mm&um,lm* ti tw monwnl, bul w^wbIM sf L*

Feral Nn dMMlM k tw taMan

rtw waa iin*e to ita prtna. Hmm

UMB Ml JWB felMQS Of ^ItfllOU^
oftartamttrttacft. Vbuflnidmaaft

wyaiK imtaHftjuteMMftftewpoolt oppwocii own ofo'lwnio to O'O


toduMyilkMydOMinftamenaftMiaa QMCI IwMdMM, CMX ft* VtalMl

tatoy. MMlw^M>ytMMrqipteft
won * wWK MW OT Wl AlMttMSM*

>iw *l and pota aidalplM^

h widcla sf -ItaftWOMM**

tar liaa t im> Ml tar ** ao^

and N^i tarti and tit bMk ef taa

tm Tno P^tt f%(n>r

ptata. I tad tt bwtaol t M

omwi ora Iim o wwl. S IdoNm Mo

MQMMft MWW m t ft MI* M ,

not (fctfwwwWj wWh oral Wb phcwo"* i IhI wondac tlw* b

apM and atafi^i 9 faft^L d nftw nv IM*I** v h tontaf Art ta% Mdt

*Anta% ft wary aoonrtnaoua ml

b pnb^ ttna frntad yaam oM. k

tfnul NHntiMfaa.tktail Waaitaft

af HfeM tfd >. Snina poopla da

Ml <* b ma. fta taa b.

fc*0 fcM<y h wnrt

R mC aoma donl. An** b ona of

and ta tat v vdaQQktQ pvsMtnoft

Itaw aw bio wanarM v^ taM m

otot M ta |*iMmi on Na wv to


Hw* #*> of i^oto tor aammi

wad itoc(eferbw%onWMw^
Tha Mm fcr tta book mv

not to oovno tMI) o i

Itairt baan kwptad by |tiutoQfiptaa

! tw oawarf a CMttftamatagint

afe*d, bc^ctfyt on anoftrtr Mnd cf


Own or\ Ovtf tMOiMO Ms (ftufr^o tef^


\\lii Ancke Leon

"Andre was less intrusive

nyon* I wm wwilrto wi > ,boolc

Taicy itk. ttJiMi vuM

whwi I ww Ming tmm ptetwaa.* aaya IMayL 1 iM abMit I; I

mm1 90MS to 0* arotmd annotM*. aiQ, fia woiWfifl on a ewuat s vmb

ut*il In- a l>* .*j.t-tlk>u^ b*. LouT'ilidviti- [in; ] is -4U|>JkiC< .uv CI* ,i kiLil xt^% Vku <4' lu> ^tow

than a butterfly,"
and iwow**1^ illia pa*|t
toutf* im to toiwi iwwpirtii

for ma to Mrft an * pniiaotand


umll <4\Koli}<f<uft; \mii\

In i i iU-Lk k v vum k n k K n d k* IU (Lf> nlm il ti. m il r*

to wyM* iiMimtot tarsal aw

ferMMyaiatodDatpMnMinanwA Hato^timto took a tw worfd

wwnoyph fci tf t wowM

hJk> .11 (Ik* \l*v4ni.ui (Inn J i in I LuLm wHilhc

ptoait lV< iw Mm IHvlvl*

ti^*.kJmMlf4lhmdltam Andy WMnl I Itomad ao iiwch teni

_ Vkk^i a toMJoaoopa a)% aaa if lia

to about a twm, aWwu^i I dont

WWW VnML R AVQnt # ftfOfl^ K

uhhh ^\^K ALT 365*

.mu ki) .i (xai < 4'l.ilL.v-Hsili iy.* ilk- [sic 11'jt. K Ii 1 ly juiwut ,1 H.a ti idi .1 Ck.

Mm Msd k H* Aa h Nb
acenaet) to dA . Ha aa tw M



bwMdtoto <Md

I *>nt know.* And fort





ad to w pratot^ toqe lha biote-

Vtt nNNntnl li tfl


KarM oma ma a deKH camara a

pi k k.L>. !> h i,v k: j us (> CSfMVtKc "H" .iHIKITI^ winn|^lc\in."

Cditor In Criiof.



kaiB Inw atfiih and I taw umk! H.

Bi 1 >Ml ntranHy itartwl uring

booK Tta IMnqp^ of Ak*'MMnL Mf V****, V to awl waJd to

figi rt^t kml* (Mv taa ne ptow to pk*M oT Nm to w (mnh. ntowiM hM ktowN* ttw a bumra^ tat
AMrt *! noiAoa hfcnataflaa tola

nd I Ma tha MmadMcy or L*
tuiMMNtai ftfvAo^vplw and had # wroi f

intf>t\u>w Mngnnnfi


MMil toa ptotuna.. and to t* a vary

*>iiiwtofn to^ ttty dwaa wrt M an

kig hM. Meal ol ttuutft, AnV

wy iknwmdv p<^oflr HW0 to IWay^ iMoc*-m*m


tocMad > f aw *oia. t% atorf oapUa twaMtw montirt And tton IN* book k AnK 100 pananL. Na ar*. Na m Ma toiHJte MaM* a ltoaawtoi Ito
tatfvlaf AfvMtoa^ fti

taoMiQ a us or toa ana or

adwk t la auprft^o Ml NhralB.
** eau^t ma a monwt to a
MMto IMVl ROM M I WM fnPtf

Madyand ftytog k>liktoalu I <ton

..>: >*


7m pnidot tt* boof a** **

1 tfM^^ to WOflt Qli

I bMd 1.1M lMd La Vihan aatod

wvi ntcvon nopw to ^M torn

paopi^ ha pauM% w Ito had ral

VMCn^flf Mwo "v^Nno 43f anytxxfyL

Hum to aaya *npK ^ woiAl Ma

paopia to aa* 1Mal onnl pMumi you took and wtol graat momanto
IMi <Mim ahta In Nm> wMi ua.'

l*klm*tmcM* I

atotojyakmaw I

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