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Belvaspata Healing of the Heart

Belvaspata: From Initiate to Grand Mastery Introduction Level

Preparations Required for Each Level and for Self-initiations Level I connects the initiate to the soul group they represent. Study and internalize the 12 Pairs of Emotions Self-initiation for Level I (Can heal, once initiated with the sigils of Love.) Level II connects the initiate to the planetary grid. Each time a Level II practitioner uses Belvaspata, it affects all humanity through his/her connection to the grid. Study and internalize the 16 Rays of Light Self-initiation for Level II (Can heal with the sigils of Love and the sigils of Light.) Master Level removes illusion, connecting the Master to the cosmic grid. Study and internalize the 12 Pure Pairs of States of Being Self-initiation for Master Level (Can initiate others up to Mastery level and heal with sigils of Love, Light and States of Being.) Grand Mastery Level affects the spiritual emotional, spiritual mental and spirit bodies of all. It is the level to prepare for immortality of the body, as it releases new hormones and opens higher capacities of the endocrine system. It also clears the cosmic pathways and removes old programming of suffering as it connects the initiate with assistance from the highest levels within the cosmos. Study and internalize the 12 Pairs of Heart Energies Self-initiation for Grand Mastery Level (Can use all sigils of Grand Mastery and below and initiate others up to Grand Mastery) Belvaspata, healing of the heart, is a sacred modality that heals with light and frequency. This healing method is a gift from the creator Goddess to the cosmic races to accommodate the changing laws of physics that took place as all life ascended into a new creation in August 2006. The use of Belvaspata heals the environment as the sacred sigils connect the practitioner to the planetary grids. (See Fig. 1, The Sigil for Belvaspata)

Information on self initiation into Belvaspata can be found in Almines books: The Ring of Truth: Sacred Secrets of the Goddess, The Gift of the Unicorns: Sacred Secrets of Unicorn Magic, and Opening the Doors of Heaven: The Revelations of the Mysteries of Isis.

The Sigil for Belvaspata

Belvaspata Healing of the Heart

Belvaspata, the Healing Modality

Belvaspata, the healing modality for the new frequencies within the cosmos, takes into consideration changes that occurred in August 2006, altering the laws governing all existence. The most basic assumptions on which healers of all modalities have based their methods, changed overnight. In the past, opposite energies attracted and healing energy gravitated towards diseased energies. Now, they reject each other. Instead, healers can now utilize light and frequency to dispel the illusion of disease, since under the changed cosmic laws, their opposite aspects attract. Belvaspata, in the language of the Mother Goddess, means healing of the heart. Whereas the primary purpose of previous cycles of existence was to seek perception (which is mind-oriented), the one weve entered has a different purpose. This creation challenges us to fulfill one primary purpose: To create through the heart. The body of knowledge, which is Belvaspata, is a gift from the Mother that we may fulfill the new purpose of life. It is here to help us create health, joy and happiness through the heart.

The Over-all Angel for Belvaspata

Kelechnutvaveleshvispata Angel sigil:

(Figure 1)

Initiation Sigils Level I

Belvaspata Healing Modality (Healing of the Heart)
All 3 sigils are used to start all healing sessions.

Initiation Sigils Level II

(When healing, use in conjunction with Level Is sigils to start the session.)

1. 1.
To be drawn 3 times over the forehead Blautvapata Opening of the mind angel sigil:

To be drawn 3 times over the lower abdomen Kelavisvauravech Release of patterns that no longer serve (transformation) angel sigil:

Call in the angel: Krunechva-atruha Call in the angel: Rutsetvi-uru-bach

(look at the angel sigil while calling angel name) (look at the angel sigil while calling angel name)


To be drawn 3 times over the heart Kruvechpaururek Opening of the heart


To be drawn 3 times over the solar plexus

Transmuting matter to higher light angel sigil:

angel sigil: Call in the angel: Mirakluvael Call in the angel: Iornumubach
(look at the angel sigil while calling angel name) (look at the angel sigil while calling angel name)


To be drawn 3 times over the navel Kelavisbavah Receptivity of the body angel sigil:


To be drawn 3 times over the sternum Patauruhutvi Transfiguring illusion to light angel sigil:

Call in the angel: Kelevi-traunar Call in the angel: Tru-ararir-pleva

(look at the angel sigil while calling angel name) (look at the angel sigil while calling angel name)

(Figure 2)

(Figure 3)

Continued: Initiation Sigils Level II 4.

To be drawn 3 times over the crown Kersbaurveshpi Sanctification


To be drawn 3 times over the root chakra Nenhershbikletrasut DNA activation of the codes of light angel sigil:

angel sigil: Call in the angel: Trechbar-uru-heresvi

(look at the angel sigil while calling angel name)

Call in the angel: Ku-ulu-vet

(look at the angel sigil while calling angel name)


To be drawn 3 times over the throat Kletsutmanarech Attracting light into the voice


To be drawn 3 times over the alpha chakra one hand length below base of the spine Veleechsbikluatret Creating movement in light angel sigil:

angel sigil:

Call in the angel: Vilivesbi-keres-na

(look at the angel sigil while calling angel name)

Call in the angel: Belech-his-pavatra

(look at the angel sigil while calling angel name)

Also call in the angel Kelipretvaha for placing this sigil into the earth.


To be drawn 3 times over each hand Visbelespahrechvi Attracting healing frequencies into the hands angel sigil:


To be drawn 3 times over the bottom of each foot Nunmerstararotbelshspi Bringing in the new template of frequency angel sigil:

Call in the angel: Kru-echna-vilshpreva

(look at the angel sigil while calling angel name)

Call in the angel: Kretna-ulu-vesbi

(look at the angel sigil while calling angel name)

(Figure 4)

(Figure 5)

Initiation Mastery Level III

This sigil is not to be used on patients. It is for initiation of practitioners only.

Closing Sigils to End a Session


Belveresnukvi All becomes One

Do three times over each of the following: (in order given) 1. bottom of each foot 2. alpha chakra 3. root chakra 4. lower abdomen 5. navel 6. solar plexus 7. heart 8. sternum 9. throat 10. forehead 11. crown 12. both hands 13. 10'' above crown angel name: Urhetvi angel sigil:



(Figure 6)

(Figure 7)

Sigils of Love*
These sigils are used in pairs to stimulate healthy frequency. To be used by Level I Belvaspata practitioners. 1.

Love/Angel name: Perechpriparva use for obesity and flab


Generosity/Angel name: Teshvinechspiurarat used to reduce blood pressure

Trust/Angel name: Truessabruvarabi

Receptivity/Angel name: Nenhurshbrechbravit


Inspiration/Angel name: Kriavatbishpi

Peace/Angel name: Pelenanvabruk

use in areas of red rash, redness, or inflamation


Encouragement/Angel name: Kletsutvesba pancreas, liver, gallbladder

Creativity/Angel name: Velesvruchba genitals, reproductive organs

Beauty/Angel name: Nunbereshnuk


Pleasure/Angel name: Prubechbanatruva

Communication/Angel name: Araragatveshpi lungs


Assimilation/Angel name: Nunhereshvispi

Empathy/Angel name: Felvirespiuhuruvak injuries


Acknowledgement/Angel name: Treuchvaravaar

Passion/Angel name: Gelkrigsutvrabararech use for poor circulation

* Initiates for Level II need to prepare for a day by internalizing these emotions. (Figure 8)

Joy/Angel name: Travi-usbava

(Figure 9)

Continued: Sigils of Love


Sigils of Light*
Can be used in a circle. Place sigils in order clockwise.

Achievement/Angel name: Gelevishtrava throat, thyroid Fun/Angel name: Pru-eshbiklechvaha 2.

Root/Lord name Herhutbrasta

always use in conjunction with others

Faith/Lord name Belblutvakreshbi

systemic illness

10. +
Enlightenment/Angel name: Grunachberesvik 3. use for pain Balance/Lord name Kluch-nenuvit ears, throat, nose

Contentment/Angel name: Kletsatvarabuch Abundance/Lord name Petrevusbi prostate, rectum



Empowerment/Angel name: Buesbiklechnatra digestive tract, elimination, kidneys, adrenals 5. Wisdom/Lord name Gelviveshbi pineal, hypothalamus

Humor/Angel name: Veluchvesprirekva



Growth/Angel name: Trubikluvespraha bones, fractures, muscles, joints

Mercy/Lord name Truavar

spine, occipital area/base of skull

Satisfaction/Angel name: Nechtruavar


Diversity/Lord name Pluakbar

DNA, chromosomes, memory

* Initiates for Level II need to prepare for a day by internalizing these qualities.

(Figure 10)

(Figure 11)

Continued: Sigils of Light

8. Energy/Lord name Trechvarvulesbi blood sugar, blood purification 15. Power/Lord name Veruchmavaheshbi skull, scalp, hair


16. Bliss/Lord name Besbrakva cellular light, oxygen and ph of cells

Truth/Lord name Petluch-vraha

arms, elbows, hands/wrists, shoulders


Perception/Lord name Telenuchvraha

eyes, pituitary, 3rd eye


Presence/Lord name Klechsavra

legs and feet

Use for Emotional Health

depression 12. Hope/Lord name Telerutskrava heart, circulation Angel: Nechvikrechbar


Mastery/Lord name Brishnavak

brain, clarity of thought


Discovery/Lord name Verebisma

tongue, teeth, tonsils

(Figure 12)

(Figure 13)

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