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A. Background Issues In line with that, the issues faced by the world education especially higher education was fundamental and most of them come from outside the College environment that may be. The subject matter is basically due to the growing discrepancy between expectation (mismatch) community as "the real world" in response to the College community expectations (Wahab, 2002: 3). The issue of increasing the quality of college graduates as one of the problems depends on the quality of support resources, Professor, Chairman of the Senate of element elements and implementing academic elements.The quality of the results of the implementation of the tridharma college professors will determine the quality of college graduates are concerned.Therefore, efforts to improve the performance of lecturers is an important effort to increase the productivity community colleges. On 22 January 2009, government regulations have limited education authorized by the President.The content of the regulation is very menghimpit for all of us at colleges. In article 10, paragraph (1) PP. is mentioned, the requirement for learners education limited: civil servants and public servants from candidate, another Ministry, or LPNK; have a diploma degree (S-1) or equivalent; and meet the requirements of the acceptance of students education limited as set forth by the Organizer limited education. Education is limited by the PP's reserved only by CIVIL SERVANTS and CPNS and mennempuh have Bachelor or equivalent (D-IV) the Government has only a few options to change education limited. In government regulation of article 24, paragraph (1) the letter b is explained:

To the participants of the education students not limited civil servants and not a candidate for the civil service, available three (3) an alternative adjustment: 1. education limited is concerned dialihstatuskan be legal entities, the Ministry of education or other concerned as the founder of LPNK has representation in the organs of the representation of stakeholders, in order to meet the needs of ongoing sectoral and requires supervision and strict quality assurance of the other ministries or LPNK in question; 2. education is integrated with the limited question of universities and after integration held a partnership with special packaging to meet the needs of a sectoral nature temporary and requires supervision and strict quality assurance of the other ministries or LPNK in question; 3. limited education in question be integrated with specific universities or turned over to local authorities if the need for supervision and strict quality assurance of the other ministries or the corresponding LPNK low. 4. quality Assurance Demands a College in accordance with article 51 of ACT No. 20/2003 concerning the System of national education to the effect that the management system of higher education are implemented on the basis of the principle of autonomy, accountability, quality assurance and evaluation that is transparent. 5. be with article 91 paragraph 1 PP No. 19/2005 about national education Standards that States that every unit of education in the formal and informal educational quality assurance is obligated to do.

To date lecturer and performance problems as well as supporting factors to increase it still requires special attention, both in an attempt to identify the problem and attempts to solve problems-problems that it evokes. Lecturer in a College, is a factor in implementing activities activator and academic colleges. In addition to implementing the academic activities partly lecturer is the principal Management College. Academic activities referred to above is implementing the learning process, implementing research, and as a principal function of the community. Therefore, in an attempt to increase the productivity community colleges, then target the main thing is a lecturer, by improving its performance in the implementation of the tridharma College. Faculty resource development and management of complementary factors and applying the concept of education administration will improve the performance of lecturers. As for the application of the concept in question is "carry out the process of planning, implementation, and evaluation of resources, including human resources, curriculum, methods and facilities" (Engkoswara, 1987: 54). These resources are the most important component in improving the performance of lecturers including lecturers at colleges. Article 29 of ACT No. 20 of 2003 The national education system stated that limited education is education profession is organised by the Ministry or Government agency nondepartemen. Explained that the education profession is higher education, school degree program that prepares students for a job with specific skills requirements. Limited education improves the capability and skills to function in the implementation of tasks limited to employees and prospective employees of the State of a Department or Government agency

nondepartemen. (article 29, paragraph 2 of ACT No. 20 of 2003 The national education system). Given the increasing globalization and the increasing influence of transparent administration, then had the task of education conducts IPDN expertise in the areas of Government to prepare a cadre of Government cadres-in accordance with the demands of advances in science and technology, as well as the dynamics of community needs and ready task and developed in order for the Administration and development, both at regional and central level. The success of the implementation of the tasks of Government relies on support from the quality of the aparat-aparatnya, so that the preparation of cadres of Government became very important in fact determine. The core of any development programme is the creation of the apparatus of government apparatus that is skilled, armed with science and technology, as well as having a mental and moral strength based on faith and ketakwaan to God Almighty. Therefore STIA LAN is the institution set up in order to print apparatus-apparatus of quality. In order for the institution's goals and objectives of the Institute of Government In the country can be achieved in a managed and empowered in order to, in addition to required the existence of various aspects of institutional management as an attempt to address the challenges and needs of the community, also need to be supported by human resources (employees) who have the motivation, passion and dedication to work-rate. The existence of civil servants and teachers is the essence of sustainability and an institution or an organization. The higher the continuity of an institution or an organisation, the barometer was dismantled is the condition of human resources, either organic or Manager, student or user.

Typical potential IPDN has elements that distinguish its networking and other educational establishments, the authorized capital is very important: (a) the praja IPDN (student) are representative of all corners of the ground water and at once is a portrait of the entire archipelago; (b) would become alumni IPDN apparatus and return to areas throughout the country and work in government institutions that serve the public; (c) a strong link between match with government institutions in IPDN State and autonomous region (Department of Home Affairs, local governance, and community). According to results of a 2008 performance accountability, human resources, its population was 701 owned IPDN people consists of 140 people educators (teachers) and 541 people with different abilities of organic energy, skills and educational background. As an overview of the number of educators 140 people, who have an education level as many as 11 people, S3 S2 S1 as 105 people and as many as 20 people. While the number of the current era of STPDN of people consisting of 3.848 Muda Praja (level I) = 1,073 people, Madya Praja (level II) = 1.190, Nindya Praja (level III) = 802 people, and Wasana Praja (level IV) = 985 people.

While the number of educators in Bandung and Jakarta STIA LAN are: 1) STIA LAN consists of professors keep Bandung = 129 people; consisting of college professors, lecturers from the representatives of the local Government of West Java, a lecturer from government agencies, and lecturer of private agencies, with undergraduate education as much as 85 people; As many as 29 people, S2 and S3 as many as 15 people. 2) STIA LAN Jakarta consists of professors keep = 326 people; composed of lecturers, professors of the College LAN, lecturer, Professor of functional government agencies and private entities, as well as from bureaucrats.

Spencer and Spencer (1993: 104) provides the definition of that competence was an underlying characteristic of an individual that is casually related to criterion-referenced effective and/or superior performance in a job or situation. According to the definition of competence is a fundamental characteristic of an individual that influence the effectiveness of ways of thinking and acting, as well as forming a high performance in carrying out the work or on a situation. In line with this definition, Ruky (2003: 105) raised the five components of competence : a. Motives, something that is consistently well thought out or desired by the person who will be deployed, guiding and pick a certain behavior or action against a number of purposes. b. Personal character, personal characteristics and reactions or responses are carried out consistently against a situation or information. c. The concept of self, the attitudes, values or system belonging to a person's self-image. d. Knowledge, the information belongs to a person of a certain specific areas. e. The skills, the ability to deploy a set of specific physical or mental tasks. According to the decision of the Minister of national education Number 045/U/2002, limitation of competence is a set of intelligent actions and full responsibility of the person as a condition to be considered capable of by the community in carrying out the tasks in a particular field. Therefore, Broad Based Education team of the Ministry of education (2002: 9) States that the person being educated requires life skills (life skills) which includes: a. Personal prowess (personal skills) that includes the kecapakan about self (self awarness) and rational thinking (thinking skills). b. Social Skills (social skills) that includes the ability to communicate with empathy (communication skills) and his work (colaboration skill). c. Academic Skills (academic skills) which is the ability to think scientifically in responding to a phenomenon that occurs. d. The competence of the Polytechnic (vocational skill), vocational skills to do a particular job.

The competence of individuals formed from synergy figures, behavior, self-concept, motive, knowledge and skills that affect the character, attitude, behaviour and ability and the will in the face of the work that ultimately affect the accomplishment of his

work. Competence of intellectual/cognitive competence, social competence and personal competency will affect the work achievement/performance faculty. In transforming the achievements this work competence needed drivers or motivators are factors of the Organization and support resources. Professional competence based on the expertise of faculty, another exception, and innovation. Competence based on planning paedagogik lecturer, discipline, management of the lecture. Competence based on personality, lecturer of the authority, wisdom and adherence to a religion. Social competence based on the ability of the lecturers argue, tolerance, and good relations. Performance, also translated as meaning work-or work accomplishment or achievement of implementation of the work or the work/performance/performance work (LAN, 1992: 3). August w. Smith (1982: 393) provides that performance or performance are: "... the output drive from processes, human or otherwise", or the performance or output from a process.In addition, Nainggolan (1985: 126) stated that the achievements of the work is the result of the work accomplished by an employee in the performance of the duties imposed upon him. On the basis of the opinions above, then it can be concluded that the performance was the result of one's work in carrying out its work. The performance had a very close relationship with the issue of productivity, because it is an indicator in determining how the efforts to achieve a high level of productivity in an organization. In respect of such matters then attempts to make an assessment of the performance in an organization is a thing that is important. Talking about the performance of personnel, closely related to how to conduct assessment of one's job, so it needs to be set to "standard performance". L. Royal Sayle and Strauss (1977: 47) suggests that: Managers expected to be held to standard of accountability, and most managers prefer to have their established unambigiously, so they know where to carry out their energies. In effect, the standard established a target, and at the end of the target peroide (week,

month, or year) both managers and boss can compare the expected standard of performance with the actual level of achievement. An expression that States that performance standards should be formulated to be benchmarks in conducting comparisons between what has been done with what is expected, it relates to employment or Office that has been entrusted to a person. The standard may also be referred to as a measure of accountability with respect to the holding of what has been done. In addition, it says that to hold on performance measurement, it is established that: "Performance = ability x motivation" (T.R. Mitchell, 1978: 327). From this passage, it is clear that in order to get an overview of the performance of a person, then it takes a special study on the ability and motivation. Lecturer in an agency's performance, according to the theory of organizational behavior, determined by factors internal and external. Internal factors that affect the performance of lecturers is his motivation and education levels, while the external factor is the organisational culture in which professors were working. Highlighting the efforts of the development of manpower quality, University lecturer should be strived for plan preparation and continuous development as well as considering the demands of quality and standards will also need a continuous changes and developments. Lecturer in it is faced with the necessity and the performance demands with regard to professional abilities.Improvement of the quality of education, among others, pursued through the development of the quality of the pendidiknya which in this case is a lecturer. In an attempt to increase the performance of lecturers, the standards can be required as part of a size or performance criteria for professors, especially in teaching and research. Abin Syamsuddin (2000: 97) suggests that as a professional lecturer charged had competence, professional skills and impact the quality of its performance. These aspects will contribute to the quality of graduates and graduates are then services ' outcomes ' beneficial

for development, which in turn would then appear to be its effect on the quality of earnings and dignity of life, their people and mankind in General. The performance of lecturers, including colleges Professor, an indicator of performance ukurnya views in the form of service, lecturer of both quantitative and qualitative, in units of time. To see the extent to which the quality of the performance of lecturers needed explanation of dimensions, indicators, and the criteria according to which elements of the performance of lecturers. With regard to the performance dimensions, input and output processes or products. Input refers to the perpetrators of the lecturers, the process refers to how the achievement of the goals and products relating to the results achieved. In General a lecturer has the task of education and teaching it well and has a responsibility to teach, mentor and train the skills of the student body. (UIN). In the Organization of higher education, Faculty performance evaluation is a way to figure out the influence of the teaching faculty of the University students (Ramsden, 1992). Evaluation of a lecturer's activities include gathering information about how professors doing work, interpret information, and make a judgment as to what action should be taken to improve the quality of teaching. Evaluation of a lecturer is intrinsic in the process of analytical teaching is good.In other words, the evaluation of a lecturer is a unity in learning activities that are both (good teaching). Good teaching to help students learning to achieve good quality (high quality learning). The quality of teaching and academic standards need to be evaluated and improved because higher education is an expensive activity. Good teaching is a complicated thing, very individual, relating to the material. However, the evaluation of teaching still can be done in relation to the assessment of the effectiveness of teaching and using it to improve the quality of the learning process. Basically, the evaluation of a lecturer is used for a variety of ways, including:

(1) identify the contribution of professors in the achievement of goals of the program of study/faculty, and (2) assess the need for lecturers will be training in the field of guidance and teaching. But in fact, the evaluation of a lecturer is sometimes ineffective because the evaluation of a lecturer merely be administrative activities, not feedback, too associated with punishment and rewards that lose motivation extrinsic lecturers to teach well (UIN). Having regard to the conditions currently in IPDN, Bandung, STIA STIA LAN and LAN-as a College, which provided the venue and focus of the research, it appears there is a gap in performance the third College lecturer at the top with performance standards that are supposed to be. According to the main task of college professors that the main task of which is the job description, then there is a guideline that can be made into a standard criterion in doing their job performance of college professors so that it can be a criterion in the evaluation or assessment of performance. In relation to the improvement of the quality of education in IPDN and STIA LAN Bandung and Jakarta needs to come first the creation of a climate conducive to the learning that goes on a flexible curriculum according to their potential for PTK based competencies, i.e:

(a) The development of the ability (competence) perform tasks with specific performance standards so that results can be perceived by the students, in the form of mastery of the competencies to He possesses; (b) Implementation of the curriculum can foster the responsibility and student participation in learning rate and influencing policy General (public policy) also ventured in contribute a wide range of activities, both during the study or in the Office of the place of work and in the community; (c) Development of syllabus courses teaching, coaching and parenting in accordance with the competency needs and capabilities of the PTK, students, and the need for the Government, local governments and communities. Gaffar (1989: 159), "performance is divided into three areas of lecturers, i.e. content knowledge, (2) behavior skill, and (3) human relation skills ".Sanusi (education and culture, 1991) suggests "performance lecturer conceptually cover professional skills, personal skills and social skills".Professional capabilities that include: content-mastery learning


materials, concepts relating to such material, the foundation of education, educational processes and student learning; social skills include the ability to conform to the purpose of work and the environment around the time of running the task as a teacher; personal (private) capabilities include: the appearance of a positive attitude towards the situation of work as a teacher and educational situation, understanding the values that it embraced by a teacher and as an attempt to maintain himself as a role model and an exemplary child students. While Jarvis (1983: 35) revealed that professional competence must posses a faculty includes three elements, namely: (1) knowledge and understanding that include: academic disciplines, the element psikomotor, interpersonal relationships and moral values; (2) those skills which include: the implementing procedures, psychomotor, interact with other people as well as (3) attitude attitude Professional includes: knowledge of professionalism, commitment to professionalism and the emotion's willingness to act in a professional manner. The performance of lecturers on much-needed professional PTK and determine the quality and has a great contribution to the quality of the research institutions, so that the author really needs to be done according to the research. This is in accordance with the tri dharma college that also hold three principal lecturer assignment, namely (1) implementing the education and teaching, (2) conduct research, (3) devote their knowledge to the community.The third task was carried out in accordance with the relevant faculty areas of expertise. The performance of lecturers is inseparable from the discussion of the quality of the professors themselves. Quality is a term related to the point of view and the interests of users of the term. Sallis (1993: 23) and quoting the opinion mentions that Pfeffer Coote ' quality (quality) as the concept of the ' slick ' (a slippery concept) '. The difference occurs because the concept of the quality of the absolute opposite of the standard assumes that quality is a beauty, truth for sure without compromise. While the relative standards of mind that the quality of the left is something ' not be expensive and exclusive, ... may be beautiful but not


necessarily so. They do not have to be special. They can be ordinary, commonplace, and familiar ' (Edward and Sallis, 1993: 23). As for the concept of quality (quality) in PTK is a combination of the nature of the services that demonstrate the ability in meeting the needs of both the needs served, as well as implied warranties stated (Juran, 1995: 29). One of the reforms in education that is poured into the Sisdiknas is the accreditation of education as a form of quality assurance and accountability programs and/or educational units. Educational accreditation is done by independent agencies through the process of assessment of the educational process at the mutulayanan and programs and/or educational units based on standards that have been set. If the standards have been met then the status of accreditation will be given to the program and/or the education unit.Generally in most countries, accreditation is carried out by Government and independent accrediting agencies. The ACT mandates that the Government make Sisdiknas accreditation at every level and unit of education to determine the feasibility of programs and/or educational units. Accreditation can be done by an independent agency that got the authority of the Government. As a public accountability, accreditation is carried out in an objective, fair, transparent, and comprehensive using instruments and criteria that refer to the SNP. Accreditation by the Government is done by (i) the National Accreditation body of the school/Madrasah (BANS/BANM) to the program and/or units of primary and secondary education line of formal education; (ii) a National Accreditation body of the College's programs and/or units of higher education; and (iii) National Education Accreditation Agency (BAN of the PNF) Nonformal against programs and/or educational units of nonformal lines. Ranking the accreditation consists of at A, B, C, and D each to the highest ranking to lowest ranking. In carrying out the accreditation BANS/BANM assisted by loss of accreditation by the Governor of the province was formed. Independent accreditation


agencies that conduct education must be a legal person which is nonprofit and Indonesia has experienced experts in the field of education evaluation. Accreditation process focused on the feasibility and content of the curriculum, learning, teaching and learning process, achievement, graduation standards management and institutional organization and infrastructure, teachers and educational personnel, finance, labour and education assessment system as set forth in the SNP. The accreditation process at the school and madrasah curriculum and the process is focused on teaching and learning, school management, organizational/institutional schools and infrastructure, financing, ketenagaan, learners, as well as the role of society and the environment/culture schools. The process of accreditation of higher education include the feasibility of implementing tri darma colleges, namely education and teaching, research, and devotion to the public, whereas the process of accreditation of nonformal education includes the feasibility of programs and/or educational unit in providing functional skills

education. Accreditation policy will be implemented through activities increased the effectiveness of the activities of the accreditation includes the ability of the personnel, facilities, and the budget, as well as increased transparency of the process of accreditation.

A. Identification Of Problems 1. In an attempt to improve the performance of lecturers, required standards can be used as a measure or criterion lecturers especially in teaching and research, the professional competence of the lecturers are required as the impact quality has the capability and professional performance. 2. Assessment of the performance of lecturers should pay attention to quality performance that is just my assesment criteria: professional preparation, effectiveness of professional activities, teaching, innovative and always make improvements as well


as the ability to update the technology, and creative as well as a commitment to quality. 3. Competence of professors as a guarantor of quality in the process of teaching and learning and research, it can describe the performance of lecturers on quality-oriented. 4. Quality of performance can be improved by performing faculty Management lecturer in systematic, integrated and systemic, quality. 5. Improved performance of professors in College need to be developed with qualityoriented culture of bureaucracy which have development work ethic and professional ethical visionary leadership, so that in being able to increase its contribution to the performance of the College and will provide the impact on the quality of college graduates who means to the success of national development. 6. Reorientation towards learning and evaluation of effective learning, as well as charging the learning content in accordance with the needs of the Central Government, local governments, and community dynamics. 7. Management resources development system as IE gets lecturer profiles or quality characteristics of professors as a guarantor of quality (quality assurer) in the process of education, i.e. academic duties in teaching and research as well as community services, managed by sinergistik. 8. Quality reference standard is excellence lecturer lecturers as educators and scientists as well as how it should treat and provide services to teachers.Lecturer is human resources in the process of formation of quality added value to students who dibimbingnya, for which he taught science, and the welfare of society. C. Formulation Problem Research Based on the background and identify the problem, then the problem of research can be formulated in the following research questions:



Is there a meaningful degree of connectedness between the competence professionals with performance as a lecturer in the quality assurance process education? Is there a meaningful degree of connectedness between the personal competencies with the performance of lecturers as a guarantor of quality in the education process?



Is there a meaningful degree of connectedness between social competence with the performance of lecturers as a guarantor of quality in the education process?


Is there a meaningful degree of connectedness between professional competence and personal competency lecturer?


Is there a meaningful degree of connectedness between professional competence with social competence lecturer?


Is there a meaningful degree of connectedness between the personal competencies with social competence lecturer?


is there a meaningful degree of connectedness between professional competence, social competence and personal competencies with the performance of lecturers as a guarantor of quality in the education process?


is there a difference between the variable characteristics and contributions of professional competence, social competence and personal competencies on performance as a lecturer in the education process is the guarantor of quality?

D. Research Purpose In general terms the objective of this research is intended to get an overview of the profile as a guarantor of quality faculty through relationships and the influence of professional competence, social competence and personal competence as the standard quality assurance performance lecturer STIA STIA LAN LAN Jakarta, Bandung and in the process of education. IPDN Where as in particular the study aims to: 1. Find out how big the influence of the professional competence of the performance of lecturers as a guarantor of quality in the process of education. 2. Find out how big the influence of personal competencies on performance as a lecturer in the education process of quality assurance. 3. Find out how much influence social competence as a guarantor of the performance of lecturers in the process of education quality.


4. Find out how big the influence of the professional competence of personal competence lecturer. 5. Knowing how big the influence of the professional competence of social competence, and lecturer. 6. Find out how big the influence of personal competence of social competence lecturer. 7. find out how big the influence of professional competence, social competence and personal competency lecturers jointly against the performance of lecturers as guarantors of quality in the education process?. 8. Establish the concept of alternative patterns or empirical models that describe the characteristics and contributions of balancing condition between professional competence, variable personal competence and social competence as a guarantor of the performance of lecturers in the process of education in the quality of IPDN, STIA STIA LAN LAN Jakarta and Bandung.


Benefits Of Research The results of this research are expected to contribute (benefits), both theoretical and

practical as follows: 1. Theoretical contribution of this research is to study and development of concepts and theories of Organizational Behavior and management education for the offender changes including professors, education providers, students, alumni, the Central Government and regions as well as other agencies as stakholder and user education is limited. 2. The practical contribution of this research is expected to be input for leadership of IPDN, STIA STIA LAN LAN Jakarta and Bandung, in an attempt to make improvements to the Organization's performance

improvement and development of faculty. In addition, the results of this research is used to develop professional skills, social skills and personal development skills, as a guarantor of the quality of lecturers in higher education, it is a function of the administration of education. 3. As a policy suggestion for fostering human resources in Colleges for the development of the organization in the future in order to increase the competence of the public organizations are expected to.


4. Development of faculty performance oriented quality standard in accordance with the demands of environmental needs. Application of quality assurance systems, especially with the use of external quality standards will provide strategic value for our company PT locus, i.e. research reputation. With a good reputation will increase the value of selling these, either the product PT goods or services it generates. The quality assurance system that will guarantee the good manageability of the traceability of the process, both for education and production manufacturing. The quality assurance system will direct the institution purposes ranging from management to the smallest unit.

F. Assumptions College organizations (and Colleges) are considered and assumed as an open system and is seen as service industry, is said to be of good quality if the College can provide to the service and satisfy stakeholders and users. Taking into account all challenges IPDN, constraints and opportunities that will be encountered as a result of environmental influences as well as by not ignoring the strategic condition of national education on current as well as the problem, had a vision: "Excel in preparing a cadre of Government domestic professional, democratic and insightful his outstanding statesmanship". Basic competence that should be owned by graduates/alumni of IPDN, namely: (1), leadership (leadership), (2) Service (stewardship), and (3) his outstanding statesmanship (statesmanship). On the basis of that vision, the Mission of IPDN is "improving the quality of students in accordance with the demands of Government and development needs for the insightful cultural and environment as well as laid the groundwork and personality formation of character, the experience of religious values, manners of sublime, as well as insights and soul mastery and the ability for a national application of science and technology", through: (1) the Organization of education (teaching, training and parenting); (2) conducting research and development as well as community services; (3) human resources coaching; (4) Organization of the Administration; (5) implementation and management of infrastructure and facilities. 17

As agents of change: IPDN alumni are scattered throughout Indonesia would be "updates" and influential in the development process at the community level and at a strategic level, as a center of khowledge, IPDN as information center and in the research: governance; the planning area; Centre for the study of E-government/governance; regulations and related legislation; appropriate technology; and mentoring as well as the empowerment of the community, as a Government Science Development Center, rich in typical nuance research and applications as well as having a strong link and match so that it becomes one of the references to other universities, both inside and outside the country about governmental fields in Indonesia. STIA LAN as Collegiate institutions attached to the values of the growing learning organization so STIA LAN as Collegiate institutions should be able to analyze, predict the situation, adapt, Act and relate to their surroundings. Next STIA LAN as PTK confirmed by Presidential Decree No. 8 in 1999, article 26 of the Organization of education limited. ' Education in the field of the administration of the Host Country through Schools Stan further regulated by presidential decree in accordance with the provisions of the Legislation in force in the field of education '. In an effort towards the vision that the election was STIA LAN which is "International Institutions in providing education, research and community service as well as the development of the science and practice of administration". To achieve that vision formulated STIA's mission, namely ' held a LAN limited education in order to improve the quality of civil servants and employees of the Centre region, swadana, employees of the STATE-OWNED institutions and LOCAL GOVERNMENT, as well as TNI and Polri personnel, so as to have a competence which is expected in the task of Government through the PTK is effective; conducts research and development;as well as perform community services quality and useful and expected to reach the goals '.


STIA LAN prepares learners to a quality, government agencies have academic and professional competence in the field of public administration that includes ethics, dedication, and spirit of devotion to the community, nation and State, as well as be grounded ketakwaan to God Almighty, moral, accountable, and soulless Pancasila as well as being able to maintain, enhance, and embodies the ideals of the nation's berperadaban high in national and global life. The assumptions are a starting point provoking a truth accepted by researchers due shall be based on the concept and theory. These assumptions are needed to strengthen problem, help researchers to explain the determination of the object of research, data capture and data collection instruments. The assumption formulated as a foundation for the research hypothesis, namely: Lecturer as implementers are required to have academic assignments to high performance in the implementation of the principal tasks of education and teaching, research, community services. Therefore, to improve the performance and the performance of college professors, it takes an effort looking closely at the factors that are beneficial to the lecturer as well as beneficial to the College to improve the performance of lecturers. With regard to curriculum development can produce standard national/global, with the realm of competence: knowledge (knowledge); comprehension (understanding); skill (skill); value (value); attitude (attitude); and interest (interest), as well as the creation of a climate conducive to the implementation of the education/professional-oriented skills (life skills public administration) and academic aspects. Education reform changes PTK is focused on: (a) reorientation towards learning and evaluation of effective learning; (b) the development of cultural organizations that have a professional work ethic and ethical visionary in leadership; and (c) the creation of a


harmonious and synergetic relationship with the Central Government, local governments, and communities. The performance of the staff including professors in an institution, in view of the theory of organizational behavior is determined by factors internal and external. Internal factors that affect the performance of lecturers is his motivation and education levels, while the external factor is the organizational culture in which professors were working. High low level of education a person will reflect the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors that have. In an attempt to increase the performance of lecturers, the standards can be required as part of a size or performance criteria for professors, especially in teaching and research. Abin Syamsuddin (2000: 97) suggests that as a professional lecturer charged had competence, professional skills and impact the quality of its performance. These aspects will contribute to the quality of graduates and graduates are then services ' outcomes ' beneficial for development, which in turn would then appear to be its effect on the quality of earnings and dignity of life, their people and mankind in General. For that one changes a challenge in College was how to manage quality in terms of ' Quality Control ', ' Quality Assurance ' and ' Continues Improvement ' (Edward Sallis, 1993). The College as an institution that has the potential of HUMAN RESOURCES and change agents in the community, it is worth noting that resources have mainly lecturers. Quality problem will be much pendidiikan with regard to how teachers teach as educators and how students learn. The performance of lecturers is inseparable from the discussion of the quality of the professors themselves. Absolute standards assume that quality is a beauty, truth and certainly without compromise. While the relative standards of mind that the quality of the left is something that is "not be expensive and exclusive, ... may be beautuful but not necessarily so. They do not have to be special. They can be ordinary, commonolace, and familiar


(Edward and Sallis, 1993: 23). A relative definition based on reason, on the fact there is a difference between the interests of producers of goods or services subject to the interests of users of goods or services. However, it is precisely this keanehannya. When the subjectoriented producers in the interests of users, the users themselves are more oriented to its perception. As for the concept of quality (quality) in colleges is a combination of the properties of the service that shows his ability in meeting the needs of both the needs served, as well as between the lines was declared. (Juran, 1995: 29). The concept includes the level of achievement of performance Faculty Lecturer to his ability, in this case includes a professional skills, the ability of social and personal abilities. Focus performance assessment according to Natawidjaja and Sanusi (1991) should include capabilities of professional, social and personal. First, the ability of professionals that is manifested in the form of: knowledge that is considered a reflection of intelligence is built through a process of education; skills typically associated with talents and developed through training; ability that is usually associated with physical abilities and power hold relevant as well as a deep understanding of the condition of the working environment. Professional skills include mastery of Lecturer: material materials, concepts relating to the materials, the cornerstone of educational policies, processes of learning and education learners. Second, social skills, formed from the relationship of cooperation among member organizations, our business partners and other parties concerned, and want to give credibility to its commitment to move forward together with the people who have a network. Social skills: ability to lecturers include conform to the objectives and the working environment when you run the task as a teacher. Third, the ability of personal adjustment between individual characteristics, a lecturer with the appearance of the work in accordance with the demands of the


competence. Adjustment process covers the skills, attitude, creativity and efforts to improve themselves as well as reduce vulnerabilities that do not match the look of competence. The ability of personal lecturer include: the appearance of a positive attitude over the situation of work as a teacher and educational situation, understanding of the values that it embraced by a teacher and an effort to establish himself as a role model as well as exemplary child students. With regard to the competence of which is owned by someone, Allan c. Omstein (1980: 50) defines the competence of the specifics of the behavior can be explained by the management required in an overall teaching manual or in the system of appraisal educators. Neil (1998) provides a study of understanding of the competence of human elements as follows: (1) the intellectual competence: the element is associated with a person's professional ability, manifested in the form of knowledge that is considered to be a reflection of intelligence and built through the process of education, skills usually associated with talents as well as developed through training, ability (ability), which is usually associated with physical capabilities and durability of a person in work activities, experience, gained through work experience that are relevant and deep understanding of business and environmental conditions of work; (2) the competence of the network of cooperation: the competence of this relationship of cooperation between the Member organizations, our business partners and other parties concerned and want to give his commitment to move forward together with the people who have such networks; (3) the competence of this body's credibility: competence need to be developed on an ongoing basis, because the organization in an environment that is constantly changing. Kydd (1997) States that there is a way of using a model of competence in management are: (1) as the basis for the assessment and management performance and the possibility of pengkreditasian using the results as a basis for the wages of its performance of its employees; (2) for selecting appropriate and promotion; (3) to define the training needs of employees; (4) to plan the management development programs which means he must ... have a clear vision and mission as well as in taking decisions that will be carried out; Master of Science (the theory, concept, principle, rule, hypotheses and generalizing the data and information) about the ins and outs of each work task field.


Internal Quality Assurance Standards (SPMI) is applied by STATE and private foundation as well as using a variety of applications of different implementation models. Basically this is done to maintain the power to raise and sell among the public that is increasingly critical to select a proper selected. PT The challenge is then spur PT to spur themselves and more oriented to the gratification of needs of the community as a customer.

G. Research Hypothesis Based on the assumptions of research can be lowered some working hypotheses, namely : 1. Professional Competence is associated significantly with lecturers the performance of lecturers as a guarantor of quality in the process of education.

2. Personal Competencies associated lecturer significantly with the performance of lecturers as guarantors of quality in the process of education. 3. Social Competence associated professors significantly with the performance of lecturers as guarantors of quality in the process of education. 4. Professional Competence is associated significantly with faculty competence personal lecturer. 5. Professional Competence teachers relate significantly with social competence, and lecturer. 6. Personal Competencies associated lecturer significantly with social competence lecturer. 7. Professional Competence, social competence and personal competency lecturer together associated significantly with the performance of lecturers as guarantors of quality in the process of education. 8. There is a difference between the characteristics of professional competence, variable personal and social competencies on performance as a lecturer quality assurance in education process in PTK IPDN, STIA LAN Jakarta and LAN Bandung. STIA



Frame Of Research

New ideal performance standards

Performance Professional Competence (content of knowledge) (X1) - mastery of the material of lectures - the concepts of academic courses are - the cornerstone of education -educational processes and student learning

The performance of lecturers Personal Competence (behavior skill) (X2) - the appearance of a positive attitude over the situation of work as a teacher and educational situations - understanding of the values that it embraced by a lecturer and an attempt to establish himself as a role model and example of its student

Standard Performance

Quality assurance in the process of education (standard quality assurance)

Social Competence

(human relation skill)

(X3) the ability to conform to the objectives and the work environment while running to his duties as a lecturer


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