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Compressors: How They Work


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Passing Gas
A look at how different compressors work
Most cooling systems, from residential air conditioners to large commercial and industrial chillers, employ the refrigeration process known as the vapour compression cycle. At the heart of the vapour compression cycle is the mechanical compressor. A compressor has two main functions: 1) to pump refrigerant through the cooling system and 2) to compress gaseous refrigerant in the system so that it can be condensed to liquid and absorb heat from the air or water that is being cooled or chilled (See the "How it Works" section of the article "Gas Engine Chillers" for an explanation of ihe vapour compression cycle).

There are many ways to compress a gas. As such, many different types of compressors have been invented over the years. Each type utilizes a specific and sometimes downright ingenious method to pressurize refrigerant vapour. The five types of compressors used in vapour compression systems are Reciprocating, Rotary,
Centrifugal, Screw and Scroll.

Reciprocating Gompressors
A reciprocating compressor uses the reciprocating action of a piston inside a cylinder to compress refrigerant. As the piston moves downward, a vacuum is created inside the cylinder. Because the pressure above the intake valve is greater than the pressure below it, the intake valve is forced open and refrigerant is sucked into the cylinder- After the piston reaches its bottom position it begins to move upward- The intake valve closes, trapping the relrigerant inside the cylinder. Asfte piston continues to move upward it compresses the refrigerant, increasing its pressure. At a certain poinl the pressure exerted by the refrigerant lorces the exhaust valve to open and the compressed refrigerant flows out of the cylinder. Once the piston reaches it top-most position, it skrts moving downward again and the cycle is repeated.




Rotary Gompressors
ln a rotary cornpressor the refrigerant is compressed by the rotating action of a roller insi& a cylinder. The roller rotates eccentrically (off-centre) around a shaft so that part of the roller is always in contact with the inside wall of the cylinder- A spring-mounted blade is always rubbing against the roller. The two points of contact create two sealed areas of continuously variable voltrne inside the cylinder. At a certain point in the rotation of the roller, the intdte port is expoqed and a

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Compressors: How They Work


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quantity of refrigerant is sucked into the cylinder, filling one of the sealed areas. As the roller continues to rotate the volume of the area the refrigerant occupies is reduced and the refrigerant is compressed. When the exhaust valve is exposed, the highpressure refrigerant forces the exhaust valve to open and the refrigerant is released. Rotary compressors are very efficient because the actions of taking in relrigerant and compressing ref rigerant occur simultaneously.


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Screw Gompressors
Screw compressors use a pair of helical rotorsAs the rotors rotate they intermesh, alternately exposing and closing off interlobe spaces at the ends of the rotors. When an interlobe space at the intake end opens up, refrigerant is sucked into it. As the rotors continue to rotate the refrigerant becomes trapped inside the interlobe space and is forced along the length ol the rotors. The volume of the interlobe space decreases and the refrigerant is


compressed. The compressed refrigerant exists when the interlobe space reaches the other end. (male and female) inside a sealed chamber.

Gentrifu gal Compressors

Centrifugal compressors use the rotating action of an impeller wheelto exeft centrifugal force on refrigerant inside a round chamber (volute). Refrigerant is sucked into the impellerwheel through a large circular intake and flows between the impellers. The impellers force the refrigerant outward, exerting centrifugal force on the refrigerant. The refrigerant is pressurized as it is forced against the sides of the volute. Centrifugal compressors are well suited to compressing large volumes of refrigerant to relatively low pressures. The compressive force generated by an impeller wheel is small, so chillers that use centrifugal compressors usually employ more than one impeller wheel, arranged in series. Centrifugal compressors are desirable for their simple design and few moving parts.

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Scroll Gompressors
ln a scroll compressor refrigerant is compressed by two offset spiral disks that are nested together. The upper disk is stationary while the loWer disk

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Compressors: How They Work

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moves in orbitalfashion. The orbiting action of the lower disk inside the stationary disk creates sealed spaces of varying volume. Refrigerant is sucked in through inlet ports at the perimeter of the scroll. A quantity of refrigerant becomes trapped in one of the sealed spaces. As the disk orbits the enclosed space containing the refrigerant is transferred toward the centre of the disk and its volume decreases. As the volume decreases, the retrigerant is compressed- The compressed refrigerant is discharged through a port at the centre of the upper disk. Scroll compressors are quiet, smooth-operating units with the highest efficiency ratio ol all compressor types. They are commonly used in automobile air conditioning systems and commercial chillers.


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Different Type




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Aircompressors have been used in industry for well over 100 years because air as a resource is safe, flexible, clean and convenient. These machines have evolved into highly reliable* pieces of equipment that are almost indispensable in many ol the applications they serve. Compressors can come in a wide variety of diflerent types and sizes.

Reciprocating or Piston conpressors are the most common machines availaHe on the market. They are positive displacement compressors and can be found in ranges from lractional to very high horsepowers. Positive displacement air compressors work by filting an air chamber with air and then reducing the chamber,s volume (Reciprocating, Rotary -Screw and Rotary Sliding Vane are all positive displacement compressors). Reciprocating compressors work in a very similar manner as does as intemal combustion engine but basicdlly in a reverse process. They have cylinders, pistons, crankshafls, valves and housing blocks.
Rotary Screw Compressors work on the principle of air filling the void betyyeen two helical mated screws and their housing. As the two helical screws are turned, the volume is reduced resulting in an increase of air pressure. Most rotary screw compressors inject oil into the bearing and compression area. The reasons are for cooling, lubrication and creating a seal between screws and the housirq wall to reduce internal leakage. After the compression clale, the oil and air must be separated before the aircan be used by the air system. Rotary Sliding Vane Compessors like Reciprocating and Rotary Screw compressors are positive displacement compressors. The compressor pump consists primarily of a rolor, stator, and 8 blades. The slotted rotor is eccentrically arranged within the stator providing a crescenl shaped swept area between the intake and exhaust potts. As the rotor tums a single revolution, compression is achieved as the volume goes from a maximum at the intake ports to a minimum at the exhausl port. The vanes are forced outward from within the rotor slots and held against the stator wall by rotational acceleration. Oil is injected Into the air intake and along the stator walls to cool the air, lubricate the bearings and vaneq and provide a seal between the vanes and the stator wall. After the compression cycle, the oil and air musl be separaled before the air can be transferred to the air systern, Centrifugal Compressors are not positive displacement compressors like te Reciprocating, Screw or Vane Compressors. They use very high speed spinning impellers (up to 60,000 rpm) to accelerate the air then diffuser to decelerate the air. This process, called dynamic compression, r.rses velocity to cause an increase in pressure. ln most Centrifugal compressols, there are several of these inpeller/diffuser combinations. Typically, these machines have intercoolers between each stage to cool lhe air as well as remove 1O0o/o of the condensate to avoid impeller damage due to erosion.

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Different Type Air Compressors

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