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Industrial dispute Preventive Machinery of Industrial Disputes Prevention is always better than cure.

Preventive steps should, therefore, to be taken so that industrial disputes do not occur. The following measures can be taken to prevent disputes in industry. A. Code of conduct each individual organism its code or may follow the code of discipline in industry formulated by the govt: and made applicable to industry and workers from June 1st 1958. It aims at preventing disputes through negotiations without the interference of an outside agency. Objectives To avoid work stoppages To maintain discipline in industry Eliminate all forms of coercion and violence in IR Secure settlement of disputes and grievances by negotiation, conciliation and arbitration. Promote constructive co-operation between the parties concerned at all levels. Improve motivation & communication Improve productivity and compensation of employees. A. Workers Participation in Management It is a method whereby the workers are allowed to be consulted and to have a say in the management of the unit. WPM means sharing of profit and pain. WPM means ---- Sharing the decision making power by the ranks of an industrial organization through their proper representatives at all appropriate levels of management, in the entire range of managerial actions.

Features Members of the council must be actually engaged in the unit. The chief executive of the unit will be the chairman of the council and vice chairman will be nominated by worker members. Term of the council will be two years. Decision of the council will be based on consensus and not on voting.

FUNCTIONS 1. Optimum use of raw materials and quality of finished products 2. Optimum production, efficiency and function of productivity norms of man and machine as a whole. 3. Preparation of schedules of working hours and of holidays. 4. Adequate facilitates for training. 5. Rewards for valuable and creative suggestions received from workers.

Collective Bargaining Collective bargaining refers to "a process by which employers on the one hand and representatives of the employees on the other, attempt to arrive at agreements covering the conditions under which employees will contribute and be compensated for their services -------- Michael. J. Jucius It is the process in which the representatives of labour organizations and the representatives of business organization meet and attempt to negotiate a contract or agreement which specifies the nature of the employer and employee union relationship. --------- Edwin Flippo The term collective bargaining typically refers to the negotiation, administration and interpretation of a written agreement between two or more people. OBJECTIVES Ensure the participation of Trade Unions in the industry Settle disputes relating to wages and working conditions. Protect the interests of the workers through collective action. Prevent unilateral actions on the part of employees.

Conditions essential for successful collective bargaining Favorable political climate Freedom of association Willingness to give & take

Problem solving attitude Availability of data Fair labour practices

PROCESS OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING 1. Preparation for negotiation Careful advance preparation by employers and employees are necessary for negotiation. it is of two types: a) From the management side. Prepare specific proposals for changes in the contract language. determine the general size of the economic package of the company proposes to offer Prepare statistical displays and support for use in negotiations. b) From the employee side Attitudes and desires of the employees. Financial position of the company and its ability to pay. Attitude of management towards various issues as reflected in past negotiations or inferred from negotiations in similar companies.

STEPS 1. Identifying bargaining issues wage related issues supplementary economic benefits administrative issues institutional issues 2. Negotiating The negotiating phase begins with each side presenting its initial demands. Negotiation goes on for days until the final agreement is reached. The success of negotiation depends upon skills and abilities of negotiators.

3. Settlement and contract agreement Agreement can be made on a temporary basis. After an initial agreement has been made the two sides usually return to their respective constituencies to determine whether they have informally agreed upon is acceptable. In such case before the expiry of both the parties consult each other and can terminate or renew the agreement depending upon the circumstances. 4. Ratifying the agreement The union negotiating team explains and puts the agreement to the union members for the vote. If voted agreement is formalized into a contract. It is important the contract must be clear and precise. 5. Administration of the agreement Signing the agreement is not the end of the process rather it is the bargaining of the process. The agreement must be implemented according to the letter and spirit of the provisions of the agreement. Management is primarily responsible for implementing the agreement, which must be communicated to all levels. Faulty implementation or violation of any provision leads to disputes. Environment Environmental factors include: Type of bargaining structure that exists between the union and the company. Type of union- management relationship which exists

The Implementation Machinery The Implementation and Evaluation Committee has been set up at the centre:To ensure proper implementation of the Code of Conduct, the Code of Discipline, Labour laws, awards and agreements with a view to reducing at source the main cause of industrial disputes. To take preventive action by settling disputes before they assume serious proportions and deal with those that have defied settlement for a long time. To evaluate the impact of major strikes, lockouts and disputes and fix the responsibility for them. To evaluate the working and implementation of important labour legislation, awards and policy decisions in order to assess the extent to which these have produced the desired results and to suggest the measures that may be taken to effect improvement in them.

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