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IR RDAwa ardedU USAIDCooperativeAgreem mentt to As ssistAf fghanC Civilian ns

FOR RIMMEDIATERELEASE DEC CEMBER13,2 2011 CONTACT:MELISSAPRICE 571 13661596 PRE ESS@IRDDC.ORG ARLIN NGTON, VA Internationa Relief and Developmen (IRD), a ma al nt ajor implem menter of U.S. foreign assi stance and a l leader in the i international stabilization and dev velopment co ommunity, ha been award a $64 mill as ded lion cooperati ive agreem by the U.S. Agency fo Internation Developm (USAID) to assist ment or nal ment Afghan civilians har n rmed through conflict. The Afghan Civ h e vilian Assistan Program nce II (ACA II), a cont AP tinuation of a similar proje provides support for A ect, Afghan civilian families and communitie that have su n d es uffered losses resulting fro military s om operati ions between coalition forc and insurg ces gents. Beneficiaries receiv immediate assistance aft an inciden involving in ve fter nt nternational military forces and can receive fu y c urther in-kind assistance su as essenti d uch ial househ hold goods, ag gricultural equ uipment, and livestock, as well as voca d s ational training or livelihoo support. Th project ma also refer fa g od he ay families to loc noncal govern nment organiz zations that ca provide ne an ecessary services, such as m medical suppor With the in rt. ncreased parti icipation of A Afghan organizations delive ering assistan ACAP II also indirect helps stren nce, I tly ngthen civil s society and bu uilds local capacit In addition collaboratio with these organization and with re ty. n, on e ns elevant Govern nment of Islam Republic of Afghanist ministries helps ensure seamless mic c tan s e service provision fo affected civ e or vilians. The se ervices provid through A ded ACAP II offe comfort to f er families, said Tony Haslam IRDs Chie of Party for ACAP II. m, ef r This project is an importa element ant in a com mprehensive effort to enab Afghanist and its citizens to build a peaceful ble tan d and sel lf-sufficient nation. n ACAP II will work nationwide w individua affected by military ope with als y erations involvi international military f ing forces. Staff w be prepos will sitioned in key provinces y and dis stricts through hout Afghanis stan to ensure an immedia and effecti response e ate ive to incid dents. In addi ition, Governm ment of Islam Republic o Afghanista mic of an particip pation will be integrated in all levels o the project from nation e nto of t, nal ministr to district ries t-level govern nors and comm munity counc members. ACAP II cil will act as a facilitat among US tor SAID and oth donors, int her ternational m military t Republic of Af fghanistan, A Afghan civil so ociety, and forces, Government of Islamic R commu unities and individuals, str rengthening th support net he twork for civ vilian assistan to maxim long-term impact. nce mize m --more-INTERNAT TIONALRELIEF&D DEVELOPMENT |1 1621NORTHKENT STREET,4THFLOOR|ARLINGTON, V VA22209 T 703.248 8.0161 |F 703.24 48.0194 |WWW.IR RD.ORG

An Ir beneficiary of the raqi o USAI ID-funded Iraq Community C Actio Program III, which IRD has on w imple emented since 20 Similarly 006. to AC II, the progr provides CAP ram suppo to civilian vic ort ctims of conflict throu short-term me ugh edical aid or long-term grants for business b devel lopment.

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IRD is a nonprofit, non ngovernmental organization r l responsible for implementing relief, r stabiliza ation, and deve elopment progr rams worldwide IRDs missio is to reduce t suffering e. on the of the worlds most vulnerable group and provide the tools and re w ps esources neede to increase ed their sel lf-sufficiency. Specializing in meeting the ne S eeds of commun nities emerging from conflict g or natur disaster, IR partners wit donors, local organizations and many oth to deliver ral RD th l s, hers sustaina services in agriculture, g able n governance, hea alth, and infras structure. For m more informa ation, visit IRD. .org. ###


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