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Standard toolbar contains buttons to allow you to perform the basic operations such as opening and closing workbooks,

moving and printing data.

New - Creates a new empty workbook with a given number of worksheets. Alternatively (File > New). (Ctrl + N) Open - Displays the (File > Open) dialog box to open existing workbooks. (Ctrl + O). Save - Saves the active workbook. Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box the first time a workbook is saved. (Ctrl + S). Permission - (Added in 2003). Used in conjunction with Windows Rights Management services. E-mail - Emails the active workbook or active worksheet. Search - (Removed in 2003). Finds files, Web pages, and Outlook items based on the search criteria you enter. Print - Prints the active worksheet. There is NO prompt. (Ctrl + P). Print Preview - Displays the (File > Print Preview) dialog box. Spelling - Displays the (Tools > Spelling) dialog box. (F7). Research - (Added in 2003). Opens the Research task pane allowing you to access online information. Cut - Cuts the current selection to the clipboard. (Ctrl + X). Copy - Copies the current selection to the clipboard. (Ctrl + C). Paste - Pastes the entry from the clipboard. (Ctrl + V). The Paste Options smart tag provides quick access to some of the Paste Special options. Format Painter - Copies the format from a cell or range allowing it to be pasted elsewhere. Undo - Undoes the last 16 actions you performed. (Ctrl + Z). Redo - Redoes the last 16 actions you performed. Insert Hyperlink - Displays the (Insert > Hyperlink) dialog box. (Ctrl + K). AutoSum - Inserts the SUM() function.

Sort Ascending - Sorts data alphabetically from A to Z and numerically from the lowest number to the highest. Holding down Shift will toggle to a Descending sort. Sort Descending - Sorts the data alphabetically from Z to A and numerically from the highest number to the lowest. Holding down Shift will toggle to an Ascending sort Chart Wizard - Displays the (Insert > Chart) dialog box. Drawing - Toggles the display of the Drawing toolbar. Zoom - Adjusts the size that the worksheet appears on the screen. Microsoft Excel Help - Displays the (Help > Microsoft Excel Help) dialog box. (F1).

Format toolbar contains buttons and drop-down boxes to allow you to format the contents of the cells.

Font - Provides a list of all the available fonts (based on your current printer selection). Font Size - Lets you adjust the character size (based on your current font selection). Bold - Toggles bold on the current selection. Italic - Toggles italics on the current selection. Underline - Toggles underline on the current selection. Align Left - Aligns data to the left edge of the cell. Centre - Aligns data in the middle of the cell. Align Right - Aligns data to the right edge of the cell. Merge and Centre - Combines 2 or more adjacent cells to create a single cell. Currency Style - Applies the currency format "#,##0.00". Percent Style - Displays the number as a percentage by applying the format "0%". Comma Style - Adds a comma and two decimal places to the number by applying the format "#,##0.00". Increase Decimal - Adds one decimal place from the number. Decrease Decimal - Removes one decimal place from the number. Decrease Indent - Decreases the indent by 1 or removes the indent completely. Increase Indent - Increases the indent by 1. Borders - Applies a border to the current selection. Fill Colour - Applies a colour to the background of the current selection. This is actually a tear off toolbar. Font Colour - Changes the colour of the font of the current selection. This is actually a tear off toolbar.

The Drawing toolbar

This entire toolbar could become a floating window by double-clicking on the control bar at the far left end of this toolbar. That gives the following window, which can be placed anywhere on the screen:

This toolbar can be restored to its original position by clicking in the gray bar at the top and dragging it back to the top of the screen. Push the top of the window up to the bottom of the menu bar.

Function of commonly used buttons

A pull down menu with several drawing options Rotates the selected object to any degree Draws a line where you click and drag. Hold the Shift key down to make the line straight Draws a rectangle where you click and drag. Hold down Shift to draw a square

Changes the pointer to a selection arrow A pull down menu with several libraries of shapes Inserts a line with an arrowhead where you click and drag Draws an oval where you click and drag. Hold down Shift to draw a circle

Draws a text box where you click and drag Add, modify, or remove fill color from a selected object Formats the selected text with the color you click Selects dash style for dashed lines A pull down menu offers shadow choices

Create text effects with Word Art Add, modify, or remove line color Changes the thickness of lines Select arrow style; placement and shape of arrowhead Add 3-d effects to rectangles or ovals

Carefully review the function of each of the buttons above. When you think that you are familiar with each of the buttons take the short quiz below. (The Drawing toolbar has been included as a reference)

This quiz is available without the table above

Instead of striking the underline key fifteen times, you plan to draw a single line by clicking and dragging. Which button do you select? You have drawn a line, and now want to change the color of the selected line. Which button do you select? The last line you drew had an arrowhead at the wrong end. You want to change the

arrowhead to the other end of the line. Which button do you select?

You created an object in a worksheet and you want to tilt it at an angle. Which button do you select? You have drawn a rectangle around a selection of cells and want to change it to a dashed line. Which button do you select? The heading of a worksheet is just plain text and you would rather create special effects with text. Which button do you select? You are going to draw a perfect circle on your worksheet by holding down the shift key, clicking and dragging. Which button do you select?

Toolbar Standar

Berfungsi untuk membuat file baru, membuka file baru, menyimpan, mencetak dokumen, dan sebagainya. Berikut fungsi dari masing-masing icon pada toolbar standar

1. New : Membuat file baru dengan menampilkan buku kerja baru 2. Open : Membuka file yang sudah pernah disimpan 3. Save : Menyimpan file atau dokumen 4. E-mail : mengirim dokumen melalui email 5. Search : mencari text atau data pada lembar kerja 6. Print : Mencetak dokumen ke printer 7. Print Preview : Menampilkan hasil pengetikan kelayar monitor 8. Spelling : Melakukan koreksi terhadap ejaan bahasa 9. Cut : Memotong teks ataupun object 10. Copy : mengopi teks atau object 11. Paste : Menempatkan hasil potongan(cut) atau kopian 12. Format Painter : Mengopi format painter (bentuk pewarnaan) 13. Undo : Membatalkan perintah terakhir 14. Redo : Mengulangi kembali perintah akibat pembatalan 15. Insert Hyperlink : Menyisipkan link 16. Auto sum : Fungsi penjumlahan data secara otomatis 17. Sort Ascending : Mengurutkan data dari yang kecil ke besar 18. Sort Descending: Mengurutkan data dari yang besar ke kecil 19. Chart wizard : Membuat grafik dengan panduan excel 20. Drawing : Mengaktifkan/menyembunyikan toolbar drawing 21. Zoom : memperbesar/memperkecil tampilan lembar kerja

Toolbar formatting

Toolbar yang berfungsi untuk mengatur format pada teks atau data yang terdapat pada lembar kerja. Berikut fungsi dari icon2 pada toolbar formating 1. Font 2. Font Size 3. Bold 4. Italic 5. Underline 6. Left 7. Center 8. Right 9. Merge & Center 10. Currency Style 11. Percent Style 12. Comma Style 13. Increase Decimal 14. Decrease Decimal 15. Increase Indent 16. Decrease Indent 17. Borders Menentukan jenis font yang digunakan Menentukan ukuran font : Menebalkan teks : Memiringkan teks : Menggaris bawahi teks : Perataan kiri teks : Perataan tengah teks : Perataan kanan teks : Menggabungkan sel dan mengetengahkan teks : Mengaktifkan format angka(mata uang) : Mengaktifkan format persen. : Mengaktifkan pemisah angka : Menambah angka desimal di belakang : Mengurangi angka desimal di belakang : Menambah indentasi : Menambah indentasi : Membuat format garis : :

18. Fill Color 19. Font Color

: :

Membuat warna background Membuat warna font

Toolbar Drawing

Toolbar Drawing digunakan untuk membuat dan menggambar object dalam lembar kerja microsoft Excel. 1. Select Object 2. AutoShapes objek 3. Line 4. Arrow 5. Rectangle 6. Oval 7. Text Box 8. Insert Word Art 9. Insert diagram 10. Insert clip art 11. Insert Picture 12. Fill Color 13. Line color 14. Font color 15. Line Style 16. Dash Style 17. Arrow kay 18. Shadow Style 19. 3-D Style : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Memilih object Terdiri atas ikon-ikon untuk untuk menggambar suatu membuat garis membuat garis dengan anak panah Membuat atau persegi panjang Membuat lingkaran dan elips membuat kotak yang dapat diisi dengan teks menyisipkan seni teks menyisipkan diagram menyisipkan object gambar clip art menyisipkan file gambar membuat warna background pada sel/range memberi warna pada object garis membuat warna pada font Memilih model garis memilih model garis putus-putus membuat anak panah pada object garis membuat model bayangan pada objek membuat model 3 dimensi pada objek gambar

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