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# Naming convention for Keys # PageName.HtmlElement.Name.(Error) # Common Messages page.message.delete.

confirm = Are you sure you want to delete this {0} # Page Level Errors page.error.maxNulls = You must provide at least {0} of the following {1} #page.error.lessThen = {0} must be less than {1}. page.error.lessEquals = {0} must be less than or equal to {1} #page.error.greaterThen = {0} must be greater than {1}. page.error.greaterEquals = {0} must be greater than or equal to {1} page.error.maxTotal = Sum of {0} must not be greater than {1} = Sum of {0} must be equal to {1} page.error.existsProject = Project with name "{0}" already exists page.error.userAlreadyexists = An account has already been created using this em ail address page.error.accountAlreadyexists = An account already exists with this name. page.error.accountIsNull = Account can not be null. page.error.companyIsNull = Company can not be null. page.error.userDoesNotExist = There is no account associated with {0} page.error.alreadyExists = A {0} with the same name already exists. page.error.unabletosave = Sorry, we are unable to save {0} this time. Please try again later. page.error.invalidUser = Invalid E-mail address or Password page.error.emailNotExist = We could not find an account using this email address page.error.passwordDifferent = {0} does not match with {1} page.error.defects = If Known Residual Defects are greater than 0 then number of Major Defects found during Development must also be greater than 0 page.error.delete = Sorry, we are unable to delete {0} this time. Please try aga in later page.error.unabletoloadproject = Sorry, we are unable to load the selected proje ct. Please try again later. page.error.assignpeople = Please select atleast one user page.error.removepeople = Unable to remove people page.error.accountNameExists = Account with name "{0}" already exists #charting area charts.noflashError.text = It seems you don't have Flash Player or using old ver sion of Flash Player.<br/> Please get latest Adobe Flash Player.<a style="displa y:block; margin-top:.5em;" href="" target="_bla nk"> <img src="images/green/icon_get_adobe_flash_player.png" alt="here" /> </a> charts.noprojectfound.text = No Project found in Selected Filters charts.exceptionoccurred.text = Unable to plot chart. = Your user account is active. You can login to your Sma rtProject account using your login and password. page.error.alreadyActive = Your account is already active. = You account is currently inactive. Please activat e your account by clicking the link sent to {0} #Rule 16 #page.error.projectType = Project type can not be Maintenance when more than one reuse values are greater than or equal to 50%. #Rule 16 #page.error.reuses = More than one reuse values should be greater than or equal to 50% when Project type is Maintenance. # Rule 19 #page.error.storageSpaceGreaterThenCodeFootprint = If significant effort to opti mize is true then storage space must be less than object code footprint * 1.2.

# Rule 8 page.error.effortCheck = Total Project Effort should be less than or equal to Pe ak Team Size * Project Duration (weeks). # Rule 21 #page.error.costCheck = Labor cost * peak FTEs * cycle time (in years) should be less than or equal to twice the total project cost. # Rule 23 #page.error.costCheck2 = project effort/12 * labor cost should be less than or e qual to twice the total project cost. # Rule 73 #page.error.crReuse100 = If % of Customer Requirements is 100% then % Lines of C ode Reused must be greater then or equal to 90%. #page.error.frReuse100 = If % of Functional Requirements is 100% then % Lines of Code Reused must be greater then or equal to 90%. #page.error.crReuse0 = If % of Customer Requirements greater then 0% then % Line s of Code Reused must be less then to 0%. #page.error.frReuse0 = If % of Functional Requirements greater then 0% then % Li nes of Code New and Modified must be less then to 0%. # Rule 78 page.error.thirdPartyCode = If Number of External SW Suppliers is greater than 1 , then % of Source Code acquired from 3rd Party must be Non-Zero page.error.noOfSuppliers = If % of Source Code acquired from 3rd Party is great er then 0, then Number of External SW Suppliers cannot Zero page.error.general = Operation cannot be completed due to error # Field level Errors field.error.required = Required field field.error.invalidemailinvitation = Invalid E-mail address OR E-mail addresses are not separated by (pipe); field.error.false = Must be true field.error.invalidDate = Invalid date. Please use 'mm/dd/yyyy' format field.error.invalidDigit = Please provide digits only field.error.invalidNumber = Please provide a valid number field.error.specialSymbols = {0} are invalid characters field.error.second.required = Required when {0} is given field.error.second.requiredpercent ={0} &#8211; % Reused is required when {0} is given. field.error.second.requiredtotal = {0} is required when its % Reused is given. field.error.second.greaterequal = {0} must be greater than or equal to {1} field.error.second.lessequal = {0} must be less than or equal to {1} field.error.maxLength = Must contain at most {0} characters field.error.minLength = Must contain at least {0} characters field.error.lengthRange = Must contain at least {0} and at most {1} characters field.error.maxValue = Maximum allowed value is {0}. field.error.minValue = Minimum allowed value is {0}. field.error.valueRange = Must be between {0} and {1} field.error.invalidEmail = Invalid email address field.error.invalidDate.short = Invalid Date field.error.dateAfter = Date must be after {0} field.error.dateBefore = Date must be before {0} field.error.dateEqualsBefore = Date must be equal to or before {0} field.error.agreeTerms = To proceed, please accept the terms and conditions #field.error.dateAfter = Date must be after {0} field.error.dateEqualsAfter = Date must be equal to or after {0} #field.error.embeddedSelected = This choice cannot be selected when project is n

ot embedded. field.error.numberOfbugs = Number of bugs must be greater than or equal to {0} #field.error.numberAgileReleas = Number of releases must be greater than or equa l to {0} when development model is agile. field.error.emailDifferent = Does not match Email Address field.error.passwordDifferent = Does not match Password field.error.newPasswordDifferent = Does not match New Password field.error.invalid.currentPassword = Current Password is incorrect, please try again field.error.oldandnew.samePassword = Must be different from Current Password field.error.FixPageLevelError = Fix the error specified at the top field.error.userProfile = Select user profile field.error.eula.required = You must agree to terms & conditions field.warning.maxValue = Should be less than {0} for accurate Results system.failure.messge = System Error system.failure.messge.detail = We're sorry! Our application is having a system p roblem at this moment. Please retry, or use the Feedback link to report error. T his problem has already been logged and sent to our technical team.<br><br> If y ou would like to provide us with more details on this problem, please email us a t: <A class="purple" href="">< /A> system.failure.mail.fromPersonal = MMP application ERROR occurred! AX system.failure.mail.subject = MMP System Error system.failure.mail.from = # Emails are delimited with ' /' = / /m / / / / / / / / /muha format.percent = {0,number,\#\#0.\#\#'%'} format.double = {0,number,#.##} = {0,number,#) link.cancel = Cancel link.close = Close = Save link.copy = Copy link.delete = Delete link.rename = Rename link.edit = Edit link.add = Add link.ok = OK link.sort = Move link.viewmore = View More link.viewless = View Less link.gototop = Go to top button.register = Register link.getstartednow = Get Started Now #Labels for Index Page index.title = SmartPROJECT index.heading = Mass Market Product index.tagline = Tagline will display here = Log In = Sign Up = Feedback = Privacy Policy = Contact Us index.user.welcome = Welcome index.user.subscribe = Subscribe to a plan index.user.completename = {0} , {1} index.aboutmmp = About MMP unit.percent = % sign.equal = = footer.copyright = Copyright &copy; 2011 Numetrics Management Systems, Inc. All rights reserved steric.sign = * finishedProjects.showProjectData = Project Data finishedProjects.showPerformanceSummary = Performance Summary finishedProjects.editProjectData = Edit Project Data finishedProjects.backToViewNode = Go to View Mode session.user.missing = Your session has expired. Session expires after {0} hours of inactivity. #Privacy Page privacy.title = SmartPROJECT - Privacy Policy privacy.heading = Privacy Policy #Login Page login.text.account = Account Name = Your Email login.text.password = Password login.label.forgetPassword = Did you forget your password? = Recover it here = Login #Signup Page = Your Email signup.text.emailaddress = User Email signup.text.confirmemail = Confirm Email signup.text.password = Password signup.text.confirmpassword = Confirm Password signup.text.firstname = First Name signup.text.lastname = Last Name signup.text.assigndemoproject = Assign Demo Projects signup.text.creator = Account Creator signup.text.product = Assign Product signup.text.expiryemailnotification = Send Trial Expiry Emails signup.checkbox.agreeterms = Yes, I Agree to the = Terms of Use signup.text.termsofuse = Mauris mauris ante, blandit et, ultrices a, suscipit eg et, quam. Integer ut neque. Vivamus nisi metus, molestie vel, gravida in, condim entum sit amet, nunc. Nam a nibh. Donec suscipit eros. Nam mi. Proin viverra leo ut odio. Curabitur malesuada. Vestibulum a velit eu ante scelerisque vulputate. signup.text.loggingenabled = Enable Logging signup.text.companyname = Company Name signup.text.accountname = Account Name signup.text.companyurl = Company URL signup.text.creditcardnumber = Credit Card Number signup.text.cvv = Credit Card Security Code signup.text.expirydate = Expiry Date signup.text.billingzip = Billing Zip

signup.text.subscriptionperiod = Subscription Period signup.text.addon = Add on signup.text.submitfor = Subscribe for signup.text.totalamount = Total Amount signup.text.welcomemessage = Welcome to SmartProject! signup.text.welcomemessage.alreadyhaveaccount = Already have an SmartProject acc ount ? = Sign-in here signup.text.welcomemessage.singin.text = to skip this form and use the username you already have. signup.text.payment = Payment signup.button.submit = Sign Up = Next signup.button.checkout = Check Out signup.button.createaccount = Become a Beta User signup.text.basicinformation = Basic Information signup.text.betainformation = Yes, I want to become a beta user and use SmartPro ject for free signup.text.eula.text = I have read and agree to terms in the Beta User Agreement #signup package signup.freetrial.heading.text = Beta User Privileges signup.freetrial.heading.text.firstoption = Free Usage * signup.freetrial.heading.text.secondoption = Early Access signup.freetrial.heading.text.thirdoption = Unlimited Projects signup.freetrial.heading.text.fourthoption = Unlimited Users signup.freetrial.footer1=With our thanks, signup.freetrial.footer2=Sam Bradford signup.freetrial.footer3=Director, Embedded SW Productivity Initiative signup.freetrial.footer4=Numetrics Management Systems signup.freetrial.footer6= signup.freetrial.include.text = Your beta account includes signup.freetrial.pricing.option1.text = Project Tracking in SmartTracker signup.freetrial.pricing.option2.text = Project Estimation in SmartPlanner signup.freetrial.pricing.option3.text = Project Record-keeping in SmartStorage signup.freetrial.pricing.option4.text = Industry Database in SmartMetrics signup.freetrial.pricing.option4.unavailable.text = Not Available in trial subsc ription signup.freetrial.pricing.option5.text = Project Analytics throughout signup.freetrial.expire.text = * Free beta user accounts expire July 31, 2012 #Recover Password Page recoverpassword.heading = Recover Your Password recoverpassword.para.text = We will send you an e-mail containing instructions t o reset your password. recoverpassword.text.account = Account Name: = Your Email: recoverpassword.button.submit = Send E-mail = Cancel recoveredpassword.heading = Recover Your Password recoveredpassword.response.heading = Your recovery email is on its way recoveredpassword.response.li1 = An email containing your password recovery link has been sent. recoveredpassword.response.li2 = For security purposes, this link is valid only for the next 24 hours. recoveredpassword.response.li3 = If you do not receive an email within 10 minute s, check your spam folder first, then try again.

recoveredpassword.response.li4 = If the issue persists, please contact us. = Go back to Login resetpassword.text.newpassword = New Password resetpassword.text.confirmpassword = Confirm New Password resetpassword.button.submit = Reset Password resetpassword.title = Reset Password #Recover Password Page Errors = Account with the specified email ad dress could not be found = Your request for resetting the password has expired. Please provide your E-mail address below so that we can s end you an E-mail containing instructions to reset your password. #deleted user user.deleted.msg = Your user account has been deleted. Please contact with the N umetrics team at: <A class="purple" href=""> support</A> for help emailInvitation.expired = You link has been expired. Please contact with the Num etrics team at: <A class="purple" href=""> support@n</A> for help surveyRespondent.greetings = Greeting text will come here surveyRespondent.continue = Continue surveyRespondent.heading = Select a Password surveyRespondent.user.initials = Hi {0} surveyRespondent.user.description = {0} just setup an account for you on SmartPr oject, our collaboration and estimation tool for Embedded software professionals . All you need to do is choose a password. surveyRespondent.user.alreadyused.heading = Already used SmartProject? surveyRespondent.user.alreadyused.signin = Signin surveyRespondent.user.alreadyused.text = with username you already have. surveyRespondent.user.alreadyused.text1 = You can use the username and password from your existing SmartProject account. #Dashboard(Tabs' Title) dashboard.title = SmartPROJECT = Overview = SmartStorage = SmartMetrics = SmartTracker = Tradeoff Analyzer = Understand how the tools work #Dashboard Side BAr Links = My Account = Feedback = FAQs = Logout = Milestone Templates = Export to Excel = No thanks! = Take me out of here. #Dashboard Alert Messages dashboard.alert.openproject.msg = You cannot open more then 3 projects simultane ously. dashboard.alert.openproject.title = Maximum allowed Projects already Opened dashboard.alert.newproject.msg = First close one of the opened projects, then cr

eate new project. dashboard.alert.newproject.title = Maximum allowed Projects already Opened #My Account myaccount.title = My Account myaccount.text.heading = My Account myaccount.legend.loginCredentials = Login Credentials = Change myaccount.text.emailAddress = Email myaccount.text.password = Password myaccount.text.current.password = Current Password = New Password myaccount.text.confirmNew.password = Confirm New Password myaccount.legend.additionalinfo = Additional Information myaccount.legend.accountinfo = Account Settings myaccount.legend.companyLogo = Company Logo myaccount.text.accountName = Account Name myaccount.text.timeZone = Time Zone Settings myaccount.text.changeAccountOwner = Change Account Owner = The account owner is the only person th at can access this account page, upgrade, downgrade, change billing information, access invoices, and cancel the account. The account owner also has permanent a ccess to all projects. Once you make this change you''ll no longer be the accoun t owner. myaccount.text.changeAccountOwner.oneUserOnly = You are the only user of this ac count. Please add user(s) if you want to change the owner. myaccount.button.changeOwner = Make this person the account owner myaccount.text.firstName = First Name myaccount.text.lastName = Last Name myaccount.text.designation = Designation myaccount.button.submit = OK myaccount.legend.changeEmail = Change Your Email myaccount.legend.changePassword = Change Your Password myaccount.text.confirmemailAddress = Confirm Email myaccount.button.ok = OK = Back to My Account myaccount.checkbox.emailproductupdate = Subscribe to Email Updates myaccount.text.successmessage = Your account has been updated #Feedback Labels feedback.text.heading = Feedback feedback.text.title = Title = Category feedback.textarea.description = Description feedback.button.submit = OK feedback.text.title.projectdatatitle = I want to update my project data feedback.text.textarea.projectdatadescription = Briefly describe what data you'' d like to change feedback.text.label.projectdata.heading = Survey projects cannot be directly edi ted. feedback.text.label.projectdata.description = Please send us an email with the d etails of changes you require, and our support team will follow up on your reque st. feedback.text.projectdatalink = I want to update my project data feedback.dialog.projectdatatitle = Ticket for updating project data feedback.dialog.projectdatasupport = Our support team will follow up on your req uest. #Exit Interview Questions exitInterview.text.textarea.opinion = Enter your opinion exitInterview.text.thankyou = Thank you for visiting. Please help us improve by

answering these questions about the tools: exitInterview.question.easy = 1. How easy was it to use these tools? exitInterview.question.useful = 2. Are the tools useful to you? exitInterview.question.planToReturn = 3. Do you plan to return to this site? exitInterview.question.betaUser = 4. New features are being added all the time, and a major new release is pending. Would you like to help by becoming a beta user? exitInterview.question.opinion = 5. Please share with us any other feedback. You r opinions are important to us! exitInterview.button.submit = OK #Feedback Submission Message feedback.text.successmessage = Your feedback has been submitted. Thank you for t aking the time! # Performance Summary performanceSummary.header.myProject = My Project performanceSummary.header.metricName = Performance Results performanceSummary.menuitem.tooltip = You may use up and down arrow keys to navi gate performanceSummary.span.nodata = No Data # Performannce Summary Error Messages = To proceed, please select a proje ct = Cannot compute Performance Summary a s there is no data for this project in SmartStorage > Project Data. #Dashboard Home heading dashboardhome.title.heading = MMP Dashboard dashboardhome.finishedprojects.heading = Projects List = Create Project # My Survey(Project Data Heading) projectdata.title.main = Create New Project # My Survey (Project data Panel Headings) projectdata.newarchiver.heading = SmartStorage projectdata.newarchiver.detail.text1 = SmartStorage archives your important proj ect data in a structured environment projectdata.newarchiver.detail.text2 = To teach SmartPlanner how you run your pr ojects projectdata.newarchiver.detail.text3 = To compare with other projects in SmartMe trics projectdata.newarchiver.detail.text4 = SmartStorage is low-overhead storage of y our project records, accessible anywhere in the world projectdata.category.title.projectname = Project Name projectdata.category.title.projectcategorization = Categorization projectdata.category.title.timeeffort = Time and Effort projectdata.category.title.softwaredescription = Software Product Description projectdata.category.title.teamenvmethodology = Team Environment and Methodology = Embedded software usually refers to software which is combined or stored within a piece of computer hardware, or a peripheral device. Chips, mother boards, and drive controllers are examples of computer ha rdware which have embedded software.

# My Survey (Project data Panel Sub-Headings) projectdata.text.subcategory.project = Project Information projectdata.text.subcategory.endequipment = End Equipment projectdata.text.subcategory.milestone = Project Milestones projectdata.text.subcategory.effort = Effort Data projectdata.text.subcategory.effortdistribution = Project Effort Distribution projectdata.text.subcategory.cost = Cost Data projectdata.text.subcategory.quality = Bugs, change requests, and software relea ses for this project projectdata.text.subcategory.teamenvironment = Team Environment projectdata.text.subcategory.teamexperience = Team Experience projectdata.text.subcategory.projectrelease = Project Release projectdata.text.subcategory.devmodel = Development Model projectdata.text.subcategory.outcome = Project Outcome (Self Assessment) projectdata.text.subcategory.methodology = Methodologies & Tools projectdata.text.subcategory.softwaresize = Software Size projectdata.text.subcategory.softwarechar = Software Characteristics projectdata.text.subcategory.architecturelayer = Architecture Layers projectdata.text.subcategory.codesource = Source Code projectdata.text.subcategory.hardwarechar = Processors and Operating Systems projectdata.text.subcategory.objectcode = Object Code # My Survey(Project Data Metric Names) projectdata.createnew.people.access = You will have access to this project and l ater you can add people to it as well. projectdata.text.edit.projectname = Edit Project projectdata.text.answer.projectname = Project Name projectdata.text.answer.projectdesc = Brief Description of Software Function projectdata.text.answer.embeddedproject = Is this an embedded software project? = No, the software is not embedded projectdata.text.answer.embeddedproject.yes = Yes, the software is embedded projectdata.text.answer.projecttype = Project Type projectdata.text.answer.projectstatus = Project Status projectdata.text.answer.projectscope = Project Scope projectdata.text.answer.primaryendequipment = Primary End Equipment projectdata.text.answer.secondaryendequipment = Secondary End Equipment projectdata.text.answer.startdate = Project Start Date projectdata.text.answer.functionspecdate = First Functional Specification projectdata.text.answer.releasedate = First Software Release projectdata.text.answer.actualenddate = Actual Project End Date projectdata.text.answer.plannedenddate = Very First Planned End Date projectdata.text.answer.numpeakfte = Peak Team Size on This Project projectdata.text.answer.totalprojecteffort = Total Project Effort projectdata.text.answer.effortdistributionnote = Please break out the total effo rt by the following job roles. <b>Entries must add up to 100%.</b> projectdata.text.answer.effortdistribution = Effort Distribution projectdata.text.answer.labourcost = Fully Loaded Labor Cost projectdata.text.answer.swcost = Total Development Cost projectdata.text.answer.percentspeceffort = Effort Distribution projectdata.text.answer.numcustomerrequirements = Number of Customer Requirement s projectdata.text.answer.percentrequirementscodereused = % Customer Requirements Implemented by Reused Code projectdata.text.answer.numfuncnonfuncrequirements = Number of Functional & Non Functional Requirements projectdata.text.answer.percentfuncrequirementscodereused = % Functional Require ments Implemented by Reused Code projectdata.text.answer.numtestcases = Number of Test Cases projectdata.text.answer.percenttestcasesreused = % Test Cases Reused projectdata.text.answer.numfunctionalpoints = Number of Functional Points

projectdata.text.answer.kindfunctionalpoints = Kind of Functional Point projectdata.text.answer.linesofcode = Lines of Code (LOC) projectdata.text.answer.percentlocnotreused = % LOC Reuse projectdata.text.answer.percentlocinassembly = % New or Modified LOC Written in Assembly projectdata.text.answer.objectcodefootprint = Object Code Foot Print projectdata.text.answer.maxobjectcodespace = Maximum Available Object Code Stora ge Space projectdata.text.answer.primaryobjectcodelocation = Primary Object Code Storage Location projectdata.text.answer.primarylanguage = Primary Programming Language projectdata.text.answer.numsoftwarecomponents = Number of SW Components projectdata.text.answer.numrealtimesoftwarecomponents = Number of SW Components Containing Real Time Code projectdata.text.answer.numhwplatforms = Number of HW platforms on which This SW will run projectdata.text.answer.hwplatformdesc = HW Platform Description projectdata.text.answer.leastmaturehw = Maturity of Least Mature HW Platform projectdata.text.answer.numdefects = Number of Major Defects Found During Develo pment projectdata.text.answer.knownresidualdefects = Known Residual Defects at Final R elease projectdata.text.answer.numchangerequests = Number of Change Requests Accepted projectdata.text.answer.numvariants = Number of Product Variants projectdata.text.answer.numreleases = Number of Software Releases projectdata.text.answer.devmodel = Development Model projectdata.text.answer.numsites = Number of Geographic Sites projectdata.text.answer.region = Region Where Most of Code Developed projectdata.text.answer.numcompanies = Number of External SW Suppliers projectdata.text.answer.percentteamexp.note = Please describe the experience lev el of this SW project team. <b>Entries must add to 100%.</b> projectdata.text.answer.percentteam2yearexp = % of Team Members Having Less Than 2 Years Experience projectdata.text.answer.percentteam2to5yearexp = % of Team Members Having 2 to 5 Years Experience projectdata.text.answer.percentteam5yearexp = % of Team Members Having More Tha n 5 Years Experience projectdata.text.answer.percentteam10yearexp = % of Team Members Having More Tha n 10 Years Experience projectdata.text.answer.outcome = Project Outcome With Respect to its Goals projectdata.text.answer.outcomedesc = Brief Description of Project Outcome projectdata.text.answer.numprocessors = Number of Processors, Controllers, DSPs projectdata.text.answer.numprocessortypes = Number of Different Types of Process ors, Controllers and DSPs projectdata.text.answer.mainprocessor = Main Processor / Controller projectdata.text.answer.vendorprocessor = Vendor of Main Processor / Controller projectdata.text.answer.mainoperatingsystem = Main Operating System projectdata.text.answer.architecturelayer.note = Percentage of the code that was either new or modified during this project which is in each of the following ar chitectural layers. <b>Entries must add up to 100%.</b> projectdata.text.answer.architecturelayer.ui = % code in UI or Application layer : projectdata.text.answer.architecturelayer.middleware = % code in Middleware or B asic Services layer: projectdata.text.answer.architecturelayer.devicedriver = % code in Device Driver or Operating Infrastructure layer: projectdata.text.answer.codesource.note = <b>Third party: </b>Where did the code in this project come from? <b>Entries must add to 100%.</b> projectdata.text.answer.codesource.3rdparty = % Acquired from 3rd party projectdata.text.answer.codesource.opensource = % Acquired From Open Sources

projectdata.text.answer.codesource.inhouse = % Developed "In House" projectdata.text.answer.optimizeobjectcode = Was significant effort optimizing o bject code size? projectdata.text.answer.methodology.estimation = Tools and Methods Used to Estim ate Schedule and Resource Requirements projectdata.text.answer.methodology.prototyping = Tools and Methods Used to Esti mate Prototyping Requirements projectdata.text.answer.methodology.ide = IDE Tools Used on this Project projectdata.text.answer.methodology.codeautomation = % Code Produced by an Autom atic Code Generator projectdata.text.answer.methodology.buildstrategy = Frequency of Regular Automat ic Builds projectdata.text.answer.methodology.verification = Testing Methods Applied on th is Project projectdata.text.answer.methodology.metrics = Project Tracking Metrics Used on T his Project #projectdata.text.answer.isembeddedproject = Is this an embedded software projec t projectdata.text.answer.numprocessorsdsps = Number of Processors, Controllers an d DSPs projectdata.text.answer.planneddatefuncspec = Was There a Planned Project End Da te Before Release of Functional Specifications? projectdata.text.answer.plannedenddatechanged = Did Original Planned End Date Ch ange During the Project? projectdata.text.answer.methodology.projecttracking = Environment Used to Track Project Requirements projectdata.text.answer.methodology.firsttime = Items New for the First Time projectdata.text.answer.yes = Yes = No projectdata.text.answer.nodata = No Data = 0% # Help Text for Edit Project Data projectdata.helptext.answer.projecttype = <p>There are 5 kinds of Embedded softw are project.</p><b>Component Level Project:</b><p> Component Level projects do n ot include a commercial release within their scope. Instead, these projects resu lt in a "component" or "piece" of the final system being delivered to another in ternal group. The code delivered in a "Component Level" project is integrated wi th other SW components in a separate "Entire Software" project to produce the fi nal product which is released to the end customer.</p><b>Maintenance Project:</b ><p> A Maintenance project begins with the commercial release of product, and en ds when support for that product is discontinued. Maintenance projects involve b ug fixes, implementing small feature requests, porting code to new platforms, an d other activities required to maintain an existing commercial product.</p><b>To ol Project:</b><p> Tool Projects are projects that produce tools, not products. These tools are typically used to develop products (such as compilers, test gene rators, cryptography analysis engines). These tools are typically not delivered to customers.</p><b>Entire Software Project:</b><p> Entire Software projects inc lude within their scope delivery of one or more commercial releases to the end c ustomer.</p><b>Design-in Project:</b><p> Design-in projects include all coding a nd testing necessary to integrate the customer's application with the embedded S W platform.</p> projectdata.helptext.answer.embeddedsoftware = Embedded software usually refers to software which is combined or stored within a piece of computer hardware, or a peripheral device. Chips, mother boards, and drive controllers are examples of computer hardware which have embedded software. projectdata.helptext.answer.projectscope = Scope of the project indicates whethe r it is a unique project, or a platform project from which derivative projects a re expected to be developed, a derivative, a minor enhancement, a technology or framework development project, or a prototype. The scope can be used for proper

grouping of similar projects projectdata.helptext.answer.projectstatus =Shows the current status of the proje ct. "Finished" indicates that product is commercially released. projectdata.helptext.answer.primaryendequipment = After choosing an end equipmen t category select sub-category that apply to your product. You may enter an addi tional, secondary end equipment category. projectdata.helptext.answer.secondaryendequipment = After choosing a secondary e nd equipment category select sub-category that apply to your product. projectdata.helptext.answer.projectdesc = A short description of the functionali ty of your product. projectdata.helptext.answer.startdate = Start Concept Investigation is when effo rt is first applied toward refining the concept. It marks the beginning of the p roject. projectdata.helptext.answer.functionspecdate = The first functional specificatio n is released. The functional spec explains what features are required in the pr oduct in order to implement the customer requirements. projectdata.helptext.answer.releasedate= A SW Releases is a planned, formal deli very of a version of the product to another group outside of the development tea m. A SW release may be either internal or external to the company. Regularly sch eduled builds are not considered releases as they are within the boundary of the development team. The "First Software Release" is the first such delivery. projectdata.helptext.answer.actualenddate = The product is released to productio n (commercial release). Maintenance & support of the product begins. projectdata.helptext.answer.plannedenddate = <strong>Original Plan End Date:</st rong> The date when the project was scheduled to be completed in the first publi shed plan or formally defined schedule. This date is used to calculate Schedule Slip by comparing it to the actual Project End Date. projectdata.helptext.answer.numpeakfte = Peak Team Size is the estimated team si ze for the target project based on the average team size times the ratio of Desi gn Complexity of Reference projects / Design Complexity of Target project. This value will match the synthesized team size if no constraints are applied. projectdata.helptext.answer.totalprojecteffort = <strong>Total Project Effort</s trong> is the number of person-weeks of effort entered in the Staffing Table. projectdata.helptext.answer.labourcost = Fully-loaded labor cost are the best po ssible estimates including salary, benefits, and overhead for a typical engineer working on this project. projectdata.helptext.answer.swcost = Software Cost are the best estimate of the development cost including labor cost, overheads, outsourcing, tool cost. projectdata.helptext.answer.numcustomerrequirements = Customer Requirement refer s to the highest abstraction level of the system description. Customer Requireme nts have visibility to the customer. It may take one or more Functional Requirem ents to implement a Customer Requirement. projectdata.helptext.answer.percentrequirementscodereused = The initial number o f Customer Requirements that were implemented when this project started and were included UNCHANGED in the final version of this product. projectdata.helptext.answer.numfuncnonfuncrequirements = Refers to the lowest ab straction level of the system description as used by project management. Functio nal Requirements are assigned to developers to be implemented and are characteri zed by the existence of at least one test to verify the requirement. Functional & Non-Functional Requirements are typically derived from a Functional Specificat ion, a Test Plan or a Requirements Traceability tool (e.g. DOORS). projectdata.helptext.answer.percentfuncrequirementscodereused = The number of Fu nctional & Non-Functional Requirements already implemented as part of a previous release that are included UNCHANGED in the final version of this product. Zero depicts that no Functional or Non-Functional Requirements are being reused. projectdata.helptext.answer.numtestcases = Total number of test cases, including System-level and Block-level test cases. Include all types of tests, including white box, black box, regression, directed, etc. projectdata.helptext.answer.percenttestcasesreused = The total number of test ca ses that already existed when this project started, and were reused UNCHANGED du

ring this project. projectdata.helptext.answer.linesofcode= Enter the total final number of non-com mented lines of code that comprise all variants of the final release. projectdata.helptext.answer.percentlocnotreused = The total number of non-commen ted lines of code that already existed at the start of this project and were reu sed UNCHANGED in all variants of the product delivered during this release projectdata.helptext.answer.numsoftwarecomponents = The number of individual com ponents (subsystems) that are compiled together to create the final product. Com ponents are blocks of code which (for architectural or management purposes) are developed, tested or sourced separately=and then integrated and tested together to form the final product. projectdata.helptext.answer.numrealtimesoftwarecomponents = The number of SW Com ponents which contain Real Time Code.<br/>Real Time Code must operate within a t ime frame determined by external constraints; in other words, Real Time software has operational deadlines (constraints) to complete a defined response to a tri gger event in a fixed period of time. projectdata.helptext.answer.numhwplatforms = The number of different hardware pl atforms upon which this code is expected to run. Each platform may or may not re quire a unique Variant (object code footprint) of the code. Target Platforms may differ from each other due to differences in processors, operating systems, or hardware configurations. projectdata.helptext.answer.numvariants = Enter the total number of different Pr oduct Variants to be delivered and maintained. The minimum possible number is on e (1).<br/>A Product Variant is separately compiled version of the product with a distinct object code footprint. Variants often exist to support different feat ures sets, or different platforms.<br/>They have the following characteristics:< br/> a. Although all Variants are generally built from the same SW Archive, each Product Variant differs from one another in terms of the actual code delivered. <br/> b. Each Variant is made available to one or more customers for evaluation, use or testing.<br/> c. Each Variant is managed as a software configuration and can be rebuilt and maintained as required.<br/> d. Each Variant may require one or more SW Releases to complete.<br/> e. When a single object code footprint ha ndles many configurations of HW (hardware), then that footprint is counted as a single variant, even thought multiple HW configurations are supported.<br/>Pleas e enter the total number of Variants, not the total number of SW Releases.Exampl e: Assume one project delivers 3 versions of a SW package to 3 cell phone manufa cturers and each version differs only in terms of the start up screen and unlock codes. Each version requires 2 SW Releases (total of 6 SW Releases). The correc t number of Product Variants for this project is 3. projectdata.helptext.answer.numfunctionalpoints = If you estimated software size using function points, then approximately how many function points were there i n this software project projectdata.helptext.answer.kindfunctionalpoints = A measure of software size th at attempts to "weight" each customer-visible feature based on attributes such a s the inputs, outputs, inquiries and interfaces associated with each feature. projectdata.helptext.answer.percentlocnotreused = % LOC Reuse projectdata.helptext.answer.primarylanguage = Select the programming language us ed to implement the majority of the lines of code added and modified during this project. projectdata.helptext.answer.percentlocinassembly = Enter the % of LOC (Lines of Code) that are modified or added which are written in assembly code (not in a hi gh-level language). projectdata.helptext.answer.objectcodefootprint = When compiled, how big is the object code footprint was in kilo bytes projectdata.helptext.answer.maxobjectcodespace = Choose the maximum number of KB ytes available in the target platform to store the object code. If there are mul tiple platforms, choose the platform with the smallest available object code sto rage space. projectdata.helptext.answer.primaryobjectcodelocation = Select where in the fina l product the compiled object code will reside.

projectdata.helptext.answer.hwplatformdesc = Choose the description which best d escribes the maturity of the HW platform. If there are multiple platforms, choos e the least mature platform. projectdata.helptext.answer.leastmaturehw = Choose the description which best de scribes the maturity of the HW platform. If there are multiple platforms, choose the least mature platform. projectdata.helptext.answer.vendorprocessor = Select the names of all processors on which the software must run. projectdata.helptext.answer.mainoperatingsystem = Select the names of all operat ing systems with which the software must be compatable. projectdata.helptext.answer.planneddatefuncspec = Was There a Planned Project En d Date Before Release of Functional Specifications? projectdata.helptext.answer.plannedenddatechanged = Did Original Planned End Dat e Change During the Project? projectdata.helptext.answer.devmodel = <strong>Waterfall Model:</strong>Product is developed following a linear process containing (in order) these steps:Specif ication, Design, Implementation, Verification, Installation, Maintenance<br/><st rong>V-Model:</strong>A well-structured method in which the design & testing are both specified in each phase, prior to any coding. Testing/Validation tasks are specified at the beginning of the project before coding in the hope of reducing project duration.<br/><strong>Agile / XP Model:</strong>Product is developed by making frequent releases, only weeks or months apart. Each release contains onl y a few new features (or ""stories""). Often this method also includes programmi ng in pairs and frequent code reviews.<br/><strong>Spiral Development Model:</st rong>Product is developed in several planned release cycles. Each new release is specified, implemented and tested sequentially and more fully featured than the prior release.<br/><strong>Skunkworks Model:</strong>Team is a small and loosel y structured group of people who research and develop a product primarily for th e sake of innovation. A skunkworks project often operates with a high degree of autonomy and is unhampered by bureaucracy, tasked with working on advanced or se cret projects. These projects are often undertaken in secret with the understand ing that if the development is successful then the product will be designed late r according to the usual process<br/><strong>Chaos Model:</strong>Development pr iorities (plans) are dictated ""on-the-fly"" based on the then-current view of p riorities. Priorities are determined by balancing (1) major issues (2) urgent is sues and (3) productization issues. projectdata.helptext.answer.numdefects = If unknown, enter estimate. Only enter major defects, do not enter minor defects. Major defects involve incorrect or mi ssing functionality. Minor defects do not affect correct functionality, such as spelling mistakes or incorrect positioning.<br/>OR<br/>Enter the number of defec ts present in the code base when this project started, such as known pre-existin g defects from a previous release of the product. If unknown, enter estimate. On ly enter major defects, do not enter minor defects. Major defects involve incorr ect or missing functionality. Minor defects do not affect correct functionality, such as spelling mistakes or incorrect positioning. projectdata.helptext.answer.knownresidualdefects = Number of known defects not corrected at time of release. projectdata.helptext.answer.numchangerequests = Total number of changes related to customer & function requirements after the first spec release. projectdata.helptext.answer.numreleases = A formally-managed delivery of the so ftware to someone other than a member of the software development team (i.e. reg ular builds are excluded). projectdata.helptext.answer.numsites = Across how many geographic sites is the p roject team dispersed? Include all third-party contractors, exclude all open sou rce and operating system providers. projectdata.helptext.answer.numcompanies = external companies provided SW? Do no t include operating system or open source providers. projectdata.helptext.answer.percentteam2yearexp = % of Team Members Having Less Than 2 Years Experience projectdata.helptext.answer.percentteam2to5yearexp = % of Team Members Having 2

to 5 Years Experience projectdata.helptext.answer.percentteam5yearexp = % of Team Members Having More Than 5 Years Experience projectdata.helptext.answer.percentteam10yearexp = % of Team Members Having More Than 10 Years Experience projectdata.helptext.answer.outcome = Project Outcome With Respect to its Goals projectdata.helptext.answer.outcomedesc = Brief Description of Project Outcome projectdata.helptext.answer.methodology.estimation = Tools and Methods Used to E stimate Schedule and Resource Requirements projectdata.helptext.answer.methodology.prototyping = Tools and Methods Used to Estimate Prototyping Requirements projectdata.helptext.answer.methodology.ide = IDE Tools Used on this Project projectdata.helptext.answer.methodology.codeautomation = % Code Produced by an A utomatic Code Generator projectdata.helptext.answer.methodology.buildstrategy = Frequency of Regular Aut omatic Builds projectdata.helptext.answer.methodology.verification = Testing Methods Applied o n this Project projectdata.helptext.answer.methodology.projecttracking = Project Tracking Metri cs Used on This Project projectdata.helptext.answer.methodology.metrics = Environment Used to Track Proj ect Requirements projectdata.helptext.answer.methodology.firsttime = Items New for the First Time projectdata.excel.heading.question = Attribute projectdata.excel.heading.answer = Value # projects tag = -- Select Project -#Edit Project Data Vertical Tabs Title projectdata.category.tabtitle.projectname = Project Name projectdata.category.tabtitle.projectcategorization = Categorization projectdata.category.tabtitle.projecttimeeffort = Time & Effort projectdata.category.tabtitle.softwaredescription = Software Description projectdata.category.tabtitle.teamenvironment = Team Environment & Methodology # Edit project Data error messages projectdata.error.custreqmtsrange = Total Customer Requirements must be between {0} and {1}. projectdata.error.funcreqmtsrange = Total Functional Requirements must be betwee n {0} and {1}. projectdata.error.locrange = Total Lines of Code must be between {0} and {1}. projectdata.error.testcaserange = Total Test Cases must be between {0} and {1}. projectdata.error.reusecustreqmtsrange = % Reused Customer Requirements must be between {0} and {1}. projectdata.error.prnctcodegenerated = % Code Produced by an Automatic Code Gene rator must be between {0} and {1}. projectdata.error.prnctcodeinassembly = % New or Modified LOC Written in Assembl y must be between {0} and {1}. projectdata.error.reusefuncreqmtsrange = % Reused Functional Requirements must b e between {0} and {1}. projectdata.error.reuselocrange = % Reused Lines of Code must be between {0} and {1}. projectdata.error.reusetestcaserange = % Reused Test Cases must be between {0} a nd {1}. projectdata.error.experiencesum = Team Experience must sum up to 100 projectdata.error.projecteffortsum = Project Effort Distribution must sum up to 100

projectdata.error.codesourcesum = Source Code Distribution must sum up to 100 projectdata.error.architechturalsum = Architecture Layers Distribution must sum up to 100 projectdata.error.processortypelessthancount = Number of Types of Processors, Co ntrollers, DSPs must be less than equal to Number of Processors and Controllers # Edit Project Data Input Fields' Labels projectdata.otherfield.defaultvalue = Please Specify projectdata.text.question.projectname = Project Name projectdata.text.question.projectdescription = Brief Description projectdata.text.question.projecttype = Project Type projectdata.text.question.embeddedproject = Is this an Embedded Software Project ? projectdata.text.question.projectstatus = Project Status projectdata.text.question.projectscope = Project Scope projectdata.text.question.primaryendequipment = Primary End Equipment projectdata.text.question.secondaryendequipment = Secondary End Equipment projectdata.text.question.startdate = Project Start Date projectdata.text.question.functionspecdate = First Functional Specification projectdata.text.question.releasedate = First Software Release projectdata.text.question.actualenddate = Actual Project End Date projectdata.text.question.plannedenddate = Very First Planned End Date projectdata.text.question.numpeakfte = Peak Team Size on This Project projectdata.text.question.totalprojecteffort = Total Project Effort projectdata.text.question.totalprojectcost = Total Development Cost projectdata.text.question.labourcost = Fully Loaded Labor Cost projectdata.text.question.effortbreakdown = Effort Breakdown projectdata.text.question.numcustomerrequirements = Number of Customer Requireme nts projectdata.text.question.percentrequirementscodereused = % Customer Requirement s Implemented Using Code Reuse projectdata.text.question.numfuncnonfuncrequirements = Number of Functional & No n Functional Requirements projectdata.text.question.percentfuncrequirementscodereused = % Requirements Imp lemented Using Code Reuse projectdata.text.question.numtestcases = Number of Test Cases projectdata.text.question.percenttestcasesreused = % Test Cases Reused projectdata.text.question.functionalpointscount = Number of Functional Points projectdata.text.question.kindfunctionalpoints = Kind of Functional Point projectdata.text.question.linesofcode = Lines of Code (LOC) projectdata.text.question.percentlocnotreused = % LOC Reuse projectdata.text.question.percentlocinassembly = % New or Modified LOC Written i n Assembly projectdata.text.question.architecturelayer.ui = % UI or Application projectdata.text.question.architecturelayer.middleware = % Middleware or Basic S ervice projectdata.text.question.architecturelayer.devicedriver = % Device Driver or Op erating Infrastructure projectdata.text.question.codesource.3rdparty = % Acquired from 3rd party projectdata.text.question.codesource.opensource = % Acquired From Open Sources projectdata.text.question.codesource.inhouse = % Developed "In House" projectdata.text.question.optimizeobjectcode = Was significant effort optimizing object code size? projectdata.text.question.objectcodefootprint = Object Code Foot Print projectdata.text.question.maxobjectcodespace = Maximum Available Object Code Sto rage Space projectdata.text.question.primaryobjectcodelocation = Primary Object Code Storag e Location projectdata.text.question.primarylanguage = Primary Programming Language projectdata.text.question.numsoftwarecomponents = Number of SW Components

projectdata.text.question.numrealtimesoftwarecomponents = Number of SW Component s Containing Real Time Code projectdata.text.question.numhwplatforms = Number of HW Platforms on Which This SW Will Run projectdata.text.question.hwplatformdesc = HW Platform Description projectdata.text.question.leastmaturehw = Maturity of Least Mature HW Platform projectdata.text.question.numprocessors = Number of Processors and Controllers projectdata.text.question.numprocessortypes = Number of Different Types of Proce ssors, Controllers, DSPs projectdata.text.question.numdefects = Number of Major Defects Found During Deve lopment projectdata.text.question.knownresidualdefects = Known Residual Defects at Final Release projectdata.text.question.numchangerequests = Number of Change Requests Accepted projectdata.text.question.numvariants = Number of Product Variants projectdata.text.question.numreleases = Number of Software Releases projectdata.text.question.enddatebeforefuncspec = Was There a Planned Project En d Date Before Release of Functional Specifications? projectdata.text.question.enddatechange = Did Original Planned End Date Change D uring the Project? projectdata.text.question.devmodel = Development Model projectdata.text.question.numsites = Number of Geographic Sites projectdata.text.question.region = Region Where Most of Code Developed projectdata.text.question.numcompanies = Number of External SW Suppliers projectdata.text.question.percentteam2yearexp = % of Team Members Having Less Th an 2 Years Experience projectdata.text.question.percentteam2to5yearexp = % of Team Members Having 2 to 5 Years Experience projectdata.text.question.percentteam5yearexp = % of Team Members Having More Th an 5 Years Experience projectdata.text.question.percentteam10yearexp = % of Team Members Having More T han 10 Years Experience projectdata.text.question.outcome = Project Outcome With Respect to its Goals projectdata.text.question.outcomedesc = Brief Description of Project Outcome projectdata.text.question.mainprocessor = Main Processor / Controller projectdata.text.question.vendorprocessor = Vendor of Main Processor / Controlle r projectdata.text.question.mainoperatingsystem = Main Operating System projectdata.text.question.methodology.estimation = Tools and Methods Used to Est imate Schedule and Resource Requirements projectdata.text.question.methodology.prototyping = Tools and Methods Used to Es timate Prototyping Requirements projectdata.text.question.methodology.ide = IDE Tools Used on this Project projectdata.text.question.methodology.codeautomation = % Code Produced by an Aut omatic Code Generator projectdata.text.question.methodology.buildstrategy = Frequency of Regular Autom atic Builds projectdata.text.question.methodology.verification = Testing Methods Applied on this Project projectdata.text.question.methodology.metrics = Project Tracking Metrics Used on This Project projectdata.text.question.methodology.projecttracking = Environment Used to Trac k Project Requirements projectdata.text.question.methodology.firsttime = Items New for the First Time projectdata.text.question.swdescription.sizemeasure = Enter one or more size mea sures projectdata.text.question.swdescription.customerrequirements = Customer Requirem ents projectdata.text.question.swdescription.funcrequirements = Functional Requiremen ts

projectdata.text.question.swdescription.loc = Lines of Code projectdata.text.question.swdescription.testcases = Test Cases = Total projectdata.text.question.swdescription.reusepercent = % Reused projectdata.text.teamexperience = % of Team Members with experience projectdata.text.projecteffortdistribution = % of Project Effort Distribution projectdata.text.architecturallayer = Allocate all <u>new and modified code</u> to an architectural layer projectdata.text.codesource = % of Source Code projectdata.text.sumtohundred= &nbsp;(Must add to 100%) projectdata.text.lowexperience = 0-2 Years projectdata.text.mediumexperience = 3-5 Years projectdata.text.hiexperience = 6-10 Years projectdata.text.veryhiexperience = 10+ Years projectdata.text.100percent = = 100% = Total Project Effort = Total Source Code = Total Architecture Layers projectdata.text.equalsign = = projectdata.text.sumsign = + projectdata.text.pertsign = % projectdata.text.label.dontknow = Don''t Know projectdata.button.projectname.submit = Save projectdata.button.projectcategorization.submit = Save projectdata.button.projectschedule.submit = Save projectdata.button.projectswdescription.submit = Save projectdata.button.projectteam.submit = Save projectdata.text.successmessage = Your data has been saved successfully projectdata.text.warningmessage = Your data has been saved but you will not be a ble to use this project on SmartMetrics and SmartPlanner, as it is not an Embedd ed Software Project projectdata.text.errormessage = One or more fields contain invalid information. projectdata.create.text.successmessage = Your Project has been created successfu lly # Project Help Text projectdata.question.text.assignpeople = How to assign People to this project? projectdata.question.text.renameproject = How to Rename this Project? projectdata.answer.text.assignpeople = To assign people on this project, click { 0} located at right side of the page. projectdata.answer.text.renameproject = To rename this project, hover your mouse over project name next to your company's logo and click <strong>Rename</strong > button. # Project data Units projectdata.text.question.totalprojecteffort.unit = person-weeks projectdata.text.answer.cost.unit = $<span>{0}</span>K projectdata.text.answer.cost.unit.excel = ${0}K projectdata.text.answer.totaldevelopmentcost.unit = $<span>{0}K</span> projectdata.text.question.maxobjectcodespace.unit = (KB) projectdata.text.question.objectcode.unit =KB projectdata.text.question.peakteamsize.unit = FTEs projectdata.text.question.cost.unit = $ 000 # Project Analyze Charting projectAnalyze.checkbox.emty.label.text = Hide Empty Categories = Expand Grouped Categories # Project Analyze projectanalyze.button.ok = OK = cancel = Customize = Create New Project projectAnalyze.label.filters.endEquipment = End Equipment: projectAnalyze.label.filters.projectType = Project Type: projectAnalyze.label.comapre = Compare = to: projectAnalyze.span.nodata = No Data projectAnalyze.header = SmartMetrics projectAnalyze.header.allProjects = Industry projects projectAnalyze.header.myProjects = My Projects projectAnalyze.header.median = Median projectAnalyze.header.percentile = My Percentile projectAnalyze.header.sampleSize = Sample Size projectAnalyze.header.mean = Mean projectAnalyze.header.standarddeviation = Standard Deviation projectAnalyze.header.min = Min projectAnalyze.header.max = Max projectAnalyze.menuitem.tooltip = You may use up and down arrow keys to navigate projectAnalyze.chart.toogle.tooltip = You may use left and right arrow keys to t oggle between charts = No project selected. Please select a project = No filter selected. Please select any filter = The requested project does not exist or has been deleted] projectAnalyze.mulitselect.shortText = Sum of percentages may exceed 100% = Sum of percentages may exceed 100% since multi ple entries were allowed for each input. Donut chart is not shown for this metri c for the same reason. = You are currently viewing Dummy Data since Tr ial Package users can&#39;t access Industry Database. helptext.categorization.projectType = There are 5 kinds of software project. Sel ect the kind which most closely describes this project. helptext.categorization.projectScope = Scope of the project indicates whether it is a unique project, or a platform project from which derivative projects are e xpected to be developed, a derivative, a minor enhancement, a technology or fram ework development project, or a prototype. The scope can be used for proper grou ping of similar projects helptext.categorization.projectStatus = Select the current status of the project . Select "Experimental" if this is not a real project. # Estimate Tab Panels/sub-panels headings = Team Experience projectestimate.text.subcategory.firsttime = Items New for the First Time projectestimate.text.subcategory.hardware = Hardware = Software projectestimate.heading.panel.projectdesc = Target Project Description projectestimate.heading.panel.optionalinputs = Other Inputs to Improve Accuracy projectestimate.panel.primaryinput.title = Primary Input projectestimate.panel.improveaccuracy.title = Improve Accuracy (Optional Inputs) # Estimate Tab Headings/Labels projectestimate.newplanner.heading = SmartPlanner projectestimate.newplanner.detail.text1 = If you&#39;re involved with budgets, s chedules, and on-time delivery of embedded software projects, SmartPlanner is fo r you. SmartPlanner accurately and easily generates estimates of schedules and r esource requirements for new projects, and it makes intelligent tradeoffs betwee

n features, resources, quality and schedule. projectestimate.newplanner.detail.text2 = SmartPlanner is accurate because its b uilt-in analytics engine estimates the scope of a new project, and Its estimate is based on your team&#39;s actual measured performance on a completed project. projectestimate.heading = Embedded SW SmartPlanner projectestimate.text.baseproject.calculate = Calculate\: projectestimate.text.baseproject.basedon = based on projectestimate.text.baseproject.step2 = Specify Project Constraint = Total projectestimate.text.reusepercent = % Reused projectestimate.text.notprovided = Not Provided\t projectestimate.text.primaryendequipment = Primary End-equipment projectestimate.text.projecttype = Project Type projectestimate.text.projectscope = Project Scope projectestimate.text.primarylanguage = Primary Language projectestimate.text.weeks = weeks projectestimate.text.customerrequirements = Customer Requirements projectestimate.text.funcrequirements = Functional Requirements projectestimate.text.loc = Lines of Code projectestimate.text.testcases = Test Cases projectestimate.text.teamexperience = % of Team Members with experience projectestimate.text.teamexpertise = % of Team Members with expertise projectestimate.text.teamexperiencesum= &nbsp;(Must add to 100%) projectestimate.text.lowexperience = 0-2 Years projectestimate.text.mediumexperience = 3-5 Years projectestimate.text.hiexperience = 6-10 Years projectestimate.text.veryhiexperience = 10+ Years projectestimate.text.beginexpertise = Beginner projectestimate.text.averageexpertise = Average projectestimate.text.expertexpertise = Expert projectestimate.text.exceptionalexpertise = Exceptional projectestimate.text.100percent = = 100% projectestimate.text.equalsign = = projectestimate.text.sumsign = + projectestimate.text.pertsign = % projectestimate.text.dashsign = &#8211; projectestimate.text.kbytes = Kbytes projectestimate.text.numberofsites = Number of Development Sites projectestimate.text.peakfte = Peak Team Size projectestimate.text.devmodel = Development Model projectestimate.text.numhwplatforms = Number of hardware platforms projectestimate.text.hwplatformtype = Primary hardware platform type projectestimate.text.leastmaturehw = Maturity of least mature hardware platform projectestimate.text.maxavailablespace = Max available object code storage space projectestimate.text.numkindofdsps = Number of different kinds of controllers, p rocessors and DSPs projectestimate.text.numvariants = Number of Software Variants projectestimate.text.numswcomponents = Number of Software Components projectestimate.text.numswcomponentsrt = Number of Software Components Containin g Real Time Code projectestimate.text.percentassemblycode = Percent of New Code in Assembly Langu age projectestimate.text.button.submit = Estimate = Estimate Project Duration = Estimate Peak Staffing projectestimate.text.efforts = Enter one or more size measures. projectestimate.text.effortsaccuracy = &nbsp;(More entries increase accuracy.) projectestimate.text.enterdatamessage = Enter data to get Estimate projectestimate.text.completedatamessage = Data is not sufficient for Effort Est imation.

projectestimate.text.refdatamessage = Data in selected project is not sufficient for SmartPlanner to work. projectestimate.text.peakstaffing = Team Size projectestimate.text.projectduration = Project Duration = Expertise Mode = Experience Mode projectestimate.text.newCustReq = New Customer Requirements projectestimate.text.newFNFReq = New Functional Requirements projectestimate.text.newTestCases = New Test Cases # Estimate Tab Error Messages projectestimate.error.outofrange = Considering other provided inputs {0} must ra nge between {1} and {2} projectestimate.error.custreqmtsrange = Total Customer Requirements must be betw een {0} and {1}. projectestimate.error.funcreqmtsrange = Total Functional Requirements must be be tween {0} and {1}. projectestimate.error.locrange = Total Lines of Code must be between {0} and {1} . projectestimate.error.testcaserange = Total Test Cases must be between {0} and { 1}. projectestimate.error.reusecustreqmtsrange = % Reused Customer Requirements must be between {0} and {1}. projectestimate.error.reusefuncreqmtsrange = % Reused Functional Requirements mu st be between {0} and {1}. projectestimate.error.reuselocrange = % Reused Lines of Code must be between {0} and {1}. projectestimate.error.reusetestcaserange = % Reused Test Cases must be between { 0} and {1}. projectestimate.error.experiencerange = % Team members having {0} experience mus t be between {1} and {2}. projectestimate.error.message = Errors on the page projectestimate.error.experiencesum = Team Experience must sum up to 100 projectestimate.error.arclayersum = Architecture Layers must sum up to 100 projectestimate.error.sizemesaures.value = The relation {0} <= {1} <= {2} should hold for accurate results #SmartPlan Help Text smartplan.helptext.projectduration = The total length of time required to comple te a Project from the Start Date to the End Date, expressed in weeks smartplan.helptext.peakstaffing = The highest number of Full Time Effort (FTEs ) working on the project in any month = Estimate will be calculated on the basis of Sma rtStorage data of the selected project. Projects that don&#39;t have any data in SmartStorage will not be available for selection smartplan.helptext.primaryendequipment = Primary End Equipment smartplan.helptext.projecttype = The project type helps classify the project. A n "Entire" project results a commercial customer release. A "Component" project results in a "piece" of software delivered to another group for further interat ion smartplan.helptext.projectscope = Scope of the project indicates whether it is a unique project, or a platform project from which derivative projects are expect ed to be developed, a derivative, a minor enhancement, a technology or framework development project, or a prototype. The scope can be used for proper grouping of similar projects smartplan.helptext.primarylanguage = Programming language used to implement the majority of the lines of code added and modified during this project. smartplan.helptext.customerrequirements = <strong>Customer Requirements :</stron g><br/>Refers to the highest abstraction level of the system description. Custom er Requirements have visibility to the customer. It may take one or more Functio nal Requirements to implement a Customer Requirement<br/><strong>Reused Customer

Requirements :</strong><br/> What is the % of Customer Requirements that were p art of the previous release of this product,or capability, calculated at the tim e of the first spec release. smartplan.helptext.funcnonfuncrequirements = <strong>Functional Requirements :</ strong><br/>Functional Requirement refers to the lowest abstraction level of the system description as used by project management. A Functional Requirement is c haracterized by the existence of at least one test to verify its function.<br/>< strong>Reused Functional Requirements :</strong><br/> What % of Functional Req uirements delivered was part of a previous release. Enter Zero if this is the f irst release. smartplan.helptext.linesofcode = <strong>Lines of Code :</strong><br/>Total Line s of code,new,previously exixting and modified.Lines of Code=( new + modified+ p reviously existing)-removed<br/><strong>Reused Lines of Code :</strong><br/> %ag e of LOC available at the start of the project smartplan.helptext.testcases = <strong>Test Cases :</strong><br/>Final Number of test cases<br/><strong>Reused Test Cases :</strong><br/>%age of Test Cases avai lable at the start of the project smartplan.helptext.optionalinput = Optional Inputs smartplan.helptext.expertisemode = Expertise Mode smartplan.helptext.experiencemode = Please describe the experience level of SW p roject team. Entries must add to 100%. smartplan.helptext.architecturelayerpercent = Allocate all <u>new and modified c ode</u> to an architectural layer smartplan.helptext.devmodel = <strong>Waterfall Model:</strong>Product is develo ped following a linear process containing (in order) these steps:Specification, Design, Implementation, Verification, Installation, Maintenance<br/><strong>V-Mo del:</strong>A well-structured method in which the design & testing are both spe cified in each phase, prior to any coding. Testing/Validation tasks are specifie d at the beginning of the project before coding in the hope of reducing project duration.<br/><strong>Agile / XP Model:</strong>Product is developed by making f requent releases, only weeks or months apart. Each release contains only a few n ew features (or ""stories""). Often this method also includes programming in pai rs and frequent code reviews.<br/><strong>Spiral Development Model:</strong>Prod uct is developed in several planned release cycles. Each new release is specifie d, implemented and tested sequentially and more fully featured than the prior re lease.<br/><strong>Skunkworks Model:</strong>Team is a small and loosely structu red group of people who research and develop a product primarily for the sake of innovation. A skunkworks project often operates with a high degree of autonomy and is unhampered by bureaucracy, tasked with working on advanced or secret proj ects. These projects are often undertaken in secret with the understanding that if the development is successful then the product will be designed later accordi ng to the usual process<br/><strong>Chaos Model:</strong>Development priorities (plans) are dictated ""on-the-fly"" based on the then-current view of priorities . Priorities are determined by balancing (1) major issues (2) urgent issues and (3) productization issues. smartplan.helptext.firsttime = First Time Items smartplan.helptext.numhwplatforms = Enter the number of different hardware platf orms upon which this code is expected to run. smartplan.helptext.hwplatformtype = Choose the description which best describes the maturity of the HW platform. smartplan.helptext.leastmaturehw = Choose the description which best describes t he maturity of the HW platform. If there are multiple platforms, choose the leas t mature platform. smartplan.helptext.maxavailablespace = Choose the maximum number of KBytes avail able in the target platform to store the object code. If there are multiple plat forms, choose the platform with the smallest available object code storage space . smartplan.helptext.numkindofdsps = Number of different kinds of controllers, pro cessors and DSPs smartplan.helptext.numvariants = Enter the total number of different Product Var

iants to be delivered and maintained. The minimum possible number is one (1).A P roduct Variant is separately compiled version of the product with a distinct obj ect code footprint. Variants often exist to support different features sets, or different platforms.Please enter the total number of Variants, not the total num ber of SW Releases. smartplan.helptext.numswcomponents = Enter the number of individual components ( subsystems) that are compiled together to create the final product. Components a re blocks of code which (for architectural or management purposes) are developed , tested or sourced separately=and then integrated and tested together to form t he final product. smartplan.helptext.numswcomponentsrt = Enter the number of SW Components which c ontain Real Time Code.Real Time Code must operate within a time frame determined by external constraints; in other words, Real Time software has operational dea dlines (constraints) to complete a defined response to a trigger event in a fixe d period of time. smartplan.helptext.percentassemblycode = Enter the % of LOC (Lines of Code) that are modified or added which are written in assembly code (not in a high-level l anguage). # Estimated Effort Panel Headings projectestimate.heading.calculatedresult = Calculated Results projectestimate.heading.estimatedduration = Calculated Duration projectestimate.heading.estimatedstaffing = Calculated Peak Staffing projectestimate.chart.heading.estimatedduration = Distribution of Estimated Dura tion projectestimate.chart.heading.estimatedstaffing = Distribution of Estimated Peak Staffing projectestimate.chart.probability.icon.text = Probability Curve for Planned Proj ect projectestimate.chart.scurve.icon.text = S Curve for Planned Project projectestimate.chart.series.label.estimatedduration = Project Duration (Weeks) projectestimate.chart.series.label.estimatedstaffing = Peak Staffing (FTE) projectestimate.confidencetable.series.label.estimatedduration = Duration projectestimate.confidencetable.series.label.estimatedstaffing = Peak Staffing projectestimate.confidencetable.series.label.estimatedduration.unit = (Weeks) projectestimate.confidencetable.series.label.estimatedstaffing.unit = (FTE) projectestimate.confidencetable.heading.label.scenario = Scenario projectestimate.confidencetable.heading.label.probability = Probability projectestimate.confidencetable.label.aggressive = Aggressive projectestimate.confidencetable.label.conservative = Conservative projectestimate.confidencetable.label.mostlikely = Most Likely projectestimate.confidencetable.label.twentyfivepercent = 25% projectestimate.confidencetable.label.fiftypercent = 50% projectestimate.confidencetable.label.seventyfivepercent = 75% projectestimate.chart.peak.label.estimatedduration = Most Likely Project Duratio n projectestimate.chart.peak.label.estimatedstaffing = Most Likely Peak Staffing projectestimate.heading.targetproject = Target Project = Click for more details = Other Inputs to Improve Accuracy projectestimate.button.estimateduration = Calculate Duration projectestimate.button.estimatestaffing = Calculate Peak Staffing projectestimate.title.probabilitycurve = Probability Curve projectestimate.title.radarchart = Radar Chart projectestimate.title.tabularview = Tabular View # Estimated Effort (Effort Unit) projectestimate.referenceeffort.unit = person-weeks projectestimate.projectduration.unit = weeks projectestimate.peakstaffing.unit = FTE # Estimated Effort (Errors) projectestimate.error.refproject = Select a Reference Project for SmartPlanner t

o work projectestimate.error.refdata = The data in reference Project is not sufficient for SmartPlanner to work projectestimate.error.planningdata = The data in the Estimated Project is not su fficient for SmartPlanner to work # Estimated Effort Radar Chart metric labels projectestimate.radarchart.customerrequirementsnew = Customer Requirements (New) projectestimate.radarchart.totalcustomerrequirements = Total Customer Requiremen ts projectestimate.radarchart.functionalrequirementsnew = Functional Requirements ( New) projectestimate.radarchart.totalfunctionalrequirements = Total Functional Requir ements projectestimate.radarchart.testcasesnew = Test Cases (New) projectestimate.radarchart.testcasesprcntreused = Test Cases (% Reused) projectestimate.radarchart.totaltestcases = Total Test Cases projectestimate.radarchart.linesofcodenew = Lines of Code (New) projectestimate.radarchart.linesofcodesprcntreused = Lines of Code (% Reused) projectestimate.radarchart.totallinesofcode = Total Lines of Code projectestimate.radarchart.numberofvariants = Number of Variants projectestimate.radarchart.numberofcomponents = Number of Components projectestimate.radarchart.numberofplatforms = Number of Hardware Platforms projectestimate.radarchart.avgexplevelofteam = Average Experience Level of Team projectestimate.radarchart.designsites = Design Sites projectestimate.radarchart.peakteamsize = Peak Team Size projectestimate.radarchart.projectduration = Project Duration projectestimate.radarchart.testcasesnewperfunctionalrequirementsnew = Tests Case s (New) per Functional Requirement (New) projectestimate.radarchart.linesofcodenewperfunctionalrequirementsnew = Lines of Code (New) per Functional Requirement (New) projectestimate.radarchart.linesofcodenewperday = Lines of Code (New) per Day projectestimate.radarchart.linesofcodenewperpersonday = Lines of Code (New) per Person-day = Customize projectestimate.tabularchart.softwaresize.heading = SmartPlanner Inputs (Softwar e Size) projectestimate.tabularchart.teamdata.heading = SmartPlanner Inputs (Team Data) projectestimate.tabularchart.outputconstraints.heading = SmartPlanner Outputs/Co nstraints projectestimate.tabularchart.keyrations.heading = Key ratios projectestimate.tabularchart.header.metrics = Underlying Assumption (About your project) projectestimate.tabularchart.header.basevalues = Base Project projectestimate.tabularchart.header.planningavlues = Planning Project projectestimate.tabularchart.header.prcntchangevalues = % Change projectestimate.tabularchart.span.nodata = No Data # Overview Tab Headings/Labels overview.title = Overview overview.heading = Overview overview.text.welcome = Welcome overview.text.gettingstarted.heading = Getting Started overview.text.gettingstarted.content1 = <strong>SmartPlanner: </strong><br><span >If you want Fact-based estimates of the time, effort & cost to develop new soft ware then SmartPlanner is the tool for you. Click on SmartPlanner tab and you wi ll find more help on how to use it.</span> overview.text.gettingstarted.content2 = <strong>SmartTracker: </strong><br><span >If you want to validate you&#39;re planning targets & finds unrealistic assumpt ions - before it&#39;s too late or if you want to measures progress of your proj

ects during development then use SmartTracker. Click on SmartTracker tab and you will find more help on how to use it.</span> overview.text.gettingstarted.content3 = <strong>SmartStorage: </strong><br><span >If you want to build a structured, proprietary knowledge base of finished and o ngoing projects and then use this repository for estimation of new project then use SmartStorage. Click on SmartStorage tab and you will find more help on how to use it.</span> overview.text.gettingstarted.content4 = <strong>SmartMetrics: </strong><br><span >If you want to compare your team, methodology and performance against industry norms in order to discover areas of strength and weakness then use SmartMetrics. Click on SmartMetrics tab and you will find more help on how to use it.</span> overview.text.welcomemessage = Welcome to the world&#39;s leading analytics-base d<br/>project management solution for embedded software. overview.text.mainbody.heading = You have the following 4 tools at your disposal ! = SmartStorage = SmartMetrics = SmartPlanner = SmartTracker overview.text.estimator.label = We are also giving you access to SmartPlanner wh ich is free for a limited time. Please click = feedback overview.text.mainbody.archive.message = Archive data of your finished projects in a very structured way to leverage it for future analysis overview.text.mainbody.analyze.message = A tool that produces metrics and KPIs ( Key Performance Indicators) of your own project and allows you to compare them w ith over 800 projects from the industry overview.text.mainbody.estimate.message = A smart tool that allows you to get es timates for Team Size and Duration for new projects overview.text.mainbody.track.message = A very simple and effective way to track milestones, tasks and ownerships = Enjoy, and don&#39;t forget to share f eedback with us! #For non-surevy users overview.text.mainbody.nosurvey.myproject.message = to add your software embedde d projects for analysis overview.text.mainbody.nosurvey.analyze.message = to compare your projects with different segments of the embedded software industry overview.text.mainbody.nosurvey.estimator.message = to predict duration and peak staffing for your future projects in 3 easy steps # Feedback Email Text = Feedback submitted by {0},{1} = Feedback submitted by {0} = = Title : = Category : = Description \: = Date \: = Email \: # FAQs Page Headings faqs.title = SmartPROJECT - FAQS faqs.heading = Frequently Asked Questions = Ask a Question # FAQs Page Feedback Submission Message faqs.text.successmessage = Your feedback has been submitted successfully. We wil l contact you via email in case a response is required. Thank you for taking the time! #Internal Reports Titles = SmartPROJECT - Feedback Report = SmartPROJECT - User Access Log Report versionchangelog.title = SmartPROJECT - SmartPlanner Change Log Report = SmartPROJECT - User Activity Log Report #Version Change Log versionchangelog.text.backtouserlist = Back to User(s) List versionchangelog.text.backtodashboard = Back to Dashboard versionchangelog.heading = SmartPlanner Change Log User List versionchangelog.detail.heading = SmartPlanner Log Details #user access log accesslog.heading = User Access Log accesslog.text.backtodashboard = Back to Dashboard accesslog.filter.title = Filter on login time: #user activity log activitylog.heading = User Activity Log activitylog.text.backtoaccesslog = Back to Access Log #Feedback Report = Feedback Report = Back to Dashboard = OK = Add Comment = Cancel = Delete = Filter on feedback category: #email Invitation Page emailinvitation.button.submit = Submit emailinvitation.textarea.title = Emails: = Email Template emailinvitation.text.emailtaddress = Email Address emailinvitation.text.preview = Email Content Preview emailinvitation.text.subject = Subject to be used in E-mail emailinvitation.text.from = Send by (E-mail address) emailinvitation.text.frompersonal = Send by (Name) emailinvitation.text.content = Email Content #User Product accountproduct.expired.message = The "{0}" access has expired. Please contact N umetrics Support for licensing issues. accountproduct.feature.notavailable = The requested feature is not available. Pl ease contact Numetrics Support for licensing issues. = Your trial account expires in <span>{0}</ span> days = Your trial account expires in <span>{0}</s pan> day = Your free trial has expired = Click here = to extend the trial period. = to renew. = Your request for extending the trial is b eing processed. You will be notified via email once this is done. #Trial Renewal Dialog renewtrial.text.title = Title renewtrial.textarea.description = Description renewtrial.text.successmessage = Your ticket for extending Free Trial for 30 day

s has been submitted successfully! Numetrics Support Team will contact you soon. renewtrial.text.textarea.descriptiontext = I want to extend my Free Trial for ne xt 30 days renewtrial.text.title.titletext = Ticket for extension of Free Trial renewtrial.button.submit = Add Ticket = Extend your Free Trial #Assign Demo Projects to Users = Assign Demo Projects to Users assigndemoproject.text.user = User assigndemoproject.text.heading = Assign Demo Projects To Users assigndemoproject.text.assignedprojects = Assigned Demo Projects #Assign Demo Projects to Users Success Message assigndemoproject.success.message = Selected Demo Project(s) assigned to User(s) successfully! #All People allpeople.deleteselected.confirm.message = This will permanently remove selected user(s) from your account. Don't worry, their comments and history will not be erased. <br/><br/>Are you sure you want to delete selected user(s)? allpeople.header = All People allpeople.edituser.header = Edit User allpeople.createuser.header = Create New allpeople.button.deleteuser = Delete = NAME = E-MAIL ADDRESS allpeople.label.title = TITLE allpeople.label.userprofile = USER PROFILE* allpeople.label.projects = PROJECTS allpeople.label.lastlogin = LAST LOGIN allpeople.label.latestactivity = Latest Activity allpeople.label.projects = Projects allpeople.label.noproject = No Project = view all allpeople.lastlogin.notLogedin = hasn't logged in allpeople.lastlogin.onemonth = 1 month ago allpeople.lastlogin.months = {0} months ago allpeople.lastlogin.oneday = 1 day ago allpeople.lastlogin.days = {0} days ago allpeople.lastlogin.onehour = 1 hour ago allpeople.lastlogin.hours = {0} hours ago allpeople.lastlogin.lessthanminut = Less than one minute ago allpeople.lastlogin.mints = {0} minutes ago = User Profile = Account Owner = Account Manager = Account User = Can cancel the upgrade, downgrade or cancel the account. Can also view or change billing details = Can create and edit projects, move people around on pro jects and define tool permissions = Can edit projects and analyze it with industry data edituser.text.basicinformation = Basic Information

edituser.text.userprofile = User Profile edituser.text.projectaccess = Projects this User can Access edituser.text.firstname = First Name edituser.text.lastname = Last Name = E-mail Address edituser.text.title = Title = Save edituser.button.done = Done = Assign Projects = Change Project Access = Done edituser.header.allpeople = All People edituser.header.addpeople = Create New edituser.header.editpeople = Edit People edituser.success.message = User saved successfully edituser.error.unabletoregister = Unable to save user please try again = Account Manager can create and edit projects, mov e people around on projects and define tool permissions #People and Permissions = People & Permissions projectpeople.button.addpeople = Add People = SmartTracker = People and Permissions projectpeople.label.noUser = No User is Available projectpeople.label.createUser1 = Unable to find desired people in the list. Cli ck projectpeople.label.createUser2 = here projectpeople.label.createUser3 = to create new. = Select All = Unselect All projectPeople.lastactivity.notactive = No Activity #People and Permissions Help Text projectpeople.helptext.button.addpeople = Select the people you want to add to t his project from the list below or create new ones #Project Tracking Dashboard projecttrack.newtracker.details.text1 = SmartTracker monitors progress during pr oject execution, keeps track of milestones, tasks, assignments and coordinates t eam members&#39; activities. projecttrack.milestone.message.delete.confirm = Are you sure you want to delete this Milestone. This will also delete all Milestones/Tasks associated to this Mi lestone projecttrack.task.message.delete.confirm = Are you sure you want to delete this Task. This will also delete all Tasks/Milestones associated to it. projecttrack.status.delayed = {0} day(s) delay projecttrack.status.ontime = on time projecttrack.status.beforetime = {0} day(s) before time = Milestone = Task = Peripheral Task = Risk projecttrack.enddate.text = End Date projecttrack.startdate.text = Start Date

projecttrack.duedate.noduedate.text = No due date projecttrack.owner.text = Owner projecttrack.status.text = Status projecttrack.milestone.edit.text = Edit Milestone projecttrack.milestone.add.text = Create Milestone projecttrack.milestone.createbtn.text = Add Milestone projecttrack.milestone.percentcomplete.text = % projecttrack.milestone.allcomments.text = All Comments for projecttrack.task.edit.text = Edit Task projecttrack.task.addnew.text = Add Task projecttrack.task.add.text = Add Task projecttrack.task.add.first.text = task to milestone = Select a pre-created milestone&#39;s t emplate to be copied to this project, and start editing them. = Copy the milestones from an existing pr oject and start editing them. = Add your own milestones to this project and p rovide data for them. projecttrack.initblank.import.text = Import a Microsoft Project file into SmartT racker and start tracking. projecttrack.peripheraltask.add.first.text = Tasks that may not belong to any Mi lestone. e.g. Purchase a server or invite so and so to deliver a presentation on configuration management. projecttrack.peripheraltask.addnew.text = Add Peripheral Task projecttrack.peripheraltask.add.text = Add Peripheral Task projecttrack.peripheraltask.edit.text = Edit Peripheral Task projecttrack.peripheraltask.heading.text = Peripheral Tasks projecttrack.milestone.msg.delete.success = Milestone is deleted Successfully ! projecttrack.task.msg.delete.success = Task is deleted Successfully ! projecttrack.milestone.msg.delete.error = An error occured while deleting Milest one! Please try again later projecttrack.task.msg.delete.error = An error occured while deleting Task! Pleas e try again later = Milestone Name projecttrack.edit.milestone.description.text = Milestone Description = Task Name projecttrack.edit.task.description.text = Task Description projecttrack.edit.riskfactor.text = Risk Factor projecttrack.edit.riskseverity.text = Risk Severity projecttrack.edit.risk.text = Risk Description projecttrack.edit.dependency.text = External Dependencies projecttrack.edit.notifybyemail.text = Notify by Email projecttrack.edit.comments.addfirstcomment.text = Add first Comment projecttrack.edit.comments.addnewcomment.text = Add Comment projecttrack.edit.comments.addcomment.button = Add projecttrack.edit.comments.closecomment.button = Close projecttrack.milestone.delete.last.error = SmartTracker must have at least one M ilestone/Task. projecttrack.sublink.projectplan.text = Project Plan projecttrack.sublink.projectplanfiles.text = Files projecttrack.milestone.filters = Show Milestones and Tasks projecttrack.milestone.filters.noresults.personalmilestones = is not responsible for any Milestone/Task projecttrack.milestone.filters.noresults.futuremilestones = There are no Milesto nes/Tasks due in Future projecttrack.milestone.filters.noresults.overduemilestones = There are no Overdu e Milestones/Tasks projecttrack.milestone.filters.noresults.unfinishedmilestones = There are no Unf inished Milestones/Tasks projecttrack.milestone.filters.noresults.notstartedmilestones = No Milestones/Ta

sks remains \"Not Started\" projecttrack.milestone.filters.noresults.completedmilestones = There are no Comp leted Milestones/Tasks projecttrack.dependency.text = Dependency projecttrack.critical.text = Critical projecttrack.duration.text = Duration projecttrack.duration.unit.text = (days) projecttrack.notify.text = Notify projecttrack.taskdescription.text = Task Description projecttrack.milestone.table.heading = Milestone/Task = Customize projecttrack.showgraphical.text = Timeline View prjoectrack.graphicalview.milestonedetails.nodata = The data you provided is not enough to draw a Timeline. Please go back to the Tabular view to provide Start date and Due date for your Milestones/Tasks. projecttrack.backtotabularview.text = Tabular view prjoectrack.graphicalview.milestonedetails.overlay.duedate = End Date prjoectrack.graphicalview.milestonedetails.overlay.startdate = Start Date prjoectrack.graphicalview.milestonedetails.overlay.owner = Owner prjoectrack.graphicalview.milestonedetails.overlay.status = Status projecttrack.graphicalview.milestonedetails.percentcomplete.text = % Complete prjoectrack.graphicalview.milestonedetails.overlay.risk = Risk prjoectrack.graphicalview.milestonedetails.overlay.dependencies = Dependencies prjoectrack.graphicalview.milestonedetails.overlay.showcomments = Show Comments prjoectrack.graphicalview.milestonedetails.overlay.hidecomments = Hide Comments prjoectrack.graphicalview.legend.heading.milestone = Milestones prjoectrack.graphicalview.legend.heading.risk = Risk prjoectrack.graphicalview.legend.heading.other = Others prjoectrack.graphicalview.legend.milestone.completed = Done on Time prjoectrack.graphicalview.legend.milestone.partiallycompleted = Partial Complete d prjoectrack.graphicalview.legend.milestone.overdue = Overdue prjoectrack.graphicalview.legend.milestone.delayed = Done but delay prjoectrack.graphicalview.legend.risk.high = High Risk prjoectrack.graphicalview.legend.risk.medium = Medium Risk prjoectrack.graphicalview.legend.risk.low = Low Risk = Today prjoectrack.graphicalview.legend.other.dependency = Dependencies = Enter name projecttrack.startdate.clearfield = Start Date projecttrack.enddate.clearfield = End Date projecttrack.dependency.clearfield = Enter Dependency projecttrack.taskdescription.clearfield = Enter Description projecttrack.edit.risk.text.clearfield =Enter Risk Description = View Hidden Fields = View Customized View prjoectrack.graphicalview.views.year.banner = Years prjoectrack.graphicalview.views.month.banner = Months prjoectrack.graphicalview.views.week.banner = Weeks = Days prjoectrack.graphicalview.views.milestone.summary.banner = Milestone&#39;s Summa ry # Graphical View projecttrack.milestone.helptext.createbtn.text = Add new milestones, and further more assign any related tasks projecttrack.edit.helptext.riskfactor.text = Mention (if any) risk associated wi

th this milestone and it's severity projecttrack.initializeproject.option.milestonetemplate = Initialize milestones from a Template projecttrack.initializeproject.options.scratch = Enter milestones from scratch projecttrack.initializeproject.options.project = Copy milestones from one of you r projects projecttrack.initializeproject.heading = Milestones and Tasks #Milestone Templates #labels = SmartTracker = Milestones Template = Milestone Template = Milestone milestonetemplate.notemplates.first = Milestone templates can be used to initial ize your projects with pre-defined set of milestones. milestonetemplate.notemplates.second = Click &#39;Create Milestone Template&#39; button to create new milestone template. milestonetemplate.item.perctduration = % Total Time spent on each milestone milestonetemplate.item.phaseduration = Phase Duration = New Milestone Template Name milestonetemplate.button.create = Create Milestone Template milestonetemplate.milestone.button.add = Add Milestone milestonetemplate.label.sum = % Time spent on each milestone = Start milestonetemplate.milestone.default.two = Development Completed milestonetemplate.milestone.default.three = Project Completed #Error Messages = A Milestone Template with this name already exists! = Please a name for the Milestone Template other than Defualt Name = A Milestone with same name alr eady exists in the Milestone Template milestonetemplate.delete.success = Milestone Template is deleted successfully ! milestonetemplate.delete.error = An error occured Milestone Template cannot be d eleted ! = Milestone Template saved successfully ! = An error occured Milestone Template cannot be sav ed! milestonetemplate.delete.last.error = Milestone Template must have at least one milestone. milestonetemplate.delete.last.error.title = Milestone Template Error milestone.delete.last.error = Atleast one Milestone must be present in Milestone Table milestone.delete.last.error.title = Milestone Error milestone.task.invalid.operation.heading = Edit Mode milestone.task.invalid.operation.message = Another Milestone/Task is already ope ned in Edit mode. Please complete the already opened Milestone/Task. delete.confirmation.heading = Delete Confirmation project.delete.message = Are you sure you want to delete " = {0} Package has expired! #Payment Error payment.error = Error occurred during Payment Processing signup.error = Error occurred during Sign up process payment.error.expirydate.mustbefuture = Expiry Date must be in future

struts.messages.error.uploading = A general error that occurs when the file cou ld not be uploaded struts.messages.error.file.too.large = The uploaded file is larger than the sp ecified Maximum Size struts.messages.error.content.type.not.allowed = The uploaded file does not matc h the expected content types specified i.e jpg/gif/png file.upload.size=Max. file size is {0}Mb. Please choose other file. file.upload.type = Unable to process this file. Please check the file format and try again. You can only upload <b>.mpp</b> file format using this option file.msupload.file.corrupt = Unable to process this file. File might be corrupt. We support these file formats: mpp #cookie constants graphicalview.zoomlevel = timeline_zoom_level signup.gettingstarted.content1 = Let's Get Started! signup.gettingstarted.content2 = SmartProject enables you to turbocharge the pro ject management process using existing project data and powerful analytics feat ures. To get started: signup.gettingstarted.content3 = Develop plans for a new project in SmartPlanner . signup.gettingstarted.content4 = Estimate time and effort required to develop ne w software. signup.gettingstarted.content5 = Set targets that are competitive with the indus try. signup.gettingstarted.content6 = Benchmark your projects assumptions - how aggre ssive are they? signup.gettingstarted.content7 = Keep on-track and monitor progress of your pro jects in SmartTracker signup.gettingstarted.content8 = <li>Enter milestones and tasks and assign them to team members.</li> <li>You can also import milestones and tasks from Micros oft Project to the SmartProject.</li> <li>Highlight critical dependencies and r isks.</li> <li>You can now use the new and improved Timeline view for managing your milestones and tasks. </li> <li>Start collaborating! Update status, add c omments and receive updates.</li> signup.gettingstarted.content9 = Enter your projects data into SmartStorage. signup.gettingstarted.content10 = Build up your own database of historical proje cts in order to calibrate the analytics tools to your own teams. signup.gettingstarted.content11 = Develop plans for a new project in SmartPlanne r signup.gettingstarted.content12 = <li>Estimate time and effort required to deve lop new software.</li> <li>Set targets that are competitive with the industry.< /li> <li>Benchmark your projects assumptions - how aggressive are they?</li> signup.gettingstarted.content13 = Improve productivity using SmartMetrics. signup.gettingstarted.content14 = <li>Learn about industry software methodolog ies and performance measures.</li> <li>Compare your performance to the industry database to identify strengths and weaknesses of your projects</li> signup.offer.content1 signup.offer.content2 signup.offer.content3 signup.offer.content4 signup.offer.content5 signup.offer.content6 signup.offer.content7 = = = = = = = For a limited time, Numetrics is offering free & early access to SmartProject. Plan your Projects. Track Progress. Collaborate online. Estimate Schedule.

signup.eula.content1 = Beta User Agreement signup.eula.content2 = Overview signup.eula.content3 = Numetrics provides semiconductor and embedded systems com

panies with fact-based product development planning software that lays the found ation for improved productivity & predictability. signup.eula.content24 = Numetrics has developed a new breed of project managemen t tool tailored to the specific needs of embedded software developers that incor porates innovative collaboration features with easy-to-use but sophisticated ana lytics capabilities. These include predictive analytics, which use rigorous met hods to accurately estimate schedule and resource requirements, and diagnostic a nalytics for analyzing root causes of productivity and schedule bottlenecks. signup.eula.content25 = For a limited time, Numetrics is offering early access a t no charge to those who agree to the terms below. signup.eula.content4 = This Agreement is made by and between Numetrics Managemen t Systems, Inc. ("OurCompany"), located at Suite 510, 20863 Stevens Creek Boulev ard, Cupertino, California, 95014 and YOU (the "Licensee"). signup.eula.content5 = General Terms And Conditions signup.eula.content6 = OurCompany has developed a suite of advanced project mana gement tools, including modifications, enhancements, improvements, updates, addi tions, derivative works, documentation and related material ("Software"). signup.eula.content7 = OurCompany desires that the Software be evaluated prior t o general release. signup.eula.content8 = Licensee wishes to serve as a Beta test site for such Sof tware; signup.eula.content9 = NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and premises herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: signup.eula.content11 = OurCompany grants to Licensee a non-exclusive, non-trans ferable license to use the Software for its intended purpose (planning, tracking , estimating, benchmarking software projects) from the Effective Date of this ag reement to either 15 days after official release date of the products(s), or Jul y 31, 2012 (whichever is later) subject to the term and conditions below (the "B eta Period"). signup.eula.content12 = In consideration for receiving access to the Software, L icensee agrees to serve as a "Beta Site" for the Software and will notify OurCom pany of all problems and ideas for enhancements which come to Licensee&#39;s att ention during the period of this Agreement, and hereby assigns to OurCompany all right, title and interest to such enhancements and all property rights therein including without limitation all patent, copyright, trade secret, mask work, tra demark, moral right or other intellectual property rights. signup.eula.content13 = Licensee agrees that Software is the sole property of Ou rCompany and includes valuable trade secrets of OurCompany. Licensee agrees to t reat Software as confidential and will not without the express written authoriza tion of OurCompany: signup.eula.content14 = Demonstrate, copy, sell or market Software to any third party; or signup.eula.content15 = Publish or otherwise disclose information relating to pe rformance or quality of the Software to any third party; or signup.eula.content16 = Modify, reuse, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise translate Software or any portion thereof. signup.eula.content17 = Software is prerelease code and is not at the level of p erformance or capability of a final, generally available product offering. Softw are is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. signup.eula.content18 = During the term of the Beta Period, Licensee agrees to p rovide feedback to OurCompany on the utility and performance of the Software and any improvements Licensor believes would be useful. signup.eula.content19 = This Agreement shall be governed, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the United States of America and of the State of California. Any notice required by this Agreement shall be given by prepaid, fi rst class, certified mail, return receipt requested to above address or such oth er address as may be given from time to time under the terms of this notice prov ision. signup.eula.content20 = This Agreement constitutes the entire and only agreement between the parties for Software and all other prior negotiations, representati

ons, agreements, and understandings are superseded hereby. No agreements alterin g or supplementing the terms hereof may be made except by means of a written doc ument signed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties. signup.eula.content21 = Licensee shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, and ordinances in connection with its activities p ursuant to this Agreement. signup.eula.content22 = Failure of OurCompany to enforce a right under this Agre ement shall not act as a waiver of that right or the ability to later assert tha t right relative to the particular situation involved. signup.eula.content23 = If any provision of this Agreement shall be found by a c ourt to be void, invalid or unenforceable, the same shall be reformed to comply with applicable law or stricken if not so conformable, so as not to affect the v alidity or enforceability of this Agreement. signup.beta.getstarted.content1 = Welcome signup.beta.getstarted.content2 = to SmartProject! signup.beta.getstarted.content3 = You have successfully registered to become a S martProject Beta User! = Here&#39;s what happens next: signup.beta.getstarted.content4 = To activate your free SmartProject beta accoun t, click the link in the email sent to the address you provided. signup.beta.getstarted.content5 = Someone from Numetrics will contact you by ema il to offer support & an initial orientation to the tools (to help you get start ed) signup.beta.getstarted.content6 = You can start entering project plans, tracking progress and estimating project resource & time requirements for as many projec ts as you want! signup.beta.getstarted.content7 = Congratulations and welcome to the SmartProjec t beta user community!

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