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Sandi Stupica

Professor Merritt
TE 407
Unit Texts Assessments Eng Goals # of Weeks
Unit 1: Books that support An essay that reflects Critical 5 weeks
Teaching the students’ 1. Political awareness. Perspectives
the research and helps 2. Writing techniques
Persuasion them prove their such the use of Analysis
Paper in ideals paraphrasing,
Junior summarizing, Comprehension
Englih quotations, and
cited sources. Current Events
Unit 2: In His Father’s A Collection of journals Clear, well 7 weeks
Voices of Shadow: The and one persuasion essay reasoned
the George Transformations of that reflects: arguments
W. Bush Era George W. Bush by 1. How their actions,
Stanley A. Renshon as well as Organized
prominent officials,
100 People Who affect society’s Political
Are Screwing Up immediate future. Awareness
America by There are
Bernard Goldberg consequences to Novels
their actions.
An Inconvenient 2. Diverse voices: Media
Truth (movie) by pros and cons.
Al Gore
A quiz that reflects:
The Coldness of E- 1. Their understanding
mail by Destiny of the texts.
Unit 3: Harrison Bergeron Students will complete Political 7 weeks
Science by Ray Bradbury newspaper articles with Awareness
Fiction of fictional interviews of
yesterday, 1984 by George characters, a film Critical
predicts Orwell comparison, and Thinking
today descriptive observations
The Time Machine that reflect: Interest in
by H.G. Wells 1. Their awareness as Social Values
viewers within their
The Day the Earth own social Novels
Stood Still (movie) contexts.
2. To see a text Media
The Matrix (movie) beyond it’s surface
Unit 4: The Castle of A Timeline, comparison on Textual 7 weeks
Gothic Era Otranto by Horace author’s historical Interpretation
Relating to Walpole approach to the gothic era,
Today and a book-movie Novels
comparison that reflects:
Sandi Stupica
Professor Merritt
TE 407
Jane Eyre (book 1. an understanding of Media
and movie) by how the
Charlotte Bronte Enlightenment Comparison of
effected the style. characters over
Wieland by Charles 2. an appreciation of the ages.
Brockden Brown differences. How
and why America is
The Yellow better today for the
Wallpaper by era.
Charlotte Perkins
Unit 5: Music composition Students will write Textual 3 weeks
Romantic by Chopin and poems/song lyrics similar Interpretation
Era Relating Beethoven to the ones written during
to Today the romanticism era and a Poetry
The Necessity of double-entry log that
Atheism by Percey reflects:
Shelley 1. An understanding
the meaning
Poetry by Alfred conveyed by the
Tennyson, George writers. Many
Gordon Byron, and authors wrote to
John Keats rebel against the
uprising of the
2. textual
3. the ability to
observe the
controversy that
results from social
classes and power.
Victorian A Christmas Carol A persuasion paper on the Textual 7 weeks
Era Relating by Charles Dickens topic church v. state, interpretation
to Today timeline, and journals that
Sonnets from the describe the author’s Poetry
Portuguese by approach to the Victorian
Elizabeth Barrett era compared to the other Novel
Browning era. Overall this should
reflect: Comparison of
Gulliver’s Travels 1. an understanding of characters over
by Jonathan Swift social mobility. the ages
2. an understanding of
On the Origin of the various
Species by Charles arguments of
Darwin church v. state.
Sandi Stupica
Professor Merritt
TE 407
To Whom It May Concern:

It is pertinent for Cool High School to incorporate an English curriculum that allows

students to relate literature to their day-to-day lives. Even though the school population consists

of a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, socio-economic backgrounds, ability levels, and

aspirations for the future, there is a role that literature plays in each of their lives. Messages,

morals, and themes delivered in texts focus on the realities of life. No mater the era written, it

can help students be inspired by our past or predict trends described for our future. From the

classics to recent literature, something will ignite students’ interest as they become engaged and

realize the significance of the texts.

To allow students’ to convey their ideas and interpretations of text, the first few weeks

will be dedicated to writing instruction. Throughout the semester, they will debate and write a

variety of essays. To produce a logical and clear point, it is necessary for students to learn the

major aspects of writing; such as topic sentences, a thesis statement, and etc. Most of what they

write will not be graded because most of it is considered “practice.” Their first assignment will

be to persuade their audience on a topic that affects their lives. Group work, research in the

library, teacher conferences, discussion of possible formats of the paper, and peer editing will be

the stepping stones used towards a successful persuasion essay. Not only will this help students

communicate their argument, but will also help them improve their scores in high-stake tests.

After students gain practice with writing, students will engulf themselves in a unit that is

titled “Voices of the George W. Bush Era.” It is my goal to guide them toward a larger

understanding of what images in these texts might suggest and allow them to locate themselves

as viewers in their own social context. With this goal in mind, it is important to begin the year

with contemporary texts so students can easily relate classic literature, which will be read in later
Sandi Stupica
Professor Merritt
TE 407
units, to issues of today. The first text, Stanley A. Renshon’s The Transformations of George W.

Bush, will emphasize the importance of literature for addressing political decisions, and how it

constructs the world around us. Students will write in journals and will answer questions such

as, “How did the president’s past formulate his future?” and “How did Sept. 11 play a role in

constructing today’s present?” As they answer these questions, they will begin to form well-

educated opinions about how their actions, as well as prominent officials, affect society’s

immediate future. Other texts that will be used during this unit are Bernard Goldberg’s book 100

People Who Are Screwing Up America, Al Gore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth,” and Destiny

Ward’s short essay “The Coldness of E-mail.” Students will also write journal entries and take

quizzes for these texts.

The next unit will build upon the idea that students play active roles within society, but to

also see a text beyond its surface meaning. They will learn to critique the texts. By asking

questions about what the intentions of the author or the movie director are, students should have

practice with critiquing all forms of texts and their environment. The next unit, “Science fiction

of yesterday, predicts today,” reveals the changing trends in literacy and what it means for future

communication. Society has adopted the use of e-mail and cell phones to function in their

personal and professional worlds. People are drawn to computers, rather than books, for their

information. What does this trend mean for the future? Students will read George Orwell’s

1984, H.G. Wells’ Time Machine, Ray Bradbury’s short story “Harrison Bergeron,” and watch

the two movies, “The Day the Earth Stood Still” and “The Matrix.”

The following units will require students to research historical backgrounds of the gothic,

romantic, and Victorian eras to discover a textual meaning that relates to today. These eras are

not only interesting but are also incredibly different styles of writing that effected society
Sandi Stupica
Professor Merritt
TE 407
dramatically. For instance, Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol was written during the Victorian

era to reflect his views on the socio-economic hierarchy of London. Students can relate to the

topic because most feel they are affected by some sort of power structure, whether it is their

parents or government officials (which they will be well educated on due to the second unit).

When students can relate to a topic, they will be motivated to draw on their rich store of

linguistic resources to find language to say what they mean. As a result, students can compare

power structures to discover how it is operated or gained. Students will complete timelines and

compare the author’s historical approach from the Victorian era to that of today. Similar

activities will be conducted with the romantic and gothic eras.

Overall, students will be more inclined to learn when the subject material is relatable. It

is easier for students to draw upon their linguistic knowledge when they are knowledgeable and

interested in the topic, no matter their background. From the approach of multiple views and

understandings; from classic literature to the use of internet - this curriculum is designed to suit

the needs and understanding of any student. While most come from generally stable families and

go on to college, it is astonishing that some can make it to school and focus on a lesson. Since

students’ home life affects them tremendously, it is impossible for their academic experience to

be unaffected. Due to this struggle, relatable lessons can make it that much easier for these

students and remedy some of their problems – and even achieve higher test scores.

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