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ISO 11001:21100
20 de Octubre del 2004
At'n: Ing. Rodolfo Servin.
c.c.p: Ing. Alfredo Cortes Silva.
Estimado Ingeniero, de acuerdo a su solicitud tenemos el gusto de ofrecerle:
Partida Cantidad Descri cion :
01 1 Pieza Medidor de flujo tipo V-Cone, para servlCIO: Medicion de flujo en linea de gas
combustible. EI medidor cuenta con las siguientes caracteristicas:
o Carrete de Acero al carb6n de 8"0. Cedula 80.
o Diametro intemo 7.636".
o Conexi6n carrete brida 600# RF.
o Posici6n del cono al centro del carrete.
o Cono de acero inoxidable tipo 316.
o Diametro del cono 6.82 pulgadas.
o Tomas para presi6n baja yalta de 1/2"0 NPT.
o Material de tomas de presi6n: Acero al carb6n.
o Maxima presi6n diferencial282.1 pulgadas de agua.
o Minima diferencial de 0.11 pulgadas de agua.
o Exactitud de +- 1% del rango.
o Repetibilidad de +- 0.1%.
o Rangeabilidad de 50:1 . Para medir un rango de flujo de 1 MMSCFD hasta 50
o Temperatura de operacion: 25C.
o Presi6n de operaci6n: 48 Kg/cm2.
o De acuerdo aAPI 5.7.
o Acabado ambiente humedo y marino, cumple con NACE MR-01-75 Ultima edici6n.
o De acuerdo aAPI5L Gr.B SAW'.
o No requiere partes de repuestos en 2 anos de operaci6n.
o Marca: ~ MfROMETER (McCrometer Inc.)
o Modelo: V-CONE serie VW
o Embalaje apropiado para embarque a destino marino.
o PRECIO UNITARIO: $13,200.00 D61ares + IVA.
Documentos incluidos: Memoria de calculo de selecci6n, Diagramas de instalaci6n,
Dibujos dimensionales, Certificado de materiales, Garantla de operaci6n, Hojas de
datos rellenas, Manuales de mantenimiento, operacion y configuraci6n (en ingles), Lista
de partes de repuesto, Certificado de pruebas de planta, Certificados de cumplimiento
con NACE, Certificado de calidad, Protocolo de pruebas y calibraci6n, Certificado de
Calibracion estandar de McCrometer.
Corporaci6n Constructora Azteca SA de CV I Protectotank
Draz Mir6n # 805 Col . Centro. c.P. 96400, Coatzacoalcosj Ver. Tel: (01921) 2121220/21 21504/2126517 Fax: (01921) 21 22451
e-mail: mx sitio web:
:,. n
ISO 9001:2000
CORPOlt,.\ l lU:--' CO'l,:TIW ( TOI/.J\
20 de Octubre del 2004
Partida cantidad Descripcion:
02 1
Transmisor TotaUzador Integrador de f1ujo Marca: Dynamic Fluid, Modelo ECHART,
para servicio de gas natural amargo y condensados; con las siguientes caracteristicas:
Disano compacta debido a que cuenta con modulo sensor digital multivariable integrado
al computador para la medicion de temperatura, presion asiatica y presion diferencial.
Caja de Aluminio libre de Cobre para areas peligrosas y ambiente con
recubrimiento de resina ep6xica y a prueba de explosion Clase 1, Div 1, Grupos B, C Y
D; y clasificacion NEMA 7 Y NEMA 4X.
Condiciones ambientales: Temperatura de operacion de -40C a 85C.
Humedad relativa: Hasta 100% sin condensacion.
Cuenta con ventana para visualizar la pantalla 0 display LCD sin abrir el instrumento.
Conexion e\ecbica: Dos para tuberia conduit de %" t\lPT.
Conexion a proceso: De '1.."-18 NPT.
Material de la brida de proceso: Acero Inoxidable 316 .
Alimentacion: 6 a 28 VDC desde fuente extema 0 panel solar.
Consumo de energia: 25 rnA a 12 VDC.
Opcion de alimentacion: Por medio de panel solar de 5 Watts, 6
Pantalla: Display tipo LCD grafica de 128X64 Pixeles/8lineas de 16 caracteres.
Informaci6n desplegab\e en pantalla: La informacion se puede dasplegar en forma
grafica y alfanumerica. Capaz de mostrar dos tendencias por cada pantalla, y daspliega
un total de 6tendencias. Los valores de las variables se despliegan uno tras otro en
intervalos de nempo configurable en multiplos de 1, 2, 3 Y 4 segundos sin resbiccion en
Limites de temperatura (para la unidad con display): De operacion es de -40a 85C, y
de almacenamiento es de -46C a 87C.
Vibracion: Desde 5 hasta 2000 Hz en cualquiereje segun procedimiento de prueba IEC
770 seccion 6.2.14. Aprobado por SAMA PMC31.1 .
Cuenta con tecnologia basada en microprocesadores de 32 bits a 16.7 MHz de
velocidad, con memoria de programacion (EPROM) de 4MB, memoria para datos de 2
MB para almacenamiento de informacion e historicos de hasta 64 dias.
Reloj en tiampo real, Ano/Mies/DialHora/Minuto.
Cuenta con bateria de respaldo de fitio para el reloj y para la memoria.
Una Entrada de frecuencia.
Entrada Digital: 1entrada (+) digital de 7 a 24 VDC, negativo a comun.
Una salida anal6gica de 4-20 rnA. Resolucion 12 bits.
Una salida digital: Tipo ON/OFF 0 de pulsos (hasta 125 pulsos/seg).
Entradas de RTD: Una entrada de RTD en el mOdulo multivariable y una entrada en
tablillas del computador. Resolucion 24 bits.
CO(QQracion Constructora Azteca SA de 0/ I Protectotank
Diaz Mir6n # 805 Col. Centro. c.P. 96400, Coatzacoalcos; Ver. Tel: (01921) 21212 20/2121504/2126517 Fax: (01921) 21 22451
e-mail: sitio web: mx
ISO 9001:2000
c u"!:;nwcrOR.,\
scombustible 20 de Octubre del 2004
Partida cantidad Descripcion:
02 1
Aislamiento Optico: Cada entrada y cada salida esta foto-opticamente aislada, con un
maximo de rechazo de modo comun en entradas y salidas de 250 VDC atierra del
Sistema de autodiagnostico: Monitorea y alarma las siguientes condiciones:
./ Estado del sensor multivariable: en Presion estatica, Presion diferencial y
./ Estado de la entrada digital.
./ Estado de las salidas de contacto.
./ Estado de la entrada de frecuencia.
./ Temperatura intema.
./ Valores de voltaje intemo y de Ia bateria.
Comunicaciones: Un puerto serial RS232 0 RS485, velocidad de transmision de 1200 a
9600 BPS, protocolo MODBUS RTU/ASCII. Y un puerto serial RS232, velocidad de
transmision de 1200 a 9600 BPS, protocolo MODBUS RTU/ASCII.
Elementos primarios de medicion compatibles: Diferencial: Placa de orificio, V Cone,
Wedge, Annubar, Venturi; De pulsos: Turbinas, PO, Vortex, Ultrasonicos, Masicos.
Unidades de Ingenierla: US y Metrico.
Ecuaciones para caiculo de flujo: AGA 3, API 14.3, AGA 7, AGA 9 Y AGA 8 Metodos 1,2
y detallado. API 5.6, API5.?, API 2540, API11-2-1, API11-2-2. Todos los
calculos/reportes/hist6ricos/algoritrnos; etc. En acuerdo a los lineamientos del API
Capitulo 21.1 .
./ Sensor Multivariable: MOdulo multivariable 3 en 1 modelo 205 de Rosemount
Cuenta con Ia tecnologia de oolda de capacitancia para sensar la presion
diferencial, sensor piezoresistivo con silicon para sensar la presion estatica y una
entrada para RTD que se encarga de sensar la temperatura. Sensor de Presion
Diferencial: Rango desde 0-250 pulgadas de H20. Con una exactitud del 0.075%
del span para spans desde 1:1 a 10:1 del URL que incluye los efectos de
linealidad, histeresis y repetibilidad .
./ Sensor de presion absolutal manometrica: Rango desde 0-3626 PSI. Con una
exactitud del 0.075% del span para spans desde 1:1 a 10:1 del URL que incluye
los efectos de linealidad, histeresis y repetibilidad .
./ Sensor temperatura de proceso: Es compatible con cualquier tipo de RTD de
Platino100 Ohms de 2,3 0 4 hilos. Con un rango de -40
C a 649
C con una
exactitud de 0.56C que incluye los efectos de linealidad, histeresis y
Corporacion Constructora Azteca SA de 01 I Protectotank
Draz Miron # 80S Col. Centro. C.P. 96400, Coatzacoalcos; Ver. Tel: (01921) 2121220/2121504/2126517 Fax: (01921) 21 2 24 51
e-mail: sitio web:
;'" m
ISO 9001 ;2000
20 de Oetubre del 2004
Partida Cantidad Oeseripelon:
02 1
Materiales de eonstrueeion del modulo multivariable:
,/ Conexiones a proeeso: ~ " N P T con distaneia entre centros de 21/8".
,/ Partes humedas: Diafragma de Hasteloy C (para manejo de gas amargo NACE
,/ Bridas: Acero Inoxidable 316.
,/ Anillos de las partes humedas: De teflon con alma de vidrio.
,/ Partes no humedas: EI fluido de lienado es Aeeite de silicon, ani/los de Buna N.
,/ Un kit de montaje de Acero Inoxidable 316 para pedestal de 2".
,/ Un manifold de 5vias de Acero Inoxidable 316 de %" de diametro para una presion
maxima de 10 000 psi (700 Bar).
,/ Software de programaeion gratuito. (Ambiente Windows).
,/ Embalaje apropiado para embarque a destino marino.
,/ Documentos ineluidos: Certificado de materiales, Garantia de operaeion, Hojas de
datos rellenas, Manuales de mantenimiento, operacion y eonfiguracion (en ingles),
Lista de partes de repuesto, Certifieado de pruebas de planta, Certifieado de
ealidad, Protocolo de pruebas y ealibraeion, Certifieado de Calibraeion de la
Precio Unitario: $ 5,300.00 usn +IVA
Terminos comerciales:
1. Validez de la oferta 90 dfas
2. Tiempo de entrega: 120 dfas.
3. Forma de pago: 30 dfas presentacion factura.
4. Garantfa de caUdad: 12 meses de operacion 018 despues del embarque.
5. Precios fijos en dolares arnericanos + NA.
6. Embalaje adecuado tipo marino.
7. LAB su almacen PEP Cd. Del Carmen, Campeche.
. ' 1
Atentam .nte:
Ing. Carlos Manuel Ramos Yeh.
Corporaci6n Constructora Azteca S.A. de c.v.
Auxiliar de gerencia
Corooracion Constructora Azteca SA de CV I Protectot:lnk
Diaz Miron # 805 Col. Centro. c. P. 96400, Coatzacoalcos; Ver. Tel: (01921) 2121220/2121504/2126517 Fax: (01921) 21 2 2451
e-mail: cramos@protectot sitio web:
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V -Cone Preliminary Sizing
Description ~ - c o n e 8" CS,S316 Cone S80, ANSI WN CL600 RF
- '
aPE D6.7e-06 d 6.7e-06
HL I 210 inWC
~ Entered value .
Table based on one flow condition (P, T ,Z , k ... ) V25 Version 4.1
Record Start Date 10-18-2004
Print Date 10-20-2004 ~ :McOOMEIER
L _ _ _ _ _
By Corporacion Constructora Azteca SA de CV
Serial # Fluid State
End User Job Ref.
Industry Model
Tag # I Gas Combustible
Note r-
30 c
2.444 Ib/ft3
1.135e-02 cP
G 0.6008
Z 0.9172
Y 0.9918
c-- . - - .
k I 1.302
8.573 C
Mw 17.400
14 .696 psi
I 14.696 psi P
I 667.20 psi
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
q max. Flowrate 50000000 SCFD
34 .22 fps
282.08 inWC
0.1110 inWC
7.636 in
6.820 in
McCrometer Cal.
Third Party Cal. Re max. Reynolds
Dye Pen . Exam. V max. Velocity
Hydro. Test ilP max. Dp
ilP min. Dp X-Ray Exam.
D Meter 1.0. Mag. Part.
d Cone O.D. PMI
p Beta Ratio CMTR Copies
Turn Down Application Eng.
Velocity Gas. Exp. il
Re fps Y inWC SCFD
1 6.977e+06 34.22 0.9918 282.1 5.0000e+07
2 6.217e+06 30.49 0.9935 223.2 4.4556e+07
3 5.458e+06 26.76 0.9950 171.5 3.9111e+07
4 4.698e+06 23.04 0.9963 126.7 3.3667e+07
5 3.938e+06 19.31 0.9974 88.85 2.8222e+07
6 3.178e+06 15.59 0.9983 57.77 2.2778e+07
7 2.41ge+06 11.86 0.9990 33.41 1.7333e+07
8 1.65ge+06 8.136 0.9995 15.70 1.188ge+07
9 8.993e+05 4.410 0.9999 4.610 6.4444e+06
10 1.395e+05 0.6843 1.000 0.1110 1.0000e+06
File: Gas Combustible ATASTA.v25
ANSI 816.5 Weld Neck, Raised Face Flanges - Class 600 or 900
The V -Cone flowmeter is a patented, differential pressure type flow measurement device. A cone is positioned in the center of the
pipe to increase the velocity of the flowing fluid and create a differential pressure. This pressure difference can be measured and
used to accurately interpret flowrate. Two taps are provided on every V -Cone to allow sensing of the high and low pressures. A
typical V-Cone application can follow these general performance specifications:
Accuracy: up to 0.5% of rate
Model VW Bulletins
ANSI 816.5 Weld Neck RF Flanges
24509-35 Class 150 or 300
Repeatability: O. J%
Turndown: 10: 1
24509-36 Class 600 or 900
Standard Betas: 0.45 through 0.85
24509-37 Class 125 or 250
Headloss: Percentage of differential pressure produced varies with beta ratio.
Installation: Typically 0-3 diameters upstream and 0-1 diameters downstream.
* Each V -Cone is sized for the intended a Ii cation. S ecific erformance ratin s must be obtained throu
2 1 /8 (Note 2)
~ W E -
~ I
- rr
- -- -- c-tt:,}t- -- - -- -- - -- -
- - --- --- ---
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - A - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - t I.
!lor to 1" 1!lor to 24"
ANSI B16.5 Class 600 ANSI B16.5 Class 900 Stainless Carbon
0 E (Note 2) A (Note 1) B A(Note 2) B C (Note 2) C (Note 2)
inch inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm NPT
12.25 311.2 5.63 143.0 12.88 327.2 5.94 150.9 0.622 15.8 - - 0.84 21.3 Y.
Y. 12.63 320.8 5.82 147.8 13.63 346 .2 6.32 160.5 0.824 20.9 - - 1.05 26.7 Y.
1 13.00 330.2 6.01 152.7 13.88 352.6 6.44 163.6 1.049 26_64
- 1.315 33.4 Y.
1Y, 15.50 393.7 5.76 1463 16.50 419 .1 6.26 159.0 1.645 41.78 - - 1.9 48.3 Y.
2 17.63 447.8 6.31 160.3 19.88 505.0 7.44 189.0 2.104 53.44 - - 2.375 60.3
2)1, 18.00 457.2 6.50 165.1 20.00 508.0 7.50 190.5 2.504 63.60 - - 2.875 73.0 Y,
3 20.25 514.4 6.63 168.4 21.75 552.5 7.38 187.5 3.104 78.84 - - 3.5 88.9
4 23.75 603.3 7.88 200.2 24 .75 628.7 8.38 212.9 4.090 103.8 - - 4.5 114 Y,
6 31.00 787,:4 8.75 222.3 32.75 831.9 9.63 244.6 6.065 154.1 6.065 154.1 6.625 168 Y,
8 36.00 914.4 10.01 254 .3 38.25 971 _6 11.13 282.7 7.981 202.7 7.981 202.7 8.625 219
10 39.50 1003 10.76 273.3 42.00 1067 12.01 305.1 1002 254.5 10.02 254 .5 10.75 273 Y,
12 41.75 1060 11.13 282.7 45.2 5 1149 12.88 327 .2 12.00 304.8 11.94 303.3 12.75 323 Y,
14 42.25 1073 12.13 308.1 46.00 1168 14.00 355.6 13.25 336 .6 13.13 333.5 14 355 Y,
16 43.25 1099 12.63 320.8 46.25 1175 14.13 358.9 15.25 387.4 15.00 381.0 16 406 Y,
18 45.75 1162 12.88 327.2 49.25 1251 14.63 371 .6 17.25 438 .2 17.25 438.2 18 457 Y,
20 50.25
13.13 333.5 54.75 1391 15.38 390.7 19.25 489.0 19.25 489.0 20 508 Y,
24 63.25 '1607 17.63 447.8 70.25 1784 21.13 536 .7 23.25 590.6 23.25 590.6 24 609 Y,
1. Overall length (A) tolerance vanes With line size: jY,to 1",1/8" (4mm); 1 jY,to 10 , 3/16 " (6mm); 12" to 24", 1/4" (
2. Typical values shown.
3255 W. Stetson Ave, Hemet, CA 92545-7799 USA -- Phone (909) 652-68111 Fax (909) 652-3078
Web Site: e-mail :
Lit#24509-36 Rev. 1.4/6-00 2000 by McCrometcr, Inc.!Printed in USA
Size Materials:j: Schedule Fittings End Connections
Q A 10 OA S304 V2 JLj CL 600 RF WN
OB '% L S304L B 20 17 CL 900 RF WN S Socket
01 1" A S316L C Bored
Scvcmllypcs of I
CS Tube & Flanges 0 Std OC 1V2 ~
fittings aV01ilablc .
2" 40
S304 Cone, Support, & Couplings E 02
Epoxy Coated Blue (excluding cone) F 80
3" r-u CS Tube & Flanges J 100
04 4" S304 Cone, Support, & Couplings 120 K
:j:Other materials can include:
6" Coating / Painting Per Customer Req. 140 06 L
8" G 160
10" XXS
10 H
MONEL K400/K500
12" M 12
14" P XS
A350, A333, AP15L, A 106B
Example: VW10AE16N V-Cone 10 inch line size, S316L, schedule 40 pipe, ANSI CL 600 RF WN flanges, V2NPT fittings
Stainless Steel Carbon Steel
Size Std . Size Std.
%to 4" C
6" to 10" E
12" and up 0
6" to 16"
18" and up
Pipe up to 8" utilizes seamless pipe.
Above 8" is welded pipe.
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
NPT National pipe taper
SS Stainless steel RF Raised Face
CS Carbon steel WN Weld Neck
Technical questions can be answered through a local
representative or through our application engineers.
McCrometer's welders and welding procedures are
qualified in accordance with ASME Section IX.
All meters are visually inspected for weld defects.
Specific customer requirements can be complied
with upon request.
The welding can be in accordance with:
ASME B31.1
Non-destmctive testing can include:
Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
Penetrant Examination
Radiographic Examination
Positive Material Inspection
Magnetic Particle Examination
3255 W. Stetson Ave, Hemet, CA 92545-7799 USA -- Phone (909) 652-6811/ Fax (909) 652-3078
Web Site: e-mail:
Lit#24509-36 Rev. 1.4/6-00 2000 by McCrometer, Inc.!Printed in USA
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
V -Cone Installation Guide
Upstream and Downstream Minimum Straight Pipe Run Requirements
For Liquid Metering and Gases at a
Reynolds Number (Re) Value Less Than or Equal To 200,000
For fl greater than or equal to 0.65 add ID
Obstruction Down Size Range Up
Stream Stream
I Elbow OD
2 Elbows
Tees OD OD
Not Preferred Valve
All Sizes
Butterfly Valve (control valve)
Downstream Position
3D 3D
Butterfly Valve (shutoff valve) 3D OD
Full port Ballvalve (shutoff) OD OD
Heat Exchanger (Depends on Type) OD OD
Expander (0.67D to D) over a length ID ID
of 2.SD
Reducer (3D to D) over a length of ID ID
Note: The meter and adjoining pipe should have equal IDs.
3255 W. Stetson Ave., Hemet, CA 92545-7799 USA -- Phone (909) 652-6811/ Fax (909) 652-3078
~ MCOOMEIER Web Site: http:/ / e-mail:
Lit#24S09-21 Rev. 1.0102-04 2004 by McCrometer, Inc.lPrinted in USA
Product Data Sheet
DAN-GFM-DS -21-rev0404
( )
SeniorSonic with Mark ",TM Electronics
- SeniorSonic
The Daniel' SeniorSonic Gas Flow Meter with Mark IWM Electronics saves you
time and money. Lost and unaccounted for gas is reduced by exceptional low
and high flow accuracy and linearity throughout the calibrated flow range. Time
is saved by a best-in-class audit trail. Mark III Electronics can pinpoint alarms,
events and configuration changes in a matter of seconds. Best of all , operating
the Daniel SeniorSonic gas flow meter is easy with the Windows based Daniel
Customer User Interface (CUI) software.
Excellent long-term performance
Velocity Range: Most sizes are rated to performa at 100 fps.
Full electronic audit trail (exceeds API 21.1)
Over-range of up to 125 fps, and, in some cases beyond 125
Exceptional low and high flow performance
Bi-directional multi-point calibration coefficients
fps in emergency situations and without transducer failure.
Rangeability exceeds 50: 1 with calibration Availability is limited by line size and ANSI rating. Visit
ANSI 300/600/900/1500/2500 versions for additional information.
Extractable transducers (For all sizes)
Minimum upstream piping requirements
Meter specifications:
Gas temperature: -4 to +212 F (-20 to +100C)
Easy to learn and use CUI software features:
Operating pressure range: 150 - 3,750 psig
Comprehensive monitor screen
(1030 - 25,855 kPa) Consult factory for lower and
Field start-up wizard
higher pressure applications
Calibration wizards (analog and frequency)
Flanges: RF for 300/1500, RTJ for 600/2500
Flow calibration configuration wizard
Audit 1 alarm 1history retrieval
Power: DC version - 12/24 (11-36) VDC, 6 watts maximum
Digital waveform viewing
Maintenance log summary in ExcelI!'! Environmental:
Built-in AGA 10 SOS calculator Operating temperature: -40 to +149 F (-40 to +65C)
Automatic file naming Operating relative humidity: up to 95% non-condensing
Trending of maintenance logs Storage temperature: -40 to +185
F (-40 to +85
Configuration comparison with exception summary
Remote dial-up support and Ethernet support Typical Applications :
Unlimited meter directory support Custody transfer
Power plants
Specifications: Large industrial users
Electronic unit:
City gates
Communication protocol : Modbus RTU/ASCII & TCPIIP Production
Two serial RS-232/485 ports and Ethernet Underground storage sites
Communication speed: Up to 115 KBPS Offshore .
Frequency outputs: Four
Frequency range: 0-1000/5000 Hz Safety classifications:
Digital output: Selectable (up to four for data valid or flow UL listed for use in Class I, Division 1, Group D hazardous
direction) locations in both the US and Canada (UL E152246)
Calculation update time: Configurable for 1/4 and 1 second CE marked to ATEX directive (94/9/EC) (pending)
Certified to Eex d ia liB T4 to standards EN 50014, EN 50018,
Accuracy: and EN 50020 (pending)
Flow calibrated accuracy: 0.1 % (Relative to lab)
Absolute accuracy: Including lab uncertainty about 0.3%
Repeatability: 0.2 of reading for Ot to Omax
--- :tI,,:, .
I I ~ .....
~ - - - - -
Product Data Sheet
" . , .. ' Recommended Flow Velocity
Meter Size ,,"J,'." , . Meter Size Metric Max
Inches ' Max ;;, m . " tri/s
4 100 100 30
6 100 150 30
8 100 200 30
10 80 ,
250 24
12 80 300 24
16 85 400 26
20 85 500 26
24 85 600 26
30 70 750 21
36 70 900 21
These measurements are meant only as an aid in the design of metering
systems. Consult Daniel engineering drawings prior to construction.
Typical 600 ANSI Meter with 45 Degree-Angled Transducers
Overall End- Flange Approximate Overall End- Flange Approximate
Meter Size To-End Diameter Weight To-End Diameter Weight
(Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Pounds) (Millimeters) (Millimeters) (Kilograms)
4 29.00 10.75 370 737 273 168
6 29;50 14.00 ,460 749 356 ' 209
8 31.50 16.50 650 800 419 295
10 34.00 20.00 885 864 508 402
12 35.44 22.00 1075 900 559 489
" ,44.00 27.00 1955 1118 686 889
18 45.31 29.25 2800 111 , 743 1273
20 50.62 32.00 '
30Z5 12&6
1398 ,
58.62 37.00 1489 940 1839
30 67.00 44.50 4925 1702 1130 2239
36 73.50 51.75 6425 1867 1314 2920
l' \
',p!"' l'
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Page 2
Product Data Sheet
April. 2004
Selection of meter size:
These tables can be used to determine the flow range at reference conditions for meters 4 inches to 36 inches All calculations
are based on 60 F and gas composition. These values are intended to be a guide in Contact Daniel
engineering for a specific application.
. ... _... Flow Rates (JIISCFHl Basea Upon 100 ftls
PSIG 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 30 36
100 247 561 971 1,532 2,174 3,432 5,398 7,807 12,607 18,154
200 468 1,065 1,845 2,908 4,127 6,515 10,248 14,822 23,935 34,467
300 696 1,584 2,743 4,325 6,137 9,690 15,240 22,043 35,596 51,258
400 931 2,118 3,668 5,782 8,206 12,955 20,377 29,472 47,593 68,534
500 2,667 4,619 7,282 10,334 16,315 25,661 37,114 59,934 86,305
600 1,421 3,232 5,597 8,823 12,522 19,770 31,095 44,973 72,626 104,582
700 1,676 3,813 6,602 10,409 14,772 23,322 36,682 53,055 85,677 123,374
800 1,938 4,409 7,635 12,036 17,082 26,968 42,417 61,349 99,070 142,661
900 2,207 5,021 8,694 13,706 19,452 . 30,710 48,302 69,861 112,816 162,455
1000 2,482 5,646 9,777 15,414 21,875 34,536 54,320 78,565 126,872 182,696
1100 2,763 6,286 10,885 17,161 24,355 38,451 60,478 87,471 141,254 203,405
1200 3,050 6,939 12,015 18,943 26,883 42,443 66,756 96,551 155,917 224,521
1300 3,341 7,602 13,164 20,753 29,453 46,500 73,137 105,781 170,822 245,983
1400 3,637 8,274 14,327 22,587 32,055 50,608 79,599 115,127 185,915 267,718
1500 3,935. 8,953 15,504 24,442 34,688 54,765 86,137 124,583 201,184 289,706
1600 4,235 9,635 16,685 26,305 37,331 58,938 92,700 134,076 216,515 311,781
1700 4,536 10,321 17,871 28,175 39,986 63,128 99,291 143,608 231,908 333,948
1800 4,836 11,002 19,052 30,036 42,627 67,298 105,850 153,094 247,227 356,006
1900 5,134 11,681 20,226 31,888 45,255 . 71,448 112,376 162,534 262,471 377,958
2000 5,429 12,350 21,386 33,716 47,849 75,543 118,818 171,851 277,516 399,623
. Flow Rates (MIfIISCFfJ) Based Upon 100 ffls
PSIG 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 30 36
100 5.9 13.5 23.3 . 36.8 52.2 82.4 129.5 187.4 302.6 435.7
200 11.3 25.6 44.3 69.8 99.0 156.4 245.9 355.7 574.4 827.2
300 16.8 38.0 65.8 103.8 147.3 232.6 365.8 529.0 854.3 1,230
400 22.4 50.8 88.0 138.8 196.9 310.9 489.0 707.3 1,142 1,645
600 28.2 64.0 1 1 0 . ~ 174.8 248.0 391.6 615.9 890.7 1,438 2,071
600 34.2 77.6 134.3 211.8 300.5 474.5 746.3 1,079 1,743 2,510
700 40.3 91.5 168.5 249.8 354.5 559.7 880.4 1,273 2,066 2,961
800 46,6 105.8 183,2 288,9 410.0 647.2 1,018 1,472 2,378 3,424
900 53.1 120.5 208.7 328.9 466,8 737.0 1,159 1,677 2,708 3,899
1000 59.7 135.5 234.6 369.9 525.0 828.9 1,304 1,886 3,045 4,385
1100 66.5 150.9 261.2 411.9 584.5 922.8 1,451 2,099 3,390 4,882
1200 73.4 166.5 288,4 454,6 645.2 1,019 1,602 2,317 3,742 5,389
1300 80.4 182.4 315.9 498.1 706.9 1,116 1,755 2,539 4,100 5,904
1400 87,5 198.6 343.8 542.1 769.3 1,215 1,910 2,763 4,462 6,425
1500 94.7 214.9 372.1 586.6 832.5 1,314 2,067 2,990 4,828 6,953
1600 101.9 231.3 400,4 631.3 896.0 1,415 2,225 3,218 5,196 7,483
1700 109.1 247.7 428.9 676,2 959.7 1,515 2,383 3,447 5,566 8,015
1800 116.4 264.1 457.2 720.9 1,023 1,615 2,540 3,674 5,933 8,544
1900 123,5 280.3 485.4 765.3 1,086 1,715 2,697 3,901 6,299 9,071
2000 130.6 296.4 513.3 809.2 1,148 1,813 2,852 4,124 6,660 9,591
Calculating meter capacity:
To calculate a volume rate for a given velocity, multiply the capacity in this table by the desired at the pressure
and divide the answer by 100. Example: Determine the hourly flow rate al 70 fps for an 8 inch meter operating at 800 psig.
Volume =7635 MSCFH
Velocity 70
Answer = 7635*70/100 = 5344 MSCFH
P a ~ e 3
Product Data Sheet
Selection of meter size:
These tables can be used to determine the flow range at reference conditions for meters 4 inches to 36 inches. All calculations
are based on 20 F and gas composition. These values are intended to be a guide In Contact Daniel
nee ring for a application.
Flow RateS (IASOFH) Based UppJ1 30 mls Schedule 40)
kPag 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 30 36
1000 9.67 22.01 38.11 60.07 85.27 134.6 211.7 306.2 494.5 712.1
1500 14.22 32.34 56.00 88.27 125.3 197.8 311.1 450.0 726.7 1046
2000 18.85 42.89 74.28 117.1 166.2 262.4 412.7 596.9 963.9 1388
2500 23.59 53.67 92.94 146.5 207.9 328.3 516.4 746.9 1206 1737
3000 28.43 64.68 112.0 176.5 250.6 395.6 622.3 900.0 1453 2093
3500 33.37 75.92 131.5 207.2 294,1 464.4 730.4 1056 1706 2457
4000 38.41 87.39 151.3 238.5 338.6 534.6 840.8 1216 1964 2828
4500 43.56 99.10 171.S 270.5 384.0 606.2 953.5 1379 2227 3207
5000 48.81 111.1 192.3 303.1 430.3 679.3 1068 1546 2495 3593
5500 54.17 123.2 213.4 336.4 477.4 753.8 1186 1715 2769 3987
6000 59.62 . 1 370.2 525.5 829.7 1305 1887 3048 4389
6500 65.17 148.3 256.8 404.7 574.5 907.0 1427 2063 3332 4798
7000 70.82 161.1 . 279.0 439.8 624.3 985.6 1550 2242 3621 5214
7500 76.56 174.2 301,6 475.4 674.8 1065 1676 2424 3914 5636
8000 82.38 187.4 324.6 . 511.6 726.2 1146 1803 2608 4212 6065
8500 88.28 200.9 347.8 548.2 778.2 1229 1932 2795 4513 6499
9000 94.25 214,4 371.3 585.3 830.8 1312 2063 2984 4818 6939
9500 100.28 228.1 395.1 622.7 883.9 1396 2195 3175 5127 7382
10000 106.36 242.0 419.0 660.4 937.5 1480 2328 3367 5437 7830
Flow Rates (IAN/SON/D) Based Upon 30 mls (Scnedule 40)
PSIG 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 30 36
1000 0.232 0.528 0.915 1.442 2.046 3.231 5.082 7.350 11.869 17091
1500 0.341 0.776 1.344 2.119 3007 4.748 7.468 10.801 17.441 25.116
2000 0.453 1.029 1.783 2.810 3.989 6.297 9.904 14.325 23.133 33.311
2500 0.566 1.288 2231 3.516 4.991 7.879 12.393 17.924 28.946 41.682
3000 0.682 1.552 2.688 4.237 6.014 9.495 14.935 21.600 34.882 . 50.230
3500 0.801 1.821 3.155 4.973 7.059 11.145 17.530 25.354 40.943 58.958
4000 0.922 2.097 3.632 5.725 8.126' 12.830 20.179 29.186 47.131 67.869
4500 1.045 2.378 4.119 6.492 9.215 14.549 22.883 33.097 53.447 76.963
5000 1.171 2..664 4.615 7.275 . 10.326 16.302 25.641 37086 59.889 86.240
5500 1.300 2.957 5.121 8.072 11,459 18091 28.454 41.154 66,458 95.699
6000 1.431 3.254 5.637 8.885 19.912 31.319 45.298 73.150 105.336
6500 1.564 3.557 6.162 9.713 13.787 21.767 34.236 49.517 79.964 115148
7000 1.700 3.866 6.696 10.555 14.982 23.653 37.203 53.808 86.89.3 125.126
7500 1.837 4.179 7.239 11.410 16.196 25.570 40.218 58.168 93.934 135.265
8000 1.977 4.497 7.789 12.278 17.428 27.515 43.277 62.592 101.078 145.553
8500 2.119 4.819 8.347 13.157 18.676 29.485 46.376 67.075 108318 155.978
9000 2.262 5.1 8.912 14.047 19.939 31.479 71.611 115.642 166.524
9500 2.407 5.474 9.482 14.945 21.214 33.492 52.679 76.191 123.038 177.175
10000 2.553 5.805 10.056 15.851 22.500 35.522 55.871 80.808 130.494 187.911
Calculating meter capacity:
To calculate a volume rate for a given velocity, the capacity this table by the desired velocity at the operating pressure
and divide the answer 100. Determine the hourly flow rate at 30 mps for an 8 inch meter at 4500
Volume 171.6
Velocity 10
Answer;;;; 171.6*10/30 57.19 MSCMH
Product Oata Sheet
April , 2004
The drawings below represent recommended piping lengths for various flow conditioners when installed with the Daniel
SeniorSonic flowmeter. If shorter lengths are used there may be an increase in flow measurement uncertainty.
Piping Recommendation For SeniorSonic With No Flow Conditioner


\J \\

'\'. ... 1" :,00 -2

[ _____ . ----- =ul [II
I 0 0 a It
Minimum Piping Recommendation for Bidirectional SeniorSonic
with Daniel Profiler or CPA 50E Flow Conditioner
100 ------..t 100 ...- 50---
3 50
...-- 50 ---
3 50

Do not operate this instrument in excess
of the specifications listed. Failure to
heed this warning could result in serious
injury and/or damage to the equipment.
Page 5
----- --- _ . --- ----------------- -------------------------



_____________ . ----__i
I , .
:. I
Product Data Sheet
. 30
ANS.I Class


Flange Raised Face (RF) ___________....,..______-_------....j
'. Ring Type Joint (RTJ)_.......__,...;;..;---------__....;.....;,.;,;.-_____....I
Materials Standard ..

Stainless Steel

_________________________--"____ __....
Device Type
Meter Size (Inches)
Daniel Ultrasonic Model Number Selections
ES-21055 Rev.W .
SeniorSonic (4-Path) ---------------1
JuniorSonic -----------.....,...-1
JuniorSonic (2-Path) ______________
Mark II UL. 24VDC 4-20rl'A 3/NPT
Mark" U.L. 24VDC 1 5VDC 3/NPT
Mark" CENaEC 24V DC 4-20mA. M20 --------------_--__1
Mark. II Cl;:NELEc 24VDC 4-20mA. M20 Rerrote
Mark II CENELEC 24VDC 1-5VDCM20 Rerrote
MarkU U.L. 24VOC4-20mA. 3/NPT Rerrote_.......
Mark II 24VDC l-SVPG 3/NPT Rerrote
. Mark IIIU.L. 3/4 NPT
Mark III U.L. 3/4.NPT Rerrote
TSlo! T-12
Page 6
Product Data Sheet
April , 2004
Daniel Measurement and Control is the industry leader in
designing, constructing and commissioning of complex oil
and gas metering systems to exacting standards.
This global organization offers decades of petroleum
fiscal flow measurement application experience.
Customers rely confidently on Daniel's Systems Group
international fabrication facilities, customized engineering
and its
successes in field-testing and support. From the simplest
single-stream skid to complex on-site installations, Daniel Systems
delivers both natural gas and liquid petroleum tumkey applications. Daniel
Systems designs, constructs and commissions the metering project, blending up-to
the-minute technology with decades of understanding what customers need and expect.
Components of a Daniel Systems installation typically include meters, valves, provers, flow-control instruments,
instrumentation and read-out equipment and process management components.
Computer software and hardware are integrated with the measurement system. Standard calculation methods include AGA3 (now
API-MPMS-14.3), ISO 5167, AGA5/7/8, AGA9 and the API Manual for Petroleum Measurement Standards.
Daniel DMSS-2000 Supervisory Control Systems utilize a sophisticated Graphical User Interface, database server, and a dedicated
PLC for the metering skid/MOV interface. Redundancy is often used for custody transfer systems and/or when system integrity is
A dedicated Project Manager and Project Team are assigned to each measurement system project. This team is responsible for
overall system design and project construction from start to finish. A separate internal QA/QC group reviews all design detailS,
inside and outside fabrication, assembly and system testing.
Whether it is a pipeline, offshore production facility or a loading facility for ocean-going tankers, the Daniel Systems group is a
proven , single-source solution for customers throughout the world .
Page 7
Product Data Sheet
Daniel Measurement Services
Daniel Measurement Services takes pride in being there after needs
arise with the right solution for customers with gas and liquid fiscal
flow measurement applications.
Around the clock and around the world , Daniel Measurement Services
has experienced, highly qualified people prepared to help customers
who need assistance with the following:
Start-up and commissioning
Preventive maintenance
Product repair I upgrades
Project management and integration
Meter Tube inspection and recertification
Remote diagnostics
Warranty Plus!
Technical training
Daniel Division Headquarters
Houston, Texas, USA,
T: (713) 467-6000, F: (713) 827-3880
Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
T: (403) 279-1879, F: (403) 236-1337
Stirling, Scotland - UK, Middle East & Africa,
T: +4401786433400, F: +44 01786433401
Singapore - Asia Pacific,
T: +65-6777-8211, F: +65-6770-8001
USA Toll Free 1-888-FLOW-001
Daniel is a whOlly owned subsidiary of Emerson Electric Co .. and a division of Emerson Process Management. The Daniel logo is a registered trademark of Daniel
Industnes, tnc. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. "Brand mark listing" are marks of one of the Emerson Process
Management family of companies. All other marks are property of their respecl ive owners. The Daniel UltraSonic Gas Flow Meter including Mark III electronics, is
covered by U.S. Patents 5.983}30 and 4,646.575 and patents pending. The contents of this publication are presented for information purposes only. and while effort
has been made to ensure their accuracy. they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described
herein or thel( use or applicability. Daniel does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any Daniel product. Responsibility for proper
selection. use and maintenance of any Daniel product remains solely wilh the purchaser and end-user.AII sales are governed by our terms and conditions. which are
available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specification of our products at any time without notice.
--- ~ ' J : : ' .
~ ~ ...---.------
~ , . I
2004 Daniel Measurement and Control, Inc., All rights reserved. Printed in the USA DAN -GFM-DS-0221-rev0404

,... -
August, 2001 ..,,.....
...... .
. .
3 .SectioQ<a.ndProfiler M!eter Tubes
' . ..... . .. .. . . ..... . . . . . P... ; ,.5 . .. .
Instruments You Can Trust
Daniel Meter Tubes are more than just fabricated pipe
with an orifice fitting. They are accurate, dependable
instruments because of Daniel's dedicated approach to
quality. Extra steps taken during every phase of meter
tube design and production separate Daniel Meter
Tubes from all the rest.
The Daniel 3 section meter tube is available with any
style Senior or Junior orifice fitting, Simplex plate holder
or orifice flanges. The assembly contains an inlet spool
of the minimum length prescribed by the 14.3 standard.
The second section begins with a concentric, flange
mounted tube bund,!!=1 l'"eetln9 the 2000 API 14.3
requirements and a W thick spacer plate to ease tube
removal for inspection. The end of section 2 con
tains the orifice flange or fitting. The third or downstream
section follows and contains 2 branchOonnections and
is extra long to allow for the addition of extra branch con
nections in the field, If desired. The standard meter tube
has flanged outer ends. Other end connections are .
avaUable on request.
Inspectionffesting= Daniel maintains rigid inspection
procedures during manufacturing of meter tubes.
Micrometer and internal surface roughness readings are
recorded and supplied with each meter tUbe. Customer
or third party inspectors are welcome to verify these
readings. Radiography of welds is another service that is
Fabrication: Fabrication of your instrument Includes
attaching the orifice fitting to the meter tube to make an .
integral primary measuring element. For welding opera
tions, Daniel uses automatic welding machines and rotat
ing positioners. Highly skilled. "code qualified" welders
are employed to tum out highest quality on each job.
Special internal jigs and ' fixtures are used to insure
smooth Inlet and outlet surfaces without steps or offsets.
All welds receive expert grinding by experienced crafts
men. X
. ,: . .'. . ,' :: ....... ...... . "',
,.' ..... . . ,'> ' .. :','.: ' ...... ' ,' .,' "
,, ... :'
. .
.. ....... ::... ::.
' .. ,' ./ .
. -
.. ....
.. ...: .'.. ." ,,'
. ..., ... ..
J . .... ' ..' ....
Dowel pin alignment, close tolerance maleffemale
flange or knock out dowel pins insure that the bores
of sections two and three are matched without
One '1h" and one 0/.,' branch connection on the
downstream for thermowell or other uses standard.
Beveled, flanged or reduced ends as well as any
available weld fitting can be furnished on the ends of
the tubes.
Hydrostatically tested after manufacture.
Each orifice fitting is tested for tap hole and orifice
plate seal integrity after the meter tube has been
pressure tested.
Material Selection: Daniel uses special cold drawn
seamless tubing or honed pipe in the fabrication of
meter tubes. The strict reqUirements for intemal round
ness and surface finish preclude the use of standard
commercial pipe in most cases. Daniel maintains a
large inventory of this special pipe to rapidly complete
your order.

'ltocess Management

Raised Face Weld neck
High Pressure
August. 2001
3 Section Meter Tube Catalog Numbers
2"-12" with Senior Fitting
10" & 12" with Junior Fittina
Flange by
Flange by
Weld by
Flange by
Flange by
Weld by
300# 3M-013 3M-103 N/A 3M-023 3M-203 N/A
600# 3M-015 3M-105 3M-185 3M-025 3M-205 3M-285
H ~ h Pressure 3 Section Meter Tubes
900# 3M-016 3M-106 3M-186 3M-026 3M-206 3M-286
1500# 3M-017 3M-107 3M-187 3M-027 3M-207 3M-287
2500# 3M-018 3M-108 3M-188 3M-028 3M-208 3M-288
2"8" with Simplex 2"12" with Orifice Flanges
Flange by Pressure
Weld Rating Weld by Weld
(Flangnek) (Weldnek)*
150# 3M-071
3M-073 300#
600# 3M-075
High Pressure
3M-706 3M-076 900#
3M-707 1500# 3M-077
3M-708 3M-078 2500#
- ..
*Two Section Meter Tubes When Usmg Weldnek Flttmgs
Senior and Simplex fittings are also available in 10,000 psi rating in some sizes. All units are also available with Ring
Type Joint (RTJ) flanges on request. Sizes larger than 12" available on request.
Packing/Shipping: Daniel bolts together all meter A SPECIAL NOTE: The use of factory original Daniel
tubes. when size permits, before shipment. This saves parts will assure your Senior, Junior and Simplex Orifice
the user time and field labor costs. Fittings are protect fittings will stay within original specifications and operate
ed by heavy lumber, and the tube flanges by special-cut properly.
Painting/Coating: The Daniel standard paint is a
basic enamel type. Special coatings such as multi-coat
. offshore systems are available on request.
Meter Tube with Tube Bundle
U .. ;..;.. ' ..:..... ...:-0' .....:..... . ..,...; ....)00)00. . "1
.... .. ... ' .. . ...... .......--'-"""'--......-" . :V .:... . --:-:-:""""'",.,..-""'-'-...., ..' ...... ....... ." ' . ..:.:. '
.. ...
' .... ... . ..
. ..... . . .......... ' .... . .' .' .... .. , . . .' '. ' ... ' :.. .. .. -
.. .. .... : .... : '." . .., .."."...
........ .
.. ... .. .. ....
' .
. ....
.' .., .
': ' .....
. ...
.... " , '.

:... \ : .:.
. . ... .. ..'...:.. ..
Standard lenAths
Size "un Upstream "0" Downstream "V' (vane location)
:3 7'-5" 4'-0" 130
.4" . 4'-0" .. 130
:.. .:?" 6 ", 14'-8" 5'-0" . '., .'. t30 .'.
";' ''''1024'':'10'' 6'.0'",: '. '" 130 .
:' :. 2tY;;S'" T.q 130 JiI}f, :
'N'ote: Straightening vanes are not available in 2"line size (See Dald., Profller DAN-1852. ,
Lengths shown are suitable for any piping configuration
and up to .67 beta ratio. Daniel meter tubes can be sup
plied in many combinations and configurations. Any of
the orifice fittings, plate holders or orifice flanges can be
included in a meter tube. Each 3 section standard meter
tube is equipped with a flange mounted tube bundle
straightener In accordance with April 2000 API 14.3 and
a 1h" thick spacer to facilitate tube removal for inspection.
Downstreams are longer than minimum required to allow
for field Installation of additional branch connections If
To specify a 3 section meter tube, use the designation
"3M" followed by the type orifice holding deVice. Ex. 4"
600# 3 section meter tube with flanged ends using a
Senior fitting, flangneck style is specified as 4"-3M-015.
The same unit with a weldneck style Simplex is specified
as 4"3M-705. When ordering, specify pipe schedule
and end configuration. Larger size and custom meter
tube designs are available on request.
The Daniel Profiler three section meter tube is avail lows and contains 2 branch connections. Other or addi
able with any style Senior or Junior orifice fitting, Simplex tiona I connections can be supplied in this section on
plate holder or orifice flanges. The assembly contains an request. These meter tubes are for use in any piping con
inlet spool of tile minimum length determined during test figuration with beta ratios to .67. Downstream sections
ing to the API 14.3 standard. The flange union between are extra long to allow for the addition of extra branch
the first and second sections contains the Profiler'N and connections in the field. if desired. The standard meter
a Y2" thick spacer plate to facilitate tube removal for
tube has beveled outer ends. Flanges or other end con
inspection. The outer end of section 2 contains the ori nections are available on request.
fice flange or fitting. The third or downstream section fol
Meter Tubes Catalog Numbers
"- 2 WI emor In9

Wit un or Itt ng 2 1" 'th S . Fitt" 10' & 12" "h J i F" i
Flange by
Flange by
Weld by
Flange by
Flange by
Weld by
150# M..011 M-101 N/A M-021 M-201 N/A
300# M-Q13 M-103 N/A M..023 M-203
600# M-015 M-105 M-t85 M-025 M-205 M-285
2"8" with Simplex 2"12" with Orifice Flanges
Flange by
weld by
150# M-071 N/A
300# M-073 NJA
6QfJ# M-()75 M-705
Raised Face Weld Neck
. .
'-. " , . ...
; ' :' l.
"Two Section Meter Tube When USing Weldnek Fittings
Consult Factory for High Pressure Applications
PROFILERTM Flow Conditioning Plate
The Profiler has been tested and Shown to be in full
compliance with the requirementS of API 14,3 April 2000.
The Profiler both removes swirl
the tube bundle. Available In
flange mounted model only. Also available In
RTJ style on request.
and creates a fully
developed flow
profile at the
orifice, Use of
this unit allows
straight pipe
lengths of 17
diameters. Beta
ratio limit is .67 as with
" ' - ~ - - -
3-Section Meter Tube With Profiler
1-4(If--:- .. - --- .. ........ .._ _ .. . .. ...._ ...._ ... .... ----:":-----""":'-'.......=U-:""".. ...c;.............--"--....; ... :;,;;.".. . _... ..;.,;.:...""' .,,_ .
.....::.' .' .... '. . ' ....... ' ... . . .' ..' . ..' ............. ." ... .. ' '.. . .. ' .' . ... .. ......... .. .
.. .. .. ..' .'
.. .. .. .. .. ....o..on.r c. .... .e ... .
.' :
... . '.'
... 'r ....... ' r
. .... ..... . :'. .....:..;:::. . " ..
.. .. ..
........ .
.' .
.. '
.' ' ... .. ........... :.. ..
. ... .' .... . ............ .
......<: ...." .... '.'
. ...
.......... :,.....
" ..... .. ..
.. .......
..... .. :. .' .. ... .
: :. :: . ...r. . l. :g.: .. ./.J.. i. . i.f .... ... .:.. .
Standard Lengths
Upstream 0" Downstream

3';;0;; ..
... ... .... .3 . :
4'-5" 4'..()"
'. :.
'8.'-8" 5'..()" .

5"Q' . .:8..
'. ....... n1..
. ..
: ...... : ,
Lengths shown are suitable for any piping configuration
and up to .67 beta ratio. Reference API 14.3, April 2000.
Daniel meter tubes can be supplied in many combina
tions and configurations. Any Senior, Junior, Simplex or
orifice flange can be Included in a meter tube. Each
Profller meter tube is equipped with a flange mounted
Proftler and a thick spacer to facilitate tube removal
for inspection. Upstream lengths shown are minimum.
but can be increased any 'amount to meet installation
reqUirements. Downstreams are longer than minimum to
allow for field Installation of additional branch connec
tions if required.
To specify a 3 section Profilermeter tube, the desig
nation "3MP" followed by the type orifice holding device.
Example 4" 600# 3 section meter tube with beveled ends
using a Senior fitting, fiangneck style is specified as 4"
3MP-015. The same unit with a weldneck style Simplex
Is 4"-3MP-705. When ordering, specify pipe schedule
and end configuration. Larger size. higher pressure rat
ing and custom mater tube designs are available on
"'- - - -
Tube Lengths with Profiler
. .:
112- G .plcer . 112
s ..<;..,.(.. ' ' 1-;---'"
: . ' , '
" : . .m,"..i!'
....,.. "
Outer ends beveled or ftansed
' 4
I' . 6
. 8' ..8" .. .
' 8
12 ..
"14 "
Ht il'.;';lO"
1$ ' " 24'_8
20 ..
24 ' .
j gskts and 1/2" tk spacer
plate Catalog ItS"

. .

Flange face to orifice LENGTH ....
plate centerline
'. Catalog "U"
.. Cat810g "D"
. . ' .f , 4'-0"
.:'.<:". . : N-4"
.... :....
''",,..l ot 1
-I ."T ...
.. ',' 14'.,., .. H .. ' .. 12'-7" - . .; ..
Daniel Publication
PROFILER Flow Conditioning Plate
The Daniel Profiler Flow Conditioning Plate provides
an economical way to reduce uncertainty in orifice
metering as outlined in API Part 2 .
.. Cost effective for new or existing meter
11/ Qualified by performance tests conducted to
API standards.
11/ Field retrofittable for most meter runs.
It Minimizes swirl and turbulence .
.. Reduces meter-run lengths .
.. Helps to the conditions necessary
for a fully developed profile.
It has been determined that the previously stated
upstream location limits for flow conditioning plates are
more restrictive than they should be. Wheras it has
been shown that the flow should be
between 7.5 and 12D from the orifice installation
of the flow conditioning can actually be anywhere
from 7.5D OR MORE, from the orifice as long as there
is a minimum of 9. 5D of additional pipe preceding the
flow conditioning plate. Test data supports this. This
information far more opportunity for customer
field of tube bundles in locations.
The illustration below
indicates the new
Daniel Profiler
9.5D or
17D minimum (std)
7.5D or RrO'>'""r
The Daniel Profiler Flow Conditioning Plate has been
successfully tested to the standards set by API 14.3,
Part 2. Test results are available upon request or visit
the Daniel wed site at (from Home
Page> Products> Differential Products> Technical
Papers) .
Actual test include effects on a fully developed profile,
two 90elbows in perpendicular planes, one gate valve
(50% closed), and high swirl angle over 25%.
Additional test involved swirl at two beta values,
Reynolds number (Re> sensitivity, and scaling.
Dimensions (All in inches)
Flange type, sizes: 2" through 30"
Larger sizes available on request.
Standard material of construction:
304 stainless steel
Optional materials available.
-----+ A
line Size
Total Thickness
Flange 00
Flange Thickness
Weight (Ibs)
2 0.5 3.62 0.25 0.75
2 1/2
4 0.5 6.19 0.25 2
6 0.75 8.5 0.25 5
to pipe B
8 1 10.62 0.25 11
10 1.25 12.75 0.25 19
12 1.5 15 0.25 31

18 2.25 21 0.25 89
20 2.5 23 0.25 122
-----+1C 1" 24 3 27.25 0.25 209
30 3.75 33.75 0.25 407
Please supply line size, schedule, and special material requirements when requesting price.
For more information, contact your Daniel representative or visit our website.
Daniel Division Headquarters
Houston, Texas, USA, T: (713) 467-6000, F: (713) 827-3880
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T: (403) 279-1879, F: (403) 236-1337
Stirling, Scotland - UK, Mid-East & Africa,T: +44 01 786433400, F: +44 01786 433401
Singapore - Asia Pacific, T: +65-777-8211, F: +65-770-8001
USA Toll Free 1-8BB-FLOW-001
Daniel is a wholly owned subsidiary of Emerson, and a part of Emerson Process Management
-u;ul!!!S!.:-- is a registered Trademark, Printed in USA

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Process Management

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