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Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese have named years after animals for thousands of years. In fact, the Chinese Zodiac system is extremely complex, based on an ancient agricultural calendar. In addition to 12 animals, there are the Elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal), hours (12 two hour periods), directions, stones, months, and seasons.

The 12 Animals
The origins of the 12 animals which are honored with a year each is rich in legends and myths. A commonly held belief is that the Buddha decided to invite all the animals of the earth to visit him on New Years Day. However, despite preparing for the biggest party since the disembarkation of Noah's Ark, only 12 animals arrived. They were; the Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Hare, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Sheep, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog and the Pig. The Buddha decided to honor his guests by awarding each a year of its own. The system is influenced by Yin (female) and Yang (male) cosmic force which is said to be an interpretation of universal harmony and balance.

1900 - 1912 - 1924 - 1936 - 1948 - 1960 - 1972 - 1984 - 1996 - 2008

1901 - 1913 - 1925 - 1937 - 1949 - 1961 - 1973 - 1985 - 1997 - 2009

1902 - 1914 - 1926 - 1938 - 1950 - 1962 - 1974 - 1986 - 1998 - 2010

1903 - 1915 - 1927 - 1939 - 1951 - 1963 - 1975 - 1987 - 1999 - 2011

1904 - 1916 - 1928 - 1940 - 1952 - 1964 - 1976 - 1988 - 2000 - 2012

1905 - 1917 - 1929 - 1941 - 1953 - 1965 - 1977 - 1989 - 2001 - 2013

1906 - 1918 - 1930 - 1942 - 1954 - 1966 - 1978 - 1990 - 2002 - 2014 The Chinese have named years after animals for thousands of years.. In fact, the Chinese Zodiac system is extremely complex, based on an ancient agricultural calendar. In addition to 12 animals, there are the Elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal), hours (12 two hour periods), directions, stones, months, and seasons.

The Rat
1900 - 1912 - 1924 - 1936 - 1948 - 1960 - 1972 - 1984 - 1996 - 2008 Lucky Numbers: 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 19, 35 Rats are charming creatures, contrary to their reputation in the animal kingdom. Amusing and intelligent, they love socialising and attract a wide circle of friends. However, these relationships can be short-lived, since Rats adore gossip. Although they can be quick to anger, Rat people are able to conceal their negative feelings beneath a calm, cool exterior. Rats are acquisitive, salting away their money in an effort to feel secure. They are ambitious and persistent, often being successful in business enterprises. However, in this context, Rat people need constant communication and support. They thrive on a frenzy of activity in a variety of fields, in both work and recreational areas.

The Ox
1901 - 1913 - 1925 - 1937 - 1949 - 1961 - 1973 - 1985 - 1997 - 2009 Lucky numbers: 1, 3, 5, 12, 15, 33, 35, 51, 53 Ox people are placid and stable, utterly reliable and tenacious. They are true survivors, doggedly plodding through life's obstacles and pitfalls to achieve their chosen aims. Ox people are careful about who they take into their confidence, but once you have earned their trust, you will enjoy their sympathy, sound advice and willingness to give constructive help when the situation arises. Although tolerant and easy-going, it is dangerous to push the Ox person too far; he or she makes a formidable and long-lived enemy. No strangers to domesticity, Ox people make excellent parents, and caring loyal partners. You may find them looking after the elderly.

The Tiger
1902 - 1914 - 1926 - 1938 - 1950 - 1962 - 1974 - 1986 - 1998 - 2010 Lucky numbers: 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 34, 44, 45, 54 Tiger people are powerful and courageous in line with their animal counterparts. Together with their capacity for original, creative thoughts, Tigers are natural leaders. However, while occupying their elevated positions in society, Tiger people can be selfish and stubborn, exercising an unwillingness to take heed of, or trust others beneath them. They have a rebellious streak and tend to resent their elders or anyone in a position of authority above them. Tigers can be wild creatures, lacking in stability and prone to restlessness. Quick to become bored, they thrive on variety and constant challenge. Tigers are not easily tamed; they value their freedom and independence too much.

The Hare
1903 - 1915 - 1927 - 1939 - 1951 - 1963 - 1975 - 1987 - 1999 - 2011 Lucky numbers: 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 34, 44, 45, 54 Hares are sensitive and intuitive creatures that love the company of others, seeking the warmth and security of a one-to-one relationship. They make responsive companions, tactful, respectful and sympathetic. Hares will do anything to keep the peace; they will back off at the first sign of trouble. Naturally reserved, Hares may withdraw into the safety of their own private world. They are highly cautious and seek the tranquility and security of a real home above all things. Often lucky financially, Hares have an uncanny sense for picking a winner and make good gamblers, disciplined as they are by their innate caution.

The Dragon
1904 - 1916 - 1928 - 1940 - 1952 - 1964 - 1976 - 1988 - 2000 - 2012 Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 21, 34, 35, 36, 45 Dragons are larger than life, befitting their mythological status in Chinese astrology. They will attract attention in any situation, even though it may not always be of a positive nature! Flamboyant, glamorous and strongwilled, the Dragon draws people to him or her like a magnet. Full of energy, drive and ambition, Dragons are highly visible in society as politicians, film stars, pop stars and entrepreneurs - always in the forefront of their chosen fields. However, prepare yourself for the Dragon's lack of consideration for others. He or she can be unfaithful or unreliable but you will doubtless be persuaded to give them a second or more chance, such is their attraction.

The Snake
1905 - 1917 - 1929 - 1941 - 1953 - 1965 - 1977 - 1989 - 2001 - 2013 Lucky numbers: 1, 2, 4, 6, 13, 24, 42, 46 Snakes are often physically attractive but in addition they have a flair for creating just the right look for any occasion by judiciously applying a few individual and creative touches. They have a special gift for recognizing potential where few other people would, and helping to fulfill it to great effect. This trait helps Snakes to succeed in business. Snakes have a subtle way of leading people into thinking that they are supremely knowledgeable in whatever field suits their purpose at the time. However, they would not stoop to telling downright lies. Often romantic, snakes are attentive to the changing moods and appearance of their nearest and dearest, although they will quickly become morose if this attention is not reciprocated.

The Horse
1906 - 1918 - 1930 - 1942 - 1954 - 1966 - 1978 - 1990 - 2002 - 2014 Lucky numbers: 1, 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, 41, 43 Horses are popular, friendly creatures, but can have a fiery, rebellious latent tendency. They are physically energetic, strong and enduring and will invariably work hard at any job. However, they may be overenthusiastic and single-minded about a pet project and behave somewhat impetuously and pig-headed. Horses are gregarious people and enjoy entertainment on a large scale. They enjoy spending money, for instance, on expensive clothes but they also put their boundless energy into travel. Horse people are prone to falling hopelessly in love and become blind to the world outside.

The Sheep
1907 - 1919 - 1931 - 1943 - 1955 - 1967 - 1979 - 1991 - 2003 - 2015 Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 5, 12, 34, 45, 54 Sheep are gentle, selfless creatures - you will find many of them in the caring professions. They are often artistic but tend to follow an established tradition rather than create an original style. Consequently, they make skilled craftspeople. In fact, in all walks of life, Sheep people, like the animal they are named after, are followers rather than leaders. They often lack a sense of direction and therefore can become lost and confused in life if they do not receive strong but kindly guidance. Left to their own devices, Sheep can be irresponsible and impractical. Sheep people can be great peacemakers, able to defuse an explosive situation with their considerable tact and diplomacy. They value security above all else.

The Monkey
1908 - 1920 - 1932 - 1944 - 1956 - 1968 - 1980 - 1992 - 2004 - 2016 Lucky numbers: 3, 4, 5, 7, 16, 23, 34, 45, 54 Monkeys are multi-talented people, being quick of wit and highly adaptable. However, in view of their lighthearted natures and great sense of humor, their worth can be under-estimated by other people who refuse to take them seriously. If valued and encouraged, Monkeys can be extremely successful in business with their adeptness at making deals. Although delightful company, Monkeys can be unreliable and less than honest, even double-dealing in personal relationships. Therefore, the Monkey may find his or her associations short-lived and unfulfilled. In fact, Monkeys tend to have many different relationships in their lives before establishing a deep and lasting liaison. Monkeys are often gifted story-tellers, being drawn to the world of fantasy.

The Rooster
1909 - 1921 - 1933 - 1945 - 1957 - 1969 - 1981 - 1993 - 2005 - 2017 Lucky numbers: 1, 5, 6, 12, 15, 16, 24, 51 Roosters are diligent, efficient and deeply committed, often working long and hard to achieve their chosen goals. However, they are prone to taking on more work than they can cope with and experience bitter disappointment when they fail. Roosters like to work on their own, in their own way, and strongly react against any outside interference. They can be overbearing and bossy in their frustration with lesscapable colleagues or partners. Roosters have a reputation for being forthright, but their honesty to the point of bluntness can lose them friends. Inclined to the eccentric, Roosters adore adventure and make intrepid explorers of the world at large.

The Dog
1910 - 1922 -1934 - 1946 - 1958 - 1970 - 1982 - 1994 - 2006 - 2018 Lucky numbers: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 19, 28, 30, 41, 45, 54 Dogs are blessed with many of the finer traits of human nature. They are faithful and reliable, just like their animal counterparts, hardworking and dutiful. They are always anxious to give of their best. However, Dogs can be conservative, reluctant to embrace new ideas and to develop. They can also be slow to learn, thus trying the patience of other signs. Dogs need close contact with other people. They are sympathetic, supportive, forgiving and discreet in human relationships. However, if a Dog takes a dislike to you, he or she can be highly critical and sarcastic. Dogs are not known for their romantic natures. Dogs need a good deal of encouragement to fulfill their potential. Unfortunately, some suffer from a lack of belief in themselves.

The Pig
1911 - 1923 - 1935 - 1947 - 1959 - 1971 - 1983 - 1995 - 2007 - 2019 Lucky numbers: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 16, 18, 34, 41, 48 Pig people set a worthy example to the other signs. They are caring of others, particularly in their families which are of paramount importance in their lives. They have an unshakable faith in human nature and are staggeringly tolerant of others. Pigs are highly industrious, taking great pains to carry out any task thoroughly and properly. They take great pride in their endeavours. Almost fanatically efficient and tidy, Pig people want to succeed only on the basis of their own merits and hard labour. The Pig may have few friends but they will be of the lifelong variety.

Year/Chinese New Year/Color Element Animal/1st Day of Animal

1900 Jan. 31, 1900 White Metal Rat Feb. 4, 1900 1901 Feb. 19, 1901 White Metal Cow Feb. 4, 1901 1902 Feb. 8, 1902 Black Water Tiger Feb. 5, 1902 1903 Jan. 29, 1903 Black Water Rabbit Feb. 5, 1903 1904 Feb. 16, 1904 Green Wood Dragon Feb. 5, 1904 1905 Feb. 4, 1905 Green Wood Snake Feb. 4, 1905 1906 Jan. 25, 1906 Red Fire Horse Feb. 5, 1906 1907 Feb. 13, 1907 Red Fire Sheep Feb. 5, 1907 1908 Feb. 2, 1908 Brown Earth Monkey Feb. 5, 1908 1909 Jan. 22, 1909 Brown Earth Chicken Feb. 4, 1909 1910 Feb. 10, 1910 White Metal Dog Feb. 5, 1910 1911 Jan. 30, 1911 White Metal Pig Feb. 5, 1911 ----------------------------------------------------1912 Feb. 18, 1912 Black Water Rat Feb. 5, 1912 1913 Feb. 6, 1913 Black Water Cow Feb. 4, 1913 1914 Jan. 26, 1914 Green Wood Tiger Feb. 4, 1914 1915 Feb. 14, 1915 Green Wood Rabbit Feb. 5, 1915 1916 Feb. 4, 1916 Red Fire Dragon Feb. 5, 1916 1917 Jan. 23, 1917 Red Fire Snake Feb. 4, 1917 1918 Feb. 11, 1918 Brown Earth Horse Feb. 4, 1918 1919 Feb. 1, 1919 Brown Earth Sheep Feb. 5, 1919 1920 Feb. 20, 1920 White Metal Monkey Feb. 5, 1920 1921 Feb. 8, 1921 White Metal Chicken Feb. 4, 1921 1922 Jan. 28, 1922 Black Water Dog Feb. 4, 1922

1923 Feb. 16, 1923 Black Water Pig Feb. 5, 1923 ----------------------------------------------------1924 Feb. 5, 1924 Green Wood Rat Feb. 5, 1924 1925 Jan. 24, 1925 Green Wood Cow Feb. 4, 1925 1926 Feb. 13, 1926 Red Fire Tiger Feb. 4, 1926 1927 Feb. 2, 1927 Red Fire Rabbit Feb. 5, 1927 1928 Jan. 23, 1928 Brown Earth Dragon Feb. 5, 1928 1929 Feb. 10, 1929 Brown Earth Snake Feb. 4, 1929 1930 Jan. 30, 1930 White Metal Horse Feb. 4, 1930 1931 Feb. 17, 1931 White Metal Sheep Feb. 5, 1931 1932 Feb. 6, 1932 Black Water Monkey Feb. 5, 1932 1933 Jan. 26, 1933 Black Water Chicken Feb. 4, 1933 1934 Feb. 14, 1934 Green Wood Dog Feb. 4, 1934 1935 Feb. 4, 1935 Green Wood Pig Feb. 5, 1935 ----------------------------------------------------1936 Jan. 24, 1936 Red Fire Rat Feb. 5, 1936 1937 Feb. 11, 1937 Red Fire Cow Feb. 4, 1937 1938 Jan. 31, 1938 Brown Earth Tiger Feb. 4, 1938 1939 Feb. 19, 1939 Brown Earth Rabbit Feb. 5, 1939 1940 Feb. 8, 1940 White Metal Dragon Feb. 5, 1940 1941 Jan. 27, 1941 White Metal Snake Feb. 4, 1941 1942 Feb. 15, 1942 Black Water Horse Feb. 4, 1942 1943 Feb. 5, 1943 Black Water Sheep Feb. 5, 1943 1944 Jan. 25, 1944 Green Wood Monkey Feb. 5, 1944 1945 Feb. 13, 1945 Green Wood Chicken Feb. 4, 1945 1946 Feb. 2, 1946 Red Fire Dog Feb. 4, 1946 1947 Jan. 22, 1947 Red Fire Pig Feb. 4, 1947 ----------------------------------------------------1948 Feb. 10, 1948 Brown Earth Rat Feb. 5, 1948 1949 Jan. 29, 1949 Brown Earth Cow Feb. 4, 1949 1950 Feb. 17, 1950 White Metal Tiger Feb. 4, 1950 1951 Feb. 6, 1951 White Metal Rabbit Feb. 4, 1951 1952 Jan. 27, 1952 Black Water Dragon Feb. 5, 1952 1953 Feb. 14, 1953 Black Water Snake Feb. 4, 1953 1954 Feb. 3, 1954 Green Wood Horse Feb. 4, 1954 1955 Jan. 24, 1955 Green Wood Sheep Feb. 4, 1955 1956 Feb. 12, 1956 Red Fire Monkey Feb. 5, 1956 1957 Jan. 31, 1957 Red Fire Chicken Feb. 4, 1957 1958 Feb. 18, 1958 Brown Earth Dog Feb. 4, 1958 1959 Feb. 8, 1959 Brown Earth Pig Feb. 4, 1959 ----------------------------------------------------1960 Jan. 28, 1960 White Metal Rat Feb. 5, 1960 1961 Feb. 15, 1961 White Metal Cow Feb. 4, 1961 1962 Feb. 5. 1962 Black Water Tiger Feb. 4, 1962 1963 Jan. 25, 1963 Black Water Rabbit Feb. 4, 1963 1964 Feb. 13, 1964 Green Wood Dragon Feb. 5, 1964 1965 Feb. 2, 1965 Green Wood Snake Feb. 4, 1965 1966 Jan. 21, 1966 Red Fire Horse Feb. 4, 1966 1967 Feb. 9, 1967 Red Fire Sheep Feb. 4, 1967 1968 Jan. 30, 1968 Brown Earth Monkey Feb. 5, 1968 1969 Feb. 17, 1969 Brown Earth Chicken Feb. 4, 1969 1970 Feb. 6, 1970 White Metal Dog Feb. 4, 1970 1971 Jan. 27, 1971 White Metal Pig Feb. 4, 1971 ----------------------------------------------------1972 Feb. 15, 1972 Black Water Rat Feb. 5, 1972 1973 Feb. 3, 1973 Black Water Cow Feb. 4, 1973 1974 Jan. 23, 1974 Green Wood Tiger Feb. 4, 1974

1975 Feb. 11, 1975 Green Wood Rabbit Feb. 4, 1975 1976 Jan. 31, 1976 Red Fire Dragon Feb. 5, 1976 1977 Feb. 18, 1977 Red Fire Snake Feb. 4, 1977 1978 Feb. 7, 1978 Brown Earth Horse Feb. 4, 1978 1979 Jan. 28, 1979 Brown Earth Sheep Feb. 4, 1979 1980 Feb. 16, 1980 White Metal Monkey Feb. 5, 1980 1981 Feb. 5, 1981 White Metal Chicken Feb. 4, 1981 1982 Jan. 25, 1982 Black Water Dog Feb. 4, 1982 1983 Feb. 13, 1983 Black Water Pig Feb. 4, 1983 ----------------------------------------------------1984 Feb. 2, 1984 Green Wood Rat Feb. 4, 1984 1985 Feb. 20, 1985 Green Wood Cow Feb. 4, 1985 1986 Feb. 9, 1986 Red Fire Tiger Feb. 4, 1986 1987 Jan. 29, 1987 Red Fire Rabbit Feb. 4, 1987 1988 Feb. 17, 1988 Brown Earth Dragon Feb. 4, 1988 1989 Feb. 6, 1989 Brown Earth Snake Feb. 4, 1989 1990 Jan. 27, 1990 White Metal Horse Feb. 4, 1990 1991 Feb. 15, 1991 White Metal Sheep Feb. 4, 1991 1992 Feb. 4, 1992 Black Water Monkey Feb. 4, 1992 1993 Jan. 23, 1993 Black Water Chicken Feb. 4, 1993 1994 Feb. 10, 1994 Green Wood Dog Feb. 4, 1994 1995 Jan. 31, 1995 Green Wood Pig Feb. 4, 1995 ----------------------------------------------------1996 Feb. 19, 1996 Red Fire Rat Feb. 4, 1996 1997 Feb. 7, 1997 Red Fire Cow Feb. 4, 1997 1998 Jan. 28, 1998 Brown Earth Tiger Feb. 4, 1998 1999 Feb. 16, 1999 Brown Earth Rabbit Feb. 4, 1999 2000 Feb. 5, 2000 White Metal Dragon Feb. 4, 2000 2001 Jan. 24, 2001 White Metal Snake Feb. 4, 2001 2002 Feb. 12, 2002 Black Water Horse Feb. 4, 2002 2003 Feb. 1, 2003 Black Water Sheep Feb. 4, 2003 2004 Jan. 22, 2004 Green Wood Monkey Feb. 4, 2004 2005 Feb. 9, 2005 Green Wood Chicken Feb. 4, 2005 2006 Jan. 29, 2006 Red Fire Dog Feb. 4, 2006 2007 Feb. 18, 2007 Red Fire Pig Feb. 4, 2007 ----------------------------------------------------2008 Feb. 7, 2008 Brown Earth Rat Feb. 4, 2008 2009 Jan. 26, 2009 Brown Earth Cow Feb. 4, 2009 2010 Feb. 14, 2010 White Metal Tiger Feb. 4, 2010 2011 Feb. 3, 2011 White Metal Rabbit Feb. 4, 2011 2012 Jan. 23, 2012 Black Water Dragon Feb. 4, 2012 2013 Feb. 10, 2013 Black Water Snake Feb. 4, 2013 2014 Jan. 31, 2014 Green Wood Horse Feb. 4, 2014 2015 Feb. 19, 2015 Green Wood Sheep Feb. 4, 2015 2016 Feb. 8, 2016 Red Fire Monkey Feb. 4, 2016 2017 Jan. 28, 2017 Red Fire Chicken Feb. 3, 2017 2018 Feb. 16, 2018 Brown Earth Dog Feb. 4, 2018 2019 Feb. 5, 2019 Brown Earth Pig Feb. 4, 2019 ----------------------------------------------------2020 Jan. 25, 2020 White Metal Rat Feb. 4, 2020

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