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1. When and where was the United Nations founded? What were the historical circumstances?

The Onu was created on October 24th, 1945 in San Francisco; just after the end of the Second World War by the necesity of 51 countries that were worried about maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations between nations and improving social progress, etc.
2. What is the UNs primary mission or goal?

y y y

Peacekeeping and security Human rights and humanitarian assistance Social and economic development

3. What are the principle bodies of the United Nations, what are their characteristics, and what do they do? y General Assembly: 192 Member states and votes, establishes Rules and Internal Rights. y Security Council: 15 Members ( 10 rotating and 5 permanent), emits resolutions, 5 Vetos. y ECOSOC 54 Rotating members and votes, coordinates economy. y Trusteeship Council 7 member states supervise territory, political and social economy of each village. It was suspended to eliminate reunions everyday. y International Court of Justice 15 Judges, solves disputes, judicial power. 4. Who are the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council? Who are the 10 rotating members? 5 Permanent: y China

y y y y

France Russian Federation United Kingdom United States. Austria *Bosnia y Herzegovina *Brasil *Gabn

10 Rotating Members:

y y y y

y y y y y y

*Japn *Lbano *Mxico *Nigeria *Turqua *Uganda

5. What are the 6 main languages of the United Nations?

y y y y y y

English Spanish Russian Chinese French Arab

6. Who is the current Secretary General?

y y

Name: Ban Ki-moon Nationality: South Korean

How is the Secretary General chosen? y is appointed by the General Assembly, after being recommended by the Security Council, any member of which can veto. List all the previous Secretary Generals and the order in which they served.

No. Name Country of origin 1 Trygve Lie Norway 2 Dag Hammarskjld Sweden 3 U Thant Burma 4 Kurt Waldheim Austria 5 Javier Prez de Cullar Peru 6 Boutros Boutros-Ghali Egypt

7 8

Kofi Annan Ban Ki-moon

Ghana South Korea

7. How are the non-permanent members chosen? y The ten temporary seats are held for two-year terms with member states voted in by the General Assembly on a regional basis. 8. Recently, Barack Obama said that which country should be a member of a remodified security council? India 9. What is international relations? y Relationship between pair or among groups of global actors. ( our field of study in Regional Studies) 10. What are some of the challenges we face in interpreting what is going on in the world? y We need objectivity to analyze the world. 11. What is the New World Order? y A unipolar system after the Cold War. 12. What paradigm dominated before the New World Order? y The Cold War between USA and USSR ( capitalism vs socialism) 13. Leading up to World War II, what was the dominant paradigm? 14. What is the security dilemma? y More Defensive armament , less security. 15. What is the military industrial complex? 16. What is blowback? y Can be likened to "kickback", "response" or "retaliation." 17. What are the dominant concerns in the New World Order? y Environment y Development y Integration y Separatism y Failed states 18. What are the two categories of global actors? What are some examples? y State ( all countries) and Non State Actors ( Individuals, cooporations, IGO, NGO) 19. Who are the primary international actors we discussed in class? 20. y y y y y y y Describe the events that lead to the Cold War. End of WWI 1917, Russian Revolution 1922, USSR is born World War II, 1945 Yalta Conference, Potsdam Conference Division of Berlin (1945) Cold War Begins (1947) The Manhattan Project (1939-1945)

Berlin Wall (1961-1989)

21. Who were the key actors involved in the Cold War, and why were they important? USSR: y Vladmir Lenin (1917) y Josef Stalin y Nikita Kruschev y Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev y Mikail Gorbachev (Perestrioka and Glasnot and started arms treaty) USA: y y y y y y y y y y

Harry S. Truman/ Joe McCarthy Winston Churchill (former British Prime Minister) Dwight D. Eisenhower John F. Kennedy ( misil war) Lyndon B. Johnson Richard M. Nixon/ Henry Kissenger (Nobel and Genocide) Gerald Ford Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan (started the armes reductor treaty) Margaret Thatcher (former British Prime Minster)

22. What were the key characteristics of the Cold War? y Communism vs. Capitalism y Balance of Power y paradigm of Realism (realpolitik) Hegemon y Security Dilemma and Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D) y Propoganda War and McCarthyism ( fear) y UN no work y Indirect Conflict y Paranoia y Arms Race 23. What is balance of power? y The theory that peace and stability are maintained when military power is distributed to prevent a single superpower or hegemon . 24. What is realpolitik? y Theory that says countries should increase their power and wealth to compete with and dominate other countries. 25. What are perestroika and glasnost and what role did they play in ending the Cold War? y Perestroika (Restructuring) and Glasnost (Honesty), they helped to end Cold War.

26. Which theory has dominated the new world order? y Neo-Liberal theory (both political and economic) 27. What is the difference between economic and political neoliberalism? Economic: y Free and open Markets y Decrease trade barriers y Search for cheap resources y Maximun profit Political: y Perspective that accounts y The way international institutions promote with reforms and programs:  Global Change  Cooperation  Peace  Prosperity 28. What is power? How can you exercise power? y Is the ability to affect other to get what you want. y By: COERCE; INDUCE; ATTRACT

29. What is hard power? y Influenced by military power y Economic sanctions and embargos y Defensive y Pre-emptive 30. What is soft power? y Opposed hard power y Diplomacy: the art of letting someone have in your way. 31. Are sanctions a form of hard power or soft power? Explain your answer. y Hard power, because you arent using diplomacy, using pre-emptive ways. 32. y y y What is non-violence? Give and Example. Rejects the use of violence, and force Promotes non-cooperation Non-violent activists accept suffering, and try to encourage the aggressor to see their humanity EX. Ghandi

33. What is multilateralism? Give an Example. y Cooperative approaches to manage shared problems through collective and coordinated action. EX. United Nations.

34. What is collective security? Give an example? y A security regime agreed to by the great powers y sets rules for keeping peace y principle that an act of aggression by any state will be met by a collective response from the rest. y EX. Security Council in UN. 35. What is the difference between multilateralism and collective security? y That Collective security derives by the multilateralism. 36. What are the manifestations of power? y The State y Military y Politics y Economics y Culture 37. What is globalization? y Integration of states y Increasing Contact y Communication y Common global Culture 38. List positive and negative impacts of globalization. Positive Negative y Ease of travel y Degradation of Culture and language y Increase knowledge y Economic imperialism y Job opportunities and development y Access to technology, information, and communication 39. What is raunch culture? What does Ariel Levy, the author of Female Chauvinist Pigs argue? y Levy argues that America's sexed-up culture not only objectifies women, it encourages women to objectify themselves. y the term 'raunch culture' refers to the effects that the hypersexualisation has in American society

40. Make a chart comparing modernity and post-modernity Modernity y 14th -19th Century until the end of WWII y End of dark ages y Enligthment y Narrative of history about life y Myths of cultural and ethnic origins y Nation state is important y Ultimate truth and modern science Post modernity y Global village y Increased interconnectedness y Change in perception of allegiances y Technology vs perception of life and death y Absolute Truth viewed with skepticism

41. What is feminism? What is its role in international relations? y Doctrine that women should have the same economic, social, and political rights as men. y Notion that women are human y UN Conferences on Women. y Over 25 years challenging the traditional view of domestic and in international levels 42. y 43. y How does post modernity relate to terrorism? By the expansion of actors with new weapons to promote panic. What are two types of integration? Economic ( free enterprise and market) and political ( individual liberty).

44. What are the five stages of Bela Belassas integration model? Describe each phase and give an example. Where do the European Union and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) fall? Where does MERCOSUR fall? Free trade Area Customs Union Common Economic Total economic Market Union integration FTA CU CM EU y Eliminate + + + + Customs y Common y Free y Unification y Unification of tariffs tariffs transit of economic political y Autonomous and policies policies ( y Distribution in its trade circulatio y Monetary defense and of incomes n of foreign financial between people policy) tax states. services industrial y Supranational and institution capital Ex. NAFTA Ex. EAC Ex. EFTA Ex. European It doesnt exists. North America East African European Union free trade Community free trade association

45. What is fundamentalism? y adherence to the basic principles of specific religion, ideology, economy, law, or social construction. 46. What are they key characteristics of radical religious movements? y Anti-secular y Short-comings of the State y Superiority complex y One Truth y Believers > Non-Believers y Militant 47. What are the 5 main outcomes or radical religious movements? y Irredentism y Secession or seperative revolts

y y y

Migration Diaspora Terrorism

48. What is irredentism? y A movement by a national group to recover lost territory by force . 49. Using concepts such as fundamentalism, irredentism, and nationalism, explain the historical and present situation between Palestine and Israel. Palestinians want to recover the territory lost and given to Israel, a religious state ( jewish), by UN. So theres a constant fight between this two countries to defend its nation and country. 50. y y y y What is separatism? Break away from an internationally recognized state Gain independence Revolt Violence

51. What is nationalism? y People that share values ( History, language, religion, ethnicity), cohesion, unification, loyalty. 52. Can a nation be both separatist and nationalist? Explain. y Yes, because a Particular nation may be in a territory with other nation, so they might want to gain independence and to have their own state. 53. Explain the situation of the Basques. y Spain and France y Invasions and Conflicts y Feeling of being outsiders y Variation in language. 54. Explain the situation of the Kurds. y Muslim people y Turkey, Iraq, Iran , Armenia, Syria. y In different states but the same nation. 55. What is the global south? Which regions are considered part of this, and why? 56. What are some key characteristics of Latin America and the Caribbean? 57. What are the main themes of the ECLAC article on Latin American the Caribbean? Create a chart to represent a summarized version of the article and its findings. 58. What is a dirty war? Name at least three countries that experienced a dirty war. 59. Below, write one paragraph explaining what happened during the civil war in Peru. 60. Who were the key actors in the Peruvian case, and what did they do? 61. What are the major religions in Asia? 62. How is Asia geographically divided? 63. Compare and contrast the Japanese and Chinese economies. 64. What is important about Burma? Afghanistan?

Explain the historical conflict between Pakistan and India What events lead the the Rwandan genocide? During the Rwandan Genocide, who killed who? Who were the interhamwe? Explain how the conflict in Rwandan spread to other countries. What was the role of UN Peacekeepers during the Rwandan genocide? Explain South African Apartheid? Who was Idi Amin and what did he do? What is currently going on in Darfur? What are conflict diamonds? What is the role of natural resources in African conflicts? Which were the primary colonizers in Africa? Make a chart of the countries they colonized. What is the role of conflict diamonds in Sierra Leone? Explain the struggles of the Ogoni people in Nigeria. What has been happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo? Explain the geopolitics of Europe What are some pros and cons of European integration? What is the Peace of Westphaila and when did it occur? What were the results? What were the two phases of European colonization? What are the geographic barriers between Europe and Asia? What are some major issues facing Europe? What is the difference between Middle Eastern, Arab, and Muslim? What are the two major divisions of Islam? What are the five pillars of Islam? Explain the political system in Iran. What happened to the Iraqi Kurds? What are human rights? What human rights are given in the Declaration of Human Rights? Do you have a moral obligation to protect the rights of others? What is sustainable development? What are two opposing view points on environmentalism and sustainable development according to the text book? 96. Does sustainable development promote consumerism? Explain your answer. 97. What are NGOs? What is their role in international politics? Name 5 NGOs and what they do. 98. What is drug trafficking? What are some related issues- explain. 99. How does drug trafficking relate to economics? 100. What is the history of drug trafficking and The War on Drugs? 101. Who are the primary drug consumers? Who are the primary drug exporters? Above all else, you should be able to apply the knowledge you have gained throughout the course, and be able to apply it to real life scenarios.

65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95.

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