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A cataract is a clouding (opacity) in the lens of the eye that makes the eye cau sing vision eyesight

problems. Cataracts are a problem that all people will suff er at some point. However, no cause for alarm. This is not a disease but no eye aging, and as such, all be suffering. Currently, surgery is the best treatment. Cataracts are a major public health problem as it relates to age. A cataract is a clouding of the lens, a lens of the eye that serves to focus and which is norm ally clear and transparent. It's not a tumor or a formation of new tissue or ski n over the eye, but the same is clouded lens. Neither can be called disease, but rather aging eye. Depending on the size and location of the areas of lens opacity, a person may or may not realize that it is developing a cataract. For example, if it is located at the outer edge of the lens, the view remains unchanged, but if the opacity i s located near the center of the lens, usually interferes with the vision eyesig ht. As cataracts increase, causing fuzzy vision, eyesight can become blurred. Th is decrease in visual acuity is one of the clearest symptoms and typical in peop le who are developing a cataract. The eyes may be more sensitive to light driving difficult. There is also an alte ration in the perception of colors. And in many cases can produce diplopia (doub le vision in the eye where the cataract is occurring). Although no one gets rid of cataracts, some people are more predisposed. The diabetics are myopic and irr igation groups cataracts at a younger age. There is also a type of congenital ca taracts that develop babies Cataract is the most common senile cataract, which usually occurs between 65 to 70 years. However this is not entirely accurate, since there may be people who d evelop at a younger age, around 55, and may even have people who do not suffer t o 80. The doctor can see a waterfall while examining the eye with an ophthalmoscope (a n instrument used to visualize the inside of the eye). Using an instrument calle d a slit lamp, the doctor can see the exact location of the cataract and the ext ent of its opacity. In general, people who have a cataract can determine when they want it surgicall y removed. When people feel unsafe, uncomfortable or unable to do their jobs pro bably time for surgery. It makes no sense to have the surgery before that point. Another risk factor is that the mother has had rubella during pregnancy because it can infect the fetus and to develop this type of cataract. However, it is str ange that this happens, and today it is rare for a mother contracted the disease with preventive methods with which they have. Other factors besides age that can predict the onset of cataracts. A blow, punct ure, cut, intense heat or chemical burn caused by factors that can damage the le ns resulting in a traumatic cataract. There are some misconceptions. For example , cataracts do not appear excessive use of sight, not by force. But it is true t hat some professions are more linked to their occurrence. Is the case of the gla ss blowers. People who are dedicated to making crystals are exposed to high temp eratures in addition to watching the oven light continuously. These professional s develop cataracts earlier than normal. Thus, there appears to be a direct rela tionship between exposure to bright light and the development of cataracts. Howe ver, sports such as skiing, they pose no risk. There are also protections such a s sunglasses, which prevent eye damage. No cause of blindness Cataracts are not a cause of blindness. It may be that the problem is quite adva nced. We can distinguish quickly because we can see that the pupil instead of bl ack is white. However, the person suffering does not reach the end of all vision loss, but only light perception. Currently no longer reaches these extremes. The patient usually go to the ophthalmologist because of perceived loss of visio n. There are diagnostic tests such as taking visual acuity to read letters or ro ws and the lamp of visual acuity, can be diagnosed if it falls. There are some drugs such as drops, ointments, pills or special diets or eye exe rcises that cause a delay in the onset of the aging eye, but Dr. Romn not recomme nded as senile cataract will inevitably appear.

The only really effective treatment is surgery. This technique involves removing the cloudy lens. Ultrasound is performed, whereby a small incision is made 3 mm above the eye. After the cataract is removed, and the same wound is placed a fo ldable acrylic intraocular lens that replaces the cloudy lens. As the wound is s o small, no stitches are needed but some doctors are starting somewhere safe pla ce.

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