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Sampai tahun 2001, wiki berada di luar hampir tidak dikenal dari kalangan terbatas pemrogram komputer Wiki

diperkenalkan kepada masyarakat umum oleh keberhasilan dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia isi bebas yang dapat diedit oleh siapa saja. Wikipedia pada awalnya dipahami sebagai pelengkap Nupedia , ensiklopedia on-line bebas didirikan oleh Jimmy Wales , dengan artikel yang ditulis oleh kontributor yang sangat berkualitas dan dievaluasi melalui proses peer review yang rumit. Penulisan konten untuk Nupedia terbukti sangat lambat, dengan hanya 12 artikel diselesaikan selama tahun pertama, meski milis-editor tertarik dan kehadiran penuh-waktu editor-in-chief direkrut oleh Wales, Larry Sanger . Belajar dari konsep wiki, Wales dan Sanger memutuskan untuk mencoba membuat sebuah website kolaboratif untuk memberikan tambahan sumber artikel rancangan cepat diproduksi yang dapat dipoles untuk digunakan pada Nupedia. Editor Nupedia dan tinjauan menolak gagasan menghubungkan Nupedia dengan situs wiki-style, sehingga Wikipedia diluncurkan sendiri nya, domain, pada 15 Januari 2001. Ini awalnya berlari UseModWiki perangkat lunak, dengan yang asli teks yang tersimpan di flat-file daripada dalam database, dan dengan artikel bernama menggunakan CamelCase konvensi. UseModWiki digantikan oleh sebuah mesin wiki PHP pada Januari 2002 dan dengan MediaWiki pada bulan Juli 2002. Wikipedia menarik peserta baru setelah disebutkan di Slashdot serta dalam sebuah artikel di komunitas-diedit situs Kuro5hin . Hal ini dengan cepat menyalip Nupedia. Pada tahun pertama keberadaannya, lebih dari 20.000 entri ensiklopedia diciptakan.

Wikimedia Foundation dan proyek-proyek Wikipedia pertama adik

Wales, dan anggota lain dari komunitas pengguna Wikipedia, didirikan pertama Wikipedia "situs adik", Wiktionary , pada bulan Desember 2002; situs itu dimaksudkan untuk menjadi sebuah kamus bersama-sama dibuat. Pada bulan Juni 2003, Wales mendirikan Yayasan Wikimedia , sebuah organisasi non-profit, untuk mengelola Wikipedia dan semua proyek sister maju. Dua tambahan proyek Wikimedia yang ditambahkan segera setelah itu: Wikiquote , referensi untuk kutipan terkenal, dan Wikibooks , untuk bersama-sama menciptakan buku teks, baik pada bulan Juli 2003.

Pengembangan perangkat lunak wiki, 2001-2003

JSPWiki , diciptakan oleh Janne Jalkanen pada tahun 2001, rata-file perangkat lunak wiki yang dibangun di sekitar JavaServer Pages (JSP). JSPWiki diadaptasi dan diperluas markup PhpWiki. Hal ini terutama digunakan untuk intranet perusahaan dan universitas sebagai sebuah wiki proyek atau aplikasi manajemen pengetahuan . Sun Microsystems telah terintegrasi ke dalam perangkat lunak server JSPWiki portal mereka. Karena instalasi mudah, banyak orang juga menggunakannya sebagai Personal Information Manager (PIM). Para MediaWiki Program ditulis untuk Wikipedia pada tahun 2002 oleh Crocker Daniel Lee , berdasarkan desain antarmuka pengguna dari sebuah mesin wiki yang sebelumnya PHP

dikembangkan oleh Magnus Manske . PHP-perangkat lunak berbasis Manske yang mengalami masalah beban karena penggunaan meningkat, sehingga Crocker menulis ulang perangkat lunak dengan lebih scalable MySQL backend database . Sebagai Wikipedia tumbuh, mencapai skalabilitas melalui beberapa lapisan caching dan replikasi database menjadi keprihatinan utama bagi para pengembang. Internasionalisasi juga menjadi perhatian utama (antarmuka pengguna telah diterjemahkan ke dalam lebih dari 70 bahasa). Salah satu perbedaan awal antara MediaWiki dan mesin wiki lainnya adalah penggunaan link bebas-diformat bukan link di CamelCase. MediaWiki menyediakan sintaks khusus untuk mendukung konten yang kaya, seperti rendering rumus matematika menggunakan LaTeX , grafis merencanakan galeri gambar, dan thumbnail , dan metadata Exif . MediaWiki tidak memiliki dukungan asli WYSIWYG, tapi datang dengan toolbar grafis untuk menyederhanakan pengeditan. Salah satu inovasi MediaWiki untuk penataan konten adalah " ruang nama ". Namespaces memungkinkan setiap artikel mengandung beberapa lembar dengan nama standar yang berbeda: satu lembar menyajikan konten ensiklopedis, yang lain berisi diskusi sekitarnya, dan seterusnya. PmWiki diciptakan pada PHP dengan Patrick Michaud pada tahun 2002. Ini adalah flat-file wiki mesin yang dirancang agar mudah untuk menginstal dan menyesuaikan. PmWiki menawarkan skema template yang memungkinkan untuk mengubah tampilan dan nuansa dari wiki. Kustomisasi dibuat mudah melalui berbagai pilihan ekstensi kustom, yang dikenal sebagai "resep" yang tersedia dari Cookbook PmWiki. TikiWiki diciptakan pada PHP dengan Luis Argerich pada tahun 2002. Hal ini dirancang sebagai CMS dan Groupware aplikasi. TikiWiki bersifat modular dengan komponen yang dapat diaktifkan secara individual dan disesuaikan oleh administrator TikiWiki, dan memperluas kustomisasi untuk pengguna dengan kulit dipilih dan tema. coWiki dikembangkan oleh Daniel T. Gorski pada tahun 2002. Ini adalah salah satu proyek terbesar yang dikembangkan di bawah PHP5 ketika versi yang masih dalam pembangunan awal. coWiki menggunakan bahasa markup yang mirip dengan TWiki. Ini menderita bug misterius yang disebut "ajaib buruk" bug, dan menjadi tidak aktif pada tahun 2006. EditMe adalah host awal situs wiki, atau pertanian wiki , yang diluncurkan pada Agustus 2003. Situs ini menggunakan perangkat lunak wiki berpemilik, ditulis di Jawa. Setelah 2002 jumlah mesin wiki terus tumbuh, sebagai produk komersial baru diperkenalkan, dan seperti baru proyek open-source bercabang dari yang sudah ada. Sebagai contoh, open source mesin wiki WakkaWiki , yang dihentikan pada tahun 2004, kemudian melahirkan setidaknya lima garpu: CitiWiki, UniWakka, WackoWiki, WikiNi dan WikkaWiki. Ketika mereka mengembangkan, wiki dimasukkan banyak fitur yang digunakan di website lain dan blog, termasuk:
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dukungan untuk berbagai gaya markup wiki mengedit halaman dengan GUI editor, WYSIWYG, aplikasi tertentu seperti LaTeX opsional penggunaan editor eksternal dukungan untuk plugin dan ekstensi kustom

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penggunaan RSS feed email terpadu diskusi tepat kontrol akses perlindungan spam

Sekitar 2005 wiki mulai besar-besaran dihadapkan dengan "wiki spam", diproduksi oleh spammer yang masuk ke alamat situs wiki untuk meningkatkan peringkat situs yang ditampilkan oleh mesin pencari. Berbagai strategi telah dikembangkan untuk melawan wikispam.

situs wiki lainnya, 2001-2003

MeatballWiki cepat menjadi populer untuk diskusi wiki komunitas online dan wiki-topik terkait. MeatballWiki memberikan kontribusi kunci untuk serangkaian inovasi dalam bersama-sama menghubungkan wiki yang meliputi:
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InterWikiMap pada WikiWikiWeb disediakan sederhana interwiki menghubungkan sistem (2000) MetaWiki, ide wiki yang membantu orang menemukan wiki lain TOURBUS proyek (musim panas 2002) OneBigWiki (2002), the idea of having one wiki distributed across several servers SwitchWiki (2003): the idea of having one site where one can switch between wikis WikiIndex , an actual wiki listing other wikis, thereby implementing the MetaWiki and SwitchWiki ideas WikiNode, another way to implement InterWiki

SourceWatch (formerly Disinfopedia) is a wiki run by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD). It was launched by Sheldon Rampton in March 2003. It aims to produce a directory of public relations firms and industry-funded organizations that influence public opinion and public policy on behalf of corporations, governments and special interests. Javapedia is a project openly inspired by Wikipedia. The project was launched in June 2003 during the JavaOne developer conference; it is intended to cover all aspects of the Java platform. Wikitravel was started in July 2003 by Evan Prodromou and Michele Ann Jenkins. Memory Alpha is a wiki devoted to the Star Trek fictional universe. It was launched by Harry Doddema and Dan Carlson in December 2003. It has become one of the largest wiki projects. This period also saw the creation of several other general wiki encyclopedias, created either independepently of Wikipedia or meant to serve as an alternative to Wikipedia in order to fix some perceived weakness in it:
y was a Swedish-language wiki, created in October 2001, meant to serve as an encyclopedia, dictionary, and discussion forum.

Enciclopedia Libre was created in February 2002 as a fork of the Spanish-language Wikipedia , by a group of contributors to the Spanish Wikipedia, who left because of fears of censorship and the possibility of the placement of advertising on Wikipedia. Wikinfo was launched in July 2003 as "Internet-Encyclopedia"; it was a fork of the English-language Wikipedia, meant to hold multiple articles on subjects from different points of view, instead of Wikipedia's policy of a single neutral-point-of-view article. WikiZnanie is a Russian-language wiki encyclopedia created in 2003; it took most of its content from the Russian Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary of 1906.

20042006: an explosion in interest

The period from 2004 to 2006 saw an explosion in interest in both wikis generally and Wikipedia in particular, and both started to become household terms. Corporations, organizations and other communities began to make increasing use of wikis. Many of the wiki-based sites, technologies and events that dominate today were started during that period. 2004 saw the launch of two major proprietary wiki applications: Confluence in March and JotSpot in October. They joined Socialtext , which had begun in 2002. All three launched with major corporate backing and venture capital, and geared themselves heavily toward corporate usage. JotSpot was bought by Google in 2006 for an undisclosed amount (Google would later release the technology, in modified form, as Google Sites in 2008). In July 2004, OpenStreetMap , a website to create an open-source street map of the world using wiki functionality, was launched. In October 2004, the site Wikicities launched, co-founded by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and Wikimedia Foundation board member Angela Beesley . Wikicities was a wiki farm , or a website that provides automated hosting of wikis for others. It was among the first wiki farms, and the first one to be heavily publicized. In March 2006, it changed its name to Wikia . Wikia remains the best-known and most popular wiki farm. A large number of other notable wiki farms were released soon afterward, including Wikispaces (launched March 2005), PBwiki (launched June 2005, later renamed PBworks ) and Wetpaint (launched October 2005). Wikidot was launched in August 2006. Most of the major satirical wikis launched at around this time. Encyclopedia Dramatica , which mocked internet culture , was founded in December 2004 (it was shut down in April 2011). Stupidedia , a German-language wiki intended as a direct parody of Wikipedia, was also founded in December 2004, a week later. Uncyclopedia , an English-language wiki also intended to parody Wikipedia, was founded the next month, in January 2005; it was later extended to dozens of other languages, and merged in other wikis, including Stupidedia. La Frikipedia , a Spanishlanguage parody of Wikipedia, was founded in October 2005. 2005 marked the beginning of large-scale wiki-related meetings and conferences. August 2005 saw the first-ever Wikimania , an annual conference organized around Wikimedia Foundation projects, in Frankfurt , Germany . WikiSym , a more academic annual symposium about wikis in

general, was first held a few months later, in October 2005, in San Diego , California . RecentChangesCamp , an unconference dedicated to wikis, was first held in February 2006 in Portland, Oregon . Wikimania and WikiSym remain the two largest wiki-related gatherings. Hybrid applications that combined wikis with other functionality began to emerge during this period. wikiCalc , a wiki-based spreadsheet application, was launched in November 2005 by spreadsheet pioneer Dan Bricklin . Trac , a project management and bug tracking tool that includes wiki functionality, was first released in October 2006. In 2005 a number of semantic wiki applications were launched, including the currently bestknown one, Semantic MediaWiki (which was first announced at Wikimania 2005). wikiHow , a popular how-to website, launched in April 2006. Two major Chinese wiki encyclopedias began in 2006: Baidu Baike in April and Hudong in November. Both currently hold millions of articles, and exceed the popularity of the Chinese Wikipedia within China. Both are for-profit wikis, that, unlike Wikipedia, hold the copyright to their own content. In November 2006 Microsoft released Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 , which added wiki functionality (along with blog functionality and other features) to the product.

[ edit ] Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects

Wikipedia experienced exponential growth in usage and readership during the period from 2004 to 2006, rising in Alexa rankings from the top 1000 websites into the top 15. It was named one of the top 5 global brands of 2006 in the Brandchannel Readers' Choice Awards. In 2004 the Wikimedia Foundation launched three new sites: Wikispecies , for cataloging species, in August 2004, Wikimedia Commons , to hold images and other media used by the Wikimedia projects, in September 2004, and Wikinews , for publishing collaborative news articles, in December 2004. Wikiversity , intended for tutorials and other courseware, was later launched in August 2006. In November 2005, journalist John Seigenthaler wrote a much-publicized article in USA Today about Wikipedia's article about him, which for over four months had contained a false statement about him, inserted as a joke, stating that he had been a suspect in the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy . The USA Today article generated a subsequent controversy that both caused Wikipedia to tighten its standards for creating articles, especially articles about living people, and highlighted the growing importance of Wikipedia as a source of information. During this period, Wikipedia also began to enter the popular culture. A prominent example was the Weird Al Yankovic parody song " White & Nerdy ", which peaked at #9 on the Billboard Hot 100 in late 2006, and contained the lyric "I edit Wikipedia". In December 2006, Time magazine chose " You " as their Person of the Year , referring to the rise of Web 2.0 and web

technologies that allow for user-contributed content, and cited Wikipedia as one of the key websites that allow for "community and collaboration on a scale never seen before."

2007present: wikis enter the mainstream

A milestone in public acceptance of wikis was reached in March 2007 when the word "wiki" entered the Oxford English Dictionary . In 2007, Wikipedia entered the top 10 most popular websites in the world. Wikipedia began to be heavily referenced in television and other media during 2007; see Wikipedia in culture . In January 2007, DBpedia was launched: a project to publish structured data from Wikipedia in machine-readable, queriable form. By 2008, it became a major component of the Linked Data initiative. Also in January 2007, released Amapedia , a product-review wiki on its own website (Amapedia was later shut down in June 2010). In March 2007, Larry Sanger , co-founder of Wikipedia, launched Citizendium , an "expertguided" encyclopedia wiki requiring participants to use their real names. In August 2008, then-US presidential candidate John McCain was accused of plagiarizing Wikipedia in a speech about Georgia . In June 2009, journalist Chris Anderson admitted to plagiarizing a series of Wikipedia articles in his book Free: The Future of a Radical Price ; he called it a "screwup," based on lack of clarity on how to cite a specific version of a Wikipedia article. In May 2009, Google announced its Google Wave platform (and its associated Federation protocol ), which would combine the functionality of wikis with e-mail, instant messaging and social networking in order to provide a collaborative, real-time, server-hosted communication platform. In 2010, the site WikiLeaks (which had been founded in 2006) gained a great deal of both fame and notoriety as a result of a set of leaked documents the site published of classified materials from the United States government , notably footage of the July 12, 2007 Baghdad airstrike , the Afghan War documents leak and the United States diplomatic cables leak . The site runs on the MediaWiki application, and began as a wiki editable by anyone, but in 2010 had its permissions changed so that only its administrators could edit pages. In December 2010, wiki functionality was added to the SAP NetWeaver Portal application.

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