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Chapter-1 : Introduction Introduction of Stress Organizational Stress Sources of Stress Consequences of Stress Management of Stress Organization Profile Research methodology Data Analysis and Interpretation Findings and Suggestions Questionnaire Bibliography

Chapter-2 Chapter-3 Chapter-4 Chapter-5 Appendix

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Stress has been called the invisible. It is a disease that may affect you, your organization, and any of the people in it, so you cannot afford to ignore it. EVOLUATION OF STRESS: The Garden of Eden began as a tranquil stress environment. However when Adam was given the tantalizing chance to eat the forbidden fruit, he was trust into mankinds first stressful situation. Adam was offered a choice and, as we know, decision-making is the breeding ground for conflict, frustration and distress. DEFINITION: Stress in individual is defined as any interference that disturbs a persons healthy mental and physical well being. It occurs when the body is required to perform beyond its normal range of capabilities. Stress is the way that you react physically, mentally and emotionally to various conditions, changes and demands in your life. High levels of stress can affect your physical and mental well being and performance. The results of stress are harmful to individuals, families, society and organizations, which can suffer from organization stress. Ivancevich and Matteson define stress as individual with the environment. Behr and Newman define job stress as a condition arising from the interaction of people and their jobs and characterized by changes within people that force them to deviate from their normal functioning. Stress is a dynamic condition, which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint or demand related to what he or she desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important. Stress is associated with constraints and demands. The former prevent you from doing what you desire, the latter refers to the loss of something desired. Stress is highest for those individuals who perceive that they are uncertain as to whether they will win or lose and lowest for those individuals who think that winning or losing is certainty. Canadian physician Hans Selye (1907-1982) in his book the stress of life 1956 popularized the idea of stress. According to Selye, the General Adaptation Syndrome consists of three phases. Ce level begins to decline irreversibly. The organism collapses.

y Alarm Reaction: The first is the alarm phases. Here the individual mobilizes to meet the threat. The alarm reaction has two phases. The first phases includes in initial stock shock phase in which defensive mechanism become active. Alarm reaction is characterized by autonomous excitability; adrenaline discharges; increase heart rate, ulceration. Depending on the nature & intensity of the threat and the condition of the organization the period of resistance varies and the severity of symptoms may differ from mild invigoration to disease of adaptation. y Resistance: The second is the phase of resistance. The individual attempts to resist or cope with the threat. Maximum adaptation occurs during this stage. The bodily signs characteristic of the alarm reaction disappear. It the stress persist, or the defensive reaction proves ineffective, it may overwhelm the body resources. Depleted of energy, the body enters the phase of third. y Exhaustion: Adaptation energy is exhausted. Sings of the alarm reaction reappear, and the resistance level begins to define irreversibly. The organism collapses.

Pestonjee has attempted / identified three important sectors of life in which Stress originates. These are Job and the organization The social sector Intrapsychic sector Job and organization, refers to the totality of the work environment (task, atmosphere, colleagues, compensation, policies, etc.). The social sector refers to the other such factors. The Intrapsychic sector encompasses those things, which are intimate, and persona, like temperament, values, abilities and health. It is contended that stress can originate in any of these sectors or in combinations thereof.

In the figure below it can be seen that the magnitude of stress emanating from the stress to learner limit of the individual to handle these stress. This indicates a balanced state.


In the figure we find that job and organization loads have increased and have made a dent in the personality. In this stage, we find minor surface changes taking place, which are quite manageable.


Adaptation attempt a) b) c) d) Extra effort Excessive concern of task Worries Anxiety

In the stage three and the figure below, we find that job and organizational loads have become unmanageable and interact with intrapsychic loads. This is

the stage at which he negative consequences of the stress become apparent. Most of the stress related diseases emerge at this point. When the situation persists we move into the next stage in which we start operating beyond the stress tolerance limit.

MAJOR SURFACE DISFIGURATION Frantic copying 1. Extra ordinary effort 2. Worry and anxiety about the self 3. Onset of physiological symptoms 4. Aggressive tendencies
Several types of breakdowns and cracks are observable in this stage i.e., fourth stage. If unchecked the situation may culminate into the last and most intense phase wherein complete disintegration of personality takes place. At this stage, the individual requires proper psychological and medical care. The figure below depicts the fourth and fifth stage.



A. Work related symptoms Lack of concentration Affected clarity of thinking & decision making Frequent absenteeism Affected team work Aggressive behavior

B. Physiological symptoms Headache / Migraine Insomnia Lack of appetite Digestive disorders Sexual disorders Temperamental changes.

Pestonjee has also developed a model to explain how we cope with stress reactions. It is called the BOUNCE model because the behavioral decomposition taking place due to stress tense to get reflected in interpersonal reactions. The reactions are received & analyzed by the environment, which in turn, bounce back

signals to the individuals to bring about a change either at the orgasmic level or at the response level.


BORNOUT STRESS SYNDROME (BOSS):Boss can lead to at least four types of stress related consequences such as, depletion of energy reverses, lowered resistance to illness, increased dissatisfaction and pessimism and increased absenteeism and inefficiency at work. Veningle and spradley have identified five distinct stages of BOSS.

HONEYMOON STAGE:This stage can be describe as accounting for the euphoric feeling of encounter with the new job such as excitement, enthusiasm, challenge and pride. Dysfunctional features emerge in two ways first; the energy reverses are gradually depleted in coping with the demands of a challenging environment. Second, habits and strategies for coping with stress are formed in this stage which is often not useful in coping with later challenges.


This stage can be identified as composed of the value feelings of loss, fatigue and confusion arising from the individuals overdraws on reverses of adaptation energy. Other symptoms are dissatisfaction, inefficiency, and fatigue and sleep disturbances leading to escape activate such as increased eating, drinking & smoking.

CRISIS STAGE:When these feelings and physiological symptoms persist over period of time, the individual enters the stage of crisis. At this stage he develops escape mentality and feels oppressed. Heightened pessimism, self-doubling tendencies, peptic ulcers, tension headaches, chronic backaches, blood pressure.

HITTING THE WALL STAGE:This stage of BOSS is characterized by total exhaustion of ones adaptation energy, which may mark the end of ones professional career. While recovery from this stage elude may be resourceful to tide over the crises.

TYPES OF STRESS:y It the stress for the day to day adaptability of man to his environment and results in the maintenance of internal steady state (homeostasis) it is know as neustress. For example, one produces neustress in order to breath, work. y Stress is through of in negative terms. It is thought to be caused by something bad (for example the boss gives a formal reprimand for poor performance). It the stress response is unfavorable and potentially disease producing, this is known as distress. Constant worry in a susceptible individual can lead to ulcers.

If the stress response is favorable and results is favorable and results in improvement in physical and / or mental functioning, it is called estruses. This is the positive, pleasant side of stress caused by stress caused by good things. For examples an employee is offered a job promotion at another I.


Change in working practices, such as the introduction of new technology or the alternation of new technology or the alternative of targets, my cause stress, or stress may be built into an organizations structure. Organizational stress can be measured by absenteeism and quality or work.

ORGANIZATIONAL STRESS:Stress affects as well as the individual within them. An organization with a high level of absenteeism, rapid staff turnover, deteriorating industrial and customer relations, a worsening safety record, or poor quality control is suffering from organizational stress.








The below chart shows one example of the structure of a department in an organization, indicating typical causes of stress that may effect stress at certain levels in the structure, and particular.

Causes that are affecting individuals. Stress is contagious; anyone who is not performing well due to increases the amount of pressure on their colleagues, superiors, and subordinates.

The cause may range from unclear or overlapping job descriptions, to lack of communication, to poor working conditions, including sick building syndrome.

POTENTIAL SOURCES OF STRESS: There are three categories of potential stressors: i Environmental factor i Organization factor i Individual factors Environmental factors:
Just as environmental uncertainty influences the design of an organization. Changes in business cycle create economic uncertainties.

Political uncertainties:
If the political system in a country is implemented in an orderly manner, there would not be any type of stress.

Technological uncertainties:
New innovations can make an employees skills and experiences obsolete in a very short period of time. Technological uncertainty therefore is a third type of environmental factor that can cause stress. Computers, robotics, automation and other forms of technological innovations are threat to many people and cause them stress.

Organization factors:
There are no storages of factors within the organization that can cause stress; pressures to avoid error or complete tasks in a limited time period, work overload are few examples.

Task demands are factors related to a persons job. They include the design of the individuals job working conditions, and the physical work layout.

Role demands relate to pressures placed on a person as a function of the particular role he or she plays in the organization. Role overhead is experienced when the employees is expected to do more than time permits.

Role ambiguity is created when role expectations are not clearly understood and employee is not sure what he / she is to do.

Interpersonal demands are pressures created by other employees. Lack of social support from colleagues and poor.

Interpersonal relationships can cause considerable stress, especially among employed with a high social need.

Organizational structure defines the level of differentiation in the organization, the degree of rules and regulations, and where decisions are made. Excessive rules and lack of participation in decision that affect an employee are examples of structural variables that might be potential sources of stress.

Potential sources


Organizational leadership represents the managerial style of the organizations senior executive. Some executive officers create a culture characterized by tension, fear, and anxiety. They establish unrealistic pressures to perform in the short-run impose excessively tight controls and routinely fire employees who dont measure up. This creates a fear in their hearts, which lead to stress.

Organizations go through a cycle. They are established; they grow, become mature, and eventually decline. An organizations life stage - i.e. Where it is in four stage cycle-creates different problems and pressures for employees. The establishment and decline stage are particularly stressful.

Individual factors:
The typical individual only works about 40 hrs a week. The experience and problems that people encounter in those other 128 non-work hrs each week can spell over to the job.

Family problems:
National surveys consistently show that people hold family and discipline, troubles with children are examples of relationship problems that create stress for employee and that arent at the front door when they arrive at work.

Economic problems:
Economic problems created by individuals overextending their financial resources are another set of personal troubles that can create stress for employees and distract their attention from their work.

Society the working world and daily life have changed almost beyond recognition in the past 50 years. These changes have contributed to a major increase in stress. Stress is caused from both outside & inside the organization & from groups that employees are influenced by & from employees themselves.

Stressors: The agents or demands that evoke the potential response are referred to as stressors. According to Syele a stressors is Whatever produces stress with or without functioning hormonal or nervous systems.

Extra organizational stressors: Extra organizational stressors have a tremendous impact on job stress. Taking an open system perspective of an organization, it is clear that job stress is not just limited to things that happen inside the organization, during working hours. Extra organizational stressors include things such as social / technological change, the family, relocation, economic & financial conditions, race & class, residential or community conditions. Organizational stressors: Besides the potential stressors that occur outside the organization, there are also those associated with the organization itself. Although the organization is made up of groups & individuals, there are also more macro-level dimensions unique to the organization that contains potential stressors.


POLICIES Unfair, arbitrary performance reviews. Rotating works shifts. Inflexible rules. Unrealistic job descriptions. STRUCTURES Centralization; Lack of participation in decision making. Little opportunity for advancement. A great amount of formalization. Interdependence of departments. Line-Staff conflicts. PHYSICAL CONDITIONS Crowding & lack of privacy. Air pollution. Safety hazards. Inadequate lighting. Excessive, heat or cold. PROCESS Poor communication. Poor / inadequate feedback about performance. Inaccurate / ambiguous measurement of performance. Unfair control systems. Inadequate information. GROUP STRESSORS: The group can also be a potential source of stress. Group stressors can be categorized into three areas. 1. Lack of groups cohesiveness:Cohesiveness or togetherness is a very important to employees, especially at the lower levels of the organizations. If the employee is denied the JOB STRESS

opportunity for this cohesiveness because of the task design, because the supervisor does things to prohibit or limit it, or because the other members of the group shut the person out, this can be very stress producing. 2. Lack of social support:Employees are greatly affected by the support of one or more member of a cohesive group. By sharing their problems & joys with others, they are much better off. It this type of social support is lacking for an individual, it can be very stressful. 3. Intra-Individual, interpersonal & inter-group conflict:Conflict is very closely conceptually or hostile acts between associated with in compatible or hostile acts between intra-individual dimensions, such as personal goals or motivational needs / values, between individuals within a group, & between groups. INDIVIDUAL STRESSORS: In a sense, the other stressors (Extra organizational, organizational, & Group stressors) all eventually get down to the individual level. For example, role conflict, ambiguity, self-efficacy & psychological hardiness may all affect the level of stress someone experiences.

The effect of stress is closely linked to individual personality. The same level of stress affects different people in different ways & each person has different ways of coping. Recognizing these personality types means that more focused help can be given. Stress shows itself number of ways. For instance, individual who is experiencing high level of stress may develop high blood pressure, ulcers, irritability, difficulty in making routine decisions, loss of appetite, accident proneness, and the like. These can be subsumed under three categories:

Individual consequences Organizational consequence Burnout

Individual consequences:
Individual consequences of stress are those, which affect the individual directly. Due to this the organization may suffer directly or indirectly, but it is the individual who has to pays for it. Individual consequences of stress are broadly divided into behavioral, psychological and medical.

 Behavioral consequences of stress are responses that may harm the person under stress or others. Behaviorally related stress symptoms include changes in productivity, turnover, as well as changes in eating habits, increased smoking or consumption of alcohol, paid speech, and sleep disorders.

 Psychological consequences of stress replace to an individual mental health and well-being from or felling depressed. Job related stress could cause dissatisfaction, infact it has most psychological effect on the individual and lead to tension, anxiety irritability, and boredom.

 Medical consequences of stress affect a persons well being. According to a research conducted, it revealed that stress could create changes in metabolism, increase heart and breathing rates, increases blood pressure bring out headaches and induce heart attacks.

Organizational consequences: Organizational consequences of stress have direct affect on the organizations. These include decline in performance, withdrawal and negative changes in attitude.

Decline in performance can translate into poor quality work or a drop in productivity. Promotions and other organizational benefits get affected due to this.

Withdrawal behavior also can result from stress. Significant form of withdrawal behavior is absenteeism.

One main affect of employee stress is directly related to attitudes. Job satisfaction, morale and organizational commitment can all suffer, along with motivation to perform at higher levels.

Burnout:A final consequence of stress has implementation for both people and organizations. Burnout is a general feeling of exhaustion that develops when an individual simultaneously experiences too much pressure and few sources of satisfaction.

Managing stress in the work place

Every responds to stress in a different way, it is only by understanding the nature of individual responses that you can start fighting stress yourself and others. Reduction or elimination of stress is necessary for psychological and physical well being of an individual. Efficiency in stress management enables the individual to deal or cope with the stressful situations instead of avoidance. Strategies like tie management, body-mind and mind-body relaxation exercise, seeking social support help individual improve their physical and mental resources to deal with stress successfully. Apart from helping employees adopt certain coping strategies to deal with stress providing them with the service of counselor is also useful.

Many strategies have been developed to help manage stress in the work place. Some are strategies for individuals, and other is geared toward organizations.

Individual coping strategies: Many strategies for helping individuals manage stress have been proposed.

Individual coping strategies are used when an employee under stress exhibits undesirable behavior on the jobs such as performance, strained relationship with coworkers, absenteeism alcoholism and the like. Employees under stress require help in overcoming its negative effects. The strategies used are:

Exercise:One method by which individual can manage their stress is through exercise. People who exercise regularly are known to less likely to have heart attacks than inactive people are. Research also has suggested that people who exercise regularly feel less tension and stress are more conflict and slow greater optimism.

Relaxation:A related method individual can manage stress is relaxation. Copying with stress require adaptation. Proper relaxation is an effective way to adopt. Relaxation can take many forms. One way to relax is to take regular vacations; people can also relax while on the job (i.e. take regular breaks during their normal workday).

A popular way of resting is to sit quietly with closed eyes for ten minutes every afternoon.

Time management:Time management is an often recommended method for managing stress, the idea is that many daily pressures can be eased or eliminated if a person does a better job of managing time. One popular approach to time management is to make a list, every morning or the thins to be done that day. Then you group the items on the list into three categories: critical activities that must be performed, important activities that should be performed, and optimal or trivial things that can be delegated or postponed, then of more of the important things done every day.

ROLE MANAGEMENT:Some what related to time management in which the individual actively works to avoid overload, ambiguity and conflict.

SUPPORT GROUPS:This method of managing stress is to develop and maintain support group. A support group is simply a group of family member or friends with whom a person can spend time. Supportive family and friends can help people deal with normal stress on an ongoing basis. Support groups can be particularly useful during times of crisis.

BEHAVIORAL SELF-CONTROL:In ultimate analysis, effective management if stress presupposes exercise of self-control on the part of an employee. By consciously analyzing the cause and consequences of their own behavior, the employees can achieve self-control. They can further develop awareness of their own limits of tolerance and learn to anticipate their own responses to various stressful situations. The strategy involves increasing an individuals control over the situations rather than being solely controlled by them.


The cognitive therapy techniques such as Ellis rational emotive model and Meichenbaums cognitive strategy fir modification have been used as an individual strategy for reducing job stress.

Personal counseling help employees understand and appreciate a diverse workforce, the holistic approach adopted by the counselor gives him a comprehensive view of the employee as client and enable him to deal the issues of work related problems in a larger context with his awareness of the inter-relationship among problems in adjustment with self, other and environment and that a work concern will effect personal life and vice-versa, the employee would receive help regarding the problem in all life.

One of the advantage of the individual interventions is the individual can use these skills to improve the quality of life in offer domains like family, social support and self, thus reducing the negative carry of experiences in these domains into the work life which might effect his occupation mental health.

ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIES:The most effective way of managing stress calls for adopting stressors and prevent occurrence of potential stressors. Two basic organizational strategies for helping employees manage stress are institutional programs and collateral programs.

Work Design Work schedules Culture

Stress Management programs Health promotions programs Other programs


Institutional programs:Institutional programs for managing stress are undertaken to established organizational mechanism for example, a properly designed job and word schedules can help ease stress. Shift work in particular can constantly have to adjust their sleep and relaxation patterns. Thus, the design of work schedules should be a focused of organizational efforts to reduce stress. The organizations culture can also used to help to manage stress. The organization should strive to foster a culture that reinforces a healthy mix of work and nonworking activities. Finally, supervision can play an important institutional role in overload. In managing stress. A supervisor is a potential manager source of overload. If made aware of their potential for assigning stressful amounts of work, supervisors can do a better job keeping workloads reasonable.

In addition to their institutional efforts aimed at reducing stress, many organizations are turning to collateral programs. A collateral stress program in an organizational program specifically created to help employees deal with stress. The organizations have adopted stress management programs, health promotion programs and other kinds of programs for this purpose.

Energy is important parameter in the overall economic development activity of any country. It has become synonymous with progress in all fields of activities. Its standard of living in the words of DAGLI is as follows it is said that the difference between a starving Indian peasant and a prosperous American farmer is that behind his elbow the India farmer has almost nothing while his American counterpart has thousands of hours power. This, it is energy, which is the dividing line between any substance economy and a highly developed economy. India is poor and American is rich because America consumes nearly 50 times as much energy as is consumed by

India. Energy is at the heart of the modern industrial society. It could also be effective weapon in the battle against object poverty.

There is a close correlation between energy consumption and level of economic development. Energy means capacity of doing work. There are various sources of energy but in India the important sources are coal, hydroelectricity. Oil and natural gas, nuclear fuels fire wood and animal wastes. Despites the development of various sources in the energy sector, the fact still remains that low last energy sources like fire wood, cattle drug and vegetable wastes account for as much at 45 percent of energy consumption in the country.

Power development in India began in 1897 when a 200KW hydro station was first commissioned at Darjeeling, in 1899 a first steam station was set up in Calcutta with a total of 100kw. There after, a series of hydro and steam power station were commissioned. But the power development was not in a systematic and planned manner in the country. Therefore, in order to achieve the objective of promoting the co-ordination development and rationalization of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity on a regional basis throughout the country in the most efficient and economic way the state electricity board (SEBs) was constituted in the various states of the country under the provisions of the electricity (supply) act 1948. These SEBs, were to enjoy the monopoly in respect of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in the country. After constitution of SEBs, there was phenomenal improvement in the development of installed capacity and power generation. The efficiency of working of power plant and their maintenance have been unsatisfactory as a result of which the power generating capacity already created could not have been fully utilized. Power is the single factor, which changed the way of living. The National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, established on November 7th in 1975, has become the most important infrastructure input for improving the standard of living to meet the growing demand and to fulfill the needs of the country. Just in 29 years this company has grown to be the largest producer of power in the country. NTPC the

NAVARATNA power giant today generates one fourth of the total power in the country and it is ranked 9th largest thermal power generating utility in the world.

Keeping the significance of power supply in sight, NTPC has been chosen for the purpose of the study as it has many units under its control. Ramagundam Super Thermal Power Station (RSTPS) has been selected for the study.


Power The single factor which changed the way in which man lived for millions of years, has become the most important infrastructure input for improving the standard of living both directly as well as indirectly by way of contributing in the economic development to make available to the nation reliable & quality power in increasingly large quantities. NATIONAL THERMAL POWER CORPORATION LTD was formed in 1975; NTPC Ramagundam unit with approved capacity of 260MW and installed capacity of 21OOMW is the largest Thermal Power plant powering South India's growth. Ramagundam unit of NTPC credited with first ISP 14001 certified Super Thermal Power Station in our country.

NTPC a front runner in the Indian Power sector in one of the larges & the best power utilities of the world, there by contributing of India's emergence as one of the world's leading economies. The World Bank, in its performance audit report on NTPC's projects observed that.

"NTPC record in plant construction, cost containment & operating efficiency has been exceptional, while as an institution it has broken new ground in Organization & Management, successfully navigated the transition from constructions to operating company & generally coped quite well with the problems of rapid expansion".

Two corporations The National Hydro Electric Power Corporation (NHPC) & National thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) were set in 1975 -76 in the center sector

as a step to achieve the objectives. The company started functioning in March 1976 with the appointment of a chairman & Managing Director.

The 2100 MW Ramagundam Super Thermal Project is located in Karimnagar District of Andhra Pradesh to the South of river Godavari. The project is linked to the south Godavari Coal field or the Singareni Collieries.

1. Planning & Investigation of new sites, preparation of feasibility prospect report & the designing as well as engineering of power station. 2. NTPC also manages the 720 MW Badarpur Thermal Power Station in Delhi & 270 MW BALCO Captive power plant (M.P) 3. 4. 5. Operation & Maintenance of Power Stations. Research & development in area related to power generation NTPC also bagged a turnkey contract for the construction of21 Sub - stations from Nepal electricity authority. 6. The R &D using of NT PC has been instrumental in enhancing the reliability of plant & equipment.

To add generating capacity with in prescribed time & cost. To operate & maintain power stations at high availability ensuring minimum cost of generation. It has planned massive growth to make itself a 40,000 MW company. To maintain the financial soundness of the company by managing the financial operations in accordance with good commercial utility practices. To function as a responsible corporate citizen & discharge social responsibility, in respect of environment protection and rehabilitation. The corporation will strive to utilize the ash produced at its stations to the maximum extent possible through production of ash bricks, building materials etc.

To adopt appropriate human resources development policy leading to creation of team of motivated and competent power professionals. To introduce, assimilate & attain self sufficiency in technology, acquire expertise in utility mgt. Practices to disseminate knowledge essentially as a contribution to other constituents of the power sector in the country. To develop R&D for achieving improved plant reliability To expand the consultancy operations & to participate in ventures abroad.

To add generating capacity with in prescribed time & cost. To expand the constancy operations & to participate ventures aboard. To maintain the financial soundness of the company by m aging the operations in accordance with good commercial utility. To operate and maintain power stations at high availability ensuring minimum Cost of generation. To develop (R&D) for achieving improved plant reliability. To develop appropriate commercial policy leading to remunerative tariffs & minimum receivables. Implement strategic diversification in the areas of R&M. Hydro. LNG and Non conventional and eco-friendly fuels and explore new areas like transmission information technology etc. Promote consultancy. Make prudent acquisitions. Continuously develop competent human resources to match world standards. Be a responsible corporate citizen with thrust on environment protection rehabilitation and ash utilization. financial



Customer focus. Organizational pride. Mutual Respect and Trust. Initiative and speed total quality. Total Quality.

Make available reliable, quality power in increasingly large quantities at appropriate tariffs, and ensure timely realization of revenues. Speedily plan and implement power projects, with contemporary technologies.

DISTRIBUTION OF POWER OF NTPC RAMAGUNDAM S.No State Distributed Capacity (MW) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu Karnataka Kerala Goa Pondicherry Unallocated 580 470 345 245 100 50 310 Percentage (%) 27.619 22.381 16.429 11.667 4.762 2.381 14.762

NTPC stations & the NTPC manage Badarpur station has been accredited with ISO 14001 for sound environment management system & practices.

NTPC recorded a provisional turnover of Rs.30000 crores during 2004-05 as against Rs.25184 crores during 2003-04. The provisional net profit after tax for 200304 is Rs.4905 crores, as compared to Rs.5500 crores last year. The provisional Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) and Return on Net worth (RONW) are 12.31 % and 14.13% respectively for the year 2004-05. An interim dividend of Rs.400 Crores has been paid to the Government for 2003-04.

The total out standings as on 31.10.2005 stood at Rs 26078.96 crores including a principal amount of Rs.16049.55 crores.


Record haulage of coal in single day of 78,720 MT on 29 June 1998 Asian record. Station recorded highest loading factor of 99.4% for the yr 1999 2000 Continuous run or VI unit (500MW) for 406 days, third best in the world. Ramagundam 500MW unit-7 (stage-III) has successfully completed one year of commercial operation on 25.03.06 without any tube leakage. The unit generated 3802.492 MUs @ a PLF of 86.81%. Considering the loss of generation of 297 MUs due to backing down, the deemed, PLF is 93.590/0. The unit also has achieved a continuous run of 97 days without tripping in the first year of operation itself. Ramagundam station achieved 47.94% (18.63 LMT) of Ash utilization during the financial year against the target of 47% (18.20 LMT). Ramagundam & Simhadri were recommended for commendation certificate for storage commitment to Excel by G1II. Ramagundam bagged Innovative safety practices award for the year 2005 from institution of Engineers.

Ramagundam station bagged Best Management award from Govt. of AI fur the year 2004-05. NTPC Ramagundam bagged golden shied for the financial years 2000-01, 2001-02, 2002-03 and 2003-04 for outstanding performance in power generation.

Installed capacity of NTPC Projects:

Projects NTPC OWNED COAL GAS/LIQ.FUEL ONED BY JVCs COAL GRAND TOTAL 3 23 314 24.249 No. of Projects 13 07 Commissioned Capacity (MW) 19,980 3,955

Capacity power plant under JV with SAIL Coal based projects:

Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Coal Based Singrauli Kobra Ramagundam Farakka Vidhyachal Rihand Kahalgoan Dadri Tacher Kaniha Unchahar Tacher Thermal Simhadri Tanda Total State Uttar Pradesh Chhattisgarh Andhra Pradesh West Bengal Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Bihar Uttar Pradesh Orissa Uttar Pradesh Orissa Andhra Pradesh Uttar Pradesh 1,600 1,600 2,200 2,000 840 840 3,000 840 3,000 440 19,980 Commissioned Capacity 2,000 2,100 2,600

@ Capacity presently under implementation. Vindyachal 1000 MW Unchahar 210 MW Kahalgoan State II Phase I 1500 MW Phase II 1000 MW

Gas Based Projects:

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Anta Auralya Kawas Dadri Jahanor-Gandhar Kayamkulam Kerala Faridabad Total Haryana 24,249 Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh Gujarat Uttar Pradesh Gujarat 350 430 413 652 645 817 648

Grand total (Coal + Gas + JV)

Capacity Power station managed By NTPC 21. Badarpur Delhi State Installed (MW) 705

Sterling Performance of 2009-10:1. The company takes a new name NTPC Limited aligned to its new business plans. 2. The company market capitalization J11 crosses Rs. One trillion (Rs. 1,00,000 crore) and is one of the top three largest Indian companies in terms of market cap. 3. A highest ever generation of 170.88 BVs during 2005-06 registering an increase 017.40% over the generation of 159.11 BVs during 2004-05.


With 19.51% [including capacity of joint venture companies] share of the total installed capacity of the nation, NTPC contributed 27.68% electricity generated in the country during 2005-06.

5. 6.

Coal stations of NTPC achieved an operating availability of 89.95%. Coal stations of NTPC recorded a PLF of 87.54%, which is the highest for any financial year since inception; Tilt PLF during previous year was 87.51%.

7. 8.

100% realization for the third year in succession. Provisional and un audited net sales of Rs. 2,59,928 million during the year 2005-06 as against Rs. 2,25,316 million for the year 2004-05. however, provisional and un audited Gross Revenue is Rs. 2,86,473 million during 2005-06 as against Rs. 2,55,460 million for the year 2004-05.


Provisional and un audited net profit after tax for the year 2005-06is Rs. 57,076 million a compared to Rs. 58, 070 million during the year 2004-05.

10. Total capacity added during the year four years of 10th plan period (2002-2006) increases to 4000 MW with another 500 MW getting added during the far company to 24,249 MW (including capacity of Joint venture companies). 11. Construction works on 9470 MW in progress. 12. Further projects with capacity of 3720 MW under bidding process. 13. Ratnagiri Gas and power supply Pvt Ltd formed \\ith NTPC having a stake of 28.33% for taking over and operating the Dabhol power project. 14. The Government allots 7 mort coal mining blocks to NTPC for capacity use taking the total mines allotted to 8 with an expected output of 50 MT per annum. 15. A consortium comprising of NTPC and two other members allotted an exploration block in Arunachal Pradesh. 16. Capital expenditure incurred in 2005-06 on capital scheme was Rs. 71,879 million compared to Rs. 53,603 million in 2004-05 capital outlay for 2J0607 set at Rs. 1,13,250 million. 17. A USD 1 Bn medium Tern Note programme established. NTPC becomes the first Indian corporate since 1997 to make successful offering of 10 year fixed rate amounting to USD 300 million. 18. Standard & Poors have revised outlook on the rating of the company from stable to positive while affirming the BB+ issuer rating.

19. An interim divided o 20% for the financial year 2005-06 amounting to Rs. 16,491 million. 20. Government has assigned NTPC the consultant role to modernize and improve several plants across the country in the partnership In Excellence program of the government. 21. Collaborating the government in the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojuna. 22. NTPC has also taken up Distribution Generation for rural electrification of remote villages through non-conventional energy sources. 23. Simhadri project receivers international project management award instituted by International project management Association (IMPA) NTPC is the only Asian Company that has received this award. 24. Ranked 3rd Great Place to work for in India by M/S Grow Talent and Business world 2005. 25. NTPC has achieved all the targets to be rated Excellent during 2005-06 for the nineteenth year since inception of the MOU system.


The organizations design is one of the main factors, which ultimately determines the effectiveness of enterprises. The board of directors is the supreme policy making body, which give the direction to the activities of the organization. The head of this board is the chairman & managing director who is also the full time chief executive of the company. The members of this board are both full-time directors as well as senior level officers. The basic divisions, which are accountable to CMD, Are: 1. Technical and Engineering division. 2. Corporate Commercial division. 3. Operation Services division. 4. Corporate Finance division.

The foundation stone for RSTPS was laid on 14-11-1978 by Sri. Morarji Dessai then Prime minister of India. Ramagundam a vibrant 2600 MW station is a largest Thermal Power station in South India with three 200 MW & three MW and 1v500 sets and also one of the largest in the country. Its emergency has put the Southern States one step ahead in their effort to meet their power requirement. Third in the series super Thermal Power Station set up by NTPC Ramagundam. It is situated in the interiors of Andhra Pradesh on the banks of Godavari River in Karimnagar District of Telangana, just across the old pitheads of Singareni Collieries. Ramagundam has been raising at this time & earned the proud destination of being the only station in the country to omission all the seven units ahead of schedule, constructed at a cost of Rs. 1702 crores, the station has been one of the largest recipient its of the world Bank. Its project implementation & financial control has earned a path from the World Bank Ramagundam a be considered as the school for construction of Power projects. The major external financing sources are IBRD, IDA & OPEC. Ramagundam generation proportion has achieved the Govt. of India meritorious productivity award as many four times. The beneficiaries of RSTOS are Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Goa and Pondicherry. The plant load factor for the year 2003-04 was 8.3% and it stood in the fourth place the NTPC station. To cater to the growing demand for power the seventh unit of 500 MW is being added. The station had required infrastructure facilities and the commitment of the employee. The project after completion will be the largest power station supplying power to the Southern Grid. The Honorable Union Minister of the Power Sri. Suresh Babu in the presence if Sri. N. Chandra Babu Naidu, Honorable Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh laid the foundation on 11th Jan 2002 and completed ahead of schedule.

Installed Capacity Unit Sizes : : 2600MW 3X200MW 4X500MW Units Commissioned : Unit- I October, 1983 Unit- II May, 1984 Unit- III December, 1984 Unit- IV June, 1988 Unit- V March, 1989 Unit- VI October, 1989 Unit- VII November 2000 Transmission System Source of Coal : : 2400 cks -400KV South Godavari Coal fields of

Singareni Colleries Water Sources Beneficiary States : : Sri Ram Sagar Project Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Pondicherry. Approved investment Coal Consumption Water Consumption Coal Transportation : : : : Rs. 3877.68 crores 8.6 million tones per annum Kerala, Goa and

250 cusec (MGR) Merry-or-round system

of 22.5 kms Indian Railway. Total Land : 10,000 Acres.

Research Methodology: Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. Research methods can be classified in to two types. They are quantitative research methods and qualitative research methods. Quantitative research methods were originally developed in the natural sciences to study natural phenomena. Examples of quantitative methods now well accepted in the social sciences include survey methods, laboratory experiments, formal methods and numerical methods.

researchers to study social and cultural phenomena. Qualitative data sources include observation and participant observation (field work), interviews and questionnaires, documents and texts, and the researchers impressions and reactions.

Statement of th

Qualitative research methods were developed in the social

sciences to enable e problem Stress is the force acting on the individual that result in a response of strain

where strain is pressure or deformation. It costs money to the organization, besides

reflecting employees individually in a long run it affects on organizational effectiveness. Identification of the problem: The most significant elements for any organization are men, materials, money and machines. Out of these four elements manpower assumes the greater importance. Since, without efficient manpower the presence of better materials, machines and sufficient capital are useless for any organization. So all other available elements can be effectively utilized only when there is efficient manpower and then that organization can be successful in accomplishment of its objectives. So, for any organization to be successful in the market it should feel that

employees as its assets. It should have a view that employees are the sources of Good will & Profit. Each organization is run and steered by people. If the Stress has been ignored it damages the organization in the long term and the organization will not be able to withstand in the market, even though it is full of resources & financially good. Stress overcoming strategies, procedures play a vital role in the organization. Here the research is done through questionnaires. The data used for

analysis and interpretation is from the responses of the employees for the questionnaire. Comparison of responses is used for interpreting the data. The project is presented by using tables, bar charts with their interpretation. Questionnaire: Questionnaire is the testing tool of this project. A questionnaire is a formalized set of questions for collecting information. Its function is measurement. The questionnaire is administered by the means of questionnaire contained clear concept of the needed information about the Absenteeism of the organization. It contained two to five options for a question. I used this for the purpose of getting absolute response from the respondent. Sample of the Study: Sampling is the process of obtaining information about the entire population by examining only a part of it. So the sample has been taken from the executive employees of the organization. Sample size is restricted to 70 respondents due to time constraint. Sources of the data: The information collected for the purpose of this study consists of both primary and secondary data. Primary data: Data originally collected for an investigation is known as primary data. The data is collected through questionnaire from the employees of the NTPC Ramagundam organization for the purpose of this project. Most of the study for this project is based on primary data itself.

Secondary data: Data, which is not originally collected rather obtained from, published or unpublished sources, is known as secondary data. The published sources out of which data have been collected include annual reports, chairmans review, and textbooks on Personnel Management etc. Total information about the organization has been extracted from these secondary sources.

A hypothesis is a tentative statement that proposes a possible explanation to some phenomenon or event. A useful hypothesis is a testable statement which may include a prediction. Hypotheses should not be confused with a theory. Theories are general explanations based on a large amount of data Hypothesis: A hypothesis is not just an "educated guess" as many may define it. It's more of what you think the outcome of the experiment you are about to do is going to be. According to Kaplan states to carry forward n inquiry we may formulate working hypothesis. The working hypothesis is not a guess at the riddle, a hunch as t what the answer might be. It is an idea, not about the outcome of inquiry but about the next steps that may be worth taking. The working hypothesis formulates a believe pertaining to the course of inquiry but not necessarily pertaining to it ultimate destinations.

There are several sources of hypothesis. First source of hypothesis is problem or topic itself. When a researcher selects a problem of study and begins to think over it, several assumptions come into being and among those assumptions, he finds some testable and accepts them as test hypothesis. Second source is cultural environment gives him the inspirations thirdly comparing the cross cultural phenomenon and this comparison results into origination of hypothesis. The personal experience of the researcher himself is the most important source of formulation of hypothesis.

The null hypothesis a statistical proposition which states, eventually, that there is no relation between the variables (of the problem). The null hypothesis says you are

wrong, there is no relation, disprove me if you can. The negative form of a hypothesis is known as the null hypothesis, for instance that there is no dependency of one variable on another, or that there is no significant difference between two measures of same parameter y The Stress at the workplace has an impact on employee not only individually but the Organization too. y Nature of work, targets at the job, Lack of communication and co-operation, working conditions are also the causative factors of stress. y It would be overcome by individual practices and organizational measures and help.


1.1 Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I How often do you say the word I am busy or I am having hard time at work place (NTPC).

Option Very often Often Rarely Very Rarely Never Total I

Number of employees 4 26 10 20 10 70

Percentage 5.7% 37% 14.2% 29% 14.2%

40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Very often Often Rarely Very Rarely Never Percentage

Interpretation: The above chart reveals that 37% of the employees say that often they feel that they are busy at work place, 29% of employees say that very rarely, 14.2% say that rarely and never, 5.7% employees say that very often.

1.2 Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I There is a lack of cooperation in my work place. Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Number of employees 6 14 18 30 2 70 Percentage 9% 20% 25.7% 43% 3%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Percentage

Interpretation: From above chart reveals that 43 % of employees disagree because the lack of co operation at work place, 25.7 % of the employees are neutral, 20 % of employees agree, 9 % of the employees strongly agree, 3 % of the employees strongly disagree.


Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I Family problem causes stress. Number of employees 6 24 12 22 6 70 Percentage 9% 34.2% 17% 31.4% 9%

Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


Interpretation: From above chart reveals that 34.2 % of employees agree because of family problems, 31.4 % of the employees are Disagree, 17 % of employees neutral, 9 % of the employees strongly agree and strongly disagree.

1.4 - Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I have a problem of BP/SUGAR/Any other health problem". Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Number of employees 4 14 12 24 16 70 Percentage 5.7% 20% 17.1% 34.2% 23%

40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


Interpretation: From above chart reveals that 34.2 % of employees are Disagree because of health problems, 23 % of the employees are Strongly Disagree, 20 % of employees are agree, 17 % of the employees neutral and 5.7 % of employees strongly agree.

1.5 Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I Physical exercises and yoga helps to reduce the stress. Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Number of employees 28 34 4 2 2 70 Percentage 40% 48.5% 6% 3% 3%

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Percentage

Interpretation: From above chart reveals that 48.5 % of employees are agree because physical exercise and yoga helps to reduce stress,40 % of the employees are Strongly agree, 6 % of employees are neutral, 3 % of the employees strongly agree and strongly disagree.

4.6 Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I Meditation and prayer helps to reduce the stress.

Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

Number of employees 30 30 6 2 2 70

Percentage 43% 43% 9% 3% 3%

50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


Interpretation: From above chart reveals that 43 % of employees are agree and strongly agree because meditation and prayers helps to reduce stress, 9 % of employees are neutral and 3 % of the employees strongly disagree and disagree.

4.7 Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I Lack of communication causes stress. Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Number of employees 14 34 18 4 0 70 Percentage 20% 49% 26% 6% 0%

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Percentage

Interpretation: From above chart reveals that 49 % of employees are agree because lack of communication causes stress, 26% are neutral, 20 % are strongly agree,6 % of employees are disagree

4.8 Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I Spending time with family reduce stress. Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Number of employees 4 52 6 6 2 70 Percentage 6% 74% 9% 9% 3%

80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Percentage

Interpretation: From above chart reveals that 74 % of employees are agree because spending time with family reduce stress, 9 % are neutral and disagree, 65% are strongly agree 3% are strongly disagree.

4.9 Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I Good working conditions reduce stress.

Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

Number of employees 16 34 14 4 2 70

Percentage 23% 46% 20% 6% 3%

50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


Interpretation: The above reveals that the most of the employees 46% are agree because good working conditions reduce stress, 23% are strongly agree, 20 % are neutral, 6% are disagree 3 % are strongly disagree.

4.10 Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I Rational Allocation of work reduces stress. Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Number of employees 6 40 12 10 2 70 Percentage 9% 57% 17% 14% 3%

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Percentage

Interpretation: The above chart reveals that 57 % employees says that agree because rational allocation of work reduce stress, 17% are neutral, 14 % are disagree, 9% are strongly agree, 3 % strongly disagree.

4.11 Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I Training and Development programs helps to cope-up with new technology which in turn reduces the stress. Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Number of employees 16 34 12 6 2 70 Percentage 23% 46% 17% 9% 3%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Percentage

Interpretation: The above chart reveals that 46% of the employees says that agree because T & D programs helps to reduce stress, 23 % are strongly agree, 17% are neutral, 9% are Disagree and 3% are strongly disagree.

4.12 Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I Relaxation reduces stress.

Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

Number of employees 12 40 10 6 2 70

Percentage 17% 57% 14% 9% 3%

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Percentage

Interpretation: The above chart reveals that 57 % of employees says that agree because relaxation reduce stress, 17% are strongly agree, 14 % are neutral, 9 % Disagree and 3 % are strongly disagree.

4.13 Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I Required safety precautions reduce stress. Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Number of employees 6 42 14 6 2 70 Percentage 9% 60% 20% 9% 3%

70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Percentage

Interpretation: The above chart reveals that 60% of employees are says that agree, because safety precautions reduce stress, 20% are neutral , 9% are strongly agree and disagree and 3% are strongly disagree.

4.14. Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I Team building, work life balance, flexible work timings facilitates an employee to overcome stress. Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Number of employees 18 40 8 2 2 70 Percentage 26% 57% 11% 3% 3%

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Percentage

Interpretation: The above chart reveals that 57 % of employees says that agree because, Team building, work life balance, flexible work timings facilitates an employee to overcome stress, 26% are strongly agree, 11% are neutral and 3% are disagree and strongly disagree.

4.15 Table representing answers of the respondents towards the question " I Physical work problems are in the causes stress. Option Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Number of employees 4 40 14 8 4 70 Percentage 6% 57% 20% 11% 6%

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


Interpretation: The above chart reveals that 57% of employees are says that agree because physical work problems causes stress, 20% are neutral, 11% are disagree and 6% are strongly agree and strongly disagree.

4.16. Give any suggestions for better implementation stress relieving programs in this organization. .

It is found that the organization realized that stress management with the good communication employees involvement routes in organization into successful leader in the global market.

1. Out of total employees, nearly 37% of employees says that agree that often they feel that they are busy at work place, 29% of employees say that very rarely, 14.2% say that rarely and never, 5.7% employees say that very often.

2. Out of total employees, nearly 43 % of employees disagree because the lack of co operation at work place, 25.7 % of the employees are neutral, 20 % of employees agree, 9 % of the employees strongly agree, 3 % of the employees strongly disagree.

3. It is found out of the total employees 34.2 % are agree. Because of family problems, 31.4 % of the employees are Disagree, 17 % of employees neutral, 9 % of the employees strongly agree and strongly disagree.

4. Out of total employees, nearly 34.2 % of employees are Disagree because of health problems, 23 % of the employees are Strongly Disagree, 20 % of employees are agree, 17 % of the employees neutral and 5.7 % of employees strongly agree.

5. Nearly 48.5 % of employees are agree because physical exercise and yoga helps to reduce stress,40 % of the employees are Strongly agree, 6 % of employees are neutral, 3 % of the employees strongly agree and strongly disagree.

6. It is found that 49 % of employees are agree because lack of communication causes stress, 26% are neutral, 20 % are strongly agree,6 % of employees are disagree.

7. Out of the total employees, nearly 49 % of employees are agree because lack of communication causes stress, 26% are neutral, 20 % are strongly agree,6 % of employees are disagree. 8. Out of the total employees, nearly 74 % of employees are agree because spending time with family reduce stress, 9 % are neutral and disagree, 65% are strongly agree 3% are strongly disagree. 9. It is found that 46% are agree because good working conditions reduce stress, 23% are strongly agree, 20 % are neutral, 6% are disagree 3 % are strongly disagree. 10. It is found that 57 % employees says that agree because rational allocation of work reduce stress, 17% are neutral, 14 % are disagree, 9% are strongly agree, 3 % strongly disagree. 11. Out total employees, nearly 46% of the employees says that agree because T & D programs helps to reduce stress, 23 % are strongly agree, 17% are neutral, 9% are Disagree and 3% are strongly disagree. 12. It is found that Out of total employees, nearly 57 % of employees says that agree because relaxation reduce stress, 17% are strongly agree, 14 % are neutral, 9 % Disagree and 3 % are strongly disagree. 13. Out of the total employees, nearly 60% of employees are says that agree, because safety precautions reduce stress, 20% are neutral , 9% are strongly agree and disagree and 3% are strongly disagree.

14. Out of the total employees, nearly 57 % of employees says that agree because, Team building, work life balance, flexible work timings facilitates an employee to overcome stress, 26% are strongly agree, 11% are neutral and 3% are disagree and strongly disagree. 15. Out of the total employees, nearly 57% of employees are says that agree because physical work problems causes stress, 20% are neutral, 11% are disagree and 6% are strongly agree and strongly disagree.

A small percentage of the employees did have high stress. Person facing stress at the organization leads to lot of psychological problems in the form of decrease motivation, absenteeism, low productivity, targets, not being achieving etc. as ready for the above said employees facing stress are advised to attend stress management courses. Which will help them to build coping strategies and cause out their stress. The stress management course comprise of a package program consisting of: y y y y y y y Relaxation. Positive outlook towards work/responsibilities. Self analysis through personality type tests. Inter personal skills development. Protection yoga cum mediation. Time management. Since training and development and job related factors, performance appraisal and job satisfaction were perceived stressful by the employees, the employee should be counseled regarded the matter. y y Realize the excessive use of Tea/Coffee. Try to get 6-7hrs of continues sleep per day.


The present study was conducted at NTPC in Ramagundam. The aim was to find the stress levels, personality types of the employees. This was done using a detailed questionnaire. The study revealed that fall under low stress category only a small percentage is highly stressed and needed preventive action to fight against stress. The study found positive stress prevailing in the organization to some extent. At the end of the study, we can conclude through there are signs of stress among the employees & such stress is affecting their behaviors which can be controlled & reduced effectively.


1. How often do you say the word I am busy or I am having hard time at work place (NTPC). a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree ( e) Strongly disagree 2. There is a lack of cooperation in my work place. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 3. Family problems causes stress. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 4. I have a problem of BP/SUGAR/Any other health problem. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 5. Physical exercises and yoga helps to reduce the stress. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 6. Meditation and prayer helps to reduce the stress. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 7. Lack of communication causes stress. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 8. Spending time with family reduce stress. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) )

9. Good working conditions reduce stress. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 10. Rational Allocation of birth reduce stress. Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

) a)

11. Training and Development programs helps to cope-up with new technology which in turn reduces the stress. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 12. Relaxation reduces stress. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree . 13. Required safety precautions reduce stress. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree. 14. Team building, work life balance, flexible work timings facilitates an employee to overcome stress a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree. 15. Physical work problems in the causes stress. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 16.Give any suggestions for better implementation stress relieving programs in this organization. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



Fred Luthans

Organization Behavior MC Graw Hill International editon

Stephan P.Robbin

Organization Behavior Concepts & Applications


Organization behavior


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