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Patience is a virtue

People these days are impatient. I am serious! I dont think it is difficult to give a detailed analysis of why most people psyche is like that. I am not saying people in general are chronically impatient or these kinds of people are some kind of psycho. Not at all! What I am saying here is an impatient person whether he is a Christian or not is destructive. I dont like characterizing people but impatient people; most of the times are arrogant, insensitive, rude, unhappy and overbearing. Unfortunately, we know most of them so well. If you cant see them on major highways, grocery stores, banks, hospitals, even in the church; may be you are in a hurry too. We eat fast, talk fast, drive fast, date fast, love fast, hate fast, married fast, divorce fast, honk the moment the lights turn green, speak in half sentence, cut off when someone speaks, start things but dont finish, etc. If you blame Life for your impatience, please find something else to blame. Ok! For some people life is like a non-stop action movie from beginning to end. Our life, like a roller coaster, run from one end to the other so fast and it seems like we dont have any control. That is sad! I think we all need to slow-down somewhere somehow and think and rethink I dont think we should live our life like a roller coaster, I think not quite. Because there come a moment to a halt and you have to get down eventually, you cant just fly all the time, right? I mean when there seems to be a flux of situations rushes into our territory or when the collective felling of the time is speed up! we need to find a way to live our life in orderly manner, embrace what we have here-and-now than engaged with a wild ride of life style. I mean think about this for a second, from the time you get up in the morning to the time you collapse into bed, how much running have you done? I am not talking about running here. When was the last time you take a break to enjoy life, instead of spending all of your time trying to earn time to enjoy life? Life is not a race. Take it slower. Cool down. My point? Listen to the music before you dance and enjoy the dance before the music is over. Let me give you an example. I saw a friend of mine at school today and I really wanted to talk to him. But he seemed like in a hurry. So, I asked him why he is in a hurry, his answer was, Sorry, Ill have to answer this later can you believe that? I mean come-on people! I wonder how many people are out there just like my good friend. Speed and passion is good, but that is not only makes our life so great. I know impatience isnt always bad, but it can be a sign of a troubled life too. You see, so many of us have the passion to purse things but lack the patience to enjoy our accomplishments, because at the end of the

day we drop dead tired, and we always blame life itself. Dont let the life around you squeeze you.

Whether you agree with me or not, we are always responsible for our actions remember, I said ALWAYS. Most relationships, and marriages destroyed by the modern disease called busyness or as one of my favorite Christian writers John Ortberg called it hurry sickness. Busyness is the modern religion. John in his book, The Life Youve Always Wanted pointed out, people with hurry sickness despite all their rushing around have no satisfaction, their life lack simplicity, busyness diminished their capacity to enjoy and love life, and above all destroy their spiritual life. So what is the solution then? John Ortberg says, You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life. Oh yea? Thats it my friend! Our Lord Jesus said in Luke 10: 38-42 but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. Only one thing is needed? Really? When we put God first in our lives; everything else will fall into place. When we have Him first in our lives, then we come to understanding that only one thing is needed. This one thing is the greatest blessing that you can have. When Jesus said, Only one thing is needed he emphasised the importance of having intimate relationship with him, he meant our relationship with him must get a supreme priority in our lives. Thats why he never hurried. Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, is attributed to saying, The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing. What is the main thing in your life? One of the problem with busyness is, it robs you the deep connection or relationship with Christ. Impatience is the enemy of true spirituality. We all need to be aware of something called time and life. It is easy to get impatient with things, people, and even God himself. Remember Saul in 1 Samuel 13? An impatient man commits folly. An impatient person does not posses self-control. He cannot discern the time. He is quick to act and slow to consider. An impatient person invites destruction into his life. An impatient person does not posses true knowledge of God so he cannot rest. Patience, despite our dislike for it, is a vital element in life. The ability to be patient stems from being confident and focused on the Lord. It shows knowing and trusting God and his principles, promises, purposes, and power. Waiting time is not wasted time, so be patient. Eyob B Kassa

It has never been easy to be patient, but it's probably even harder now than at any time in history. In a world wheremessages can be sent across the world instantly, seemingly everything is available with a few clicks of the mouse, and a swift movement of your thumbs can take you into a fantasy game world, it's very hard not to expect instant satisfaction. But patience remains a valuable tool in life. We don't always get instant gratification, and some of the best things in liferequire years of hard work and waiting. Fortunately, patience is a virtue that can be cultivated and nurtured. It does take time to fulfill this goal, but once this has grown into an ordinary skill for you, you certainly won't be disappointed at what life can offer you with some spare time. You will be surprised by how boring, restless, and lagging hours can evolve into a passing time of relaxation and peace of mind.

1. 1
Journal. Get a notepad or a piece of paper, and a writing utensil such as a pencil. For one to two weeks, whenever you get that rushed feeling and the sense of impatience, write down whatever it is that feeling is associated with (Example: July 1 - Astronomy class.) Make sure that you take note consistently and consecutively-each time the feeling occurs. You will notice that you are more aware of (and subsequently more prepared for) the feeling of impatience. You will also be able to observe the sense of impatience objectively and which events give rise to it. You may come to the conclusion that circumstances surrounding the feeling are not causing you angst - the feeling itself is. In these ways, you will be able to better control impatience when it besets you. Ads by Google Get Your BIG On Learn, Live and Lead BIG Your source for on-line learning

2. 2
Try to figure out why you are in such a hurry. We tend to lose our patience when we're multitasking or when we're on a tight schedule, expecting the day to pass within (what it seems like...) only a few short minutes of busyness and chaos. If you're stretching yourself too thin, you should reconsider your to-do list before you attempt to change your natural reaction to an overwhelming situation. Try to spread out your tasks so that you're doing only one thing at a time, without leaving yourself twiddling your thumbs in eagerness of something to busy yourself with. Delegate responsibilities to others if you can; this in itself may be a test of your patience, but you have to learn to share the load.

3. 3

Pinpoint the triggers that often influence you to lose your patience. Impatience creeps in insidiously, and if you feel anxious, worried, or unhappy you may not even realize that the underlying cause of these feelings is impatience. To reduce the frequency of impatience, it helps to be aware of it. Which events, people, phrases or circumstances always seem to influence you lose your cool? Sit down and make a list of all the things which cause you anxiety, tension, or frustration. At the core of most triggers is a reality that we have a hard time accepting. What are those realities for you?

4. 4
Overcome bouts of impatience. In the long run, developing patience requires a change in your attitude about life, but you can immediately make progress by learning to relaxwhenever you feel impatient. Take a few deep breaths and just try to clear your mind.Concentrate on breathing and you'll be able to get your bearings.

5. 5
Look for patterns. Being aware of your impatience also gives you a chance to learn from it and perhaps uncover a relationship or circumstance that is simply not healthy or constructive, and that you may have the power to change. Figure that out, and you can then think logically about the problem issue and decide whether or not your impatience is warranted or helpful. It usually isn't, but when it is you can then figure out ways to fix the root problem rather than simply feeling stressed about it.

6. 6
Let go if you can't do anything about the impatience trigger. If there isn't anything that you can do to resolve whatever has triggered your impatience, just let it go. Easier said than done, yes, but it's possible, and it's the only healthy thing to do. Initially, you will probably find it difficult to let go if the matter is important to you--waiting to hear back after a job interview, for instance--but you should be able to alleviate impatience that's caused by issues of less consequence (i.e. waiting in line at the grocery store). If you make a concerted effort to be more patient in relatively inconsequential, shortterm situations, you'll gradually develop the strength to remain patient in even the most trying and enduring situations.

7. 7

Remind yourself that things take time. People who are impatient are people who insist on getting things done now and don't like to waste time. However, some things just can't be rushed. Think about your happiest memories. Chances are, they were instances when your patience paid off, like when you worked steadily towards a goal that wasn't immediately gratifying, or took a little extra time to spend leisurely with a loved one. Would you have those memories if you had been impatient? Probably not. Almost anything really good in life takes time and dedication, and if you're impatient, you're more likely to give up onrelationships, goals, and other things that are important to you. Good things may not always come to those who wait, but most good things that do come don't come right away.

8. 8
Expect the unexpected. Yes, you have plans, but things don't always work out as planned. Accept the twist and turns in life gracefully. Keep your expectations realistic. This applies not only to circumstances, but also the behavior of those around you. If you find yourself blowing up over your child or your spouse accidentally spilling a drink, you're not in touch with the fact that people aren't perfect. Even if the occasion is not an isolated incident but is instead caused by their repeated neglect and carelessness, losing your patience isn't going to make it any better. That's something to be addressed with discussion and self-control.

9. 9
Give yourself a break. The meaning of this is twofold. First, take a few minutes to do absolutely nothing. Just sit quietly and think. Don't watch television; don't even read. Do nothing. It may be hard at first, and you may even feel pretty impatient after a minute or two, but by taking some time out you can essentially slow your world down, and that's important to develop the attitude necessary to develop patience. Second, stop holding yourself and the world around you to unreachable standards. Sure, we'd all be more patient if babies didn't cry, dishes didn't break, computers didn't crash, and people didn't make mistakes--but that's never going to happen. Expecting the world to run smoothly is like beating your head against the wall. Give yourself a break!



Remember what matters. Not focusing on what matters most in this life fuels impatience. Move the world toward peace by being kind, generous in forgiveness of others, being grateful for what is, and taking full advantage of what matters most. When other less important things fuel our impatience, taking time to remember any one of these items reduces our tendency to want something different right now.



Always remember that you will eventually get what you want. (this requires maturity and patience to understand and accept!) If you work hard at something, this may be the truth, but most of the time you have to be patient to get what you want. For others, this may come as easy, but the only thing that matters is that you know how to occupy yourself, even in the dead of times. Just remember, patience is a mental skill that you will never forget, so cherish patience as a major step for you in life. Impatience is something not to be proud of, but something that you should attempt to train yourself out of, before it is something that overthrows your life. Ads by Google Amiown Preschool For Physical and Physiological Development of your Child

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