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Here are 34 Tips on Building Positive Work Relationships: Be tolerant of others' weaknesses.i Be tolerant of your own weaknesses.

Don't be self-critical in front of another person, because, after a while, both of you will believe it.i Be a good listener.i Remember that physical warmth bonds people together. Try touching, a wink, eye-to-eye contact, a smile.i Don't expect closeness through inappropriate behavior. Pouting, withdrawing, or being curt, negative, and whiney seldom draw people closer. Own up to your emotions and feelings and express them in an open, honest, clear, and direct way.i Learn to give and accept praise. Compliment people on their character, not on their appearance. If you don't accept praise, people will eventually stop giving it.i If you need to scream at someone, do it at the right person. Don't take it out on your spouse, children, or yourself.i Learn to say "no" to yourself and others when, after objective self-assessment, it seems the appropriate thing to do. Rescuers and do-gooders are often resentful because they expect, but receive, little in return.i When confronted, listen to what the other person has to say without expressing the typical defensive, reactive self that resides in each of us. No one likes to be criticized, but change cannot occur without self-awareness, which in turn cannot develop without feedback. Learn to ask for feedback. Be honest with your feelings to yourself and others.i Learn to be direct, open, and clear in giving messages. Don't be afraid to express your negative emotions. The key to self-expression is how you state your feelings. Most relationships are strengthened through the creative use of conflict.i Make time for yourself. Learn to look after yourself without always feeling selfish or guilty.i Make time for others. Time is a matter of priorities. If you want to do something badly enough for yourself or another, you will make the time.i Remember that 70 percent of your communication is nonverbal. Be in touch with the messages conveyed by your body language, voice inflection, posture, and facial expressions.i Avoid "winning" situations. If you "win" a discussion, it is at the expense of someone else, and you have to deal with that person's feelings. No one is right all the time. Nor can you be all things to all people at all times.i Tackle life's problems systematically. People who are stressed try to undo their "mistakes" in a hurry. Set realistic personal and other-directed goals. If you don't succeed, don't give up. You might need to adjust your goals or simply keep trying.i Come to accept the fact that not all life's conflicts, including your own, may be resolvable, now or in the future. Some people and situations simply can't or don't want to change. Don't expect yourself or another to alter behavior without proper know-how and motivation.i Learn to set limits with yourself and others. Avoid being the rescuer or doormat. Failing to set limits leads to resentment.i You don't have to justify your every move in life. An honest response is appropriate, but avoid feeling the need to make excuses for your actions. Also, don't cop out of any responsibility when someone else is depending on you. If the world becomes angry with you, it might be because you

have become undependable.i Finish unfinished business. Whenever you suppress a feeling, it will eventually manifest itself magnified many times over. Beware of depression, illness, or emotional outbursts as expressions of suppression.i Offer your point of view when it is asked for.i Trust within relationships is critical, particularly with today's emphasis on team management. Friendships, families, and organizations need trust to operate effectively. When people trust each other, everything works better. But trust doesn't come automatically; it must be earned. Strong trust-builders:i Sincerely regret doing wrong to others and are quick to apologize when they do something wrongi Are good listenersi Look out for other people's interests as well as their owni Are fair in their dealings with everyonei Clarify their intentions so that others will understand their actionsi Seek input on issues from the people who will be affected by their decisions or actionsi Generously praise peoplei Willingly cooperate with their colleagues and are more interested in achieving good results than in who will get the crediti Strive to understand how others feel and are sensitive and empathetic to others' feelingsi Keep promises you can rely on them to do what they said they would doi Tell the truth, even when it might be painful or to their disadvantagei Are genuinely interested in other people and have a high relationship orientationi Care about others and treat others the way in which they would want to be treated themselvesi

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