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Thomas Finley, tomf@cs.cornell.



The determinant det : Rnn R satises: 1. det(AB) = det(A) det(B). 2. det(A) = 0 i A is singular. 3. det(L) = 1,1 2,2 n,n for triangular L. 4. det(A) = det(AT ). To compute det(A) factor A = P T LU . det(P ) = (1)s where s is the number of swaps, det(L) = 1. When computing det(U ) watch out for overow!

i, j where i j (or i j) such that Ai,j = 0. A matrix with lower bandwidth 1 is upper Hessenberg. For A, B Rnn , B is As inverse if AB = BA = I. If such a B exists, A is invertible or nonsingular. B = A1 . The inverse of A is A1 = [x1 , , xn ] where Axi = ei . For A Rnn the following are equivalent: A is nonsingular, rank(A) = n, Ax = b has a solution x for any b, if Ax = 0 then x = 0. The nullspace of A Rmn is {x Rn : Ax = 0}. For A Rmn , Range(A) and N ullspace(AT ) are orthogonal complements, i.e., x Range(A), y N ullspace(AT ) xT y = 0, and for all p Rm , p = x + y for unique x and y. For a permutation matrix P Rnn , P A permutes the rows of A, AP the columns of A. P 1 = P T .

A vector norm function : Rn R satises: Linear Algebra 1. x 0, and x = 0 x = 0. A subspace is a set S Rn such that 0 S and x, y 2. x = || x for all R, and all x Rn . S, , R . x + y S. 3. x + y x + y , for all x, y Rn . The span of {v1 , . . . , vk } is the set of all vectors in Rn Common norms include: that are linear combinations of v1 , . . . , vk . 1. x 1 = |x1 | + |x2 | + + |xn | A basis B of subspace S, B = {v1 , . . . , vk } S has 2. x 2 = x2 + x2 + + x2 n 1 2 Span(B) = S and all vi linearly independent. 1 3. x = lim (|x1 |p + + |xn |p ) p = max |xi | The dimension of S is |B| for a basis B of S. p i=1..n For subspaces S, T with S T , dim(S) dim(T ), and An induced matrix norm is A = supx=0 Ax . It x further if dim(S) = dim(T ), then S = T . satises the three properties of norms. A linear transformation T : Rn Rm has x, y x Rn , A Rmn , Ax A x . Rn , , R . T (x + y) = T (x) + T (y). Further, AB A B , called submultiplicativity. A Rmn such that x . T (x) Ax. aT b a 2 b 2 , called Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. n Rm , S : Rm For two linear transformations T : R 1. A = maxi=1,...,m n |ai,j | (max row sum). j=1 Rp , S T S(T (x)) is linear transformation. (T (x) 2. A 1 = maxj=1,...,n m |ai,j | (max column sum). i=1 Ax) (S(y) B) (S T )(x) BAx. 3. A 2 is hard: it takes O(n3 ), not O(n2 ) operations. n m The matrixs row space is the span of its rows, its column 2 F often replaces 2 . 4. A F = i=1 j=1 ai,j . space or range is the span of its columns, and its rank is Numerical Stability the dimension of either of these spaces. For A Rmn , rank(A) min(m, n). A has full row (or Six sources of error in scientic computing: modeling errors, measurement or data errors, blunders, discretization column) rank if rank(A) = m (or n). A diagonal matrix D Rnn has dj,k = 0 for j = k. The or truncation errors, convergence tolerance, and rounding exponent errors. For single and double: diagonal identity matrix I has ij,j = 1. e t = 24, e {126, . . . , 127} d1 .d2 d3 dt The upper (or lower ) bandwidth of A is max |ij| among
sign mantissa base
t = 53, e {1022, . . . , 1023}

Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines

For A Rmn , if rank(A) = n, then AT A is SPD.

Orthogonal Matrices
For Q Rnn , these statements are equivalent: 1. QT Q = QQT = I (i.e., Q is orthogonal ) 2. The 2 for each row and column of Q. The inner product of any row (or column) with another is 0. 3. For all x Rn , Qx 2 = x 2 . A matrix Q Rmn with m > n has orthonormal columns if the columns are orthonormal, and QT Q = I. The product of orthogonal matrices is orthogonal. For orthogonal Q, QA 2 = A 2 and AQ 2 = A 2 .

0. Scalar ops, like x2 + y 2 . O(1) ops, O(1) data. 1. Vector ops, like y = ax + y. O(n) ops, O(n) data. 2. Matrix-vector ops, like rank-one update A = A + xyT . O(n2 ) ops, O(n2 ) data. 3. Matrix-matrix ops, like C = C + AB. O(n2 ) data, O(n3 ) ops. Use the highest BLAS level possible. Operators are architecture tuned, e.g., data processed in cache-sized bites.

Linear Least Squares

Suppose we have points (u1 , v1 ), . . . , (u5 , v5 ) that we want to t a quadratic curve au2 + bu + c through. We want to 2 solve for u1 u1 1 v1 a . . . b = . . . . . . . . . c u2 u5 1 v5 5 This is overdetermined so an exact solution is out. Instead, nd the least squares solution x that minimizes Ax b 2 . For the method of normal equations, solve for x in AT Ax = AT b by using Cholesky factorization. This takes 3 mn2 + n + O(mn) ops. It is conditionally but not back3 wards stable: AT A doubles the condition number. Alternatively, factor A = QR. Let c = [ c1 c2 ]T = 1 QT b. The least squares solution is x = R1 c1 . If rank(A) = r and r < n (rank decient), factor A = U V T , let y = V T x and c = U T b. Then, min Ax
m 2 i=r+1 ci ,

For any A Rmn with m n, we can factor A = QR, where Q Rmm is orthogonal, and R = [ R1 0 ]T Rmn is upper triangular. rank(A) = n i R1 is invertible. Qs rst n (or last m n) columns form an orthonormal basis for span(A) (or nullspace(AT )). T A Householder reection is H = I 2vvv . H is symmetvT ric and orthogonal. Explicit H.H. QR-factorization is: 1: for k = 1 : n do 2: v = A(k : m, k) A(k : m, k) 2 e1 T 3: A(k : m, k : n) = I 2vvv A(k : m, k : n) vT 4: end for We get Hn Hn1 H1 A = R, so then, Q = H1 H2 Hn . This takes 2mn2 2 n3 + O(mn) ops. 3 Givens requires 50% more ops. Preferable for sparse A. The Gram-Schmidt produces a skinny/reduced QRfactorization A = Q1 R1 , where Q1 Rmn has orthonormal columns. The Gram-Schmidt algorithm is: Right Looking Left Looking 1: Q = A 1: for k = 1 : n do 2: for k = 1 : n do 2: qk = ak 3: R(k, k) = qk 2 3: for j = 1 : k 1 do 4: qk = qk /R(k, k) 4: R(j, k) = qT ak j for j = k + 1 : n do 5: qk = qk R(j, k)qj 5: 6: R(k, j) = qT qj 6: end for k 7: qj = qj R(k, j)qk 7: R(k, k) = qk 2 8: end for 8: qk = qk /R(k, k) 9: end for 9: end for

xx| The relative error in x approximating x is ||x| . Unit roundo or machine epsilon is mach = t+1 . Arithmetic operations have relative error bounded by mach . E.g., consider z = xy with input x, y. This program has three roundo errors. z = ((1 + 1 )x (1 + 2 )y) (1 + 3 ), where 1 , 2 , 3 [mach , mach ]. |z| z |z|

r 2 b 2 = min i=1 (i yi ci ) + i = r + 1 : n, yi is arbitrary.

so yi =

ci i .


Singular Value Decomposition

For any A Rmn , we can express A = U V T such that U Rmm and V Rnn are orthogonal, and = diag(1 , , p ) Rmn where p = min(m, n) and 1 2 p 0. The i are singular values. 1. Matrix 2-norm, where A 2 = 1 . 1 2. The condition number 2 (A) = A 2 A1 2 = n , or rectangular condition number 2 (A) = 1 . Note

|(1 +3 )x(2 +3 )y+O(2 mach )| |xy| |z| z |z|

The bad case is where 1 = mach , 2 = mach , 3 = 0: = mach |x+y| |xy| Inaccuracy if |x+y| |xy| called catastrophic calcellation.

Conditioning & Backwards Stability

A problem instance is ill conditioned if the solution is sensitive to perturbations of the data. For example, sin 1 is Gaussian Elimination well conditioned, but sin 12392193 is ill conditioned. GE produces a factorization A = LU , GEPP P A = LU . Suppose we perturb Ax = b by (A + E) = b + e where x E e x+x GEPP Plain GE 2(A) + O( 2 ), where A , b . Then x 1: for k = 1 to n 1 do 1: for k = 1 to n 1 do (A) = A A1 is the condition number of A. 2: = argmax |aik | 2: if akk = 0 then stop 1. A Rnn , (A) 1. i{k+1,...,n} 3: k+1:n,k = ak+1:n,k /akk 2. (I) = 1. 3: a[,k],k:n = a[k,],k:n 4: ak+1:n,k:n = ak+1:n,k:n 3. For = 0, (A) = (A). 4: [,k],1:k1 = [k,],1:k1 k+1:n,k ak,k:n 4. For diagonal D and all p, D p = maxi=1..n |dii |. So, 5: pk = 5: end for i=1..n |dii (D) = maxi=1..n |dii || . 6: k:n,k = ak:n,k /akk min Backward Substitution 7: ak+1:n,k:n = ak+1:n,k:n If (A) 1 , A may as well be singular. mach 1: x = zeros(n, 1) k+1:n,k ak,k:n An algorithm is backwards stable if in the presence of 2: for j = n to 1 do 8: end for roundo error it returns the exact solution to a nearby wj uj,j+1:n xj+1:n 3: xj = problem instance. uj,j GEPP solves Ax = b by returning x where (A+E) = b. x 4: end for It is backwards stable if E O(mach ). With GEPP, A To solve Ax = b, factor A = LU (or A = P T LU ), solve E 2 Lw = b (or Lw = b where b = P b) for w using forward A cn mach + O(mach ), where cn is worst case exposubstitution, then solve U x = w for x using backward sub- nential in n, but in practice almost always low order poly2 stitution. The complexity of GE and GEPP is 3 n3 +O(n2 ). nomial. Combining stability and conditioning analysis yields GEPP encounters an exact 0 pivot i A is singular. xx cn (A)mach + O(2 mach ). For banded A, L + U has the same bandwidths as A. x

In left looking, let line 6 be qT qj1 for modied G.S. to j See that range(U1 ) = range(A). The SVD gives an ormake it backwards stable. thonormal basis for the range and nullspace of A and AT . T Positive Denite, A = LDL Compute the SVD by using shifted QR on AT A. A Rnn is positive denite (PD) (or semidenite (PSD)) Information Retrival & LSI if xT Ax > 0 (or xT Ax 0). m When LU -factorizing symmetric A, the result is A = In the bag of words model, wd R , where wd (i) is the T ; L is unit lower triangular, D is diagonal. A is SPD (perhaps weighted) frequency of term i in document d. The LDL mn i D has all positive entries. The Cholesky factorization is corpus matrix is A = [w1 , , wn ] R T . For a query q w m A = LDLT = LD1/2 D1/2 LT = GGT . Can be done directly q R , rank documents according to a wd d score. 2 3 In latent semantic indexing, you do the same, but in a in n + O(n2 ) ops. If G has all positive diagonal A is SPD. 3 T , solve k dimensional subspace. Factor A = U V T , then dene To solve Ax = b for SPD A, factor A = GG kn . Each w = A = U T w , and T Gw = b by forward substitution, then solve GT x = w A = 1:k,1:k V:,1:k R :,1:k d :,d d 3 T with backwards substitution, which takes n + O(n2 ) ops. q = U:,1:k q. 3

that 2 (AT A) = 2 (A)2 . 3. For a rank k approximation to A, let k = diag(1 , , k , 0T ). Then Ak = U k V T . rank(Ak ) k and rank(Ak ) = k i k > 0. Among rank k or lower matrices, Ak minimizes A Ak 2 = k+1 . 4. Rank determination, since rank(A) = r equals the number of nonzero , or in machine arithmetic, perhaps the number of mach 1 . V1T (1 : r, 1 : r) 0 A = U V T = U1 U2 V2T 0 0











fm /x1 fm /xn choose (k) as eigenvalues of submatrices of A. f s Taylor expansion is f (x+h) = f (x)+f (x)h+O( h 2 ).

A(k+1) = R(k) Q(k) + (k) I 5: end for



99 D6



B0 = initial approximate Hessian {OK to use I.} for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . do 1 3: sk = Bk f (x(k) )



In the Ando-Lee analysis, for a corpus with k topics, for Arnoldi and Lanczos t 1 : k and d 1 : n, let Rt,d 0 be document ds Given A Rnn and unit length q1 Rn , output Q, H relevance to topic t. R:,d 2 = 1. True document similar- such that A = QHQT . Use Lanczos for symmetric A. ity is RRT = Rnn , where entry (i, j) is relevance of i to Arnoldi Lanczos j. Using LSI, if A contains information about RRT , then 1: for k = 1 : n 1 do 1: 0 = w0 2 )T A will approximate RRT well. LSI depends on even (A 2: for k = 1, 2, . . . do 2: qk+1 = Aqk max Rt,: 2 wk1 distribution of topics, where distribution is = mintt Rt,: 2 . 3: 3: qk = k1 for = 1 : k do 4: uk = Aqk 4: H(, k) = qT qk+1 Great for is near 1, but if 1, LSI does worse. vk = uk k1 qk1 5: qk+1 = qk+1 H(, k)q 5: Complex Numbers 6: k = qT vk 6: end for k Complex numbers are written z = x + iy C for i = 1. 7: wk = vk k qk 7: H(k + 1, k) = qk+1 2 The real part is x = (z). The imaginary part is y = (z). qk+1 8: k = wk 2 8: qk+1 = H(k+1,k) The conjugate of z is z = xiy. Ax = (Ax), A B = (AB) 9: end for 9: end for The absolute value of z is |z| = x2 + y 2 . For Lanczos, the k and k are diagonal and subdiagonal The conjugate transpose of x is xH = (x)T . A Cnn is entries of the Hermitian tridiagonal Tk , and we have H in Hermitian or self-adjoint if A = AH . Arnoldi. After very few iterations of either method, the If QH Q = I, Q is unitary. eigenvalues of Tk and H will be excellent approximations Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors to the extreme eigenvalues of A. For A Cnn , if Ax = x where x = 0, x is an eigenvector For k iterations, Arnoldi is O(nk 2 ) times and O(nk) of A and is the corresponding eigenvalue. space, Lanczos is O(nk)+k M time (M is time for matrixRemember, A x is singular i det(A I) = 0. With vector multiplication) and O(nk) space, or O(n + k) space as a variable, det(AI) is As characteristic polynomial. if old qk s are discarded. For nonsingular T Cnn , T 1 AT (the similarity transIterative Methods for Ax = b formation) is similar to A. Similar matrices have the same Useful for sparse A where GE would cause ll-in. characteristic polynomial and hence the same eigenvalues In the splitting method, A = M N and M v = c is easily (though probably dierent eigenvectors). This relationship solvable. Then, x(k+1) = M 1 N x(k) + b . If it converges, is reexive, transitive, and symmetric. the limit point x is a solution to Ax = b. A is diagonalizable if A is similar to a diagonal matrix The error is e(k) = (M 1 N )k e0 , so splitting methods 1 AT . As eigenvalues are Ds diagonals, and the D = T converge if | max | (M 1 N ) < 1. eigenvectors are columns of T since AT:,i = Di,i T:,i . A is In the Jacobi method, consider M as the diagonals of A. diagonalizable i it has n linearly independent eigenvectors. This will fail of A has any zero diagonals. For symmetric A Rnn , A is diagonalizable, has all real eigenvalues, and the eigenvectors may be chosen as the Conjugate Gradient columns of an orthogonal matrix Q. A = QDQT is the Conjugate gradient iteratively solve Ax = b for SPD A. It is derived from Lanczos and takes advantage of if A is eigendecomposition of A. Further for symmetric A: 1. The singular values are absolute values of eigenvalues. SPD then T is SPD. It produces the exact solution after n iterations. Time per iteration is O(n) + M. 2. Is SPD (or SPSD) i eigenvalues > 0 (or 0). is reduced by 1: x(0) = arbitrary (0 is okay) Error 3. For SPD, singular values equal eigenvalues. ( (A) 1)/( (A) + 1) 4. For B Rmn , m n, singular values of B are the 2: r0 = b Ax(0) per iteration. Thus, for 3: p0 = r0 square roots of B T Bs eigenvalues. (A) = 1, CG converges For any A Cnn , the Schur form of A is A = QT QH 4: for k=0,1,2,. . . do after 1 iteration. To 5: k = (rT rk )/(pT Apk ) with unitary Q Cnn and upper triangular T Cnn . k k speed up CG, use a per6: x(k+1) = x(k) + k pk In this sheet I denote | max | = max{1 ,...,n } ||. conditioner M such that 7: rk+1 = rk k Apk For B Cnn , then limk B k = 0 if | max | (B) < 1. 8: k+1 = (rT rk+1 )/(rT rk ) (M A) (A) and solve k+1 k Power Methods for Eigenvalues M Ax = M b instead. 9: pk+1 = rk+1 k+1 pk x(k+1) = Ax(k) converges to | max | (A)s eigenvector. 10: end for Once you nd an eigenvector x, nd the associated eigenMultivariate Calculus (k) T (k) value through the Raleigh quotient = x (k) TAx . Provided f : Rn R, the gradient and Hessian are x(k) x 2f f 2 f 2 f The inverse shifted power method is x(k+1) = (A x1 xn 2 x1 x2 x1 x1 I)1 x(k) . If A has eigenpairs (1 , u1 ), . . . , (n , un ), then . . . . . f = . , 2 f = . . . (A I)1 has eigenpairs 11 , u1 , . . . , n1 , un . f 2 f 2 f 2 f xn xn x1 xn x2 x2 n Factor A = QHQT where H is upper Hessenberg. 2 nd 2 To factor A = QHQT , nd successive Householder reec- If f is c (2 partials are all continuous), f is symmetric. tions H1 , H2 , . . . that zero out rows 2 and lower of column 1, The Taylor expansion for f is 1 T 2 T 3 T T rows 3 and lower of column 2, etc. Then Q = H1 Hn2 . f (x + h) = f (x) + h f (x) + 2 h f (x)h + O( h ) Provided f : Rn Rm , the Jacobian is (0) = A 1: A A(k) is similar to A by f1 /x1 f1 /xn 2: for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . do orthog. trans. U (k) = . . .. . . f = . 3: Set A(k) (k) I = Q(k) R(k) Q(0) Q(k+1) . Perhaps . .

A linear (or quadratic) model approximates a function f by the rst two (or three) terms of f s Taylor expansion.

Nonlinear Equation Solving

Given f : Rn Rm , we want x such that f (x) = 0. In xed point iteration, we choose g : Rn Rn such that x(k+1) = g(x(k) ). If it converges to x , g(x ) x = 0. g(x(k) ) = g(x )+g(x )(x(k) x )+O( x(k) x 2 ) For small e(k) = x(k) x , ignore the last term. If g(x ) has | max | < 1, then x(k) x as e(k) ck e(0) for large k, where c = | max | + , where is the inuence of the ignored last term. This indicates a linear rate of convergence. Suppose for g(x ) = QT QH , T is non-normal, i.e., T s superdiagonal portion is large relative to the diagonal. Then this may not converge as (g(x ))k initially grows! In Newtons method, x(k+1) = x(k) (f (x(k) ))1 f (x(k) ). This converges quadratically, i.e., e(k+1) c e(k) 2 . Automatic dierentiation takes advantage of the notion that a computer program is nothing but arithmetic operations, and one can apply the chain rule to get the derivative. This may be used to compute Jacobians and determinants.

x(k+1) = x(k) + k sk {Use special line search for k !} yk = f (x(k+1) ) f (x(k) ) T yk yk Bk sk sT Bk 6: Bk+1 = Bk + T k T yk sk sk Bk sk 7: end for By maintaining Bk in factored form, can iterate in O(n2 ) ops. Bk is SPD provided sT y > 0 (use line search to k increase k if needed). The secant condition k Bk+1 sk = yk holds. If BFCS converges, it converges superlinearly.
4: 5:

Non-linear Least Squares

For g : Rn Rm , m n, we want the x for min g(x) 2 . In the Gauss-Newton method, x(k+1) = x(k) h where h = (g(x)T g(x))1 g(x)T g(x). Note that h is a solution to a linear least squares problem min g(x(k) )h g(x(k) ) ! GN is derived by applying NMUM to to g(x)T g(x), and dropping a resulting tensor (derivative of Jacobian). You keep the quadratic convergence when g(x ) = 0, since the tensor 0 as k .

Ordinary Dierential Equations


In continuous optimization, f : Rn R min f (x) is the objective function, g : Rn Rm s.t. g(x) = 0 n Rp holds equality constraints, h : R h(x) 0 holds inequality constraints. We did unrestricted optimization min f (x) in the course. A ball is a set B(x, r) = {y Rn : x y < r}. We have local minimizers x which are the best in a region, i.e., r > 0 such that f (x ) f (x) for all x T B(x , r). A global minizer is the best local minimizer. with y0 as initial position and velocity. v kx m Assume f is c2 . If x is a local minimizer, then f (x ) = For stability of an ODE, let dy = Ay for A Cnn . dt 0 and 2 f (x ) is PSD. Semi-conversely, if f (x ) = 0 and The stable or neutrally spable or unstable case is where 2 f (x ) is PD, then x is a local minimizer. maxi (i (A)) < 0 or = 0 or > 0 respectively. Steepest Descent In nite dierence methods, approximate y(t) by discrete Go where the function (locally) decreases most rapidly via (k+1) = x(k) f (x(k) . is explained later. SD is points y0 (given), y1 , y2 , . . . so yk y(tk ) for increasing tk . x k k For many IVPs and FDMs, if the local truncation error stateless: depends only on the current point. Too slow. (error at each step) is O(hp+1 ), the global truncation error Newtons Method for Unconstrained Min. (error overall) is O(hp ). Call p the order of accuracy. Iterate by x(k+1) = x(k) (2 f (x(k) ))1 f (x(k) ), derived To nd p, substitute the exact solution into FDM for ) = 0. If 2 f (x(k) ) is PD and by solving for where f (x mula, insert a remainder term +R on RHS, use a Taylor (k) ) = 0, the step is a descent direction. f (x series expansion, solve for R, keep only the leading term. What if the Hessian isnt PD? Use (a) secant method, (b) In Eulers method, let yk+1 = yk + f (yk , tk )hk where direction of negative curvature where hT 2 f (x(k) )h < 0 hk = tk+1 tk is the step size, and y = f (y, t) is perhaps where h or h (doesnt work well in practice), (c) trust computed by nite dierence. p = 1, very low. Explicit! region idea so h = (2 f (x(k) ) + tI)1 f (x(k) ) (interpoA sti problem has widely ranging time scales in the solation of NMUM and SD), (d) factor 2 f (x(k) ) by Cholesky lution, e.g., a transient initial velocity that in the true sowhen checking for PD, detect 0 pivots, modify that diagolution disappears immediately, chemical reaction rate varinal in 2 f (x(k) ) and keep going (unjustied by theory, but ability over temperature, transients in electical circuits. An works in practice). explicit method requires hk to be on the smallest scale! Line Search Backward Euler has yk+1 = yk + hf (yk+1 , tk+1 ). BE Line search, given x(k) and step h (perhaps derived from is implicit (y k+1 on the RHS). If the original program is (k+1) = x(k) + h. SD or NMUM), nds a > 0 for x stable, any h will work! (k) + h) over . In exact line search, optimize min f (x Miscellaneous Frowned upon because its computationally expensive. p+1 nconstant p p k =n k=1 p+1 + O(n ) In Armijo or backtrack line search, initialize . While b2 c (k) + h) > f (x(k) ) + 0.1f (x(k) )T h, halve . ax2 + bx + c = 0. r1 , r2 = b 2a 4ac . r1 r2 = a f (x Exact arithmetic is slow, futile for inexact observations, Secant/quasi Newton methods use an approximate aland NA relies on approximate algorithms. ways PD 2 f . In Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno:

ODE (or PDE) has one (or multiple) independent variables. In initial value problems, given dy = f (y, t), y(t) Rn , dt and y(0) = y0 , we want y(t) for t > 0. Examples include: 1. Exponential growth/decay with dy = ay, with closed dt form y(t) = y0 eat . Growth if a > 0, decay if a < 0. dyi 2. Ecological models, dt = fi (y1 , . . . , yn , t) for species i = 1, . . . , n. yi is population size, fi encodes species relationships. 3. Mechanics, e.g. wall-spring-block models for F = ma T 2x 2x (a = d 2 ) and F = kx, so d 2 = kx . Yields d[x,v] = m dt dt dt








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