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LESSON 1 PASSIVE VOICE Active voice adalah kalimat yang subjeknya berbuat sesuatu atau melakukan suatu perbuatan.

Passive voice adalah kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai suatu pekerjaan atau menderita sesuatu. Dalam perubahan dari active voice to passive voice harus dipahami terlebih dahulu pola yang terdapat pada kalimat aktif. Cara pembentukan kalimat Aktif menjadi kalimat Passive harus memenuhi beberapa ketentuan sebagai berikut : a) Kalimat aktif yang diubah harus memiliki objek b) Subjek dalam kalimat aktif diubah menjadi objek dalam kalimat passive dan sebaliknya objek dalam kalimat aktif diubah menjadi subjek dalam kalimat pasiv. c) Cara kerja kalimat pasiv harus berbentuk Past Participle (V3) didahului oleh To be is, am, are, was, were, being, been, yang diikuti oleh by, jadi dapat dituliskan bentuk prediket kalimat pasiv To be +V3 d) Kalimat Passive yang berbentuk Continou, maka bentuk Prediket To be + being +V3 e) Susunanan kalimat harus sesuai dengan tenses (bentuk waktu)

Pola Kalimat Passive 1. Simple Present Tense Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang terjadi pada waktu sekarang dan dilakukan secara berulang-ulang.

Pola :

S + To be + V3 + by + O

To be yang digunakan adalah is, am, are For example : 1) Glasses are broken by the children. 2) A letter is written by her.

2. Simple Past Tense Simple past Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menerangkan peristiwa yang dilakukan pada saat tertentu di waktu lampau, waktu peristiwa terjadi sudah diketahui.

Pola :

S + To be + V3 + by + O

To be yang digunakan adalah Was and Were. For Example : 1) The class room was cleaned by them. 2) The vegetable was bought by mother

3. Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang telah selesai di waktu sekarang.

Pola : For Example :

S + have/has + been + V3 + by + O

1) A cake has been made by her. 2) The guitar has been played by him.

4. Past Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense digunakan untuk menerngkan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sudah selesai pada masa lampau.

Pola : For example :

S + Had + been + V3 + by + O

1) A letter had been writen by him. 2) A motor cycle had been ridden by him.

5. Present Continous Tense Present Continous Tense dipergunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu pekerjaan atau perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung dan belum selesai diwaktu sekarang. Pola : S + To be + being + V3 + by + O

For example : 1) The window is being closed by him. 2) The report is being repaired by alex.

6. Past Continous Tense Past Continous Tense dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau ketika kejadian lain terjadi.

Pola : For example :

S + To be + being + V3 + by + O

1) Some water was being drunk by him. 2) My house was being visited by them.

7. Future Tense/Modals Future Tense dipergunakan dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang.

Pola : For Example :

S + Will + be + V3 + by + O

1) Some cake will be made by my mother 2 days later. 2) The piano will be played by her.

LESSON 2 ADVERBIAL CLAUSE A. TIME Time dipergunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu berkaitan untuk melakukan sesuatu. Beberapa time yang bisa dipergunakan dalam Adverbial clause, diantaranya : a) After (setelah) For example : 1) After she graduates, she will get a job 2) After she (had) graduated, she got a job. b) Before (sebelum) For Example : 1) I will leave, before he comes 2) I (had) left, before he came c) When (ketika) For Example : 1) When I arrived, he was talking on the phone 2) When I got there, he had left 3) When I see him, I will ask him d) Since (sejak) For Example : 1) I havent seen him since he left this morning e) Until/ Till (sehingga) For Example : 1) We stayed here untill we finished our home work 2) We stayed here till we finished our home work. f) As soon as. (sesegra) For Example : 1) As soon as it stops raining , we will leave. g) As long as / so long as (selama) For Example : 1) I will never speak to him again as long as I live. 2) I will never speak to him again so long as I live. h) Whenever / Everytime () For Example :

1) Whenever I see her, I say hello 2) Everytime I see her, I say hello

i) The first time, The last time, the next time. For Example : 1) The first time I went to Jakarta, I want to an Opera. 2) I saw two plays the last time, I went to New York. 3) The next time I go to New York. B. CAUSE and EFFECT Cause and Effect berarti penyebab terjadinya sesuatu. Macam-macam Cause and Effect yang bisa digunakan : a. Because For Example : 1. Because he was sleeping, he went to bed. 2. The went to bed because he was sleeping. b. Since (karena) For Example : 1. Since hes not interested in classical music, he decided not to go to the concert. c. Opposition Yang termasuk kedalam Opposition adalah Eventhough, although, though (Meskipun, walaupun)

LESSON 3 NOUN CLAUSE Noun clause berarti anak kalimat. Didalam bahasa Inggris terdapat 2 bentuk Question 1) Yes / No question 2) Information question. Example : I know where she live (Noun Clause) Information Question adalah pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban berupa informasi tentang sesuatu. Biasanya menggunakan kata tanya What, Where, When, why, who, How. For Example : 1. Question : Where does she live ? Answer : I dont know where she live 2. Question : When did they live ? Answer : I know when they left 3. Question : How old is mary ? Answer : I wonder how old mary is 4. Question : What did she say ? Answer : Can you tell me what she said ?

IF and WHETHER IF and Wether artinya sama-sama Apakah tapi dalam bentuk pernyataan. For Example : a) Question : Does she speak slowly ? Answer : I dont know if she speak slowly or not. b) Question : Did they see beautiful picture ? Answer : I know whether they saw beautiful picture. c) Question : Has she known me ? Answer : I wonder If she has known me. d) Question : Was it cold yesterday ? Answer : can you tell me if it was cold yesterday ?

LESSON 4 ADJECTIVE CLAUSE Adjective Clause adalah klausa yang menunjukkan sesuatu yang dikenai sifat. Adjective clause ini terdiri dari beberapa kata yang sering digunakan, diantaranya : Who, Whom, Which, Whose yang mana apabila terletak didalam adjectif clause berubah arti menjadi yang. 1) Adjective clause with Who. Digunakan untuk kata ganti orang sebagai subject. For Example :  The man is friendly. He livesnext to me. The man who lives next to me is friendly.  The Police man was kind He give me some directions. the Policeman who gives me some direction was kind.  I dont know the man He is talking to mary. I dont know the man who is talking to mary. 2) Adjective clause with Whom. Digunakan untuk kata ganti orang sebagai Object. For Example :  The man was friendly I met him him The man whom I met was friendly.  The woman tanked me I happed her The woman whom whom I happed thanked me.  The woman gaveme some direction I call her The woman whom I called gave me some direction. 3) Adjective clause with Which. Digunakan untuk kata ganti benda. For Example :  The river is pollited It flows through town. the river which flows through town is pollited.

 The books were expensive I bought them The books which I bought were expensive. 4) Adjective clause with Whose. Digunakan sebagai kata ganti kepunyaan. Setelah whose harus ada kata benda. For Example :  I know a girl Her brother is a move star I know a girl whose brother is a move star.  The people are moving to Jakarta We bought their house The people whose huose we bought are moving to Jakarta.

LESSON 5 CONDITIONAL Conditional adalah kalimat yang berisikan pengandaian. Beberapa pola kalimat pengandaian : 1. Future Possible (possibility in the future) : mungkin Pattern : if Simple Present (V1), Present Future (will + V1) For Example :  If you syudy hard, you will pass exam  If she practices english, she will be able to speak english. 2. Present unreal (unreality in the present): tidak mungkin Pattern : if Simple Past(V2), Past Future (would + V1) For Example :  If my father didnt hate me, I wouldnt run away  If I were you, I couldnt like Him. Pada kalimat unreal, jika tidak ada kata kerja maka gunakan to be were apapun subjeknya. 3. Past unreal (unreality in the past) : mustahil. Pattern : if Past Perfect(had + V3), Past Future Perfect (would + have + V3) For Example :  If you had studied hard, you would have passed exam.  If I had been sick, I wouldnt have come here.

LESSON 6 REPORTED SPEECH Direct and Indirect Speech 1. Direct Speech (kalimat langsung) Perkataan langsung yang diucapkan pembicara langsung secara bersama apa yang dibicarakan tanpa mengubah susunan katanya. Speakers exact worda (langsung) Ann : the door is open Bob : I need my pen Quoted speech Ann : Ann said, The door is open. Bob : Bob said, I need my pen. How to write quatation : Put a comma after said (letakkan koma setelah kata said) Put quotation works (beri tanda kutip) Capitalize the first word of quotation (huruf pertama huruf besar) Write quotation (tulis kutipan) Put a period at the end of quotation (letakkan titik setelah kutipan) Put quotation marks after period (tanda titik sebelum kutip) 2. Indirect Speech (kalimat tak langsung) Quoted speech : Ann said, I am hungry. Tom said,I need my pen. Pola : Quoted speech      Simple Present Present Continous Present Perfect Future Simple past Reported speech Simple Past Past Continous Past Perfect Past Future Past Past Reported speech : Ann said that she was hungry Tom said that he needed her pen

LESSON 7 TO INFINITIVE and GERUND To Infinitive adalah kata kerja asal.(To + V1) Gerund adalah kata kerja yang dibendakan.(V1 + ing) Gerund yang merupakan kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai noun, dapat digunakan sebagai berikut : 1. Gerund sebagai Subject y To think makes me confaused > >> thinking makes me confaused y To play kite is my hobby >>>> playing kite is my hobby y To smoke is not good for health >>> smoking is not good for health y To speak is aesy but to do is difficult >>> speaking is easy but doing is difficult. 2. Gerund sebagai Object  He likes to fish >>>> he likes fishing  I dont like smoke >>>> I dont like smoking  He enjoys to work in the garden >>> He enjoys working is the garden.


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