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Parent Handbook 2011 - 2012

1450 Cox Mill Road Concord, NC 28027 704-795-6519 1 School Year 2011-2012

WELCOME TO COX MILL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Students need to be in school every day. Regular attendance is essential to the learning process. In addition, students who are absent from school are deprived of a variety of educational experiences shared with their peers. Students can make up the work missed due to absence upon their return to school. However, there is no way to reproduce or recapture classroom activities. A student who is absent must bring a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian the day the student returns to school. Also, on absent days please call the school. A student must be in attendance more than one-half of the school daybefore he or she can be counted present for that day. This would mean that a child would need to stay in school until 11:40 AM to be counted as present. For extended excused absences, your childs assignments may be collected before, during or after the absence. Completion of work missed during an absence is determined at the teachers discretion and the needs of the student. Please notify the school if your child has a contagious disease or an extended illness. North Carolina Law has defined the following absences as lawful: illness or injury; quarantine; medical or dental appointments; death in the immediate family; court or administrative proceedings; religious observances; educational opportunities. We ask that you plan your vacations and travel during times when school is not in session; however, if it is necessary for your child to miss school for these reasons, you may pick up a Request for Prior Approval of Absences form in the office or simply call or send a note with your child for us to send one to you. We ask that you complete this form and return it to your teacher or Cindy Hahn in the office prior to the absence(s). The principal will determine if the absence(s) will be excused according to the criteria outlined on the form, as well as prior attendance record.
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See the complete Cabarrus County Schools attendance policy for further details. For your convenience you will find an attached Request for Prior Approval of Absences form at the end of the parent handbook and on our school website. TARDINESS Students should arrive at school on time. When a Cabarrus County bus is late and students ride that bus, they are not counted as tardy. If a student arrives by car at the 8:15 bell, both the parent and the student must come to the office and sign in. A tardy slip will be issued at this time. Parents may not walk students to their classrooms. Excessive tardies may result in a referral to the school social worker for investigation. WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURES Parents should notify the teacher and the front office staff at least a week before the student is to be withdrawn from the school. All textbooks and library books should be returned and all lunch fees and other fees should be paid. BIRTHDAYS In an effort to protect the academic day, birthday parties will not be permitted during the school day. Cupcakes may be brought in for the class and given out during the day at the teachers discretion. It is also against school policy to distribute invitations by parents, students, or staff at school. BIRTHDAY BALLOONS, GIFTS, FLOWERS ETC. The delivery of balloons, gifts, flowers, etc. to school is strongly discouraged. No items will be delivered to students during the school day. Items will be kept in the office until the end of the day and then sent home with the students. Balloons, flowers, baskets, and other large gifts are prohibited on the bus.

BACKGROUND CHECKS Each parent/family member acting as a chaperone must have a current background check on file with the Cabarrus County Board of Education. BREAKFAST/LUNCH PROGRAM Breakfast is served daily. The cost is $1.15 per day. Students are encouraged to buy the school lunch, as it is a well-balanced meal. Cost for lunch is $2.15 per day. To help you plan, a menu is sent home monthly. Students are allowed to bring box or bag lunches to the cafeteria. However, glass bottles are not permitted. Parents are discouraged from bringing soft drinks or fast food items for their children at lunch. Milk is served with all meals. Juices, extra milk, and bottled water are for sale also. Desserts and snacks do not come with the daily lunch. However, they may be purchased. If you want restrictions placed on how often your student may purchase desserts or snacks, notify the cafeteria. You may restrict a child to one dessert a week, no extras, or no breakfast. It is parents responsibility to inform the cafeteria concerning any restrictions on lunch accounts. All students must pay for their meals when received, unless the student qualifies for free meals. You may pay for lunches daily, weekly, monthly or by the semester. Each student has an account in the cafeteria. You may send a check to the cafeteria to be deposited in that account. When sending a check, be sure to write your childs name and lunch number on the check. Free and reduced-priced lunches are available for families who qualify financially. For more information, please contact the cafeteria manager. Each child is provided with a free and reduced-lunch form at the beginning of the year. Students will not be allowed to charge meals in the cafeteria beyond a $5.00 deficit in their account. Any student who reaches this limit will be served a bag lunch consisting of a sandwich and juice or milk. Students who have a deficit in their account
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will not be allowed to purchase al la carte (extra) items. The cafeteria will notify you when your child makes a charge. A second notice will be sent home when the amount reaches the $5.00 limit. Parents are welcome to eat lunch in the cafeteria. Adult lunches are a la carte. It is requested that parents meet their children in the cafeteria. Please remember to sign in and get a Visitors Pass. It is not necessary to call the school for lunch reservations. However, it is a good practice to call to make sure the class is on a normal lunch schedule. BULLYING
Bullying and/or harassing are strictly prohibited. The repeated pattern of intimidation may be real or threatened. There are 3 types of bullying: physical, emotional, and relational. Bullying may include, but is not limited to verbal taunts, namecalling, implied or stated threats, and exclusion from peer groups. Bullying can occur in person, or through social networking sites, texting, blogging, and the internet. Students who feel bullied, harassed or intimidated at school by an adult or another student should report the concern to a teacher, administrator or other staff member at school. Bullying and Harassment Reporting Forms are available on the CCS website, and at Cox Mill Elementary school.

PROHIBITION AGAINST DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT AND BULLYING Policy Code: 1710/4021/7230 STUDENT USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES, BLOGGING, AND THE INTERNET Policy Code: 4312 DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT AND BULLYING COMPLAINT PROCEDURE Policy Code: 1720/4015/7225 BUS EXPECTATIONS/DISCIPLINE Each school day our bus drivers are committed to providing safe and dependable transportation for our students. In order for

this to happen, we rely on a partnership between the driver and the students. Please help support school bus safety by reviewing these bus safety rules with your children.

directions from the driver. Students who are referred to the office for misbehavior will meet with an administrator. With any situation, we always want to be fair. An administrator will investigate the misconduct, confront the student with the charges, and allow the student to respond. Parents will be notified either by a phone call or by a letter Serious misbehavior or safety violations will result in immediate discipline that may include suspension from the bus. Students also may be required to attend an afternoon bus safety class. School bus rules are for the safety of our students. All school system employees feel a great responsibility to parents and the community for the safety of our school bus passengers. We do everything we can to transport our children safely to and from school. We appreciate parent support and cooperation in our efforts. In cases of extreme or deliberate misbehavior on the bus, the school bus driver has been instructed to return to school. If this situation occurs, the children who are having difficulty will be removed from the bus. Parents of children removed from the bus will be called and will be expected to pick them up from school. The bus will return as quickly as possible to its scheduled drop-offs. Cabarrus County School policy prohibits students from riding home with friends. Due to buses running at capacity your child must be registered in order to ride the bus. You may register your child for the bus by either calling or stopping by school. If no seats are open they will be placed on a waiting list. CAR POOL SAFETY RULES We ask that parents who drop off and pick up children follow the following guidelines. Drop Offs: All grades 1. Students may not be dropped off until 7:50 a.m. Do not let your child out of the car until morning assistants have arrived.

Students should be on time at the bus stop in the mornings; at least 10 minutes before their scheduled pick up time. They should stand quietly while the bus is approaching and not move toward the bus until it has come to a complete stop. There should be no pushing, shoving, picking or fighting at any bus stop. Students who must cross the road at the bus stop should wait until the bus is completely stopped with the stop arm out before beginning to cross the road. They should always check traffic both ways before crossing. Occasionally a vehicle will run a stop sign on a stopped school bus. Students should board and leave the bus quietly and orderly. When unloading, they should remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. Once they are off the bus, children should move away from the bus quickly. If they stop, stand, or bend down to retrieve dropped items, the driver may be unable to see them. Students must sit in their assigned seats with their bottom on the bottom of the seat, back against the back of the seat, and book bags and hands in their lap. With driver permission, students may talk quietly with other seatmates. When the interior lights are turned on, students must go to a O voice level. No food or drinks (except bag lunches that remain closed) are allowed on the bus. Gum, toys, playing cards, radios, etc. are NOT allowed. Students must comply with ALL
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2. Keep your position in the line of traffic. 3. Follow the directions of the assistants. 4. Wait for the assistants to unload cars at the main entrance. 5. Do not leave cars unattended in the drive or in front of the school. Pick Ups: Kindergarten Students Only Each parent will be given a yellow sign with a number. Teach your students the color and the number that they are to listen for. Have this sign displayed in the drivers side windshield. 1. Kindergarten parents may pull to the front of the line. 2. Kindergarten parents should be ready to pick up children at 2:55 each day. 3. Pull up to the first empty pickup station (Cones A-F with staff member). 4. An assistant will load your child into the car. 5. Fasten all seat belts. 6. Do not signal student to come to the parking lots or driveways.

5. Fasten all seatbelts. 6. Staggering your arrival time between 2:55 and 3:05 will help to reduce your waiting time; 2:55 for Kindergarten and 1st Grade students, 3:00 for 2nd and 3rd grade students, and 3:05 for 4th and 5th grade students. Please note that the van/ bus drive is not to be used to drop off or pick up students. CHAPERONES We welcome parents and volunteers as chaperones on field trips with classes. All parents who accompany students and classes on field trips are defined as chaperones. As a chaperone, the adult agrees to supervise a group of students during the trip. All chaperones will be required to complete a background check, prior to attending the trip. Each accompanying parent will receive the procedures and guidelines for acting as a chaperone prior to traveling on the trip. Chaperones will be asked to sign a statement saying that they have received and understand the procedures and guidelines. Parents who serve as chaperones may not bring older or younger siblings. The field trip is considered an extension of classroom instruction and is linked to the standard course of study. Siblings, older and younger, distract students from engaging in the full purpose of the field trip. As a rule, parents are not allowed to ride school buses with students on field trips. CHANGE OF ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER Accurate records are necessary to be able to notify parents in case of an emergency. At any time during the school year if you should change your address please bring in the following documents for proof of domicile, 2 sources needed: Source 1: House Deed, Current Property Tax Statement, Current Lease Agreement, Closing or Settlement Statement; and Source 2: North Carolina DL or Matricula Consular with current address AND Motor vehicle registration with current address OR Current

Pick Ups: Grades 1 5 and Kindergarten combination Cars Each parent will be given a sign to denote the grade level. Teach your students the color and the number that they are to listen for. When you arrive please wait by the curb and stay in line until it is your turn to proceed to the pick-up area. As you pull up to the pick up area your childs color and number will be announced by a staff member on car rider duty. Your student will then proceed to the announced station. 1. Stop your vehicle at the designated spot until all kindergarten only students have been picked up. 2. Stay with your vehicle. 3. Pull up to the pickup station when directed. 4. Wait for the assistant to load your child into the car.
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bank statement, utility bill (gas, water, or electricity), or Medicaid card with name & address of parent/legal guardian. Please notify the office and your teacher in the event you change any of your phone numbers. CLASSROOM VISITATION Parents are welcome to visit their childs classroom and should adhere to the following procedures when doing so: 1. During the instructional day it is required that parents make an appointment with the teacher ahead of time to schedule a classroom visit. 2. During visits, avoid engaging the teacher in conversation while they are instructing or supervising their class. 3. Report to the office and get a visitors pass before going to the classroom. 4. If prior notification of the visit was not given to the teacher, parents will need to talk with an administrator to receive permission to visit the classroom. 5. Parents are not allowed in their childs classroom without teacher or administrative approval. This also includes before and after school. COMMUNICATION FOLDER DAY Good communication between home and school is vital to a successful school experience for each child. In order that parents may know when to expect written communications, Friday has been chosen as the regular Communication Day at Cox Mill School. Teachers will be sending home weekly work packets, classroom news, bulletins, etc. Please check your childs bookbag daily and ESPECIALLY ON FRIDAYS. CONFERENCES During the first quarter each parent will be scheduled an appointment to discuss
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his/her childs progress in an individual conference with the teacher. We believe that the educational success of your child is a joint venture between school and the home, and we want to keep communication lines open. If parents desire to contact the teacher, please call the school office or send a note by your child. Parent conferences may be initiated by the parent, teacher, or administrator and held at a mutually agreeable time. CONNECT ED PHONE MESSAGES From time to time, we will communicate with parents by sending a prerecorded message to your designated telephone number. These messages will ordinarily be reminders of things happening at school. However this system may also be used to notify you of things of a more urgent matter, such as school closings, bus delays, etc. DRESS CODE All students are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate for school. Appropriate clothing is defined by the following guidelines: 1) decency, 2) neatness, 3) cleanliness, 4) safety, and 5) suitability for school. Appropriate, comfortable, and safe should be the guidelines in choosing clothing. Examples of inappropriate or unsafe clothing include: 1. Hats, headbands, bandanas, or other head coverings. 2. Short shorts and short skirts; tank tops, spaghetti straps, or shirts that bare the midriff, seethrough shirts and clothing that does not cover undergarments. 3. Clothing with vulgar or suggestive stenciling and/or advertisement or promotion of illegal substances (cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, etc.) 4. Clothing that is obviously too large 5. Sunglasses, flip-flops, or jewelry that distracts from learning. 6. Footwear that may present a

hazard to health and safety. Examples include skate shoes, flip-flops, and slides. Because we provide a daily P.E. period where we encourage students to be active, students need to wear shoes that allow them to run, climb, and stop safely. All students who do not follow clothing guidelines will either call home for a change of clothes or borrow clothes from the Cox Mill Clothing Closet. DISCIPLINE The Cox Mill staff uses a discipline philosophy called Love and Logic. Core Beliefs That Guide Enforcement of School Rules and Expectations: Each student is a unique individual with unique personal, social, and educational needs. As a result, every disciplinary situation becomes unique in nature. Consequences for misbehavior provide the best learning value when matched to the unique student and the unique situation. The odds for children learning from their mistakes increase dramatically when children see a reasonable connection between their behavior and the resulting consequences. During the 2010-2011 school year our school staff will be training on a new discipline initiative called Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. Comet Character Cards Cox Mill staff and students will use the character card to communicate with parents about the behavior of the child during the week. As a rule, the character cards are sent home weekly for parents to review and sign. In some special cases the teacher may send it home daily. If you have questions about the character card contact your childs teacher. Control Room/ISS We operate a combination Control Room and in-school suspension program to assist in helping us to maintain good
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discipline. The Control Room is supervised by Mr. Whitley. This program is intended to serve as a behavior intervention and to promote positive discipline and to protect the appropriate learning atmosphere in the classroom. The Control Room will be used when a teacher needs to place a student in time-out outside of the classroom. The teacher would send the student with an assignment for a period of 30 minutes. The student would report to the Control Room coordinator. When the assigned time is up, the student will be allowed to return to their class. The teacher will be responsible for calling the parent to discuss the details of the referral as soon as they are available to do so. In-School Suspension is assigned to students by an administrator for disciplinary action of a more serious nature. When ISS is assigned, the administrator will notify the parent of the reason(s) and the duration of the assignment. ISS can be assigned for all or a portion of a day, and students will work on assignments from the classroom teacher. Students assigned ISS during their lunch period will eat lunch in ISS as well. Student discipline is the joint responsibility of the school and home. Parental support for good discipline enables us to maintain a wholesome environment for learning. Students who engage in harassment of another student or who bring a weapon on campus will be disciplined quickly. See the Cabarrus County Schools Discipline Guidelines for more detail. EARLY DISMISSAL Students will not be released to anyone other than their parent/legal guardian unless prior written notice has been given to the school. When coming to sign a student out please have a photo ID. This is to ensure the safety of your child. A note sent with the child stating the time the student will be checked out is requested. Children are to be picked up at the school office after they have been signed out. Should the student return to school again that same day before school dismissal the student should report first to

the office before going to the classroom. Students must attend at least three hours and fifteen minutes to be counted as present for the day. If it is necessary to take your child out of school early, please do so before 2:30 PM. No child will be allowed to checkout after 2:30. EMERGENCY CONTACT On the first day of school, parents are asked to determine who will be the emergency contacts for their children. The emergency contact is called only when you cannot be reached and there is an emergency. If you change the name of the emergency contact, please notify the school as soon as possible. For the safety of your child, it is imperative that the school has the name, address, and phone number of your designated emergency contact. EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSINGS If a decision is made to close school due to inclement weather, local television and radio stations will broadcast this information. The district will post school closings on their website and parents will also receive a ConnectEd phone call. Please do not call the school number for early closing information. During periods of inclement weather, one of the following three options may be announced:

period expires. Important to remember: NO ANNOUCEMENT MEANS SCHOOL WILL OPERATE ON A REGULAR SCHEDULE We will follow the directions that you have provided on the Dismissing School Early Form. Please help us by talking to your child in advance about emergency procedures and discussing with your child which neighbors homes he/she should go to if your home is locked. FIELD TRIPS All field trips are supplemental learning activities that support the curriculum. Classes are generally permitted to take field study trips during the school year. Written parental permission is required for any field trip. Parents are sometimes asked to chaperone (see CHAPERONES for guidelines on becoming a chaperone); however, younger/older siblings may not accompany the parent on the trip. Children are required to ride the activity bus with the class to the field study trip destination. Students who have prior permission in writing may ride home with a chaperone. The chaperone must sign a roster indicating that children are riding home in the chaperones car. HEALTH AND WELLNESS NURSE INFORMATIONADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION IN SCHOOL Cabarrus County Schools' policy on the administration of medication to students by school personnel is outlined below. If your child must have medication of any type given during school hours, including overthe-counter drugs, the following guidelines must be met: Employees are authorized to administer any drugs or medication to a student when all of the following conditions have been met.

1. Closed-schools will be closed for

students and teachers. 2. Open with limited bus routesSchools may operate on a regular schedule or modified schedule depending upon the circumstances. Buses will operate except on roads that have been previously identified on the limited route schedule. 3. Delay-schools will operate but on a delay basis. Typically, a one-or-two hour delay will be called. In some situations, if a delay is called and weather conditions quickly become worse, school could be canceled for the day. If so, the announcement to cancel will be made before the delay
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1. A physician has prescribed the drug or medication for use by the student 2. A physician has certified that administration of the drug or medication to the student during the school day is necessary to sustain the students attendance at school 3. The student's parent or legal custodian has made a written request that the employee administer the drug or medication for use by the student 4. The employee administers the drug or medication pursuant to the written instructions provided by the student's parent or legal custodian 5. Students may self medicate: OTC drugs with a parents note (date, when, how much, in the labeled container with a small quantity Prescription drugs with a physician authorization and parent consent including inhalers, Epi-pens, oral RX, etc. Cuts and Scrapes For minor cuts and scrapes, soap and water and clean bandages are used. First aid spray or other ointments cannot be used. Ticks According to Health Departments recommendations, teachers are allowed to remove ticks at school. Parents are notified by telephone if a child has a tick that is attached. If parents cannot be reached by phone, the tick will be removed and a note will be sent home that day. School Emergencies When your child is sick or injured at school, we need to be able to locate you. Please maintain a CURRENT phone number with the school office. In the event that you cannot be located, we must have the number of another person who will be able to pick up your child. If this contact information changes at any time during the school year, please notify the office so that our records will be up-to-date. Also, if your child is taken to the doctor/hospital as the result of an incident at school, please notify us
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immediately. Lice and Nits Policy A copy of our policy will be sent home and our school nurse will answer and questions if necessary.

HOMEWORK Why do we need a homework policy? Homework is a constructive tool in the teaching/learning process when geared to the needs and abilities of students. Homework is a worthwhile use of time outside regular school hours to practice, maintain, complete, make up, or enrich classroom activities Guidelines: Research shows that 10 minutes of homework for every year a student is in school is Maximum acceptable: Grade K: 10 minutes Grade 1: 20 minutes Grade 2: 30 minutes Grade 3: 40 minutes Grade 4: 45 minutes Grade 5: 45 minutes These guidelines are a maximum time allowed. A teacher may assign less/no homework With approval of administration, teachers may exceed the maximum minutes for homework (projects) Homework will be considered as part of the total learning process and will be monitored by the teacher Nightly Reading: Nightly reading for students is an essential part of their growth and development. The following times listed should be what students are encouraged to read nightly.

Grade K: Fred Books Grade 1: 10 minutes Grade 2: 20 minutes Grade 3: 25 minutes Grade 4: 30 minutes Grade 5: 30 minutes Being that it is impossible to accurately monitor the students actual number of minutes read, these times should be given as a suggestion. Parent Responsibilities: Read and discuss homework with your child Provide an appropriate time and environment for learning Promptly communicate any questions or concerns regarding homework to your childs teacher Develop a routine that ensures: o All assignments and materials are brought home o All Assignments and materials are returned to school on time o The student has an organized means of keeping and carrying homework

IDENTIFICATION BADGES Each child will be provided with an identification badge at the beginning of the year. The student should wear the badge at all times unless directed otherwise by the teacher. It will be used for identification, library check out, and to purchase lunches. If the badge is lost or broken it will be replaced for a $5.00 fee. INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM The instructional program at Cox Mill is based on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Many times teachers integrate objectives from several fields in one lesson in order to teach students all of the required objectives. Parents may view the North Carolina Standard Course of Study by visiting the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction on line. KIDS PLUS Kids Plus is a before/after school daycare program that is licensed through the North Carolina Division of Child Development. The program is open from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. In addition to before and after school care, the program provides care for students on Teacher Work Days. After school, the Kids Plus program provides purposeful activities in a caring environment. For more information about the Cox Mill Kids Plus Program, call (704)262-9532. LICE The school will host two schoolwide Lice checks (one in August and one after Christmas). Students who are found to have nits will be sent to the nurse to confirm the diagnosis. Students who have lice or nits will be sent home immediately. Those rooms will be cleaned and ready for the children on the following day. Children who have lice must be nit free before they can return to class. This is a Cabarrus County Schools Policy. Students who are sent home for lice must check in the office before returning to class. The school nurse will do a recheck.

Student Responsibilities: Make sure you understand the assignment before leaving school Take home all necessary materials to complete assignments Arrange with your parents for a place to work Do homework with minimal parent help Complete homework on time
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When we find a child with lice, we will check the entire room and siblings. If lice is more than an isolated incident a letter will be sent home informing parents of children in that classroom about the situation. LUNCH VISITATION Parents are allowed to visit their children for lunch. Please obtain a lunch pass by signing in at the office before going to the cafeteria. Tables for parents and their children are located on the stage area. Parents are asked to take only their child to the designated area for lunch. Due to limited seating in the cafeteria, parents are asked to limit their lunch visits. Fridays are typically our most crowded day, so it is advisable to pick another day to visit if possible. Parents will be notified if over crowding makes it necessary to place further limitations on lunch visitations. LOST AND FOUND Clothing and personal items that are brought to school should be labeled with the childs name. Found articles are turned into the School Lost and Found bins or hung on the rack. Unlabeled or unclaimed property is donated to a local charity at least twice a month. MASCOT/COLORS Cox Mills mascot is the comet. Our colors are red and navy blue. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY It is the policy of Cabarrus County Schools and Cox Mill Elementary School not to discriminate against any qualified disabled person solely by reason of his/her disability, in admission, or access to, or treatment in, any program, or activity sponsored by the school. Inquiries regarding compliance to the policy should be directed to the principal. PARKING There are limited parking spaces at Cox Mill, so please adhere to the following
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procedures when you visit the school: 1. Parents and visitors are asked to park in designated spaces only, if any are available. 2. If all designated spaces are occupied, please park in the dirt lot adjacent to the lot designated for staff. 3. For programs and special events such as open house, fall festival, etc., special parking areas will be created and staff will direct parents and visitors as to where to park. 4. Parking in any area which blocks others from entering or leaving campus could result in a fine and/or having your car towed. If in question about where to park, please report to the office and a staff member will assist you. 5. Parking in the bus lot is prohibited by staff or visitors during the school day. PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION Cox Mill has a very active Parent Teacher Organization. The PTO holds five general meetings a year for parents.

The PTO also supports a number of other programs and fundraisers including but not limited to dining out nights, golf tournament, holiday shop, cultural arts programs, spirit wear, etc. The money raised by the PTO goes to help the school with the purchase of instructional expenses and improvements and additions to outdoor play areas. Without the help and fundraising of this organization, many of the materials and resources used by our students would not exist.
For information about becoming involved in the PTO, please stop by their table at Open House and Curriculum night, or call the school to find out how to contact a PTO Officer and learn more about how you can help. The PTO also has a link on the Cox Mill website. The website is PETS AT SCHOOL

Because of the number of students with allergies or asthma and the possibility of disease transmission, pets at school are discouraged. In the event that a teacher would like a student to bring a pet to school for a curriculum-related event, the following must occur: 1. Pet visitation must be pre-approved by the Principal 2. Parent must provide the school with documentation of recent pet vaccinations (rabies), if applicable 3. Parent must provide transportation to and from school. No pets can be taken on a bus. PLANNING DAYS/TEACHER WORK DAYS The calendar includes a number of planning/work days during the school year. While students stay home on these days, teachers report to school. The purposes of these days are many. Teachers often hold parent conferences, attend workshops, plan lessons, clean rooms, organize materials, and, in general, work to provide students with a strong instructional program. REPORT CARDS Report cards will be issued after the end of each 9-week grading period. The purpose of report cards is to keep parents up-to-date on their childs academic performance and work habits, and to enlist parents support and help as they work together with the school staff to improve educational opportunities for students. Please review the report card with your child and return the signed report card cover. RETENTION/PROMOTION Retention and promotion recommendations are made by teachers after reviewing both the students classroom work and the students scores on the End-ofGrade tests for children in Grades 3-5 or the End of Year Assessments in Grades K-2. North Carolina law says that the principal makes the final decision in promotion and retention decisions. RIGHT TURN ONLY
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Traffic turning out of the campus will be RIGHT TURN ONLY at the following times: 8:15 9:00 AM, and 2:30 3:15 PM. Please do not turn right on to Cox Mill Rd. and immediately turn around in the Cox Mill High School parking lot. This adds additional time and traffic to an already congested area. SCHOOL HOURS School Hours: 8:15 AM to 3:00PM Office Hours: 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM Kids Plus: 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM SCHOOL INSURANCE Group accident insurance is available for students in case an accident or injury occurs at school. Student insurance may be purchased at a low cost through a private company approved each year by the Board of Education. Information on this insurance, its costs, and other details of the plan are given to parents during registration or on the first day of school. SCHOOL NURSE/HEALTH The school nurse is located in the administration office and is available during student school hours. Her responsibilities include administering medication, monitoring students with chronic health problems, communicating with parents concerning health problems, providing parents with information concerning health issues and checking students who become ill at school or become injured at school. No medication may be given at school without the appropriate forms completed and signed by the childs attending physician. STUDENTS SELLING ITEMS AT SCHOOL Students ARE NOT permitted to bring items to school to sell or to take orders for items during the school day. (Examples include: Girl Scout cookies, magazines, candy, walk-a-thons, etc.) TELEPHONE Children are permitted to use the

school telephone only in an emergency situation. The classroom teacher must grant permission if a student is to use the telephone. Forgotten papers, instruments, or school materials do NOT constitute an emergency. Children are not allowed to have cell phones at school. TEXTBOOKS/ MATERIALS Textbooks, calculators, and other materials issued are the property of Cabarrus County Schools. They are provided to enhance the education of your child. They should be used with care and returned in good condition. Students are responsible for any texts/materials that are lost, stolen, or damaged. TRANSPORTATION CHANGES Please send a note with your child to the teacher concerning any change from the normal procedure of transportation home in the afternoon. Without written instructions students will go home each day in the manner indicated by parents at Open House. Should an emergency happen and transportation plans need to be changed, parents will need to call the school office prior to 2:00 p.m. Students who have not been assigned to a bus may not ride a bus. Students may not ride a different bus from the one to which they have been assigned. VALUABLES Students should not bring large sums of money or items of value to school. iPods, Game boys, DS players, CDs, CD players, and sports equipment are not permitted. The only time students are permitted to bring a toy or game to school is at the direct request of the teacher. The school will not take responsibility for lost items. VOLUNTEERS Parents are encouraged to volunteer at school. A sign up sheet is sent home on the first day of school. Please complete the sign-up sheet and return it to your childs teacher as soon as possible.
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Parents and other volunteers must come to the office and sign in before going to the classroom. Volunteers must wear their volunteer badges while working at the school. Volunteers should not bring younger or older children to the school during their volunteer time. This could be distracting to students and to teachers. There are parent volunteer opportunities for parents who need to work at home. Contact the PTO parent volunteer coordinator to put your name on the list. Background checks may be required.

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