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Friends are ones who always try to understand. Friends are always giving you a helping hand.

Un amigo siempre muestra comprensin Te da una mano en cualquier situacin

To friends it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor; You're always welcome at their door.

Tengas poco o mucho, a l le da igual, Siempre las puertas te abrir.

Friends believe you can when others say you can't. They can cheer you up when you are feeling sad.

Si otros no te apoyen ni te tienen fe Tus amigos te alentaran porque,

With friends you can be natural & not pretend; That's the kind of friend I'd recommend.

Entre amigos nadie tiene que fingir, Un buen amigo es as.

Making friends is easy if you try your best To be friendly in all you say and do.

Para ser amigo solo tienes que Demostrar inters por los dems

Lay aside your problems and help someone else, And you know they'll appreciate you.

Encontrar la forma de ayudar a quien Necesite que le apoye alguien ms.
Aurora Productions. Used with permission.

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