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Life today has become so complex that examinations have come to play an important part in ones educational career.

Examinations are considered so important that most students are afraid of them. The ability to pass an examination is indeed a valuable quality. It shows that the student is able to express his thought and ideas to a manner others can understand. It also shows that the student has acquired a certain amount of knowledge in some branches of study. Besides, the mind of a student, even if he is dull, receives good exercise when he prepares for an examination. A students success in an examination, therefore, helps employers and others to assess his mental or general ability. Examinations aim at judging a student's knowledge in a specific time frame and in analyzing whether the student has gone through a certain course of study satisfactorily. Tests enable the teacher to know how well the student has understood the subject. A good result makes the teacher as well as the parents happy. The effort of the teacher is rewarded when a student passes an examination and vice versa. Thus, a teacher's dedication towards his profession is judged through examination. Examinations help the parents to assess their child's capability. Parents become proud of their children when they perform well in the examinations. Students become alert when examinations are at their door step. They utilize their time for preparation. Examinations make them work hard for scoring good marks. Some schools award citations and certificate and give scholarships to those students who excel. Such awards prompt the students to work hard. Examinations help the teachers and the parents in analyzing the amount of labor put in by the students in gaining knowledge. Teaching is always followed by tests because the tests give an impression as to how well the students have understood the subject. A good result helps the teacher feel relieved at his success in imparting education to his pupils while a bad result indicates that there is a need of more effort on the teacher's part. Thus, examinations are also a means of judging a teacher's dedication towards his profession. With the help of the result of examinations parents can make the right assessment of their child' caliber. If he is weak in his studies, they could guide him further in the subject. f his performance is up to the satisfaction of his parents, they would be proud of him. Students tend to learn their subjects by heart, without applying their mind. Thus, cramming enables many students to pass examinations. Most students look towards their examinations with an anxious mind. They, at a very young age, begin to feel the tension and stress of examinations. Examinations are just the first in a series of tests that initiate young ones into a competitive world. But the importance attached to them is unreasonably high. During the examination period and till the result is declared, not only the students but also their parents and tutors remain tensed. It is cast as a do-or-die battle. Students do not have enough spare time for games and are unable to give wings to their hobbies due to the burden of examinations. Failure in the examination arouses a felling of low self

esteem and negative self-image in the minds of the students. At times, students break down under pressure to perform and resort to extreme measures like running away from their homes or even committing suicide. Today school psychologists or school counselors give them proper advice to increase the efficiency of learning in schools and handle to pressure of examination. A positive mental state can improve one's chances of success. Some people, however, argue that examinations test only a certain kind of skill. They say that many people have a good memory and a special ability to pass examinations and achieve brilliant results, though they have no capacity for original thought or imagination. But it should be realized that today the syllabuses are so extensive that a student cannot expect to pass an examination by relying entirely on his memory. The student of today must not only have a fair knowledge of the subject matter but also be able to show his intelligence and power of reasoning, especially if he is sitting for a higher examination. Therefore, a students ability to pass an examination must indicate some of his mental powers as well as his grasp of the subjects that he has studied. The aim of education should be to equip the student for the tough battle of life, build his character and personality, widen his sphere of knowledge and qualify him for employment. The student should not only be taught lessons from books but also lessons from practical life. The educational system should not only be theoretical and academic but also give practical knowledge. Students should not be encouraged for rote learning. Projects and term papers may encourage an engagement with the subject matter and are more likely to add sum and substance to a student's knowledge base. When History, Geography and Maths are reduced to mere digits on a mark sheet, they cease to inspire, give joy, or nurture the faculty of inquiry. Parents should not make their love conditional to the performance of their children in the examinations. Their expectation level should be reasonable. With this and with the revised system of education, examination will prove beneficial for the students. If there were no examinations, most scholars would have been less informed than they are today. Examinations compel students to read as mush as they can, and as they do so, they absorb knowledge unconsciously. Further, because of examinations; teachers have to confine themselves to the syllabuses which are aimed at imparting knowledge in a systematic manner, and thus develop mental discipline.

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