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Durweston CE Primury SchooI DeveIopment PIun

- Every ChiId Mutters


This plan seeks to celebrate recent achievements as well as to set out the priorities of the school for the future.

The pIon hos been drown up wifhin fhe confexf of fhree moin ogendos:

I) The currenf sifuofion of fhe schooI os evoIuofed fhrough fhe schooI's sysfems of SeIf
EvoIuofion ond described in fhe SeIf EvoIuofion Form or SEF

Z) The b Iey Oufcomes of "Every ChiId Moffers":

I) 8eing heoIfhy
Z) Sfoying sofe
3) Enjoying ond ochieving
4) Moking o posifive confribufion
5) Achieving economic weII-being

3) The wider Dorsef ond nofionoI ogendos

All three agendas are referred to throughout this document. The following pages illustrate the links between the SEF and the 5 Key
Outcomes of Every Child Matters.

Ofsteds School Self Evaluation Schedule an online form which schools are statutorily obliged to complete from September 2005
The Every Child Matters Green Paper was published in response to Victoria Climbie and other cases in September 2003 and is available from: It aims to safeguard children.

The Five Key Outcomes of Every Child Matters and the Self Evaluation Form
The fIve key outcomes of 'Every ChIld |atters' need to be at the heart of everythIng we do at 0urweston. The Self EvaluatIon Form (SEF) Is the tool we use to evaluate how successful we are.
The questIons are those asked by DFSTE0 to support schools In makIng valId judgements. These are the same questIons our governors use In evaluatIng our achIevements.

Be healthy
Stay safe Enjoy and achIeve hake a posItIve contrIbutIon AchIeve economIc weII-beIng
To be physcclly heclthy
To be mentclly cnd emotonclly
To be sexuclly heclthy
To en]oy heclthy l]estyles
To choose not to tcke lleycl druys
To be sc]e ]rom mcltrectment,
neylect, volence cnd sexucl
To be sc]e ]rom cccdentcl n]ury
cnd decth
To be sc]e ]rom bullyny cnd
To be sc]e ]rom crme cnd cnt
soccl behcvour n cnd out o]
To hcve securty, stcblty cnd be
ccred ]or
To be recdy ]or school
To cttend cnd en]oy school
To ccheve stretchny nctoncl
educctoncl stcndcrds ct prmcry
To ccheve personcl cnd soccl
development cnd en]oy recrecton
To enycye n decsonmckny cnd
support the communty cnd
To enycye n lcwcbdny cnd
postve behcvour n cnd out o]
To develop postve relctonshps
cnd choose not to bully cnd
To develop sel]con]dence cnd
success]ully decl wth syn]ccnt
l]e chcnyes cnd chcllenyes
To develop enterprsny behcvour
To enycye n ]urther educcton,
employment or trcnny on lecvny
To be recdy ]or employment
To lve n decent homes cnd
sustcncble communtes
To hcve cccess to trcnsport cnd
mctercl yoods
To lve n households ]ree ]rom
low ncome

Ja. What are learners'
achIevement and standards In
theIr work: (and progress)
Jb. How well do learners achIeve
In the FoundatIon Stage:

4a. How well do learners make
progress In theIr personal
4b. To what extent are learners
aware of, and do they practIse,
healthy lIfestyles:

4f. How good are the personal
development and wellbeIng of
learners In the foundatIon stage:
4a. How well do learners make
progress In theIr personal
4b. To what extent are learners
aware of, and do they practIse,
healthy lIfestyles:
4c. To what extent do learners
feel safe and adopt safe practIces:

4f. How good are the personal
development and wellbeIng of
learners In the foundatIon stage:
4a. How well do learners make
progress In theIr personal

4d. How well do learners make a
posItIve contrIbutIon to the

4f. How good are the personal
development and wellbeIng of
learners In the foundatIon stage:

4b. To what extent are learners
aware of, and do they practIse,
healthy lIfestyles:

4e. How well do learners prepare
for theIr future economIc well
uaIIty of

5c. How well are learners guIded
and supported:
5d. What Is the qualIty of provIsIon
In the FoundatIon Stage:

5c. How well are learners guIded
and supported:
5d. What Is the qualIty of provIsIon
In the FoundatIon Stage:
5a. How good Is the qualIty of
teachIng and learnIng:
5b. How well do the currIculum
and other actIvItIes meet the
range of needs and Interests of
5c. How well are learners guIded
and supported:
5d. What Is the qualIty of provIsIon
In the FoundatIon Stage:
5a. How good Is the qualIty of
teachIng and learnIng:
5b. How well do the currIculum
and other actIvItIes meet the
range of needs and Interests of

5b. How well do the currIculum
and other actIvItIes meet the
range of needs and Interests of
5c. How well are learners guIded
and supported:

Mission Statement

To create a welcoming, thriving and happy school
Where everyone is valued
And able to realise their potential
Child Speak Mission Statement

"In our work ond in our pIoy,
0effing beffer every doy,
Moking friends ond hoving fun,
There's o chonce for everyone."

AchIevement and Standards PersonaI 0eveIopment and WeII-
uaIIty of ProvIsIon LeadershIp hanagement PremIses


For all chIldren to make
sIgnIfIcant progress In knowledge,
understandIng and skIlls; In
attItudes and values; as socIal
beIngs and as lIfelong learners

For all chIldren to enjoy theIr
educatIon, feel safe and practIse
a healthy lIfestyle

To achIeve a broad, balanced and
relevant currIculum throughout
the school whIch meets the needs
of chIldren and statutory

To gIve a clear dIrectIon and
purpose whIch Is translated Into
clear targets

To establIsh and maIntaIn all
premIses In good order wIth
adequate facIlItIes for the
educatIon and care of all pupIls


Enjoy and achIeve
|ake a posItIve contrIbutIon

8e healthy
Stay safe

|ake a posItIve contrIbutIon
AchIeve economIc wellbeIng

8e healthy
Stay safe
Enjoy and achIeve
|ake a posItIve contrIbutIon
AchIeve economIc wellbeIng

8e healthy
Stay safe
Enjoy and achIeve
|ake a posItIve contrIbutIon
AchIeve economIc wellbeIng

Stay safe

The Five Key Outcomes of Every Child Matters Existing Provision at Durweston

The five key outcomes of Every Child Matters are at the heart of our work at Durweston. Below are some of the strategies we use for promoting these outcomes.

Be Healthy Stay Safe Enjoy and Achieve Make a Positive
Economic Well
Achieved Health Promoting
School Status
Golden Rules
Good staff role models
Daily collective worship/
chance for reflection
Random acts of kindness
Celebration Assembly
Awe and Wonder
celebrating nature on walks
2 Hrs PE each week
Outdoor Play encouraged
Swimming (Years 3 & 4)
Whole school Wake & Shake
each day
After school clubs Cross
Country, Football, Cricket,
Aerobics, Rounders, Netball,
Maypole Dancing
Country Dancing
Cycling Proficiency
Walk to School Week
Outdoor Education Leeson
House, Little Canada
NEW lunchtime play/PE
equipment bought after
consultation with children,
staff and governors
School Travel Plan
Fruit Snacks
Use of water bottles/ fountains
Child Protection Policy
Informal records for
CRB checks for all adults
working 1:1 with pupils
in sch.
Parent permission for
children to have photos
taken - press
Internet Usage Policy
Parent permission for use
of photos on school
website Behaviour Policy
Consistent rewards and
sanctions team points,
Golden Rules & Gold
Awards, Im Proud, HT
Awards, Consequences
Health & Safety Policy
Regular H&S risk
assessment by Governors
Risk assessments for
class trips
Road Safety - Streetwise
Regular Fire Drills
Fire Risk Assessment -
Medicine Policy
First Aid training for all
Specialist Training
for staff e.g. Epipen
use, diabetes
Friendship Bench chosen by School Council
A stimulating, challenging and appropriate
Pupil Tracking
Good Assessment for Learning records
Good links between Pre-School/ Starfish
Home visits/ Pre-school visits Planned
transition Y6
Church Links
Christmas Carol Service and Nativity /
Easter/ Leavers Service
Extra Curricular /Enrichment Activities
Christmas/May Fayre
Christmas Party and Lunch Books at
Arts Week
Science Day
Maths Master class for Gifted and Talented
Trips Leeson House, Little Canada,
Visits to: Weymouth, Portsmouth Historic
Victorian Day
Fifties Week
Pantomime /Summer production
Golden Time chosen by the children clay,
mask making, karaoke, football, cooking,
mini-beasts, woodwork, needlework, role
play, ball games, cross country walks, art,
icing biscuits, play park, construction, etc.
Raising self confidence
(The vicars assemblies,
Team points, stickers, Gold
Awards, Circle Time,
integration to new
classrooms, transition to
secondary schools, music
certificates, HT Awards)
Developing positive
relationships (SULP,
Friendship Bench, peer
tutoring, play partners,
sports day, Team points,
SEAL, 1:1 work how to
tolerate others)
School Council
discussions within classes
prior to meetings
Community Links Little
Rascals for 0 3yrs, Village
Hall coffee mornings,
Shroving, May Fayre,
dancing at Summer Fete,
World of work (parent
Law Abiding (negotiate
classroom rules, various
class reward schemes
golden tickets, sticker
charts, smiley faces/ class
success time, seahorse
stamps/ rewards,
supersharks/smiler, wish
tree, hundredths,
Raising self confidence
(see next column)
Transactional Role Play
Encouraging Positive
Attitude through rewards
and positive learning
Encouraging children to be
smart and tidy
School Uniform/dress code
for PE
Encouraging discipline,
Extra Reading Support
Stourpaine Reading Club
Parent Training How
Your Child will Learn to
Encouraging team work
Trips to Leeson House &
Little Canada
Helping and performing in
the local community
Managing money
School Council with an
annual budget to spend
Programmes sales for
summer performance
Careers Advice
Visitors from World of
Fundraising Activities
Be Healthy

Healthy lunchboxes
Healthy cooking lessons
Playtime and lunchtime First
Head bump letter
Head lice letter
No-Smoking School
Dogs banned from the school
NEW toilets for children/ staff
and refurbished toilets
NEW disabled toilet
Circle Time
Raising self esteem - Golden
Leaf /Special People
Modelling/role play
Social Language Group
Emotions Boards
1:1 mentoring with TA
School Council
Positive Behaviour Strategies
Golden Time Activities
Anti-Bullying Week
Organised games at lunchtime
Friendship Bench
Sex Education Policy
Sex education for Years 5/6
Science Curriculum Keeping
Healthy, Safe Medicines
CPD - Emergency Aid and
Minor Injuries Training for
all staff
Workplace Certificate for
First Aid 1 TA
Life Education Bus

Stay Safe

Nut Free School
Head / Injury Records
Injury letter to parents
General Safety
Secure Environment
strong relationship
between staff and pupils
Safe Grounds bottom
gate locked during school
NEW entrance with
security code to enter
No Dogs on Site
No Smoking on Site
Life Education Bus
Anti-Bullying Week
Circle Time/ SEAL
Children taught how to
use tools safely in D&T

Enjoy and Achieve

Guided Reading/ class helpers older
children helping in Reception
Reward schemes
Wow boards- Im proud
Celebration Assembly, Gold Awards linked
to Golden Rules, Head Teacher Awards
10 good pieces of work, Pen Licences
good handwriting, Platinum Awards 10
HT Awards
Violin, Piano, Recorders
Choir Singing at Tesco, Shaftesbury,
Durweston Church (advent service)
Sports Fixtures - Primary Link Team
Teams for football, netball, cross country,
tag rugby
Differentiated work-all classes
Early Intervention
Visual Timetables Home/School Diaries for
targeted children
Rapid Reading Scheme (Wave 3 Hub
School for good practice) Wellington
Square, Fuzz Buzz, Toe By Toe, Wave 3,
Physio, SENSS Programmes and support:
Learn to Move, Acceleread, Accelewrite,
ALS, Speed up, Social Language Groups
Stourpaine Reading Club Home/School
Home/School Agreement
Termly Curriculum Letters
Weekly newsletter
Wider Links
Gap student from Bryanston

Make a Positive

Dot charts for behaviour,
Consequence sheets, play
time contract, trips
representing the school)
Volunteers/ role models
(parents hearing readers,
Bryanston gap students,
work experience
Blandford School and
Self- determined learning
Shared success criteria in all
Golden Time choices
Social Stories for SEN
Yr 6 monitors assembly
co-ordinators, fruit
monitors, play team helpers,
tidy-up monitors

Achieve Econ.
Well Being

Children in Need
Comic Relief
Operation Christmas
Saving up
Tesco/ Sainsbury
Vouchers, Nestle Box-tops
for Books Eco Friendly
Recycling paper, phones,
cardboard, compost,
printer cartridges, Yellow


3 Year Plan to Further Develop The Five Key Outcomes of Every Child Matters at Durweston

Below are some of the strategies we hope to use to further promote the five key outcomes of Every Child Matters

Be Healthy Stay Safe Enjoy and Achieve Make a Positive
Achieve Economic
Well Being
Develop spirituality
More clubs for KS1
Extend Walking Bus
More exercise for all
children e.g. school
sponsored walk,
Walk and worship, Bad
weather walking, Family
walk and picnic sponsored
pyjama jog, fun run,
mountain biking, more
work outside, more
orienteering (Nickis
husband) , climbing wall,
canoeing using river
swimming for more age
groups, sailing at
Mini-Olympics , Its a
Knockout, Family Sports
Super Sports, Use Army
obstacle course (Jane and
Vron), offer of football
training (Laura), liase with
Durweston Football Club,
employ a cricket coach
Staff v Parents matches
Use Houses more for sports
Opportunities to do non-
competitive sport like dance
club. (Lyndsays sister)
Links with Blandford
School: dance/PE, Gym
Child Protection
More formal Child
Protection record keeping
Deputy DSP training for
Worry Box
Ensure each class has a
Circle Time
Badges for Monitors:
House Captains, School
Council, School Bank,
Peer Mediators etc.
Health & Safety
Improve standard practice
for risk assessments for
class trips Devise systems
for class to report
concerns over health and
Classroom risk
assessments use
Code on front door
regularly changed

General Safety

Borrow traffic lights from
St Johns Ambulance
Training for Yr 5/6
Who dunnit (Laura)
National Cycling Training
Improved attendance
More creative curriculum / more theme days
Educational visits termly for each class
More training on Promethean whiteboards
for staff
Improved assessment and tracking
More liaison between old and young children
- class links
More liaison with secondary school Science
depts etc.
Paired art work with Bryanston (Liz Long).
Introduce Beginners Afternoon
Church Links
Class assemblies 1 per termfor parents?
Establish a Junior Choir
Retired church members - hearing readers
Education Sunday?
Family services at Durweston
Extra Curricular/ Enrichment Activities
Celebrate multi-cultural differences e.g.
Black History month
Celebrate differences e.g. Womens Day
Increased use of the school grounds for
Theatre Groups/Drama workshops
Book Week - dressing up as a character
R.E. organise visits to various places of
P.E. Increase swimming opportunities to
other classes
Environment days.
School picnic using the playing fields/
camping on the field
Raising Self confidence
Talent show- whole
school (finalists to
perform to community)
Developing positive
Promoting Multi
Cultural Education e.g.
Black History
Promoting Citizenship
More links with polar year
groups- buddy sessions/
School Council
Greater representation at
Network Council
Community Links
Community visiting us
more e.g. Old peoples
Christmas party, Helpers
Law Abiding
ECM committees with
child representation
Volunteers/ Role Models
Parent Helpers policy
Y6 planning a lesson
and teaching reception/
Handy paws
Self Determined
Learning Encouraging
independent children
who will be Lifelong
Develop enterprising
behaviour - more child
initiated fund raising /
Raising Self Confidence
Use of Sports Captains
Extra Reading Support
Parent Training
Better before and after school
provision for working/
training parents
Start Inspire Workshops
Team Work
Managing Money
Set up school bank
Class sale each term (mini
More involvement for
children in productions.
Continue to develop role of
Class Council /School Council
with an annual budget of 500
Careers Advice
Promotion of different
Learning styles
Encourage a greater love of
reading in the school class
library sessions & Training of
Y6 to run school library after
makeover to ensure every
child gets access to the library
every week.
Curricular opportunities for
research and presentations
Office assistants - answering
the phone, taking messages,
photocopying etc
Link learning to the real
world as much as possible
Dinner time assistants -
interview & offer contract
Be Healthy

Staff Aerobics/circuit
training Hot school dinners
- Lunch Families
Healthy Eating Days/Theme
Days/ Eat with Your Child
More shade in the
playground umbrellas for
outside tables, seating
under trees
Policy on application of sun
Improve ventilation in the
ICT suite
Grow lunch!
Class per half-term make
Keep outside! policy
Bryanston Bees?
Develop use of new Rainbow
Assertiveness training for
children in KS2
More trips to local farm
Healthy Lunchbox

Stay Safe

for Years 4/5/6
Child Assertiveness
training for KS2 children/
Stranger Danger
Involvement of
Community Police (Rob
Food Hygiene (Sarah
Arnold Lynne)
Have a Safety Week -
involve RNLI & Air
TA could run a First Aid

Enjoy and Achieve

Reward Schemes
Raise the profile of the House Point system
House Captains, House matches /
Celebration Board
Wider Opportunities Cello for Year 4
Choir sing at local residential homes
Music performances in assembly inc. choir
More children to take up instrumental lessons
Young Musician of the Year
Charity Concerts
Link with Royal Signals band
Bagpipes (see Jane)
More links with Secondary school music
Training & support for all staff to improve
skills level and develop use of small games
/competition in lessons
Continued CPD opportunities for staff
Home/ School Links
Develop Stourpaine reading club to include
teaching parents too
More parent helpers in school
Introduce Inspire workshops
Have a Foundation Evening Handy Paws
and Reception
Curriculum Evenings
Memory Afternoon (N)/ Story Sessions (Rec)
Wider Links
New website
Entrance hall welcome board - staff / govs
Visits to other schools
Establish links with Teacher Training
Charity a year- chosen with children
Pen friends with national/ international
Make a Positive

Child led charity work
Raise status of the
House system & House
Teams - House Captains
Mentoring e.g. Peer
mediators (Lorna
Y6 control stick

Achieve Economic
Well Being

Fundraising activities
Have a Fundraising
Children involved in
planning/running stalls in
fayres etc.
Second hand school uniform
Growing and selling flowers
Saving Up
Continue to collect vouchers to
buy equipment for school
Greater links with third world
schools can we fill a container
for a school overseas? (Global
Citizenship) Bursary fund to
support parents experiencing
financial difficulty
Eco Friendly Activities
Growing vegetables and using
for school meals.
More recycling
Eco school committee
Work with Stewarts Garden
Centre Wimborne - growing
Metal recycling and selling
Fair Trade Day (Jenny
through Sue)-
World Apple Day (October-
apple bobbing, recipes,
vegetable art like:
Buy a cow instead of
sending Christmas cards.


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