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Introduction of Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters Hanban

Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters, as a public institution affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education, is committed to providing Chinese language and cultural teaching resources and services worldwide, it goes all out in meeting the demands of foreign Chinese learners and contributing to the development of multiculturalism and the building of a harmonious world

Pengenalan Kantor Pusat Institute Hanban / Konfusius


Kantor Pusat Institute Hanban / Konfusius , sebagai lembaga publik yang berafiliasi dengan Departemen Pendidikan China, berkomitmen untuk menyediakan bahasa Cina dan sumber daya pengajaran budaya dan pelayanan di seluruh dunia, ini semua dalam rangka memenuhi tuntutan peserta didik luar negeri Cina dan memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan multikulturalisme dan membangun dunia yang harmonis

unctions of Hanban Functions of Hanban

To make policies and development plans for promoting Chinese language internationally To support Chinese language programs at educational institutions of various types and levels in other countries To draft international Chinese teaching standards and develop and promote Chinese language teaching materials

Fungsi Hanban Untuk membuat kebijakan dan rencana pengembangan guna mempromosikan bahasa Cina secara internasional Untuk mendukung program bahasa Cina di institusi pendidikan dari berbagai jenis dan tingkat di negara-negara lain Untuk rancangan pengajaran standar internasional Cina danmengembangkan dan mempromosikan bahan-bahan pengajaran bahasa Tionghoa

Introduction of Confucius Institutes

As Chinas economy and exchanges with the world have seen rapid growth, there has also been a sharp increase in the worlds demands for Chinese learning. Benefiting from the UK, France, Germany and Spains experience in promoting their national languages, China began its own exploration through establishing non-profit public institutions which aim to promote Chinese language and culture in foreign countries in 2004: these were given the name the Confucius Institute

Pengenalan Institut Konfusius Seiring dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi China dan pertukaran dengan dunia yang sangat cepat, ada juga peningkatan tajam dalam permintaan dunia untuk belajar bahasa Cina. Manfaat dari Inggris, Perancis, Jerman dan pengalaman Spanyol dalam mempromosikan bahasa nasional mereka, Cina mulai eksplorasi sendiri melalui pembentukan nirlaba lembaga publik yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan bahasa dan kebudayaan Tionghoa di luar negeri pada tahun 2004: ini diberi nama Konfusius Institut

Functions of Confucius Institute

1. To make development plans and set down establishment and evaluation criterion for Confucius Institutes 2. To examine, approve and establish Confucius Institutes 3. To examine and approve annual project proposals, budgets and financial statements of Confucius Institutes worldwide 4. To guide and evaluate the teaching activities and to control the quality of the operation of Confucius Institutes 5. To provide Confucius Institutes around the world with the support and services of teaching resources 6. To select and dispatch Chinese directors and teaching staff to Confucius Institutes, to offer training programs for the management teams and teachers of Confucius Institutes 7. To organize annual Confucius Institute conferences

Fungsi Institut Konfusius 1. Untuk membuat rencana pengembangan dan meletakkan pembentukan dan kriteria evaluasi untuk Konfusius Institute 2. Untuk menguji, menyetujui dan menetapkan Institut Konfusius 3. Untuk memeriksa dan menyetujui proposal proyek tahunan,anggaran dan laporan keuangan Institut Konfusius di seluruh dunia 4. Unutk membimbing dan mengevaluasi kegiatan pengajaran dan untuk mengontrol

kualitas dari operasi Institut Konfusius 5. Untuk menyediakan Konfusius Institut di seluruh dunia dengan dukungan dan jasa dari sumber daya pengajaran 6. Untuk memilih dan pengiriman direksi Cina dan staf pengajar ke Konfusius Institute, untuk menawarkan program pelatihan bagi tim manajemen dan guru Konfusius Institut 7. Untuk mengorganisir konferensi tahunan Institut Konfusius

Council of Confucius Institute Headquarters

Council of Confucius Institute Headquarters According to the "Constitution and By-Laws of the Confucius Institutes", the Confucius Institute Headquarters shall be governed by the Council. The Council shall consist of the Chair, the Vice Chairs, the Executive Council Members, and the Council Members. Among the fifteen Council Members, ten shall be the Heads of the Board of Directors of Confucius Institutes overseas.

Dewan Markas Besar Institut Konfusius Dewan Kantor Pusat Institut Konfusius menurut "Konstitusi dan Dewan Anggaran dari Institut Konfusius", Kantor Pusat Institut Konfusius diatur oleh Dewan. Dewan wajib terdiri dari Ketua, Wakil Ketua, Anggota Dewan Eksekutif, dan Anggota Dewan. Di antara lima belasAnggota Dewan, sepuluh akan menjadi Kepala Dewan Direksi Institut Konfusius di luar negeri.

Duties of the Council

1Examining and approving the development strategies and plans of global Confucius Institutes, 2Formulating and amending the Constitution and By-Laws of the Confucius Institutes, 3Examining and approving annual reports and working plans of the Headquarters, 4Discussing issues of significance concerning the development of Confucius Institutes.

Tugas Dewan 1. Menguji dan menyetujui strategi pengembangan dan rencana global Institut Konfusius , 2. Meru,uskan dan mengubah Konstitusi Anggaran Institut Konfusius, 3 Menguji dan menyetujui laporan tahunan dan rencana kerja Kantor Pusat,

4. Mendiskusikan isu penting mengenai perkembangan Institut Konfusius.

Introduction of Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)

Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) is located in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing, 12 km from Tian'anmen, the center of the city. The campus covers an area of 38 hectares, with a floor space of 240,000 square meters. BLCU was founded in 1962 with the name of Higher Preparatory School for Foreign Students. In June 1964, it was renamed Beijing Language Institute. In June 1996, with approval of Chinese Ministry of Education, it was designated as Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU). BLCU is the only international university in China with its main task set at teaching the Chinese language and culture to non-Chinese students and serves as the center for teaching Chinese and the study of the Chinese language. BLCU has the longest history, the largest scope, and the most qualified teaching faculties of its kind in the area of teaching the Chinese language and culture to non-Chinese students. Over the past 40 years, the university has trained more than 70,000 international students from over 160 counties and regions who are proficient in Chinese and familiar with the Chinese culture. Nowadays, more than 9,000 international students and over 3,000 Chinese students come and study at the university each year. BLCU boasts an array of 800 teachers. Among them, about 500 are teachers of Chinese, and about 300 are professors and associate professors, including many distinguished and erudite scholars with 20 to 30 years' teaching experience. Many of the teachers have been invited to teach and to lecture abroad. BLCU has set up a new discipline system which is distinctive in feature, clear in advantage, rational in structure, and substantial in content. Now the curriculums in this university cover a wide range of subjects, from short-term, speeded-up and online programs, to degree courses for the bachelor, master and doctor. And its standards of education enjoy widespread recognition and favorable comments. BLCU comprises of 11 teaching units and 14 research institutions, with the number of teaching and administrative staff totaled 1425, including 829 in teaching and researching, 303 of which have advanced titles. At present, BLCU has 9 doctoral programs, 24 postgraduate programs, and 16 undergraduate programs, including 1 national key discipline, 2 municipal key disciplines, and 1 humanities and social sciences key research base of regular universities designated by the Ministry of Education. The education scope covers a wide range of fields, including literature, economics, history, law, engineering, education, and management. The university publishes three kinds of core periodicals, namely, Language Teaching and Research, International Chinese Teaching, Research on the Chinese Culture. the university press has published some 1,500 text books in diversified fields, and made widespread influence both at home and abroad. Educational institutions and training organizations of various kinds in around a hundred countries have adopted the text books of teaching Chinese as foreign language published by BLCU press.

Bahasa dan Budaya Beijing University (BLCU)

Bahasa dan Budaya Beijing University (BLCU) terletak di pinggiran kota barat laut Beijing, 12 km dari Tian'anmen, pusat kota. Kampus ini meliputi area seluas 38 hektar, dengan ruang lantai 240.000 meter persegi. BLCU didirikan pada tahun 1962 dengan nama Sekolah Tinggi Persiapan untuk Siswa Luar Negeri. Pada bulan Juni 1964, namanya diubah Beijing Language Institute. Pada bulan Juni 1996, dengan persetujuan Departemen Pendidikan Cina, itu ditetapkan sebagai Bahasa dan Budaya Beijing University (BLCU). BLCU adalah satu-satunya universitas internasional di Cina dengan tugas utamanya ditetapkan pada mengajar bahasa Cina dan budaya kepada siswa non-Cina dan berfungsi sebagai pusat untuk mengajar Cina dan mempelajari bahasa Cina. BLCU memiliki sejarah terpanjang, ruang lingkup terbesar, dan fakultas pengajaran yang paling berkualitas dari jenisnya di bidang pengajaran bahasa dan kebudayaan Tionghoa untuk mahasiswa non-Cina. Lebih dari 47 tahun terakhir, universitas telah melatih lebih dari puluhan ribu mahasiswa internasional yang mahir bahasa Cina dan akrab dengan budaya Cina lebih dari 176 negara.

BLCU telah mendirikan sebuah sistem disiplin baru yang berbeda dalam fitur, jelas dalam keuntungan, rasional dalam struktur, dan substansial dalam konten. Sekarang kurikulum di universitas ini mencakup berbagai mata pelajaran, dari program jangka pendek, dipercepat dan program online untuk gelar master, sarjana dan dokter. Dan standar dalam pendidikan mendapat pengakuan luas dan komentar yang baik dari dalam dan luar negeri. BLCU terdiri dari 11 unit pengajaran dan 14 lembaga penelitian, dengan jumlah staf pengajar dan administrasi mencapai 1.255, termasuk 725 dalam mengajar dan meneliti, 332 yang memiliki gelar maju. Saat ini, BLCU memiliki 9 program doktor, 24 program pascasarjana, dan 22 program sarjana, termasuk 1 disiplin kunci nasional, 2 disiplin kunci kota, dan 1 humaniora dan ilmu sosial dasar penelitian utama universitas reguler yang ditunjuk oleh Departemen Pendidikan. Ruang lingkup pendidikan mencakup berbagai bidang, termasuk sastra, ekonomi, sejarah, hukum, teknik, pendidikan, dan manajemen.

Universitas menerbitkan tiga jenis majalah inti, yaitu, "Pengajaran Bahasa dan Penelitian", "Pengajaran Internasional Cina", "Penelitian Budaya Cina". pers universitas telah menerbitkan sekitar 1.500 buku-buku teks di bidang diversifikasi, dan membuat pengaruh yang luas baik di rumah dan di luar negeri.Lembaga pendidikan dan organisasi pelatihan dari berbagai jenis di sekitar seratus negara

telah mengadopsi buku teks pengajaran Cina sebagai bahasa asing diterbitkan oleh media BLCU.a
V. introduction of the Training Program 1. Principals and Goals of the Program We have put thoughts into the designing of this program, the main objecdtive of which is set on facilitating the cross-cultural communication to the utmost extent. There will be many original activities for this program that integrate the cultural exerience with practical trainings. We aspire to provide you with such an opportunity to explore the chinese langugae and cultural through engaging interactions. With an increased mutual understanding, we hope this program could build a bridge to further the cooperation and exchange between China and the World. Our tarhets are to obtain an overall perspective of the development of Chinese language teaching materials, thus anticipates more Chinese language and culture courses implemented overseas, to promote and popularize excellent international Chinese teaching materials in local schools, to enhance the exchange and cooperating between Chna and the rest of the world in the field of Chinese language teaching. 2. Features of ths program 1). PCD Model We adopt the model of PCD (participatory Curriculum Development) in this training program, which enables us to build a bridge between trainers and trainees and crreate a laterally interactive study environment for the participants. Meanwhile, we will collect the feedback and suggestion of trainees on time so that we can improve the trainig results. In regard to the popularization ofteaching materials, when introducing teaching materials to the officials, we will solicit improvement advice and understan and share their local teaching resources. 2. Experience-oriented Pattern This trainmig program is an experimental pattern, ,in which the rainees can learn Chinese and know Chienese culture through experience and interaction. We hope that officials can feel the charm of Chinese language and traditional arts in the activities of observing and participating classes of Chinese, paintings and calligraphy practice and appreciating accomplishments. Through the field survey of culture, they can seee the charm of Beijing and China interlacing the characteristic of modern city and ancient traditions. 3). Portofolio During the training, Education officials will finish their works of Chinese calligraphy and painting, which, as their outcome of this training, will be displayed in the exhibition at the later period of the training. 4). Educators fair Educators fair will be held where presses including People Education Press, Higher Education Press, Beijing Langugae and Culture University Press, Peking University Press

will show teir repective Chinese language teaching resources and teaching resources highlyh recomended to the Hanban. Writers of some text books will also be invited then to provide advice to students as well as to share their rsearch outcome. 5). Chinese Table The aim of Chinese table is that through interaction between volounteers and education officials duriong meals, cultures behind Chinese cuisine will be appreciated when delicious food is tasted. They will learn Chinese language points concerning Chinese food and make the classic Chinese fooddumplings. Engaged in this Chinese food culture with joy and fun. Chinese table chooses brakfast and lucnh as its time for communication, where selected and trained volunteers will accompany officials for meals. Its maincontent is to impart some sentence patterns relevant to ordering dishes as well as to memorize the names of dishes. To supplement, general knowledge of cooking, the cause and backgoround of certain dishes will be told. When the education officials mangage to order food and choose dishes, the aim of such interaction is realized. 6). My days in Beijing This trainig provides the Education officials a chance to know the contempiorary Beijing with its rich cultural heritage, and it covers several parts such as Chinese Tour Trip, modern China Trip and Chinese Education Trip. Officials are encouraged to take pictures grasping their moments during this trip. These pictures, as outcome of this training, will be shown in the exhibition at the later period of the training. Excellent works demonstated i n the calligraphy and painting exhobition as well as photography exhibition will be published as a book. VI. Trainig Courses Various forms will be taken in the special classes, including communiocation among education administrators, exhibitiuon of teaching materials, experiencing local Chinese langugage courses. Observation of Chinese language classes, Chinese cultur4e experiencing and Chinese art appretiation etc. We hope the special classes can bring to the participants the joy of Chinese learnning, the charm of Chinese culture, the momentum of Chinese languuage education and the hospiatality of their Chinese friends. VII. Backgound Matertials for the Curriculum and Major Activities 1. Chinese Table Chinese Table , as its name literally indicates, requires all the participants to use as much Chinese as possible at table. It is an activity that integrates both culture experience and language study. Chinese cuisine has always enjoyed an international fame. Chuan Cuisine,, Xiang Cuisine, Yue Cuisine, Lu Cuisine, Zhe Cuisine, and Min Cuisine, all the eight major Chinese cuisines has a long history. Through communication while dining , the participants will have a good oppurtunity to communicate ion Chinese at table, over topics like study, work, etc. The concept of Chinese Table is aiomed at offering the participant a platform to experience Chinese culture, practice spoken chinese and make friends with participants from all around the

world. Dining, entertainmnet and language study are organically integrated into this activity to help the participants to learn something about Chinese and Chinese culoture. 2. Making Dumplings Orriginally named Jiao er , Dumpling

3. Chinese Calligraphy Class Brush calligraphy is a kind of visual art unique to Asian cultures, and what sets Chinese calligraphy apart from the rest is its vehicle of expressing-Chinese characters.

VIII. The famous scenic spots in Beijing 1. The forbidden city

The palace museum, also known as the Purple

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