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Finding Your Way

1. Name two tools for finding your way.
map and compass D

8. A compass needle is like the ______ on a watch. A. hand B. alarm C. wrist band D. all of the above 9. If you don't have a compass, what might you use to find your direction?
the sun or stars

2. North, south, east, and west are called ______ directions. A. opposite B. redbird C. same D. cardinal 3. How did early explorers find their way? A. They used the sun and stars. B. They used maps and compasses. C. They just sailed until they came to land. D. all of the above 4. A map shows you ______ things are. A. when B. where C. what D. who 5. A compass shows you ______. A. time B. people C. places D. direction 6. A compass is a tool that looks like a ______. A. map B. globe C. watch 7. A compass's red needle always points ______. A. south B. north C. east D. west

10. A map and a compass can be used together to find your way. A. false B. true

Sitting the Farm

1. Why would cattle be kept in a different part of the barn from pigs?
They eat different things and need different kinds of care.

2. What tool or tools did Larry use to groom the pony?

a brush and curry comb D

3. Which job did Larry do last? A. He fed the chickens. B. He fed hay to the cows. C. He gathered eggs. D. He groomed the pony. 4. What would a hen do when she lays an egg? A. She'd say "cock-a-doodle-do." B. She would flutter off the roost. C. She would go get a drink. D. She would cackle. 5. How did Larry know which eggs were really fresh?
They were almost hot to the touch.

6. What did Dad do with the eggs after they had been gathered?
He cleaned and graded them. B

7. What did Tony the pony do as Larry groomed him? A. He drank water. B. He ate oats. C. He swished flies with his tail. D. He ate hay. 8. If you had the opportunity to farm sit as Larry and his dad did, what do you think would be your favorite part?

The Art of Face Painting


1. Which of the following was not a reason given in the article for Native American face painting? A. for making the person more attractive B. for sacred tribal ceremonies C. for battles D. for hunting 2. Which of the following is a synonym for the word "versatile" in paragraph 1? A. specific B. multipurpose C. limited D. useless 3. What did the color yellow often symbolize in Native American face painting? A. life B. spring C. a good harvest D. death 4. If a child is not well, what could a face painter offer to him or her instead of painting the child's face?
a sticker or a temporary tattoo

7. Which tool helps a face painter if he or she does not want to paint freehand? A. tracing paper B. a glue gun C. a pencil outline D. a stencil 8. Acrylic paints are safe to use for face painting. A. True B. False

5. What was one material Native Americans used to make their paints? A. soap B. food coloring C. berries D. oil 6. What should a face painter do first before applying paint? A. The artist should wash his or her hands. B. The artist should wash the client's hands. C. The artist should offer the client a snack. D. none of the above

SOS Rescue

1. If you were going on a hiking or camping trip, what sorts of things would you put in your pack?
Various, food, sleeping bag, tent, matches, cooking utensils, etc. A

2. Why did Sara's dad fall off the trail? A. He tripped on a rock. B. A bear pushed him. C. He wasn't watching where he was going. D. Sara pushed him. 3. What do you call the code that Sara used to call for help?
Morse code

4. What does "askew" mean? A. in a curving line B. at an odd angle instead of straight C. accurate D. asking for help 5. What was the code the British used to call for help? A. NC B. SOS C. SSSDDD D. CQD 6. Why were the letters SOS chosen for the international code?
because they were simple to remember and could not be confused

7. How did Sara know that help was coming?

She heard the voices of the people coming up the trail.

8. What important piece of equipment helped Sara call for help?

a whistle

Sudden Trouble


1. Which of these would be the best title for this story? A. Morse Code Day B. The Aluminum Boat C. SOS Saves the Day D. The Silver Whistle 2. Charlie rowed the boat with aluminum oars. A. true B. false 3. Why did Charlie smile to himself when he started to row the boat?
He smiled because it was easy to turn the boat around. It appeared that he was right and that it wouldn't be hard to get the boat back to the shore.

4. Why was Chris blowing his whistle at the water? A. He was practicing cable code. B. He was trying to talk to the fish. C. He was making an experiment. D. He was playing a tune. 5. What was Chris wearing that was orange?
a life jacket

6. How was the wind moving the boat? A. blowing water into the boat to make it sink B. blowing it away from the shore C. blowing it along the shoreline away from the cottage D. blowing it toward the shore 7. The Morse code SOS signal is: A. three long, two long, three short B. two long, two short, two long C. three short, three long, three short D. three long, three short, three long 8. Charlie's father came out to get them with a motor boat. A. false B. true

Bird Feeders


1. What animal really likes to eat from a bird feeder? A. Bears B. Dogs 2. Where should you not put a bird feeder? A. In a place where you can see it B. Near your car 3. What is the easiest way to get rid of a bear? A. Scare the bear away B. Take down the feeder 4. During what season should you feed birds? A. Fall B. Winter 5. What can you put on the ground to cover the smell of birdseed?

Restaurant Seating


1. Which type of seating will have chairs that move? A. Table B. Booth 2. If you have to wait, the restaurant may give you a:

3. In what order are people seated in a restaurant where an employee seats you? A. Alphabetically B. In the order you arrive 4. Why isn't it a good idea to leave your belongings at a table while you order your food?
Your belongings could be stolen.

5. What can you do before you go to a restaurant so you don't have to wait for a table?
make a reservation

Being Polite - Do You Have Good Manners?

1. What do you show when you are polite to others?
Good manners A

2. Anyone can be polite. A. True B. False 3. All people are polite. A. True B. False 4. Which of the following is NOT something you should do when you introduce yourself to others? A. Shake hands B. Smile C. Look at your feet D. Make eye contact

Dred Scott v. Sanford


1. Who was happy with the Court's decision? A. Slaves B. Southerners C. Northerners 2. How many judges did not agree with the decision? A. Six B. One C. Two 3. Why couldn't Dred Scott sue for his freedom?
As a slave he had no right to use the court system to sue for his freedom.

4. The Court said that slavery was legal: A. In the South B. Anywhere in the country C. In the North 5. Why did Scott claim he was a free man?
He had lived in an area where slavery was illegal.

6. What compromise was made unconstitutional by the Court's decision?

The Missouri Compromise

Live Like an Egyptian


1. The Nile flows across Egypt from west to east. A. False B. True 2. In what month did ancient Egyptians begin to plant? A. May B. June C. October D. January 3. Which of the following did ancient Egyptians NOT grow? A. Potatoes B. Barley C. Cucumbers D. Onions 4. What material did ancient Egyptians use for their clothes? A. Leather B. Nylon C. Linen D. Cotton 5. Which of the following about ancient Egyptians' diet is true? A. They used sugar, instead of honey, to sweeten their pastries. B. They ate a lot of bread and drank a lot of beer. C. They did not eat any fruit. D. They ate meat and drank wine every day. 6. What kind of furniture would a rich ancient Egyptian have that a poor one would not? A. Stool B. Bed C. Chair D. Chest

7. Which of the following about ancient Egypt is correct? A. All ancient Egyptians walked barefoot. B. Every ancient Egyptian had bathroom at home. C. Ancient Egyptians invented pillows. D. Ancient Egyptians wore make-up and wigs. 8. What animal did ancient Egyptians train to collect figs for them? A. Baboon B. Elephant C. Pig D. Camel 9. Ancient Egyptians who did not know how to read and write were called "scribes." A. True B. False 10. What did ancient Egyptians use to build their houses? A. Dried mud bricks B. Wood C. Steel D. Stones


1. Why can't people live on Mercury?
It is too hot, too cold, and has very little air. A

2. In this passage the word hardly means ______. A. very little B. plenty C. enough D. a lot 3. The author probably wrote this passage to ______. A. Describe birthdays on Earth B. Demonstrate how birthdays would be celebrated on Mercury C. Persuade you to wear sunscreen D. Inform you about the planet Mercury 4. What can the reader conclude about Mercury? A. It is a lot like Earth. B. It is very far away from the sun. C. It has long days and short nights. D. There are many planets in the solar system larger than Mercury.

Roman Bathhouses


7. The Romans used the hypocaust system to heat up pools in a bathhouse. A. False B. True 8. Which of the following about Roman bathhouses is true? A. Roman bathhouses were popular meeting places for friends. B. Eating and drinking were not allowed in Roman bathhouses. C. All Roman bathhouses were publicly owned. D. Because of high admissions, Roman bathhouses were for rich people only.

1. Which of the following about Roman bathhouses is correct? A. They had several pools, all with lukewarm water. B. They had heating systems hidden in the attics. C. They had reading rooms and concession stands. D. They could only be found in Rome. 2. Why did the Romans go to a bathhouse? A. To socialize B. To wash C. To meet friends D. All of the above 3. What did the Romans use to bathe? A. Shower gel B. Oil and strigils C. Detergent D. Soaps 4. What is a strigil? A. It is a tool that the Romans used for gardening. B. It is a tool that the Romans used for cleaning their ears. C. It is a tool that the Romans used for eating. D. It is a tool that the Romans used for scrubbing dirt off their skin. 5. What material did the Romans use as the support for the floor at ground level? A. Dirt B. Concrete C. Glass D. Wood 6. Which of the following can we not find in a Roman bathhouse? A. A cold pool B. A library C. A supermarket D. A hot pool

The North Wind and the Sun

7. How did the man most likely feel about the Sun?
Any answer that is positive rather than negative; thankful, grateful, good, etc.


8. What did people usually do when the North Wind blew? 1. What clues tell you the season the story was set in? A. Bare branches and a coat show that it's winter. B. The hot sun shows that it is summer. C. The colorful leaves and pumpkins show that it's autumn. D. The buds on the trees and flowers along the path show that it's spring. 2. From context clues, what is the meaning of the word "entities" in the third paragraph? A. powerful people B. things, living or nonliving, that exist in their own right C. establishments where competitions take place D. underground cities 3. Which happened first? A. The man began to perspire. B. The man took off his coat. C. The man held tight to his coat. D. The North Wind admitted defeat. 4. What caused the man to remove his coat? A. his desire to help the Sun win the bet B. the heat that made him uncomfortable C. his dislike of the North Wind D. the gusts of wind 5. Which word best describes the North Wind and the Sun? A. genial B. proud C. fluffy D. bashful 6. What is the main idea of this story? A. that persuasion works better than force B. that sun and wind will never be friends C. that an ill wind blows no good D. that birds of a feather flock together
cowered; ran for shelter; hunched over; bundled up in a coat

Answer Key

Reading Math
Connor helped his father wash the car. He worked for 1 hour and 17 minutes. For how many minutes did he work? 77 minutes 41 years old Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451. Columbus set sail on his famous journey on August 3, 1492 from the port of Palos, Spain. How old was he when he left to set sail?

Grace had only quarters and nickels in her purse when she went to the sale. What 12 coins would she use to buy a book of poems costing $1.4, using exact change? 4 quarters and 8 nickles

Makayla has 33 chocolate chip cookies. She wants to share them equally with her five friends. She is getting very grouchy trying to figure out how many cookies to give each person. If she gives each friend an equal number of cookies and eats the 3 cookies left over, how many cookies will each friend get? 6 cookies

Jason started his homework at 3:13 p.m. He worked for 36 minutes. What time did he finish? 3:49 p.m.

Rachel and her mother prepared beef, cheese, milk, and oatcakes to serve on Leif Ericson Day. Her Aunt Helga sent her the recipe for the oatcakes from Norway. The recipe makes twelve oatcakes and uses two and a half cups of oats. Rachel wants to make 60 oatcakes. How many cups of oats will she need? 12 1/2 cups

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