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YHVH is the centre of everything.

You can analyse a Psalm by counting the number

of times the name YHVH occurs and then look at where it occurs in the centre, so
that we can find the “heart” of the Psalm. YHVH is our main focus and this should not
be any different from when we study the Scriptures. YHVH will reveal His wisdom to
us and this can be found within His Word if we are willing to dig a bit deeper and
ponder on His Word.

We count six “YHVH’s” in this Psalm and it is good if there are seven, because then it fits the
Menorah pattern and we can see the centre or “heart” of the Psalm. In this case there are
only six and the centre two would be the third and the fourth and is found in verses 6 and 7.

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The centre of this Psalm is strangely enough, not about YHVH, but about man. We will look at
a few words as indicated in bold, to help us find the depth of YHVH’s wisdom.

The “heart” of the Psalm is found in the following six words:

1. Seek – “darash” - - seek, seek with care, enquire, require

Just looking at the word, we see that the “Dalet” and the “Resh” looks almost the same.

“Dalet” means “door” (Yeshua), the means of entering into YHVH’s Kingdom.
“Resh” means “human reasoning, repentance, head, venom, poison”.

These two letters looks similar and they can be confused and this we see a warning. Do not
confuse the only “Way”, the “Door” of Salvation (Y’shua) with “human traditions and human
reasoning” better known as legalism or dead works. The Church confused this issue by
stating that following YHVH’s Law is legalistic and
you should ONLY have faith. Faith’s true meaning is Legalism is constructed from
rooted in actions and to be faithful in that which you man made laws that replace
believe is the Truth. Y’shua came to cleanse His
Word or Law from man made traditions (Pharisaic
YHVH’s Law. Man would
teachings) so that man can follow YHVH’s Law rather follow their own laws
without man’s polluted opinions. Confusing the Dalet and traditions than following
for the Resh is exactly what legalism is and people YHVH’s Ways.
believe that they can enter YHVH’s Kingdom
following man made traditions as stipulated by the
Religious system known as the “Church” today.

This word was used the first time in scripture:

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Gen 9:5 tells us the story were Cain killed Abel and where
YHVH “added laws” to prevent man from doing this again.
“Adding Laws” is not adding something new, but rather revealing
His Character and Nature to man to show them where they fell
short from His standard of life He lives. He did this to help man
understand what is acceptable in His eyes and what not, what
He would do and not do.

He said He would “darash” or seek the blood from the people

who shed it. In other words; they have to give their own blood for
the blood of others that was spilled or wasted. The life is in the
blood and that person’s blood or life belonged to YHVH and
someone else took it without permission. This forms the basis of
the eighth Commandment, as was give to Moses on the
Mountain. To spill someone’s blood is to take his life and we
should not kill and we see that this story also forms the basis of the sixth Commandment as
was given to Moses on the Mountain.

Why did Cain do this? Because of jealousy, envied his brother because YHVH did not accept
his way of worship, rejecting his sacrifice. I believe that Cain sacrificed the way he thought
was right and Abel did it the way YHVH wanted it. This brings us back to the previous point,
confusing the “dalet” with the “resh” or YHVH’s Ways with man’s ways or legalism. Cain is a
very good example to us of what legalism is and that YHVH rejects this form of worship to
Him. We also see that Cain covet his brother’s favour he had with YHVH and this drove him
to kill his brother. This brings us to the foundation of the tenth Commandment; “…
! … Interestingly enough, we also see the “church” who worship YHVH the way they
want and they despise the people who worship YHVH the way He wants and “kill” them,
labelling them as “cults” and slander YHVH’s people.

When YHVH asked Cain where his brother was he did not tell Him directly but gave an
answer that was not a direct lie, but it was open for interpretation. To lead people to make an
assumption that is not the truth is exactly the same as
telling a lie. Cain tried it with YHVH but he did not get
Cain broke four of the five
away with it. Cain broke the Commandment as we know it Commandments when he killed
in the Ten Commandments today, and that was the ninth his brother. If you sin, you
Commandment. normally break more than one
Commandment in a single
Cain broke the sixth, eighth, ninth and tenth
Commandments, and they are found on the second half of event.
the Ten Commandments. These Commandments are
about man, and this links beautifully with this Psalm’s heart, which is also about man. If you
look at the Name of YHVH in Hebrew we find the letter that represents man right in the “heart”
of His Name or Himself.

– Hey (light) – Vav (man) – Hey (light) – Yod (Spirit)

The two “Hey’s” represent the two Tablets of the Ten Commandments and they shed “light”
or reveal YHVH’s heart or standard to man regarding worshipping Him (First Tablet) and

loving their neighbour (Second Tablet). He reveals this truth through the power of His Spirit
(yod) and He revealed it to the people by anointed men like Moses.

The “Law” is not a bad in it self and it only exposes what evil and bad
things are. If you sin without the knowledge of the Commandments, you
still sin according to YHVH’s Holy Standard for life. Sin is everything
that YHVH wouldn’t do and if you do those things you sin, even if it is
not written anywhere. YHVH gave us His Law to teach us and to coach
us in the knowledge of His Holiness so that we may be elevated to His
standard of Life. Men could not do it out of themselves and that is why
Y’shua had to come in the flesh, so that we can receive His Spirit. His
Spirit writes His Law in our hearts and He helps us to follow Him.

The Torah is a guiding rod and a measuring stick that helps us to measure yourselves so that
you can know which areas of our lives needs attention. You then ask YHVH to help you with
the power of the Spirit, to change that action so that you can grow up in spiritual maturity and
become clean and holy.

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The second word “seek” found in Ps 24 is the word “baqash”, to seek your (Jacob’s) face.

2. Seek – “baqash” – - to seek, require, desire, exact, request

Looking at this word we see the house “Bet”, The “back of the head” or “hidden face” or
“repentance” “Qof” and purifying fire “Shin”. Seeking in this word is to seek YHVH’s house, to
enter into it, to seek His face starting with repentance, and to allow yourself to be “cleansed”
and “purified” like silver is purified by fire.

This word was used the first time in scripture:

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This verse here is where Jacob left his uncle Laban with al his possessions, his children and
his two wives. Laban accused Jacob of stealing his idols and Jacob said that he could
“search” all his goods and kill the one who possessed it. Unfortunately it was his beloved wife
Rachael who had stolen and hid the idols. She later died giving birth and it is believed that
this “curse” came on her because of this sin she committed. This is the consequence of falling
short of the Standard of YHVH; if you follow idols and worship them, you will surely die, even
if you are His beloved child. This completes the five Commandments with adding the seventh
Commandment to the Commandments relating to man. You
shall not commit adultery. But you may say that she did not
cheat on her husband but only had idols in her possession.
To worship idols as the Bride of YHVH is exactly the same as
cheating on Him as your Husband. If you have accepted
Y’shua you are technically married and if you have idols in
your possession, you are breaking the marriage covenant
with Him. As we have seen in the theme of Ps 24 that it
concerns man, and this is no different, but this time it uses the revelation of us being married
to YHVH to point out to us not to whore after other idols.

There is also wisdom in this story of Rachael serving idols and her husband held accountable
for seeing to it that this is not found in his household. The verse says “… &
…” and this makes him responsible as the spiritual leader to keep his house clean from
abominations in the eyes of YHVH.

Husbands, leaders, make sure that your people do not follow after these things within you r
realm of authority, you are responsible and accountable if you are appointed over them.

Continuing with Psalm 24 verse 7:

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3. Lift up - “Nasah” – - to lift, bear up, carry, to be lifted up, be exalted, to take,
take away, carry off, forgive, to test, try, prove, tempt.
4. Heads – “Rosh” – - chief, head, gall, venom, bitter, poisonous (snake’s

5. Gates - “Sha-ar” - - hair, disgusting, vile, offensive

The word “gates” is first used in Scripture:

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6. Doors – “Paythack” - - opening, unfolding, entrance, doorway

The word “doors” is first used in Scripture:

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A snake represents Satan. A snake’s power is in its mouth because that’s where you find
deadly venom. Satan’s mouth is full of venom because he is the father of lies. The words
“head” and “gates” supports one thought; the “snake” with it’s venom (sin) which is at the
“door” of your life, and you should take heed and lift yourself up your head and look.

Lot sat at the gate. He looked righteous in the eyes of the sinners loving in Sodom, but he
was not meeting the standard set and lived out by Abraham who lives in the hilly parts. The
name “Lot” has a “Lamed” or learning, a “Vav” or man and a “Tet” meaning snake.
Very interesting! YHVH wants the man who sits at the gates of sin, to learn from the “Door”
concerning the “snake” (Satan) who wants to come into the “city” (your life). The Door
(Y’shua) is the only form of protection to keep the “snake” out of you r life, but you must learn
from Him. We all are in the world but not part of it and we are exposed to “Sodom” every day.
We need Y’shua (the Door) to protect us not to conform to the same worldly standards we are
exposed to in this life.

There are two words for “Lift up” and the first one tells us that there is something carried off
and there is forgiveness. The second “lift up” tells us there is testing and tempting. This shows
us two attitudes of man.

The first attitude of man is seen in the word “Sha-ar” (gates) . This is where man is
stubborn and continues in his sin, allowing the idols to be hidden in his life and he refuses to
do anything about it. Their heads “resh” (thoughts – minds) are full of poison and their “gates”
(houses) are full of offensive, vile and disgusting things. (Note the “resh” is on the left – fleshly
side). The Spirit “Shin” is working on this man so that his blindness can be taken from his
spiritual eyes “Ayin”. These are the people who have not given their lives totally to YHVH and
needs to be “born again”.

The second attitude is seen in the word “Rosh” (head) . A Wise man will allow
YHVH “Aleph” to work in his mind “Resh” , to renew it by His refining fire “Shin”. (Note the
“resh” is on the right – spiritual side). This is the work of His Spirit inside of you, purging and
taking away the hidden idols (Rachael) in your life and by renewing you mind. Then there will
be forgiveness at the end when the King of Glory will come again. This is the attitude of a
believer who have fully embraced YHVH and allowing YHVH to work in His life in order that
he might be cleansed and prepared for the day of YHVH.

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