Anda di halaman 1dari 23


1 Why Eat Raw Foods

2 How to Transition
3 The Ecstatic Foods Triangle
4 Why Eat Superfoods
5 Kates Story
1 Supersexy Curry
2 Brazilliant Mayo
3 Sunseed Stuffed Avocados
4 Fennel & Sea Spaghetti Salad in a Pumpkin Mayo
5 Magic Maca Bliss Balls
6 Banana Nice Cream
7 Chia Up Love
t the time of writing, I am in my fourteenth
year of raw foodness. Every year, it gets
better. For sure, there are challenges that
arise: I uncover emotional issues I need
to work on; I encounter situations in my
life that I need to change to move forward; more
problems occur that demand a clear sharp focus to
re:c|ve: phy:icc| ceIcxifccIicn cnc hec|ing ccme:
up. 8uI mcnIh cn mcnIh, l fnc my:e|f wiIh increc:ec
levels of vitality. The joy I feel just through existing on
this beautiful planet bubbles up and up; the energy
and enthusiasm I have for life surges through my
veins. The positivity and passion I feel for making the
world a better place just keeps growing, no matter
the setbacks I encounter on the way. I am more able
to keep a clear intention and understand the steps
I must take to reach my chosen goals. Every time I
reach a new level of awareness and understanding,
another one opens up before me. This journey is
infniIe, cnc iI ju:I keep: geIIing mcre mcgicc|.
I see raw foods as an integral part of optimum health
and vitality. When you are eating pure plant foods with all their energy and
life-force intact, you are assisting your body in tuning into its own wisdom which
is aligned with that of the earth from which the plants have grown. One of
the basic tenets of raw foods is to eat food as close to the source as possible,
sunfoods. So we dont generally eat animals and animal products, because
the animals have gained their nourishment from the plants, and the plants are
one step closer to receiving energy direct from the sun. Many of the superfoods
grow in mountainous regions, e.g. maca, gojis they are literally closer to the
sun! Raw foods assist us in helping our bodies vibrate at the highest possible
frequency; eating this way unlocks the potential within us to become more fully
who we are.
Raw foods form the basis of a successful health programme for a variety of
- Enzymes. When we heat food above 38 deg C (118 deg F), the enzyme
content is destroyed. Enzymes are necessary for almost every function
in the body, especially digestion. As children, our bodies manufacture
Extract from Raw Magic
Why Eat
Raw Food?
all the enzymes we need, but after
adolescence we stop being able to make
them ourselves and become dependent
on food sources to get them. Enzymes
are associated with aging; a diet high
in enzymes promotes youthfulness and
immortality! I consider them so important,
I take extra enzyme supplementation with
my rcw fccc cieI, which l fnc give: me
even more energy and immunity.
Nutritional content Nearly all foods have a
higher nutritional content when eaten raw;
heat destroys many vitamins, minerals, and
amino acids. There are a few exceptions, such
as lycopene, found in tomatoes and carrots.
Lycopene can still be absorbed by the body
if the cell walls have been broken down, by
juicing for example.
- Whole, unprocessed Generally, raw fooders
eat foods that are less denatured. They
cre ccn:uming |e:: chemicc|: cnc crIifcic|
additives and preservatives with their foods.
Ihey cre geIIing mcre fLre, cnc c higher
water content.
- Alkalinity Thanks largely to the work of Dr
Robert O. Young, the public are becoming
mcre wice|y cwcre cf Ihe LenefI: cf c high
alkaline diet. Most junk foods and heavily
processed foods are acidic, causing a
stress on the body which increases weight
gain and decreases immunity. Ideally,
the diet should be made up of at least 70
% alkaline foods. A raw food diet high in
vegeIcL|e: ec:i|y :cIi:fe: Ihi: reuiremenI.
When our systems are alkalized, we feel
calmer, can think more clearly, feel more
on top of things, and have a
stronger immune system.
- Immune system cooked foods
put a greater strain on the
immune system than raw foods.
When cooked foods are eaten,
the body has an immune
response known as leucocytosis.
This does not occur when raw
foods are eaten, although
cooked foods can be eaten
if they form less than 50 % of
the meal, and the raw foods
cre ecIen fr:I, in which cc:e
the body does not produce
leucocytes. Generally, raw
fcccer: fnc Ihey cre |e:: prcne
to catching viruses than when
they ate cooked foods, and
when they do catch them, they
tend to get them less severely
and to shake them off faster.
Raw fooders generally eat from four
main food groups: vegetables, fruits,
nuts and seeds, and sprouts (grains
and pulses). From these foods, we
can get all the requirements that
conventional nutritionists state we
need. To be successful, I believe
a raw food diet should consist of
at least 50 % organic, seasonal,
and local vegetables, the majority
being green vegetables such as
lettuce, spinach, rocket, broccoli,
kale, celery, cucumber. The green
leafy vegetables contain the most
minerals and are also a surprisingly
good source of protein. Juicing vegetables is an
excellent way to up our daily intake. Fruit should be
eaten minimally as a high fruit diet upsets blood sugar
levels and can contribute to tooth decay. Try and
eat local and seasonal fruit in preference to tropical
fruits, which have lost a lot of their freshness and
vitality as they have been shipped across the world.
Nuts are a good source of protein but are generally
acidic and mucus-forming. Soak nuts before using
to activate enzyme inhibitors, and try and use seeds
in preference. Seec: :uch c: :e:cme, :unfcwer cnc
pumpkin are highly nutritious , more easily digestible,
and less acidic. Sprouted foods like lentil, alfalfa,
:unfcwer, whecI cnc LuckwhecI, cre cne cf Ihe Le:I
sources of nutrition because they are guaranteed
fresh, raw, seasonal and locally grown! Sprouts have a super-high nutritional
content, and are cheap and easy to grow yourself.
My current thinking is that the ideal daily raw food diet should look something
like this:
2-3 litre highest quality water available
EFAs |n the |orm o| 0ox o|| ond hemp o||, ot |eost 1 tbsp
Vegetob|e ju|ce ot |eost ho|| o p|nt
One or two mo|n meo|s mode w|th orgon|c seosono| |oco| vegetob|es,
sooked nuts & seeds, sprouts
Seo vegetob|es ot |eost 10 % o| toto| do||y |ood |ntoke
Super|oods ot |eost 10 % o| toto| do||y |ood |ntoke
M|n|mo| |ru|t & dehydroted snocks no more thon 20 % o| toto| do||y |ood
I believe for raw foods to become successfully integrated into our existing
|ife:Iy|e, iI i: impcrIcnI ncI Ic geI Icc fxcIec cn cur cieI:. Mcny pecp|e fci|
because they set themselves too high goals which they cant stick at, and then
they feel that the raw food diet must not be for them. For it to be sustainable,
it is far better to introduce raw foods gradually than rush at it headlong. Just
increc:ing 50 7 cf ycur cieI Ic rcw wi|| revec| Ihe LenefI: Ic ycu, e:pecic||y
when combined with daily consumption of superfoods. The rest will come in
time. Raw is a journey not a destination; it is the key to a door but we must
walk through the doorway unassisted, with no crutches. When being 100 % raw
becomes the goal, we are missing the point; if sticking to the diet is making us
unhappy because we cant share food with friends, we are getting it wrong.
Emotional health is just as important as physical health, and it is vital we keep
IhcI per:pecIive: prepcring cnc ecIing ycur fccc wiIh |cve i: ju:I c: Lenefcic|
as the quality of the food itself. When done properly, we shouldnt have to think
about it; raw is there to enable us to live our lives more fully, to free up energy
to enjoy ourselves, not to become another set of rules to be entrapped by. Raw
foods open up a whole new paradigm within us, a world of unlimited life and
abundance, where there is no death just a continual rebirthing process. The
potential for the transformation of humanity as more and more people open
themselves up to this way of being is mind-blowing.
ts never wise to go 100% raw overnight.
Oftentimes, people discover raw foods and
naturally get a little over-excited at the prospect
of long sought-after life-changes the diet can
bring about. Many people have the kind of
personalities where they love to jump headlong into
things and explore them fully. This is great, but just be
aware, that I dont believe anyone has ever gone
totally raw successfully overnight and never gone
back to cooked foods again.
The willpower may be there to quit the junk, but
buried emotional and physical issues are bound to
surface that can slow you down. Dont be frustrated
with these lapses: they always serve to deepen
your relationship to your body and strengthen your
connection to your intuitive voice.
I would advise always lowering your sights, always
underestimating what you and your body of
ccpcL|e cf cchieving. lf ycu fee| :uperccnfcenI
about going raw, aim for 80 or 90 %. If you feel
its the right thing but dont know if you can quite
manage it, try 50% to start off. However much raw
you decide to include, its got to be better than
what you were doing already, and so you are
guaranteed to see an improvement in your health
and energy levels.
How to Transition
From kates Magic Buble
Whats vitally important is that you nurture yourself
through the process: that you learn to love, honour
and obey you hearts true desires. The kinder you are
on yourself when you have those inevitable slip-ups,
the quicker they will pass and you can get back into
your groove. If youve set your sights on 75% raw and
ycu fnc ycur:e|f ccccmp|i:hing IhcI ec:i|y, ycu|| fee|
so good about yourself. Youll feel positive, excited,
cnc fu|| cf ccnfcence. lf ycuve gcI Ic IhcI |eve| cnc
stayed there for a while, youll feel much happier about
upping your raw percentage and knowing its going
to work for you. Its a much more useful and enjoyable
process than aiming for 100% raw and then beating
yourself up every time you dont make it.
While youre transitioning, theres two approaches that
mc:I pecp|e Ienc Ic fnc he|pfu|. Ihe fr:I i: Ic inc|uce
some raw foods at every meal. No matter what else
you are eating, make sure you have raw foods with
it, and that you have more raw than cooked. Still
want toast for breakfast? Have it with a raw spread
on and wash it down with a fresh juice. Craving a
baked potato? Smother it in raw mayo and serve it
with a large side salad. Insatiable desire for ice-cream?
Serve it with heaps of fresh fruit. This way, youre never
denying your cravings and desires, but always making
sure your bodys getting that raw loving at the same time.
The second approach that works for a lot of people is
to gradually convert your meals from raw to cooked.
Mcny pecp|e fnc IhcI Ihey ccn ecI rcw c|| ccy cnc
then just have a cooked meal in the evening. The best
place to start is with a raw breakfast. Then make all your
between meals snacks raw. If youre just doing that,
and still having cooked lunch and dinner youre going
to be feeling better. Next start having a raw lunch, and
fnc||y, cn|y when ycure reccy, mcve cver Ic c rcw cinner.
It took me ten years before I really stopped craving
any cooked foods at all. I dont believe it need take that long now, because
we have access to so many more amazing foods, because there are so many
incredible raw recipes around, and because there is so much fantastic support
available. But I still think it takes a number of years of exploring this path, before
you can truly say to yourself that you know you will never eat anything cooked
again. Its a huge leap to make out of the consensus reality, and one that takes
time and patience. Its a clich, but being a raw fooder is very much a journey,
not a destination. Paradoxically the more you appreciate that and enjoy the
journey, the quicker you will get to where you want to be.
I love superfoods. I eat them every day, and have
done for nearly two decades. I dont know how
I could survive without them sure, I would still
be alive, but I think I can state categorically that
I would not be as happy and energetic as I am
without them, and I certainly wouldnt be leading
such a joyful and abundant life. They provide me
with that edge, that get-up and go, which helps
me deal with the demands of motherhood, and still
have energy for myself. As a breastfeeding mother, I
could be sure my high nutritional requirements were
being met. And when my children are fussy and push
away the green vegetables on their plates, I can rest
assured they will get their greens one way or another!
Although most people have heard of superfoods,
there is some confusion over what the term actually
means. I would classify them as natural plant foods
which are exceptionally high in nutrition and thereby
provide the body with increased energy. Broccoli
and blueberries are not superfoods. They may be
very healthy food choices, but they dont have the
super-charged density and vitality of true superfoods.
True superfoods really can transform you into a
super-being. Because all the vitamins, minerals, amino
acids, enzymes, fatty acids and more, are so packed
in, a little goes along way. A lot of energy is saved on
the digestion process, and if taken correctly and the
Extract from Raw Living
body is functioning well, they are easily absorbed and
assimilated, so providing an instant boost. Superfoods
are generally superior to supplements because they
are literally a wholefood. Anything that has been
synthesised in a laboratory or chemically isolated is not
going to send the body as strong and clear message
as a natural plant food which has simply been dried
or powdered. This is one reason why superfoods are
gcining pcpu|criIy :c uick|y: ycu cefniIe|y ncIice
when you take them, and you can really feel the
Many superfoods grow in poor, isolated, but unspoilt
regions like Peru and Tibet. They are well known in
their native countries, and have been eaten for
centuries by the indigenous populations, but no-one
hc: prcper|y |cckec inIc Iheir nuIriIicnc| LenefI: cnc
properties before. With the demand for healthy food
options increasing in the West, and the wholefoods
market being one of the biggest retail growth sectors,
much research is now being done in the search for
innovative new products, and many amazing new
foods are being discovered and brought to us here in
the UK. So you may read on and think, but Ive never
heard of any of these foods! Thats because many of
them have only been easily available here for a year
or two, sometimes even less. But word is spreading fast
cLcuI Iheir cmczing hec|Ih LenefI: cnc ycu ccn LeI
youll soon be seeing goji berries next to the Maltesers
packets on supermarket checkouts.
The most well-known superfoods currently are the
algaes (spirulina, Klamath Lake blue-green algae,
and chlorella), bee pollen and aloe vera. Wheatgrass
i: c|:c wice|y reccgni:ec fcr iI: hec|Ih LenefI:, LuI
people are less likely to have it regularly because
ideally it is consumed freshly juiced. Some of the newer
ones which have been around a few years now are
cacao, maca and goji berries. And then we have the
really new kids on the block like suma, camu camu,
purple corn, noni juice, crystal manna and more.
There are a lot of superfood blends on the market too;
where anything from 10 -100 high potency foods
are powdered together. Basically, I would say that
old adage is true, you get what you pay for. If one
brand is less expensive than another, it probably
hc: checper ingrecienI: cnc f||er: in iI. Generc||y,
all these blends are quite costly and not optimum
because they have been put through a greater
degree of processing to reach you. Many of them
contain a large number of different ingredients, and it
can be overwhelming for the body to be bombarded
with complicated messages in this way. No superfood
is a bad superfood, and they can all be helpful, but
some more than others!
It is very hard to compare the different qualities of
the superfoods that we use; its a bit like trying to
compare a carrot with a parsnip or a cabbage. They
each have their own distinctive individual character,
so people often have a particular aversion to one but
get on really well with another. The correct dosage
is also hard to predict. It is always best to start off
wiIh c |iII|e, :cy hc|f c Iec:pccn, cI |ec:I fcr Ihe fr:I
couple of days. You may notice a reaction straight
away and like it in which case up the dose! If you
dont notice anything, you probably need more, so
again, gradually up the dose until you start feeling
the effects. If you notice a detox reaction such as an
c|c ccmp|cinI fcring up, :pcI: cr Iummy IrcuL|e:, Ihi:
is just the body rebalancing, so stick with a minimum
maintenance dose and after a few days you should
have shifted some stuff and be feeling much better.
Algae are the oldest life-form on earth; primordial
food. When we eat algae we connect with that
really ancient energy. It is a very deep healing, but
gentle food, and a good one to start with. There are
three classes of algae widely available: chlorella,
spirulina, and Klamath Lake blue-green algae.
Spirulina is the best source of protein, but Klamath
Lake is on the whole nutritionally superior. The
Klamath Lake is in Oregon, it is a nutrient trap, and
Ihe c|gce IhcI grcw: in iI i: cne cf Ihe fne:I fccc:
available to us. It is nutritionally complete, which
means it contains absolutely every known nutrient the
body needs. Not only that, they are in the ideal ratios
for bioavailability. If you had to sit down and design
the perfect food, blue-green algae would be hard to
8ee po||en is also a complete food. If you were
stranded on a desert island with nothing but bee
pollen and water, theoretically you would have
everything you needed (although I dont think
anyones ever tested it out!) Bee pollen is a bit of a
misnomer, because although it is collected by bees
cn Iheir |eg:, iI ccIuc||y ccme: frcm fcwer:. lI: c
great one for kids because it has a naturally sweet
taste, like honey; my boys have it on their cereal
every morning. It is very energising, good for those
days when you have a dozen errands to run before
school pick-up, and you need to be buzzing around
all day.
Aloe vera comes from a cactus plant and is
usually drunk like a juice. The quality of aloe vera on
the market is very variable if it tastes like water it
probably is. Aloe is a truly amazing plant, as well as
hcving c :Ircng nuIriIicnc| prcf|e iI hc: cnIi-virc| cnc
anti-microbial properties, and is a natural painkiller.
Much research is being conducted in the UK on aloe
cI Ihe mcmenI, cue Ic iI: wice|y repcrIec LenefI:
with both skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis,
and gut problems such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome
(IBS) and colitis. Because of its immune boosting
properties, it is taken by many people suffering from
immune disorders from asthma to lupus and cancer.
And if all that wasnt enough, it is also popular with
those suffering with joint problems, particularly sports
people and the elderly.
Wheatgrass comes tops for detoxifying and cleansing as it is ex-
ceptionally high in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has a very similar composition
to human blood: you could call it plant blood, and as such, it is very
healing. It is best consumed freshly juiced, for which you need a good
uc|iIy juicer, cr ycu ccn fnc iI cI mcny juice Lcr:: Ihe pcwcerec
versions dont really compare. It is one of the most potent foods you will
ever fnc, very gccc cI Lc|cncing L|ccc :ugcr, cnc u:ec Ic IrecI :ericu:
diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
Cacao is known as the food of the gods. Native to South America, it
is the bean that cocoa solids are made from, so is literally raw chocolate.
It is one of the highest dietary sources of magnesium and sulphur,
as well as containing an off the chart level of antioxidants. It is full of
natural chemicals which boost the mood and elevate energy levels, so
providing an unbeatable natural high. Plus (unlike wheatgrass), it tastes
wonderful a luxurious sweet treat you can pig out on, and then feel
heavenly afterwards, surely the answer to every womans dreams
Maca is a Peruvian root vegetable which is most commonly found
in powdered form. It is a great source of protein and minerals such as
calcium and iron. It is a hormone balancer, so is great for Pre-Menstrual
Tension (PMT), as a natural form of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT),
and is used to treat osteoporosis. It is also the number one for pregnant
and breastfeeding mothers, to help boost energy and stamina. Its even
a natural aphrodisiac so its good for making babies too.
Goji Berries are perhaps the most accessible superfood. They
come from one of the purest places on earth, the Himalayan mountains,
and are the most nutrient dense fruit on the planet. They come to us
dried, like raisins, but they taste far better. They contain all the essential
amino acids, so theyre a great source of protein, as well as being one
of the highest natural sources of beta-carotene and vitamin C. Children
love them: we eat them all day long, in our cereal for breakfast, in trail
mixes, in smoothies, in puddings, cakes, salads, or just as they are. In
China they say the only side effect to eating too many gojis is laughing
too much.
So, I hope this introduction to the irresistible world of superfoods has
whetted your appetite. There are so many to try, they couldnt be
easier to incorporate into your existing diet, and they are absolutely,
uncenicL|y, Lenefcic| - l Iru|y Le|ieve IhcI Ihere: :cmeIhing wcncerfu|
there for everyone to discover.
fr:I emLcrkec cn c rcw fccc cieI in SepIemLer
1993. I had found myself instinctively wanting to eat
a lot of fruit and salads, and had heard from friends
how health-giving an all-raw diet could be. As the
kitchen of the house I was staying in was out of
action for three months while it was being renovated,
I decided to try it for myself. I took the plunge, and
lived on fruit all day, with a big salad and Essene
bread and tahini for dinner (neither Essene bread nor
tahini are strictly raw, but I didnt know that then). By
the time the kitchen was back in order, I was hooked
on my new diet, and have stuck with it ever since. Of
course, I have had my ups and downs -it is a huge
challenge to stick to 100% raw, 100% of the time. Raw
fooders often talk in percentages, claiming to be
70% raw or 90% raw but just to achieve 50% long
term can make a vast difference in your life.
/|Ihcugh l wc: ccnvincec cf Ihe hec|Ih LenefI:,
and had experienced for myself how much better I
fe|I, cI fr:I Ihe icec IhcI l wcu|c :Icp ecIing ccckec
foods altogether was too much, and I would binge
on biscuits and crisps. But gradually, my body came
to recognise these as the poisons they truly are.
However much I would think that I loved a cooked
treat, even one as harmless as apple crumble, when
I indulged I would be disappointed, as the cooked
dishes came to taste lifeless and dull to me. My body
was adjusting to the new levels
of energy and the sense of
liberation that raw foods gave
me, and cooked foods left
me on a downer. I began to
realise that of course I could
eat whatever I wanted - but
what I really wanted was to
feel good all the time. The
cleaner my system, the more
cooked foods left me with a
hangover; feeling sluggish
and irritable. Gradually, the
redundancy of cooking food
became a reality to me, and
the desire to eat it slipped
away completely. Anyone who
has become a vegetarian,
given up smoking, or overcome
any addiction in his or her lives,
will understand that feeling of a
part of your daily life becoming
an anathema.
Personally, I had had a very
rocky relationship with food.
Some people say that raw food
diets encourage or even create
eating disorders; for me it was
the reverse, as discovering
raw foods helped me to
overcome my problems with
food. Since adolescence I had
been trapped in a binge-fast
cycle, leading to periods of
emaciation, and periods of
being overweight. I believe this
was due in part to my instinctive
recognition that the foods I
was eating werent right for
me: I would reject them, only
to be eventually overcome by
Kates Story
From Eat Smart, Eat raw
hunger and greed, which would then be followed
by repulsion at all the rubbish I had in my body. Raw
foods were a revelation: at last I could eat as much
as I wanted, and not feel terrible. Eating half a dozen
biscuits made me feel sick and tired; eating half a
dozen apples left me feeling overfull, but not ill. Over
time, as my body got used to being fed, nurtured
and respected, the desire to overeat slipped away.
As food no longer disturbed my internal balance, my
fear of it disappeared.
Now I am astounded at how little I need to eat. I
rarely feel ravenously hungry, and feel satiated after
relatively small portions of food. Because on the
raw diet all our foods are nutrient-dense, the bodys
reuiremenI: cre meI uick|y cnc effcienI|y. Ihi:
in turn means that the body needs less energy for
cige:Iicn, fghIing Icxin: cnc excreIing pci:cn:, :c iI i:
much less demanding in its requirements. If you want
to lose weight then stop counting calories and start
counting nutrients! Over-eating happens when the
body is searching for nutrients - the brain is waiting
for the signal to say that the body has what it needs,
and it never comes, so you keep ploughing your way
through that packet of biscuits, unconsciously looking
fcr Ihe viIcmin: cnc minerc|: ycu wi|| ncI fnc Ihere.
ln ccciIicn, l u:ec Ic fnc iI very ciffcu|I Ic wcke up
in the mornings, and needed eight or ten hours of
sleep a night otherwise I felt terrible. Now, because
my Lccy i: wcrking mcre effcienI|y, l ccnI wcke up
feeling fuzzy, but fresh, alert, and ready to go.
When I adopted the raw food diet, I found, in
common with many others, changes happening
on all levels of my life. Primarily, I experienced
a great leap in energy levels: my body was no
longer expending such huge amounts of energy
on digestion, and so I felt an almost immediate
improvement in my vitality. Also quickly apparent
was a greater mental clarity and focus. I felt sharper,
more alert, and after a long time on the diet I am
really conscious of having the resources to be
Naturally, most of us are unable to incorporate such huge changes into our
lifestyle overnight. On a physical level it isnt hard to do, but food carries deep
emcIicnc| re:cncnce, cnc fcr mc:I cf u: iI i: Ihe:e Iie: IhcI cre ciffcu|I Ic Lreck.
Initially, we can be faced by feelings of alienation from our peers, and the sense
of missing out on things. But, through perseverance, these feelings fade, and
we are left with a vitality and youthfulness that more than make up for anything
we may be missing. I still go to restaurants frequently; I usually phone the day
before, and state my requirement for a raw vegan salad as my main course.
Frienc: cnc fcmi|y mcy Le :u:picicu: cI fr:I, LuI when Ihey :ee hcw we|| ycu
are doing, they may even take on board some of the philosophy themselves.
When I eat at
other peoples
houses, its much
easier for them
to prepare some
fresh fruit and
than to cater
for any other
way of eating;
its equally easy
for me to bring
a dish myself. If
you approach
the diet with a
positive attitude,
others will too; if they see you being guarded and awkward, they are more likely
to start interrogating you. If the subject comes up in general conversation, I just
say that I am a vegan. If people are genuinely interested, then I love to talk
about raw foods, but I have learnt from experience that if people are not ready
to entertain the concept, it is best left alone altogether.
I believe that raw fooders will become more and more accepted over the next
few decades, to the same degree that vegetarians are now. When I was a
child, vegetarianism was still highly unusual and regarded as cranky. Now, every
restaurant and caf has a vegetarian dish, and people are prepared to accept
the fact that it is possible, even preferable, to live without meat on a daily
basis. I hope that by the time my children are adults, raw foods will be equally
integrated into our culture, and people will see the logic of eating food that has
not been killed by the cooking process, just as they can now see the logic of not
eating an animal which has been killed.
ccn:IcnI|y cn Ihe gc wiIhcuI fcgging. /|cng wiIh Ihe:e
more obvious changes, I also became aware of changes
on a deeper level; I am now much happier and lighter,
c: Ihe pc:iIive energy cf rcw fccc: f||: my Leing. l cm |e::
prcne Ic Lcc mccc: cnc cepre::icn, cnc mcre :cIi:fec
cnc ccnIenI. l hcve c grecIer Ic|ercnce cf ciffcu|I pecp|e
and situations, but at the same time know better where my
boundaries lie, and what I am prepared to put up with. I
notice things in nature that I never did before: the trees look
more green and alive, and the changing of the seasons
is more apparent to me. All these elements combine to
hugely increase my zest for living, leading to a more positive
and productive lifestyle. Because I am eating food that
is pure and undamaged, I feel whole - more at one with
myself and the world around me.
Over the years, Ive experienced all the different angles
on being raw. At the start, I dived straight in at the deep
end, 100% raw, including a two-week apple fast just before
Christmas. Then Christmas came, and I went 100% cooked!
After a few months I stabilised at about 50%, then gradually
built it up over the next few years until I was 100% again
by 1995. In 1996 I did nine months on fruit only, which was
cmczing cI fr:I, LuI ciffcu|I Ic :u:Icin. /I Ihe enc cf IhcI
year, I found out I was pregnant and it was back down
to 50% again, gradually building back up to 90% which is
where I am now (2002), and Ive never felt healthier. I take
Klamath Lake blue-green algae, bee pollen and Aloe vera
daily. I have a fruit juice in the morning and a vegetable
juice early evening. We have very little cooked food in
the house - when I do eat cooked it tends to be on social
occasions, if someone has made something specially, or
borderline foods such as dried fruits. I cycle everywhere I
can, do yoga every day, and swim once a week. I try to
eat mainly between the hours of midday and 5:00 p.m. The
body has natural cycles - midday - 8:00 p.m. is the digestion
cycle, 8:00 p.m. - 4:00 a.m. is absorption, and 4:00 a.m.
-midday is elimination. When we eat during the absorption
and elimination cycles, we are going against the bodys
natural rhythm. For this reason, we have a light breakfast,
and an early dinner.
Extract from Raw Magic

1. Peel and pit the avocado, and put the
fe:h inIc Ihe L|encer.
2. Half the tomatoes, and chop the celery sticks
into eighths, and put them in the blender too.
3. Add the onion, lemon juice, hemp seeds and
curry powder and blend to a thick puree.
4. /cc in Ihe mccc cnc L|enc Lriefy: if ycu L|enc
maca for too long it goes bitter.
5. Remove the sauce from the blender and put in
a bowl.
6. Chcp ycur ccu|ifcwer inIc :mc|| LiIe-:izec
pieces, and dice your pepper into pieces the
same size.
7. SIir Ihe ccu|ifcwer, pepper, :pincch cnc gcji:
into the sauce. Eat straightaway.
Chorged w|th super|oods, th|s
d|nner |s per|ect |or |eed|ng
to your very own god or
* 1 |orge ovocodo
* 3 small tomatoes
* 2 sticks celery
* 1J4 red on|on
* 1 |emon, ju|ced
* 2 tbsp hu||ed hemp seeds
* 2 tsp curry powder
* 1 tbsp moco powder
* 100 g [1 cup} cou||0ower
* 1J2 red pepper
* 50 g [1 cup} sp|noch
* 1 tbsp goj| berr|es
I|me needed:
15 mins
Equ|pment needed:

1. Scck Ihe Lrczi|: fcr 4-8 hcur: fr:I, Ic increc:e Iheir
nutritional value and make them easier to digest.
2. Juice the lemon, peel the garlic, and put them in
the blender with the brazils, salt, Engevita, agave
and maca.
3. Add the water gradually, and blend for a minute
until creamy.
4. Stored in the fridge, this will keep for up to one
We o|woys, I repeot, o|woys,
have this or a variation of this
|n the |r|dge. It |s the most
|n0n|te|y vor|ob|e rec|pe
ever, ond |s the 0rst stop|e I'd
recommend mok|ng to ensure
your row meo|s ore eosy ond
125g [ 1 cup} broz||s
1 |emon, ju|ced
125 m| [1J2 cup} o||ve o||
1 c|ove gor||c
p|nch H|mo|oyon crysto| so|t
2 tbsp Engev|to
sp|osh ogove
1 tbsp moco
185 m| [3J4 cup} woter
I|me needed:
Takes ten minutes to
make with at least
four hours presoaking
Equ|pment needed:
four as a dip or eight as
a dressing
- os o d|p
- os o so|od dress|ng
- os o 0|||ng |n nor| ro||s
[vegon sush|}
- os o spreod |or crockers
- as a sauce over raw veg
You can use it...
ke|p nood|es |n broz||||ont moyonno|se
Sunseed Stuffed

1. Put everything apart from the alfalfa and avocados
in the food processor.
2. Process for a couple of minutes until you have a
thick puree.
3. Next, slice the avocados in half and remove the
4. Ihen f|| Ihe hc|e: where Ihe :Icne: were wiIh Ihe
mixIure, cnc ccver Ihe fe:h wiIh c Ihin |cyer.
5. Top with alfalfa sprouts, to cover each half, and
serve on a bed of lettuce.
0 g [1J2 cup} kow L|v|ng Sunseeds
1 corrot, chopped

4 sun dr|ed tomotoes

1 tsp m|so

1 tbsp nutr|t|ono| yeost 0okes

1J4 red on|on

smo|| hond|u| |resh bos|| |eoves

30 g [1J2 cup} o||o||o sprouts

2 smo|| ovocodos
I|me needed:
10 mins
Equ|pment needed:
Food Processor
From Eat Smart, Eat raw
Fennel and Sea
Spaghetti Salad
ina Pumpkin Mayo

1. Soak your pumpkin seeds for four to eight hours in
2. Soak your sea spaghetti for at least four hours,
preferably overnight.
3. S|ice Ihe ccLLcge cnc fenne| u:ing c fne :|icer.
4. Transfer to a mixing bowl with the drained sea
5. Put the pumpkin seeds, hemp oil, lemon juice,
garlic and water in the blender and blend for a few
minutes until you have a thick cream. Spoon it over
the vegetables; you will only need about two-thirds
of it, just enough to cover then, not drown them.
6. Reserve the rest of the mayo for another use, or
dehydrate it. Serve immediately.
I odore th|s so|od. Fenne| |s one
of my favourite vegetables; with
|ts d|st|nct|ve 0ovour, re|resh|ng
cr|spness, ond unusuo| shope, you
cou|d never occuse |enne| o| be|ng
bor|ng. Ihe pumpk|n seed moyo
mokes o gorgeous creomy controst,
so th|s so|od monoges to comb|ne o
|ee||ng o| be|ng v|rtuous ond s|n|u| ot
the same time.
400 g wh|te cobboge
1 bu|b |enne|
30 g seo spoghett|, sooked ot |eost |our hours
125 g [1 cup} pumpk|n seeds, sooked 4-8 hrs

1 tbsp hemp o||
1 |emon, ju|ced
1 c|ove gor||c
125 m| [1J2 cup} woter
Seo so|t ond b|ock pepper to toste
I|me needed:
15 mins, 4-8 hrs soaking
Equ|pment needed:
Blender 7 Food Processor
Extract from Raw Living
Magic Maca
Bliss Balls
Extract from Raw Living
1. Put the whole lot in a mixing bowl, and combine
with a spoon.
2. Roll into walnut-sized balls makes about 16.
3. Stored in an airtight container in the fridge, they
should keep for weeks.
The maca plant grows at higher altitudes than any
other plant in the world. It can also withstand extremes
of temperature intense heat and biting cold. So it
provides us with that energy of endurance, of being
able to battle through life no matter how high the
mcunIcin cr hcw ferce Ihe :Icrml
Moco |s o |ontost|c super|ood,
|u|| o| prote|n ond m|nero|s
ond very energ|s|ng. Its 0ovour
goes very well with carob.
Hove one [or two} o| these
m|d-morn|ng or |ote o|ternoon
when you're stort|ng to 0og, to
perk you up.
2 heoped tob|espoons moco powder
0 g [1J2 cup} mesqu|te powder
250 g [1 cup} toh|n|

2 tbsp ogove
I|me needed:
10 mins
Equ|pment needed:
16 balls
Banana Nice

1. Peel the bananas, break into chunks and place
in a plastic bag. Freeze for 24 hours - I have a
permanent supply on hand in the freezer. When
you are ready to serve the ice cream, remove the
chunks from the freezer and put them in the food
processor. It takes a good few minutes for them to
break down - when the ice cream is smooth and
creamy it is ready.
Ih|s |s so s|mp|e to moke
ond on exqu|s|te |ot-|ree
o|ternot|ve to do|ry |ce creom.
Von|||o - 1 tbsp toh|n|, 1 tsp von|||o extroct
Corob - 1 tbsp corob powder, 1 tbsp o|mond
M|nt chop ch|p - 1 tsp pepperm|nt extroct
ond 4 squores p|o|n choco|ote or corob,
Fru|t ond nut - 1 tbsp chopped, dr|ed |ru|t, 1
tbsp chopped nuts
8erry - just o hond|u| o| berr|es odds o
strong 0ovour e.g. strowberry, b|ockberry,
Feoch - one peoch ond 1 tbsp toh|n|
I|me needed:
Takes ten minutes to
make (but dont forget
to freeze the bananas
Equ|pment needed:
Food processor
From Eat Smart, Eat raw
Chia up,

1. Soak the chia in double the quantity of water for
about four hours.
2. Swish it when you feel like it, to ensure its absorbing
the water evenly.
3. Once its like jelly, stir in all your other ingredients.
If youre feeling fancy, you can spoon it into jelly
moulds and leave it to set in the fridge. If youre
feeling hungry you can eat it straight away, and try
and remember that the recipe says serves four.
Ch|o |s one o| the 0rst |oods
we wou|d put on the NHS
[thot's the Not|on o| Hoppy
Super|ooders}. We |ove
rospberr|es so much thot
when they're out o| seoson we
buy frozen ones.
150 g [1 cup } ch|o
750 m| [3 cups} woter
1J2 cup [0g} |ucumo powder
1 cup |resh rospberr|es
1 tbsp row toh|n|
1 tbsp row yocon syrup
1 tsp purp|e corn extroct powder
1 tsp comu comu powder
I|me needed:
Presoak for 4 hours, then
it only takes 10 mins to
Equ|pment needed:
From Ecstatic Beings
Extract from Raw Magic
8y popu|or demond, here
is a raw chocolate cake
rec|pe |or you, so you con
see what all the fuss is about.
These cakes are so nutrient-
dense, one s||ce |s o meo| |n
|tse||, pocked w|th v|tom|ns,
m|nero|s, prote|ns ond heo|thy
|ots. Eosy to moke, ond even
easier to eat!
I|me needed:
30 mins, 3 hours setting
Equ|pment needed:
8 large slices
1. Grind up the nibs and nuts separately in a high
power blender or coffee grinder.
2. Transfer to a mixing bowl with the lucuma and
agave. With your hands, mix the all the ingredients
so you have an even powder.
3. Add the water gradually, kneading the mixture into
a ball with your hands. It should end up as a fairly
thick dough-like consistency.
4. Press into a springform cake tin or silicone cake
mould, and leave in the fridge to set for a few
5. Ic mcke Ihe icing, puI Ihe cvccccc fe:h in Ihe
blender along with the chocolate powder, agave
and water.
6. If you havent got chocolate powder, you can
substitute carob or mesquite. Blend until you have a
thick cream.
7. Once your cake is set, you can remove it from the
cake tin, and spoon the icing evenly over the top
and the sides.
8. Decorate with dried goji berries and mulberries
sprinkled over the top. Uneaten cake can be stored
in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two

250 g [2 cups} cocoo n|bs
250 g [2 cups} broz|| nuts
200 g [2 cups} |ucumo
tbsp ogove nector
150 m| woter
2 ovocodos
30 g [1J4 cup} row choco|ote powder
2 tbsp ogove nector
0 m| [1J4 cup} woter
2 tbsp goj| berr|es
2 tbsp mu|berr|es

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