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the Ultimate guide for Cleansing Your Colon, Body, Mind & Home!

By Dr. edward F. group iii, DC, nD, DaCBn

HealtH Begins in tHe Colon |

The Secret to Health

After years of research and experience with patients, Dr. Group shares the best secret for good health: a clean intestinal tract. Most disease-causing toxins enter the body through the intestines and then spread into the bloodstream. A minor amount also enters through the skin and respiration. These toxins come from air, food, and water, and accumulate in the intestines, causing bowel problems as well as diseases. The intestines, meaning both small intestine and large intestine or colon, are not typically a very comfortable topic of conversation because of their function in our bodies. But their function is so important that it needs to be considered. When the intestines are "dirty," the liver also builds up toxins and then the body starts manifesting symptoms ranging from aches and pains to cancers and depression. Traditional treatments don't deal with the root cause of these symptoms, but these symptoms start to disappear quickly after a colon cleanse. People should be having three to four bowel movements every day, with the time from eating to eliminating being from 12 to 18 hours. The reality in Western countries like the United States is that many people only have a few bowel movements per week and the transit time of the food averages 38 hours. This problem affects up to 20 percent of the population and explains the prevalence of laxatives, which actually damage bowels.

What is a Toxic Colon?

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The colon consists of four parts: the ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid, based on the direction food moves within it. Food enters the colon on the right side of the belly and moves up (ascending), then across near the navel (transverse), down the left side (descending) toward the rectum (sigmoid) where the waste leaves the body. Even though the colon is the end part of the digestive process, it does not contain digestive enzymes. Its main job is to remove liquids to create solid waste. A toxic colon causes many problems in the body. For one, it cannot absorb as many vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients during digestion. Additionally, toxins will leak through holes in the intestinal walls (leaky gut syndrome) and spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. The main solution is to improve the environment so our water, air, and food are less toxic, but this is not a quick, easy solution. Cleansing our bodies is one action we can take now to improve our health. With 66 percent of adults in the U.S. being overweight or obese, this is obviously needed by a majority of the population. Much of the extra weight is actually impacted waste that has stuck to the intestinal walls. Every person has an individualized "toxic threshold" or the amount of toxic material it can tolerate before breaking down. With our polluted environment, it's difficult to avoid an overdose of toxins. Your body has to work hard to eliminate these and stay healthy.

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Summary Information
From the book Health Begins in the Colon by Dr. edward F. group iii, DC, nD, DaCBn Copyright 2007. Reprinted by arrangement with global Healing Center, inc. all rights reserved. this book summary may not be copied or distributed in any form without the permission from assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. always work with a qualified health professional before making any changes to your diet, prescription drug use, lifestyle or exercise activities. Cat 215290 |

Conditions of a Toxic Colon

Following are some common conditions that manifest when a colon is toxic. Constipation, almost a national epidemic, is typically defined as having only a few small hard bowel movements per week. But, the actual definition should be having only one or two bowel movements per day. Even if bowel movements happen daily, the intestines could still have impacted fecal matter stuck to the walls. Some minor symptoms of this condition are bad breath, skin blemishes, gas during digestion, and, strangely enough, watery diarrhea. Many people don't take it seriously but they should: It is a message from the body that things are not working well. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is another fairly common intestinal problem. People with this condition experience bloating, intestinal discomfort, and constipation or alternating constipation and diarrhea. Often accompanying this condition are feelings of anxiety and depression caused by a serotonin imbalance, since this hormone regulates bowel function as well as emotions. Diverticulosis is an intestinal condition that occurs more often in older people. With this condition, bulges are created in weak spots of the intestinal walls and fecal matter builds up in these bulges. Almost 70 percent of the population will develop diverticular disease by the age of 85 if their colons are not cleansed regularly. If matter in these pouches becomes infected, the condition is known as diverticulitis, which causes painful elimination, cramping, nausea, vomiting, and chills. If this condition is not treated, it leads to serious and even life-threatening conditions because the infection spreads to other organs. Celiac disease (CD) is the body's reaction to the ingestion of gluten, a plant protein found in wheat, barley and other grains. The immune system attacks the substance in the intestinal tract, interrupting the absorption of nutrients and making persons with CD malnourished in spite of eating a healthy diet. Some of the typical symptoms are abdominal pain, joint pain, bloating, diarrhea, mouth sores, muscle cramps, fatigue, and teeth discoloration. This condition seems to occur more often with Caucasian people of European background. Crohn's Disease may affect the inner tissues of the mouth, esophagus, stomach or intestines. It exhibits the symptoms of inflammation, abdominal pain on the right side, skin problems and rectal bleeding. The condition is more prevalent among people between 20 and 30 years of age and those of Jewish descent. Ulcerative Colitis is similar to Crohn's Disease but differs in a couple significant ways. It affects only the large intestine and then only the top layer of tissue. However, it can create severe ulcers and open sores on that top layer, which can cause painful results such as fevers, skin lesions, and weight loss. UC is most prevalent among children and young adults of Euro-Caucasian or Jewish background. Colon Polyps are like warts in the intestines. The external polyps (top layer) are usually quite harmless, especially if small. The polyps in internal layers can turn into colon cancer and need to be monitored more closely. People who are more likely to |

develop polyps are over 40, related to someone who has had colon polyps or cancer, eat fatty foods, smoke, and are overweight. Polyps can be easily removed during a colonoscopy but, again, this doesn't eliminate the cause of them so they usually grow back. Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and about half of those who contract it will die. Many people don't have symptoms until the cancerous polyps have grown and spread, after which bloody stools, diarrhea and/or constipation, weight loss, and abdominal pain may be present. Everyone is at risk for this disease but it more frequently occurs in those over the age of 35 and those who ingest large amounts of toxins on a daily basis, whether from food or the environment. All of these conditions can be avoided or cured by regular colon cleansing for the following reasons. Colon cleansing: Removes the built-up matter from the intestinal lining, thereby removing the reason for these conditions. Increases the frequency of bowel movements. Makes stools easier to pass. Keeps toxins from moving into the bloodstream. Speeds up the time between eating and eliminating, removing toxins more quickly from the body.

How Healthy is Your Colon?

In order to determine whether your colon is healthy, begin to monitor your bowel movements. Following are some characteristics of healthy elimination: Occurs at least three times per day Feces are soft and easy to eliminate Stools are cigar-shaped and the consistency of peanut butter Color is brown or golden brown Warning signs to note in the stools are the following. Mucous is a clear, white, or yellowish slimy substance which is normal in small amounts. Large amounts could signify eating unhealthy foods or a food allergy. Greenish stools may occur once in awhile from eating green food. If it occurs often, then definitely consult a doctor; the green could be excess bile from the liver that is moving too quickly through the intestines.

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White stools: Feces that are white throughout are a dangerous sign that something is wrong with the kidneys, liver, or digestion. Yellowish stools on a regular basis mean a serious problem in the whole digestive system. Stools with any of these colors should prompt an immediate visit to the doctor.

The Oxygen Colon Cleanse

This six-day cleanse is based on oxygen because that is the safest ingredient for cleansing, according to Dr. Group. Accompanying the oxygen powder are organic apple cider vinegar, aloe vera gel, lemons, and a probiotic supplement, for these reasons. Oxygen: regenerates cells, increases metabolism, strengthens cardiovascular system, neutralizes toxins, removes built-up "garbage" Vinegar: high acid content, detoxifying nature Aloe vera: intestinal cleansing, easily assimilated nutrients, safe for all to ingest Lemons: kills harmful bacteria in intestines, alkaline substance, stimulates liver Probiotic: replaces good bacteria in the digestive tract, enhances digestion, maintains balance of hormones Fruit: (organic) keeps colon hydrated, helps remove toxins, easy to digest, provides nutrients and energy The details of the daily routine for this cleanse are included in the book, along with brand suggestions for all the items used. While the Oxygen Cleanse can be done during a regular week, it's best to start on a Friday or Saturday in order to be home and near a bathroom for the first couple days. You can expect from three to seven bowel movements each day, although it may take a day or two for the cleanse to "kick in." Intestinal discomfort, such as bloating, cramping or gas, may be experienced during the cleanse period. This cleanse is superior to other cleanses because it works on the complete 25-foot plus length of the intestinal tract. It not only clears out the old fecal matter but also improves the function of the digestive system, which then improves the health of the whole body. The process is completely safe and non-toxic. |

Following are other colon cleansing options with their pros and cons. Laxatives are the first option people consider but it is best to avoid them all. Milk of magnesia types turn feces into diarrhea and may dehydrate the body by pulling fluids from cells. Stimulant laxatives (senna, cascara sagrada) are generally made with harsh toxic chemicals and can easily become addictive. Numerous serious side-effects have been found with these herbs. Bulk-forming laxatives with psyllium or some type of cellulose may actually clog the bowels rather than remove feces and cause allergic reactions such as choking. Beware of these ingredients in health food store laxatives too. Enemas have been used for centuries to clean the colon. In this procedure, a device is inserted into the anus to inject a fluid (usually water) from a holding bag into the rectum. Enemas might be useful for occasional constipation but they do not provide a long-term cleansing solution since they only remove waste in the end part of the colon. Bentonite clay has gained a good reputation for cleansing and healing. It acts as a sponge to detoxify the liver, cleanse toxins from the colon, remove heavy metals, and improve nutrient assimilation, among other things. It seems to be generally safe but long-term effects haven't been studied. Colon hydrotherapy involves bringing water into the whole length of the colon through one tube and then removing the waste through a second tube. This should be done by a professional who knows how to massage the abdomen and monitor the process. People with certain conditions should not do this procedure so be sure to share your health conditions with the colon therapist before making an appointment. Taking a probiotic before and after this session can help the body receive maximum benefit. Exercise is a great companion for these external cleanses. It opens up and uses two other elimination methods: sweating and breathing. In addition to removing toxins, exercise also tones the intestinal muscles as well as others. Some helpful types of exercise include rebounding (especially good), quick walking or hiking, bike rides, and swimming. Whatever form is chosen, it should be fun and easy to fit into your schedule.

The Colon Diet

Before talking about diet, here is an explanation of the body's basic natural cycles or biorhythms.
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Elimination: 4 a.m. to noon, good time to eat fresh raw fruits Energy: Noon to 8 p.m., good time for raw vegetables and starches Regeneration: 8 p.m. to 4 a.m., time for quality sleep and healing |

The suggested diet consists mainly of organic or locally grown fruits and vegetables; this insures that the food is the freshest possible and contains the maximum nutrients. Seeds, nuts and sprouted grains round out the diet. If this diet is a vast change from your current diet, you may want to make small changes at a time in this direction. This will be easier for your body and your life. The mouth's enzymes start the digestive process so the intestines can more easily absorb nutrients. Thorough chewing is necessary for effective digestion and also gives your body a chance to signal that it is full before you overeat. Beverages, including water, should not be consumed during meals since this dilutes digestive enzymes. Drink any beverages between meals, avoiding high sugar or caffeine drinks. While competing theories exist about which food combinations are healthy, Dr. Group follows these guidelines in his life and with his patients. Do not eat starches and proteins in the same meal. Do not combine starches with acidic foods such as fruit juices or vinegar. Do not combine proteins with acidic foods such as fruit. Do not eat meat with milk or cheese. When these combinations of foods are eaten, the digestive process is disturbed and incomplete digestion takes place. This leaves toxic waste behind in the intestines. Rules for a healthy diet include: Combine proteins with non-starchy vegetables Eat a diet consisting of 80 percent alkaline foods, such as vegetables and fruits. (Even fruits that may seem acidic will turn alkaline in the digestive tract) Eat five balanced meals each day. Following are meal suggestions for a typical day. Breakfast: Eat between 4 a.m. and 9 a.m.; eat fruit or drink fruit juice, choose a variety of fruits during a week. Don't mix sweet fruits (bananas, melons, peaches) with acid fruits (citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, sour apples). Mid-morning snack: Eat halfway between breakfast and lunch; good choices include raw nuts or seeds, a green powder drink, goji berries, or avocado with lime and pepper. Lunch: Eat between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; choose a starch and vegetables plus salad; good starches include grains, potatoes, Ezekiel bread, and squashes; good vegetables will be alkaline such as dark green and orange ones. |

Mid-afternoon snack: Eat halfway between lunch and dinner; choose one of the options listed for the mid-morning snack but a different option from the one eaten earlier. Dinner: Eat between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.; eat a large fresh vegetable salad sprinkled with some high quality oil followed by a protein source such as fish, cheese, eggs or, if necessary, organic meat. Salt or Braggs Amino Acids may provide some flavor.

How to Reduce Intestinal Toxins from Foods and Beverages

The toxins referred to in this section include those that are present in so many available foods, such as artificial sweeteners, MSG, white sugar, white flour, pesticides, hormones and many more. Many of these were introduced by commercial agriculture in their quest for more, faster, bigger food. This chapter explains each toxin and how best to remove it from the body. Live foods, those that have not been processed, are the best choice for the body because they have so much of their energy and nutrients available. "Dead" foods include those that have been heated, processed, laced with chemical preservatives, or otherwise robbed of their vitality. Note how that describes most diets today. Dead foods not only provide fewer nutrients, they also leave behind lots of toxic waste. To show how commercial agriculture has damaged the food we eat, twenty years ago a half pound of fresh spinach contained 50 milligrams of iron; today it contains only 5 milligrams. This same scenario is repeated for every fruit and vegetable produced. By pushing the soil to produce more through the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides, and hormones, the nutrients in the soil have been depleted, and the helpful bacteria and insects destroyed. Genetically-modified food is also a major issue now. Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) mean that genetic material from other plants and animals has been added to a plant to produce certain desirable characteristics. While this may seem like a good idea, no one really knows the long-term effects on the plant world, the human body, or the earth. These types of crops are being grown in more and more fields all over the world. To avoid GMO foods, buy organic fruits, vegetables, meats, and soy products at your local grocery or farmers market. Avoid canola and cottonseed oils in any products. To find a complete list, go to Organic foods are definitely worth the extra cost in terms of health benefits. Pesticides, consisting of chemicals, bacteria and viruses, are used on food crops to rid them of insects and other pests. They remain on the food after it is harvested and then it is ingested when eaten. The presence of these toxins can be a serious problem, especially for children, causing cancers, asthma, allergies, and neuromuscular damage. The higher up the food chain, the stronger the presence of these toxins, so humans receive higher concentrations than fish or cows, for instance (assuming the toxin has gone from water to plant to animal to human).

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These foods tend to have the highest concentrations of pesticides and should be avoided: fruits such as peaches, apples, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, pears, grapes, and vegetables such as sweet bell peppers, celery, carrots, and spinach. A complete list of these foods is available at Many people wash or peel fruits and vegetables in order to remove pesticide residue but washing does not completely remove the pesticide. Peeling will remove most of it but it also removes many nutrients that are in the skin of the produce. Commercially raised animals are generally loaded with hormones and antibiotics. Even worse, many animals are fed spoiled "leftovers" from slaughterhouses. It's no wonder that eating red meat is known to raise the risk of colon cancer, even with just one serving a day. In addition, the commercial livestock business ruins the environment with their poisoning of land and water from animal waste and chemicals of all kinds. Drinking cow's milk has been linked to many health problems such as allergies, asthma, heart disease and digestive issues. These problems are partially caused by pasteurizing and homogenizing the milk, which makes the nutrients inaccessible for humans. Milk now contains the hormones that were given to the cows and this is causing children to mature more quickly. Healthier choices include: Antibiotic and hormone-free beef or chicken (limit to one to three meals per week) Buffalo or ostrich meat Fish from a place free of heavy metals Hemp, rice or almond milk or raw goat's milk (which is closest to human milk) Organic cheeses In the past decade or so, soy has been touted as a miracle food and added to many other foods to increase their nutritional value. Unfortunately, much of this is hype from soybean marketers. The type of soy in American food is not as useful to the body as the fermented soy eaten by the Japanese as tofu, tempeh, or miso. In fact, American soybean products actually block the absorption of many nutrients. White flour is also quite toxic because the healthy parts of the wheat have been removed. The lack of fiber contributes to constipation. The bleaching process adds toxic chemicals to the flour and the synthetic vitamins added to replace the original ones cannot be digested. Be sure to read labels and buy breads, crackers, and cereals that contain whole grains. Salt could be the deadliest ingredient in foods, according to The Center for Science in the Public Interest (a nutritional lobbying group). They suggest that salt be regulated as a food additive to reduce its destructive presence in the food supply. Salt is a natural antibiotic so it is often used as a food preservative, but it also kills useful intestinal bacteria. Most packaged, processed foods contain excessive quantities of salt.

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Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt are the best alternatives to the typical products because this salt is still "live" and contains useful minerals. Braggs Amino Acids can also be used for flavor and nutrients, or use lemon or lime juice or fresh herbs to enhance taste. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a food additive that is meant to improve flavor. It is also part of autolyzed or hydrolyzed yeast, caseinate, and vegetable protein. The serious effects caused by this substance include allergic reactions, brain lesions, diabetes, obesity, and endocrine disorders. Fast food should also be avoided since MSG is generally one of the ingredients in these items. It isn't just these additives that can be carcinogenic. Heating both meat and vegetables can change their structure and diminish their food value. Microwave cooking is also harmful; numerous research studies have shown that this process destroys the food molecules and makes them indigestible as well as carcinogenic. The Soviets actually banned microwaves in 1976. An air-convection oven is a good alternative, or just old-fashioned cooking in non-toxic pot such as glass, cast iron, silicone or titanium. Beverages also need to be considered. Sodas are one of the most addictive toxic drinks available; the acids used for flavor and carbonation hurt the digestive system and the sugar or artificial sweeteners are extremely toxic. Caffeine in sodas and coffee are known to damage the bowels. Many fruit juices contain mostly sugar and water, with only 10 percent real fruit juice. Corn syrup, dextrose, sucrose, and sorbitol are additional forms of sugar and should also be avoided. Healthy alternatives include agave syrup, unprocessed local honey, xylitol, and raw cane sugar. Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and sucralose, have replaced sugar in many foods and drinks but none of them are safe alternatives. Aspartame is present in diet drinks, chewing gum, yogurt, and cough drops, to name a few. It has been linked to at least 92 serious side effects, such as depression, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors and heart palpitations. A legal attempt to take it off the market was halted by shady dealings and the FDA has ignored more than 10,000 consumer complaints. Sucralose, sold as Splenda, is a chlorinated version of sucrose and has not been studied longterm. It's best to avoid all products labeled diet, low calorie, or sugar free. Caffeine, commonly found in coffee, tea, and cocoa, is an addictive substance that many rely on to wake up. The body requires increased doses to produce the same energy buzz so people consume more. Meanwhile, the caffeine dehydrates the body and interferes with digestion. Coffee, whether regular or decaffeinated, produces excess acid in the stomach. Because this is an addictive substance, it should be gradually eliminated from the diet. A good replacement is a grain coffee. Alcohol could be considered a problem for one in 20 U.S. consumers over the age of 12, according to current statistics, yet most don't see it as a problem. Alcoholic beverages are known to cause digestive system problems, liver diseases, depression, cancers, and malnutrition, to name a few. It's best to avoid it or drink it very sparingly. |


How to Reduce Intestinal Toxins from Air and Water

Oxygen is so essential to human life that our brains die in just a few minutes without it. The oxygen we rely on comes from trees, grasses and other plants as well as phytoplankton in the ocean. These living sources are being destroyed by human activities, in addition to the pollution that these activities cause. This means that the 30,000 breaths taken daily are bringing in more toxins plus less oxygen. Americans spend approximately 90 percent of our lives indoors, so the air quality there is as important as outdoor air. In fact, indoor air is typically 10 times more contaminated due to heavily insulated buildings that keep toxins in and keep out the negative ions that might neutralize them. Airborne toxins enter the nose, then drain to the throat where they are swallowed, thus entering the digestive system. Wall and wood coatings such as latex paint, varnish, and enamel release Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which are very toxic. These toxins build up in the body and may cause eye and throat irritations, headaches, nausea, and damage to internal organs. These toxins can be reduced by bringing fresh air in as often as possible, by using air purifiers, and by covering walls and wood with non-toxic paints. Mildew and mold are everyday household toxins and especially dangerous for the young, elderly, and sick. They reproduce very quickly and can reach toxic levels in a short amount of time. Keeping indoor spaces dry and clean is one effective way to keep their levels in check. Using tea tree oil in the ventilation system can also help. Many air purifiers will also kill off the spores. Bacteria, dust mites, animal dander, and viruses are other indoor contaminants that can be helped by these same measures. Some buildings, including homes as well as offices and schools, can cause "sick building syndrome". The resulting health problems (temporary or long-term) come from toxic vapors from paint, carpet or furniture, from toxic cleaning products or fumes, and from bacteria, mildew, and molds. One easy and pleasant answer for this is live plants such as Boston ferns, pothos, English ivy, spider plants and mums. Water is essential to the body's survival as well as its healthy functioning. The body itself is 70 percent water while the brain and blood are 80 percent water. No other beverage can take the place of water for the body's needs. Yet, finding clean healthy water is not easy, even from bottled sources. The EPA lists over 80 toxic chemicals that are "regulated" in water. Which, in other words, are allowed to be there at certain levels. Keep in mind that we also receive water from additional sources. Water is part of the meat, dairy, vegetables, and fruits that we eat. Water, with all its toxins, comes through our skin during bathing and swimming, while washing dishes and clothes. While showering, your body can absorb as much as seven glasses of drinking water! Following are a few of the toxic chemicals generally found in water. Arsenic, which may come from industrial pollution, paints, prescriptions, or fertilizers, is highly carcinogenic. It is known to cause many types of cancers, birth defects, and weakened immune system.

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Fluoride is known to be extremely toxic, yet it is added to toothpaste, baby formula, and vitamins in spite of the fact that research has never found it useful to humans. Almost 70 percent of municipal water systems provide fluoridated water to their communities, while scientists are told to handle it with safety glasses and gloves. Most European countries have banned its use. It is known to cause cancers, birth defects, and brittle bones. Chlorine is added to water to kill harmful bacteria. While it does accomplish this, it also destroys cells in the humans who drink it or shower in it - the vapors can be ingested as well as the liquid. Chlorine has been noted to cause brain, colon, and kidney cancers. Why isn't bottled water a safe alternative? There are no regulations governing the contents of bottled water so it can still be full of contaminants and bacteria. About one quarter of the bottled water on the market is actually tap water, according to the National Resources Defense Council, who have done numerous studies on this subject. Water test kits can be purchased to determine the contaminants in your tap water. To create your own healthy water, buy or make distilled water and add some organic apple cider vinegar (2-3T. per gallon) to replace the lost nutrients. Installing whole house purifiers or separate water tap purifiers can also work. Remember a filter for the bath and/or shower too! Ecologically safe pool filters are also available.

How to Reduce Intestinal Toxins from Drugs and Stress

Most drugs prescribed by traditional doctors treat symptoms but don't cure the cause. Take a headache, for example. In the few minutes that a doctor might see you about your headache, would he try to determine the cause or just give you a prescription for the pain? Most likely, it would be the latter. And constipation will very likely be a side effect of this prescription drug, which means that toxins are building up in the colon and cause additional health problems later on. Antibiotics are one of the most over-prescribed and very dangerous medications. They kill off the beneficial bacteria in the colon as well as the bacteria they were meant to destroy. With the "good bacteria" no longer protecting the colon, the harmful bacteria can go wild and spread to other parts of the body. If you have taken antibiotics, be sure to take a probiotic supplement to re-establish the beneficial bacteria. Vaccines, amazingly enough, contain chicken embryos, embalming fluid, spermicides, and heavy metals, along with other toxic ingredients. Of course these are especially damaging to young children whose bodies are small and still growing. Both colon and liver cleanses are necessary to get rid of the damage these drugs have done. Natural alternatives to these are available. Stress can manifest in our lives as sleepless nights, headaches, poor concentration, intestinal ailments and dozens of other symptoms. These can be caused by stress hormones, poor diet, fast eating, and lack of exercise. Instead, try meditation, chiropractic adjustments, massage, improved diet and exercise, and time outdoors to create a healthier life.

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How to Reduce Intestinal Toxins from Heavy Metals and Radiation

We are exposed to heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, lead, and cadmium frequently through canned food, toxic fish, dental fillings, and deodorant. These can come into the body via the skin, the mouth, or the nose. They cause chemical reactions that release free radicals which then impair cell function. Inexpensive herbal supplements are among the major culprits! Be sure to avoid aluminum in cookware, antacids, PVC plastics, and pesticides. Cadmium is commonly found in cigarette smoke, root vegetables and grains. Everyone is aware of the dangers of nuclear radiation but few are aware of lowlevel radiation, also called electromagnetic field radiation (EMFs). These come from power lines, cell phones, computers, fluorescent lights, clock radios, and even hair dryers. EMFs are known to mutate chromosomes and damage cells. A Swedish study noted that cell phone use increases the risk of brain tumor by 240 percent! The risk includes carrying it on your body as well as holding it against your head. People who work with electrical wiring (telephone and TV cables, for instance) are also at high risk. Radiation from these sources can be minimized by: Replacing fluorescent lights Using a speaker with a cell phone Setting up a Safe Space Clearing Device Using as few electrical appliances as possible (including hair dryers, shavers, can openers) Turning off electrical equipment when not in use.

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How to Reduce Intestinal Toxins from Parasites

Contrary to popular opinion, parasites are as common in industrial nations as in the developing world. They enter our bodies through soil, air, water, and food, and then steal our nutrients and leave their waste behind. Parasites are not just of the microscopic variety, but can also be bacteria, fungi, viruses and long worms. The symptoms of these conditions are similar to dozens of other health problems, so this makes them difficult to diagnose. Since about 60 percent of people may have parasites, it's a good place to start a health improvement plan. Following are some examples, noting the places they are found and their symptoms.

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Giardiain contaminated water; causes diarrhea Tapewormsin undercooked meat and fish; cause diarrhea, cramping, nausea Pinwormsfrom contaminated clothing, hands, bed sheets; cause anal itching, poor appetite, insomnia


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Hookwormsfrom walking barefoot on contaminated ground; cause nausea, bloody stool, itchy skin, fever, fatigue Candida albicans is a naturally occurring fungus that lives in the intestinal tract. An overgrowth, however, causes many intestinal problems, headaches and allergies. Overgrowth can occur from ingesting birth control pills, alcohol, sodas, and antibiotics. Dr. Group estimates that 80 percent of the population suffers from this condition. Toxic bacteria include salmonella, e. coli, and clostridium. They are typically found in contaminated food and water, particularly raw or undercooked food. These will all cause digestive disturbances that could eventually affect other internal organs. To avoid these destructive bugs, follow this advice. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly. Remove waxy coatings and damaged areas completely. Cook all meats and fish thoroughly. Drink water from safe sources or after filtration/purification. Wash hands frequently throughout the day with an antiseptic soap. Keep your living and work areas clean. Wear shoes outdoors. Take a probiotic supplement regularly.

Liver and Gallbladder Cleansing, Parasite Cleansing, and Heavy Metal Cleansing
Since it's difficult to completely avoid all these dangers to our health, a multi-stage cleanse can be used to rid the body of these toxic substances. Dr. Group's 4-Step Body Cleanse 1. Oxygen Colon Cleanse for six days with Oxy-PowderR 2. Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse with LivatrexR for five days; repeat at least three times 3. Harmful Organism Cleanse with ParatrexR for six weeks 4. Heavy Metal Cleanse: starts with a heavy metal test to determine types of metals present; cleanse uses ZeotrexT (an organic zeolite and herbal detoxifier) and high quality organic Detox Foot Pads for six to 12 months. These cleanses are described in detail in the book, followed by an extensive list of resources for the items mentioned.

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