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Memorandumo l Y a n c o u v.e r s c h o


2012 February 22 Committee I February 27, 2012 Senior Management Team (SMT) Report on the Proposed Relocation of Main Street Adult Education Centre (MSEC)

Since December 2010, Facilities staff has been in discussion with the Board regarding the disposition of non-VSB properties which are leased by the district. Currently the Board is leasing space at 333 Terminal Avenue for the Main Street Adult Education Centre (MSEC) program. In June 2011 the Board was presented with a proposal to consider the possible relocation of Main Street Adult Education Centre to Building B on the Seymour Elementary School site. In September 2011, district staff was directed to enter into a public consultation process regarding this proposal. During the early stages of the public consultation process, district staff heard concerns from Adult Education staff that it appeared the district had only considered one site for the proposed relocation. Staff brought these concerns to trustees and sought direction from the Board in order to investigate the possibility of finding other suitable sites, within district properties, where there was under-utilized space. Based on space utilization information provided by the Facilities department, staff identified Britannia, John Oliver and Tupper Secondary School properties as VSB sites where, potentially, there would also be available space. This report provides an outline of three options, with a comparison of each option in terms of shortterm and long-term costs, teaching space, ease of access, potential impact for other programs, and area amenities. This comparison is provided in chart form (see Appendix A) and through the explanations contained in this report. It is important to note that a decision related to any of the three options will have implications for: the extension or termination of lease agreements; timelines related to facility planning in terms of design, construction and/or renovation; and a requirement to have Adult Education (AE) course planning completed prior to the preparation of program materials and program promotion in early April 2012. This report is being presented to Committee Ion February 27th 2012 for discussion, and then to the public Board meeting on March 5th 2012, fora decision by the Board.

OPTION 1: That MSEC remains in its current location at 333 Terminal Avenue. Considerations:

The current lease of space at 333 Terminal Avenue costs the district $618,200 for the annual lease, taxes and operating costs. The leased facility presents challenges for educational use, such as small classrooms and limited support facilities. Numerous maintenance issues have had to be addressed throughout the tenancy. As tenants, the district is subject to the risk of having the lease terminated by the landlord, or having to vacate the space if the building were to be sold. There are limitations to the district's ability to renovate the space or to effect any improvements to the overall maintenance or operation of the facility. By 'taking a proactive approach, the district would have the control over planning for sustainability of the AE program. By utilizing available district space, there would be an opportunity to determine the program location and to configure space for an improved learning and teaching environment Selecting Option 1 would mean that the district would continue to continue to carry leasing costs as part of the Adult Education annual budget, and would be subject to the implications of an ongoing tenancy/landlord relationship.

OPTION 2: Relocate the MSEC program to Building B on the Seymour site. Considerations:

The original proposal to relocate the program to Building B on Seymour Elementary School site was based on a number of factors. Building B at Seymour Elementary School was one of five buildings closed by the district in July 2010, It is on the City of Vancouver's heritage registry (Class A-buildings of primary heritage significance). Seymour Elementary School's projected enrollment is stable and it is not anticipated that this space will be required by the school, at any time in the foreseeable future. With renovations, the facility would be of a sufficient size to accommodate ten classrooms and supporting space. The renovation costs to meet program requirements, City building code requirements and deferred building maintenance would require an expenditure of approximately $4 million, which would be funded from restricted capital reserve (with the approval of the Province), with the balance ($3,1 million) comingfrom loan-financing by the VSB, In the longterm this expenditure, balanced against the leasing costs, would result in a net savings to the VSB operating budget. The Building B renovation would involve 12r14 months of design development, tendering and construction. This would necessitate an extension to the August 31, 2012 expiry of the existing Terminal Avenue lease, pending completion of the construction.

During the public consultation process, the primary concern expressed by Adult Education staff was that this location would result in a decline of student enrollment due to its distance from a Skytrain station. This concern was stated during consultation meetings, and was borne out in the survey results from both staff and students, MSEC students did confirm that they travel to the AE centres by public transportation in high percentages, both by bus (45%) and Skytrain (70%), They also indicated that they were not very familiar with the proposed Seymour site (64%) and would be less likely to attend courses at this location (78%). Selecting Option 2 would mean that the MSEC would remain open at its present location until the renovation of Building B was complete approximately 12 -14 months following a decision. The district would seekan extension to the lease forthe existing MSEC space and carry those leasing costs during the development phase. It would develop a financing plan for the renovation costs> enter into the building redevelopment process, and implement a relocation and communication plan to address issues and concerns raised in the consultation process.

OPTION 3: Relocate the MSEC program to two sites for September 2012: to Britannia Secondary School property through an expansion of Hastings Education Centre (HEC) for September 2012 to Building 6B The Barn' at John Oliver Secondary School property Considerations: Neither HEC nor The Barn' has sufficient space to compensate individually for a relocation of MSEC, however by utilizing a combination of the two locations the Adult Education program would retain its full capacity. At Hastings Education Centre (HEC) there would be an expansion of the current site which now occupies 3 classrooms, an office area, and a learning centre space above the VPL library site on the Britannia property. The program at HEC would be expanded to include 3 portables and 1 smaller classroom for a total of 7 spaces for structured classes. The expansion would be achieved partially through the relocation of one of the alternative education programs (8J9J) into Britannia Secondary building, which has under-utilized space; and by reopening a closed portable. There would be some costs associated with minor renovation work (i.e., interior painting, installing phone lines, and adding electrical outlets) at both sites. John Oliver Secondary is currently operating at about 65% of its capacity, and Grade 8-12 student programming can be accommodated in the main building. Because of this low utilization level, Building 6 b at John Oliver Secondary School property (The Barn') has been identified for possible closure in June

2012, This was outlined during the 2011-12 budget process in Budget Proposal 2,08, pertaining to the closure or repurposing of vacant space building. The Barn' has 10 available classrooms spaces and the facility is recently painted and in good physical condition. With some minor renovations, space could be created for amenities that staff has identified as being desirable (le, staff room; student lounge; bicycle storage), leaving 7-8 classroom spaces. Each location has amenities and characteristics which address priorities identified in the Adult Education survey by staff and students. Both are accessible through a combination of Skytrain and bus access from major arteries. At the Britannia site, other programs (Community Centre and VPL branch) operate throughout the day, on most evenings, and on weekends so the program would not operate in isolation. At the John Oliver property, the program would be in close proximity to the VPL branch , and to the South Hill Education Centre (SHEC), allowing for staff and students to move between the two sites easily. Ten (10) % of MSEC student survey respondents attended both SHEC and MSEC in the fall. Parking is available onsite or nearby in both locations. Food and other services are located within walking distance.

Selecting Option 3 would mean that the minor renovations at HECand The Barn' would need to be completed over the summer, in order to be ready for September 2012, The district would work with staff and administration to develop a relocation implementation plan, and a communication and * advertising plan to inform students of the new location(s). Please note that Tupper Secondary School was not pursued as an option. Whether it was combined with the HEC option, or utilized as a space on its own, it would not provide sufficient space to fully replace the MSEC capacity. It is also a few blocks away from a main bus/Skytrain artery, and has fewer colocated services.


The consultation process has been diverse and has highlighted key concerns related to the location of Adult Education programming. The focus of the consultation was initially related to the Building B option at the Seymour school site. The Adult Education survey provided further information about the kinds of amenities and services which are important to staff and students, respectively. Although there has not been a specific consultation process in relation to the expanded HEC site and The Barn' on the John Oliver site, district staff did consider the survey results and feedback in relation to these possible locations.

Recommendation The senior management team is recommending that the Board approve Option 3; Relocate the MSEC program to two sites for September 2012: to Britannia Secondary School property through an expansion of Hastings Education Centre (HEC) for September 2012 to Building 6B 'The Barn' at John Oliver Secondary School property

Rationale; Option 3 provides ah opportunity for the district to balance educational and financial considerationsThis option will: make use of under-utilized VSB-owned buildings, maintain the same total classroom capacity as MSEC has currently, provide teaching and learning spaces which can be renovated and maintained by the VSB, be accessible from major transportation arteries. be the most cost effective solution.

Appendix A Comparative Chart of Options for MSEC Relocation

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